2022-04-20 City Council Special MEETING - MinutesCity Council Chambers
29844 Haun Road
Menifee, CA 92586
Bill Zimmerman, Mayor
Bob Karwin, District 1
Mafthew Liesemeyer, District 2
Lesa Sobek, District 3
Dean Deines, District 4
Menifee City Council
Special Meeting Minutes
Wed nesday, Aptil 20, 2022
3:00 PM Special Meeting
Armando G. Villa, City Manager
Jeffrey T. Melching, City Attorney
Stephanie Roseen, City Clerk
Mayor Zimmerman called the special meeting to order at 3:01 PM
Present: Dean Deines, Bob Karwin, Matthew Liesemeyer, Lesa Sobek, Bill Zimmerman
Absent: None
Sun City Board Member Suzie Hunt led the flag salute
4.1 Capital lmprovement Program llUorkshop for Fiscal Year 2022123
City Manager Armando Villa introduced Public Works Director Nick Fidler to
provide updated information on the Capital lmprovement Program (ClP). Mr.
Fidler provided a presentation and reported on the history of meetings; CIP
summary; proposed projects for fiscal year 2022123.
The City Council inquired about Bradley Road Bridge; funding of projects; electric
vehicle investment, council chambers and PEG funding; Bailey Boulevard
widening; Socal Edison street poles relo€tion; Fire Department facility
upgrades; Brigata, \Mllows, and Lake Ridge resurfacing and slurry seal; fueling
station; prioraty level of a new fire station; Community Center; outdoor amenity
resurfacing; and funding for E.L. Pete Peterson Park.
The City Council provided consensus to add solar streetlights on [\renifee Road,between Garbani and Scott Road;
Sun City residents Norma Zermeno, Brian Holley, Maria Pileggi, Suzie Hunt, June
Conant, Debbie Gabel, and Al Bianco spoke on upgrading the priority of a new
northern fire station from a level 2 to a level 1 or expanding the existing Fire Station
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Menifee Mayor and City Council
Tanya Tabrizizedeh expressed concerns for the Bradley Road and Newport Road
intersection and requested the priority level be changed to a level 1.
Resident Gilmar Torrealba expressed conc€rns for Murrieta Road street striping
and traffic on Lazy Creek Road.
Ms. Mrller expressed her concerns for development in Menifee.
Councilmember Sobek stated public safety was a priority of the City Council and
stated she would like to observe the improvements in call time when the second
medic truck is active prior to adjusting other priority levels. Councilmember Sobek
asked Mr. Fidler and the Police Department to address traffic concerns on Lazy
Creek Road and temporary striping on Murrieta Road and Bradley Road.
Councilmember Liesemeyer expressed the need for community outreach on when
to call 9-1-1 and inquired about improvements to the Bradley Road intersection
between Craig Avenue and Tupelo Road.
Mayor Zimmerman adjourned the meeting at 4:55 PlVl
Stephanie Roseen, CIVIC
Acting City Clerk
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Menifee Mayor and City Council
Mayor Zimmerman expressed concerns with the stockpile of dirt located in Sun