2022-04-06 City Council Special MEETING - MinutesCity Council Chambers
29844 Haun Road
Menifee, CA 92586
Bill Zimmerman, Mayor
Bob Kanrin, District 1
Mafthew Liesemeyer, District 2
Lesa Sobek, District 3
Dean Deines, District 4
Menifee City Council
Special Meeting Minutes
Mayor Zimmerman called the special meeting to order at 3:00 PM
Brian Holley led the flag salute.
4.1 Capital lmprovement Program Workshop for Fiscal Yeat 2022-2023
City Manager Armando Villa introduced the item and Public Works Director Nick
Fidler. Mr. Fidler introduced the Capital lmprovement Program (ClP) Department
staff, provided a presentation and reported on the CIP overview, the City's mission;
CIP goals; budget schedule; considerations; project evaluation; CIP and General
Plan, priority levels, funding sources; projected revenues; fiscal year 2021-2022
competed projects; fiscal year 2021-2022 actrve projects; summary; five-year CIP
transportatron proJects; staff recommending Murrieta Bridge over Salt Creek move
to priority one; Menifee Road and Matthew Case Road; traffic signal projects; street
improvements projects; proposed Bradley Road widening near Paloma high School
north entrance; Pavement Management Program (PMP) projects, street light
projects; drainage projects; public facilities projects; parks; trails; and recreation
The City Council asked questions of staff regarding the Traffic Signal lnterconnect
project; Holland Road Overpass; Murrieta Road/Sun City Blvd. traffic signal; future
street improvements by incoming development; pothole and street resurfacing;
Bradly Road Bridge; five-year CIP projects; impacts from Liberty High School;
fundin for traffic si s Road and Garbani traffic
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Menifee Mayor and City Council
nals; timin of im rovements; Br
Wednesday, Aptil 06, 2022
3:00 PM Special Meeting
Armando G. Villa, City Manager
Jeffrey T. Melching, City Attorney
Stephanie Roseen, City Clerk
Present: Dean Deines, Bob Karwin, Matthew Liesemeyer (arrived at 3:03 PM), Lesa Sobek,
Bill Zimmerman
Absent: None
signal; Bradly Road/Pebble Beach traffic signal; MSJC and Antelope Road trafiic
signal; Bradley Road and Craig improvements, Beth Drive improvements; Citywide
signage and wayfinding program priority; interchange beautification; Scott and Leon
traffic issues; Hillpoint Two; Briggs and Garbani Pavement; Murrieta Road
resurfacing - San Quentin to Salt Creek, fence and safety enhancements; flre station
68 phase two; medic truck recruitments; and park shade structures.
The City Council provided consensus on the following updates
. Adjust the Murrieta Road/Holland lntersection Realignment (PW-TR-2o) to a
higher priority level at staffs recommendation. Adjust the Hwy 7413'd Street Traffic Signal (PW-TS-o2) to a priority level 1. Adjust the Bradley Road/Pebble Beach Drive Traffic Signal (PW-TS-'10) to a
lower priority level. Adjust lnterchange Beautification - Newport Road (PW-|MP-20) to a level 2
priority. Adjust the Brigata Community Slurry Seal, Lake Ridge Slurry Seal, South
East Communities Resurfacing (south of Wckerd Road), and Wllows
neighborhood to a priority level 1. Add Scott Road and Leon Road improvements as a level 4 while. Adjust the proposed staff recommendations to a level 1. Add PMP on-call spot repair funding for failing asphalt move to a level 1. Adjust the Quail Valley Grid Area (PW-SL-02) to a level 1. Add Solar Street Lighting on Menifee Road from Scott Road to Garbani. Adjust Catch Basin Retrofit Program (ClP 22-17) to a level 1. Adjust Fuel Station (F-001) to a lower priority. Adjust the New 5h Station (Northerly Area) (PW-BLDG-o3) to a level 2. Remove the Council Chamber Wndow Upgrade. Adjust Park Amenity Enhancements (CS007) to a level 1o Add Fence and Safety Enhancements (CS053) as a level 1. Adjust Park Land Acquisition (CS031)to a level 3
Norma Zermeno stated her concems with public safety and requested the new Fire
Station No. 5 be adjusted to a priority one.
Brian Holley requested public safety be a number one priority in the City and inquired
about the American Medical Response (AMR) contract.
Matt Gilmore requested project CS047 for shade structures at parks be adjusted to
a priority one.
Mayor Zimmerman adjourned the meeting at 5:25 PM
Stephanie Roseen, CMC
Acting City Clerk
Ap(i|6, 2022
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Menifee Mayor and City Council