2022-03-16 City Council Regular MEETING - Minutes (3)City Council Chambers
29844 Haun Road
Menifee, CA 92586
Bill Zimmerman, Mayor
Bob Karwin, District 1
Matthew Liesemeyer, District 2
Lesa Sobek, District 3
Dean Deines, District 4
Menifee City Council
Regular Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, March 1 6, 2022
6:00 PM Regular Meeting
Armando G. Villa, City Manager
Jeffrey T. Melching, City Attorney
Sarah A. Manwaring, City Clerk
Mayor Zimmerman called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM
Present: Dean Deines, Bob Karwin, Matthew Liesemeyer, Lesa Sobek, Bill Zimmerman
Absent: None
Pastor Gertrude Lewis with Unity Beth Nathanael Church provided the words of inspiration
Menifee resident Chris Carnes led the flag salute.
5.1 Business Spotlight - Berkshire Hathaway Home Services CA Properties
Economic Development Director Gina Gonzalez introduced the Business Spotlight
Program and Jennifer Wentz with Berkshire Hathaway Home Services CA Properties.
Ms. Gonzalez and Mayor Zimmerman reported on Ms. Wentz's accomplishments and
community service efforts in the City.
Mayor Zimmerman introduced Gillian Larson with Reality Rally. Ms. Larson reportedon
the Reality Rally event for 2022 and shared a brief video.
53 Regional Transportation Update by RCTC and WRCOG
Public Works Director Nick Fidler introduced Anne Mayer, Executive Director with
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5.2 Reality Rally 2022
Riverside County Transportation Commission and Chris Grey, Deputy Executive
Director with Western Riverside Council of Governments (WRCOG).
Ms. Mayer provided a presentation and reported on the background of Riverside
County Transportation Commission (RCTC); added responsibilities; a path forward;
2021 investments in Riverside County; new infrastructurei connecting communities;
investments in Menifee; Senate Bill (SB) 821 investments; lVlenifee specialized transit
market study; new management role of Regional Conservation Authority (RCA); State
and Federal policies; and support for cities.
Mayor Zimmerman expressed the importance of the Garbani Road interchange
lvlr. Grey provided a presentation and reported on the WRCOG travel survey; regional
conclusions; travel patterns fact sheet for the City; Menifee specific conclusions;
Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee (TUMF) revenuet TUMF projects; and regional
The City Council inquired about funding improvements in the County, and the Ethanac
Corridor lead agency.
Mayor Zimmerman requested a presentation by the County of Riverside for the status
of the Ethanac Expressway.
5.4 Community Services Update
Community Services Supervisor Cynthia Morquecho provided a presentation and
reported on the recreational programs; youth and family events; Welcome Home
Vietnam Veteran event; Menifee Better Together event; Earth Day events; Park Ranger
updates; and City Flag design competition update.
5.5 Menifee Police Department Drone Presentation
The City Council inquired about the number of officers that are licensed to fly drones
Acting City Clerk Stephanie Roseen stated staff was requesting to pull ltem No. 10.8 from the
agenda. The agenda was approved unanimously (5-0) as modified.
Brian Bovee provided pictures and expressed concerns with traffic in his neighborhood
Menifee Mayor and City Council
The City Council inquired about the Highway 74 and the Ethanac Corridor.
Menifee Police Department Lieutenant Denise Keith and Sergeant Corey Cox provided
a presentation and reported on the use ofdrones; training; FAA Part 701 and Certificate
of Authorization (C.O.A); useof drones; Fourth Amendment and privacy concerns; and
cost and time effectiveness.
March 16, 2022
Councilmember Karwin reported on the meetings and events he attended.
. Commercial Site Tour with Staff. Student ofthe Month Program. Paloma Valley High School Varsity Boys Volleyball Game
Councilmember Karwin reported on the funding for Bradly Road Bridge
Councilmember Sobek thanked Congressman Ken Calvert for his support in funding Bradley Road
Councilmember Sobek reported on the meetings and events she attended
. You Matter Committee Meetingo Riverside County Habitat Conservation Authority (RCHCA). Lake Matthews Sheep Tour. Menifee Police Department Traffic Mission. Mayor's ldea Exchange. Rotary Club Mayois Charity Galao Workday at the Domestic Violence Shelter
Councilmember Sobek announced that Menifee Better Together would be taking place on
Saturday, April 23, 2022.
. You Matter Committee Meeting. Commercial Site Tour with Staff. Murrieta Temecula Group. Grand Re Opening of Menifee's History Museum. Quail Valley Community Group Meetingo Riverside County Transportation Commission (RCTC) Meeting. Menifee Chamber of Commerce Mixer. Mayods ldea Exchange. Rotary Club Meetango lnland Empire Coalition of Mayors Meeting. Rotary Club Mayor's Charity Gala. League of Cities Riverside Division Meeting. Milvet Care Package Event. League of Cities Mayor's Meeting
Mayor Zimmerman announced that Saturday, March, 1 9, 2022 lhere would be a Menifee
Valley Historical Association History Program and the City's Welcome Home Veterans
Event at Paloma Valley High School would take place March 30,2022.
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Mayor Zimmerman reported on the meetings and events he attended.
Councilmember Liesemeyer shared about the Quail Valley Sewer project.
Menifee Mayor and City Council
The minutes were approved unanimously (5-0) with no modifications
9.1 February 16,2022 Special Minutes
9.2 March 2, 2022 Special Minutes
9.3 March2,2022 Minutes
Councilmember Sobek requested to pull item no. 10.14 and Councilmember Liesemeyer
requested to pull item no. 10.19.
Bill Quisenberry spoke in opposition of item no. 10.12.
Omar Cobian, representative of the Carpenter Union spoke in opposition of item no. '10.12.
City Attorney Jeffrey Melching noted the memorandum that was provided to the City Councal
that addressed concerns discussed at the March 2, 2022 CiV Council meeting.
The remainder of the Consent Calendar was approved by the following vote.
MOVER: Matthew Liesemeyer
SECONDER: Lesa Sobek
AYES: Deines, Karwin, Liesemeyer, Sobek, zimmerman
NAYS: None
10.1 Waiver of Reading
ACTIONL Waived the reading in full of any and all Ordinances
provided that they be read by title only.
Treasurer's Report, November 2021
1 . Approved the Treasurer's Report for November 2021 .
listed on this agenda and
10.3 Warrant Register
1 . Ratifled and approved the Voucher List dated 2/2 512022, the Paytoll Register/Other
EFT's dated 211812022, and the Void Check Listing PE 212812022, which have a
total budgetary impact of $3,513,830.40.
1O.4 Monthly Public Safety Reports
l\ilenifee Mayor and City Council March '16, 2022
1 . Received and filed
10.5 City Treasurer Appointment
1 . Adopted Resolution No. 22-1128, acknowledging the appointment of the City
Treasurer, Regina Funderburk.
106 Designation of Persons Authorized to Transact Business with Union Bank on Behalf
Of The City
1. Adopted Resolution No.22-1129, designating the persons authorized to transact
business with Union Bank on behalf of the City.
10.7 Local Agency lnvestment Fund Authorized Persons
1. Adopted Resolution No. 22-1 130, designating the persons authorized to transact
business with LocalAgency lnvestment Fund (LAIF) on behalf of the City.
1 0.8 This ltem was Pulled from the Agenda
Ordinance Second Reading and Adoption Approving the Councilmanic Districts
(Unless otherwise di.ected by a membet of the City Council, the wte on this maftet wi rcllect the ptio@ction of each
Councihnenbet when the otdinance was intaducecl. Howevet, il a Councilmembet is nol prcsent at the City Council
meeting, their vote will be rcflecled as absent.)
1. Adopted Ordinance No. 2022-334, repealing and replacing Ordinance No. 2011-101
and amending the boundaries for the four councilmanrc districts.
1. Adopted Ordinance No. 2022-335, amending Menifee Municipal Code Title 6,
Chapter 6.30 Solid Waste and Recycling to meet requirements of California's
Short-Lived Climate Pollutant Reduction Strategy (Senate Bill 1383).
10.11 Ordinance Second Reading and Adoption for Underground Utilities District 2022-1
(lJnless olheUise directed by a membet of the City Council, the vote on this matter will rcllect the ptioraction of each
Councitmembet when the ofttinance was int@duced- Howevet, it a Councilmembet is not prcsent at lhe City Council
neeting, thei vole will be rcllected as absent.)
1. Adopted Ordinance No. 2022-336, establishing and creating Underground Utilities
District (UUD) 2022-1
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Ordinance Second Reading and Adoption for Solid Waste and Recycling
(l.Jnless othevise directed by a member ol the City Council, lhe vote on this mattet will Ellecl lhe Nior action ol each
Councihnefibet when the otdinance was int@ducec! However, il a Couhcilfiember is not present at the City Council
meeting, their vote wi be rcflected as absent.)
10.12 Ordinance Second Reading and Adoption Approving Change ofZone No. PLN21-0408
(Unless otheryise directed by a membet of the Ctty Council, the vote on this matter will rcllect the piot action of each
Councilmenber when the otdinance was inttoduced. However, if a Councilmenbet is not prcsent at the City Council
meeting, their vote will be reflecled as absent.)
1. Adopted Ordinance No. 2022-337, amending lvlenifee Municipal Code Title g -
deflnitions andpermitted uses in the Economic Development Corridor Mccall and
Southern Gateway Subareas and finding that Change ofZone No. PLN21-0408 is
exempt from further environmental review pursuant to Sections 15378(a) and
15061 of the California Environmental Quality Act.
10.13 Parks, Open Space, Trails, and Recreation Master Plan Update Agreement
Approved and authorized the City Manager to execute a professional services
agreement with KTUA for the update of the Parks, Open Space, Trails, and
Recreation Master Plan in an amount not-to-exceed $159,940.
10.14 Kimley-Horn & Associates Agreement, Civic Center Parking Lot Project
1. Awarded bid and authorized the City Manager to execute a professional services
agreement with Kimley-Horn & Associates in the amount not-to-exceed $235,106,
to provide professional design services for the Civic Center Parking Lot Project,
MOVER: Lesa Sobek
SECONDER: Dean Deines
YES: Deines, Liesemeyer, Sobek, Zimmerman
10.15 Community Facilities District 2017-1, Annexation No. 12, Legado - Resolution of
1. Accepted the Petition of BLC Fleming, LLC, Tentative Tract Map Nos. 37408 &
37409 located east of Encanto Drive, south of Rouse Road, west of Antelope Road,
and north of Chambers Avenue, to annex into Community Facilities District (CFD)
No. 2017-1 as Annexation Area No. 12; and
2. Adopted Resolution No. 22-1131 of lntention to add Annexation Area No. 12 into
CFD No. 20 17-1, to authorize the levy of special tax therein to finance certain
maintenance services, and to set a public hearing for April 20,2022.
Menifee Mayor and City Council
The City Council asked questions of staff regarding a walkway from Central Park area
to the shopping centers on Haun Road, the proposed parking lot, landscape standards,
reciprocal access with the hotel, final City Hall location, and use of temporary practice
March 16. 2022
1. Approved Amendment No. 1 to professional services agreement with M. Pino and
Associates, lnc. (MPA) for professional background investigation services for
Police Department recruitment, increasing the contract in the not-to-exceed
amount of $14,000, for a revised contract total of $44,000.
10.17 Design Path Studio Agreement Amendment
1. Approved and authorized the City Manager to execute a professional services
agreement amendment with Design Path Studios to extend the term of the
agreement through June 30,2022 and increase compensation in the amount of
$8,000 for the preparation of pre-approved Accessory Dwelling Unit plans and
Guidance Handbook.
10.18 Final Map and Agreements fo[ Tract Map 37668, Sumac Ridge by Meritage Homes
1. Approved and authorized filing of the final map for Tract 37668 located on both
east and west sides of Lindenberger Road north of Scott Road; and
2. Approved and authorized the City Manager to execute the security improvement
agreements for road, drainage, water, and sewer systems to guarantee completion
of required improvements; and
3. Approved and authorized the City Manager to execute a security improvement
agreement for placement of monuments.
10.19 Purchase and Sale Agreement with Ahura lnvestments for the Purchase of Real
Councilmember Liesemeyer requested clarification on the Purchase and Sale
Agreement (PSA) and the building inspection and approval process.
Economic Development Director Gina Gonzalez noted the red lined document that
stated the item would come back to the City Council at the April 6, 2022 City Council
meeting for final approval.
1. Approved a purchase and sale agreement between Ahura lnvestments and the
City of Menifee for the purchase of real property in the amount of $1,000,000; and
2. Designated the City Manager or his/her designee, to negotiate and execute all the
necessary agreements or documents related to the property acquisition, including
but not limited to the grant deed, surveying, inspection, escrow, title insurance, and
full asset appraisalfor a not-to-exceed amount of $12,000; and
3. Directed staff to provide an update to the City Council at its April 6, 2022 scheduled
meeting, which shail include the estimated cost associated with improvements
necessary to occupy the property, in order to receive final Council approval; and
4. Directed the City Clerk's office to file the purchase and sale agreement and grant
deed with the Riverside County Clerk's Office.
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10.16 l\I. Pino and Associates, Inc. Contract Amendment for Police Department Recruitments
MOVER: Matthew Liesemeyer
SECONDER: Lesa Sobek
YES: Deines, Karwin, Liesemeyer, Sobek, Zimmerman
NAYS: None
Multi-Family Objective Design Standards and Development Code Amendment
(Continued from March 2, 2022)
The City Council inquired about appealing projects; discretion of variety among the
standards; and criteria of infill project.
Mayor Zimmerman opened the public hearing at 8:08 PM. Acting City Clerk Stephanie
Roseen stated the hearing was legally noticed and there was no correspondence and
no public comments received. Mayor Zimmerman closed the public hearing at 8:09
City Attorney Melching suggesied introducing ordinance at this meeting and bring back a
revised resolution with the second reading of the ordinance to be adopted together. The
City Council provided consensus.
Ms. Roseen introduced the Ordinance
1. Continued the Resolution to a future meeting; and
MOVER: Bob Karwin
SECONDER: Lesa Sobek
AYES: Deines, Karwin, Liesemeyer, Sobek, Zimmerman
NAYS: None
2. lntroduced an Ordinance approving Code Amendment No. LR21-0287,
amending the Development Code (Title I of the Menifee Municipal Code) to
establish a multi-family ministerial review application procedure and
req uirements for ministerial review of multi-familv residential to comply with state law
Menifee Mayor and City Council
Community Development Director Cheryl Kitzerow introduced the item, Senior Planner
Doug Darnell and Consultant with Placeworks, Allan Lumis. Mr. Darnell and Mr. Lumis
provided a presentation and reported on the overview of the Objective Design
Standards (ODS); ODS Overview; applicability; difference from the Design Guidelines;
contents of the ODS; architectural styles and details: development code amendment;
outreach and feedback, environmental determination; and staff recommendation.
Councilmember Karuvin would like to ask for added language would set policy
encouraging variety within developments. The City Council provided consensus.
March 16,20?2
(Senate Bill 35)
MOVER: Matthew Liesemeyer
SECONDER: Dean Deines
YES: Deines, Karwin, Liesemeyer, Sobek, Zimmerman
NAYS: None
Senior Planner Doug Darnell provided a presentation and reported on the Annual
Process Report (APR) requirements; General Plan overview; implementation
program, annual report; guidelines compliance topics; Regional Housing Need
Allocatron 6th and Sth Cycle; progress of programs; and staff recommendations.
1. Received and filed the General Plan Annual Progress Report (APR) lot 2021 as
required by state law to show progress toward implementation of General Plan
Goals and Policies.
12.2 Comprehensive Citywide Signage & Wayfinding Program
Ms. Charters introduced City Consultant Cody Clark with RSM Design. Mr. Clark
reported on the summary ofthe approach; role ofwayfinding; layered experience; City
observationsi color; patterning and perforation; video: and summary of the designs.
The City Council inquired about inclusion of "Safe, Thriving, and Premier Place";
leaving verbiage on the backside of the monuments; update of branding and timelinei
permanence of "M" logo; addition of "Welcome to Menifee"; character of the
community; replacement of signage city wide.
Councilmember Liesemeyer spoke in favor of the proposed signage and would like to
incorporate more historical and wood aspects.
Councilmember Sobek spoke in favor of the presented signage and was in favor of
the wood elements and natural flowers.
Councilmember Karwin stated he was in favor of incorporating more wood elements
with the steal and was in favor of a mix of modern and rural.
Mayor Pro Tem Deines spoke in favor of the proposed signage and would like more
welcoming wood elements incorporated.
Mayor Zimmerman stated the reasons he was not in favor of the proposed metal
design and would prefer a mofe natural elements incorporated.
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Menifee Mayor and City Council
12.1 General Plan and Housing Element 2021 Annual Progress Report
City Manager Armando Villa introduced Management Analyst Kayla Charters. Ms.
Charters provided a presentation and reported on the background; placemaking;
master plans; Menifee growth; and economic development attracfion.
Councilmember Liesemeyer suggested cohesive elements incorporated in the signage
for the different regions of the City.
Councilmember Sobek stated she would like to see acorns incorporated to tie into the
City Manager Villa clarified what was presented was not the final design and importance
of a design that will withstand the test of time.
Councilmember Karwin suggested combining more vertical wooden elements into the
proposed signs and stated the same design would not fit throughout the City as a
whole. Councilmember Karwin also stated he was in favor of less words on the signage
and having "City of Menifee" in wood.
12.3 Menifee Citizens Academy Program
Economic Development Director Gina Gonzalez provided a presentation and reported
on the background of the atem; program proposal; overview; graduation; fiscal impact;
and staff recommendation.
Mayor Zimmerman spoke in favor of the idea
Councilmember Sobek stated she was in favor of the program and would like to include
High School Junior and Senior grade levels and create a video that would be able to
be used by the schools.
Councilmember Liesemeyer staEd he was in fuvor of including High School Junior and
Senior grade levels.
Mayor Pro Tem Deines s'tated he was in favor of tte prwEm and indusion of fre youh.
Mayor Zimmerman spoke in favor of creating a video that could be shared with the public
Councilmember Karwin stated his support for the program
Community Services Director Jonathan Nicks provided a presentation and reported on
the current tree lighting events and holiday programs; past tree lighting events; and
current budget.
Councilmember Sobek shared examples of new decorations that could be
incorporated and expressed her desire to expand on decorations and the tree.
Mayor Pro Tem Deines stated he would be in favor of a place for photo opportunities
and would like to obtain more information on hosting an ice rink.
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Menifee l\4ayor and City Council
Ms. Gonzalez discussed a Youth in Government Program.
12.4 Menifee Tree Lighting Event
Councilmember Liesemeyer stated he was in favor of larger decorations.
Ivlr. Nicks stated he could bring back options with costs for the City Council's review.
Councilmember Karwin stated he would be in favor of a larger tree and was in favor of
lhe event taking place at Mt. San Jacinto College- Councilmember Kanivin also
suggested two sledding areas with an expanded snow element.
Mayor Zimmerman adjourned the meeting at 9:48 PM.
re Roseen CMC
Ac{ing City Clerk
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Menifee Mayor and City Council