Item 14 - DevCode StatusCity of Menifee
February 6, 2019
Development Code Status Update
•March 21, 2018
Development Code Update
•Phase 1: Project Orientation
•Phase 2: Project Rollout and Issue Identification
•Phase 3: Analysis/Annotated Outline
Phase 4: Draft Development Code
Module Development
Test Cases
Draft Zoning Map
City Staff Review of Modules and Maps
PC Module Work Sessions
PC/CC Study Sessions
Final Modules
•Phase 5: CEQA
•Phase 6: Public Hearings/Adoption
•Phase 7: Final Development Code
•Phase 8: Post Adoption/Implementation
•Grading Ordinance (concurrent track)
Work Effort
•Staff is currently reviewing the 2nd draft of the Development
Code, including Subdivision and Grading Ordinances
•The Development Code has been entered into Encode
•Platform that provides for a more customer service friendly interface with better readability and links
•Workshop with Stakeholder Group scheduled for February 21st
•PC Workshops in March; CC Workshop in April
•Hearings in Summer 2019