2021-11-17 City Council Item No. 11.5 Congressional District Boundaries Draft Maps Presentation Regular MEETING - Additional Meeting MaterialsCongressional District Boundaries Draft Maps November 17, 2021 City Council Discussion Item 12.3 Office of the City Manager 1 •Following each federal census, the State of California must re- establish the boundaries of its Congressional districts to reflect the new population data. •Under the Voters First Act, the redistricting process is administered by the Citizens Redistricting Commission (Commission). Background 2 3 4 5 Existing Proposed Timeline 6 Participation 7 •E-mail: votersfirstact@crc.ca.gov •www.WeDrawTheLinesCA.org/contact •Mail: California Citizens Redistricting Commission, 721 Capitol Mall, Suite 260, Sacramento, CA 95814 •Feedback Form: https://airtable.com/shrQDD2taemnSzzO •Draw Your Own Map: https://drawmycalifornia.org/drawmycadistricts.html Request 8 •Staff is requesting direction from City Council as to: •(1) whether the City will have an official position on the noted map (or on congressional redistricting generally), •(2) what that position is, and •(3) how the City will go about expressing that opinion to the Commission. Additional Questions? Thank you. 9 We are Building a Safe, Thriving, and Premier Place to Be!