2021-11-03 City Council Item No. 12.1 Citywide Prima Facie Speed Limits Presentation Regular MEETING - Additional Meeting MaterialsDiscussion Item 12.1 Citywide Prima Facie Speed Limits Nick Fidler Public Works Director November 3, 2021 Prima Facie Speed Limits California Vehicle Code (CVC) Section 40802 •Law governing establishing speed limits •Establishes frequency required for speed limit reviews “At least once every five (5),seven (7)or ten (10)years,states and local agencies should re‐evaluate non‐statuary speed limits on segments of their roadways.” •Engineering and Traffic Survey is required to: •Establish initial speed limits •Update existing speed limits •Enforce speeds by radar •Exception = roadways classified as “residential” 2 Menifee Speed Survey History: 2013 -Citywide Survey •Reviewed existing streets/posted limits •Brought all survey requirements up to date 2017 -Survey Update •Identified posted speed limits not in 2013 study •New streets added since 2013 •Evaluated 15 roadways (24 segments) 3 2020 Speed Survey Overview: 2020 Citywide Survey •Conducted by STC Traffic, Inc. •Completed in 2020 •Final recommendations April 2021 •Included 48 Roadways / 116 segments •In field observation/radar measurement •Included all non-residential streets •Staff performs review of speed survey recommendations 4 Criteria for Establishing Speed Limits OPTION ONE: •If 85th percentile requires rounding down, the speed may be reduced by 5 mph from the nearest 5 mph increment of 85th percentile speed. EX: 37 mph is 85th percentile and establishes speed at 35 mph, but speed limit can further be reduced to 30 mph if conditions justify additional reduction and are approved by an engineer. OPTION TWO: •If 85th percentile requires rounding up, then the speed limit may be rounded down to the nearest 5 mph increment below the 85th percentile speed if no further reduction is used. Requires an Engineering and Traffic Study to justify. EX: 33 mph is 85th percentile and establishes speed at 35 mph, but speed limit can further be further by 5 mph to 30 mph if additional reduction is documented in an Engineering and Traffic Study (E&TS) and approved by an Engineer. OPTION THREE: •CVC 21400 allows for setting the speed limit at the 5 mph increment below the 85th percentile even if rounding would require the speed to be posted above the 85th percentile. EX: 38 mph is 85th percentile and should be established at 40 mph, but speed limit can be reduced by 5 mph to 35 mph, but no lower. Does not require E&TS documentation. 85th Percentile : The baseline travel speed established through traffic survey. Speeds are then determined using one of the following options: 5 Criteria for Establishing Speed Limits (cont.): Assembly Bill No. 43 (Traffic Safety) •Signed into Law on October 8, 2021 •Expands criteria beyond Options 1/2/3 •Allows for consideration of presences of vulnerable groups: Children Seniors Unhoused Persons with disabilities •Extends period of valid survey from 7 to 14 years •Exempts Senior Zones and Business Activity Districts from certain provisions related to defining a “speed trap” 6 Final Speed Limit Recommendations 2020 Speed Survey Recommendations Summary: •10 roadway segments –speed increased •24 roadway segments speed decreased •65 roadway segments –speed maintained •17 roadway segments –new posted limits 7 2020 Recommended Speed Limit Increases 8 2020 Recommended Speed Limit Decreases 9 Recommended Actions: Introduce an Ordinance amending sections 12.04.010 and12.04.020 of the Menifee Municipal Code to update the prima facie speed limits on certain streets segments in theCityofMenifee. Next Steps: 1.Second Reading/Adoption of the Ordinance 2.Speed limits become effective 30 days after Ordinance adoption. 10 QUESTIONS? 11 12 iaAmante ViaPalermo MidsummerLn PalomarRdpTerDelOro WayWillowood WayViaCoViaSalernoHolland Rd W LaPiedra AborellaWay HanoverLnWestlakeDr Albion Ln 215 Copyright nearmap 2015 Roadway Segment 0 0.1 0.2Miles Ë Antelope Road from Newport Road to Holland Road Current Speed Limit:40 mph Proposed Speed Limit:45 mph 13 EagleCreekStThreeOaksDrRolling Hills Dr QuilGren AbbottCt KeelCt CapriceRdBriarlea Rd RedoakStTudorCtLittleCamilleWay Rediron Ct RawhideCtTollWay AbbeyLn BarrackC Beth Dr Beth Ave EriseSpringRd C PorscheRdMurrietaRdCopyright nearmap2015 Roadway Segment 0 0.07 0.13Miles Ë Craig Avenue from Murrieta Road to Evans Road Current Speed Limit:40 mph Proposed Speed Limit:45 mph 14 Stirrup Cir Solardo Dr Berryessa Dr CalmHorizonDrlling WaterDr GardaCtShadMossLandingDrBeacon Hill Way LakeH Ri Turtle Point Dr FarShoreDr LightSailsCtHalfMoonBayDrShadelRd Navigator Way Whitewater Heritage LakeDr LakehurstCt LyanWiwfTa e Springshores Dr Sandy PointWayBay Bridge Ct McCallBStowawayDr tTallShipDrCastle CoveCt StonehurstDrDiscoveryBayDrLidoBayDr LadogaDrHidden CreekCtdleboatCtBackBayDrHawkesburyCt CreekCt BrightsideCvPleasantBayCirMojaveCt Overboard Dr Lighthouse Ct Rambling BrooksCtGreatPlainsCt CoralIslandCtEmeraldCoveCt iMstyPointLn NorthBayLn SteamboatDr FoghornCt MalagaBlackMeadowCt hipwrightDr illowsLandingMenifeeRd Copyright nearmap 2015 Grand Ave Roadway Segment 0 0.1 0.2Miles Ë Heritage Lake Drive from Menifee Road to McCall Boulevard Current Speed Limit:35 mph Proposed Speed Limit:40 mph 15 Holland Rd EveningPassageDr Golde Glencoe Ln Br Eastridge AvePalomarRdpTerMidsummerLn WillowooDelOroWayFirst StarCtBlueCalle Marsala AvenidaPa Thorn TreeWayLRi LoireValle HarvestGoldWay W CountryRoseLn n GreenForestDrn Lrevo n HeatherGreenWay LaPiedra R oonrise Way OverlandCt aLarchwoodStFruitwoodDrH Albion Ln AmborellaWay 215 Copyright nearmap 201D5r Roadway Segment 0 0.1 0.2Miles Ë La Piedra Road from Antelope road to Menifee Road Current Speed Limit:35 mph Proposed Speed Limit:40 mph 16 Schola Dr Chaucer RdWillowAve OrangeAveCorte RetiroCalabAltaVista Way BelAir Ave HaciendaDr Calle Cam lerno ConcordLnCalleRabano CCalle Acer denaDre CoronadoWay AvenidaInternoGrandAve Rain DanceDrSpring MeadowCtCanterburySt Calle AvenidaHalagoDeerskinDr eBlosso ViaReaSpruceDrPalmDrCherryAveOakLnCedarAveWalnutAveEl E RedDawnDrElCajonLn ElPuenteSt a Pe ino n rlae ald vgA DelMonteLn C lielloasCallePaCDrlo Cam ada ol CactusFlowerDrCalleLadera ChathamLnEagleCrestSher Ethan Alle WayCaminoBella AntelopeRdShadelRd 215 Copyright nearmap 2015 Roadway Segment 0 0.1 0.2Miles Ë McCall Boulevard from Encanto Drive to Antelope Road Current Speed Limit:45 mph Proposed Speed Limit:50 mph 17 ayNrthBayLnShelter CoveCtStirrup Cir ing Water ecret borDrPenn St Mead CtGardaCtSunrise SkiesWayArchesDrPort CoveZion Dr ghthouseCt Grand Ave RiptideD Three KlikRd sque Ln DrTurtle PointDr oyDrCtreDr OffshoreCt LightSailsCt Solardo Dr Navigator Way ShadyPWhitewaterMossLandingDr Lakehurst Ct omond D a D Bay BridgeCt merCPacift icCStowawayDr CtTallShipDrCastle Cove Ct StonehurstDrBerryessaDrDiscoveryBayDrLidoBayDr Dr Boathouse Cv ShadelRd LadogaDrunnerCt Heritage LakeDr aHidden CreekCtatCtBackBayDrHawkesburyCt ArdenStBrightsideCvPleasant BayCirMojaveCt Overboard Dr Rambling Brooks Ct LongshoreDr GlacierBayDrGreatPlainsCtCoralIslandCtEmeraldCoveCtMistyPointLn SteamboatDr B tCir Ligh Coastline FoghornCt HurBlackMeadowCt dMalagaGCirLoo ipwrightDr McCall cerneDrRockyCovwsLandingMenifeeRd Copyright nearmap 2015 Roadway Segment 0 0.1 0.2Miles Ë McCall Boulevard from Menifee Road to Briggs Road Current Speed Limit:40 mph Proposed Speed Limit:50 mph 18 ChinaDrPlum Dr SummerSunshineDrTropicanaDrBlazeLn CircusDr Rouse Rd RosebayWay McLaughlinRd Invitation Dr RuggieRd 215 Copyright nearmap 2015 Roadway Segment 0 0.05 0.1Miles Ë Sun City Boulevard from McLaughlin Road to Rouse Road Current Speed Limit:30 mph Proposed Speed Limit:35 mph 19 China DrPalmLillyOrangeBelAir Ave Tulip Violet Aillow veBottlebrushLnis BroadmoorAve Desert HarrisburgDr MedfordWayRoseSpruceErikaWayFarrellSt BluebellSt Fern InvareySt esleySt ChambersA FoxfireSt ehaffeySt Myles Ct NutmegMossEvansRddDahliaCtPetuniaCtElmellSt Willow BrandywineCt ShadelRd JaeleneSt p Dr WilshireDr N EmbassyStMonkStStarkSt 215 Copyright nearmap 2015 Roadway Segment 0 McCallBlvd 0.1 0.2Miles Ë Sun City Boulevard from Rouse Road to McCall Boulevard Current Speed Limit:25 mph Proposed Speed Limit:35 mph 20 CherryHillsBlv 215 Copyright nearmap 2015 Roadway Segment 0 0.04 0.08Miles Ë Sun City Boulevard from McCall Boulevard to Cherry Hills Boulevard Current Speed Limit:25 mph Proposed Speed Limit:30 mph 21 Blasin GameWay TaontagueCt WardellLn nGarbaiRd WhitfieldStBramwellSt tmanRdClydesdaleCt ArabianCt ortensen CtBradlPleasantValleyAveSaddlebackLnHilo Ave TupeloRd Copyright nearmap 2015 Roadway Segment 0 0.07 0.13MilesË Tupelo Road from Bradley Road to Sherman Road Current Speed Limit:25 mph Proposed Speed Limit:30 mph 22