2021-10-20 City Council Item No. 5.5 Police Department Update Presentation Regular MEETING - Additional Meeting MaterialsMenifee Police DePartMent UPDate together hUMble creative calls for service 14,046 Calls for service 1,744 Reports 3,668 Proactive activity 830 Alarms 1 true Alarm CFS July 1, 2021, to September 30, 2021 Beat 13,956 CFS or 28% Beat 22,063 CFS or 15% Unknown217CFS or 1% Beat 32,395 CFS or 17% Beat 45,415 CFS or 39% Beat 1: Northeast Beat 2: Southeast Beat 3: Southwest Beat 4: Northwest together hUMble creative resPonse tiMe Priority Number Call Pickup To Enroute Enroute To At Scene Call Pickup To At Scene 1 0:02:32 0:04:58 0:08:25 2 0:15:19 0:10:20 0:27:04 3 0:35:13 0:11:31 0:45:44 Key Performance Indicators 6 minutes for Priority 1’s 15 minutes for Priority 2’s 35 minutes for Priority 3’s July 1, 2021, to September 30, 2021 together hUMble creative arrests Top five arrest charges for each category Assault, 34 Felony Warrant, 21 Stolen Vehicle, 9 Vandalism, 6 Drugs, 9 Felony Arrests 112 Misdemeanor Arrests 192 Drugs, 46 Misdemeanor Warrant, 34 Battery, 20 DUI, 19 Disorderly Conduct, 11 July 1, 2021, to September 30, 2021 together hUMble creative traffic collisions 250 Traffic complaints 423 Traffic collision responses 207 Written reports 32 Injury collisions 0 Fatalities July 1, 2021, to September 30, 2021 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 Injury Collisions Traffic CollisionResponses Traffic Complaints Written Reports together hUMble creative traffic citations 4,213 Total Citations 176% Increase (Jul. 20 –Sep. 20 versus Jul. 21 –Sep. 21) 484 716 650 1,029 1,334 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 Jul. 20 - Sep. 20 Oct. 20 - Dec. 20 Jan. 21 - Mar. 21 Apr. 21 - June 21 Jul. 21 - Sep. 21 together hUMble creative criMes against Person July 1, 2021, to September 30, 2021 Crime Type Total Assault -Aggravated 76 Assault -Intimidation 29 Assault -Simple 71 Fondling 11 Kidnapping / Abduction 3 Murder & Nonnegligent Manslaughter 1 Rape 6 Statutory Rape 2 Total 199 * The crime totals will change together hUMble creative criMes against ProPerty July 1, 2021, to September 30, 2021 Crime Type Total Crime Type Total Arson 4 Pocket-picking 1 Burglary -Breaking & Entering 41 Robbery 13 Counterfeiting / Forgery 15 Shoplifting 43 Credit Card / ATM 3 Stolen Property 14 Extortion / Blackmail 2 Theft from Building 9 False Pretenses / Swindle 24 Theft from Coin-Operated Machine 1 Identity Theft 12 Theft from Vehicle 36 Impersonation 3 Theft of Vehicle Parts or Accessories 15 Larceny Theft -Other 43 Vandalism 76 Motor Vehicle Theft 59 Total 208 Total 206 Grand Total (both tables)414 * The crime totals will change together hUMble creative criMes against society July 1, 2021, to September 30, 2021 Crime Type Total Animal Cruelty 2 Drug / Narcotic Violations 74 Drug Equipment Violations 47 Pornography / Obscene Material 2 Weapon Violation 30 Grand Total 155 * The crime totals will change together hUMble creative coDe enforceMent 212 cases opened 77 Cases closed 395 Cases Active July 1, 2021, to September 30, 2021 172 1 83 13 76 48 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 AdministrativeCitations Issued Illegal VendorComplaints ProactiveEnforcementCases Opened WeedAbatementCases Closed WeedAbatementCases Opened Illegal SignsRemoved Menifee Police DePartMent QUestions ?