O'Duffy Bros, Inc. Material and Labor Bond CIP21-14 4445191ORIGINAL
DocuSign Envelope lDi 3056871C-2ECD-49F8-AA15-BCA314AA6E4F
(Bond for Labor and Material)
BOND NO. 4445191
minute action passed
City of Menifee, in the County of Riverside, State of California, by, has awarded to o'D Bros lnc. hereinafter
WHEREAS, said Principal is required to furnish a bond in connection with saidcontract providing that if said principal, or any of his or its subcontractors shall fail to pay
for any materials, provisions, provender, or other supplies or equipment used in, upon, orabout the performance of the work contracted to be done, or for any work or labor done
thereon of any kind, the surety of this bond will pay the same to the extent hereinafter set
fo rth;
NOW, THEREFORE, we O'Duffv Bros.. lnc. as principal,
and . SureTec Insurance Companv as Surety, are held
and firmly bound unto the city of Menifee, hereinafter called the city, in the penal sum of
designated as the "Principal," a contract for construction of theproject together with appurtenances
one hundred percent (100%)Of the amOUnt Ninety N ne rhousand Nrne Hundred N nery Nine and oo/10Dolla rs
($oo 999 00 ), lawful money of the United States of America, for the payment of which
sum well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators,
successors, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents.
THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLtcATtON lS SUCH THAT if said principat, his orits heirs, executors, administrators, successors, or assigns, shall fail to pay for any
materials, provisions, provender, rented or hired teams, implements, or machinery, or
other supplies or equipment of any kind used, in, upon, for or about the performance of
the work contracted to be done, including, but not limited to, that part of water, gas, power,
light, heat, oil, gasoline, or telephone service directly applicable to the contract, or for any
work or labor thereon of any kind, or for any amounts due under the California
Unemployment lnsurance Code with respect to such work or labor, or for any amounts
required to be deducted, withheld, and paid over to the Employment Development
Department from the wages of employees of said Principal and subcontractors pursuant
to Section 13020 of the California Unemployment lnsurance Code with respect to such
work and labor, and provided that any person, so furnishing said supplies or equipment
contributing to said work to be done, or any person who performs work or labor upon the
same, or any person who supplies both work and supplies or equipment therefore shall
have complied with the provisions of Chapter 7 of Title 15 of Part 4 of Division 3 of the
Caiifornia Civil Code, as amended, or any successor thereto, then said Surety shall pay
the same in or to an amount not exceeding the amount hereinabove set forth and also
shall pay in case suit is brought upon this bond, such reasonable attorney's fees as shall
be fixed by the court.
The bond shall inure to the benefit of any and all persons, companies, and
corporations named in California Civil Code Section 3181 , as amended, or any successor
CIP 21-14 Ash Dale Wav Drainaqe lmprovements
thereto, and
March 17, 2021
DocuSign Envelope lDi 305687.1C-2ECD-49F8-ABj5,AC431AAA6E4F
may be served upon Principal at this address
thereto, so as to give a right of action to them or their assigns in any suit brought uponthis bond
FURTHER, the said Surety, for value received, hereby stipulates and agrees thatno change, extension of time, alteration, or modifications of the contract Documents orof the work to be performed thereunder shall in any way affect its obligations on this bondand it does hereby waive notice of such change, extension of 1ime, alteration, ormodification of the contract Documents or of work to be performed thereunder.
Notices, papers and other documents required by chapter 2 of rifle 14 of parl 2of code of civil Procedure, or by any other law, regulation, or requirement of the contract
29254 Duffv St., Romoland , cA 92585
and upon Surety at this address
3131 Camino del Rio N Suite 1450, San Dieoo, CA 92108
lN WITNESS WHEREOF, three (3) identical counterparts of this
of which shall for all purposes be deemed an original thereof, have be
by the Principal and Surety herein named, under penalty of perjury, on
day of l\4arch , 2021 , lhe name and corporate sealparty being hereto affixed and these presents duly signed by
representative pursuant to authority of its governing body.
instrument, each
en duly executed
the 18th
of each corporate
its undersigned
O'Duffv Bros ,lnc
By il^0lA
SureTec lnsurance Compan v
Ste ante r, Attorney-ln-Fac!
Su rety
Docusign Envelope lDi 3056871C-2ECD 4SF8-A815-BCA31AAA6E4F
Civil Code of the State of California, Section 1i88, CERTIFICATE OF
An officer taking the acknowledgment of an instrument must endorse thereon or attachthereto a certificate substantially in the forms hereinafter prescribed.
State of California
County of Riverside
City of Menifee
On this2_,
before me, personally appeared
(or proved to me on the basis of
acknowledged that
WITNESS my hand and official seal
day of _, in the year
satisfactory evidence) to be t
, personally known to me
he person(s) whose name
State of California
County of Riverside
City of Menifee
on this 3,
personally appeared
day of rcAretot o
to the within instrument and
executed the same.
Notary Public - State of California
in the year 2 o3.l , before me,
, personally known to me
(or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person who executed
the within instrument as president (or secretary) or on behalf of the corporation therein
named acknowledged to me that the corporation executed it.
Notary Public - State of California
WITNESS my hand and official seal.
DocuSign Envelope ID: 305687'tC-2ECD-49F8-A815-BCA31AAA6F4F
State of California
County of Riverside
City of Menifee
WITNESS my hand and official seal
State of California
County of Riverside
City of Menifee
subscribed to this instrument as the attorney in fact of
On this _day of .......--, in the year 2_, before me,personally appeared , personally known to me(or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person who executedthe within instrument on behalf of the partnership and acknowledged to me that thepartnership executed it.
Notary Public - State of California
On this _ day of -.-, in the year 2_, before me,
personally appeared , personally known to me
(or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person whose name is
and acknowledged to me that he/she subscribed the name of
in fa ct.
WITNESS my hand and official seal.
thereto as principal, and his/her own name as attorney
Notary Public - State of California
NS 08138
Certificate of Authority
THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT, pursuaat to the hsurancc Code of tfu Stqre of Califomi4
SureTec Inaurance Company
of Texas . oryanized und.r thc
lqks of Texaa , subJcct to tts ArttcLs of Incorporatiot or
othcrfua.darn ntat organaatioia! doctu^enrs, tt h.Ebt aahoraed to trdnsact withh thc Sfak, subJac, to
alJ prov\rions oJ thts C.nificate. th.Iollowlng cLosses oJ insurancc:
at such closses orc now or'iay hereafter be defined in the lnturiice lows of the State of Califumo,
THIS CERTIFICATE $ expesst! cond.itlo^ed upoh the holl,zt hereol noh) and hereq:fier being in
full compliatee wtth all, and not fi volanoi of any, of the applicabldtnws and lawful requ,rements made
utder authont! of the tawt of the Stufe of Californtb os long as suth laws or requhements arc tn elfect
and applicable, and at such laws and reqwrenznts now 4re, ot ma! hareafrer be chqryed or anended_
N WITNESS WHERE1F, affectve as of the.24 trt
day of 0ctober , 2005 ,l have hereutro
v, my hond dnd caused my ofrcial seal ta be afixed. thts
24th d"y of 0c to ber 2005
Patrlcia K. S taggfor Rlchard D. Baum lrrH4
NorrcE: chlef DePutY
Qralificsqoo wirh $. Se.rctrry of Strtc musr bc sccorDplislct rs rcquuld by rlrc Clljforrua Corporlhonr Codc rnompuyafrct Bruancc of thi! C.rtifica& of AuttDntl Failurc ro do so wili bc r vrolsrror ot Insunnc. Codc SccEon 701 aod willt
grouod.s for rcvokiDg this Ccdificat ofAuhonly pusuanr o Urc convcnmtg madc ltr ttrc qplicsuoD ttcrcfor fitd lic
condi(oos coEtain.d hcrsi
G3 osPoo 3Bs'
John Caramend i
xNow ALt MEN BY THESE PR€SENTS: Thet SureTec ln3urance compeny, : corpor.tion duty orS.nired .nd.xi*ing und.r th. hws of thr sr.tr otT.r.i rnd havin. it,ptincip'loffi'einth€count,otH.rris,T.x.5.ndM..llnsur..c.co,npany(th!'comp.nfL.co.po..tionduryoryanircd.nderirtin8undlrth.tawsofrh.,tat.
oflllinolr, rnd having ltt prin€lp.l admlnittr.tiv€ office ln Glen all.n, virylnt., do.r by th.s. pr.3.ots m.ke, conrtitut..nd ippoint:
Kenneth A. Coate, Julia B. Bales, Stephanie Fisher, Renae Balderas
Thclrtrur.nd l.wful .8e nt{s) .nd .ttorney(t)_ln'fa.t, !.ch in th.ir 3.p.nt. c.p..tty it.norc th.n on? h n.mld.bovc, to m:le,.re.u!q ,eat.n., dltiver Io..nd onth'ir own bch'lf, indlvldually.s a !u r.tY o. lolntlY, .t cc'Jur.tier, rnd.s th.lr.ct.nd d..d.ny.nd.ltbondr.nd other und.drtinS in 3ur.ty5hip provtded, however,th.ttha p.n.lrum of.nyone su.h lnrtrumlnt exacstad he..undlr jh.ll not arca.d tha sumol:
Ten Million and 00/'100 Dollars ($10,000,000.00)
Thit Pow'r olAtto'n.y k tr.nt.d.nd 15 si8n.d.nd tcrl.d under.od by th. .irthority of rh. foloq/in8 RGrotutionr .dopt.d bt the Boird of oirscton ot sur.T.clnsur.nce Company rnd Martcl hsur.nc. Comp.ny:
Pow'rs of.ttomeY, .nd such .uthority c!n b..xrcut.d by usc of tr.llmil. rlgn.turc, whtch m.y b..tr.it!d or.cknowteda.d by.ny offlcer or attom.y, ofth.comPinY, qualirying th! ettoro.y or.ttom.vt nam€d ln the aivln pow.r of.t!om.y, to .r.cut! in b.h.tfol .nd ..knowt!dt. .3 tic.cr.nd deed ot rhe sur.Teclnsurrnc! companv.nd Markcllntur.nc! comp:nv,.t lh! ca!. m.y b!,.llbood undenrlintr.nd contr.cti ol rurctysfiip, .nd to effx lhc corpor.t. ,!.t $.rcto_"
lN wIrl€ss wHEflEoF, M-rkcllns!r3ncE comPanvand surer.c lnsurrn.€ comp.ny have c.uredth.tr offki.tr.atto bc h.rlunto .fffxld .nd thes. prcslnrs to betagn.d by their duly.uthorircd ofric.rs on the nh day ot o6Enb€, , ,oro .
POAS sl0018
Rurro, Senio. Vice Pr.5tdcnr
th. d.y.ndye.r ftst abov. r'rritten
Donna Oonavant, Not.ry Public
My commiirio. .Ipirus 1/31/2021
that the orlgin a I POWER Ot ATTORN Ey otwhach the
M..k.l lnsur.nc. Comp.ny
9ureTe. ln3u.an.e Company
Ml.h..l C. (cnnig, Pr.sidlnr
On this 71h day of De.-bs.
Commonw!.kh ofVkginla
CountyofHln.aco 55:
,oro a. o., befo.? me. . Not.ry Public ofrh. comnonw..rth of virBlnia. in and fo. rh! county ofHenrico, durycommksron.d andqualifi ed, came THEAEOVE oFFIctRs oF THa coMPANt€s, to me p.rron.ly lnown ro b. rh. individuah.nd offrc.r, detcrib.d in, who u..utEd lh!inltrum.nl.nd lh.v .cl.o$,lcd3.d th!lr.cutlon oft.m., rnd b.ln! by m. dutytwo.n, dtrpor.d.nd r.id th.t rh.y.r. th. offi.lls ot th. j.id comprniei .fo..s. id.ind thatth.5eals affired to the proceeding inlt.ument... the Corpor.te S..k of5eid Comp.nter, end rh. raid Corporarc se.ts.nd th.i.3itnaluras.r offic€rs w..edulvaffir.d.nd subscrlb.d to thc s.ld lnskum.nt byth..(hority.nd dkection ofth€ s.id compani.s,.nd th.t Rerotution!.dopted bythe Boerd of Okecto.5 of
^ffi ":'-#:":",*":,il*..,*::Csl.S-eJ,{dl%,T^*
: _: col\,rMrssroN . -:qi Nur.leEC i-<:-...Irr;..., 0., n u :..,:;uT
w.. th€ undel'rrn.d oftic.rs orsureTec tnturrnc. c oolprnv rna u,,kritf,did'oiii,'Olqr\i"s;W -n,r,fo,lroior k . ru . tru. .nd corrlcr copy B iril tn ru rorc..nd .fflct.nd ;j, .qlig!,jpi"rtt'.
M IeatY, Assirra.t secr.t.
Ri(hard R. G.innan, \,ice P,esid
For verillcation ofthe authority ofthi5 Power you may call {713)812-080rj on iny buerne$ day berweeh 8:30 AM and 5:OO PM CST
lN WTNESS wHEn€OF, w. have h.r.unto 3.r our hand5, .nd rffir.d th. s..ls of s.id Compani€r, on th" 18th a.v or__U3E!..............- 2021
1069# urell [ZB9-9ZB-OO8-0 UV1ON S1-OOB-t ' 6ro Are1opleuoqep,r1,,1 r/\ ' uorlercossv tup]oN leuorlsN iLgZO
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ParPadde ,{1;euosrad
A notary publjc or other otficer completing this certiticate verifies only th6 identity oI the individual who signed the
document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document.
CALIFORNIA ALL.PURPOSE AGKNOWLEDGMENT CIVIL CODE S 1189.y:Rf i<!.5.1,Fa-a&-r\ ra-rtF.:,.+r.*-alfa--QEr!5a-r<a6.:3a-a6.!FcFa,5a6eFar<.:Aa -rr-46a-aj6rr-oF.:Fa +jEr1 \t5arr,5ar-ai-a,
State of California
County of
On ]- 3t-
^ort before me,Stephanie D. Fisher, Notary Public
personally appeared
Here lnsert Name and Title of the Officer
Nicholas D. Duffy
Name(s) of Signe4s)
who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(+ whose name(s| is/are
subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he,bMtirey executed the same inhis/Mttreirauthorized capacity(i€s), and that by hislMtheir signature(slon the instrument the person(st
or the entity upon behalf of which the person6) acted, executed the jnstrument.
I certify under PENALry OF PERJURY under the laws
of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph
is true and correct.
n Partner - tr Limited tr General
tr lndividual D Atorney in Fact
D Trustee ! Guardian or Conservator! Other:
WITNESS my hand and offic
E Partner - n Limited tr General
tr lndividual tr Attorney in Fact
n Truste€ tr Guardian or Conservatorn Other:
STEPHANIEcoMM. #D. FISHER2198544iol frY n BUC, ClllfoRt{t^
RrvtRstDt cmnlr! Colnn. fuxrt jum 18, mzl
14 Sig na'tu re
sl ture Public
Place Notary Seal Above
Though this section is optional, completing this information can deter alteration of the document or
fraudulent reattachment of this form to an unintended document.
Description of Attached Document
Title or Type of Document:Document Date:
Signer's Name
D Corporate Officer - Title(s):! Corporate Officer - Title(s)
Signer ls Representing:
02014 National Notary Association . www.NationalNotary.org . 1-800-LJS NOTABY 0-800-876-6827) ltem #5907
Number of Pages: _ Signe(s) Other Than Named Above:
Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer(s)
Signer's Name: _
Signer ls Representing: