BLC Fleming LLC Material and Labor Bond TM37408 TM37409 PB3010408277FOR: Grading Drainage Erosion Control Total MATERIAL AND LABOR BOND CITY OF MENIFEE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA (Government Code Section 66499.2) 381 750.00 Parcel Map TM37408 &37409 500.00 Other Pro.lect No. GP21-009 622.875.O0 Bond No. P803010408277]2s!q Premium $ included in perform ance bond $ $ Q $1 053 Principa I BLC Flemino LLc Address 100 Bavview Ci( Suite 240 City/State Newport Beach.CA Zip code 91101 ffiEREAS, the City Council of the City of Menifee, State of California,and BLC FleminqLLC (hereinafter desig nated as "principal") have entered into, or are about to enter into, the attached agreement(s) whereby principal agrees to install and com plete the above designated Grading, Erosion Control & WQMP relating to TM37408 & TM37409 Rouoh Gradino Phase 1 Mass Gradino Phase 2 which agreement(s), dated , is/are hereby referred to and made a part hereof; and, ffiEREAS, under the terms of said agre€ment(s), principal is required, before entering uponthe performance of the work, to file a good and sufficient payment bond with the city of Menifee to secure the claims to which reference is made in Title 3 (commencing with Section 9000) of Part 6 of Division 4 of the Civil Code of the State of Califomia; NOW THEREFORE, said principal and the undersigned, as corporate surety, are firmly bound unto the City of Menifee and all contractors, subcontractors, laborers, material suppliers, and other persons employed in the performance of the agreement(s) and referred to Title 3 (commencing with Section 9000) of Part 6 of Division 4 of the Civil Code in the sumof One Million Fifty Three Thousand One Hundred Twentv Five and no/100 .Dollars, $1,053,125.00 for materials fumished or labor thereon of any kind, or for amounts due under the Unemployment lnsurance Act with respect to such work or labor, that said surety will pay the same in an amount not exceeding the amount hereinabove set forth, and also in case suitis brought upon this bond, will pay, in addition to the face amount thereof, costs and reasonable expenses and fees, including reasonable attorney's fees, incuned by the City of Menifee ,n successfully enforcing such obligation, to be awarded and fixed by the court, and to be taxed as costs and to be included in the judgment therein rendered. It is hereby expressly stipulated and agreed upon that thisltiond shall inure to the benefit of any and all persons, companies and corporations entitled to file claims under Title 3 (commencing with Section 9000) of Part 6 of Division 4 of the Civil Code, so as to give a right of action to them or their assigns in any suit brought upon this bond. Should the condition of this bond be fully performed, then this obligation shall become null and void; othenrise, it shall be and remain in full force and efiect. MENIFEE o Sufety Philadelphia lndemnitv lnsurance Comoanv Address 800 E Colorado Blvd. 6h Floor City/State Pasadena CA Phone 626639-1323 _ Zip 92660pnon" @ MATERIAL AND LABOR BOND The surety hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration, or addition to the terms of the agreement(s) or to the specifications accompanying the same shall in anywise affect its obligation on this bond, and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration, or addition. Surety further stipulates and agrees that the provisions of Section 2845 of the Civil Code are not a condition precedent to surety's obligations hereunder and are hereby waived by surety. lN WTNESS WIIEREOF, this instrument has been duly executed by the principal and surety above named, on December 16 , 2021. NAME OF PRINCIPAL: BLC Flemino LLC AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE(S) By 9u. cr*o,cn<)PcfName Title: (lF coRPoRATtON, AFFTX SEAL) NAME OF SURETY, Phi hia lndemn lnsura m AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE s, lts -in-Fact Title (rF coRPoRATrON, AFFTX SEAL) ATTACH NOTARIAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF SIGNATURES OF PRINCIPAL AND ATTORNEY-IN.FACT. ar SIGNATURE PAGE TO MATERIAL AND LABOR BOND Bond no. PB03O1O4Oa277 Principa l; BLC FLEMING LLC, a Delaware limited liability company By Eric Scnior Yico Plal&ot By: S. Villines Chief Financial Oliicer INOTARY ACKNoWLEDGMENT oN FoLLoWING PAGE] 4.,--fu-- ACKNOWLEDGMENT berore me, Qm.\.n Ooo'.p,n , fDtuna Qijr<,(insed@ eQ-tc AY\A s.r\l.^\ State of California County of On personally appeared who proved to me on WITNESS my hand and official seal Signature the basis of satisfactory evidence to be e person(s) whose name(s) is/aresubscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same inhis/her/thei r authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument theperson(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALry OF PERJURY under lhe laws of the State of California that the foregoingparagraph is true and correct. \ ROSTTYN N6UYTN NotarY PLlbli( _ C'rliloriria 0rilnqe Corrrty Cornmrsiror , 2262728 MyComm, txprre5 0(t 14 2022 (Seal) A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validi of that document fu.srw )o. >D>1 ALL. PURPOSE CERTIFICATE OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT A notary public or other officer completing this cerliticate verifies only lhe identily of the individual wtlo signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and nol the truthtulness, accuracy, or validity of lhat document. State of California County of Ora on DEC 16 2021 before me, ) ) Gina L. Garner, Notary Public personally appeared Martha Barreras who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person{gl whose name$) is/ffc subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that hc/she&tgy executed the same in his/herllheir authorized capacity(icr! and that by hbCherlfick signature(of on the instrument the persong), or lhe entity upon behalf of which the person{sf acted, execuled the instrument. I certifo under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WTNESS my hand and official seal. GINA L. GARRER Notrry Public - Crllfornl. o.anle Counry Comni$io d 2361777 ^ \a/'/ //72{422 ay Comm. Erpir6 Jun 18, 2025 Notary Public Signature (Notr.y Publc Seal) ADDITIONAL OPTIONAL INFORMATION OESCRIPTION OF THE ATTACHEO OOCUMENT (Tid. o dcscripto ol rnadEd &qrment) (Tit€ d descipbon of rirclEd documot aootnu.d) Number of Pages _ oocument ode_ INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING THIS FORM tutlot contph.! \.tth cnr.nt Cohlotna atut.s ft$rdng notan Nor "g ond, ifnc.d.d, lhotld bz conpla.d and anach.d to th. doc rn?nt. Actnotucdg.nttlroDt otlt, ,tat* n av b. conpl.t d for docu,rEnts bang t.,i to that ttat. to long at th. \ oding do., not r.q r. tk Cal[omio notory to flolot. Caldornia notory ld\r' Shlc md Counly i.lbr.n.i()o most b. th. Strl€ |td CflJoty $hcr. rlE d(rullnt sirn.r(s) pqsonrlly rpp.aEd bcfor. fi€ mtrry public for ethowldrmc.l Dare ofnotariatio muct be the ddl. thar thc sisnlr(s) Frs{sally lpFnr.d which musl also bc $c sxnc dttc thc .clnoyldgbcnt is complctld. The notr-a public mun print his or ,E r.m. ls n rfp.lE wnrtin his o. hrt conmissioo folbpcd by r colnnL ttd t<n your tnk (ooEr! public).Pri $. nrme(s) of documcnt rign<s) who pc$onelly rppcar ar th. time of 2015 Version v/ww Nolaryclasses.com E00 873-9865 . lndictlc th. co,'ed sir&la. or plurll f.rms by cr6sinS ofr imfirtct fonns (i.c. t€/shc/*.yr is /.l. ) or ci..lin8 th. corEci forms. Failurc !o ctrr.clb irdiclrc th$ infomrtion may k d r,o rljccrion ofdo.iumcrr rcrordnS.. 'lt. noury $erl imF.rsion mll3t b. clerr and pfioogrlffircally rcproduciblc. llnprc$ion musl rrc! cov6 rrl or lin6. lf lcll mprcasion smud8.s, r.-scrl if a iuffri<nt.rC3 p.flnils, oahcrwis compl:tc o difTcrcrl rcknowl€d$rEol fo.m.. Sigtrrtu.! of 6e nor.ry publi. mun ,n.tct rh€ si3nrrurc on fi|. wirh $e oflic. of $€ courty cLrl.O Additio l infmmrtion as rtot rcquircd but couH hclp b crsu( this rclnowLdSm.nr is nor misusd tr.uchc.l to r diftrErt documo[O lndic{. ulc (x tyF of .tt chcd d(Eutlcnt, l}rmbcr ofrrg6 ltx, &rc.+ lndicirc lhc c.Fciry chimcd by lllc sitnlf. lf rhc chimcd clp.city is . corporst officcr, indiclt€ ih€ tidc (i.c. CEO, CFO, Sccrctary).. S€iully rttach th; dxEncnl to lhc rign d documcnl w(h r sl,.ple CAPACITY CLAIMED BY THE SIGNER O lndividual (s)E Corporate Officer 1Tiflef Partner(s) Attomey-in-Fact Trustee(s) Other tr a tr o oe -rl<^ .{NVa WOI SlNYAnSNt A-UNW3(tNl YtHd'rtOY Hd ,GBgbcS 5p-odrl 'ot!{ri p.Bapg 6-1 LAZ J€qlraoc Jo &p HIgt si {l llEduD} lpeo.ro F- 5t' urFE nr pcx!$r plr 5u!u iur p.q!.qm l.^Bq I p.J.qrt\ f Lour}i5-t rrl Jo l'p!6.rd pcr..r.,(rnp s$,$u.ouvJo laod popsrr cqlto @qrEcr. Jo csp 5ql ,E sa.r.r#HtoffilHil'.,-'ffiSltrff"91trt tsql qll& Dqgr! oP I pJt PtrB s.r{ llnJ u ltlF 3t P[a p.!.8 pu, rn.B 5.ts IZOZ 'rpIBlrt ,{P {S aq1 rro ol5E{ lltsEnd pcr6fl ,Gu"EuVJo Ja^rod .q pu! s.Dr.oro Jo prlog.gJo u)|lnl65r ?uolrDJ cW rBIq {JrlE Iq$rV op,,ttJvaftOC gJhrfrnsN, ,{-fINXEIONI },}idA6y11{3.p d.apog arr.DdbJ bftIBS p.Erpg ., ?cr!!? llnp 5l.rrt rrEu?6 sr q pus lias iEDd.lctr pps a rg pq .,(urduo3 pla]o lB- .lB.rJd.l))rq sr l(Eun{sur PlB6 ol P.ruJB 135 lls pr.tl '.I_iIYd}{oJ Sf,NvuosNl AItNxISoNt vHd,l3ovltHd .r]lJo r€rJJo p.zr-rcqnB puB pcqr.6+ ur.rcg r$ 5r cq rq pr* urc,*s,(1rp cLlIq tur.q pur'u iout,(llBtn.Dd.u ol1!cururut ?urp6od5q polmaxa oqn l?npr^rput 5q.urBcorlr crrpq 1g67.,p.ts:q yi,t"p 6i,,g,5 tzog 't lqulo^oN y3 'p,(aul3 rpg o:e\,-r"l '4-a.2A {uBdDJ -{reraul &ruuryuoal , !'r.fir.lJ ' sc.udn mrsrururc Iy1 a ?urPro: :rtoIU ,(cpr't i.z5 t IE S)Llilrn I Br qdFpct ,qJ-r{,fl ot ?urlq,"pun -b pL,,q ,(ur ol Do6.r qr' .JnpJ aS ,' I*dr., "uf,fffi;J;,f;[prlB]( 5q [alF lE- .lr qrBJ p r.r a.rnE u8s q r usq lq pc$tl.E plf polrEE 6 {5 o-lxuv lo rtnod rprE Xw pl.ts'alr uraaB Iq opr.$ ?uEFt lEalJrr.E -D Lu.r)1JV Jo t,rsd lprs ,{up ol poruB 5q,(Bu ,{uEdu-o3 aqrJo Fr .$ ple gago rprr p slrelr8lr rr4 rq::o!A]osJU SSHlUOd luy ualf lJ-oqrle.ql i)p^.r p uB prl -ur{o u.Drry ,prr f ,* tq f ,* p :"o *r ol[j p uB :oqDc$ (uBduDJ eqlJo l!.a rq FB{B ot puEJ@L{taIqBoa$ u lrdttlp 6uryJ t r5r{p pu! {rluulpul Jo srrlr1r6 .E?urlBr.Epun prr sproq r(rnduol crn lo Jtttpq uc .rrB.x. 01 prJ ur (6)(. u-rcIry . ql .z lD gnr p uB pEl u I (rl(.u.Bsv luDddv ( t) "{ 'J8d'r-o)aql Jo luprscrd aar^ {u! .D tlDplaard ar! Gazl.bqlrB ,(Crcq sroqtJC Jo p.sog cS fql ro s,Fc.,,oro p.'oq aBdqp.dopB uo,rnp6.u?u,*11o.1"qr3o xr,.oqr*e",,ii#trfrT"1fi,EEfHi#ffirfffiiil#*HHffiX.tl,"ff "tl pusss.u6nqsrrJosr,6.q !,po,"s, lorbqcr*,,qr u,(nrerqss?u,!J ro**r,*o",mfff;Sl}1H.,':.}';$#lf$,fr],:${:i,',:,In rBol^l,.trq!l8 llnJ qq,n eg'ul-.s(raEv r9,l(.l p(6.nqsq :TT tsl[vdr(aoJ Nol )oo'r -{o $rlEluuva vHlUwt (Nv gsvw{ i'r^r!n,{J|rr.J'tnaI(x)N'f AHJOy{II'-IIO3}{ O S}'IiIot{t'Eoltt'loy{ YNL{Vf lr4odd Pu! .rnxruco IP-t5q srop trts^lIEu@d Jo lnl!.arDuruD:) .qlJo 6^rslrql lprrn ?u$rI. Pue pou ruB8-o rcrE-Dd-B E '(duBduDJ .'d .tlwd no] gf,NyarBNt ,(ttNulsoNt ylHd'rsovuHd Fqt :srNlsEud silHl lg sNoslEd rIv lloN) Ie u,oayp ram6 rz0z1{fiwl lo ^vo Hls slHI rDLlJo (Ia2nloHlnvs.lt 18 o:IxuJv Ea olTEs ElrrSodaof,sJI oNV GINols aa ol lNgv{nUISNI slHI cgsn\O SVH ANvdno3 glNvunsNl ,\-ttNtlEICNI ytHd]3(]vu}lj 'loErEIHlt tNoNt.lsai Nl {13,^to6i} a OS0 j&6 t Vd ?,Gru(l BtrE C0 t .tnS tu U slBg 5uO ,{'tlYdWOf, AlNVSnSNl A-tlNWSONl VlHd.lSOYtlHJ ,Jrpi 'tauaitt -raira\ r-tt$ r(rr,./dlq4l'loa tzlg t ralur.oi aaA. sqrtlrs,c rfiIrriotl&6!n GP21-009 APPROVED FOR BONDING cER 121212021CITY OF MENIFEE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT CONSTRUCTION COST WORKSHEET FOR ON-SITE GRADING, DRAINAGE AND NPDES TRACT MAP NO,37408 & 3740S PHASE IGRAOING OATE: GP: 11t29t2021 21-00s FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE SECURITY MATERIAL & LABOR SECURITY IMPROVEMENTS Gradlng Dralnage Eroslon control WOMP $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ s $ $ 1,526,400.00 763,000.00 48,500.00 830,500.00 0.00 194,322.00 97.000.00 $ $ $ 1,661,055.60 1,661,000.00 0.00 0.00 security Total $ _______1r!q,I7_9s Eroslon Controlcash Bond (25%) Warranty Retentlon (10%) v'4 $ 1,260,500.00 252j00.00 DESIGN ENGINEER'S CALCULATION OF IMPROVEMENT BONDING COSTS construcllon ltems and their quantltles, as shown on the attached wolksheets, are accurate lor the construcflon ot the improvements requlred or implied to fullllll the Conditlons ot Approval for thls prolect regarding on-site gradlng, dralnage and NPOES, The mathmatlcal extenslons, using the Clty ol Menetee's Unlt Costs, are accurate for determlnlng tees. NOTE: ,,The amount of the securlty ih.ll bc Gqu.l to 50% of th6 tot.l .,tlm.ted cott o{ th. work aulhorlz.d by the Gradlnt permlt, plus lOO% oI the totrl egtlmated .ort of tho ero5lon control tystem(il roqulred by the Eroslon Control plan. Th€ permlttee,s errlmat€ of the (ort rhall be bat.d oh the Gttrbllthcd unlt .ottt avall.bl€ from thr City and shall b€ subje.t to th6 roview and approval by the Clty Cnglnoer/Publlc Works DIre.tor, At leait 25% of the requlred erosion control recurlty, rnd not le$ thrn 95OOO, rh.ll b. ln cath and sh.ll be d.Po!lt.d wlth th. CltY Engineer/Publlc work, olroctor." (Gradlnt ordlntnce 8'26.120 "securlty"). 11t29t2021 Si0nature XAVIER PFISTER Date 71579 Name Typed or printed RCE# Civil Engineefs Stamp 415,250. ... PLEASE READ INSTRUCTIONS EELOW "' '1 . Quantities are to be taken from the Grading Pl8ns Unit cost 8re to "city ol Menifee lmprovement Requirement Worksheet.' 2. Show Performance Bond Amounts to lhe nearest $500 00. fulaterialand Labor Bond Amounts are 50o/o of Performance Bond Amountss.'-100% for Flood Control items. 3. For Construction items not covered by "The city of Menifee lmprovement Requirements worksheet', Design Engineer is to provide his opinion of construclion cost and use that cost' lf City of MenifBe Unit Cosls are determined to be too low, in the opinion ol the design engineer, the higher costs as be as provided on rovded b the D n Engine€r should be used $ 381,500.00 :'.. ", ,'i , il ,''.. ' I rr'. "1.. *.. t',-.,-'-,',..,].