Sky Technology Solutions, Inc. Faithful Performance Bond 24252336Executed in three (3) original counter parts
Performance Bond 242s2336
CoDforms v,,ith the Arnerican Institule ofArchitecls, AIA Documetrt Ail2 - 1984.
Aay sinSular refercnce to Confactor, Sulety, Owrer or other party sh&ll be considered plural where applicable.
Date. Ja^uary 6, 2022
Amount: $46,419.96
CoNTRACTOR (Name and AddrBss):
Sky Technology Solutions, lnc.
11102 Raini6r Ct.
Garden Grove. CA 92841
Modifications to this Bond:
Company: Sky Technology Solutions, lnc.
11'102 Rainier Ct.
Garden Grove, CA 9284'1
(Corporate Seal)
Narne and nH , Program Manager
(Any additional signafuIa! appca! on pagc 2.)
(FOR TNFORMATION ONLY - Name, AddrEss sDd Telcphorc)
ACENT or BROKER: Premier Surety & lnsurance Sewices, LLC
16027 Brookhuct Si. Suits 142'l
Fountrin Valley, CA 92708
I Th€ Contr.ctor and tbc Sutcty, johdy a tcv.nly, bind lhclElclvcs,
thcir hcirs, cxe.uiors, administr&tors, succrssors ,nd ss6iSns to ihc Owncr for
the pcrformoffe of thc Construction ConEa.t, which is incorpo.arcd hcrcio by
2 If the Contracror performs the CorxEuction Coolract, thc Surcty and th€
Contaclor shall have no obligatiotr ulldcr this Bond, €xccpt to panicipate in
coofcr€nc.s ss providcd in Subparsgraph 3.1.
3 lfdcr€ is no Os,ncr D.fault, thc Surcty's obliSation uDdcr this Bond
3,1 T1€ Owtrcr has notificd thc Coatactor aDd th€ SurEty at iB sddrers
dc,scnb.d h Pangraph 10 bclow thst th€ Owncr is coDsidcriry dccbring
6 Contrrctor D€fault &nd hrs rrqu6&d and att srptld !o tfl819. a
confcrcnc€ wilh tbe ConEactor aDd thc Surety to bc hcld riot lllcr lh!,
tifi.ln days aficr r.ccipt of such notice to diEcuss mcthodr ofPcrformiDs
the ConstructioD CotrEact. If thc O*trcr, the ConFactor erd lhc Sutcty
a$c!, th. Con!&tor shall bc allow.d ! renson blc tilEc lo
St R-ETY (Name and Principal Plac.€ of BusiDess)
The Ohio Casualty lnsuEnce Company
62 Made Avenue
Keene, NH 0343'1
I None
Compaay: The Ohio Casuatty lnsurance
n See Page 2
Narne and Title: Thanh Xuan Thi Nguyen, Attorney-:n-frcl
Datc (Not earlier than Conskuction CoDEact Datc)t January 7,2022
OWNER'S REPRESENTATM (Architcct, Engincer or othei
perform the Constructioo but such an a8t€ement shall nol
wsrvc th€ Os.Dcr's right, if aoy, subscqualtly to d.clan t
ConF.cior D.fsult and
3.2 T1le Owner hss declared a Contractor Dcfault snd formally
lerminated the Contsactols right l,o coEplctc thc cootrart. Such
ConEactor D€fault shall not b€ dcclarcd crrli.r thrn tw.nty day3
!fter thc ConEactor snd lhe Suety havc r.ccivcd notice at provided
in Subprragrapb 3.1; and
3.3 Tbc Ovmcr has agrccd to pay thc Balrtrce ofth€ Conlact Pricc
to t]le suEty in lccordanc. with thc tcrms of thc cotlstruction
ConEact or !o a conEa.tor s.lcctld to perform thc CoNtruction
Conta.t in a.cordarcc with thc tsrms of tbc coatrsct with tha
4 wh.n tbc Os/Dcr has s.tisfied thc coad;tioDs of Patsgrsph l, lhc
Surcty shatl promptly ald at lhc SutEty's €lpcD!. ratc otr. of lhc
following scbons:
SURETY 5q26 (6{2)
Pago 1 ol2
OWNER (Name snd Address):
City of Menifee
29844 Haun Road
Menifee, CA 92586
4.t Arrang. for the Contractor, with oonscnt ofthc O\lncr, to p€rform
atrd complctc thc Construction CoEEa.t; or
4.2 Undctule to pcrform and complcte the CoustrucrioD Coor' drougb its ageDts or thmu8h indlpcnd.Dt cooorctorE; or
4.3 Obtain bids or rcgotilt d !'roposats ftom qualificd cootrctors
s.c.prablc ro th€ O*!cr for a cootsad for FTformancc and complctiotr
of thc Comtructior Codtract, ur.n8c for a codE.t to h. prrpncd for
ex€cution by the Olrner ad th. conEa.tor s€lcclcd lllith thc O*rcfsconcur.trcc, !o b€ s€curd with pdformsac. and plymcnl bonds
exc.uled by a qualified surcty cquivalcnt to th. bodr i$urd oD thc
ConsEuction CotrEact, snd pay to the 0*1cI thc aIrlount of drmsge6 rsd.snM in Paragmph 6 in of thc Balrncc ofthc CoDEacl Price
hcurrcd by thc Owncr rcaulting tom thc d.fauh; or
4.4 Waivc ils righl io p6form iEd complcE, arang. for cmplctioq or
obtain a n.w conaa.tor and 'r,ith rt sonable profrporc$ undcr the
.1 Aft.r inv*iigation, dctermioe th. alllount for wbich it may bc lisbleto thc Owner aDd, as soon as pra.ticablc aftcr thc mouDt is
dctcnnin.d, &ndcI psyment lhcrcfor to the Owlcri or
.2 DcDy liability itr wholc or in pGrt ard Dotify tbc Owlcr citirg
rc$ons thcrEfor.
5 If $c Surcty docs ool proccrd !s pravidld fu Plrrgrrph 4 with r! lombl€, rh. Swrty shlll b. dccmcd ro bc ia dcfault on this Bood fiftc€n
day3 afi.r rcccip of an addilionEl wrin o Dotic. iDm th. Own ( r,o rhc SuEty
dcmandinS thit thc Sur.ty pcrform its obligrtions uad.r this Bon4 lDd drc
O*n€r shaU b€ mtidcd to enforcc lny rcmcdy arailabl. to thc Ownrr. If th€
Surety pIocccds as provided in Subp6ragraph 4.4, ard lhc O'r6cr rcfu!.s thc
payment tcndcr€d or the Surcty has€d liability, iD wholc or in p6rt,
without funhcr Doticc thc Own.r sball br otidcd to cdorcc aay r!,tr.dy
available to tbc OwDcr.
5 Afur thc Owncr hr5 lcrminar.d thc Cotrtrsciols ngh !o complct ttrc
Construction CooEacl, aDd if thc SuEty .lccts to act undcI Subplllgllph 4.1,
4.2, or 4.1 sbovc, thcn rhc r€spoosibilitics ofrhe Sutttry io th. Owact shall not
be 8rtllcr lhan those of th. CoDF&tor und.r tb! Con6Euctioo ConEact, rnd
thc rcspon6ibilities of th€ OwD.r to thc Surcty shall not bc grcst.r thaD thosc
ofihc Owner undcr lhe Constuction Cootlct. To thc limit ofd. rrnount of
this Bond, but subject to commitn.Dt by the O\Iner of tho Brl.ncc of the
Contract Price to milig&ion of cosB ard damagca on th. Corutsuction
ConEsct, th. Sur€ty is obli8sted wiihout duplication fori
6.1 Th. Bponsibilitics of thc Co.t!.tor for mrEctioo of rlcfcctivc
wort and compl€1ioD ofrhe Coolaucdon ConEaca;
6, Additiood legat d€sig! Fofrssiotral md dclay cort! rE ulting ftom
tb€ CoNrcto?s Dcfaull, and rcsultitrg tom tbc actions or frilurE to r4t of
th. Surcty utrd.r PdaSraph 4; sDd
6.3 Liquidatcd darnages, or if no liquidst d dsnaS.s ar. spcrificd inthe Co truction CoDEaat, acturl .l'a'g.r call3d by drlayd
p.rfonnanc! or Don-perfortnancc of itrc Conft.tor.
7 Thc SurEty sball not bc lisbl€ !o thc Owncr or othc.s for obligations oftbc Contsrctor that irc uDr.hbd to rhc CoEstructioD CoDract! ed thc
Bal.arcc of tbc CorE .t Pric. lball nol bc rcduccd or !a oll on a.count
of lDy such obli$tionr. No ri8hl of actioa shall rc6uc o! ihis
BoDd to al1y pcrron or cotity otb6 rbrD ri. O*n r or its bcin, .x.cutors,
sdtioisEslorc or suctessor3.
8 Tb6 SurEty hcrEby wsivc€ ooticc ofmy chsDSc, itrcludiag cbllgca of
tima, !o thc CoolEu.tion ConEtct or !o rElated subcon!&ts, pulchas€
o.d6E strd othcr obligations.
I Ary proccadinS, lcgEl or .quitabl., undcr this Bond rnay bc itrstitutcdh any cout of compcl€rt jurisdiction h thc location in which tir vork
or pan of lbc wort is locriod &nd lhrll bc iDltinr&d withia two y.lJ!
anlr Contrsctor Dcfauh or within lwo ycsrB aicr th. ConErcto.
workinS or withir two yor: !i!r thc Surrty nfus!. o. faik io pcrformil! obligltioas uDdlr thi! Botr4 {ihich.vcr o.aur6 firsl. lf rhc p.ovisiolg
ofthk Psra8nph arE void or prohibitcd by law, th. Iainimun Friod of
limilAtion availablc !o suritica r. a dcfcEs. ir rh.jurisdictioo oftb. suit
shall bc rpplicable.
l0 Noticc !o thc SurEty, thc O*ner or the ConEactor shrll bc m.iled or
d.livcrld to th. lddrls! lhown oo the signatur p6gc.
1l rhis Botrd hr! b.rn ffrDisb.d to clmply witb a statulory or
oth6 lcgal rrquiradcnt in thc locstion whcr€ thc consEuction wrs to bc
pcrforrDo4 sny povisiotr h lhis Bodd cooflictinS *iih .sid statulory rcquirlmcnt shall bc dccrncd dclct€d hcr!fiDm rnd provirions
conformioS to su.h stltulory or otho lcgsl rcquirracnt shrll b. dccrbcd
incorpoBtod hcrri!. Thc i c i3 thd lhis Bond shall b. conrElcd ss a
statutory bond !trd not &! s commoD lm/ bond.
12 oEFtNmo s
'12,1 Balanc. of thc CooEacr Pricc: Thc iotal smourt p.ysblc by
tbc OwDct !o lbc Conreclor undlr th€ ConsEucrior ConEa4t a.Q.r
all proper adjlstdcnts havc bccn dDdc, including dlowamc io th.
CorEactor of lry arDoll[t6 rccrivcd or ro bc Ecciv.d by tbc Owlcl
in 3cttlcEcnt of in3ur'trcc oa othar chirD! for dsmagcr to which thc
ConEactor is sDtidcd, rlduc.d by sI vrlid lnd pmgcr tllymrot3mrdc io o. of, bcbalf of thc Cootactor urdrr th. Conlt!6-tior
12.2 CoLsEuc,tior Contslt: Thc aarcsm.d b.twc.o thc Owrcr
and tbc Conbactor idcntificd on thc siglaErc ps8c, including all
ConEact Docrlmcnb rDd cbang.s thcrclo.
12.3 ConEaciol f,Lflultr Failu! of rhc Cotrt!.1o., which hasrcith.' bc€[ rcmcdicd uor uiv.4 to pc.fom or othcn is. to
comply \rith thc lcrr's of lhc corBhctioa contrrcr.
12.4 Owoer Dcfault Failurc ofthc Ol Der, which hs! acithcr bccE
rEri.dicd oor waivo4 to p6y thc Coft"nctff .r rcquil.d by th.
Coostsuction ConEa.t or to pcrfor and mmplctc or comply with
thc othcr tcrms thc&oi
(Space is provided below for addilional sigDsl[€s of addcd partics, odrcr thaD thosc appcrriDg on tbc cavca pagc.)
Company: Sky Technology Solutions, lnc. Company: The Ohio Casualty lmuranca Compary
Signature Signature
Narne a.nd Title:Thanh Xuan Thi Nguyen, Attomcy-ir-fuct
Ad&ess: 790 The City Drive South, Suito 200
Orang6, CA 92868
Pege 2 ol2
Address: I 1102 Rainier Ct.
Garden Grove, CA 9284'l
Name and Titlel
Thir Porer of Attomcy liniti the acb of thoae namod horein, lnd thay haye no authority to
blnd h6Company erced in tle m.,lnorandto lha e(ont hor6in ttrled.
Liberly Mutual lnsuranc€ Company
The Ohio Casualty lnsurance Company
West American lnsurance Company
cedrlic€le No 8205254-991 318
KNoWN ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESEXTS: That The ohio Casuslly lnsurance Company is a coeoration duly o0anized under he la!,rs of he Stato ol N€w Hampshire, hal
Lb€rty Mutjal lnsuranco Coopany
The Oltb Casualty lnsurance Company
West American lnsurance Company
David M. Carey, Assistant Soarotary
Or this qh day of ____llp!q_, 202 I befde me pelscnally appeaed David M. Carsy, v{ho rknof,l€dged hirEdl b bo the Assisbnt Sec.otary ol Liboiy Muual lnsurarcs
h6lein c..rlained by signing orl bohall d h6 copr,aiors by himsolt as a dL{y aubdized offic€.
lN lYlTt{ESS lYtlEREOF,l havo hdounto subscrb€d my name and sffxed my ndarid sealal KiB ol Ptussia, Pr,rnsy'vdria, on he day and year frct abovo vr.iion.
Cq.iqu.Il olPaI! t r. . iri..y S-rI.a P..bL, Xolry Ar'tt&'Eo6y Ca,iy
My drBb. .ry6 U&n 26, nb r r26oaa
/-fr/- tt nrri{M AcaM or nds
Tlb Po'vfi ol Altomey is made and oxodtod puBuanl to and by authoity ol he follo,ving 8y-laws and Auhorizatons ol Tl€ ohio Casualty lnsurance Company, Libo(y Mutual
lnsulance Company, and West Am6 can lnsuran@ Company which rcsoluticns are now in full lorce and efi*l rcading as follows:
ARTICLE lV-oFFICERS: Seclion 12. Po,/er ofAnomoy.
Any offcer or ohe, ofiaial ol tto CoDoralion authorizod br $Et purpose in Miling by he Chairman o. h€ Prcsidonl and suq6d b such limilalion as h€ Chairman or bo
President may prBsaribe, shall appdnt sudr afomoys-in-fad Es may be necessary to act in b*alt of hg CoDorEton b mako, grecrto, s€al, acknowlodgo and dolivor as surety
havg full po/or to biod he CorpoBton by hof sign8fu,r and gx€qJtion ot any sudr instumonts and to alach heroto he ssd ol hs Coporation. W]En so oxecuted, sudl
inshrments shall be as binding as it signod by he PrEsident aod atested to by tre Se.rslary. Any p 6r or authority gBnted to any representadve or altorney-h-lact und€r he
provisio0s of hb arlicl€ may be .evokgd at any tino by the B6rd, he Chaiman he Presidoal or by h6 offcd oa oficels grdntng sodr povier ca aubdity
ARTICLE Xlll - Erocution ot Contfictli Soctdr 5 SuBty Bonds and LJnd€rtakings.
rhall apponl sudr atomeys-in-fa.t as m8y be n@i5ary lo ad in bddf of he Cofipany h m*0, ore{o, s€al, adoowl€dge and ddiver as surEty any and aI unde.lrkings,
bo.l6, recognizanc€s and oh€r suEty obligatioaE. Sudr atomeys]n-bd sutrjecl to he limilatbns sel toab in her r€spedive pdeas of atomey, shdl have fll po*or to bllld he
Corpany by her s{lnafue and oxeolton ol any sudr irEEumorts and to atadl hslelo bo seal ol h€ Company. ltllen so ereoJled sldr insfumenls shall be 6s bindhg as il
signed by he Fesidenl and atosted by ho serctrry
fact 6s may bs necessary to acl on behalf othe Cornpany to make, exeoite, seal. acknowledge and ddiver as suGty any and all undorhkings, bcn&, r€cognizancG and olhar surty
he same force and efiect 6 hoi.lgh manually affrod
County of i,,IONTGoMERY
has nol bet,l revolGd.
lN TESTIMONY WHEREoF, I hav6 horeunto set my h6,!d andlifirod ihe s6ts tJi said cornpanies his f\ day of Jonr,.lN)2
t 1919 1991
LMS-12073 LM|C OCICWA|C Muli Co 0221
exele, sod, a*rpwlodgo and ddiv6{, fu ard on ib b€hdt as sunty ard 8s ib ad and doed, any and ai und6lakin$, bards, r6cognizanc€o 6nd otrd surEty ouoalions, in pursusrcs
of hos€ prBs€nts and stdl bo as tindiig upon he Corpanie6 8s if hoy h8!r b€en duly sign€d by he plBsid'lt and at€sbd by h6 s€crdry of he Corrpanios io h6ir osn pmp€,
N lvff ESS WHEREOF, his P.f,J€r ol Atorney h8s ben sub6crib€d by an suthorizod oficer or oficjal ol ho Coflp€ni€6 and he co.porato s€ds ol he Coflpades h8v€ b€en afirod
he,Bto hb __.jLE_ day d April 2021
caLlFoRl{ra aLL.PURPOSE ACKf,OWLEDGTET{T CtvtL coDE s 1189
A notary public or other otficer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the
document to which this certilicate is attached, and not the truthlulness, accuracy, or validity of that document.
On 0 before me,Khoi Tran, Notary Public
te Here lnsert Name and Title of the Officer
Thanh Xuan Thi Nguyenpersonally appeared
Name(s) of Signe4s)
who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to bs the person(s) whose name(s) is/ar€-
subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that-h€/she/th€y executed the same in
$is/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by+is/her/lh.[r signature(s) on the instrument the person(s),
or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument.
I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws
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Document Date:Number of Pages:
Signer's Name:Thanh XIa n Thi Nouven Signer's Name:
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Coini-in I 236618'l
l,ld..t Pd*. Cdibn$.
uI Cmnt. Ei! UAY 10.2U5
i /,u,,.
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tr lndividual E Attorney in Fact
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trPartner - n Limited n General
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Signer ls Representing:Signer ls Representing:
@2015 National Notary Association . .1-800-US NOTARY 0 -800-876-6827) ltem #5907
State of California
County of Orange
Signature of Notary Public
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