Sky Technology Solutions, Inc. Material and Labor Bond 24252336Executed in three (3) original counter parts
Bood #24252336
Conforms with Tbc AmcricrIl Itrstitutr of Architocts
AIA DocumcDt A3l2 - 1984
Any Bingular rlfcrcnc. to Cobtactor, Surlty, Offil. or othcr pglty sbrll bc coD8idcrod plud whcre rpplicabl..
CONTRACTOR (Name and Address):
Sky Technology Solutions, lnc.
11102 Rainier Ct.
Garden Grove, CA 9284 1
OWNER (Namc and Address):
City of Menifee
29844 Haun Road
Menifee, CA 92586
Da.f-. January 6,2022
A$ouDt 46,419.96
Date (Not carlicr than Constsuction CorEac1 Darc)t January 7 ,2022
Amout $46,419.90
N^mc and Title an Huynh, Program Manager
The Ohio Casualty lnsuftrnca Company
62 Maple Avsnue
Ksene, NH 03431
! Nooe E sec P&,ge 3 -
SUREry The Ohio Cssualty lnsurance Company
(FOR rNFORMATION ONLY-Name, Ad&ess and Tclcphone)
Premier Sur€ty & lnsuranc€ Servic68, LLC
16027 Brookhurst St. Suite 1421, Fountain Vall€y, CA 92708
OWNER'S REPRESENTATn/E (Architlct, En8incer or dlh6.
I The Contrsctor and tbe Surety, iointly aDd sderally, biid
theftselves, th€ir h€in, executoisj adBinistrators, succcssolli aod
assigns to thc Owner to pay for labor, mat risls and cquipmcnt
fumishcd for use in the p€rformancc of thc CoBtruction Conmcl'
whrch is rncor?orstcd hcrcin by rcferencc.
2 with respect to th. Owner, this oblig.tion shsll b€ null aDd
void if the Contractor:
2.1 Promprly rn k.s paymcnl" dirEctly or iadir.ctly, for all
sums duc ClarmanE, add
2.2 Defends, indcmnifies and holds tbe Owner
fiom claims, demand& Iicds or suits by any person or entity
whose claim, dematr4 lieo or suil is for the psym€nt for lebor,
matcrials or cquipmqrl firmishcd for usc iD the PcrfornBncc of
thc CoBEuctioD Contrac! Fovidad thc OlxncI h* p.o.ptly
notified the Contractor 8od the Sutety (at the ad&lss
described i[ Paragrapb 12) oI atry claios, deDrsttds, licns or
ruits atld tendcrad dcfense of such claims, demands, liens or
suits to thc Contsaclor 6ad lie Surcty, aod provided ther. is no
owllcr Dcfault.
3 With respect to Claimarts, this obligation shall b€ null
Pag6 1 ol3
Modificatioas to this Bond:
Company: Sky Technology Solutions, lnc.
and void if th€ ConEactor promptly males psyment, direcdy or
indirectly, for all sums due.
4 Tte Surety shall hsvc no obligation to Clairo.nls under this
Bond until:
4.1 Chiinants who are emptoycd by or bave 6 dtect coatract
witb the Contractor have given ootice to tle Surety (at the
address described in Paragraph 12) ard sent & copy, or lotic€
thereof, to the Owner, stating thet a claio is bcil8 mad€ under
liis BoEd and, with substrtrtia.l accuacy, tbe E@ounl of the
4.2 ChiEarls who do lot have a dhect cootract with the
.1 Have fimished written notic€ to the Contmctor and
sent a copy, or notice thereof, to thc Owner, within m
days after havirg last paformcd labor or l8st filmishei
materials or oquip.nent includcd in dr€ clairn stating,
with substatrtial accuracy, thc atuou ofthe clais atrd
the mme of thc party to whom the matcrials wcrc
firmished or supplied or for whom the labor was done
or performed; and
.2 Have either receivcd a lrjcctiotr in whole or id pafi
from the Conts"ctor, or not rcceivcd within 30 d.ys of
fumishing the abovc noticc sDy comrnunicstion from
the Contractor by which the Contractor has indicated
the claim will be paid dircctly or iudirectly; and
.3 Not having been paid within lhc above 30 days, have
sent a written Doticc to thc Surcty (at the address
described in Pamgaph 12) and sent s copy, or trotic€
thereof, !o thc Owncr, stating that a claim is b€iDg
made und€r this Bood 6nd enclosing a copy of thc
previous wrinen notice nmished !o lhe Contractor.
5 Ifa notice required by Parsgreph 4 is giveo by lhe OwDer to the
Contractor or to the Surcty, that is sufficient complisncc.
6 When the Claimant has satisfied the conditions of PaEgmph 4,
the Sur€ty shall promptly snd a! the Sulcty's cxp€nsc take the
following actions:
6.1 Send an answer to the ClEimant, with a copy to lhc Owaer,
vithin 45 days after receipt of the cldm, stating thr amountr that
are utrdisputed and thc basis for challengiDg arly arDounli that
are dlsputed.
6.2 Pay or arra[ge for payment ofany uodisputed aoounts
7 The Surefy's tolal obliSation shall not excced the amourt ofthis
Bond, and the amount of this Bond sball bc crcdiEd for atry
paymenls made in good faith by the Surcty.
t Arnouts owed by the Owlcr l,o the Cootractor urder the
Construction Conu-act shall be uscd for thc perfonns[ce of lhe
Construction Contract atrd ro satisry chio$, if aDy, usd6 atry
Construction Performanc€ Bond. By the ConEactor fimishing 6nd
the Owner accepting this Bond, th€y sgrce thal all funds earned by
the Contactor in the perform&ncc of tha Construction cootsact are
dedicated ro saisry obligatioos of the CoDtractor and the Surety
und€r this Bond, subject to the Ownc/s priority to use the filnds for
the compledon of the work.
9 The Surefy shall not be liable to the owner, ClaimaDts ot others
for obligations ofthe conkactor that are unrelsted to the CoDstnrction
Contract. Thc Owncr shall not b€ liable for payment ofsny costs or
expenses of ary Claimalt under this Bon4 arld shall havc uider this
bond Do obligatons to mske psymetrts to, give Dotices oD b€half of,
or otherwisc have obliSations to Claimar s under lhis Bond.
10 Th€ Sur€ty hcreby waives notice of atry change, iDcludilg
chaDgcs of time, to th. CoDstsuctiotr Conhsct or to rolatcd
subcontract!, purchase ordcrs and other obligations.
ll No suit or action shall b! commenced by s ClaimaDt undcr lhis
Bond other than in a coult of comp€tent jurisdiction in the locatioD in
which thc work or pan of thc work is located or after thc cxpiration of
one ycar from the &te (l) on which the Claimrnt gave fie noticc
requircd by SubparBgraph 4. I or Clause 4.2.3, or (2) on which the lsst
labor or scrvica was pcrformed by aryone or the last materials or
equipoent werc fumished by auyoae undcr lhe Construction contract,
whichcvd of ( I ) or (2) first occurs. lfthc provisions ofthis Psrag.aph
arc void or prohibited by law, the minimum p6iod of limitation
available !o sureties as a d€fense h the jurisdiction of the suit shall be
12 Notica to th€ Sucty, the Owner or the Contractor shall be
rnailed or dalivered !o the addrcss sho$i on the signEture page.
Actual rcceipt of trotice by Surety, the Owler or ihe Contractor,
however accomplishcd, shall be sufficient compliance 6s of the date
received at the sddrcss show! on the signaturc page.
13 WIeD this bond has beetr fimished to comply with a statutory
or othcr lcgal requhemcnt in thc locatior wherc the coDstruction was
to bc paformci, arry provision in lhis Bond conflictinS witl said
statutory or lcgal re4uiremelt shall b€ deeEed deleted bercfrom and
provisions confoining to such statutory or othcr leSal rcquicmanl
shall bc delmed incorporstrd bcrcin. The inteat is th.t this Bond shlll
be coostsucd a3I statutory bond ald dot ss a common law botrd.
14 Upoo r"quot by aay pcrson or entity spp€aring to be a
potetrtial beneficiary of this Boud, the Contracto. shall promptly
furlish a copy of this Bond or shall permit a copy !o b€ made.
15,1 Chirnant: An individual or eatity havilg a dircct cooFact
witb the Contsactor or with a subcontractor of the Contractor to
fi.misb lebor, matcrials or equipment for use in the performance
of the Co!tract. The iDtent of this Bond shall be to include
witbout lirDitatioD itr the lffms "labor, mrterials or equipment"
that part of lhat part of water! gas, power, ligh! heat, oil,
Sasoline, telephone service or rcElal equiprnent used in fie
Construction CoDEaal, archilectural and engineenng servlces
requircd for p€rfomance of Oe work of the Contraclor and lhe
Contractot's subcontsactors, and all other ilems for which 8
mecharic's licn may bc rsscrred in th€ judsdictioo where the
Iabor. matcrials or equipment wcre fumished.
15.2 Construction Contract: The aSre€ment betw€eD the
Owner and the Contssctor ideDtified otr the siSDahle pa8e,
ircluding atl Contract Documents arld cbaDses thereto.
153 Owner Default Failu€ ofthe O\r11er, which has neither
been remedred mr waived" io pay the Contractor as required by
thc Constructlon Cootract or to perform afld complete or comply
with lhc othcr Errns thercol
Page 2 ot3
Sub para8iaph 4.3 is added as follows:
4 3 Clairnant has fumishcd to suroty proofofclaim duly swom to by Claimarl" 8loD8 with ad.quate supportilg docuncDtstion which proves
the amount claimed is due and pay8blc.
Para8raph 5 is amended as followsl
5 If a notice rcquircd by paragraph 4 is given by O*.ncr to thc CorlFactor ald to thc Surety, that is sufficicnt compliancc.
Paragmph 6 is delcted in ils entircty ar the followinS is substitut d in its pl6c.:
6 Wtren the Claimant has sarisficd tbe conditioos of Paragraph 4, ald bas submittrd all supporting docu$eDtation aDd aly proof of claim
requesled by the Surcty, lie Surety shall, within a rcasonablc pcriod of time, Dodry the Claimsnt of thE amounts that arc undisputad slld the
basis for challonging any amounts thet a.rc dispute4 including, but Dot limited to, tbc lack of 3ubstantirting documcDtatioD to support the claim
as to entitlcment or amount, and th€ Sullty shall, within a rasonable period of tiac, pay or mskc srrangamcntr for palme of any utrdisputed
amounr; provided, however, thal tle failure of the Surety to timely discharge its obligdtions undcr this paragraph or to dispute or idertiry any
specific defense to all or ary part of a claim shall not bc dcamed to be an admission of liability by lhc Sutety as !o such claim or othen ,ise
constitute a waiver of the CooEactor's or Surety dcfcnsas to, or right to disputc such claim. Rltber, thc ClaimaDt shall have the immediatE ri8ht,
without further notice, to bring suit agai$t the Su$ty l,o cnforce any rcmcdy svailablc to il under this BoDd.
(Space is providcd below for additional signaturcs of addcd partire, other than thosc appcariag on tbc covcr pcgc.)
Compary: Sky Technology Solutions, lnc
Address: '11102 Raini€r Ct.
Garden Grove, CA 92841
Company: The Ohio Casualty lnsuranca Company
Name and Title:Thanh Xuan Thi Nguyen, Attcmeyin-faat
Address: 790 The City Drive South, Suite 200
Orango, CA 92858
Name and Manager
Pags 3 of 3
Liberty Mulual lnsurance Company
The Ohio Casualty lnsurance Company
West American lnsurance Company
Ce(dicate No E205254.991318
KllolVN ALL PERSOiIS BY THESE PRESET{TS: That The ohio Casualty lnsurance Company is I corporalion duly oqanized under h€ lar,/s of he State ol Now Hampshire, hal
Ihi Nguyen
all d he cjty 6adr indvidually i, thore b€ morg than ooe named, ab lrue d lawful altcrnE-in-lacl to make,
ol hes€ pl€6€r s ard shdl bo as bndhg upon he Co.rpad6 as il hey have b€en duly sign€d by h6 prlsidgll s,t afFsled by he se('dary of he Cofipaniss in hsi owo pop€r
N IVITNESS IIHEREOF, his Pryer ot Atorngy has beo subscdb€d by an adho.ized oficsr o. ofrcial ol he Co.eari€3 and fie coeorate seds ot ho Cocpa es havo bgqn afixed
helBto his qh day ol April 2021
Lb€rty Mufual lnslirarce Company
ftg Orio Cssrdty lnsurance Compay
Wesl American lnsurance Company
David M Carey, Assistanl Secrctary
ol \Ug!@a!!L stat€ ol ('A
Onthis gth day of April ,2021 bdde mo peNcrlally appeared Davij M. C8rey, who ackno*ledgod hidEdf to be the Assisbnt Sddary of Libony Mutual lnsurance
Company, The ohio Casually Conpany, and WBt Amod@r lnsurance Corpany, and hal he, as sudr, b€ing autho{izod so lo do, eroqrte hs br€gdng insfumonl lor ho purpGss
trereii cqrtained by stlnirq on b€haf ol ho coDdatoos by himself as a duly arhdized offcd
lil IVITNESS WHEREoF, I have h68unto sub6c.bed my name and sffxed rny ndadal seal at f,hg of Prussia, P$nsylv ia, o.l be day and year flst abow *rilten.
Ccnuir...rrr ol l,.dlyln . *rry S.,Tiu h&. tLLt ftrbaMdt6:, Corty
My corfrd,on .0.r rLtn 2a. 2025Cqtlte! Mrb..112aoar
M.h!.r Psdrv.N Al$ o. lrdE ergsa Pastdla, Notary Puuic
Thb Po{gr of Attomey is mado 8nd €roqJtod pursuant to and by authorily ol he bllor/iflg By.laws 8nd AuhorizatorE of Tho ohio Casualty lnsurance Conpany, Libgdy Mutual
lnsuranc! Ccrnpany, and Wesl Arngrican lnsurance Ccrnp y ahidr r€solutios are now in full fqcs and oflec1 reading as follovrs:
ARTICLE lV - OFFICERST S€ctjo 1 2. Po,ver of Attomey
Any oficer or oher oficial of h€ Coporalion authodzod lor hat purpGe in Miting by he Chdman or h6 Prssidonl, and subjecl to sudr limtation as he Chaiman or he
Prcsident may prc*ribe, shall appcint sudr atomeys-in.tud, as may be necessary to act in bdalf of hg CoDorElion to mako, exeqrle, seal, adnowledgo and ddivor 6s surety
havo full pc rBr to bind $e CoDoralion by heh signafurB and exeotion of any sudr instuments and to gt dr he6to h6 seal ol tro Corporalion \ryh6n so oreoJtod, sudr
instumonts shall be as binding as il signed by h6 Presidont and afleslgd lo by he S€aretsry Any porsr or authority gEnted io sny repr€s€ntalivo or attomoy-in-fact undor he
prcvislons o{ hb aticl€ may b€ rBvokod at any lime by tho Bo€rd, h9 Chaiman, h6 Prosidonl o( by h6 dfcq o. oficsrs granljng sudr porer d arhcity.
ARTICLE Xlll - tueonion ot Conllrct r S61i..1 5 SuEty Eonds and Lhde,bkings.
Any ofiaer of he Cofipany 8uthonz6d lor hat purpc€ io rritq by h6 dldmar or he presid€.lt and suq€d b sudr limtalons 8s he dairmdl or ho presid€nt may prcs(,ibe,
shall appdnt sdr atto,ieysin-fact as may b€ ncsaay lo acl in bddf of he Coflpany lo md(e, exert6, s€al, adno*ledge and ddiwr as $,ety any and al unddtakings,
band6, rogfizance6 and ofr€a surEty oubatorE. Sudr sut ed to he limitatroos set lorf in h6r r€spedive pdYers of atlomey, shall have fll po er lo bhd hg
Company by heir signatuE and exoqlion of any sudr anstumonts afld to atladr helElo he sod ol h6 Conpany. When so exeqrted such irEbuments shall be as bnding as il
srgned by he Fssijenl and atbsted by h€ selgtary.
he same foace and eflecl as horgh manually aftx6d.
horeby cenify hat he orig inal pod6r ol Ettomey of whrch he lor€gdng is a full, tue and cofecl copy of h6 Po er ot Atomey exedlBd by said Conpanies, is in tll force and gfgcl and
County of MoNTGoI! ERY
has nol begl revoked.
lN TESTIMONY WHEREoF, I have horcunto sd my hand aid 6tued h€ ssls 6,t ssio Conpanios nis fj! day ol
.:3 f-o
1912a i 919 1991
1MS.12873 Ll,llc OCIC WAIC Mulu Co 0221
Thi6 Powor of Afiomoy limita $e acls of thoae nam6d horain, lnd thoy haye no authority lo
bind $oCompany ercept in fle mann3rrndto tha arto haaoin atdod.
1919 'r 991
A notary public or other officer comploting this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the
document to which this certificate is attachod, and not the truth{ulness, accuracy, or validity of that document.
State of California
County of Oranoe
On 11 before me,Khoi Tran, Notary Public
personally appeared
Here lnsed Name and Title of the Officer
Thanh Xuan Thi Nguyen
Name(s) of Signe4s)
who proved to m6 on the basis of satisfactory evidenco to be the person(s) whose name(s) iyar+
subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that-he/she/they executed the same in{iyher/their authorized capacity(ies), and that bytrivher^hek signature(s) on the instrument the person(s),
or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executod the instrument.
I certify under PENALry OF PERJURY under the laws
oI the State of Califomia that the foregoing paragraph
is true and conect.
WITNESS my hand and official seal.
E Signature
I,Signature of Notary Public
Place Notary Seal Above
Though this sectlon ls optional, completing this information can deter alteration of the document or
fraudulent reattachment of this form to an unintended document.
Description of Attached Document
Title or Type o, Document:
Document Date:Number of Pages:
Signe(s) Other Than Named Above:
Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer(s)
Signer's Name:Thanh Xuan Th Nouven Signer's Name:n Corporate Ofticer - Title(s):
nPartner - tr Limit€d tr General! lndividual E Attorney in Fact
tr Trustee tr Guardian or Conservator
tr Other:
EPartner - tr Limited n General
tr lndividual n Attorney in Fact
n Trustee n Guardian or Conservatortr Other:
Signer ls Representing:
02015 National Notary Association . . '1-800-US NOTARY (1-800-876-6827) ttem #5907
C{ln !9.205
n Corporate Officer - Title(s):
Signer ls Representing: