Calpromax Engineering, Inc. Material and Labor Bond CIP21-07 CIP21-10 602-134691-4CrP No 21{7 arn ctP No 21-10)
Bond No. 602-134691-4
Premaum included with Performance Bond
(Bond for Labor and Material)
minute action passed
WHEREAS, the City
of Menifeel*-, in the Countv of Riverside. State of California. bv, has awarded to calpromax Engineering lBEreinafter
desiqnated as the "Princioal." aMen * do€d / Ls PredB R@d and Mum.6 Road , Rws Ro€d lri c Slgd 'mp@@n
contract for construction of the
"p?tlect together with appurtenances
thereto, and
WHEREAS, said Principal is required to furnish a bond in connection with said
contract providing that if said principal, or any of his or its subcontractors shall fail to pay
for any materials, provisions, provender, or other supplies or equipment used in, upon, or
about the performance of the work contracted to be done, or for any work or labor done
thereon of any kind, the Surety of this bond will pay the same to the extent hereinafter set
NOW, THEREFORE, we calpromax Engineering, lnc. as principal,
and United States Fire lnsurance Company as Surety, are held
and firmly bound unto the City of Menifee, hereinafter called the City, in the penal sum of
one hundred percent (100%) of the amount Ninc Hundred Iighty Two Thousand One Hundred Dollars ($
merica, for the payment of which
sum well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators,
successors, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents.
its heirs, executors, administrators, successors, or assigns, shall fail to pay for any
materials, provisions, provender, rented or hired teams, implements, or machinery, or
other supplies or equipment of any kind used, in, upon, for or about the performance of
the work contracted to be done, including, but not limited to, that part of water, gas, power,
light, heat, oil, gasoline, or telephone service directly applicable to the contract, or for any
work or labor thereon of any kind, or for any amounts due under the California
Unemployment lnsurance Code with respect to such work or labor, or for any amounts
required to be deducted, withheld, and paid over to the Employment Development
Department from the wages of employees of said Principal and subcontractors pursuant
to Section 13020 of the California Unemployment lnsurance Code with respect to such
work and labor, and provided that any person, so furnishing said supplies or equipment
contributing to said work to be done, or any person who performs work or labor upon the
same, or any person who supplies both work and supplies or equipment therefore shall
have complied with the provisions of Chapter 7 of Title 15 of Part 4 of Division 3 of the
California Civil Code, as amended, or any successor thereto, then said Surety shall pay
the same in or to an amount not exceeding the amount hereinabove set forth and also
shall pay in case suit is brought upon this bond, such reasonable attorney's fees as shall
be fixed by the court.
The bond shall inure to the benefit of any and all persons, companies, and
corporations named in California Civil Code Section 318'1 , as amended, or any successor
e82.r06.50 ), lawful money of the United
thereto, so as to give a right of action to them or their assigns in any suit brought upon
this bond.
FURTHER, the said Surety, for value received, hereby stipulates and agrees that
no change, extension of time, alteration, or modifications of the Contract Documents or
of the work to be performed thereunder shall in any way affect its obligations on this bond
and it does hereby waive notice of such change, extension of time, alteration, or
modification of the Contract Documents or of work to be performed thereunder.
Notices, papers and other documents required by Chapter 2 of Title 14 of Part 2
of Code of Civil Procedure, or by any other law, regulation, or requirement of the Contract
may be served upon Principal at this address
700 S. Van Burcn Stree! Ste. C, Placentia. CA 92870
and upon Surety at this address
305 Madisol Avcnuc. Monislo\an. NJ 07962
lN WITNESS WHEREOF, three (3) identical counterparts of this instrument, each
of which shall for all purposes be deemed an original thereof, have been duly executed
by the Principal and Surety herein named, under penalty of perjury,on the 2fth
day of January , 2 022 , the name and corporate seal ofeach corporateparty being hereto affixed and these presents duly signed by its undersigned
representative pursuant to authority of its governing body.
Calpromax Engineering, Inc
llnitod Statcs I.'ire lnsurance Conpany9tent
Su rety
in laci
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A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the
individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the
truthfulness, accuracy or validity of that document.
State of California
On \ - 1,o. ?-D Liz-before me, Natalie K. Trofimoff, Notarv Public, personally appeared
Lisa L. Thornton . who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the
person{s) whose name{s} isle+e subscr'bed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me
that h€lshelth€y executed the same in hi#her#he* authorized capacity{ie$, and that by
hilhs#the* r;tnature{s) on the instrument the person{s}, or the entity upon behalf of which the
persont+ acted, executed the instrument.
I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing
paragraph is true and correct.
WITNESS my hand and official seal
a a,q-:\-......-..ll;iTALIE K. TROFII4OFF1i08129 ;
(Seal)Natalie K. Trofimoff,Notary lic
County of Los Angeles
KNOW ALL MEN By THESD PRESENTS: That United Statos Frrc Insurancc Company, s corporatlon duly organizcd and existing under the laws of the state of Delaware, has
made. conslituted and appointed, ard does hercby msl<q connitule and appoint:
C.N. Na*st sro, Noarri @iroa Meio, Tim M, f@tho, fitaay Comncdo,lessi.u RoEt.t, Notnlt X. fmfmoltr,
Llla L Thomtorr, Poticio S Andt
and undertakings ofsurety and other documents that the ordanary course ofsurety business may require, and to bind United States Fir lnsunnc; Cohpany thereby as tirlly snd to
olljce, rn smounts or penahies not exceeding: S.vcn MillioE Fiv. Hondrcd Thousrtrd Doll.r! ($7,Sm,0{n).
Company except in the manner and to rhe exrenr rh€rein stated
'fhis Po\aer of Attomey revokes all previous Powers of Atlomey issued on behalf of the Attomeys-ln'Facr named above and expires on Jsnusry I I, 2023.
l his Power of Attomey is granld pu6usnt to Article IV ot'the By-!a*s of United States Fir€ lnsumnce Company as now in full force and effecl, and consistenl with Anicle lll
thereof, which Articles pmvide, in peninmr part:
Anicle IV, Exelution of Instruments - Except as th€ Board of Directors may auihorize by resolurion. thc Chairman ofthe Boad, Piesrdent, any Vice-president, any
Assistant Vice Pr€sid€nt, lhe Secretary, or sny Assistant Secrclary shall have power on behalf ofthc Corporation:
(a) to execute, allix the corpomte seal manually or by ircs imile to, scknowledge, veriry and deliver any contracts, obligations, instruments &rd documents whatso€ver
in connection with ats business includin& without limiting the fore8oing. any bonds, guarantees, undeflakings, recognizances, powss of attomey or revocations of
any powe6 of atlomey, slipulations, policies of insurance, deeds. le3scs, mongages, relsses. satisfsctjons snd agency agreementsi
(h) to appoint, in *ritin8, one or more persons for any or sll oI lhe purposes mentioned in the preceding paragraph (a), inc lud rng amxing the seal of the Corporation
Article lll, Olficers, Sectron 3 I I, Facsimile Signatures. The signatur€ of any ofticer authonzed by the Corporation to sign any bonds, guarsnte€s, undertalings,
recognizances, stipulations. po\,r€rs ofattomey or revocations ofany powers ofattomey and policies of insurance tssued by the CorporBtion may b€ pnnted, facsimiie,
lilhogmphed or olherwise produced. ln addition, ifand Es authorized by the Board of Dir€ctors, dividend warmns or checks, or oiher num€rous instruments similar
to one anothe. in tbrm, may be signed by the hcsimile signaturc or signatures, lithoSraphed or otherwise produc€d, of swh officer or omc€rs of the Corpomtion as
from time to lime mBy be suthorized to siSn such instruments on behalfof the Corporation. The CorF,omtion may continue to use for the purpos€s herein stated the
lbcsimile signature of any pemon or persons who shall have been such officer or oflcers ofthe Corporution, notwithstanding the fact that he may have ceased to be
such at the time when such instruments shall be issued.
lN WITNf,SS WHEREOF, tlnrled Slates Fire Insurance Company hss caus€d these presenls lo t'€ sighed and attested by its appropriate officer and its corporate seal hercun!)
aflxed this 28d day of September, 2021
a.rL \_
MatlhcN I:. LLrhin- l)rcsidcnt
State ofNew Jersey I
County of Morris )
On this 28rh day of September. 2021, before me. a Notary public of lhe Stare ol New Jersey, came the above named ofTiccr of United States Fi.e lnsurance
Company, to me personally know! to be the individual and officer described herein, and acknowledged that he executed the foregoing ins[ument and a{fixed
the seal of United States Fire lnsurance Company thereto by thc authority ofhis office.
t EuEsA li. u
rolmY Rnr 0f lOt2tABlt'Cdqh{r@ ry4l /r4"^ 4A 0' d-d,r't"Y
Melissa H. D'Alessio (Notary Public)
l, the undersigned officer ofUnited States Fire Insurance Company, a Delaware corporalion, do hereby ceniry that the original Power ofAnomey ofwhich the
foregoing is a full, Eue and conect copy is still in force and effect and has nol been revoked.
IN Wl'I NESS WHER-EOI', I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of tJnited States fire lnsurance Company on the 2&h day
t'f Junuury 2o z2
ift 'r-\ l-Jt[
Allied N. Wright. Senior Vice Presidenl