2020-12-16 City Council Item No. 13.1 Menifee Police Department FTE Presentation Regular MEETING - Additional Meeting MaterialsMenifee Police DePartMent Chief Pat Walsh Captain Dave Gutierrez Captain Chris Karrer current Staffing 60 sworn positions 1 Chief 2 Captains 3 Lieutenants 10 Sergeants 44 Officers The City of Menifee’s population is around 97,000 and spans across approximately 47 square miles. The Menifee Police Department is currently authorized for 77 full time employees. 18 professional staff positions 1 Support Services Manager 1 Executive Assistant 1 Budget and Grants Analyst 1 Senior Personnel and Training Analyst 1 Crime Analyst 2 Investigative Specialist (1 HSI) 2 CSI/ Property Technicians 3 Records Technicians 6 Community Service Officers together huMble creative coMPariSon Staffing together huMble creative City Population Size (Sq. mile)Sworn Staff Traffic Officers Records Staff Lobby/Records Weekends Ontario 166,164 50.20 298 2 Sergeants 11 Officers 1 DUI Truck 12 Saturday only Carlsbad 115,877 37.72 129 1 Sergeant 8 Officers 2 Accident Inv. 3 CSO 10 No Murrieta 114,985 33.61 103 1 Sergeant 6 Officers 1 DUI Car 7 No Rialto 103,440 22.37 125 1 Corporal 5 Officers 8 No Menifee 97,093 46.62 60 1 Sergeant 2 Officers 1 CSO 4 No Hemet 85,275 27.85 71 1 Sergeant 5 Officers 7 No Population during MPD formation study : 92,595 (2018) together huMble creative Police activity 25,101 Calls for service 3014 Reports 593 Arrests 4,805 Proactive calls 700 Investigative cases 45 Search Warrants written 166 Online reports 120 days of service 9% 12% 1% 3% 1% 5% 8% 28% 33% BUSINESS CHECK CITATION DUI FELONY ARREST FI MISD ARREST PEDESTRIAN CHECK REPORTS TRAFFIC STOP together huMble creative callS for Service 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 July Aug Sept Oct Nov 5,282 5,375 5,061 4,843 4,239 4,068 4,322 4,200 4,495 3,986 5,370 5,225 4,828 5,075 4,766 July 1 –Nov 30 Series1 Series2 Series3 Murrieta PD Menifee PD RSO (2019) Dispatch answered 80,662 phone calls 34,790 were for Menifee together huMble creative criMe tyPeS Homicide Robbery Domestic Violence Assaults 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 RSO (20 weeks prior)RSO (2019)Murrieta PD Menifee PD 87 77 46 135 July 1 -Oct. 31 Crimes against persons together huMble creative criMe tyPeS 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 RSO (20 wk prior)RSO (2019)Murrieta PD Menifee PD 825 603 374 395 July 1 -Oct. 31 Property Crime UCR Burglary –Commercial Burglary –Vehicle Burglary –Residential Theft Auto Theft Arson Warrants, 45Domestic Violence, 29 Burglary, 9 Assault w/deadly weapon, 8 Parole Violation, 6 FELONY ARRESTS 164 together huMble creative arreStS Warrants, 107 Drug paraphernalia, 52 Controlled substance, 28 DUI (alcohol/drugs), 24 Unlicensed drivers, 23 MISDEMEANOR ARRESTS 429 Top five arrest charges for each category together huMble creative traffic colliSionS 700 Traffic complaints 604 Traffic collision responses 222 Written Reports 90 Injury collisions 8 Traffic callouts 3 Fatalities 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 RSO (FY 19/20) MENIFEE PD (120 DAYS)MENIFEE PD (FY 20/21 PROJECTED) 393 222 582 Traffic Collision Reports together huMble creative leica rtc360 Scanner Traffic / Crime scene Investigation Time on scene: Most recent major injury collision (12-13-20) Approximately 5.5 hours of diagramming scene Split between two officers Most recent fatal collision (10- 31-20) Approximately 10 hours of diagramming scene Split between two officers and a CSI tech Faster diagramming time on scene: Major Injury collision on 11-14-20 Approximately 45 minutes of diagramming scene (inclusive of set- up and break down) One person can operate the Leica RTC360 Can create 3D renderings of collisions or crime scenes Can take measurements after clearing scene Software will calculate speeds using multiple formulas together huMble creative leica rtc360 Scanner together huMble creative reSPonSe tiMe Priority Number Call Pickup To Enroute Enroute To At Scene Call Pickup To At Scene 1 00:04:00 00:05:22 00:09:22 2 00:14:54 00:09:44 00:24:40 3 00:32:37 00:08:56 00:40:00 •Key Performance Indicators •6 minutes for Priority 1’s •15 minutes for Priority 2’s •35 minutes for Priority 3’s together huMble creative inveStigationS Staffing 1 Investigations Lieutenant 1 Detective Sergeant 4 Detectives 1 Pop Sergeant 2 Pop Officers 1 Pop CSO Code Enforcement 4 Code Officers Office Specialist Management Aide together huMble creative inveStigationS Workflow 375 Open 74 Unassigned 441 Closed 126 Cases filed with the DA July 1 –Oct 31 8% 42% 29% 50% together huMble creative PoP / coDe enforceMent Progress SWAG Contacts and Placement 177 Homeless contacts 68 Housing referrals 3 Housing placements/transitioning housing SWAG Assistance of any kind 11 Mental Health Services 8 Crisis Stabilization Unit 23 Medical Service Referrals 66 Substance Abuse Attempts 3 assisted with obtaining documents such as ID, social security, birth certificate 48 Provided with transportation/bus pass 2 Veterans assisted CODE Enforcement 365 Complaints received that resulted in cases being opened 706 Cases have been resolved/closed 532 Open cases Trespassing 9 Private property (not open to the public) locations have filed 602 letters 9 Businesses (open to public) have issued trespass notices to a total 9 people 12 Trespassing arrests POP Locations 31 Marijuana cultivation sites 11 Drug (HS) activity locations 18 Trespass locations together huMble creative recorDS Workflow 1 Support Services Manager 3 Records Technicians 12,634 phone calls (July 1 –November 19) 139 front counter contacts (Nov 4 –Nov 19) 2700 cases processed 746 Cases filed 609 Traffic Citations 225 Parking citations 166 Online Reports All hands in records conducting Data Entry Records Staff 12 10 7 8 4 7 City Ontario Carlsbad Murrieta Rialto Menifee Hemet Lobby/Records Weekends Saturday only No No No No No together huMble creative PoSt-releaSe accountability coMPliance teaM (P.a.c.t.) Menifee PD would join Central P.A.C.T. which currently consists of: Hemet PD Beaumont PD Murrieta PD RSO (2 Deputies) Riverside County Probation Riverside County DA Riverside County PRCS numbers: Riverside County 1,935 Menifee 51 November Central P.A.C.T. Stats 59 PRCS Searches 35 Probation Searches 1 Search Warrant 61 Arrests Some YTD Central P.A.C.T. Stats 450 Arrests 12 Firearm Seizures 15 Stolen Vehicle Recoveries *Criminal behavior does not know jurisdictional boundaries together huMble creative oPerationS Staffing 36 Patrol Officers 205 patrol hours 2 Traffic Officers 11.4 traffic hours Daily patrol hours current Staffing 5 Community Service Officers 28.5 service hours 5 Patrol Officers 28.5 Additional patrol hours requeSteD Staffing 2 Traffic Officers 11.4 Additional traffic hours 2 Community Service Officers 11.4 Additional service hours This is 51 hours of additional service to the community together huMble creative inveStigationS anD SuPPort ServiceS Staffing 4 Detectives 23 Investigative hours 1 Support Services Manager 3 Records Technicians 23 Support hours Daily Service hours current Staffing 1 Detective 5.7 Additional Investigative hours requeSteD Staffing 1 Records Supervisor 1 Records Technician 11.4 Additional support hours This is 17 hours of additional service to the community together huMble creative vehicleS 2 -PPV Tahoe’s= 2021 Chevrolet Tahoe PPV 2021 Chevrolet Colorado =1 -Colorado 2021 BMW =2 -Motorcycles These five vehicles are necessary for the positions requested in order to effectively accomplish the desired service level. together huMble creative growth of Police DePartMent 97,093 98,549 100,027 101,528 103,050 104,596 6 72 80 85 90 90 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 92,000 94,000 96,000 98,000 100,000 102,000 104,000 106,000 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 Population Estimated Menifee population growth rate of 1.5% per year 5-year projection We are planning on schools re-opening in FY21/22 and expect to see an impact on services together huMble creative growth of Police DePartMent 5-Year Projection with No Personnel Increase after FY21-22 ADOPTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED FY 20-21 FY 21-22 FY 22-23 FY 23-24 FY 24-25 FY 25-26 OPERATIONS 4,691,167$ 4,897,297$ 5,644,216$ 5,795,543$ 5,951,409$ 6,111,951$ PERSONNEL COST 10,267,224$ 11,952,453 12,071,978 12,434,137 12,807,161 13,447,519 TOTAL BUDGET 14,958,391$ 16,849,750$ 17,716,194$ 18,229,680$ 18,758,570$ 19,559,470$ POLICE DEPARTMENT *Includes 2 CSA 86 Funded Police Officers & 1 PACT Funded Police Officer together huMble creative growth of Police DePartMent 5-Year Projection with Personnel Increase in FY 23-24 through FY 25-26 ADOPTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED FY 20-21 FY 21-22 FY 22-23 FY 23-24 FY 24-25 FY 25-26 SWORN OFFICERS 60 69 69 75 81 87 PROFESSIONAL STAFF 18 22 22 24 26 27 PATROL HOURS 205 234 234 251 268 268 TRAFFIC HOURS 11.4 23 23 28.7 34.4 34.4 OPERATIONS 4,691,167$ 4,897,297$ 5,644,216$ 5,995,543$ 6,351,409$ 6,711,951$ PERSONNEL COST 10,267,224$ 11,952,453 12,071,978 13,519,137 15,047,161 16,632,519 TOTAL BUDGET 14,958,391$ 16,849,750$ 17,716,194$ 19,514,680$ 21,398,570$ 23,344,470$ RivCo SHERIFF'S COST FY 20-21 FY 21-22 FY 22-23 FY 23-24 FY 24-25 FY 25-26 PATROL HOURS 200 200 200 200 200 200 EXPENDITURE BUDGET 22,626,922$ 23,758,268 24,946,182 26,193,491 27,503,165 28,878,323 Increase 7.50%5%5%5%5%5% *NOTE - Sheriff's Department provided 120 Patrol Hours SCENARIO: ADDITIONAL EMPLOYEES IN YEARS 3-5 POLICE DEPARTMENT *Includes 2 CSA 86 Funded Police Officers & 1 PACT Funded Police Officer general funD revenueS –5 yr Projection General Fund Revenues FY 2019/20 Adopted Budget FY 2020/21 Adopted Budget FY 2021/22 Projected Revenues FY 2022/23 Projected Revenues FY 2023/24 Projected Revenues FY 2024/25 Projected Revenues FY 2025/26 Projected Revenues Property Tax $15,250,000 $16,173,725 $17,144,149 $18,172,797 $18,536,253 $18,906,978 $19,285,118 Sales Tax 8,863,000 7,971,000 9,419,299 9,799,089 10,387,034 11,010,256 11,670,872 Development Fee 9,819,485 10,683,450 11,751,795 12,104,349 10,893,914 9,804,523 8,824,070 Vehicle License Fee 7,064,475 6,760,854 7,098,897 7,453,842 7,826,534 8,217,860 8,628,753 Franchise Fees 2,850,000 3,872,963 3,989,152 4,108,826 4,232,091 4,359,054 4,489,826 Transfer In 3,518,275 741,630 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 Other 2,915,550 3,185,953 3,217,813 3,282,169 3,347,812 3,414,768 3,483,064 Total Revenues $50,280,785 $49,389,575 $53,121,104 $55,421,072 $55,723,639 $56,213,440 $56,881,703 (HdL) Actuals/Forecast $8,485,225 $8,781,160 $9,419,299 $9,799,089 MEASURE DD - General Fund Revenues FY 2019/20 Adopted Budget FY 2020/21 Adopted Budget FY 2021/22 Projected Revenues FY 2022/23 Projected Revenues FY 2023/24 Projected Revenues FY 2024/25 Projected Revenues FY 2025/26 Projected Revenues 1% Sales Tax $11,659,000 $10,297,000 $13,302,000 $13,838,000 $14,668,280 $15,548,377 $16,481,279 Total Revenues $11,659,000 $10,297,000 $13,302,000 $13,838,000 $14,668,280 $15,548,377 $16,481,279 (HdL) Actuals/Forecast $12,617,232 $12,401,000 $13,302,000 $13,838,000 TOTAL GENERAL FUND REVENUE BUDGET $73,362,982 $61,939,785 $59,686,575 $66,423,104 $69,259,072 $70,391,919 $71,761,817 together huMble creative coMMunity exPectationS We reviewed the community input from the MPD community survey,the feasibility study,and continually review our officer wellness.We hired experienced, professional,and enthusiastic officers who want to be part of something special.We are striving to be a premier department within a premier city. Reasonable response times Traffic Safety Community Engagement Crime Fighting Technology Effective problem solving Illicit Drug use Drug trafficking Theft Homelessness together huMble creative culture PURPOSE STATEMENT “We deliver an experience where people feel unified, engaged and safe.” Wellness Personal expectations Level of customer service Top 5 safest cities in America Menifee Police DePartMent queStionS ?