2020-12-16 City Council Item No. 11.13 Capital Improvement Program Time Extension Amendments to Existing Contract Agreements Presentation Regular MEETING - Additional Meeting MaterialsConsent Item 11.13 Capital Improvement Program Time Extension Amendments to Existing Contract Agreements Carlos E. Geronimo Principal Engineer December 16, 2020 Discussion: The following four CIP projects require amendments to consultant agreements in order to complete final design and administrative procedures required to close out the projects. Staff is recommending contract/agreement amendments for the following existing agreements: •CIP 16-07 Traffic Signal Interconnect (West): The construction of this project is substantially complete; the amendment to Anser Advisory, is required in order to monitor and ensure the newly installed communications system works correctly and to prepare the necessary project close out documents required by Caltrans since the project uses federal funds. •CIP 19-03 Antelope Road Raised Safety Median: The design is complete and the amendment to STC Traffic, Inc. for contract term extension is to provide design support once the project is under construction. •CIP 20-04 Paloma Wash Trail Improvements: The design is nearing completion, and Riverside County review and approval is pending. Additional schedule for the contract with KOA Corporation is needed to support response to Riverside County comments. •CIP 20-06 and 20-07 Traffic Signals for Menifee Rd/ Holland Rd and Menifee Rd/ Camino Cristal:The construction of the project is complete; the amendment with Infrastructure Engineering Corp. is needed to wrap up the Labor Compliance monitoring and submit a final report. CIP 16-07 Traffic Signal Interconnect (West): Project Status: •Project is substantially completed. All equipment has been installed. •Contractor, Construction Manager, and Designer are working on some line of sight/communication issues. •Project is expected to be completed by the end of this month. CIP 19-03 Antelope Road Raised Safety Median: •This project receives federal grant funds through the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) Cycle 9. •Project is administered by Caltrans and subject to federal requirements and approvals. Project Timeline: 8/31/2018: HSIP Cycle 9 Application Submitted 12/27/2018: Received successful letter from Caltrans 3/26/2019: Received Federal Project Number from Caltrans 11/7/2019:Received Preliminary Engineering (PE) Phase authorization to proceed 11/14/2019: RFP for Design services issued 11/26/2019: Program Supplemental Agreement executed 12/19/2019: RFP responses due 2/19/2020: Design Contract Awarded 10/23/2020: Design Completed (obtained Environmental, design, and ROW approvals) 11/10/2020: Submitted Authorization to use Construction Funds June 2021: Expected to receive Construction Authorization August 2021:Estimated Start Construction November 2021:Estimated End Construction CIP 20-04 Paloma Wash Trail Improvements: •This project uses State Grant funds through SB 821, the Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities Program •City obtained the grant funds on August 28, 2019 •Design Agreement was awarded on December 4, 2019 to KOA, Inc. Project Status: •Design is 100% completed. •Working to obtain approval from EMWD water connections and Flood Control for Encroachment Permit •Construction is estimated to start in April 2021 •Construction is estimated to end on July 2021 CIP 20-06 and 20-07 Traffic Signals for Menifee Rd/ Holland Rd and Menifee Rd/ Camino Cristal: Project Status: •Construction is completed •Notice of Construction Completion is scheduled for January 20, 2021 Council Meeting