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2020-12-02 City Council Item No. 12.1 Committee Resolution Amendments Presentation Regular MEETING - Additional Meeting MaterialsCommittee Resolution
Stephanie Roseen,
Deputy City Clerk
•Committee’s Roles
•Increase Public Input and Citizen
•Advise and make
recommendations to the City
•Plan and Implement Projects
•Current City Committees
•Senior Advisory
•Menifee Citizens Advisory
•Measure DD Oversight
Best Practices,
Transparency, and
Improved Processes
The proposed amendments will update the Committee Resolutions for:
Proposed Amendment
Senior Advisory Committee (SAC)
•Composition: Five Members
Section 1. Committee Composition That the composition of the
Senior Advisory Committee shall consist of up to seven (7)five
members is hereby established; five four members appointed by Mayor
and each Councilmember from their respective district and one
appointed, at-large, by the Mayor. and two at large members appointed
by the Mayor and City Council
Proposed Amendments
Senior Advisory Committee (SAC)
•Appointment: Bi-Annually in January, following the Regular
Municipal Election, and application process
Proposed Amendments
Senior Advisory Committee (SAC)
•Purpose: Clarification –Senior Oriented Directives
Proposed Amendments
Senior Advisory Committee (SAC)
•Eligibility Requirements: Must be registered voter in the City & reside in the
district of appointing Councilmember
Proposed Amendments
Measure DD Oversight Committee
•Appointment: Bi-Annually in January, following the Regular
Municipal Election, and application process
Proposed Amendments
Measure DD Oversight Committee
•Regular Meetings: Two Regular Meetings; Special Meetings as needed
Proposed Amendments
Measure DD Oversight Committee
•Terms and Term Limits: Two-Year Terms and No Term Limits
Measure DD –Powers, Duties, Responsibilities
Form 700 Filers
Political Reform Act
•Prohibits a public officials from using their positions toinfluencegovernmentaldecisionsinawaythatprovidesafinancialinteresttothem
Council Code of Ethics (CC-23)
•Councilmembers are prohibited from using their official positions toinfluencegovernmentdecisionsinwhichtheyhaveafinancialinterestorwheretheyhaveanorganizationalresponsibilityorapersonalrelationshipthatwouldpresentaconflictofinterest
Attendance Requirements
Committee Members are expected to be present unless excused with prior notice to the staffliaisonorChairperson.A Committee Member with two unexcused (Measure DD)or three
unexcused (Senior Advisory)meeting absences during a twelve-month period may beremoved:
[OPTION 1]at the discretion of the appointing Councilmember.
[OPTION 2]at the discretion of their appointing Councilmember with recommendation from amajorityvoteoftheCommittee.
[OPTION 3]at the close of the meeting during which the final absence occurs and the vacancy shallbefilledaccordingtotheMaddyAct.
Proposed Resolution verbiage and Council options
Proposed Amendments
Menifee Citizens Advisory Committee (MCAC)
•Composition: Removal of Youth Advisory Committee; Six Member Committee
Proposed Amendments
Menifee Citizens Advisory Committee (MCAC)
•Terms and Term Limits: Two-Year Terms; No Term Limits
Proposed Amendments
Menifee Citizens Advisory Committee (MCAC)
•Regular Meetings: Three Regular Meetings; March, August,
and January
Proposed Amendments
Menifee Citizens Advisory Committee (MCAC)
•Purpose and Responsibilities: Addition of Citizen of the Year
Review and Selection
•Required to attend the bi-
annual AB1234 training
•Required to acknowledge
receipt of the City Council
Code of Ethics
•Future agenda requests
Amendments for Consistency to all
•Removal of Committee’s
ability to establish their
own procedural rules
•Committee Officers
•Chair and Vice Chair
Local Appointment List –Menifee 2020
•Notice all Commission and Committee appointments annually
•Regular and ongoing Commissions and Committees
•Dates of appointment and term expiration
•Terms which will expire during the next calendar year
•Eligibility requirements
•Notice all unexpected vacancies
•Increase public transparency of appointments to be made by the
City Council
•Allow the public an opportunity to participate in their government
Maddy Act –Government Code 54972
Bi-Annual Committee & Commission
•Recruitment Process for Staff
•Notice vacancies in November of even numbered years
•Collect applications
•Verify eligibility requirements are met
•Provide applications to Mayor and Councilmembers
•Appointments scheduled for the first meeting held in January,
following the regular municipal election.
1.Review and discuss the proposed Resolution Amendments; and
2.Adopt a Resolution replacing Resolution No. 16-578, updating the composition and appointments to the Senior Advisory Committee; and
3.Adopt a Resolution replacing Resolution No. 15-414, updating the composition and responsibilities of the Menifee Citizens Advisory Committee; and
4.Adopt a Resolution replacing Resolution No. 17-593, updating the Measure DD Oversight Committee guidelines.
Recommended Action
Senior Advisory Responsibilites
AB1234 Training and Code of Ethics
Future Agenda Requests
Committees to Follow CC Policy No. 1
Committee Officer Amendments