2020-11-18 City Council Item No. 7 Public Comment - Miller Regular MEETING - Additional Meeting MaterialsFrom:albia miller
To:Sarah Manwaring; Stephanie Roseen
Date:Wednesday, November 18, 2020 2:48:09 PM
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For Public Comment
Menifee lives in a profit driven vacuum unconcerned with the safety of citizens from Natural
Disasters that will be enhanced by the Planning Commission's decisions. Their continuedapproval of more road building like Holland Street Bridge will continue causing more
pollution and decrease property values from potential floods to fire damage and strong winds. Mr Karwin says the Holland Street bridge will make traffic go faster. Not so. The County
of Riverside has built terrible projects on Leon Road And in Winchester which will fill up theHolland on ramp. Get involved: Demand all building to stop because of spread of COVID by
construction workers and because the pollution that development and dirt and rock haulingcauses has decreased air quality and caused humans less ability to process marginalized air
polluntants. Your jobs are to provide protection from rising heat, flooding, high winds, and that
cannot be secured if you continue to permit massive construction and paving over of land thatabsorbs wind and Co2. You moratoriumed construction and building once and now you
must again. MENIFEE IS AT CAPACITY. The over heating of Our Planet is the majorReprecussion.