2020-10-21 City Council Item No. 7 Public Comment - Dewerks Regular MEETING - Additional Meeting Materials1
Sarah Manwaring
From:Roy Dewerks <dewerksroy@yahoo.com>
Sent:Tuesday, October 20, 2020 6:22 PM
To:Public Comments
Subject:Please read in Public Comments at Oct 21 City Council meeting
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Mrs. Clerk,
I would like the following message read during the "public comments". I hope to be able to come to a
meeting and speak to the officials when were allowed to
Dear city counsel officials,
Last week my mother who is in her 80's got a knock on the door.
They said it was the Mayor.
She opened the door to meet the mayor.
It was two dudes that didn't have their faces covered, just a scarf around their necks.
Mom said he talked a bunch of nonsense. Then the other guy handed her a sweaty business card.
I don't think it was the real mayor who I seen, he doesn't have hair. She said this guy had hair like
Eddy Munster's.
He cut across our grass and went next door, then across the street to those houses.
My question is do you think its OK for him to go door to door during COVID?
What if my street in Rustlers Ranch has an outbreak now, or if my mom gets it from him.
So that he can try to get voted.
It seems like poor judgment for someone who wants to be in charge of a city.
I wonder if the real mayor or the city counsel can fine him or something for endangering my mom and
the other people here.
Roy Dewerks
Avenida Cortez st., Menifee