2020-10-21 City Council Item No. 7 Public Comment - Slater Regular MEETING - Additional Meeting Materials1
Sarah Manwaring
From:Don Slater <donslater23@yahoo.com>
Sent:Monday, October 19, 2020 3:33 PM
To:Public Comments; Bill Zimmerman
Subject:public comment DD
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Public Comment by Don Slater
Measure DD
Okay, here we go…
The doors are locked, and the public is banned
So now we can speak the truth
37 million dollars…
37 million dollars, that’s what measure DD has cost Menifee shoppers
Don’t believe the lies, propaganda and scare tactics
Measure DD is a “general fund tax”
It can be used for any valid purpose
The measure DD oversight committee is a charade
Part of Menifee’s clever marketing ploy…
Measure DD revenue can be spent on anything
There’s nothing to oversee
Repeal DD and save Menifee shoppers 56 million dollars over the next 5 years
Don’t worry! Not “one cent” will be cut from police or fire
If revenues come in light, and they probably will this year
The City can tap into its reserve fund
Or better yet, the City can cut wasteful spending…
One million dollars for a City Attorney
Talk about waste!
Let’s look at some increased expenditures since measure DD took effect:
Spending for the:
City Manager has nearly tripled
City Clerk has tripled
Finance has tripled
Non‐departmental (whatever that is) has more than tripled
Community development has tripled
Public Works has more than doubled
Human Resources has more than tripled
Economic development has more than doubled
Community Services has more than tripled
None of these are frontline heroes!
Spending on our new, first‐class, police force, has risen only modestly
Let’s support 100% our police, fire, paramedics and 9‐1‐1
Let’s get rid of the DD slush fund
And let’s all pay lower taxes
Force the City to be responsible
Cut the waste, stop the corruption
Play‐by‐the‐rules, stop the deception
According to recent polling, it looks like measure DD is here to stay
The City of Menifee has fooled its own citizens with underhanded chicanery…
It’s a disgrace…
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