2020-10-21 City Council Item No. 5.2 Menifee Valley Chamber of Commerce Presentation Regular MEETING - Additional Meeting MaterialsOCTOBER 21, 2020
Presentation to City Council
Canceled events due to COVID-19
Job Fair and Business Expo
Loans for Small Business Expo
Innovation Month
Completed tasks in lieu of the canceled events
COVID-19 Impact Survey
COVID-19 Business Community Outreach
COVID-19 Restaurant Visits/Communication
COVID-19 Community Outreach
Changes to the 2020 2021 MOU
Industry Specific Summits (four meeting)(Canceled)
Host 3 Mayor’s Industry Idea Exchange
September 30, was the first one
Second and third dates to be determined
Host: Building Your Business Team
Industry Experts from:
Commercial/Personal Finance
Public Health
Contingency Planning
Business Plans and Marketing
Before the panel of expert convene there will be
breakout session
Mask Distribution
Supporting our local businesses
Supporting our local businesses
Ribbon Cutting
Groundbreaking Ceremony
Wellquest of Menifee
Overall Value the Chamber brings to the Community
Business Advocate
Business Resource
Connecting Business to Business
Business Exposure
During COVID-19 distributed and coach businesses through:
Federal Cares Act
Distributed Guidance on Preparing Workplace during COVID-19
Distributed restaurant reopening guide
Distributed Industry Guidance to open Office Workspace
Employee Retention Tax Credit
Chat with the Chamber
Distribution of various information from the US Chamber, Cal Chamber and The City of Menifee
Monthly newsletter
Free member advertising on the Chambers Social Media and newsletter
Offered monthly payments on members dues
On behalf on the
Menifee Valley Chamber of Commerce
Board of Directors and Staff
We want to thank you all
For your continued support.
We are available for