2020-09-16 City Council Item No. 7 Public Comment - Klein Regular MEETING - Additional Meeting Materials Wednesday, September 16, 2020 Agenda Item 7. Public Comments (Non-Agenda Items) Mayor and City Council, I attended a virtual Town Hall meeting last night, Mayor Zimmerman and Councilmember Sobek were participants. During his presentation, Mayor Zimmerman mentioned the City’s desire to “fast track” certain types of development projects. I could not agree more with this desire! However, it occurred to me while Riverside County; and the City of Murrieta have adopted Fast Track policies, the City of Menifee does not. City Council and Staff have repeatedly acknowledged developers desire certainty. Adoption of an objective policy identifying tangible eligibility criteria would not only provide certainty, it might also make Menifee more attractive than other competing jurisdictions. Murrieta’s policy, 100-5, simply specifies three succinct criteria for fast track-eligibility. I’ve included the policy for reference and for consideration as a template to draft a Menifee policy. I’d like to compliment Mayor Zimmerman for recognizing the value of fast tracking projects and encourage the entire City Council to direct Staff to draft a policy for Council’s adoption. Thank you, Page 1 of 2 Rev. 11/5/2013 Fast Track Designation Request PROJECT INFORMATION PROJECT DESCRIPTION Project Name (if applicable): Anticipated Applications: Development Plan Conditional Use Plan Tentative Map Change of Zone/GPA Other ______________________________ Eligibility Criteria: Please answer the following questions and provide statistics on a separate sheet regarding the following criteria: Is the project reasonably expected to provide 50 new, permanent full-time jobs within City limits, with preference to existing residents? Yes No Will at least ten percent of those jobs pay in excess of the average household income in Murrieta? Yes No Will the project generate private investment of at least $25 million in land, building and/or equipment? Yes No Is the project reasonably expected to generate at least $50 million in new, taxable retail sales, annually, commencing 24 months after certificate of occupancy? Yes No Check the type(s) of uses proposed in the project: Retail Corporate/Industrial Large Retailers and Department Stores Lifestyle/”MainStreet” Upscale Retailers Quality Dining Entertainment/Theaters Specialized Upscale Grocery Auto Dealers Quality Hotels Electronics Stores High Technology Financial/Business Services Healthcare/Medical Facilities (Services and Devices) Higher Education Facilities Software Companies Engineering Firms Biotechnology/Life Sciences Defense Contractors Telecommunications Research and Development Federal Contract Industries Corporate Offices Green/Energy Technology (Bio-fuels/Desalination) Transit-Oriented Development/Mixed Use Additional information may be required in order to determine eligibility. CITY OF MURRIETA Planning Department 1 Town Square Murrieta, CA 92562 Page 2 of 2 Rev. 11/5/2013 PROPERTY INFORMATION Assessor’s Parcel Number(s): Approximate Gross Acreage/Net Acreage: Current Zoning: Property Address: RDA Project Area: Yes No APPLICANT INFORMATION APPLICANT Contact Name: E-Mail: Company Name: E-Mail: Mailing Address: Street City State ZIP Daytime Phone No: ( ) Fax No.: ( ) For Office Use Only Approved Denied Date: Rick Dudley, City Manager s:\planning\wp\forms\planning applications\10-2012 updates\fast track application.doc City of Murrieta City Council Policy POLICY: FAST TRACK INCENTIVE PROGRAM POLICY NO.: 100-05 I DATE: March 3,2009 PURPOSE To facilitate aggressive economic development through a business and industry incentive "Fast Track" planning and permitting program. The policy is designed to attract and retain major revenues, promote job-generating projects, and increase private investment opportunities in hrtherance of the City Council's priority goal of economic development. POLICY A. The City of Murrieta recognizes the value of responsible, well-planned commercial and industrial developments, particularly those creating employment, private investment, property tax and other revenue benefits to the community. 1. To encourage economic development while balancing quality of life, the City recognizes the need for expediting the planning and permitting process to facilitate and encourage such investment through a Fast Track Incentive Program. 2. To facilitate this Program, a Fast Track Team will be established to include experienced representatives of Planning, Engineer, Building, Fire, and Economic Development along with specified other staff members dependent upon the scope of the project. 3. Fast Track projects will be monitored by an Executive Management 1 Priority Projects Team, consisting of the City Manager, Assistant City Manager, and the Directors of Economic Development, Planning, Public Works, Finance and Building and Safety. B. Eligible Projects 1. A Fast Track-eligible commercial and/or industrial project will meet one or more of the following criteria: a. The project is reasonably expected to provide 50 new, permanent full- time jobs within City limits, with preference to existing residents. Ten percent of those new jobs shall pay in excess of the average household income of Mumeta. b. Private investment of at least $25 million in land, building and/or equipment. c. The project is reasonably expected to generate at least $50 million in new, taxable retail sales, annually, commencing 24 months after certificate of occupancy. C. Target Projects 1. Retail a. Large Retailers and Department Stores; Policy 100-05 b. LifestyleY'Main Street" Upscale Retailers; c. Quality Dining; d. EntertainmentITheaters; e. Specialized Upscale Grocery; f. Auto Dealers; g. Quality Hotels; and h. Electronics Stores. 2. Corporate/Industrial a. High Technology; b. Financial/Business Services; c. Healthcaremedical Facilities (Services and Devices); d. Higher Education Facilities; e. Software Companies; f. Engineering Firms; g. Biotechnology/Life Sciences; h. Defense Contractors; i. Telecommunications; j . Research and Development; k. Federal Contract Industries; 1. Corporate Offices; m. GreenIEnergy Technology (Bio-fUels/Desalinization); and n. Transit-Oriented DevelopmentIMixed Use. D. This policy applies to commercial andlor industrial projects for gradinghuilding permits, development plans, and conditional use permits. 1. General Plan amendments, changes of zone and parcel maps may be considered, based upon their application and accompaniment by a specific land use application with an identified end user. 2. No speculative applications. 3. Projects requiring an Environmental Impact Report (ER) or special land use studies may be considered, however, project timelines may be affected by constraints outside of the City's control, due to the coordination of certain studies or reviews with other agencies. 4. Residential projects for stand-alone single-family and multi-family projects are not included within this Policy. 5. Processing fees shall be in accordance with the City's adopted fee schedule, unless determined by the City Manager. E. The Fast Track Team consists of department directors and/or a representative of the following departments: Planning, Economic Development, Public Works, Building, Fire, Police, Community Services, City Attorney, and any other department that may be involved in the development review process. F. The City Manager has authority to determine project eligibility under the Fast Track Incentive Program. PROCEDURES A. To facilitate projects quickly through the development process, the following steps will be implemented: 1. Fast Track Eligibility Review and Designation: Policy 100-05 Upon receipt of an applicant's Fast Track Designation Request, the Priority Projects Team shall promptly review the Request and make a recommendation to the City Manager for approval or denial within seven business days of submittal. a. The Priority Projects Team will monitor the status of all fast track projects to ensure that they continue to progress according to schedule. 2. A Pre-designated working team, hereafter referred to as the "Fast Track Team", will be appointed. a. The Fast Track Team is a collection of specific representatives that will be working on the application. b. Will include experienced representatives of Planning, Engineer, Building, Fire, and Economic Development along with specified other staff members dependent upon the scope of the project c. The City shall appoint one Project Leader, and the Applicant shall appoint (from Applicant's own project staff) one Project Leader. d. The City Project Leader shall coordinate City staff and provide regular reports to the City Manager or hisher designee on the project status. e. The Applicant Project Leader shall coordinate the Applicant's consultant team and work directly with the City's Project Leader. f. The City and Applicant Project Leaders will proactively manage and implement the project schedule. 3. Fast Track Team shall recommend an agreed upon schedule. a. The Fast Track Team will work with the applicant to develop a project schedule with the goal to achieve a 50% reduction from standard processing time frames for those proposals that do not require significant technical or environmental studies. 4. Complete application submittal. B. Agreed Upon Schedules will be developed for the following processes: 1. Development Process a. Through the Fast Track Team review 2. Grading Plan Check 3. Building Plan Check C. Expiration of Application 1. Fast Track authorization will expire for projects that remain inactive longer 90 calendar days. HISTORY Adopted March 3,2009 Policy 100-05