2020-08-05 City Council Item No. 11.4 Public Comment -Miller Attachment Regular MEETING - Additional Meeting MaterialsCell Towers Menifee August 5. 2020 Ms Miller So Cell Tower Manufactures came into to Menifee and reapplied to build a Radiating Cell Tower in Wheatfield Park. There are no protection devices that can stop RFR Radio Frequency Radiation from going thru your body in the Park. I suppose that could make a device to wear around your neck, however, you are outside and it probably would be ineffective. Many studies have indicated increased cancers are associated with Radio Waves when towers are placed too close to Public areas. So the best solution would be to stand strong City Commissioners and say no to a Cell Tower at the Parks any where in Menifee. And the brief paragraph doesn’t say if this is 4G or 5G. With a collection of 5G at every block in town because Long radio waves do not reach very far so there must be many more of small attachments with Cell Discs attached to phone poles. This must effect the immune system and adding to weaken of the body to fight any passing infection or Virus. Wait!! Does that mean Corona Viruses stand a better chance against your immune system. Let’s not experiment in Menifee. Let’s not allow more Cell Towers of any kind. If we must be on the phone less, then, we know that is better for our health. So, not only do we radiate our brains by putting the cell phone up to our ear, we, also, radiate our bodies with cell tower projecting Electronic Magnetic Waves thru the air. Wireless technology should be used for important Communication not socializing. If we Biochemically deteriorate our Biosphere The Planet Earth any more, then, we will compromise our health plus bees become confused with bombardment of Radio Frequencies. That means our food plants will not be pollinated. Firemen are already complaining of headaches when they stay at the station all night when there are 4G Towers outside at the Firestation.