2020-08-05 City Council Item No. 11.2 Public Comment -Miller Attachment Regular MEETING - Additional Meeting MaterialsDel Oro Menifee August 5, 2020 At least Holland Strata is not building a 400 million dollar 37 story Multi Use Office Building in Menifee like another Strata Company is in San Diego. This Strata is taking one of the last spaces on Holland Rd. where Native plants and animals were housed and fed the Wild Coyotes. Now, another field will be closed out and the Coyotes will come for your pets. The best that Menifee Citizens offer is “Well, we will keep our pets up.” Instead they should be saying “We have had enough of this run away, fire hazardous building and pollution and traffic generated from more housing.” What a ridiculous remark that if half of voting people in Menifee vote against a project it will be brought before the Council again. Stopping projects should be ruled by the State, City Ordinances, CEQA Rule of Law and Common sense that not everyone can live in Southern California. Nor should the foul remark that if a project appears to bring more economic benefit than Significant damage to the Environment, then, it can pass. That is saying a project can break the laws, cause irreparable discomfort to neighbors, however, if it financially benefits its developers, it will be allowed to grade the land and permit a project of too many people for the schools, for the amount of firemen, hospitals, libraries, schools, mobility on the roads. Del Oro seems to be underway by Palomar High School. I did not take the idea to the school District to have them secure the land for use as a Community garden and Wild Field Study accredited classes. Because of heat from such projects from air conditioners, roof tops, pavement, we are becoming more limited to when we can grow vegetables and what we can grow. We have had two heat waves this summer and areas hit over 110 degrees. We are headed for another heat wave. Thousands of cows died in 2017 in that hot summer. Nothing reported yet in 2020 heat waves. Stick House building which causes a great deal of deforestation, and, then, heat and pollution to transport the lumber causes 40% OF THE ANNUAL CO2 covering the upper atmosphere and, trapping green house gases that send heat back to the Earth. Who is going to buy these houses? Who will pay Mello ROS for Maintaining the streets, placing the water distribution infrastructure into the area. Why hasn’t Paloma High School said there will be conflicting traffic surrounding inexperienced drives? This is just more developers taking advantage of people who must find work, who are ill, and the tables will turn when the houses are empty and so is the forest, the Mountains are strip mined for more concrete, the Air Quality is this unclear haze in Menifee. Vote No on these bonds, put the Bull dozers back and allow the vegetation and animals to come back on the Breathing Field at Holland and Paloma.