2020-08-05 City Council Item No. 7 and 10.4 Public Comment -LaMothe Regular MEETING - Additional Meeting Materials1
Sarah Manwaring
From:Adrian LaMothe <aclamothe@gmail.com>
Sent:Wednesday, August 5, 2020 5:53 PM
To:Public Comments
Subject:City Council Meeting 05 August 2020 Public Comments
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Good evening,
I have two comments for tonight's City Council meeting, the first is a non-agenda item and the second is
regarding agenda item 10.4.4 FY2020/21 Homeless Outreach Services Agreement.
First, I would like to thank the City Council for voting in favor of withdrawing the resolution to place Measure
DD Affirmation Measure on the ballot. This decision was financially responsible, saving taxpayer dollars that
would have been allocated toward placing the measure on the ballot. This decision also makes sense since
Measure DD is already on the ballot and places trust in the voters ad the democratic process.
Secondly, I'd like to address item 10.4.4 FY2020/21 Homeless Outreach Services Agreement. The Social Work
Action Group seems to be producing positive results based on the contacts made and individuals helped into
housing and substance abuse services. I think they could produce even better results if they were able to
provide more than 48 hours per week of services. These services are not only beneficial to individuals suffering
from mental illness and substance abuse but also help to enhance a safer community in Menifee where all
citizens feel safe, have access to care thus resulting in lower crime rates as well. I would like to know how the
budget was determined and why the services provided are currently limited to 48 hours per week?
Thank you for your time.
-Adrian LaMothe