2020-07-15 City Council Item No. 12.1 Public Comment - White Regular MEETING - Additional Meeting Materials1
Emily Grisenti
From:Jason White <jasonwhite@greatlifeseniorcare.com>
Sent:Wednesday, July 15, 2020 4:49 PM
To:Public Comments; Gina Gonzalez
Subject:Measure DD
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Good evening Mr. Mayor, city council and distinguished guests. My name is Jason White and I am a five year
resident of Menifee, I love it here! I am a small business owner, a husband to a teacher of the Menifee School
District and a father of two teenage boys. Our community has parks everywhere, we see families hiking trails
together, walking their dogs at sunset, and even the occasional quad and dirt bike on our streets or racing up a
dirt trail that we all know is really off limits (and I like that too).
Here in Menifee, safety matters, my family matters, and the great people of this city matter. My business like
so many others cares for the people here, and I have a responsibility to them and to you to make this a great
place to live and to positively effect those around me. I see speaking out for this measure DD as an
opportunity to do that.
Measure DD is good for our Seniors, our families, our kids, our teachers, and our businesses. While many
states and cities are pursuing an effort to de‐fund certain city programs, and police departments repealing
measure DD here, has the same effect and will hurt the very people that you love. If you do not support
Measure DD then to some degree you must also support de‐funding our police, and public safety in this
community. I don't apologize for that harsh statement. I have never been a fan of taxes and to support
Measure DD on the surface goes against my grain and my foundational beliefs. Some of you listening here in
person or streaming may have that same strong held belief. I respect that and am in agreement. When I
discovered what Measure DD was and the HUGE, positive impact it has on our city I realized it was a tax I
could support and needed to support. Despite my inner objections and long lecture I will be getting from my
family who believes like I do, I strongly support Measure DD.
Here are a few facts. If DD is repealed:
We will lose 31 police officers, which causes longer response times.
We will lose money that goes right back into our great city which is 17% of the city budget , Specifically,
25% of the Fire Department Budget,
29% of the PD budget,
33% of the Code Enforcement budget (who I am not a fan of ϠϡϢ)
and 13% of general infrastructure projects.
If safety is important to all who live here and it is, I strongly urge our community to support this measure that
can only improve the quality of life for our current residents, and the many, many more who want to live in
this peaceful, vibrant, and upcoming California destination!
Thank you so much for the opportunity to have my voice heard as it relates to this serious matter about our
great city of Menifee.
Jason White
Managing Member
Great Life Senior Care LLC
Office: 951‐679‐9592
Cell: 253‐230‐2664