2020-07-15 City Council Item No. 12.1 Public Comment - La Mothe Regular MEETING - Additional Meeting Materials1
Emily Grisenti
From:Adrian LaMothe <aclamothe@gmail.com>
Sent:Wednesday, July 15, 2020 5:53 PM
To:Public Comments
Subject:Mayor and City Council REGULAR Meeting 15 Jul_Public Comments
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Ms. Manwaring,
I'm resending this I noticed a spelling error and font mistake in the previous email. I prefer to deliver my
comments verbally by calling in or via ring, if that is not possible the statement below is what I would like to
provide for the REGULAR meeting on 15 Jul. I would like to address two items, the first being the Menifee
Crime Watch Donation and the second being the Measure DD Affirmation.
First Item. Per item 5. Menifee Crime Watch Donation and associated documentation attachments a.
Resolution and b. Donation Acceptance "The Menifee Police Department desires to bring all qualified and
interested Menifee Crime Watch staff over to serve as Menifee Police Department Volunteers. As a result, the
Menifee Crime Watch President Board of Directors voted to close the program’s financial accounts and
generously offered this $10,000 for direct application to expenses associated with the Menifee Police
Department’s Volunteer Program."
The conditions listed on the Donation Acceptance form lists the conditions of acceptance as "direct application
to expenses associated with the Menifee Police Departments Volunteer Program".
I would like the City Council, Chief Walsh, and/or the City Attorney Mr. Melching to comment on the City policy
regarding services in kind for donations? How will the Menifee Police Department vet the current Menifee
Crime Watch staff before bringing them over and what will qualifications be for any volunteer who would like to
join the Menifee Police Department Volunteer program? There is currently no information on the Menifee
Police Department page on the Volunteer Program.
Second item. In reference to 12.1 Measure DD Affirmation, there seems to be incomplete information
circulating from the City Council regarding Measure DD. The mailer received today makes no mention of the
actual projected Measure DD funding totals nor does it address the "youth and senior services" mentioned in
the "Measure DD Affirmation" included in today's agenda documents. I have two requests regarding this
1. What are the specific youth and senior services being provided by Measure DD funding?
2. The Measure DD Affirmation document references funding of $11M annually on page 1, assuming that
number is projected to increase annually with increased residence; however, the graphic on page 3 requested
by Councilmember Sobek gives only summary projections of expenditures before and after COVID-19 and with
and without DD and the Vehicle License tax. This graph does not seem to reflect budgetary cuts in light of the
pandemic associated reduced revenue. It would be beneficial to residents to know what, if any, budgetary
expenditures were cut after COVID-19. As a resident I do appreciate the graphic as on the surface it highlights
the need for Measure DD funding based on the pre and post COVID budget but it does not demonstrate the
possible budget cuts required in a depressed economy. Will the City Council consider providing information to
residents on what budgetary items were considered for reduction or cuts?
Thank you,
Adrian LaMothe