2020-07-15 City Council Item No. 12.1 Public Comment - Knaub Regular MEETING - Additional Meeting Materials1
Emily Grisenti
From:Alex Knaub <alxknaub@gmail.com>
Sent:Wednesday, July 15, 2020 6:56 PM
To:Public Comments
Subject:Comment on Item 12.1
Follow Up Flag:Follow up
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Dear Ms. Manwaring,
Hope you are having a great week! My comment follows:
The city relies on Elections Code 9222 for proposing a ballot measure that is intended as a mere affirmation of
the Measure DD ordinance. Elections Code 9222 allows cities to propose ballot measures that amend, repeal,
or enact ordinances. The express purpose of the city’s ballot measure is not to amend, repeal, nor enact an
ordinance. This ballot measure is squarely aimed as opposition to the Measure DD ordinance repeal that is
currently scheduled for the ballot in November. It doesn’t look like affirmations are permitted.
Any city could do a lot with the additional revenue from a tax on its citizens, and Menifee is buying a lot of nice
things for the police and fire departments. It’s a good thing for the city. I do believe the Measure DD
oversight committee is doing a good job at ensuring the funds are used for appropriate purposes.
The city has run a surplus the last 2 years, 2018 and 2019, despite budgeting for a deficit. The city projected a
$12,900,119 deficit for FY18. The city projected a $6,658,260 deficit for FY19. In fact, the city realized a
$12,138,302 gain in the general fund alone, and a total funds gain over $19,000,000 in FY18. In FY19, the city
realized a surplus of $11,142,127 in the general fund and over $24,000,000 in total government funds.
The Measure DD funds collected for FY18 and FY19 were less than the surplus those years.
Before the city collects more money from the citizens, it should spend the money it already has. DD funds
have been used to permit the city to run this surplus. The DD funds are not necessary for the city to operate
the same way it has. The increased population will provide additional tax revenue to the city.
Lower taxes encourage people to live and shop in Menifee. Lowering the tax by 1% may entice some people
to shop in Menifee as opposed to a neighboring city with higher taxes. Over the long term, repealing this tax
will be best for the city and its citizens.