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2020-07-15 City Council Item No. 11.2 Public Comment - Zubano Regular MEETING - Additional Meeting Materials1
Sarah Manwaring
From:Zurbano, Regina <>
Sent:Wednesday, July 15, 2020 12:13 PM
To:Public Comments
Subject:Wheatfield Cell Phone Tower - Item 11.2
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Honorable Mayor, Esteemed Members of the City Council, and Executive City Staff:
The Wheatfield cell phone tower proposed by AT&T has appeared yet again on the agenda for reconsideration. Despite
previous actions by the City staff and City Council to reject this request, AT&T has taken further litigation steps to bring
us to this point tonight.
As Principal of Bell Mountain Middle School, immediately adjacent to Wheatfield Park, I previously shared with City
Council and the Executive City Staff on two separate occasion my grave concerns about this proposal. AT&T presented a
building plan that addresses concerns about aesthetics. However, this is short‐sighted on AT&T’s part because SAFETY is
the overriding concern, not aesthetics.
Because this cell phone tower is being placed in a public park with no active supervision in immediate proximity to a
middle school and community college, AT&T should be made to design, present. and implement a comprehensive safety
action plan in order to address the safety and security concerns expressed by our community
Anti‐climbing walls and an 8 foot concrete wall around the base of the tower are not sufficient barriers to keep people
away. People can be resourceful when faced with a challenge to climb a tall structure. According to Trauma Anesthesia
(2015, Cambridge University Press), an average human has a 50% chance of fatality falling from a height of 48 feet (4
stories). That mortality rate jumps to 90% chance of fatality from 84 feet (7 stories). The proposed tower is 70 feet,
almost 6 stories high.
I urge you. esteemed members of the Council, as a solutions‐oriented body, as part of the reconsideration of AT&T’s
proposal, that they be made to provide a more comprehensive, safety‐centered action plan to appropriately address
these problems that will be created because of their proposed plan.
Thank you for your unwavering leadership during these unprecedented times. The strong partnership we enjoy between
the City and our School District provides confidence in our community that we share a common purpose of acting in the
best interests of the citizens in our community we serve and can work together to resolve concerns that impact our
Good evening and stay safe!
Dr. Regina Zurbano
Principal, Bell Mountain Middle School and Menifee resident.
Regina D. Zurbano, Ed.D | Principal | Bell Mountain Middle School | Home of the Bobcats | 28525 La Piedra Road,
Menifee, CA 92584 | (951) 301‐8496 | FB/Twitter @BMMSBobcats |