2020-07-15 City Council Regular MEETING - Agenda PacketCity Council Chambers Menifee City Council Via RingCentral (see below) Regular Meeting Agenda Menifee, CA 92586 Wednesday, July 15, 2020 5:00 PM Closed Session 6:00 PM Regular Meeting Bill Zimmerman, Mayor Greg August, District 1 Matthew Liesemeyer, District 2 Armando G. Villa, City Manager Lesa Sobek, District 3 Jeffrey T. Melching, City Attorney Dean Deines, District 4 Sarah A. Manwaring, City Clerk AGENDA AS A RESULT OF THE COVID-19 VIRUS, AND RESULTING ORDERS AND DIRECTION FROM THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, THE GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AND THE RIVERSIDE COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH DEPARTMENT, AS WELL AS THE CITY OF MENIFEE EMERGENCY DECLARATION, THE PUBLIC WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO PHYSICALLY ATTEND THE MENIFEE MEETING TO WHICH THIS AGENDA APPLIES. YOU MAY PARTICIPATE IN THE MEETING BY: VIDEO: https://meetings.ringcentral.com/j/1496375960 PHONE: (623) 404-9000, MEETING ID #1496375960 PUBLIC COMMENTS: TO SUBMIT PUBLIC COMMENTS EMAIL publiccomments@cityofmenifee.us FOR MORE INFORMATION GO TO http://cityofmenifee.us/621/Virtual-City-Clerk-Services, OR CONTACT THE CITY CLERK DEPARTMENT AT (951) 672-6777. CLOSED SESSION (5:00 P.M.) 1. THREAT TO PUBLIC SERVICES OR FACILITIES Government Code Paragraph (A) of Section 94957 2. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION Government Code Paragraph (1) of subdivision (d) of Section 54956.9 BTS Sun City LLC v City of Menifee, Lionel Martinez Riverside County Superior Court Case No. RIC1905639 3. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION Government Code Paragraph (1) of subdivision (d) of Section 54956.9 In Re BTS Sun City LLC Riverside County Superior Court Case No. MCC2000437 4. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION Government Code Paragraph (1) of subdivision (d) of Section 54956.9 In Re BTS Sun City LLC Riverside County Superior Court Case No. MCC2000444 5. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION Government Code Paragraph (1) of subdivision (d) of Section 54956.9 In Re BTS Sun City LLC Riverside County Superior Court Case No. MCC2000445 Menifee Mayor and City Council Regular Meeting Agenda Wednesday, July 15, 2020 Page 2 of 5 REGULAR MEETING (6:00 P.M) 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. WORDS OF INSPIRATION 3.1. Pastor Ryan Sharp, Impact Church 4. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 5. PRESENTATIONS 5.1. Parks Make Life Better Month 6. AGENDA APPROVAL OR MODIFICATIONS 7. PUBLIC COMMENTS (NON-AGENDA ITEMS) This is the time for members of the public to address the Council about items which are NOT listed on the agenda. The Ralph M. Brown Act limits the Council’s ability to respond to comments on non-agendized matters at the time such comments are made. Each speaker will be limited to three minutes on any single item. Please submit a completed speaker card to the City Clerk. 8. COUNCILMEMBER UPDATES AND COMMENTS 9. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 10. CONSENT CALENDAR (All matters on the Consent Calendar are to be approved in one motion unless a Councilmember requests a separate action on a specific item on the Consent Calendar. If an item is removed from the Consent Calendar, it will be discussed individually and acted upon separately.) 10.1. Waiver of Reading in Full of Any and all Ordinances Listed on this Agenda and Provide that they be read by Title Only 10.2. Warrant Register RECOMMENDED ACTION Ratify and approve the Voucher Lists dated 6/19/2020 and 6/30/2020, the Payroll Register/Other EFT’s dated 6/9/2020, 6/19/2020 and 6/26/2020 and the Void Check Listings PE 6/30/2020 which have a total budgetary impact of $4,053,072.04. 10.3. Examination of the City's Sales, Transaction & Use Tax Records RECOMMENDED ACTION Adopt a Resolution authorizing the examination of the City’s sales and use tax and transaction and use tax records. 10.4. Debt Issuance and Management Policy Menifee Mayor and City Council Regular Meeting Agenda Wednesday, July 15, 2020 Page 3 of 5 RECOMMENDED ACTION Adopt a Resolution approving the City of Menifee’s Debt Issuance and Management Policy. 10.5. Menifee Crime Watch Donation RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Approve and authorize the appropriation and expenditure of a $10,000 donation from the Menifee Crime Watch to the City of Menifee; and 2. Adopt a Resolution amending the Fiscal Year 2020/21 operating budget. 10.6. Menifee Police Department Start-Up Year Budget Carry-Overs to Fiscal Year 20/21 RECOMMENDED ACTION Approve the attached budget amendment Resolutions authorizing the Menifee Police Departments budget carryovers, as of June 30, 2020 for start-up year expenditures, to fiscal year 2020/21. 10.7. FY2020/21 on Call Contract Services (Economic Development) RECOMMENDED ACTION Approve the Professional Services Agreements for On Call Services for the Economic Development Department for Fiscal Year (FY) 2020-21. 10.8. Menifee Valley Chamber of Commerce MOU RECOMMENDED ACTION Approve a Resolution, updating the list of activities, information and training programs, events, and promotional products in connection with the Menifee Valley Chamber of Commerce. 10.9. Inland Empire Small Business Development Center MOU RECOMMENDED ACTION Approve a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Agreement between the City of Menifee and the Inland Empire Small Business Development Center for Menifee small business consulting services, and space of use at the Menifee City Hall. 10.10. Adoption of an Ordinance Approving the Junction Development Agreement No. 2017- 291 RECOMMENDED ACTION Adopt an Ordinance approving The Junction Development Agreement No. 2017-291. 10.11. Reimbursement Agreement for the Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Program Funds for the McCall/I-215 Interchange RECOMMENDED ACTION Execute agreement between City of Menifee and the Western Riverside Council of Governments (WRCOG) to reimburse Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Program (TUMF) funds for Environmental and Design of the McCall / I-215 Interchange Project. Menifee Mayor and City Council Regular Meeting Agenda Wednesday, July 15, 2020 Page 4 of 5 ITEMS PULLED FROM CONSENT 11. PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS 11.1. Permanent Local Housing Allocation Program Funding RECOMMENDED ACTION Adopt a Resolution authorizing staff to submit an application for Permanent Local Housing Allocation (PLHA) funds to be used as described in the staff report/plan for down payment assistance. 11.2. Wheatfield Cell Tower Reconsideration - Continued to August 5, 2020 11.3. Community Facilities District No. 2020-1 of the City of Menifee (McCall Mesa) to Levy Special Taxes Therein and to Authorize Bonded Indebtedness RECOMMENDED ACTION Open Public Hearing for the establishment and related actions for the City of Menifee Community Facilities District No. 2020-1, as established by Resolution No. 20-891 for July 15, 2020, continue Public Hearing to August 5, 2020, and direct the City Clerk to mail and publish legally required notice for said date. 11.4. Community Facilities District No. 2020-2 of the City of Menifee (Del Oro) to Levy Special Taxes Therein and to Authorize Bonded Indebtedness RECOMMENDED ACTION Open Public Hearing for the establishment and related actions for the City of Menifee Community Facilities District No. 2020-2, as established by Resolution No. 20-889, continue Public Hearing to August 5, 2020, and direct the City Clerk to mail and publish legally required notice for said date. 12. DISCUSSION ITEMS 12.1. Measure DD Affirmation RECOMMENDED ACTION Adopt a Resolution to place an affirmation ballot measure on the general election ballot for November 3, 2020 to affirm the 2016 voter approved passage of Measure DD, and the Ordinance 2016-199, codified as chapter 3.26 of the Menifee Municipal Code. 12.2. Code of Conduct Policy Continuation RECOMMENDED ACTION Review and approve amendments, and adopt the Council Code of Conduct Policy. 13. CITY ATTORNEY REPORTS 14. CITY MANAGER REPORTS Menifee Mayor and City Council Regular Meeting Agenda Wednesday, July 15, 2020 Page 5 of 5 15. FUTURE AGENDA REQUESTS FROM COUNCIL MEMBERS Discuss strategy to address phase-out of illegal uses (Liesemeyer, July 18, 2018) Target Date: TBD Discuss Outstanding Citizen of the Month Policy (Sobek, February 20, 2019) Target Date: September 2020 Central Park Improvements/Connectivity to Shopping, Residential (Liesemeyer, August 7, 2019) Target Date: TBD  Discuss Options to Assist with Absence of School Buses (Liesemeyer, August 21, 2019) Target Date: TBD  Discuss Code Enforcement Action on Old Smart and Final Location (Liesemeyer, September 18, 2019) Target Date: TBD Discuss Veteran Street Name Program (Sobek, October 2, 2019) Target Date: TBD Presentation from MSJC on Expansion Project (Sobek, November 20, 2019) Target Date: TBD Workshop to discuss residential uses in EDC (Zimmerman, December 18, 2019) Target Date: TBD Off-Site Signage Options (Liesemeyer, January 15, 2020) Target Date: TBD WRCOG presentation on Community Choice Aggregation (Liesemeyer, February 5, 2020) Target Date: TBD Review and Revisions to Committee Resolutions (Liesemeyer, February 5, 2020) Target Date: TBD MOU with Neighboring Cities Regarding Grants (Liesemeyer, February 19, 2020) Target Date: TBD Post Pandemic Report and Update on New Technology Implementations (Deines, April 15, 2020) Target Date: TBD Discussion to Open DIF and Assess Park Allocations (Liesemeyer, June 17, 2020) Target Date: TBD 16. ADJOURN Decorum Policy Notes You may submit comments on any agenda item by emailing requests to publiccomments@cityofmenifee.us prior to the item being heard. The Council anticipates and encourages public participation at its Council meeting, both on agenda items and during the public comments period. While we encourage participation, we ask there be a mutual respect for the proceedings. Staff Reports Materials related to an item on this agenda, including those submitted to the City Council after distribution of the agenda packet, are available for public inspection by contacting Sarah Manwaring, City Clerk, at (951) 672-6777 during normal business hours. Compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act If you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, you should contact Sarah Manwaring, City Clerk at (951) 672-6777. Notification 72 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to assure accessibility to this meeting. CITY OF MENIFEE SUBJECT: Warrant Register MEETING DATE: July 15, 2020 TO: Mayor and City Council PREPARED BY: Ann-Marie Etienne, Financial Services Manager REVIEWED BY: Rochelle Clayton, Deputy City Manager APPROVED BY: Armando G. Villa, City Manager RECOMMENDED ACTION Ratify and approve the Voucher Lists dated 6/19/2020 and 6/30/2020, the Payroll Register/Other EFT’s dated 6/9/2020, 6/19/2020 and 6/26/2020 and the Void Check Listings PE 6/30/2020 which have a total budgetary impact of $4,053,072.04. DISCUSSION The City of Menifee Municipal Code Chapter 3.16.050 requires that the City Council audit payments of demands and directs the City Manager to issue checks. The attached Voucher List and all corresponding invoices have been reviewed and approved for accuracy by the Financial Services Manager and by the Deputy Finance Director. Voucher Lists dated 6/19/2020 and 6/30/2020, the Payroll Register/Other EFT’s dated 6/9/2020, 6/19/2020 and 6/26/2020 and the Void Check Listings PE 6/30/2020 have a total budgetary impact of $4,053,072.04. FISCAL IMPACT As indicated above, Voucher Lists dated 6/19/2020 and 6/30/2020, the Payroll Register/Other EFT’s dated 6/9/2020, 6/19/2020 and 6/26/2020 and the Void Check Listings PE 6/30/2020 have a total budgetary impact of $4,053,072.04, which is included in the 2019-2020 & 2020- 2021 Budgets. ATTACHMENTS 1. Voucher Listing 6-30-2020 2. Voucher Listing 6-19-2020 3. Payroll Void Check Listing Jun''20 4. Payroll Register 7-15-2020 5. A-P Void Check Listing Jun''20 10.2 Packet Pg. 6 06/30/2020 Voucher List City of Menifee 1 1:54:36PM Page:vchlist Bank code :uboc Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO #Description/Account Amount 45741 6/30/2020 01503 ETIENNE, ANN-MARIE CK REQ 6/26 BEGINNING CASH-MENIFEE PD CLANDESTINE FU 1,000.00 Total : 1,000.00 45742 6/30/2020 01503 ETIENNE, ANN-MARIE CK REQ 6/29 PETTY CASH REIMB PE 6/29/20 914.80 Total : 914.80 Bank total : 1,914.80 2 Vouchers for bank code :uboc 1,914.80Total vouchers :Vouchers in this report 2 1Page: 10.2.a Packet Pg. 7 Attachment: Voucher Listing 6-30-2020 (2585 : Warrant Register) 10.2.b Packet Pg. 8 Attachment: Voucher Listing 6-19-2020 (2585 : Warrant Register) 10.2.b Packet Pg. 9 Attachment: Voucher Listing 6-19-2020 (2585 : Warrant Register) 10.2.b Packet Pg. 10 Attachment: Voucher Listing 6-19-2020 (2585 : Warrant Register) 10.2.b Packet Pg. 11 Attachment: Voucher Listing 6-19-2020 (2585 : Warrant Register) 10.2.b Packet Pg. 12 Attachment: Voucher Listing 6-19-2020 (2585 : Warrant Register) 10.2.b Packet Pg. 13 Attachment: Voucher Listing 6-19-2020 (2585 : Warrant Register) 10.2.b Packet Pg. 14 Attachment: Voucher Listing 6-19-2020 (2585 : Warrant Register) 10.2.b Packet Pg. 15 Attachment: Voucher Listing 6-19-2020 (2585 : Warrant Register) 10.2.b Packet Pg. 16 Attachment: Voucher Listing 6-19-2020 (2585 : Warrant Register) 10.2.b Packet Pg. 17 Attachment: Voucher Listing 6-19-2020 (2585 : Warrant Register) 10.2.b Packet Pg. 18 Attachment: Voucher Listing 6-19-2020 (2585 : Warrant Register) 10.2.b Packet Pg. 19 Attachment: Voucher Listing 6-19-2020 (2585 : Warrant Register) 10.2.b Packet Pg. 20 Attachment: Voucher Listing 6-19-2020 (2585 : Warrant Register) 10.2.b Packet Pg. 21 Attachment: Voucher Listing 6-19-2020 (2585 : Warrant Register) 10.2.b Packet Pg. 22 Attachment: Voucher Listing 6-19-2020 (2585 : Warrant Register) 10.2.b Packet Pg. 23 Attachment: Voucher Listing 6-19-2020 (2585 : Warrant Register) 10.2.b Packet Pg. 24 Attachment: Voucher Listing 6-19-2020 (2585 : Warrant Register) 10.2.b Packet Pg. 25 Attachment: Voucher Listing 6-19-2020 (2585 : Warrant Register) 10.2.b Packet Pg. 26 Attachment: Voucher Listing 6-19-2020 (2585 : Warrant Register) 10.2.b Packet Pg. 27 Attachment: Voucher Listing 6-19-2020 (2585 : Warrant Register) 10.2.b Packet Pg. 28 Attachment: Voucher Listing 6-19-2020 (2585 : Warrant Register) Check #Paid to Status Pay Period Dates Dir Dep 2185 pr GIEDROYCE, THOMAS V 02/29/20 - 03/13/20 0.00 0.00 Grand Total:0.00 Total:73.91 73.91 Bank Date Can/Vd Date Amount UNION BANK 03/20/2020 06/04/2020 73.91 Payroll Void Check History 10.2.c Packet Pg. 29 Attachment: Payroll Void Check Listing Jun''20 (2585 : Warrant Register) Date Paid by:Payee Description Amount 6/19/2020 ACH City Payroll Payroll Period 6/6/2020 - 6/19/2020 4,043.80 6/26/2020 ACH City Payroll Payroll Period 6/6/2020 - 6/19/2020 621,513.02 6/26/2020 ACH ICMA Payroll Period 6/6/2020 - 6/19/2020 26,124.31 TOTAL PAYROLL:651,681.13$ Date Paid by:Payee Description Amount 6/9/2020 ACH CALPERS - Retirement Payroll Period 5/9/2020 - 5/22/2020 42,119.51 6/9/2020 ACH CALPERS - Retirement Payroll Period 5/9/2020 - 5/22/2020 59,618.67 TOTAL OTHER EFT'S:101,738.18$ TOTAL PAYMENTS:753,419.31$ Payroll Register, Taxes and Other EFT's/Wires City of Menifee July 15, 2020 10.2.d Packet Pg. 30 Attachment: Payroll Register 7-15-2020 (2585 : Warrant Register) Status 2 checks in this report Total Checks:66,617.12 66,617.12 45218 04/24/2020 00046 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISONV 06/04/2020 2-41-608-8631 4/10 04/10/2020 645.92 04/07/2020 65,971.20 Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 45217 04/24/2020 00046 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISONV 06/04/2020 2-31-766-9299 4/7 Check #Date Vendor Clear/Void Date A/P Void Check Listing 10.2.e Packet Pg. 31 Attachment: A-P Void Check Listing Jun''20 (2585 : Warrant Register) CITY OF MENIFEE SUBJECT: Examination of the City's Sales, Transaction & Use Tax Records MEETING DATE: July 15, 2020 TO: Mayor and City Council PREPARED BY: Wendy Preece, Deputy Finance Director REVIEWED BY: Rochelle Clayton, Deputy City Manager APPROVED BY: Armando G. Villa, City Manager RECOMMENDED ACTION Adopt a Resolution authorizing the examination of the City’s sales and use tax and transaction and use tax records. DISCUSSION The State Board of Equalization requires the City to adopt by Resolution, designating authorized representatives to examine the City’s sales and use tax and transaction and use tax records that are generated and maintained by the Board. Occasionally, as positions and employees change within the City staff, it becomes necessary to update this Resolution. The last Resolution adopted for this purpose for the transaction and use tax was Resolution No.16-586 adopted on December 7th, 2016. The last Resolution adopted for this purpose for the sales and use tax was Resolution No. 08-43 adopted on January 6, 2009. Both of these Resolutions are attached for historical reference. The proposed Resolution will authorize the City Manager, Assistant City Manager, Deputy City Manager, Deputy Finance Director, other officers or employees so designated, and Hinderliter, de Llamas (HdL) Company, the City’s independent sales tax consultant, to receive correspondence from the Board and to receive sales and use tax and transaction and use tax data from the board for analytic purposes. FISCAL IMPACT None. ATTACHMENTS 1. Resolution - Authorizing the Examination of the City's Sales and Use Taxes and Transactions and Use Taxes 10.3 Packet Pg. 32 City of Menifee Staff Report Resolution Authorizing the Examination City's Sales, Transaction & Use Tax Records July 15, 2020 Page 2 of 2 2. Resolution No. 16-586 Authorizing the Examination of the City's Transaction and Use Tax Records 3. Resolution No. 08-43 Authorizing the Examination of Sales, Use and Transactions Tax Records 10.3 Packet Pg. 33 RESOLUTION NO. 20- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MENIFEE, CALIFORNIA AUTHORIZING THE EXAMINATION OF THE CITY’S SALES AND USE TAX AND TRANSACTION AND USE TAX RECORDS. WHEREAS, pursuant to Ordinance No. 2008-04 and No. 2016-199 of the City of Menifee (hereinafter called City) and Section 7270 of the Revenue and Taxation Code, the City entered into a contract with the State Board of Equalization to perform all functions incident to the administration and operation of the Sales and Use Tax and the Transaction and Use Tax Ordinance; and, WHEREAS, the City deems it desirable and necessary for authorized representatives of the City to examine confidential sales and use tax and transactions and use tax records of the State Board of Equalization pertaining to sales and use tax and transaction and use taxes collected by the Board for the City pursuant to that contract; and, WHEREAS, Section 7056 of the Revenues and Taxation Code sets forth certain requirements and conditions for the disclosure of Board of Equalization records and establishes criminal penalties for the unlawful disclosure of information contained in or derived from, the sales and use tax and transaction and use tax records of the Board; NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Menifee resolves as follows: SECTION 1. That the City Manager, Assistant City Manager, Deputy City Manager and Deputy Finance Director, or other officer or employee of the City of Menifee (hereafter referred to as City) designated in writing by either the City Manager or the Deputy City Manager to the State Board of Equalization (hereafter referred to as Board) is hereby appointed to represent the City with authority to examine sales and use tax and transaction and use tax records of the Board pertaining to sales and use tax and transaction and use taxes collected for the City by the Board pursuant to the contract between the City and the Board. The information obtained by examination of Board records shall be used only for purposes related to the collection of the City’s sales and use tax and transaction and use taxes by the Board pursuant to the contract. SECTION 2. That the City Manager, Assistant City Manager, Deputy City Manager, Deputy Finance Director or other officer or employee of the City designed in writing by the City Manager or Deputy City Manager to the Board of Equalization is hereby appointed to represent the City with authority to examine those sales and use tax and transaction and use tax records of the Board for purposes related to the following governmental functions of the City: a. Administrative b. Budgeting & Forecasting c. Economic Development d. Monetary Oversight e. Planning The information obtained by examination of Board records shall be used only for those governmental functions of the City listed above. 10.3.a Packet Pg. 34 Attachment: Resolution - Authorizing the Examination of the City's Sales and Use Taxes and Transactions and Use Taxes [Revision 2] (2568 : SECTION 3. That Hinderliter, de Llamas (HdL) Companies is hereby designated to examine the sales and use tax and transaction and use tax records of the Board of Equalization pertaining to sales and use tax and transaction and use taxes collected for the City by the Board. The person or entity designated by this section meets all of the following conditions: a. Has an existing contract with the City to examine those sales and use tax and transaction and use tax records; b. Is required by that contract to disclose information contained in, or derived from those sales and use tax and transaction and use tax records only to the officer or employee authorized under Section 1 (or Section 2) of this resolution to examine the information; c. Is prohibited by that contract from performing consulting services for a retailer during the term of that contract; d. Is prohibited by that contract from retaining the information contained in, or derived from those sales and use tax and transaction and use tax records after that contract has expired. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the information obtained by examination of Board records shall be used only for purposes related to the collection of City’s sales and use tax and transaction and use taxes by the Board pursuant to the contracts between the City and Board. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 15th day of June 2020. ____________________________ Bill Zimmerman, Mayor Attest: _______________________________ Sarah A. Manwaring, City Clerk Approved as to form: _______________________________ Jeffrey T. Melching, City Attorney 10.3.a Packet Pg. 35 Attachment: Resolution - Authorizing the Examination of the City's Sales and Use Taxes and Transactions and Use Taxes [Revision 2] (2568 : 10.3.b Packet Pg. 36 Attachment: Resolution No. 16-586 Authorizing the Examination of the City's Transaction and Use Tax Records (2568 : Resolution Authorizing 10.3.b Packet Pg. 37 Attachment: Resolution No. 16-586 Authorizing the Examination of the City's Transaction and Use Tax Records (2568 : Resolution Authorizing 10.3.b Packet Pg. 38 Attachment: Resolution No. 16-586 Authorizing the Examination of the City's Transaction and Use Tax Records (2568 : Resolution Authorizing 10.3.c Packet Pg. 39 Attachment: Resolution No. 08-43 Authorizing the Examination of Sales, Use and Transactions Tax Records (2568 : Resolution Authorizing the 10.3.c Packet Pg. 40 Attachment: Resolution No. 08-43 Authorizing the Examination of Sales, Use and Transactions Tax Records (2568 : Resolution Authorizing the CITY OF MENIFEE SUBJECT: Debt Issuance and Management Policy MEETING DATE: July 15, 2020 TO: Mayor and City Council PREPARED BY: Wendy Preece, Deputy Finance Director REVIEWED BY: Rochelle Clayton, Deputy City Manager APPROVED BY: Armando G. Villa, City Manager RECOMMENDED ACTION Adopt a Resolution approving the City of Menifee’s Debt Issuance and Management Policy. DISCUSSION On September 6, 2011 the City of Menifee City Council adopted Resolution No. 11-233 approving Policy No. FN-09 Statement of Policies and Procedures for Special Assessment and Community Facilities District Debt Financing Programs. This policy was then amended by Resolution No. 14-394 on August 6, 2014. On September 12, 2016, the Governor signed into law Senate Bill 1029 (SB1029), the California Debt and Investment Advisory Commission: Accountability Reports. The intent of this bill was to facilitate improved financial transparency and public accessibility to information regarding public debt. Staff is recommending adopting the attached policy which is updated to conform to the requirements of SB 1029. SB1029 required that state and local agencies adopt comprehensive debt management policies that reflect local, state and federal laws and regulations. In addition, it requires agencies to adopt debt management policies at least 30 days prior to the issuance of any new debt, beginning on or after January 21, 2017. The bill advises that public agency debt management policies reflect the recommendations of the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA). Finally, the legislation requires all state and local debt issuance to be published in a single, transparent online database for public access. SB 1029 specifically requires that local debt management policies shall include five key components. The recommendations set forth by the GFOA also address these components: a) The purpose for which the debt proceeds may be used; b) The types of debt that may be issued; 10.4 Packet Pg. 41 City of Menifee Staff Report Resolution Approving the Debt Issuance and Management Policy July 15, 2020 Page 2 of 2 c) The relationship of the debt to, and integration with, the issuer’s capital improvement program or budget, if applicable; d) Policy goals related to the issuer’s planning goals and objectives; and e) The internal control procedures that the issuer has implemented, or will implement, to ensure that the proceeds of the proposed debt issuance will be directed to the intended use. The proposed Debt Issuance and Management Policy complies with the requirements set forth in SB 1029 and the State Debt and Investment Advisory Commission and aligns with GFOA recommendations. FISCAL IMPACT None. ATTACHMENTS 1. Debt Issuance and Management Policy 2. Resolution - Adopting the Debt Issuance and Management Policy 3. Resolution No. 11-233 Statement of Policies and Procedures for Special Assessment and CFD Debt Financing Programs 4. Resolution No. 14-394 Addendum to It's Policies Related to Special Districts and CFDs 10.4 Packet Pg. 42 CITY OF MENIFEE City Council Policy Policy Number: CC-XX Approving Authority: City Council Subject DEBT ISSUANCE AND MANAGEMENT POLICY Effective Date: Last Modified: Page 1 of 4 A. PURPOSE The purpose of this Debt Issuance and Management Policy (this “Policy”) is to establish guidelines and parameters for the effective governance, management and administration of debt and other financing obligations issued by the City of Menifee and its related entities (such as City-formed community facilities districts). As used in this Policy, “City” shall mean the City of Menifee. As used in this Policy, “debt” shall be interpreted broadly to mean bonds, notes, certificates of participation, financing leases or other financing obligations, but the use of such term in this Policy shall be solely for convenience and shall not be interpreted to characterize any such obligation as an indebtedness or debt within the meaning of any statutory or constitutional debt limitation where the substance and terms of the obligation fall within exceptions to such limitation. This Policy shall apply to all debt issued or sold to third party lenders or investors and does not pertain to City internal interfund borrowings or any employee benefit obligations. B. BACKGROUND The City is committed to fiscal sustainability by employing long-term financial planning efforts, maintaining appropriate reserves levels and employing prudent practices in governance, management, budget administration and financial reporting. Debt levels and their related annual costs are important long-term obligations that must be managed within available resources. A disciplined thoughtful approach to debt management includes policies that provide guidelines for the City to manage their collective debt program in line with those resources. Therefore, the objective of this policy is to provide written guidelines and restrictions concerning the amount and type of debt and other financing obligations issued by the City and its related entities and the ongoing management of the debt portfolio. This Policy is intended to improve the quality of decisions, assist with the determination of the structure of debt issuance, identify policy goals and demonstrate a commitment to long-term financial planning, including a multi-year capital plan. Adherence to a Debt Issuance and Management Policy signals to rating agencies and the capital markets that a government is well managed and should meet its obligations in a timely manner. 10.4.a Packet Pg. 43 Attachment: Debt Issuance and Management Policy [Revision 1] (2574 : Resolution Approving the Debt Issuance and Management Policy) C. CONDITIONS AND PURPOSES OF DEBT ISSUANCE 1. Acceptable Conditions for the Use of Debt The City believes that prudent amounts of debt can be an equitable and cost- effective means of financing infrastructure, and capital asset and project needs of the City. Debt will be considered to finance such projects if: a) The project has been, or will be, included in the City’s capital improvement plan or has otherwise been coordinated with the City’s planning goals and objectives. b) The project can be financed with debt not exceeding the term specified in Section E.1 of this Policy, to assure that long-term debt is not issued to finance projects with a short useful life. c) It is the most cost-effective funding means available to the City, taking into account cash flow needs and other funding alternatives. d) It is fiscally prudent and meets the guidelines of this Policy. Any consideration of debt financing shall consider financial alternatives, including pay-as-you-go funding, proceeds derived from development or redevelopment of existing land and capital assets owned by the City, and use of existing or future cash reserves, or combinations thereof. 2. Acceptable Uses of Debt and Proceeds of Debt The primary purpose of debt is to finance one of the following: a) The City will consider long-term financing for the acquisition, substantial refurbishment, replacement, or expansion of capital assets (including but not limited to land improvements, infrastructure projects, and equipment) for the following purposes: i. Acquisition and or improvement of land, right-of-way or long-term easements. ii. Acquisition of a capital asset with a useful life of three or more years. iii. Construction or reconstruction of a facility. iv. Although not the primary purpose of the financing effort, project reimbursables that include project planning design, engineering and other preconstruction efforts; project-associated furniture fixtures and equipment; capitalized interest (prefunded interest), original issue discount, underwriter’s discount, and other costs of issuance. 10.4.a Packet Pg. 44 Attachment: Debt Issuance and Management Policy [Revision 1] (2574 : Resolution Approving the Debt Issuance and Management Policy) b) Refunding, refinancing or restructuring debt (including without limitation the refinancing or advance funding of City pension obligations), subject to refunding objectives and parameters discussed in Section G. 3. Short-Term Debt a) In the event of temporary shortfalls in cash flow for City operation costs due to timing of receipt of revenues and the lack of cash on hand to cover the temporary deficit, the City may consider interim or cash flow financing, such as anticipation notes. In compliance with applicable state law, any such notes shall be payable either: (i) not later than the last day of the fiscal year in which it is issued, or (ii) during the fiscal year succeeding the fiscal year in which issued, but in no event later than 15 months after the date of issue, and only if such note is payable only from revenue received or accrued during the fiscal year in which it was issued. b) Short-term debt may also be used to finance short-lived capital projects, such as lease-purchase financing or equipment. c) Prior to issuance of any short-term debt, a reliable revenue source shall be identified for repayment of the debt. 4. Internal Control Procedures Concerning Use of Proceeds of Debt One of the City’s priorities in the management of debt is to assure that the proceeds of the debt will be directed to the intended use for which the debt has been issued. In furtherance of this priority, the following procedures shall apply: a) The Deputy Finance Director shall retain, for the applicable period specified in Section H.4. of this Policy, a copy of each annual report filed with the California Debt and Investment Advisory Commission (“CDIAC”) pursuant to Section 8855(k) of the California Government Code concerning (1) debt authorized during the applicable reporting period (whether issued or not), (2) debt outstanding during the reporting period, and (3) the use during the reporting period of proceeds of issued debt. b) In connection with the preparation of each annual report to be filed with CDIAC pursuant to Section 8855(k) of the California Government Code, the Deputy Finance Director shall keep a record of the original intended use for which the debt has been issued, and indicate whether the proceeds spent during the applicable one-year reporting period for such annual report comport with the intended use (at the time of original issuance or as modified pursuant to the following sentence). If a change in intended use has been authorized subsequent to the original issuance of the debt, the Finance Department shall indicate in the record when the change in use was authorized and whether the City Council, City Manager or another City official has authorized the change in intended use. The Deputy Finance Director or the Deputy Finance Director’s designee shall report apparent deviations from the intended use in debt proceeds to the City Manager for further discussion, and if the City Manager determines appropriate in 10.4.a Packet Pg. 45 Attachment: Debt Issuance and Management Policy [Revision 1] (2574 : Resolution Approving the Debt Issuance and Management Policy) consultation with legal counsel (which may be bond counsel, if applicable, or the City Attorney), to the City Council. c) If the debt has been issued to finance a capital project and the project timeline or scope of project has changed in a way that all or a portion of the debt proceeds cannot be expended on the original project, the Deputy Finance Director shall consult with the City Manager and legal counsel (which may be bond counsel, if applicable, or the City Attorney) as to available alternatives for the expenditure of the remaining debt proceeds (including prepayment of the debt). D. TYPES OF FINANCING INSTRUMENTS; AFFORDABILITY AND PLANNING POLICIES The City recognizes that there are numerous types of financing structures and funding sources available, each with specific benefits, risks and costs. All potential funding sources are reviewed by management within the context of this Policy and the overall portfolio to ensure that any financial product or structure is consistent with the City’s objectives. Regardless of what financing structure(s) is utilized, due diligence review must be performed for each transaction, including the quantification of potential risks and benefits and analysis of the impact on City creditworthiness and debt affordability and capacity. Prior to the issuance of debt or other financing obligations to finance a project, the City will carefully consider the overall long-term affordability of the proposed debt issuance. The City shall not assume more debt or other financing obligations without conducting an objective analysis of the City’s ability to assume and support additional debt service payments. The City will consider its long-term revenue and expenditure trends, the impact on operational flexibility and the overall debt burden on the taxpayers. The evaluation process shall include a review of generally accepted measures of affordability and will strive to achieve and or maintain debt levels consistent with its current operating and capital needs. 1. General Fund-Supported Debt – General Fund Supported Debt generally include Certificates of Participation (“COPs”) and Lease Revenue Bonds (“LRBs”) which are lease obligations that are secured by a lease-back arrangement between the City and another public entity. Typically, the City appropriates available General Fund moneys to pay the lease payments to the other public entity and, in turn, the public entity uses such lease payments received to pay debt service on the bonds or Certificates of Participation. General Fund Supported Debt may also include bonds issued to refund obligations imposed by law, such as judgments (judgment obligation bonds (“JOBs”)) or unfunded accrued actuarial liabilities for pension plans (pension obligation bonds (“POBs”)). These obligations do not constitute indebtedness under the state constitutional debt limitation and, therefore, are not subject to voter approval. Without limiting the foregoing, the City may also enter into operating leases and lease purchase agreements on an as-needed basis without voter approval. 10.4.a Packet Pg. 46 Attachment: Debt Issuance and Management Policy [Revision 1] (2574 : Resolution Approving the Debt Issuance and Management Policy) Payments to be made under valid leases are payable only in the year in which use and occupancy of the leased property is available, and lease payments may not be accelerated as a default remedy. Lease financing requires the fair market rental value of the leased property to be equal to or greater than the required debt service or lease payments. The lessee (the City) is obligated to include in its Annual Budget and appropriate the rental payments that are due and payable during each fiscal year the lessee has use of the leased property. The City should strive to maintain its net General Fund-backed annual debt service at or less than 8% of available annually budgeted revenue. This ratio is defined as the City’s annual debt service requirements on General Fund Supported Debt (including, but not limited to, COPs, LRBs, JOBs, and POBs) compared to total annual General Fund Revenues net of interfund transfers out. 2. Revenue Bonds – Long-term obligations payable solely from specific special fund sources, in general, are not subject to a debt limitation. Examples of such long- term obligations include those which are payable from a special fund consisting of restricted revenues or user fees (e.g., enterprise revenues) and revenues derived from the system of which the project being funded is a part. In determining the affordability of proposed revenue bonds, the City will perform an analysis comparing projected annual net revenues (exclusive of depreciation which is a non-cash related expense) to estimated annual debt service. The City should strive to maintain an annual coverage ratio of 110% (or such higher coverage ratio included in the City’s existing financing documents), using historical and/or projected net revenues to cover annual debt service for bonds. To the extent necessary, the City shall undertake proceedings for a rate increase to cover both operations and debt service costs, and create debt service reserve funds to maintain the required coverage ratio. 3. Special Districts Financing – The City has formed and, if the City determines appropriate, it may undertake proceedings to form additional, Community Facilities Districts pursuant to the Mello-Roos Community Facilities District Act of 1982 or assessment districts pursuant to the Improvement Act of 1911, the Municipal Improvement Act of 1913, or other applicable law. The City will consider requests for special district formation and debt issuance when such requests address a public need or provide a public benefit. Each application will be considered on a case by case basis, and the Finance Department may not recommend a financing if it is determined that the financing could be detrimental to the debt position or the best interests of the City. 4. General Obligation Bonds – Notwithstanding their name, General Obligation Bonds are not general obligations of the City, but instead they are payable from and secured by a dedicated, voter-approved property tax override rate (i.e., a property tax in excess of the 1% basic ad valorem property tax rate which has received the approving two-thirds vote of the City’s electorate). While the dedicated revenue stream to repay the debt makes General Obligation Bonds an attractive option, additional considerations for this financing mechanism include the time and expense of an election, the possibility that the electorate will not approve the ballot measure, and the legal bonding capacity limit of the assessed value of all taxable property within the City. (At the time of the adoption of this 10.4.a Packet Pg. 47 Attachment: Debt Issuance and Management Policy [Revision 1] (2574 : Resolution Approving the Debt Issuance and Management Policy) Policy, the legal bonding capacity limit for a California general law city is 3.75% of the assessed value of all taxable property within the City.). 5. Tax Increment Financing – Tax increment financing is a financing method whereby a portion of ad valorem property taxes (commonly called the “tax increment”) that are allocated to an entity, such as an enhanced infrastructure financing district (“EIFD”), a community revitalization and investment authority (“CRIA”) or an infrastructure and revitalization financing district (“IRFD”), and the entity is permitted to incur debt payable from and secured by the tax increment revenues. While tax increment debt for redevelopment agencies and Successor Agencies is entitled to the benefits of Article XVI, Section 16, of the California Constitution, no similar provision exists for EIFDs, CRIAs and IRFDs at the time of adoption of this Policy. Therefore, when considering EIFD, CRIA or IRFD financing or other types of tax increment financing which may be permitted by law in the future, debt limit concerns should be analyzed with respect to the proposed structure and taken into account in determining the practical viability of the proposed financing. 6. Conduit Debt – Conduit financing provides for the issuance of securities by a government agency to finance a project of a third party, such as a non-profit organization or other private entity. The City may sponsor conduit financings for those activities that have a general public purpose and are consistent with the City’s overall service and policy objectives. Unless a compelling public policy rationale exists, such conduit financings will not in any way pledge the City’s faith and credit. E. STRUCTURE OF DEBT 1. Term of Debt – In keeping with Internal Revenue Service regulations for tax- exempt financing obligations, the weighted average maturity of the debt should not exceed 120% of the weighted average useful life of the facilities or projects to be financed, unless specific circumstances exist that would mitigate the extension of time to repay the debt and it would not cause the City to violate any covenants to maintain the tax-exempt status of such debt, if applicable. 2. Rapidity of Debt Payment; Level Payment – To the extent practical, bonds will be amortized on a level repayment basis, and revenue bonds will be amortized on a level repayment basis considering the forecasted available pledged revenues to achieve the lowest rates possible. Bond repayments should not increase on an annual basis in excess of 2% without a dedicated and supporting revenue funding stream. Accelerated repayment schedules reduce debt burden faster and reduce total borrowing costs. The Deputy Finance Director will amortize debt through the most financially advantageous debt structure and to the extent possible, match the City’s projected cash flow to the anticipated debt service payments. “Backloading” of debt service will be considered only when one or more of the following occur: a) Natural disasters or extraordinary or unanticipated external factors make payments on the debt in early years prohibitive. 10.4.a Packet Pg. 48 Attachment: Debt Issuance and Management Policy [Revision 1] (2574 : Resolution Approving the Debt Issuance and Management Policy) b) The benefits derived from the debt issuance can clearly be demonstrated to be greater in the future than in the present. c) Such structuring is beneficial to the City’s aggregate overall debt payment schedule or achieves measurable interest savings. d) Such structuring will allow debt service to more closely match projected revenues, whether due to lower project revenues during the early years of the project’s operation, inflation escalators in the enterprise user rates, or other quantifiable reasons. 3. Serial Bonds, Term Bonds, and Capital Appreciation Bonds – For each issuance, the City will select serial bonds or term bonds, or both. On the occasions where circumstances warrant, Capital Appreciation Bonds (“CABs”) may be used. The decision to use term bonds, serial bonds, or CABs is driven based on market conditions. However, the use of CABs should be used as a last resort unless a compelling financing need is presented and acceptable rates and terms can be secured. 4. Reserve Funds – To the extent that the use of available City moneys to fund a reserve fund provides an economic benefit that offsets the cost of financing the reserve fund from bond proceeds (as determined by the Deputy Finance Director in consultation with the City’s municipal advisor and, if applicable, the underwriter for the bonds), the City may use legally permitted moneys to fund a reserve fund (in cash or through the purchase of a debt service reserve surety bond or insurance policy) for the proposed bonds, up to the maximum amount permitted by applicable law or regulation. Typically, this amount is equal to the least of: (i) maximum annual debt service on the bonds, (ii) 10% of the principal amount of the bonds (or 10% of the sale proceeds of the bonds, within the meaning of Section 148 of the federal Internal Revenue Code), or (iii) 125% of average annual debt service on the bonds. F. USE OF ALTERNATIVE DEBT INSTRUMENTS Alternative debt instruments and financing structures sometimes can provide a lower cost of borrowing in the short run, but may involve greater medium-term or long-term risk. Due diligence review must be performed for each transaction, including the quantification of potential risks and benefits, analysis of the impact on City creditworthiness and debt affordability and capacity, and an evaluation of the ability of the City to withstand the medium-term or long-term risk attendant to alternative debt instruments, including the feasibility of exit strategies. 1. Variable Rate Debt Variable rate debt affords the City the potential to achieve a lower cost debt depending on market conditions. However, the City will seek to limit the use of variable-rate debt due to the potential risks of such instruments. a) Purpose The City shall consider the use of variable rate debt for the purposes of: 10.4.a Packet Pg. 49 Attachment: Debt Issuance and Management Policy [Revision 1] (2574 : Resolution Approving the Debt Issuance and Management Policy) i. Reducing the costs of debt issues. ii. Increasing flexibility for accelerating principal repayment and amortization. iii. Enhancing the management of assets and liabilities (matching short-term “priced debt” with the City’s short-term investments). b) Considerations and Limitations on Variable-Rate Debt The City may consider the use of all alternative structures and modes of variable rate debt to the extent permissible under State law and will make determinations among different types of modes of variable rate debt based on cost, benefit, and risk factors. The Deputy Finance Director shall consider the following factors in considering whether to utilize variable rate debt: i. With respect to General Fund supported debt, one of the following two criteria should be met as determined by the Deputy Finance Director in his or her discretion: 1) any variable rate debt should not exceed 20% of total City General Fund supported debt; or 2) annual debt service on any variable rate debt should not exceed 5% of the annual General Fund Revenue. ii. Any variable rate debt should be fully hedged by expected future capital fund reserves or unrestricted General Fund reserve levels, as applicable. iii. Whether interest cost and market conditions (including the shape of the yield curves and relative value considerations) are unfavorable for issuing fixed rate debt. iv. The likelihood of projected debt service savings when comparing the cost of fixed rate bonds. v. Costs, implementation and administration are quantified and considered. vi. Cost and availability of liquidity facilities (lines of credit necessary for variable rate debt obligations and commercial paper in the event that the bonds are not successfully remarketed) are quantified and considered. vii. Whether the ability to convert debt to another mode (daily, monthly, fixed) or redeem at par at any time is permitted. viii. Cost and availability of derivative products to hedge interest rate risk. ix. The findings of a thorough risk management assessment. c) Risk Management 10.4.a Packet Pg. 50 Attachment: Debt Issuance and Management Policy [Revision 1] (2574 : Resolution Approving the Debt Issuance and Management Policy) Any issuance of variable rate debt shall require a rigorous risk assessment, including, but not limited to factors discussed in this section. Variable rate debt subjects the City to additional financial risks (relative to fixed rate bonds), including interest rate risk, tax risk, and certain risks related to providing liquidity for certain types of variable rate debt. The City will properly manage the risks as follows: i. Interest Rate Risk and Tax Risk – The risk that market interest rates increase on variable-rate debt because of market conditions, changes in taxation of municipal bond interest or reductions in tax rates. Mitigation – Limit total variable rate exposure per the defined limits, match the variable rate liabilities with short term assets, and/or purchase appropriate derivative products to hedge against the risk (see also Section F.2 below). ii. Liquidity/Remarketing Risk – The risk that holders of variable rate bonds exercise their “put” option, tender their bonds, and the bonds cannot be remarketed requiring the bond liquidity facility provider to repurchase the bonds. This will result in the City paying a higher rate of interest to the facility provider and the potential rapid amortization of the repurchased bonds. Mitigation - Limit total direct variable-rate exposure. Seek liquidity facilities which allow for longer (5-10 years) amortization of any draws on the facility. Endeavor to secure credit support facilities that result in bond ratings of the highest short-term ratings and long-term ratings not lower than the second highest rating category (without taking into account numerical or plus/minus sign modifiers). If the City’s bonds are downgraded below these levels (or such other rating levels as provided in the applicable financing documents) as a result of the facility provider’s ratings, a replacement provider shall be sought. iii. Liquidity/Rollover Risk – The risk that arises due to the shorter term of most liquidity provider agreements (1-5 years) relative to the longer-term amortization schedule of the City’s variable-rate bonds. Liquidity and rollover risk includes the following risks: (1) the City may incur higher renewal fees when renewal agreements are negotiated, and (2) the liquidity bank market may constrict such that it is difficult to secure third party liquidity at any interest rate. Mitigation – Negotiate longer terms on provider contracts to minimize the number of rollovers. 2. Derivatives 10.4.a Packet Pg. 51 Attachment: Debt Issuance and Management Policy [Revision 1] (2574 : Resolution Approving the Debt Issuance and Management Policy) The use of certain derivative products to hedge variable rate debt, such as interest rate swaps, may be considered to the extent the City has such debt outstanding or under consideration. The City will exercise extreme caution in the use of derivative instruments for hedging purposes, and will consider their utilization only when sufficient understanding of the products and sufficient expertise for their appropriate use has been developed. A comprehensive derivative policy will be adopted by the City prior to any utilization of such instruments. G. REFUNDING GUIDELINES The Deputy Finance Director shall monitor all outstanding City debt obligations for potential refinancing opportunities. The City will consider refinancing of outstanding debt to achieve annual savings or to refinance a bullet payment or spike in debt service. Except for instances in which a bullet payment or spike in debt service is being refinanced, absent a compelling reason or financial benefit to the City, any refinancing should not result in an increase to the weighted average life of the refinanced debt. Except for instances in which a bullet payment or spike in debt service is being refinanced or another City policy objective is being accomplished, the City will generally seek to achieve debt service savings which, on a net present value basis, are at least 3% of the debt being refinanced. The net present value assessment shall factor in all costs, including issuance, escrow, and foregone interest earnings of any contributed funds on hand. Any potential refinancing shall additionally consider whether an alternative refinancing opportunity with higher savings is reasonably expected in the future. Refundings which produce a net present value savings of less than 3% will be considered on a case-by-case basis. H. MARKET COMMUNICATION, ADMINISTRATION, AND REPORTING 1. Rating Agency Relations and Annual or Ongoing Surveillance – The Deputy Finance Director shall be responsible for maintaining the City’s relationships with the major rating agencies that rate municipal bond issues (such as S&P Global Ratings, Fitch Ratings and Moody’s Investors Service). These agencies’ rating criteria often change and the City cannot control the decisions made by any rating agency. However, for each debt issue that the City will seek a rating assignment, the City will strive to obtain and maintain the highest possible underlying, uninsured rating. In addition to general communication, the Deputy Finance Director shall: a) Ensure the rating agencies are provided updated financial statements of the City as they become publically available. b) Communicate with credit analysts at each agency as may be requested by the agencies. c) Prior to each proposed new debt issuance, schedule meetings or conference calls with agency analysts and provide a thorough update on the City’s financial position, including the impacts of the proposed debt issuance. 2. Council Communication – The Deputy Finance Director should report feedback from rating agencies, when and if available, regarding the City’s financial strengths 10.4.a Packet Pg. 52 Attachment: Debt Issuance and Management Policy [Revision 1] (2574 : Resolution Approving the Debt Issuance and Management Policy) and weaknesses and areas of concern relating to weaknesses as they pertain to maintaining the City’s existing credit ratings. 3. Continuing Disclosure Compliance – The City shall remain in compliance with Rule 15c2-12, promulgated by the Securities and Exchange Commission under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, by filing (to the extent required by the applicable continuing disclosure undertaking). To that end, the “Continuing Disclosure Compliance Procedures,” attached as Appendix I, is hereby incorporated as part of this Policy. 4. Debt Issue Record-Keeping – A copy of all debt-related records shall be retained at the City’s offices. At minimum, these records shall include all official statements, bond legal documents/transcripts, resolutions, trustee statements, leases, and title reports for each City financing (to the extent available). Such records shall be retained while any bonds of an issue are outstanding and during the six-year period following the final maturity or redemption of the bond issue or, if later, while any bonds that refund bonds of that original issue are outstanding and for the six year period following the final maturity or redemption date of the latest refunding bond issue. 5. Arbitrage Rebate – The use of bond proceeds and their investments must be monitored to ensure compliance with all arbitrage rebate requirements of the Internal Revenue Code and related Internal Revenue Service regulations, in keeping with the covenants of the City and/or related entity in the tax certificate for any federally tax-exempt financing. The Deputy Finance Director shall ensure that all bond proceeds and investments are tracked in a manner which facilitates accurate calculation; and, if a rebate payment is due, such payment is made in a timely manner. I. CREDIT RATINGS The City will consider published ratings agency guidelines regarding best financial practices and guidelines for structuring its capital funding and debt strategies to maintain the highest possible credit ratings consistent with its current operating and capital needs. J. CREDIT ENHANCEMENT Credit enhancement may be used to improve or establish a credit rating on a City debt obligation. Types of credit enhancement include letters of credit, bond insurance and surety policies. The City, in consultation with the City municipal advisor, may determine the use of a credit enhancement, for any debt issue, if it reduces the overall cost of the proposed financing or if the use of such credit enhancement furthers the City’s overall financing objectives. K. SB 1029 COMPLIANCE Senate Bill 1029, signed by the State Governor on September 12, 2016, and enacted as Chapter 307, Statutes of 2016, requires issuers to adopt debt policies addressing each of the five items below: i. The purposes for which the debt proceeds may be used. 10.4.a Packet Pg. 53 Attachment: Debt Issuance and Management Policy [Revision 1] (2574 : Resolution Approving the Debt Issuance and Management Policy) Section C.2 (Acceptable Uses of Debt and Proceeds of Debt) and Section C.3 (Short-Term Debt) address the purposes for which debt proceeds may be used. ii. The types of debt that may be issued. Section C.3 (Short-Term Debt), Section D (Types of Financing Instruments; Affordable and Planning Policies), Section E (Structure of Debt) and Section F (Use of Alternative Debt Instruments) are among the provisions that provide information regarding the types of debt that may be issued. iii. The relationship of the debt to, and integration with, the issuer's capital improvement program or budget, if applicable. Section C.1 (Acceptable Conditions for the Use of Debt) provides information regarding the relationship between the City's debt and Capital Improvement Program. iv. Policy goals related to the issuer's planning goals and objectives. As described in Section B (Background), Section D (Types Of Financing; Affordability and Planning Policies) and other sections, this Policy has been adopted to assist with the City’s goal of maintaining fiscal sustainability and financial prudence. v. The internal control procedures that the issuer has implemented, or will implement, to ensure that the proceeds of the proposed debt issuance will be directed to the intended use. Section C.4 (Internal Control Procedures Concerning Use of Proceeds of Debt) provides information regarding the City's internal control procedures designed to ensure that the proceeds of its debt issues are spent as intended. GLOSSARY Ad Valorem Tax: A tax calculated “according to the value” of property. In California, property which is subject to ad valorem taxes is classified as “secured” or “unsecured.” The secured classification includes property on which any property tax levied by a county becomes a lien on that property. A tax levied on unsecured property does not become a lien against the unsecured property, but may become a lien on certain other property owned by the taxpayer. Annual Coverage Ratio: With respect to any bonds that are secured by a particular source of revenue for a particular 12 month period, the ratio obtained from dividing the estimated dollar amount of the revenue during such period by the scheduled principal and interest payment for the bonds during such period. Anticipation Notes: Short term notes (such as Tax and Revenue Anticipation Notes, Grant Anticipation Notes and Bond Anticipation Notes) issued to provide interim financing anticipated to be paid off from sources to be received at or before the maturity date of the anticipation notes (such as tax revenues, grant funds, proceeds of long-term bonds). 10.4.a Packet Pg. 54 Attachment: Debt Issuance and Management Policy [Revision 1] (2574 : Resolution Approving the Debt Issuance and Management Policy) Arbitrage: The gain that may be obtained by borrowing funds at a lower (often tax-exempt) rate and investing the proceeds at higher (often taxable) rates. The ability to earn arbitrage by issuing tax-exempt securities has been severely curtailed by the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended. Assessed Valuation: The “value” of property as set by a taxing authority (such as the county assessor) on the tax roll for purposes of ad valorem taxation. Bond: A security that represents an obligation to pay a specified amount of money on a specific date in the future, typically with periodic interest payments. Bond Anticipation Notes: Short-term notes issued usually for capital projects and paid from the proceeds of the issuance of long-term bonds. Provide interim financing in anticipation of bond issuance. Bond Counsel: A specialized, qualified attorney retained by the issuer to give a legal opinion concerning the validity of securities. The bond counsel’s opinion usually addresses the subject of tax exemption. Bond counsel typically prepares and/or advises the issuer regarding legal structure, authorizing resolutions, trust indentures and the like. Bond Insurance: A type of credit enhancement whereby an insurance company indemnifies an investor against default by the issuer. In the event of failure by the issuer to pay principal and interest in full and on time, investors may call upon the insurance company to do so. Once issued, the municipal bond insurance policy is generally irrevocable. The insurance company receives its premium when the policy is issued and this premium is typically paid out of the bond issue. Capital Appreciation Bond: A municipal security on which the investment return on an initial principal amount is reinvested at a stated compounded rate until maturity, at which time the investor receives a single payment representing both the initial principal amount and the total investment return. CDIAC: California Debt and Investment Advisory Commission. Certificates of Participation: A financial instrument representing a proportionate interest in payments (such as lease payments) by one party (such as a city acting as a lessee) to another party (often a JPA or non-profit). Competitive Sale: A sale of bonds in which an underwriter or syndicate of underwriters submit sealed bids to purchase the bonds. Bids are awarded on a true interest cost basis (TIC), providing that other bidding requirements are satisfied. Competitive sales are recommended for simple financings with a strong underlying credit rating. This type of sale is in contrast to a Negotiated Sale Continuing Disclosure: An issuer’s obligations under its continuing disclosure agreements executed in connection with its bond issues. See “Rule 15c2-12” below. Under each continuing disclosure agreement, the issuer agrees to periodically provide certain relevant information and make such information available to the investing market. The information is generally required to be posted on MSRB’s Electronic Municipal Market Access (EMMA) website. Credit Enhancement: An instrument (such as a bond insurance policy, a debt service reserve insurance policy or surety bond, a letter of credit) which may be purchased to provide additional 10.4.a Packet Pg. 55 Attachment: Debt Issuance and Management Policy [Revision 1] (2574 : Resolution Approving the Debt Issuance and Management Policy) assurance that the repayment of the debt will be honored, and hence may enhance the credit rating for the debt issue. Credit Rating Agency: A company that rates the relative credit quality of a bond issue and assigns a letter rating. These rating agencies include Moody’s Investors Service, Standard & Poor’s, and Fitch Ratings. Debt Limit: The maximum amount of debt that is legally permitted by applicable charter, constitution, or statutes. Debt Service: The amount necessary to pay principal and interest requirements on outstanding bonds for a given year or series of years. Default: The failure to pay principal or interest in full or on time and, in some cases, the failure to comply with non-payment obligations after notice and the opportunity to cure. Derivative: A financial instrument which derives its own value from the value of another instrument, usually an underlying asset such as a stock, bond, or an underlying reference such as an interest rate index. Disclosure Counsel: A specialized, qualified attorney retained to provide advice on issuer disclosure obligations, to prepare the official statement and to prepare the continuing disclosure undertaking. Discount: The difference between a bond’s par value and the price for which it is sold when the latter is less than par. Also known as “underwriter discount,” this is the fee paid to the underwriter its banking and bond marketing services. Enterprise Activity: Specific activity that generates revenues. Common examples include water, wastewater and solid waste enterprises. A use of revenues generated by an enterprise activity for purposes unrelated to that enterprise is often subject to restrictions imposed by law. Debt service on bonds issued to finance facilities or projects for an enterprise is usually paid with the revenues of such enterprise. Financing Team: The working group of City staff and outside consultants necessary to complete a debt issuance. Indenture: A contract between the issuer and the trustee stipulating the characteristics of the financial instrument, the issuer’s obligation to pay debt service, and the remedies available to the trustee in the event of default. Issuance Costs: The costs incurred by the bond issuer during the planning and sale of securities. These costs include by are not limited to municipal advisory, bond counsel, disclosure counsel, printing, advertising costs, credit enhancement, rating agencies fees, and other expenses incurred in the marketing of an issue. Lease: An obligation wherein a lessee agrees to make payments to a lessor in exchange for the use of certain property. The term may refer to a capital lease or to an operating lease. Lease Revenue Bonds: Bonds that are secured by the revenue from lease payments made by one party to another. 10.4.a Packet Pg. 56 Attachment: Debt Issuance and Management Policy [Revision 1] (2574 : Resolution Approving the Debt Issuance and Management Policy) Maturity Date: The date upon which a specified amount of debt principal or bonds matures, or becomes due and payable by the issuer of the debt. Municipal Advisor: A consultant who provides the municipal issuer with advice on the structure of the bond issue, timing, terms and related matters for a new bond issue. Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (MSRB): A self-regulating organization established on September 5, 1975 upon the appointment of a 15-member board by the Securities and Exchange Agreement. The MSRB, comprised of representatives from investment banking firms, dealer bank representatives, and public representatives, is entrusted with the responsibility of writing rules of conduct for the municipal securities market. The MSRB hosts the EMMA website, which hosts information posted by issuers under their continuing disclosure undertakings. Negotiated Sale: A sale of securities in which the terms of the sale are determined through negotiation between the issuer and the purchaser, typically an underwriter, without competitive bidding. The negotiated sales process provides control over the financing structure and issuance timing. Negotiated sales are recommended for unusual financing terms, period of market volatility and weaker credit quality. A thorough evaluation, usually with the assistance of the City’s Municipal Advisor, of the proposed bond’s credit characteristics in conjunction with market conditions will be performed to ensure reasonable final pricing and underwriting spread. Net Present Value (NPV) – A financial measurement whereby savings of a transaction are discounted back to money into a “today’s” dollars equivalent. Often the discount rate used is the true interest cost (TIC—see definition below) rate on the proposed new bond issuance. Typically, in the municipal market place it is common to then divide the NPV value by the outstanding par amount of the bonds that are to be refunded to develop a percentage value. Official Statement (Prospectus): A document published by the issuer in connection with a primary offering of securities that discloses material information on a new security issue including the purposes of the issue, how the securities will be repaid, and the financial, economic and social characteristics of the security for the bonds. Investors may use this information to evaluate the credit quality of the securities. Par Value: The face value or principal amount of a security. Pension Obligation Bonds: Financing instruments used to pay some or all of the unfunded pension liability of a pension plan. POBs are issued as taxable instruments over a 10-40 year term or by matching the term with the amortization period of the outstanding unfunded actuarial accrued liability. Premium: The excess of the price at which a bond is sold over its face value. Present Value: The value of a future amount or stream of revenues or expenditures. Private Placement: A bond issue that is structured specifically for a small number of purchasers or a single purchaser. Private placements are typically carried out when extraneous circumstances preclude public offerings. A private placement is considered to be a negotiated sale. Redemption: Depending on an issue’s call provisions, an issuer may on certain dates and at certain premiums, redeem or call specific outstanding maturities. When a bond or certificate is 10.4.a Packet Pg. 57 Attachment: Debt Issuance and Management Policy [Revision 1] (2574 : Resolution Approving the Debt Issuance and Management Policy) redeemed, the issuer is required to pay the maturities’ par value, the accrued interest to the call date, plus any premium required by the issue’s call provisions. Refunding: A procedure whereby an issuer refinances an outstanding debt issue by issuing a new debt issue. Rule 15c2-12: Rule adopted by the Securities and Exchange Commission setting forth certain obligations of (i) underwriters to receive, review and disseminate official statements prepared by issuers of most primary offering of municipal securities, (ii) underwriters to obtain continuing disclosure agreements from issuers and other obligated persons to provide ongoing annual financial information on a continuing basis, and (iii) broker-dealers to have access to such continuing disclosure in order to make recommendations of municipal securities in the secondary market. Reserve Fund: A fund established by the indenture of a bond issue into which money is deposited for payment of debt service in case of a shortfall in current revenues. Revenue Bond: A bond which is payable from a specific source of revenue and to which the full faith and credit of an issuer is not pledged. Revenue bonds are payable from identified sources of revenue, and do not permit the bondholders to compel a jurisdiction to pay debt service from any other source. Pledged revenues often are derived from the operation of an enterprise. Secondary Market: The market in which bonds are sold after their initial sale in the new issue market. Serial Bonds: Bonds of an issue that mature in consecutive years or other intervals and are not subject to mandatory sinking fund provisions. Tax and Revenue Anticipation Notes (TRANS): Short term notes issued in anticipation of receiving tax receipts and revenues within a fiscal year. TRANs allow the municipality to manage the period of cash shortfalls resulting from a mismatch between timing of revenues and timing of expenditures. Term Bonds: Bonds that come due in a single maturity but where the issuer may agree to make periodic payments into a sinking fund for mandatory redemption of term bonds before maturity and for payment at maturity. True Interest Cost (TIC): Under this method of computing the interest expense to the issuer of bonds, true interest cost is defined as the rate necessary to discount the amounts payable on the respective principal and interest payment dates to the purchase price received for the new issue of bonds. Interest is assumed to be compounded semi-annually. TIC computations produce a figure slightly different from the net interest cost (NIC) method because TIC considers the time value of money while NIC does not. Trustee: A bank retained by the issuer as custodian of bond proceeds and official representative of bondholders. The trustee ensures compliance with the indenture. In many cases, the trustee also acts as paying agent and is responsible for transmitting payments of interest and principal to the bondholders. 10.4.a Packet Pg. 58 Attachment: Debt Issuance and Management Policy [Revision 1] (2574 : Resolution Approving the Debt Issuance and Management Policy) Underwriter: A broker-dealer that purchases a new issue of municipal securities from the issuer for resale in a primary offering. The bonds may be purchased either through a negotiated sale with the issuer or through a competitive sale. Weighted Average Useful Life: In reference to a particular bond issue, the weighted average useful life of the assets financed with the proceeds of the bonds is calculated by giving weight to both the relative dollar amount spent on each asset and the useful life of that asset. Yield: The net rate of return, as a percentage, received by an investor on an investment. Yield calculations on a fixed income investment, such as a bond issue, take purchase price and coupon into account when calculating yield to maturity. 10.4.a Packet Pg. 59 Attachment: Debt Issuance and Management Policy [Revision 1] (2574 : Resolution Approving the Debt Issuance and Management Policy) APPENDIX I CONTINUING DISCLOSURE COMPLIANCE PROCEDURES 1. BACKGROUND AND TRAINING Rule 15c2-12, promulgated by the Securities and Exchange Commission pursuant to the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, requires certain information be disclosed to the municipal bond marketplace. The SEC has stated that it has a mandate “to adopt rules reasonably designed to prevent fraudulent, deceptive or manipulative acts or practices in the market for municipal securities.” The SEC has taken the position that material non-compliance by an issuer with past continuing disclosure obligations may warrant, without corrective actions, an underwriter being prohibited from underwriting the issuer’s bonds, and thus prevent the issuer from accessing the municipal bond marketplace. The following procedures will help ensure compliance by the City of Menifee (“City”) with Rule 15c2-12 and its continuing disclosure obligations under continuing disclosure agreements or similar instruments executed in connection with its municipal bond offerings. Certain capitalized terms herein will have the meanings ascribed to them in the respective continuing disclosure agreements or similar instruments. 2. DESIGNATION OF RESPONSIBLE OFFICER The Responsible Officer will be the officer or other employee responsible for compiling and filing Annual Reports (as defined in the continuing disclosure agreements) and notices regarding enumerated events (“Event Notices”), if required to be filed pursuant to the continuing disclosure agreements or similar instruments. The initial Responsible Officer shall be the City’s Deputy Finance Director. From time to time, the City Manager may designate a different person to serve as the Responsible Officer. 3. RESPONSIBLE OFFICER TO BECOME FAMILIAR WITH “EMMA” AND FILING REQUIREMENTS UNDER CONTINUING DISCLOSURE AGREEMENTS A. The Responsible Officer will take such action as may be necessary or appropriate to become familiar with the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board’s Electronic Municipal Market Access (“EMMA”) website. The Responsible Officer should understand how to locate on EMMA the filings made by the City in connection with bonds issued by the City. If the City is serving as its own Dissemination Agent, the Responsible Officer will establish a user identification and password for EMMA and become familiar with uploading documents onto EMMA. B. For each separate issue of the City’s outstanding bonds, the Responsible Officer will read the related continuing disclosure agreement or similar instrument and identify the following: (i) The date by which the Annual Report must be filed; (ii) The contents needed to be included in the Annual Report; (iii) The Event Notices that must be filed; and 10.4.a Packet Pg. 60 Attachment: Debt Issuance and Management Policy [Revision 1] (2574 : Resolution Approving the Debt Issuance and Management Policy) (iv) When Event Notices are required to be filed. C. The Responsible Officer should be aware of the types of events (the “Listed Events”) that would require the filing of an Event Notice. If clarification is required regarding what is meant by a Listed Event, the City’s bond counsel or disclosure counsel should be contacted to seek such clarification. 4. PREPARATION AND FILING OF ANNUAL REPORTS AND EVENT NOTICES A. The City will strive to begin the process of completing its audited financial statements as soon as practicable after the close of each Fiscal Year. Such audited financial statements should be completed in time to be submitted to the City Council (or other governing board) before the date that the Annual Report must be filed. B. The Responsible Officer will identify any information that is required to be included in the Annual Report but is not part of the City’s audited financial statements, and contact the sources necessary to compile such information as soon as possible after the close of each Fiscal Year. The Responsible Officer will consider adding any information required by its continuing disclosure agreements or similar instrument not already included in its audited financial statements into a supplementary information section of audited financial statements. C. Following the compilation of the information that is to be included in the Annual Report, the Responsible Officer will (or will cause the Dissemination Agent to) submit the Annual Report to EMMA on or before the date on which the Annual Report must be filed. D. Each year, by no later than the date that the Annual Report is required to be filed on EMMA, the Responsible Officer will review the EMMA website to confirm that the Annual Report has been posted with respect to all applicable securities. If the Annual Report has not been posted, the dissemination agent will be notified, or the Responsible Officer will file the Annual Report, as applicable. E. The Responsible Officer will identity, or with the assistance of consultants engaged to monitor compliance will identify, the occurrence of a Listed Event and prepare, or have prepared, the appropriate Event Disclosure. The Responsible Officer will file (or will cause the dissemination agent to file) Event Notices on EMMA in a timely manner, when so required by the continuing disclosure agreements or similar instrument. The Responsible Officer will contact the City’s bond counsel or disclosure counsel if there are any questions regarding whether an event constitutes a Listed Event, and whether such occurrence will require the filing of an Event Notice. F. In connection with amendments to Rule 15c2-12 adopted in 2018, for any new continuing disclosure agreement executed on or after February 27, 2019 with respect to a debt issue (the “Debt”), the Responsible Officer shall, before the Debt issuance date, review the City’s financial records and create a list of the City’s existing financial obligations (as such term is defined by Rule 15c2-12) (the “Financial Obligations List”). The Financial Obligations List shall be continuously updated by the Responsible Officer. Whenever the City prepares to enter into a 10.4.a Packet Pg. 61 Attachment: Debt Issuance and Management Policy [Revision 1] (2574 : Resolution Approving the Debt Issuance and Management Policy) new financial obligation or modify the terms of an existing financial obligation, the Responsible Officer shall determine whether the incurrence of such financial obligation or modification of terms would require an Event Notice under the continuing disclosure agreement. If a determination is made that an Event Notice would be required, the Responsible Officer, in consultation with legal counsel, shall cause the Event Notice to be filed on a timely basis, when so required by the continuing disclosure agreements or similar instrument. G. Certain Listed Events are qualified by a materiality standard. Materiality is determined according to SEC guidance available at the time. If clarification is required regarding materiality on any potential Listed Event, the Responsible Officer shall contact the City’s bond counsel or disclosure counsel to seek clarification. The Responsible Officer’s determination of materiality will depend on the facts and circumstances surrounding the event and will take into consideration many factors including, but not limited to, the following:  Source of security pledged for repayment of the financial obligation,  Rights associated with such a pledge (e.g., senior versus subordinate),  Principal amount or notional amount (in the case of a derivative instrument or guarantee of a derivative instrument),  Covenants,  Events of default,  Remedies,  Other similar terms that affect security holders to which the issuer agreed at the time of incurrence,  Size of the overall balance sheet,  Size of existing obligations, and  Size of the overall bond portfolio. 5. RETENTION OF RECORDS A. The documents identified below should be retained for a period of at least six years following the termination of the City’s obligations (i.e., the legal defeasance, prior redemption or payment in full of the related issue of municipal securities) under a continuing disclosure agreement or similar instrument. B. The City will retain, in its records, the transcripts containing the documents related to each issue of bonds or other obligations of the City. C. The City will retain copies, in paper or electronic form, of each Listed Event Notice submitted to EMMA. 10.4.a Packet Pg. 62 Attachment: Debt Issuance and Management Policy [Revision 1] (2574 : Resolution Approving the Debt Issuance and Management Policy) D. The City will retain copies, in paper or electronic form, of each Annual Report submitted to EMMA. E. To the extent that the content of an Annual Report is based on source materials created or obtained by the City, the City will retain in its records, such source materials created or obtained by the City. Revision History Revision No. Date Approved Approved By: Comments 0 City Council Original Policy ____________________________________ _______________________ Bill Zimmerman, Mayor Date 10.4.a Packet Pg. 63 Attachment: Debt Issuance and Management Policy [Revision 1] (2574 : Resolution Approving the Debt Issuance and Management Policy) RESOLUTION NO. 20- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MENIFEE, CALIFORNIA ADOPTING A DEBT ISSUANCE AND MANAGEMENT POLICY WHEREAS, California Senate Bill 1029 (2016) (“SB 1029”) was signed into law on September 12, 2016; and WHEREAS, SB 1029 amends Section 8855 of the Government Code, requiring state and local agencies to adopt comprehensive debt management policies; and, WHEREAS, SB 1029 requires that a comprehensive debt management policy be adopted at least 30 days prior to issuing any new debt on or after January 21, 2017; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Menifee desires to comply with state law as it relates to debt issuance requirements established by SB 1029. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that the City Council of the City of Menifee hereby adopts the Debt Issuance and Management Policy PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 15th day of July 2020. ____________________________ Bill Zimmerman, Mayor Attest: _______________________________ Sarah A. Manwaring, City Clerk Approved as to form: _______________________________ Jeffrey T. Melching, City Attorney 10.4.b Packet Pg. 64 Attachment: Resolution - Adopting the Debt Issuance and Management Policy [Revision 1] (2574 : Resolution Approving the Debt Issuance and 10.4.c Packet Pg. 65 Attachment: Resolution No. 11-233 Statement of Policies and Procedures for Special Assessment and CFD Debt Financing Programs (2574 : 10.4.c Packet Pg. 66 Attachment: Resolution No. 11-233 Statement of Policies and Procedures for Special Assessment and CFD Debt Financing Programs (2574 : 10.4.c Packet Pg. 67 Attachment: Resolution No. 11-233 Statement of Policies and Procedures for Special Assessment and CFD Debt Financing Programs (2574 : 10.4.c Packet Pg. 68 Attachment: Resolution No. 11-233 Statement of Policies and Procedures for Special Assessment and CFD Debt Financing Programs (2574 : 10.4.c Packet Pg. 69 Attachment: Resolution No. 11-233 Statement of Policies and Procedures for Special Assessment and CFD Debt Financing Programs (2574 : 10.4.c Packet Pg. 70 Attachment: Resolution No. 11-233 Statement of Policies and Procedures for Special Assessment and CFD Debt Financing Programs (2574 : 10.4.c Packet Pg. 71 Attachment: Resolution No. 11-233 Statement of Policies and Procedures for Special Assessment and CFD Debt Financing Programs (2574 : 10.4.c Packet Pg. 72 Attachment: Resolution No. 11-233 Statement of Policies and Procedures for Special Assessment and CFD Debt Financing Programs (2574 : 10.4.c Packet Pg. 73 Attachment: Resolution No. 11-233 Statement of Policies and Procedures for Special Assessment and CFD Debt Financing Programs (2574 : 10.4.c Packet Pg. 74 Attachment: Resolution No. 11-233 Statement of Policies and Procedures for Special Assessment and CFD Debt Financing Programs (2574 : 10.4.c Packet Pg. 75 Attachment: Resolution No. 11-233 Statement of Policies and Procedures for Special Assessment and CFD Debt Financing Programs (2574 : 10.4.c Packet Pg. 76 Attachment: Resolution No. 11-233 Statement of Policies and Procedures for Special Assessment and CFD Debt Financing Programs (2574 : 10.4.c Packet Pg. 77 Attachment: Resolution No. 11-233 Statement of Policies and Procedures for Special Assessment and CFD Debt Financing Programs (2574 : 10.4.c Packet Pg. 78 Attachment: Resolution No. 11-233 Statement of Policies and Procedures for Special Assessment and CFD Debt Financing Programs (2574 : 10.4.c Packet Pg. 79 Attachment: Resolution No. 11-233 Statement of Policies and Procedures for Special Assessment and CFD Debt Financing Programs (2574 : 10.4.c Packet Pg. 80 Attachment: Resolution No. 11-233 Statement of Policies and Procedures for Special Assessment and CFD Debt Financing Programs (2574 : 10.4.c Packet Pg. 81 Attachment: Resolution No. 11-233 Statement of Policies and Procedures for Special Assessment and CFD Debt Financing Programs (2574 : 10.4.c Packet Pg. 82 Attachment: Resolution No. 11-233 Statement of Policies and Procedures for Special Assessment and CFD Debt Financing Programs (2574 : 10.4.c Packet Pg. 83 Attachment: Resolution No. 11-233 Statement of Policies and Procedures for Special Assessment and CFD Debt Financing Programs (2574 : 10.4.c Packet Pg. 84 Attachment: Resolution No. 11-233 Statement of Policies and Procedures for Special Assessment and CFD Debt Financing Programs (2574 : 10.4.c Packet Pg. 85 Attachment: Resolution No. 11-233 Statement of Policies and Procedures for Special Assessment and CFD Debt Financing Programs (2574 : 10.4.c Packet Pg. 86 Attachment: Resolution No. 11-233 Statement of Policies and Procedures for Special Assessment and CFD Debt Financing Programs (2574 : 10.4.c Packet Pg. 87 Attachment: Resolution No. 11-233 Statement of Policies and Procedures for Special Assessment and CFD Debt Financing Programs (2574 : 10.4.c Packet Pg. 88 Attachment: Resolution No. 11-233 Statement of Policies and Procedures for Special Assessment and CFD Debt Financing Programs (2574 : 10.4.c Packet Pg. 89 Attachment: Resolution No. 11-233 Statement of Policies and Procedures for Special Assessment and CFD Debt Financing Programs (2574 : 10.4.c Packet Pg. 90 Attachment: Resolution No. 11-233 Statement of Policies and Procedures for Special Assessment and CFD Debt Financing Programs (2574 : 10.4.c Packet Pg. 91 Attachment: Resolution No. 11-233 Statement of Policies and Procedures for Special Assessment and CFD Debt Financing Programs (2574 : 10.4.c Packet Pg. 92 Attachment: Resolution No. 11-233 Statement of Policies and Procedures for Special Assessment and CFD Debt Financing Programs (2574 : 10.4.c Packet Pg. 93 Attachment: Resolution No. 11-233 Statement of Policies and Procedures for Special Assessment and CFD Debt Financing Programs (2574 : 10.4.d Packet Pg. 94 Attachment: Resolution No. 14-394 Addendum to It's Policies Related to Special Districts and CFDs (2574 : Resolution Approving the Debt 10.4.d Packet Pg. 95 Attachment: Resolution No. 14-394 Addendum to It's Policies Related to Special Districts and CFDs (2574 : Resolution Approving the Debt 10.4.d Packet Pg. 96 Attachment: Resolution No. 14-394 Addendum to It's Policies Related to Special Districts and CFDs (2574 : Resolution Approving the Debt CITY OF MENIFEE SUBJECT: Menifee Crime Watch Donation MEETING DATE: July 15, 2020 TO: Mayor and City Council PREPARED BY: Danita Robertson, Police Support Services Manager REVIEWED BY: Pat Walsh, Police Chief APPROVED BY: Armando G. Villa, City Manager RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Approve and authorize the appropriation and expenditure of a $10,000 donation from the Menifee Crime Watch to the City of Menifee; and 2. Adopt a Resolution amending the Fiscal Year 2020/21 operating budget. DISCUSSION The Menifee Crime Watch (formerly known as Sun City Crime Watch) was established as a non-profit volunteer program to provide weekday patrol service between 9 a.m. and 9 p.m., adding an additional level of awareness for issues in the community. With the formation of the Menifee Police Department and its plan for a Volunteer Program, all Crime Watch functions were discontinued. The Menifee Police Department desires to bring all qualified and interested Menifee Crime Watch staff over to serve as Menifee Police Department Volunteers. As a result, the Menifee Crime Watch President Board of Directors voted to close the program’s financial accounts and generously offered this $10,000 for direct application to expenses associated with the Menifee Police Department’s Volunteer Program. Per the City’s Donation Acceptance Policy, donations with an aggregate value of less than $100,000, require the Beneficiary Department Head to seek approval from the City Manager or designee to accept the donation and shall seek approval, by Resolution, from City Council to appropriate and expend the donation. FISCAL IMPACT With the City Council’s approval of this donation, the Finance Department will increase the budgeted revenues in Account #100-3855, established for Donations and appropriate those funds to newly created Account #100-4911-52509, the Police Volunteer Program. If these funds are not entirely expended in the current fiscal year, the balance remaining in the expenditure 10.5 Packet Pg. 97 City of Menifee Staff Report Menifee Crime Watch Donation July 15, 2020 Page 2 of 2 account will rollover to Fiscal Year 2021/22 ensuring that all donated funds are spent as intended on the new Menifee Police Department Volunteer Program. ATTACHMENTS 1. Resolution - Police Volunteer Program Donation Acceptance 2. Donation Acceptance - Menifee Crime Watch 10.5 Packet Pg. 98 RESOLUTION NO. 20-____ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MENIFEE, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2020/21 OPERATING BUDGET WHEREAS, the City of Menifee, California adopted a budget for the fiscal year 2020/21 with Resolution 20-916 on June 3rd, 2020; and WHEREAS, the City of Menifee does from time to time have unanticipated revenues and expenditures arise; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the citizens of the City of Menifee to allocate budget resources to continue the operations of the City of Menifee; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Menifee needs to amend the fiscal year 2020/21 budget as follows: AMENDMENTS TO ADOPTED BUDGET: Adopted Budget: $49,389,575 1. Record Revenue Estimate(s): CITY COUNCIL MEETING DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT # AMOUNT July 15, 2020 Donation 100-3855 10,000 TOTAL: $10,000 Increase FY 2020/21 Revenue Budget: $49,399,575 Adopted Budget: $49,389,575 2. Record Appropriation(s): CITY COUNCIL MEETING DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT # AMOUNT July 15, 2020 Police Volunteer Program 100-4911-52509 10,000 TOTAL: $10,000 Increase FY 2020/21 Expenditure Budget: $49,399,575 10.5.a Packet Pg. 99 Attachment: Resolution - Police Volunteer Program Donation Acceptance [Revision 1] (2578 : Menifee Crime Watch Donation) Amending the Fiscal Year 2020/21 Budget 2 3. Record Transfer of Funds: FROM ACCOUNT # TO ACCOUNT # AMOUNT TOTAL: 0 NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MENIFEE DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: The annual budget for the City of Menifee for fiscal year 2020/21 is hereby increased and amended to reflect unanticipated revenues and expenditures as follows: Amended FY 2020/21 Revenue Budget: $ 49,399,575 Amended FY 2020/21 Expenditure Budget: $ 49,399,575 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 15th day of July, 2020. _____________________________ Bill Zimmerman, Mayor ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: ____________________________ ____________________________ Sarah A. Manwaring, City Clerk Jeffrey T. Melching, City Attorney 10.5.a Packet Pg. 100 Attachment: Resolution - Police Volunteer Program Donation Acceptance [Revision 1] (2578 : Menifee Crime Watch Donation) June 29, 2020 10.5.b Packet Pg. 101 Attachment: Donation Acceptance - Menifee Crime Watch (2578 : Menifee Crime Watch Donation) CITY OF MENIFEE SUBJECT: Menifee Police Department Start-Up Year Budget Carry- Overs to Fiscal Year 20/21 MEETING DATE: July 15, 2020 TO: Mayor and City Council PREPARED BY: Wendy Preece, Deputy Finance Director REVIEWED BY: Rochelle Clayton, Deputy City Manager APPROVED BY: Armando G. Villa, City Manager RECOMMENDED ACTION Approve the attached budget amendment Resolutions authorizing the Menifee Police Departments budget carryovers, as of June 30, 2020 for start-up year expenditures, to fiscal year 2020/21. DISCUSSION With the passage of the budget, it is assumed that all revenues will be earned and all expenditures will be expended by the end of the fiscal year. Due to the timing of receiving goods and services, some expenditures are not fully exhausted within the fiscal year and must be carried over into the new fiscal year. These expenditures, if not incorporated within the following year’s budget, must be re-appropriated by City Council and added to the newly adopted budget. In the case of the Menifee Police Department, there have been certain purchases that are necessary for the operation of the department that have not been feasible to purchase as of yet or the timing has not been right. It is because of this that we are asking to roll the estimated ending balance of the Menifee Police Departments FY 2019/20 operating budget into FY 2020/21 to continue the purchasing of needed capital equipment and supplies without delay for this start-up year. In September of 2020 staff will come back to the City Council with our regular request to roll forward selected department operating budgets, grants, capital projects and encumbered budgets from FY 2019/20 to FY 2020/21 The following is a history of the adopted Menifee Police budget with requested and approved budget carryovers. These are not additional budget dollars but merely timing differences in the actual purchases. 10.6 Packet Pg. 102 City of Menifee Staff Report Menifee Police Start-Up Year Budget Carry-Overs to Fiscal Year 20/21 July 15, 2020 Page 2 of 2 Fiscal Year Adopted Budget Budget Adjs/Transfers Total Budget Expenditures Balance 2018/2019 $0.00 $2,711,556 Transfer $2,711,556 ($273,779) $2,437,777 Rolled 2019/2020 $6,246,096 $2,437,777 Rolled $1,220,000 Transfer $9,903,873 ($9,200.000) $703,873 Requested to be rolled 2020/2021 $14,958,391 $703,873 Requested to be Rolled $15,662,264 $15,662,264 $0.00 FISCAL IMPACT Total Menifee Police Department appropriations for the FY 2020/2021 operating and capital budget will be increased by $703,873. This amount was previously authorized during the FY 2019/20 budget year and was not fully expended. The authorization by City Council to carry over these appropriations will allow capital projects and outstanding operating purchases for the Menifee Police Department to continue without interruption or delay. If there are further budget savings unexpended in fiscal year 2019/2020 that are needed for additional start-up expenditures, staff will come back to City Council with another request once those savings are identified. ATTACHMENTS 1. Resolution - General Fund Police Start-Up Year Budget Roll-Over 2. Resolution - Measure DD Police Start-Up Year Budget Roll-Over 10.6 Packet Pg. 103 RESOLUTION NO. 20-____ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MENIFEE, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2020/21 OPERATING BUDGET WHEREAS, the City of Menifee, California adopted a budget for the fiscal year 2020/21 with Resolution 20-916 on June 3rd, 2020; and WHEREAS, the City of Menifee does from time to time have unanticipated revenues and expenditures arise; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the citizens of the City of Menifee to allocate budget resources to continue the operations of the City of Menifee; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Menifee needs to amend the fiscal year 2020/21 budget as follows: AMENDMENTS TO ADOPTED BUDGET: General Fund Adopted Budget: $49,389,575 1. Record Revenue Estimate(s): CITY COUNCIL MEETING DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT # AMOUNT July 15, 2020 Donation 100-3855 10,000 TOTAL: $10,000 Increased General Fund FY 2020/21 Revenue Budget: $49,399,575 General Fund Adopted Budget: $49,389,575 2. Record Appropriation(s): CITY COUNCIL MEETING DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT # AMOUNT July 15, 2020 Police Volunteer Program 100-4911-52509 10,000 July 15, 2020 Police Start-Up Year Budget Roll-Over 100-4911-58090 273,873 TOTAL: $283,873 Increased General Fund FY 2020/21 Expenditure Budget: $49,673,448 10.6.a Packet Pg. 104 Attachment: Resolution - General Fund Police Start-Up Year Budget Roll-Over [Revision 1] (2582 : Menifee Police Start-Up Year Budget Carry- Amending the Fiscal Year 2020/21 Budget 2 3. Record Transfer of Funds: FROM ACCOUNT # TO ACCOUNT # AMOUNT TOTAL: 0 NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MENIFEE DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: The General Fund annual budget for the City of Menifee for fiscal year 2020/21 is hereby increased and amended to reflect unanticipated revenues and expenditures as follows: Amended FY 2020/21 Revenue Budget: $ 49,399,575 Amended FY 2020/21 Expenditure Budget: $ 49,673,448 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 15th day of July, 2020. _____________________________ Bill Zimmerman, Mayor ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: ____________________________ ____________________________ Sarah A.Manwaring, City Clerk Jeffrey T. Melching, City Attorney 10.6.a Packet Pg. 105 Attachment: Resolution - General Fund Police Start-Up Year Budget Roll-Over [Revision 1] (2582 : Menifee Police Start-Up Year Budget Carry- RESOLUTION NO. 20-____ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MENIFEE, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2020/21 OPERATING BUDGET WHEREAS, the City of Menifee, California adopted a budget for the fiscal year 2020/21 with Resolution 20-916 on June 3rd, 2020; and WHEREAS, the City of Menifee does from time to time have unanticipated revenues and expenditures arise; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the citizens of the City of Menifee to allocate budget resources to continue the operations of the City of Menifee; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Menifee needs to amend the fiscal year 2020/21 budget as follows: AMENDMENTS TO ADOPTED BUDGET: Measure DD Fund Adopted Budget: $10,367,000 1. Record Revenue Estimate(s): CITY COUNCIL MEETING DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT # AMOUNT TOTAL: $0 Increased Measure DD Fund FY 2020/21 Revenue Budget: $10,367,000 Measure DD Fund Adopted Budget: $10,297,000 2. Record Appropriation(s): CITY COUNCIL MEETING DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT # AMOUNT July 15, 2020 Police Start-Up Year Roll-Over 105-4911-58090 430,000 TOTAL: $430,000 Increased Measure DD Fund FY 2020/21 Expenditure Budget: $10,727,000 10.6.b Packet Pg. 106 Attachment: Resolution - Measure DD Police Start-Up Year Budget Roll-Over [Revision 1] (2582 : Menifee Police Start-Up Year Budget Carry- City of Menifee Resolution No. 20-___ Amending the Fiscal Year 2020/21 Budget 2 3. Record Transfer of Funds: FROM ACCOUNT # TO ACCOUNT # AMOUNT TOTAL: 0 NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MENIFEE DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: The Measure DD Fund annual budget for the City of Menifee for fiscal year 2020/21 is hereby increased and amended to reflect unanticipated expenditures as follows: Amended FY 2020/21 Expenditure Budget: $ 10,727,000 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 15th day of July, 2020. _____________________________ Bill Zimmerman, Mayor ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: ____________________________ ____________________________ Sarah A. Manwaring, City Clerk Jeffrey T. Melching, City Attorney 10.6.b Packet Pg. 107 Attachment: Resolution - Measure DD Police Start-Up Year Budget Roll-Over [Revision 1] (2582 : Menifee Police Start-Up Year Budget Carry- CITY OF MENIFEE SUBJECT: FY2020/21 on Call Contract Services (Economic Development) MEETING DATE: July 15, 2020 TO: Mayor and City Council PREPARED BY: Margarita Cornejo, Financial Services Manager REVIEWED BY: Jeff Wyman, Assistant City Manager APPROVED BY: Armando G. Villa, City Manager RECOMMENDED ACTION Approve the Professional Services Agreements for On Call Services for the Economic Development Department for Fiscal Year (FY) 2020-21. DISCUSSION The Economic Development Department currently utilizes on-call consultants to provide necessary services such as, graphic design, videography, market studies and the creation of Menifee Matters. The current professional service agreements have expired on June 30, 2020, as they are concurrent with the corresponding Fiscal Year (FY). Accordingly, new agreements will need to be executed in order to provide continuity of services to meet the needs of the set Economic Development Projects for FY 2020/21. Collectively as a whole, the sum of all contracts would not exceed the approved line item budget for services approved in the Economic Development FY 2020/21 budget, with the request of a cumulative $84,900 for the agreements. The terms of the proposed Fiscal Year 2020/21 agreements are from July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021. The Economic Development Department is requesting to execute the following Professional Service Agreements: Searle Creative Marketing & Design Group The agreement between the City of Menifee and Searle Creative Marketing & Design Group provides on-call marketing and design services. Searle Creative will provide services that include, but not limited to, the creation of professional and symbiotic branding marketing needs such as, but not limited to: advertisements, marketing materials, logo creation, and promotional items. This vendor has been selected for their previous work with the Economic Development Department and is needed for their unique skills in marketing and design that visually appeals to the community that is used by almost every department in the City. 10.7 Packet Pg. 108 City of Menifee Staff Report FY2020/21 on Call Contract Services (Economic Development) July 15, 2020 Page 2 of 3 Visionaries Image Company The agreement between the City and Visionaries Image Company provides for the production of the City of Menifee On-Call video, aerial, and photography services for events and programming. Visionaries Image will provide pre-production services, production services, and post-production services. The intent for the following agreement is to create/develop professional videography for, but not limited to, the following projects: State of the City-A year in Review Video, Brokers Luncheon Marketing Video, Measure DD update Informational video, A Future of Menifee Video, B-roll capture at major events on an on-call basis, as well as on-call needed basis by the department. Informal bids were received, and Visionaries Image Company was the vendor selected based on expertise, creative style, and capacity to take on large projects in a short time frame with ample available staff for pre-post production and directing needs. JPW Communications The Professional Service Agreement between the City and JPW Communications provides for the creation of the Menifee Matters Magazine (24-pages) to be sent out to all Menifee residents four times a year. Menifee Matters provides important information on key events, activities, and updates occurring within the City. The scope of work of this contract covers content development, project management, graphic design, production, and photography for all three issues for FY 20/21. This contract has been modified from four issues per year to three issues per year due to the Economic Development budget reductions for FY 20/21 related to the COVID-19 pandemic. This agreement is the third annual single year contract, out of a three year contract, in part of an RFP that was released during fiscal year (18/19) where JPW was awarded the overall project for three years. The cost does not include postage, or printing. FISCAL IMPACT The fiscal impact of the proposed agreements is an aggregate total of $84,900. Funding for the proposed agreements was included within the approved FY 2020/21 Economic Development Budget. Below is a summary of the proposed contracts, specific functions and the correlating approved account. Company Duties Amount Account Searle Creative Graphic design $30,000 100-4350-52800 Visionaries Image Co. Video production services $30,000 100-4350-52800 JPW Communications Menifee Matters $24,900 100-4350-52800 Total Amount $84,900 No additional budget appropriation(s) is required for this action. 10.7 Packet Pg. 109 City of Menifee Staff Report FY2020/21 on Call Contract Services (Economic Development) July 15, 2020 Page 3 of 3 ATTACHMENTS 1. 2021 ED- PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT (JPW Communications 20-21 Menifee Matters) 2. 2021 ED- PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT (Searle Creative On Call Marketing) 3. 2021 ED- PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT (Visionaries On Call Video Production) 10.7 Packet Pg. 110 2671/031858-0001 7630421.2 a05/22/20 CITY OF MENIFEE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT FY20/21 MENIFEE MATTERS: DEVELOPMENT & PUBLICATION SERVICES THIS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT (“Agreement”) is made and effective this _____ day of __________, 2020 (“Effective Date”) by and between the CITY OF MENIFEE, a California municipal corporation, (“City”) and JPW COMMUNICATIONS, LLC, a Limited Liability Company (LLC) (“Consultant”). City and Consultant may sometimes herein be referred to individually as a “Party” and collectively as the “Parties.” SECTION 1. SERVICES. Subject to the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement, Consultant shall provide to City the services described in the Scope of Services, attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by this reference (the “Services”). Consultant will perform subsequent task orders as requested by the Contract Administrator (as defined below), in accordance with the Scope of Services. In the event of a conflict in or inconsistency between the terms of this Agreement and Exhibit A, this Agreement shall prevail. 1.1 Term of Services. The term of this Agreement shall begin on July 1, 2020 and shall end on June 30, 2021 unless the term of this Agreement is otherwise terminated or extended as provided for in Section 8. The time provided to Consultant to complete the Services required by this Agreement shall not affect City’s right to terminate this Agreement, as provided for in Section 8. 1.2 Standard of Performance. Consultant represents and warrants that Consultant is a provider of first class work and services and Consultant is experienced in performing the Services contemplated herein and, in light of such status and experience, Consultant shall perform the Services required pursuant to this Agreement in the manner and according to the standards observed by a competent practitioner of the profession in which Consultant is engaged in the geographical area in which Consultant practices its profession and to the sole satisfaction of the Contract Administrator. 1.3 Assignment of Personnel. Consultant shall assign only competent personnel to perform the Services pursuant to Agreement. In the event that City, in its sole discretion, at any time during the term of this Agreement, desires the reassignment of any such persons, Consultant shall, immediately upon receiving notice from City of such desire of City, reassign such person or persons. 1.4 Time. Consultant shall devote such time to the performance of the Services pursuant to this Agreement as may be reasonably necessary to satisfy Consultant’s obligations hereunder. 1.5 Authorization to Perform Services. Consultant is not authorized to perform any of the Services or incur any costs whatsoever under the terms of this Agreement until receipt of authorization from the Contract Administrator. 10.7.a Packet Pg. 111 Attachment: 2021 ED- PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT (JPW Communications 20-21 Menifee Matters) (2544 : FY2020/21 on Call 2671/031858-0001 7630421.2 a05/22/20 -2- SECTION 2. COMPENSATION. City hereby agrees to pay Consultant a sum not to exceed TWENTY FOUR THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED DOLLARS AND ZERO CENTS ($24,900.00) notwithstanding any contrary indications that may be contained in Consultant’s proposal, for the Services to be performed and reimbursable costs incurred under this Agreement. In the event of a conflict between this Agreement and Exhibit A, regarding the amount of compensation, this Agreement shall prevail. City shall pay Consultant for the Services rendered pursuant to this Agreement at the time and in the manner set forth herein. The payments specified below shall be the only payments from City to Consultant for the Services rendered pursuant to this Agreement. Consultant shall submit all invoices to City in the manner specified herein. Except as specifically authorized in advance by City, Consultant shall not bill City for duplicate services performed by more than one person. 2.1 Invoices. Consultant shall submit invoices monthly during the term of this Agreement, based on the cost for the Services performed and reimbursable costs incurred prior to the invoice date. Invoices shall contain the following information: a. Serial identifications of progress bills; i.e., Progress Bill No. 1 for the first invoice, etc.; b. The beginning and ending dates of the billing period; c. A “Task Summary” containing the original contract amount, the amount of prior billings, the total due this period, the balance available under this Agreement, and the percentage of completion; d. At City’s option, for each item in each task, a copy of the applicable time entries or time sheets shall be submitted showing the name of the person performing the Services, the hours spent by each person, a brief description of the Services, and each reimbursable expense; e. The total number of hours of work performed under this Agreement by Consultant and each employee, agent, and subcontractor of Consultant performing the Services hereunder necessary to complete the Services described in Exhibit A; f. Receipts for expenses to be reimbursed; g. The Consultant Representative’s signature. Invoices shall be submitted to: City of Menifee Attn: Accounts Payable 29844 Haun Road Menifee, CA 92586 10.7.a Packet Pg. 112 Attachment: 2021 ED- PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT (JPW Communications 20-21 Menifee Matters) (2544 : FY2020/21 on Call 2671/031858-0001 7630421.2 a05/22/20 -3- 2.2 Monthly Payment. City shall make monthly payments, based on invoices received, for the Services satisfactorily performed, and for authorized reimbursable costs incurred. City shall have thirty (30) days from the receipt of an invoice that complies with all of the requirements above to pay Consultant. 2.3 Final Payment. City shall pay the last five percent (5%) of the total amount due pursuant to this Agreement within sixty (60) days after completion of the Services and submittal to City of a final invoice, if all of the Services required have been satisfactorily performed. 2.4 Total Payment. City shall not pay any additional sum for any expense or cost whatsoever incurred by Consultant in rendering the Services pursuant to this Agreement. City shall make no payment for any extra, further, or additional service pursuant to this Agreement. In no event shall Consultant submit any invoice for an amount in excess of the maximum amount of compensation provided above either for a task or for the entirety of the Services performed pursuant to this Agreement, unless this Agreement is modified in writing prior to the submission of such an invoice. 2.5 Hourly Fees. Fees for the Services performed by Consultant on an hourly basis shall not exceed the amounts shown on the fee schedule included with Exhibit A. 2.6 Reimbursable Expenses. Reimbursable expenses are included within the maximum amount of this Agreement. 2.7 Payment of Taxes. Consultant is solely responsible for the payment of employment taxes incurred under this Agreement and any federal or state taxes. 2.8 Payment upon Termination. In the event that City or Consultant terminates this Agreement pursuant to Section 8, City shall compensate Consultant for all outstanding costs and reimbursable expenses incurred for Services satisfactorily completed and for reimbursable expenses as of the date of written notice of termination. Consultant shall maintain adequate logs and timesheets in order to verify costs and reimbursable expenses incurred to that date. SECTION 3. FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT. Except as otherwise provided, Consultant shall, at its sole cost and expense, provide all facilities and equipment necessary to perform the services required by this Agreement. City shall make available to Consultant only physical facilities such as desks, filing cabinets, and conference space, as may be reasonably necessary for Consultant’s use while consulting with City employees and reviewing records and the information in possession of City. The location, quantity, and time of furnishing those facilities shall be in the sole discretion of City. In no event shall City be required to furnish any facility that may involve incurring any direct expense, including but not limited to computer, long-distance telephone or other communication charges, vehicles, and reproduction facilities. 10.7.a Packet Pg. 113 Attachment: 2021 ED- PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT (JPW Communications 20-21 Menifee Matters) (2544 : FY2020/21 on Call 2671/031858-0001 7630421.2 a05/22/20 -4- SECTION 4. INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS. Before beginning any work under this Agreement, Consultant, at its own cost and expense, shall procure the types and amounts of insurance checked below and provide Certificates of Insurance, indicating that Consultant has obtained or currently maintains insurance that meets the requirements of this section and which is satisfactory, in all respects, to City. Consultant shall maintain the insurance policies required by this section throughout the term of this Agreement. The cost of such insurance shall be included in Consultant’s compensation. Consultant shall not allow any subcontractor, consultant or other agent to commence work on any subcontract until Consultant has obtained all insurance required herein for the subcontractor(s) and provided evidence thereof to City. Verification of the required insurance shall be submitted and made part of this Agreement prior to execution. Consultant acknowledges the insurance policy must cover inter-insured suits between City and other Insureds. 4.1 Workers’ Compensation. Consultant shall, at its sole cost and expense, maintain Statutory Workers’ Compensation Insurance and Employer’s Liability Insurance for any and all persons employed directly or indirectly by Consultant pursuant to the provisions of the California Labor Code. Statutory Workers’ Compensation Insurance and Employer’s Liability Insurance shall be provided with limits of not less than ONE MILLION DOLLARS ($1,000,000.00) per accident, ONE MILLION DOLLARS ($1,000,000.00) disease per employee, and ONE MILLION DOLLARS ($1,000,000.00) disease per policy. In the alternative, Consultant may rely on a self- insurance program to meet those requirements, but only if the program of self-insurance complies fully with the provisions of the California Labor Code. Determination of whether a self-insurance program meets the standards of the California Labor Code shall be solely in the discretion of the Contract Administrator. The insurer, if insurance is provided, or Consultant, if a program of self- insurance is provided, shall waive all rights of subrogation against City and its officers, officials, employees, and authorized volunteers for loss arising from the Services performed under this Agreement. 4.2 Commercial General and Automobile Liability Insurance. a. General requirements. Consultant, at its own cost and expense, shall maintain commercial general and automobile liability insurance for the term of this Agreement in an amount not less than ONE MILLION DOLLARS ($1,000,000.00) per occurrence, combined single limit coverage, for risks associated with the Services contemplated by this Agreement, TWO MILLION DOLLARS ($2,000,000.00) general aggregate, and TWO MILLION DOLLARS ($2,000,000.00) products/completed operations aggregate. If a Commercial General Liability Insurance or an Automobile Liability Insurance form or other form with a general aggregate limit is used, either the general aggregate limit shall apply separately to the Services to be performed under this Agreement or the general aggregate limit shall be at least twice the required occurrence limit. Such coverage shall include but shall not be limited to, protection against claims arising from bodily and personal injury, including death resulting therefrom, and damage to property resulting from the Services contemplated under this Agreement, including the use of hired, owned, and non-owned automobiles. b. Minimum scope of coverage. Commercial general coverage shall be at least as broad as Insurance Services Office Commercial General Liability occurrence form CG 0001. 10.7.a Packet Pg. 114 Attachment: 2021 ED- PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT (JPW Communications 20-21 Menifee Matters) (2544 : FY2020/21 on Call 2671/031858-0001 7630421.2 a05/22/20 -5- Automobile coverage shall be at least as broad as Insurance Services Office Automobile Liability form CA 0001 Code 2, 8, and 9. No endorsement shall be attached limiting the coverage. c. Additional requirements. Each of the following shall be included in the insurance coverage or added as a certified endorsement to the policy: a. The insurance shall cover on an occurrence or an accident basis, and not on a claims-made basis. b. Any failure of Consultant to comply with reporting provisions of the policy shall not affect coverage provided to City and its officers, employees, agents, and volunteers. 4.3 Professional Liability Insurance. a. General requirements. Consultant, at its own cost and expense, shall maintain for the period covered by this Agreement professional liability insurance for licensed professionals performing the Services pursuant to this Agreement in an amount not less than ONE MILLION DOLLARS ($1,000,000) covering the licensed professionals’ errors and omissions. Any deductible or self-insured retention shall be shown on the Certificate. If the deductible or self-insured retention exceeds TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($25,000), it must be approved by City. b. Claims-made limitations. The following provisions shall apply if the professional liability coverage is written on a claims-made form: a. The retroactive date of the policy must be shown and must be no later than the commencement of the Services. b. Insurance must be maintained and evidence of insurance must be provided for at least five (5) years after the expiration or termination of this Agreement or completion of the Services, so long as commercially available at reasonable rates. c. If coverage is canceled or not renewed and it is not replaced with another claims-made policy form with a retroactive date that precedes the Effective Date of this Agreement, Consultant must provide extended reporting coverage for a minimum of five (5) years after the expiration or termination of this Agreement or the completion of the Services. Such continuation coverage may be provided by one of the following: (1) renewal of the existing policy; (2) an extended reporting period endorsement; or (3) replacement insurance with a retroactive date no later than the commencement of the Services under this Agreement. City shall have the right to exercise, at Consultant’s sole cost and expense, any extended reporting provisions of the policy, if Consultant cancels or does not renew the coverage. d. A copy of the claim reporting requirements must be submitted to City prior to the commencement of the Services under this Agreement. 10.7.a Packet Pg. 115 Attachment: 2021 ED- PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT (JPW Communications 20-21 Menifee Matters) (2544 : FY2020/21 on Call 2671/031858-0001 7630421.2 a05/22/20 -6- 4.4 All Policies Requirements. a. Acceptability of insurers. All insurance required by this Section is to be placed with insurers with a Bests’ rating of no less than A:VII and admitted in California. b. Verification of coverage. Prior to beginning the Services under this Agreement, Consultant shall furnish City with Certificates of Insurance, additional insured endorsement or policy language granting additional insured status complete certified copies of all policies, including complete certified copies of all endorsements. All copies of policies and certified endorsements shall show the signature of a person authorized by that insurer to bind coverage on its behalf. The Certificate of Insurance must include the following reference: FY20/21 MENIFEE MATTERS: DEVELOPMENT & PUBLICATION SERVICES. The name and address for Additional Insured endorsements, Certificates of Insurance and Notice of Cancellation is: City of Menifee, 29844 Haun Road, Menifee, CA 92586. City must be endorsed as an additional insured for liability arising out of ongoing and completed operations by or on behalf of Consultant. c. Notice of Reduction in or Cancellation of Coverage. Consultant shall provide written notice to City within ten (10) working days if: (1) any of the required insurance policies is terminated; (2) the limits of any of the required polices are reduced; or (3) the deductible or self insured retention is increased. d. Additional insured; primary insurance. City and its officers, employees, agents, and authorized volunteers shall be covered as additional insureds with respect to each of the following: liability arising out of the Services performed by or on behalf of Consultant, including the insured’s general supervision of Consultant; products and completed operations of Consultant, as applicable; premises owned, occupied, or used by Consultant; and automobiles owned, leased, or used by Consultant in the course of providing the Services pursuant to this Agreement. The coverage shall contain no special limitations on the scope of protection afforded to City or its officers, employees, agents, or authorized volunteers. The insurance provided to City as an additional insured must apply on a primary and non-contributory basis with respect to any insurance or self-insurance program maintained by City. Additional insured status shall continue for one (1) year after the expiration or termination of this Agreement or completion of the Services. A certified endorsement must be attached to all policies stating that coverage is primary insurance with respect to City and its officers, officials, employees, and volunteers, and that no insurance or self-insurance maintained by City shall be called upon to contribute to a loss under the coverage. e. Deductibles and Self-insured Retentions. Consultant shall obtain the written approval of City for the self-insured retentions and deductibles before beginning any of the Services. During the term of this Agreement, only upon the prior express written authorization of the Contract Administrator, Consultant may increase such deductibles or self- insured retentions with respect to City, its officers, employees, agents, and volunteers. The Contract Administrator may condition approval of an increase in deductible or self-insured 10.7.a Packet Pg. 116 Attachment: 2021 ED- PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT (JPW Communications 20-21 Menifee Matters) (2544 : FY2020/21 on Call 2671/031858-0001 7630421.2 a05/22/20 -7- retention levels with a requirement that Consultant procure a bond guaranteeing payment of losses and related investigations, claim administration, and defense expenses that is satisfactory in all respects to each of them. f. Subcontractors. Consultant shall include all subcontractors as insureds under its policies or shall furnish separate certificates and certified endorsements for each subcontractor. All coverages for subcontractors shall be subject to all of the requirements stated herein. g. Variation. The Contract Administrator may, but is not required to, approve in writing a variation in the foregoing insurance requirements, upon a determination that the coverage, scope, limits, and forms of such insurance are either not commercially available, or that City’s interests are otherwise fully protected. 4.5 Remedies. In addition to any other remedies at law or equity City may have if Consultant fails to provide or maintain any insurance policies or policy endorsements to the extent and within the time herein required, City may, at its sole option, exercise any of the following remedies, which are alternatives to other remedies City may have and are not the exclusive remedy for Consultant’s breach: a. Obtain such insurance and deduct and retain the amount of the premiums for such insurance from any sums due under this Agreement; b. Order Consultant to stop work under this Agreement or withhold any payment that becomes due to Consultant hereunder, or both stop work and withhold any payment, until Consultant demonstrates compliance with the requirements hereof; and/or c. Terminate this Agreement. SECTION 5. INDEMNIFICATION. 5.1 Indemnification for Professional Liability. Where the law establishes a professional standard of care for performance of the Services, to the fullest extent permitted by law, Consultant shall indemnify, protect, defend (with counsel selected by City), and hold harmless City and any and all of its officers, employees, officials, volunteers, and agents from and against any and all claims, losses, costs, damages, expenses, liabilities, liens, actions, causes of action (whether in tort, contract, under statute, at law, in equity, or otherwise) charges, awards, assessments, fines, or penalties of any kind (including reasonable consultant and expert fees and expenses of investigation, costs of whatever kind and nature and, if Consultant fails to provide a defense for City, the legal costs of counsel retained by City) and any judgment (collectively, “Claims”) to the extent same are caused in whole or in part by any negligent or wrongful act, error, or omission of Consultant, its officers, agents, employees, or subcontractors (or any entity or individual that Consultant shall bear the legal liability thereof) in the performance of professional services under this Agreement. 5.2 Indemnification for Other than Professional Liability. Other than in the performance of professional services and to the full extent permitted by law, Consultant shall indemnify, protect, defend (with counsel selected by City), and hold harmless City, and any and 10.7.a Packet Pg. 117 Attachment: 2021 ED- PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT (JPW Communications 20-21 Menifee Matters) (2544 : FY2020/21 on Call 2671/031858-0001 7630421.2 a05/22/20 -8- all of its officers, employees, officials, volunteers, and agents from and against any and all Claims, where the same arise out of, are a consequence of, or are in any way attributable to, in whole or in part, the performance of this Agreement by Consultant or by any individual or entity for which Consultant is legally liable, including but not limited to officers, agents, employees or subcontractors of Consultant. 5.3 Limitation of Indemnification. The provisions of this Section 5 do not apply to claims occurring as a result of City’s sole or active negligence. The provisions of this Section 5 shall not release City from liability arising from gross negligence or willful acts or omissions of City or any and all of its officers, officials, employees, and agents acting in an official capacity. SECTION 6. STATUS OF CONSULTANT. 6.1 Independent Contractor. At all times during the term of this Agreement, Consultant shall be an independent contractor and shall not be an employee of City. City shall have the right to control Consultant only insofar as the results of the Services rendered pursuant to this Agreement and assignment of personnel pursuant to Subparagraph 1.3; however, otherwise City shall not have the right to control the means by which Consultant accomplishes the Services rendered pursuant to this Agreement. The personnel performing the Services under this Agreement on behalf of Consultant shall at all times be under Consultant’s exclusive direction and control. Consultant shall not at any time or in any manner represent that it or any of its officers, employees, or agents is in any manner officers, officials, employees, or agents of City. Consultant shall not incur or have the power to incur any debt, obligation, or liability whatever against City, or bind City in any manner. Except for the fees paid to Consultant as provided in this Agreement, City shall not pay salaries, wages, or other compensation to Consultant for performing the Services hereunder for City. City shall not be liable for compensation or indemnification to Consultant for injury or sickness arising out of performing the Services hereunder. Notwithstanding any other City, state, or federal policy, rule, regulation, law, or ordinance to the contrary, Consultant and any of its employees, agents, and subcontractors providing services under this Agreement shall not qualify for or become entitled to any compensation, benefit, or any incident of employment by City, including but not limited to eligibility to enroll in the California Public Employees Retirement System (“PERS”) as an employee of City and entitlement to any contribution to be paid by City for employer contributions and/or employee contributions for PERS benefits. SECTION 7. LEGAL REQUIREMENTS. 7.1 Governing Law. The laws of the State of California shall govern this Agreement. 7.2 Compliance with Applicable Laws. Consultant and any subcontractor shall comply with all applicable local, state, and federal laws and regulations applicable to the performance of the work hereunder. Consultant shall not hire or employ any person to perform work within City or allow any person to perform the Services required under this Agreement unless such person is properly documented and legally entitled to be employed within the United States. Any and all work subject to prevailing wages, as determined by the Director of Industrial Relations of the State of California, will be the minimum paid to all laborers, including Consultant’s employee and subcontractors. It is understood that it is the responsibility of Consultant to determine the correct scale. The State Prevailing Wage Rates may be obtained from the California Department of 10.7.a Packet Pg. 118 Attachment: 2021 ED- PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT (JPW Communications 20-21 Menifee Matters) (2544 : FY2020/21 on Call 2671/031858-0001 7630421.2 a05/22/20 -9- Industrial Relations (“DIR”) pursuant to California Public Utilities Code, Sections 465, 466, and 467 by calling 415-703-4774. Appropriate records demonstrating compliance with such requirement shall be maintained in a safe and secure location at all times, and readily available at City’s request. Consultant shall indemnify, defend, and hold City and its elected and appointed boards, members, officials, officers, agents, representatives, employees, and volunteers harmless from and against any liability, loss, damage, cost or expenses (including but not limited to reasonable attorneys’ fees, expert witness fees, court costs, and costs incurred related to any inquiries or proceedings) arising from or related to (i) the noncompliance by Consultant or any party performing the Services of any applicable local, state, and/or federal law, including, without limitation, any applicable federal and/or state labor laws (including, without limitation, the requirement to pay state prevailing wages and hire apprentices); (ii) the implementation of Section 1781 of the Labor Code, as the same may be amended from time to time, or any other similar law; and/or (iii) failure by Consultant or any party performing the Services to provide any required disclosure or identification as required by Labor Code Section 1781, as the same may be amended from time to time, or any other similar law. It is agreed by the Parties that, in connection with performance of the Services, including, without limitation, any and all public works (as defined by applicable law), Consultant shall bear all risks of payment or non-payment of prevailing wages under California law and/or the implementation of Labor Code Section 1781, as the same may be amended from time to time, and/or any other similar law. Consultant acknowledges and agrees that it shall be independently responsible for reviewing the applicable laws and regulations and effectuating compliance with such laws. Consultant shall require the same of all subcontractors. 7.3 Licenses and Permits. Consultant represents and warrants to City that Consultant and its employees, agents, and any subcontractors have all licenses, permits, qualifications, and approvals of whatsoever nature that are legally required to practice their respective professions. Consultant represents and warrants to City that Consultant and its employees, agents, and subcontractors shall, at their sole cost and expense, keep in effect at all times during the term of this Agreement any licenses, permits, and approvals that are legally required to practice their respective professions. In addition to the foregoing, Consultant and any subcontractors shall obtain and maintain during the term of this Agreement valid Business Licenses from City. SECTION 8. TERMINATION AND MODIFICATION. 8.1 Termination. City may cancel this Agreement at any time and without cause upon written notification to Consultant. 8.2 Termination by Consultant. Consultant may cancel this Agreement upon 30 days’ written notice to City. 8.3 Consequences of Termination. In the event of termination, Consultant shall be entitled to compensation for the Services performed up to the date of termination; City, however, may condition payment of such compensation upon Consultant delivering to City any or all documents, photographs, computer software, video and audio tapes, and other materials provided to Consultant or prepared by or for Consultant or City in connection with this Agreement. 10.7.a Packet Pg. 119 Attachment: 2021 ED- PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT (JPW Communications 20-21 Menifee Matters) (2544 : FY2020/21 on Call 2671/031858-0001 7630421.2 a05/22/20 -10- 8.4 Extension. City may, in its sole and exclusive discretion, extend the end date of this Agreement beyond that provided for in Subsection 1.1. Any such extension shall require a written amendment to this Agreement, as provided for herein. Consultant understands and agrees that, if City grants such an extension, City shall have no obligation to provide Consultant with compensation beyond the maximum amount provided for in this Agreement. Similarly, unless authorized by the Contract Administrator, City shall have no obligation to reimburse Consultant for any otherwise reimbursable expenses incurred during the extension period. 8.5 Amendments. The Parties may amend this Agreement only by a writing signed by all the Parties. 8.6 Assignment and Subcontracting. City and Consultant recognize and agree that this Agreement contemplates personal performance by Consultant and is based upon a determination of Consultant’s unique personal competence, experience, and specialized personal knowledge. Moreover, a substantial inducement to City for entering into this Agreement was and is the professional reputation and competence of Consultant. Consultant may not assign this Agreement or any interest therein without the prior written approval of the Contract Administrator. Consultant shall not subcontract any portion of the performance contemplated and provided for herein, other than to the subcontractors noted in Consultant’s proposal, without prior written approval of the Contract Administrator. In the event that key personnel leave Consultant’s employ, Consultant shall notify City immediately. 8.7 Survival. All obligations arising prior to the expiration or termination of this Agreement and all provisions of this Agreement allocating liability between City and Consultant shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement. 8.8 Options upon Breach by Consultant. If Consultant materially breaches any of the terms of this Agreement, City's remedies shall include, but not be limited to, any or all of the following: a. Immediately terminate this Agreement; b. Retain the plans, specifications, drawings, reports, design documents, and any other work product prepared by Consultant pursuant to this Agreement; c. Retain a different consultant to complete the Services described in Exhibit A; and/or d. Charge Consultant the difference between the cost to complete the Services described in Exhibit A that is unfinished at the time of breach and the amount that City would have paid Consultant pursuant to Section 2 if Consultant had completed the Services. SECTION 9. KEEPING AND STATUS OF RECORDS. 9.1 Records Created as Part of Consultant’s Performance. All reports, data, maps, models, charts, studies, surveys, photographs, memoranda, plans, studies, specifications, records, files, or any other documents or materials, in electronic or any other form that Consultant prepares 10.7.a Packet Pg. 120 Attachment: 2021 ED- PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT (JPW Communications 20-21 Menifee Matters) (2544 : FY2020/21 on Call 2671/031858-0001 7630421.2 a05/22/20 -11- or obtains pursuant to this Agreement and that relate to the matters covered hereunder shall be the property of City. Consultant hereby agrees to deliver those documents to City upon the expiration or termination of this Agreement. It is understood and agreed that the documents and other materials, including but not limited to those described above, prepared pursuant to this Agreement are prepared specifically for City and are not necessarily suitable for any future or other use. Any use of such documents for other projects by City shall be without liability to Consultant. City and Consultant agree that, until final approval by City, all data, plans, specifications, reports, and other documents are confidential and will not be released to third parties without prior written consent of both Parties unless required by law. 9.2 Licensing of Intellectual Property. This Agreement creates a non-exclusive and perpetual license for City to copy, use, modify, reuse, or sublicense any and all copyrights, designs, rights of reproduction, and other intellectual property embodied in plans, specifications, studies, drawings, estimates, test data, survey results, models, renderings, and other documents or works of authorship fixed in any tangible medium of expression, including but not limited to, physical drawings, digital renderings, or data stored digitally, magnetically, or in any other medium, which are prepared or caused to be prepared by Consultant under this Agreement (“Documents and Data”). Consultant shall require all subcontractors to agree in writing that City is granted a non- exclusive and perpetual license for any Documents and Data the subcontractor prepares under this Agreement. Consultant represents and warrants that Consultant has the legal right to license any and all Documents and Data. Consultant makes no such representation and warranty in regard to Documents and Data which were prepared by design professionals other than Consultant or provided to Consultant by the City. City shall not be limited in any way in its use of the Documents and Data at any time, provided that any such use not within the purposes intended by this Agreement shall be at City’s sole risk. 9.3 Consultant’s Books and Records. Consultant shall maintain any and all ledgers, books of account, invoices, vouchers, canceled checks, and other records or documents evidencing or relating to charges for the Services or expenditures and disbursements charged to City under this Agreement for a minimum of three (3) years, or for any longer period required by law, from the date of final payment to Consultant under this Agreement. All such records shall be maintained in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and shall be clearly identified and readily accessible. 9.4 Inspection and Audit of Records. Any records or documents that Section 9.3 of this Agreement requires Consultant to maintain shall be made available for inspection, audit, and/or copying at any time during regular business hours, upon oral or written request of City. Under California Government Code Section 8546.7, if the amount of public funds expended under this Agreement exceeds TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS ($10,000.00), this Agreement shall be subject to the examination and audit of the State Auditor, at the request of City or as part of any audit of City, for a period of three (3) years after final payment under this Agreement. SECTION 10. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS. 10.1 Attorneys’ Fees. If either Party to this Agreement brings any action, including an action for declaratory relief, to enforce or interpret the provision of this Agreement, the prevailing Party shall be entitled to reasonable attorneys’ fees and expenses including costs, in addition to 10.7.a Packet Pg. 121 Attachment: 2021 ED- PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT (JPW Communications 20-21 Menifee Matters) (2544 : FY2020/21 on Call 2671/031858-0001 7630421.2 a05/22/20 -12- any other relief to which that Party may be entitled; provided, however, that the attorneys’ fees awarded pursuant to this Section shall not exceed the hourly rate paid by City for legal services multiplied by the reasonable number of hours spent by the prevailing Party in the conduct of the litigation. The court may set such fees in the same action or in a separate action brought for that purpose. 10.2 Applicable Law; Venue. The internal laws of the State of California shall govern the interpretation and enforcement of this Agreement. In the event that either Party brings any action against the other under this Agreement, the Parties agree that trial of such action shall be vested exclusively in Riverside County. 10.3 Severability. If any provision of this Agreement is held invalid, the remainder of this Agreement shall not be affected thereby and all other parts of this Agreement shall nevertheless be in full force and effect. 10.4 Section Headings and Subheadings. The section headings and subheadings contained in this Agreement are included for convenience only and shall not limit or otherwise affect the terms of this Agreement. 10.5 No Implied Waiver of Breach. The waiver of any breach of a specific provision of this Agreement does not constitute a waiver of any other breach of that term or any other term of this Agreement. 10.6 Successors and Assigns. The provisions of this Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and shall apply to and bind the successors and assigns of the Parties. 10.7 Consultant Representative. All matters under this Agreement shall be handled for Consultant by Jennifer L. Windle, Founder & President (“Consultant’s Representative”). The Consultant’s Representative shall have full authority to represent and act on behalf of Consultant for all purposes under this Agreement. The Consultant’s Representative shall supervise and direct the Services, using his best skill and attention, and shall be responsible for all means, methods, techniques, sequences, and procedures and for the satisfactory coordination of all portions of the Services under this Agreement. 10.8 City Contract Administration. This Agreement shall be administered by a City employee, Kayla Charters, Economic Development Analyst (“Contract Administrator”). All correspondence shall be directed to or through the Contract Administrator or his designee. The Contract Administrator shall have the power to act on behalf of City for all purposes under this Agreement. Unless otherwise provided in this Agreement, Consultant shall not accept direction or orders from any person other than the Contract Administrator or his designee. 10.9 Notices. Any written notice to Consultant shall be sent to: JPW COMMUNICATIONS, LLC Attn: Jennifer L. Windle, Founder & President 2710 LOKER AVE W. SUITE 300 CARLSBAD, CA 92010 10.7.a Packet Pg. 122 Attachment: 2021 ED- PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT (JPW Communications 20-21 Menifee Matters) (2544 : FY2020/21 on Call 2671/031858-0001 7630421.2 a05/22/20 -13- Any written notice to City shall be sent to the Contract Administrator at: City of Menifee 29844 Haun Road Menifee, CA 92586 Attn: Kayla Charters, Economic Development Analyst with a copy to: City Clerk City of Menifee 29844 Haun Road Menifee, CA 92586 10.10 Professional Seal. Where applicable in the determination of the Contract Administrator, the first page of a technical report, first page of design specifications, and each page of construction drawings shall be stamped/sealed and signed by the licensed professional responsible for the report/design preparation. The stamp/seal shall be in a block entitled “Seal and Signature of Registered Professional with report/design responsibility,” as in the following example. __________________________________________ Seal and Signature of Registered Professional with report/design responsibility. 10.11 Rights and Remedies. Except with respect to rights and remedies expressly declared to be exclusive in this Agreement, the rights and remedies of the Parties are cumulative and the exercise by either Party of one or more of such rights or remedies shall not preclude the exercise by it, at the same or different times, of any other rights or remedies for the same default or any other default by the other Party. 10.12 Integration. This Agreement, including the scope of services attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit A, represents the entire and integrated agreement between City and Consultant and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations, or agreements, either written or oral. The terms of this Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the meaning of the language used and shall not be construed for or against either Party by reason of the authorship of this Agreement or any other rule of construction which might otherwise apply. 10.13 Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in multiple counterparts, each of which shall be an original and all of which together shall constitute one agreement. 10.14 Execution of Contract. The persons executing this Agreement on behalf of each of the Parties hereto represent and warrant that (i) such Party is duly organized and existing, (ii) they are duly authorized to execute and deliver this Agreement on behalf of said Party, (iii) by so executing this Agreement, such Party is formally bound to the provisions of this Agreement, and (iv) that entering into this Agreement does not violate any provision of any other Agreement to which said Party is bound. 10.7.a Packet Pg. 123 Attachment: 2021 ED- PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT (JPW Communications 20-21 Menifee Matters) (2544 : FY2020/21 on Call 2671/031858-0001 7630421.2 a05/22/20 -14- 10.15 Nondiscrimination. Consultant covenants that, by and for itself, its heirs, executors, assigns, and all persons claiming under or through them, that in the performance of this Agreement there shall be no discrimination against or segregation of, any person or group of persons on account of any impermissible classification including, but not limited to, race, color, creed, religion, sex, marital status, sexual orientation, national origin, or ancestry. 10.16 No Third Party Beneficiaries. With the exception of the specific provisions set forth in this Agreement, there are no intended third-party beneficiaries under this Agreement and no such other third parties shall have any rights or obligations hereunder. 10.17 Nonliability of City Officers and Employees. No officer, official, employee, agent, representative, or volunteer of City shall be personally liable to Consultant, or any successor in interest, in the event of any default or breach by City or for any amount which may become due to Consultant or to its successor, or for breach of any obligation of the terms of this Agreement. 10.18 No Undue Influence. Consultant declares and warrants that no undue influence or pressure is used against or in concert with any officer or employee of City in connection with the award, terms or implementation of this Agreement, including any method of coercion, confidential financial arrangement, or financial inducement. No officer or employee of City shall receive compensation, directly or indirectly, from Consultant, or from any officer, employee, or agent of Consultant, in connection with the award of this Agreement or any work to be conducted as a result of this Agreement. 10.19 No Benefit to Arise to City Employees. No member, officer, or employee of City, or their designees or agents, and no public official who exercises authority over or has responsibilities with respect to this Agreement during his/her tenure or for one (1) year thereafter, shall have any interest, direct or indirect, in any agreement or sub-agreement, or the proceeds thereof, for the Services to be performed under this Agreement. [Signatures on Following Page] 10.7.a Packet Pg. 124 Attachment: 2021 ED- PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT (JPW Communications 20-21 Menifee Matters) (2544 : FY2020/21 on Call 2671/031858-0001 7630421.2 a05/22/20 -15- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have executed and entered into this Agreement as of the Effective Date. CITY OF MENIFEE Armando G. Villa, City Manager Attest: Sarah A. Manwaring, City Clerk Approved as to Form: Jeffrey T. Melching, City Attorney CONSULTANT Jennifer Windle, President & Managing Member Leslie Spring, Senior Communications Manager [Note: 2 officer’s signatures required if Consultant is a corporation, unless provided with a certificate of secretary in-lieu] 10.7.a Packet Pg. 125 Attachment: 2021 ED- PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT (JPW Communications 20-21 Menifee Matters) (2544 : FY2020/21 on Call 2671/031858-0001 7630421.2 a05/22/20 EXHIBIT A EXHIBIT A SCOPE OF SERVICES Services shall include, but are not limited, to content development/publication services of Menifee Matters in the amount not to exceed TWENTY FOUR THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED DOLLARS AND ZERO CENTS ($24,900.00), and as further detailed in the following pages. 10.7.a Packet Pg. 126 Attachment: 2021 ED- PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT (JPW Communications 20-21 Menifee Matters) (2544 : FY2020/21 on Call 2671/031858-0001 7630421.2 a00/00/00 EXHIBIT A 10.7.a Packet Pg. 127 Attachment: 2021 ED- PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT (JPW Communications 20-21 Menifee Matters) (2544 : FY2020/21 on Call 2671/031858-0001 7630421.2 a00/00/00 -2- 10.7.a Packet Pg. 128 Attachment: 2021 ED- PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT (JPW Communications 20-21 Menifee Matters) (2544 : FY2020/21 on Call 2671/031858-0001 7630421.2 a00/00/00 -3- 10.7.a Packet Pg. 129 Attachment: 2021 ED- PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT (JPW Communications 20-21 Menifee Matters) (2544 : FY2020/21 on Call 2671/031858-0001 7630421.2 a05/22/20 CITY OF MENIFEE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT FY 2020/21 ON-CALL MARKETING SERVICES (ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT) THIS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT (“Agreement”) is made and effective this _____ day of __________, 2020 (“Effective Date”) by and between the CITY OF MENIFEE, a California municipal corporation, (“City”) and SEARLE CREATIVE GROUP LLC, a Limited Liability Company (LLC) (“Consultant”). City and Consultant may sometimes herein be referred to individually as a “Party” and collectively as the “Parties.” SECTION 1. SERVICES. Subject to the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement, Consultant shall provide to City the services described in the Scope of Services, attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by this reference (the “Services”). Consultant will perform subsequent task orders as requested by the Contract Administrator (as defined below), in accordance with the Scope of Services. In the event of a conflict in or inconsistency between the terms of this Agreement and Exhibit A, this Agreement shall prevail. 1.1 Term of Services. The term of this Agreement shall begin on June 1, 2020 and shall end on June 30, 2021 unless the term of this Agreement is otherwise terminated or extended as provided for in Section 8. The time provided to Consultant to complete the Services required by this Agreement shall not affect City’s right to terminate this Agreement, as provided for in Section 8. 1.2 Standard of Performance. Consultant represents and warrants that Consultant is a provider of first class work and services and Consultant is experienced in performing the Services contemplated herein and, in light of such status and experience, Consultant shall perform the Services required pursuant to this Agreement in the manner and according to the standards observed by a competent practitioner of the profession in which Consultant is engaged in the geographical area in which Consultant practices its profession and to the sole satisfaction of the Contract Administrator. 1.3 Assignment of Personnel. Consultant shall assign only competent personnel to perform the Services pursuant to Agreement. In the event that City, in its sole discretion, at any time during the term of this Agreement, desires the reassignment of any such persons, Consultant shall, immediately upon receiving notice from City of such desire of City, reassign such person or persons. 1.4 Time. Consultant shall devote such time to the performance of the Services pursuant to this Agreement as may be reasonably necessary to satisfy Consultant’s obligations hereunder. 10.7.b Packet Pg. 130 Attachment: 2021 ED- PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT (Searle Creative On Call Marketing) [Revision 1] (2544 : FY2020/21 on Call 2671/031858-0001 7630421.2 a05/22/20 -2- 1.5 Authorization to Perform Services. Consultant is not authorized to perform any of the Services or incur any costs whatsoever under the terms of this Agreement until receipt of authorization from the Contract Administrator. SECTION 2. COMPENSATION. City hereby agrees to pay Consultant a sum not to exceed THIRTY THOUSAND DOLLARS AND ZERO CENTS ($30,000.00) notwithstanding any contrary indications that may be contained in Consultant’s proposal, for the Services to be performed and reimbursable costs incurred under this Agreement. In the event of a conflict between this Agreement and Exhibit A, regarding the amount of compensation, this Agreement shall prevail. City shall pay Consultant for the Services rendered pursuant to this Agreement at the time and in the manner set forth herein. The payments specified below shall be the only payments from City to Consultant for the Services rendered pursuant to this Agreement. Consultant shall submit all invoices to City in the manner specified herein. Except as specifically authorized in advance by City, Consultant shall not bill City for duplicate services performed by more than one person. 2.1 Invoices. Consultant shall submit invoices monthly during the term of this Agreement, based on the cost for the Services performed and reimbursable costs incurred prior to the invoice date. Invoices shall contain the following information: a. Serial identifications of progress bills; i.e., Progress Bill No. 1 for the first invoice, etc.; b. The beginning and ending dates of the billing period; c. A “Task Summary” containing the original contract amount, the amount of prior billings, the total due this period, the balance available under this Agreement, and the percentage of completion; d. At City’s option, for each item in each task, a copy of the applicable time entries or time sheets shall be submitted showing the name of the person performing the Services, the hours spent by each person, a brief description of the Services, and each reimbursable expense; e. The total number of hours of work performed under this Agreement by Consultant and each employee, agent, and subcontractor of Consultant performing the Services hereunder necessary to complete the Services described in Exhibit A; f. Receipts for expenses to be reimbursed; g. The Consultant Representative’s signature. Invoices shall be submitted to: City of Menifee Attn: Accounts Payable 10.7.b Packet Pg. 131 Attachment: 2021 ED- PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT (Searle Creative On Call Marketing) [Revision 1] (2544 : FY2020/21 on Call 2671/031858-0001 7630421.2 a05/22/20 -3- 29844 Haun Road Menifee, CA 92586 2.2 Monthly Payment. City shall make monthly payments, based on invoices received, for the Services satisfactorily performed, and for authorized reimbursable costs incurred. City shall have thirty (30) days from the receipt of an invoice that complies with all of the requirements above to pay Consultant. 2.3 Final Payment. City shall pay the last five percent (5%) of the total amount due pursuant to this Agreement within sixty (60) days after completion of the Services and submittal to City of a final invoice, if all of the Services required have been satisfactorily performed. 2.4 Total Payment. City shall not pay any additional sum for any expense or cost whatsoever incurred by Consultant in rendering the Services pursuant to this Agreement. City shall make no payment for any extra, further, or additional service pursuant to this Agreement. In no event shall Consultant submit any invoice for an amount in excess of the maximum amount of compensation provided above either for a task or for the entirety of the Services performed pursuant to this Agreement, unless this Agreement is modified in writing prior to the submission of such an invoice. 2.5 Hourly Fees. Fees for the Services performed by Consultant on an hourly basis shall not exceed the amounts shown on the fee schedule included with Exhibit A. 2.6 Reimbursable Expenses. Reimbursable expenses are included within the maximum amount of this Agreement. 2.7 Payment of Taxes. Consultant is solely responsible for the payment of employment taxes incurred under this Agreement and any federal or state taxes. 2.8 Payment upon Termination. In the event that City or Consultant terminates this Agreement pursuant to Section 8, City shall compensate Consultant for all outstanding costs and reimbursable expenses incurred for Services satisfactorily completed and for reimbursable expenses as of the date of written notice of termination. Consultant shall maintain adequate logs and timesheets in order to verify costs and reimbursable expenses incurred to that date. SECTION 3. FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT. Except as otherwise provided, Consultant shall, at its sole cost and expense, provide all facilities and equipment necessary to perform the services required by this Agreement. City shall make available to Consultant only physical facilities such as desks, filing cabinets, and conference space, as may be reasonably necessary for Consultant’s use while consulting with City employees and reviewing records and the information in possession of City. The location, quantity, and time of furnishing those facilities shall be in the sole discretion of City. In no event shall City be required to furnish any facility that may involve incurring any direct expense, including but not limited to computer, long-distance telephone or other communication charges, vehicles, and reproduction facilities. 10.7.b Packet Pg. 132 Attachment: 2021 ED- PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT (Searle Creative On Call Marketing) [Revision 1] (2544 : FY2020/21 on Call 2671/031858-0001 7630421.2 a05/22/20 -4- SECTION 4. INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS. Before beginning any work under this Agreement, Consultant, at its own cost and expense, shall procure the types and amounts of insurance checked below and provide Certificates of Insurance, indicating that Consultant has obtained or currently maintains insurance that meets the requirements of this section and which is satisfactory, in all respects, to City. Consultant shall maintain the insurance policies required by this section throughout the term of this Agreement. The cost of such insurance shall be included in Consultant’s compensation. Consultant shall not allow any subcontractor, consultant or other agent to commence work on any subcontract until Consultant has obtained all insurance required herein for the subcontractor(s) and provided evidence thereof to City. Verification of the required insurance shall be submitted and made part of this Agreement prior to execution. Consultant acknowledges the insurance policy must cover inter-insured suits between City and other Insureds. 4.1 Workers’ Compensation. Consultant shall, at its sole cost and expense, maintain Statutory Workers’ Compensation Insurance and Employer’s Liability Insurance for any and all persons employed directly or indirectly by Consultant pursuant to the provisions of the California Labor Code. Statutory Workers’ Compensation Insurance and Employer’s Liability Insurance shall be provided with limits of not less than ONE MILLION DOLLARS ($1,000,000.00) per accident, ONE MILLION DOLLARS ($1,000,000.00) disease per employee, and ONE MILLION DOLLARS ($1,000,000.00) disease per policy. In the alternative, Consultant may rely on a self- insurance program to meet those requirements, but only if the program of self-insurance complies fully with the provisions of the California Labor Code. Determination of whether a self-insurance program meets the standards of the California Labor Code shall be solely in the discretion of the Contract Administrator. The insurer, if insurance is provided, or Consultant, if a program of self- insurance is provided, shall waive all rights of subrogation against City and its officers, officials, employees, and authorized volunteers for loss arising from the Services performed under this Agreement. 4.2 Commercial General and Automobile Liability Insurance. a. General requirements. Consultant, at its own cost and expense, shall maintain commercial general and automobile liability insurance for the term of this Agreement in an amount not less than ONE MILLION DOLLARS ($1,000,000.00) per occurrence, combined single limit coverage, for risks associated with the Services contemplated by this Agreement, TWO MILLION DOLLARS ($2,000,000.00) general aggregate, and TWO MILLION DOLLARS ($2,000,000.00) products/completed operations aggregate. If a Commercial General Liability Insurance or an Automobile Liability Insurance form or other form with a general aggregate limit is used, either the general aggregate limit shall apply separately to the Services to be performed under this Agreement or the general aggregate limit shall be at least twice the required occurrence limit. Such coverage shall include but shall not be limited to, protection against claims arising from bodily and personal injury, including death resulting therefrom, and damage to property resulting from the Services contemplated under this Agreement, including the use of hired, owned, and non-owned automobiles. b. Minimum scope of coverage. Commercial general coverage shall be at least as broad as Insurance Services Office Commercial General Liability occurrence form CG 0001. 10.7.b Packet Pg. 133 Attachment: 2021 ED- PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT (Searle Creative On Call Marketing) [Revision 1] (2544 : FY2020/21 on Call 2671/031858-0001 7630421.2 a05/22/20 -5- Automobile coverage shall be at least as broad as Insurance Services Office Automobile Liability form CA 0001 Code 2, 8, and 9. No endorsement shall be attached limiting the coverage. c. Additional requirements. Each of the following shall be included in the insurance coverage or added as a certified endorsement to the policy: a. The insurance shall cover on an occurrence or an accident basis, and not on a claims-made basis. b. Any failure of Consultant to comply with reporting provisions of the policy shall not affect coverage provided to City and its officers, employees, agents, and volunteers. 4.3 Professional Liability Insurance. a. General requirements. Consultant, at its own cost and expense, shall maintain for the period covered by this Agreement professional liability insurance for licensed professionals performing the Services pursuant to this Agreement in an amount not less than ONE MILLION DOLLARS ($1,000,000) covering the licensed professionals’ errors and omissions. Any deductible or self-insured retention shall be shown on the Certificate. If the deductible or self-insured retention exceeds TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($25,000), it must be approved by City. b. Claims-made limitations. The following provisions shall apply if the professional liability coverage is written on a claims-made form: a. The retroactive date of the policy must be shown and must be no later than the commencement of the Services. b. Insurance must be maintained and evidence of insurance must be provided for at least five (5) years after the expiration or termination of this Agreement or completion of the Services, so long as commercially available at reasonable rates. c. If coverage is canceled or not renewed and it is not replaced with another claims-made policy form with a retroactive date that precedes the Effective Date of this Agreement, Consultant must provide extended reporting coverage for a minimum of five (5) years after the expiration or termination of this Agreement or the completion of the Services. Such continuation coverage may be provided by one of the following: (1) renewal of the existing policy; (2) an extended reporting period endorsement; or (3) replacement insurance with a retroactive date no later than the commencement of the Services under this Agreement. City shall have the right to exercise, at Consultant’s sole cost and expense, any extended reporting provisions of the policy, if Consultant cancels or does not renew the coverage. d. A copy of the claim reporting requirements must be submitted to City prior to the commencement of the Services under this Agreement. 10.7.b Packet Pg. 134 Attachment: 2021 ED- PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT (Searle Creative On Call Marketing) [Revision 1] (2544 : FY2020/21 on Call 2671/031858-0001 7630421.2 a05/22/20 -6- 4.4 All Policies Requirements. a. Acceptability of insurers. All insurance required by this Section is to be placed with insurers with a Bests’ rating of no less than A:VII and admitted in California. b. Verification of coverage. Prior to beginning the Services under this Agreement, Consultant shall furnish City with Certificates of Insurance, additional insured endorsement or policy language granting additional insured status complete certified copies of all policies, including complete certified copies of all endorsements. All copies of policies and certified endorsements shall show the signature of a person authorized by that insurer to bind coverage on its behalf. The Certificate of Insurance must include the following reference: FY 2020/21 ON-CALL MARKETING SERVICES (ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT). The name and address for Additional Insured endorsements, Certificates of Insurance and Notice of Cancellation is: City of Menifee, 29844 Haun Road, Menifee, CA 92586. City must be endorsed as an additional insured for liability arising out of ongoing and completed operations by or on behalf of Consultant. c. Notice of Reduction in or Cancellation of Coverage. Consultant shall provide written notice to City within ten (10) working days if: (1) any of the required insurance policies is terminated; (2) the limits of any of the required polices are reduced; or (3) the deductible or self insured retention is increased. d. Additional insured; primary insurance. City and its officers, employees, agents, and authorized volunteers shall be covered as additional insureds with respect to each of the following: liability arising out of the Services performed by or on behalf of Consultant, including the insured’s general supervision of Consultant; products and completed operations of Consultant, as applicable; premises owned, occupied, or used by Consultant; and automobiles owned, leased, or used by Consultant in the course of providing the Services pursuant to this Agreement. The coverage shall contain no special limitations on the scope of protection afforded to City or its officers, employees, agents, or authorized volunteers. The insurance provided to City as an additional insured must apply on a primary and non-contributory basis with respect to any insurance or self-insurance program maintained by City. Additional insured status shall continue for one (1) year after the expiration or termination of this Agreement or completion of the Services. A certified endorsement must be attached to all policies stating that coverage is primary insurance with respect to City and its officers, officials, employees, and volunteers, and that no insurance or self-insurance maintained by City shall be called upon to contribute to a loss under the coverage. e. Deductibles and Self-insured Retentions. Consultant shall obtain the written approval of City for the self-insured retentions and deductibles before beginning any of the Services. During the term of this Agreement, only upon the prior express written authorization of the Contract Administrator, Consultant may increase such deductibles or self- insured retentions with respect to City, its officers, employees, agents, and volunteers. The Contract Administrator may condition approval of an increase in deductible or self-insured 10.7.b Packet Pg. 135 Attachment: 2021 ED- PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT (Searle Creative On Call Marketing) [Revision 1] (2544 : FY2020/21 on Call 2671/031858-0001 7630421.2 a05/22/20 -7- retention levels with a requirement that Consultant procure a bond guaranteeing payment of losses and related investigations, claim administration, and defense expenses that is satisfactory in all respects to each of them. f. Subcontractors. Consultant shall include all subcontractors as insureds under its policies or shall furnish separate certificates and certified endorsements for each subcontractor. All coverages for subcontractors shall be subject to all of the requirements stated herein. g. Variation. The Contract Administrator may, but is not required to, approve in writing a variation in the foregoing insurance requirements, upon a determination that the coverage, scope, limits, and forms of such insurance are either not commercially available, or that City’s interests are otherwise fully protected. 4.5 Remedies. In addition to any other remedies at law or equity City may have if Consultant fails to provide or maintain any insurance policies or policy endorsements to the extent and within the time herein required, City may, at its sole option, exercise any of the following remedies, which are alternatives to other remedies City may have and are not the exclusive remedy for Consultant’s breach: a. Obtain such insurance and deduct and retain the amount of the premiums for such insurance from any sums due under this Agreement; b. Order Consultant to stop work under this Agreement or withhold any payment that becomes due to Consultant hereunder, or both stop work and withhold any payment, until Consultant demonstrates compliance with the requirements hereof; and/or c. Terminate this Agreement. SECTION 5. INDEMNIFICATION. 5.1 Indemnification for Professional Liability. Where the law establishes a professional standard of care for performance of the Services, to the fullest extent permitted by law, Consultant shall indemnify, protect, defend (with counsel selected by City), and hold harmless City and any and all of its officers, employees, officials, volunteers, and agents from and against any and all claims, losses, costs, damages, expenses, liabilities, liens, actions, causes of action (whether in tort, contract, under statute, at law, in equity, or otherwise) charges, awards, assessments, fines, or penalties of any kind (including reasonable consultant and expert fees and expenses of investigation, costs of whatever kind and nature and, if Consultant fails to provide a defense for City, the legal costs of counsel retained by City) and any judgment (collectively, “Claims”) to the extent same are caused in whole or in part by any negligent or wrongful act, error, or omission of Consultant, its officers, agents, employees, or subcontractors (or any entity or individual that Consultant shall bear the legal liability thereof) in the performance of professional services under this Agreement. 5.2 Indemnification for Other than Professional Liability. Other than in the performance of professional services and to the full extent permitted by law, Consultant shall indemnify, protect, defend (with counsel selected by City), and hold harmless City, and any and 10.7.b Packet Pg. 136 Attachment: 2021 ED- PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT (Searle Creative On Call Marketing) [Revision 1] (2544 : FY2020/21 on Call 2671/031858-0001 7630421.2 a05/22/20 -8- all of its officers, employees, officials, volunteers, and agents from and against any and all Claims, where the same arise out of, are a consequence of, or are in any way attributable to, in whole or in part, the performance of this Agreement by Consultant or by any individual or entity for which Consultant is legally liable, including but not limited to officers, agents, employees or subcontractors of Consultant. 5.3 Limitation of Indemnification. The provisions of this Section 5 do not apply to claims occurring as a result of City’s sole or active negligence. The provisions of this Section 5 shall not release City from liability arising from gross negligence or willful acts or omissions of City or any and all of its officers, officials, employees, and agents acting in an official capacity. SECTION 6. STATUS OF CONSULTANT. 6.1 Independent Contractor. At all times during the term of this Agreement, Consultant shall be an independent contractor and shall not be an employee of City. City shall have the right to control Consultant only insofar as the results of the Services rendered pursuant to this Agreement and assignment of personnel pursuant to Subparagraph 1.3; however, otherwise City shall not have the right to control the means by which Consultant accomplishes the Services rendered pursuant to this Agreement. The personnel performing the Services under this Agreement on behalf of Consultant shall at all times be under Consultant’s exclusive direction and control. Consultant shall not at any time or in any manner represent that it or any of its officers, employees, or agents is in any manner officers, officials, employees, or agents of City. Consultant shall not incur or have the power to incur any debt, obligation, or liability whatever against City, or bind City in any manner. Except for the fees paid to Consultant as provided in this Agreement, City shall not pay salaries, wages, or other compensation to Consultant for performing the Services hereunder for City. City shall not be liable for compensation or indemnification to Consultant for injury or sickness arising out of performing the Services hereunder. Notwithstanding any other City, state, or federal policy, rule, regulation, law, or ordinance to the contrary, Consultant and any of its employees, agents, and subcontractors providing services under this Agreement shall not qualify for or become entitled to any compensation, benefit, or any incident of employment by City, including but not limited to eligibility to enroll in the California Public Employees Retirement System (“PERS”) as an employee of City and entitlement to any contribution to be paid by City for employer contributions and/or employee contributions for PERS benefits. SECTION 7. LEGAL REQUIREMENTS. 7.1 Governing Law. The laws of the State of California shall govern this Agreement. 7.2 Compliance with Applicable Laws. Consultant and any subcontractor shall comply with all applicable local, state, and federal laws and regulations applicable to the performance of the work hereunder. Consultant shall not hire or employ any person to perform work within City or allow any person to perform the Services required under this Agreement unless such person is properly documented and legally entitled to be employed within the United States. Any and all work subject to prevailing wages, as determined by the Director of Industrial Relations of the State of California, will be the minimum paid to all laborers, including Consultant’s employee and subcontractors. It is understood that it is the responsibility of Consultant to determine the correct scale. The State Prevailing Wage Rates may be obtained from the California Department of 10.7.b Packet Pg. 137 Attachment: 2021 ED- PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT (Searle Creative On Call Marketing) [Revision 1] (2544 : FY2020/21 on Call 2671/031858-0001 7630421.2 a05/22/20 -9- Industrial Relations (“DIR”) pursuant to California Public Utilities Code, Sections 465, 466, and 467 by calling 415-703-4774. Appropriate records demonstrating compliance with such requirement shall be maintained in a safe and secure location at all times, and readily available at City’s request. Consultant shall indemnify, defend, and hold City and its elected and appointed boards, members, officials, officers, agents, representatives, employees, and volunteers harmless from and against any liability, loss, damage, cost or expenses (including but not limited to reasonable attorneys’ fees, expert witness fees, court costs, and costs incurred related to any inquiries or proceedings) arising from or related to (i) the noncompliance by Consultant or any party performing the Services of any applicable local, state, and/or federal law, including, without limitation, any applicable federal and/or state labor laws (including, without limitation, the requirement to pay state prevailing wages and hire apprentices); (ii) the implementation of Section 1781 of the Labor Code, as the same may be amended from time to time, or any other similar law; and/or (iii) failure by Consultant or any party performing the Services to provide any required disclosure or identification as required by Labor Code Section 1781, as the same may be amended from time to time, or any other similar law. It is agreed by the Parties that, in connection with performance of the Services, including, without limitation, any and all public works (as defined by applicable law), Consultant shall bear all risks of payment or non-payment of prevailing wages under California law and/or the implementation of Labor Code Section 1781, as the same may be amended from time to time, and/or any other similar law. Consultant acknowledges and agrees that it shall be independently responsible for reviewing the applicable laws and regulations and effectuating compliance with such laws. Consultant shall require the same of all subcontractors. 7.3 Licenses and Permits. Consultant represents and warrants to City that Consultant and its employees, agents, and any subcontractors have all licenses, permits, qualifications, and approvals of whatsoever nature that are legally required to practice their respective professions. Consultant represents and warrants to City that Consultant and its employees, agents, and subcontractors shall, at their sole cost and expense, keep in effect at all times during the term of this Agreement any licenses, permits, and approvals that are legally required to practice their respective professions. In addition to the foregoing, Consultant and any subcontractors shall obtain and maintain during the term of this Agreement valid Business Licenses from City. SECTION 8. TERMINATION AND MODIFICATION. 8.1 Termination. City may cancel this Agreement at any time and without cause upon written notification to Consultant. 8.2 Termination by Consultant. Consultant may cancel this Agreement upon 30 days’ written notice to City. 8.3 Consequences of Termination. In the event of termination, Consultant shall be entitled to compensation for the Services performed up to the date of termination; City, however, may condition payment of such compensation upon Consultant delivering to City any or all documents, photographs, computer software, video and audio tapes, and other materials provided to Consultant or prepared by or for Consultant or City in connection with this Agreement. 10.7.b Packet Pg. 138 Attachment: 2021 ED- PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT (Searle Creative On Call Marketing) [Revision 1] (2544 : FY2020/21 on Call 2671/031858-0001 7630421.2 a05/22/20 -10- 8.4 Extension. City may, in its sole and exclusive discretion, extend the end date of this Agreement beyond that provided for in Subsection 1.1. Any such extension shall require a written amendment to this Agreement, as provided for herein. Consultant understands and agrees that, if City grants such an extension, City shall have no obligation to provide Consultant with compensation beyond the maximum amount provided for in this Agreement. Similarly, unless authorized by the Contract Administrator, City shall have no obligation to reimburse Consultant for any otherwise reimbursable expenses incurred during the extension period. 8.5 Amendments. The Parties may amend this Agreement only by a writing signed by all the Parties. 8.6 Assignment and Subcontracting. City and Consultant recognize and agree that this Agreement contemplates personal performance by Consultant and is based upon a determination of Consultant’s unique personal competence, experience, and specialized personal knowledge. Moreover, a substantial inducement to City for entering into this Agreement was and is the professional reputation and competence of Consultant. Consultant may not assign this Agreement or any interest therein without the prior written approval of the Contract Administrator. Consultant shall not subcontract any portion of the performance contemplated and provided for herein, other than to the subcontractors noted in Consultant’s proposal, without prior written approval of the Contract Administrator. In the event that key personnel leave Consultant’s employ, Consultant shall notify City immediately. 8.7 Survival. All obligations arising prior to the expiration or termination of this Agreement and all provisions of this Agreement allocating liability between City and Consultant shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement. 8.8 Options upon Breach by Consultant. If Consultant materially breaches any of the terms of this Agreement, City's remedies shall include, but not be limited to, any or all of the following: a. Immediately terminate this Agreement; b. Retain the plans, specifications, drawings, reports, design documents, and any other work product prepared by Consultant pursuant to this Agreement; c. Retain a different consultant to complete the Services described in Exhibit A; and/or d. Charge Consultant the difference between the cost to complete the Services described in Exhibit A that is unfinished at the time of breach and the amount that City would have paid Consultant pursuant to Section 2 if Consultant had completed the Services. SECTION 9. KEEPING AND STATUS OF RECORDS. 9.1 Records Created as Part of Consultant’s Performance. All reports, data, maps, models, charts, studies, surveys, photographs, memoranda, plans, studies, specifications, records, files, or any other documents or materials, in electronic or any other form that Consultant prepares 10.7.b Packet Pg. 139 Attachment: 2021 ED- PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT (Searle Creative On Call Marketing) [Revision 1] (2544 : FY2020/21 on Call 2671/031858-0001 7630421.2 a05/22/20 -11- or obtains pursuant to this Agreement and that relate to the matters covered hereunder shall be the property of City. Consultant hereby agrees to deliver those documents to City upon the expiration or termination of this Agreement. It is understood and agreed that the documents and other materials, including but not limited to those described above, prepared pursuant to this Agreement are prepared specifically for City and are not necessarily suitable for any future or other use. Any use of such documents for other projects by City shall be without liability to Consultant. City and Consultant agree that, until final approval by City, all data, plans, specifications, reports, and other documents are confidential and will not be released to third parties without prior written consent of both Parties unless required by law. 9.2 Licensing of Intellectual Property. This Agreement creates a non-exclusive and perpetual license for City to copy, use, modify, reuse, or sublicense any and all copyrights, designs, rights of reproduction, and other intellectual property embodied in plans, specifications, studies, drawings, estimates, test data, survey results, models, renderings, and other documents or works of authorship fixed in any tangible medium of expression, including but not limited to, physical drawings, digital renderings, or data stored digitally, magnetically, or in any other medium, which are prepared or caused to be prepared by Consultant under this Agreement (“Documents and Data”). Consultant shall require all subcontractors to agree in writing that City is granted a non- exclusive and perpetual license for any Documents and Data the subcontractor prepares under this Agreement. Consultant represents and warrants that Consultant has the legal right to license any and all Documents and Data. Consultant makes no such representation and warranty in regard to Documents and Data which were prepared by design professionals other than Consultant or provided to Consultant by the City. City shall not be limited in any way in its use of the Documents and Data at any time, provided that any such use not within the purposes intended by this Agreement shall be at City’s sole risk. 9.3 Consultant’s Books and Records. Consultant shall maintain any and all ledgers, books of account, invoices, vouchers, canceled checks, and other records or documents evidencing or relating to charges for the Services or expenditures and disbursements charged to City under this Agreement for a minimum of three (3) years, or for any longer period required by law, from the date of final payment to Consultant under this Agreement. All such records shall be maintained in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and shall be clearly identified and readily accessible. 9.4 Inspection and Audit of Records. Any records or documents that Section 9.3 of this Agreement requires Consultant to maintain shall be made available for inspection, audit, and/or copying at any time during regular business hours, upon oral or written request of City. Under California Government Code Section 8546.7, if the amount of public funds expended under this Agreement exceeds TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS ($10,000.00), this Agreement shall be subject to the examination and audit of the State Auditor, at the request of City or as part of any audit of City, for a period of three (3) years after final payment under this Agreement. SECTION 10. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS. 10.1 Attorneys’ Fees. If either Party to this Agreement brings any action, including an action for declaratory relief, to enforce or interpret the provision of this Agreement, the prevailing Party shall be entitled to reasonable attorneys’ fees and expenses including costs, in addition to 10.7.b Packet Pg. 140 Attachment: 2021 ED- PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT (Searle Creative On Call Marketing) [Revision 1] (2544 : FY2020/21 on Call 2671/031858-0001 7630421.2 a05/22/20 -12- any other relief to which that Party may be entitled; provided, however, that the attorneys’ fees awarded pursuant to this Section shall not exceed the hourly rate paid by City for legal services multiplied by the reasonable number of hours spent by the prevailing Party in the conduct of the litigation. The court may set such fees in the same action or in a separate action brought for that purpose. 10.2 Applicable Law; Venue. The internal laws of the State of California shall govern the interpretation and enforcement of this Agreement. In the event that either Party brings any action against the other under this Agreement, the Parties agree that trial of such action shall be vested exclusively in Riverside County. 10.3 Severability. If any provision of this Agreement is held invalid, the remainder of this Agreement shall not be affected thereby and all other parts of this Agreement shall nevertheless be in full force and effect. 10.4 Section Headings and Subheadings. The section headings and subheadings contained in this Agreement are included for convenience only and shall not limit or otherwise affect the terms of this Agreement. 10.5 No Implied Waiver of Breach. The waiver of any breach of a specific provision of this Agreement does not constitute a waiver of any other breach of that term or any other term of this Agreement. 10.6 Successors and Assigns. The provisions of this Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and shall apply to and bind the successors and assigns of the Parties. 10.7 Consultant Representative. All matters under this Agreement shall be handled for Consultant by Kellie Meehan (“Consultant’s Representative”). The Consultant’s Representative shall have full authority to represent and act on behalf of Consultant for all purposes under this Agreement. The Consultant’s Representative shall supervise and direct the Services, using his best skill and attention, and shall be responsible for all means, methods, techniques, sequences, and procedures and for the satisfactory coordination of all portions of the Services under this Agreement. 10.8 City Contract Administration. This Agreement shall be administered by a City employee, Kayla Charters, Economic Development Analyst (“Contract Administrator”). All correspondence shall be directed to or through the Contract Administrator or his designee. The Contract Administrator shall have the power to act on behalf of City for all purposes under this Agreement. Unless otherwise provided in this Agreement, Consultant shall not accept direction or orders from any person other than the Contract Administrator or his designee. 10.9 Notices. Any written notice to Consultant shall be sent to: SEARLE CREATIVE GROUP LLC Attn: Kellie Meehan 1802 Eastman Ave, Suite 111 Ventura, CA 93003 10.7.b Packet Pg. 141 Attachment: 2021 ED- PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT (Searle Creative On Call Marketing) [Revision 1] (2544 : FY2020/21 on Call 2671/031858-0001 7630421.2 a05/22/20 -13- Any written notice to City shall be sent to the Contract Administrator at: City of Menifee 29844 Haun Road Menifee, CA 92586 Attn: Kayla Charters, Economic Development Analyst with a copy to: City Clerk City of Menifee 29844 Haun Road Menifee, CA 92586 10.10 Professional Seal. Where applicable in the determination of the Contract Administrator, the first page of a technical report, first page of design specifications, and each page of construction drawings shall be stamped/sealed and signed by the licensed professional responsible for the report/design preparation. The stamp/seal shall be in a block entitled “Seal and Signature of Registered Professional with report/design responsibility,” as in the following example. __________________________________________ Seal and Signature of Registered Professional with report/design responsibility. 10.11 Rights and Remedies. Except with respect to rights and remedies expressly declared to be exclusive in this Agreement, the rights and remedies of the Parties are cumulative and the exercise by either Party of one or more of such rights or remedies shall not preclude the exercise by it, at the same or different times, of any other rights or remedies for the same default or any other default by the other Party. 10.12 Integration. This Agreement, including the scope of services attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit A, represents the entire and integrated agreement between City and Consultant and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations, or agreements, either written or oral. The terms of this Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the meaning of the language used and shall not be construed for or against either Party by reason of the authorship of this Agreement or any other rule of construction which might otherwise apply. 10.13 Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in multiple counterparts, each of which shall be an original and all of which together shall constitute one agreement. 10.14 Execution of Contract. The persons executing this Agreement on behalf of each of the Parties hereto represent and warrant that (i) such Party is duly organized and existing, (ii) they are duly authorized to execute and deliver this Agreement on behalf of said Party, (iii) by so executing this Agreement, such Party is formally bound to the provisions of this Agreement, and (iv) that entering into this Agreement does not violate any provision of any other Agreement to which said Party is bound. 10.7.b Packet Pg. 142 Attachment: 2021 ED- PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT (Searle Creative On Call Marketing) [Revision 1] (2544 : FY2020/21 on Call 2671/031858-0001 7630421.2 a05/22/20 -14- 10.15 Nondiscrimination. Consultant covenants that, by and for itself, its heirs, executors, assigns, and all persons claiming under or through them, that in the performance of this Agreement there shall be no discrimination against or segregation of, any person or group of persons on account of any impermissible classification including, but not limited to, race, color, creed, religion, sex, marital status, sexual orientation, national origin, or ancestry. 10.16 No Third Party Beneficiaries. With the exception of the specific provisions set forth in this Agreement, there are no intended third-party beneficiaries under this Agreement and no such other third parties shall have any rights or obligations hereunder. 10.17 Nonliability of City Officers and Employees. No officer, official, employee, agent, representative, or volunteer of City shall be personally liable to Consultant, or any successor in interest, in the event of any default or breach by City or for any amount which may become due to Consultant or to its successor, or for breach of any obligation of the terms of this Agreement. 10.18 No Undue Influence. Consultant declares and warrants that no undue influence or pressure is used against or in concert with any officer or employee of City in connection with the award, terms or implementation of this Agreement, including any method of coercion, confidential financial arrangement, or financial inducement. No officer or employee of City shall receive compensation, directly or indirectly, from Consultant, or from any officer, employee, or agent of Consultant, in connection with the award of this Agreement or any work to be conducted as a result of this Agreement. 10.19 No Benefit to Arise to City Employees. No member, officer, or employee of City, or their designees or agents, and no public official who exercises authority over or has responsibilities with respect to this Agreement during his/her tenure or for one (1) year thereafter, shall have any interest, direct or indirect, in any agreement or sub-agreement, or the proceeds thereof, for the Services to be performed under this Agreement. [Signatures on Following Page] 10.7.b Packet Pg. 143 Attachment: 2021 ED- PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT (Searle Creative On Call Marketing) [Revision 1] (2544 : FY2020/21 on Call 2671/031858-0001 7630421.2 a05/22/20 -15- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have executed and entered into this Agreement as of the Effective Date. CITY OF MENIFEE Armando G. Villa, City Manager Attest: Sarah A. Manwaring, City Clerk Approved as to Form: Jeffrey T. Melching, City Attorney CONSULTANT Kellie Meehan, Owner Kellie Meehan, Chief Financial Officer [Note: 2 officer’s signatures required if Consultant is a corporation, unless provided with a certificate of secretary in-lieu] 10.7.b Packet Pg. 144 Attachment: 2021 ED- PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT (Searle Creative On Call Marketing) [Revision 1] (2544 : FY2020/21 on Call 2671/031858-0001 7630421.2 a05/22/20 EXHIBIT A EXHIBIT A SCOPE OF SERVICES Services shall include, but are not limited to: On Call design work for ads and marketing services as requested by the Economic development department in the amount not to exceed THIRTY THOUSAND DOLLARS AND ZERO CENTS ($30,000.00). Consultant shall provide individual project schedule/cost breakdown to Economic Development Department staff for review/approval for each activity/project, as requested. 10.7.b Packet Pg. 145 Attachment: 2021 ED- PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT (Searle Creative On Call Marketing) [Revision 1] (2544 : FY2020/21 on Call 2671/031858-0001 7630421.2 a00/00/00 EXHIBIT A 10.7.b Packet Pg. 146 Attachment: 2021 ED- PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT (Searle Creative On Call Marketing) [Revision 1] (2544 : FY2020/21 on Call 2671/031858-0001 7630421.2 a05/22/20 CITY OF MENIFEE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT FY 2020/21 ON-CALL CITY OF MENIFEE VIDEO & PHOTOGRAPHY SERVICES FOR EVENTS AND PROGRAMMING THIS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT (“Agreement”) is made and effective this _____ day of __________, 2020 (“Effective Date”) by and between the CITY OF MENIFEE, a California municipal corporation, (“City”) and VISIONARIES IMAGE COMPANY, a Single member Limited Liability Company (LLC) (“Consultant”). City and Consultant may sometimes herein be referred to individually as a “Party” and collectively as the “Parties.” SECTION 1. SERVICES. Subject to the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement, Consultant shall provide to City the services described in the Scope of Services, attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by this reference (the “Services”). Consultant will perform subsequent task orders as requested by the Contract Administrator (as defined below), in accordance with the Scope of Services. In the event of a conflict in or inconsistency between the terms of this Agreement and Exhibit A, this Agreement shall prevail. 1.1 Term of Services. The term of this Agreement shall begin on July 1, 2020 and shall end on June 30, 2021 unless the term of this Agreement is otherwise terminated or extended as provided for in Section 8. The time provided to Consultant to complete the Services required by this Agreement shall not affect City’s right to terminate this Agreement, as provided for in Section 8. 1.2 Standard of Performance. Consultant represents and warrants that Consultant is a provider of first class work and services and Consultant is experienced in performing the Services contemplated herein and, in light of such status and experience, Consultant shall perform the Services required pursuant to this Agreement in the manner and according to the standards observed by a competent practitioner of the profession in which Consultant is engaged in the geographical area in which Consultant practices its profession and to the sole satisfaction of the Contract Administrator. 1.3 Assignment of Personnel. Consultant shall assign only competent personnel to perform the Services pursuant to Agreement. In the event that City, in its sole discretion, at any time during the term of this Agreement, desires the reassignment of any such persons, Consultant shall, immediately upon receiving notice from City of such desire of City, reassign such person or persons. 1.4 Time. Consultant shall devote such time to the performance of the Services pursuant to this Agreement as may be reasonably necessary to satisfy Consultant’s obligations hereunder. 10.7.c Packet Pg. 147 Attachment: 2021 ED- PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT (Visionaries On Call Video Production) (2544 : FY2020/21 on Call Contract 2671/031858-0001 7630421.2 a05/22/20 -2- 1.5 Authorization to Perform Services. Consultant is not authorized to perform any of the Services or incur any costs whatsoever under the terms of this Agreement until receipt of authorization from the Contract Administrator. SECTION 2. COMPENSATION. City hereby agrees to pay Consultant a sum not to exceed THIRTY THOUSAND DOLLARS AND ZERO CENTS ($30,000.00) notwithstanding any contrary indications that may be contained in Consultant’s proposal, for the Services to be performed and reimbursable costs incurred under this Agreement. In the event of a conflict between this Agreement and Exhibit A, regarding the amount of compensation, this Agreement shall prevail. City shall pay Consultant for the Services rendered pursuant to this Agreement at the time and in the manner set forth herein. The payments specified below shall be the only payments from City to Consultant for the Services rendered pursuant to this Agreement. Consultant shall submit all invoices to City in the manner specified herein. Except as specifically authorized in advance by City, Consultant shall not bill City for duplicate services performed by more than one person. 2.1 Invoices. Consultant shall submit invoices monthly during the term of this Agreement, based on the cost for the Services performed and reimbursable costs incurred prior to the invoice date. Invoices shall contain the following information: a. Serial identifications of progress bills; i.e., Progress Bill No. 1 for the first invoice, etc.; b. The beginning and ending dates of the billing period; c. A “Task Summary” containing the original contract amount, the amount of prior billings, the total due this period, the balance available under this Agreement, and the percentage of completion; d. At City’s option, for each item in each task, a copy of the applicable time entries or time sheets shall be submitted showing the name of the person performing the Services, the hours spent by each person, a brief description of the Services, and each reimbursable expense; e. The total number of hours of work performed under this Agreement by Consultant and each employee, agent, and subcontractor of Consultant performing the Services hereunder necessary to complete the Services described in Exhibit A; f. Receipts for expenses to be reimbursed; g. The Consultant Representative’s signature. Invoices shall be submitted to: City of Menifee Attn: Accounts Payable 10.7.c Packet Pg. 148 Attachment: 2021 ED- PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT (Visionaries On Call Video Production) (2544 : FY2020/21 on Call Contract 2671/031858-0001 7630421.2 a05/22/20 -3- 29844 Haun Road Menifee, CA 92586 2.2 Monthly Payment. City shall make monthly payments, based on invoices received, for the Services satisfactorily performed, and for authorized reimbursable costs incurred. City shall have thirty (30) days from the receipt of an invoice that complies with all of the requirements above to pay Consultant. 2.3 Final Payment. City shall pay the last five percent (5%) of the total amount due pursuant to this Agreement within sixty (60) days after completion of the Services and submittal to City of a final invoice, if all of the Services required have been satisfactorily performed. 2.4 Total Payment. City shall not pay any additional sum for any expense or cost whatsoever incurred by Consultant in rendering the Services pursuant to this Agreement. City shall make no payment for any extra, further, or additional service pursuant to this Agreement. In no event shall Consultant submit any invoice for an amount in excess of the maximum amount of compensation provided above either for a task or for the entirety of the Services performed pursuant to this Agreement, unless this Agreement is modified in writing prior to the submission of such an invoice. 2.5 Hourly Fees. Fees for the Services performed by Consultant on an hourly basis shall not exceed the amounts shown on the fee schedule included with Exhibit A. 2.6 Reimbursable Expenses. Reimbursable expenses are included within the maximum amount of this Agreement. 2.7 Payment of Taxes. Consultant is solely responsible for the payment of employment taxes incurred under this Agreement and any federal or state taxes. 2.8 Payment upon Termination. In the event that City or Consultant terminates this Agreement pursuant to Section 8, City shall compensate Consultant for all outstanding costs and reimbursable expenses incurred for Services satisfactorily completed and for reimbursable expenses as of the date of written notice of termination. Consultant shall maintain adequate logs and timesheets in order to verify costs and reimbursable expenses incurred to that date. SECTION 3. FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT. Except as otherwise provided, Consultant shall, at its sole cost and expense, provide all facilities and equipment necessary to perform the services required by this Agreement. City shall make available to Consultant only physical facilities such as desks, filing cabinets, and conference space, as may be reasonably necessary for Consultant’s use while consulting with City employees and reviewing records and the information in possession of City. The location, quantity, and time of furnishing those facilities shall be in the sole discretion of City. In no event shall City be required to furnish any facility that may involve incurring any direct expense, including but not limited to computer, long-distance telephone or other communication charges, vehicles, and reproduction facilities. 10.7.c Packet Pg. 149 Attachment: 2021 ED- PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT (Visionaries On Call Video Production) (2544 : FY2020/21 on Call Contract 2671/031858-0001 7630421.2 a05/22/20 -4- SECTION 4. INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS. Before beginning any work under this Agreement, Consultant, at its own cost and expense, shall procure the types and amounts of insurance checked below and provide Certificates of Insurance, indicating that Consultant has obtained or currently maintains insurance that meets the requirements of this section and which is satisfactory, in all respects, to City. Consultant shall maintain the insurance policies required by this section throughout the term of this Agreement. The cost of such insurance shall be included in Consultant’s compensation. Consultant shall not allow any subcontractor, consultant or other agent to commence work on any subcontract until Consultant has obtained all insurance required herein for the subcontractor(s) and provided evidence thereof to City. Verification of the required insurance shall be submitted and made part of this Agreement prior to execution. Consultant acknowledges the insurance policy must cover inter-insured suits between City and other Insureds. 4.1 Workers’ Compensation. Consultant shall, at its sole cost and expense, maintain Statutory Workers’ Compensation Insurance and Employer’s Liability Insurance for any and all persons employed directly or indirectly by Consultant pursuant to the provisions of the California Labor Code. Statutory Workers’ Compensation Insurance and Employer’s Liability Insurance shall be provided with limits of not less than ONE MILLION DOLLARS ($1,000,000.00) per accident, ONE MILLION DOLLARS ($1,000,000.00) disease per employee, and ONE MILLION DOLLARS ($1,000,000.00) disease per policy. In the alternative, Consultant may rely on a self- insurance program to meet those requirements, but only if the program of self-insurance complies fully with the provisions of the California Labor Code. Determination of whether a self-insurance program meets the standards of the California Labor Code shall be solely in the discretion of the Contract Administrator. The insurer, if insurance is provided, or Consultant, if a program of self- insurance is provided, shall waive all rights of subrogation against City and its officers, officials, employees, and authorized volunteers for loss arising from the Services performed under this Agreement. 4.2 Commercial General and Automobile Liability Insurance. a. General requirements. Consultant, at its own cost and expense, shall maintain commercial general and automobile liability insurance for the term of this Agreement in an amount not less than ONE MILLION DOLLARS ($1,000,000.00) per occurrence, combined single limit coverage, for risks associated with the Services contemplated by this Agreement, TWO MILLION DOLLARS ($2,000,000.00) general aggregate, and TWO MILLION DOLLARS ($2,000,000.00) products/completed operations aggregate. If a Commercial General Liability Insurance or an Automobile Liability Insurance form or other form with a general aggregate limit is used, either the general aggregate limit shall apply separately to the Services to be performed under this Agreement or the general aggregate limit shall be at least twice the required occurrence limit. Such coverage shall include but shall not be limited to, protection against claims arising from bodily and personal injury, including death resulting therefrom, and damage to property resulting from the Services contemplated under this Agreement, including the use of hired, owned, and non-owned automobiles. b. Minimum scope of coverage. Commercial general coverage shall be at least as broad as Insurance Services Office Commercial General Liability occurrence form CG 0001. 10.7.c Packet Pg. 150 Attachment: 2021 ED- PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT (Visionaries On Call Video Production) (2544 : FY2020/21 on Call Contract 2671/031858-0001 7630421.2 a05/22/20 -5- Automobile coverage shall be at least as broad as Insurance Services Office Automobile Liability form CA 0001 Code 2, 8, and 9. No endorsement shall be attached limiting the coverage. c. Additional requirements. Each of the following shall be included in the insurance coverage or added as a certified endorsement to the policy: a. The insurance shall cover on an occurrence or an accident basis, and not on a claims-made basis. b. Any failure of Consultant to comply with reporting provisions of the policy shall not affect coverage provided to City and its officers, employees, agents, and volunteers. 4.3 Professional Liability Insurance. a. General requirements. Consultant, at its own cost and expense, shall maintain for the period covered by this Agreement professional liability insurance for licensed professionals performing the Services pursuant to this Agreement in an amount not less than ONE MILLION DOLLARS ($1,000,000) covering the licensed professionals’ errors and omissions. Any deductible or self-insured retention shall be shown on the Certificate. If the deductible or self-insured retention exceeds TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($25,000), it must be approved by City. b. Claims-made limitations. The following provisions shall apply if the professional liability coverage is written on a claims-made form: a. The retroactive date of the policy must be shown and must be no later than the commencement of the Services. b. Insurance must be maintained and evidence of insurance must be provided for at least five (5) years after the expiration or termination of this Agreement or completion of the Services, so long as commercially available at reasonable rates. c. If coverage is canceled or not renewed and it is not replaced with another claims-made policy form with a retroactive date that precedes the Effective Date of this Agreement, Consultant must provide extended reporting coverage for a minimum of five (5) years after the expiration or termination of this Agreement or the completion of the Services. Such continuation coverage may be provided by one of the following: (1) renewal of the existing policy; (2) an extended reporting period endorsement; or (3) replacement insurance with a retroactive date no later than the commencement of the Services under this Agreement. City shall have the right to exercise, at Consultant’s sole cost and expense, any extended reporting provisions of the policy, if Consultant cancels or does not renew the coverage. d. A copy of the claim reporting requirements must be submitted to City prior to the commencement of the Services under this Agreement. 10.7.c Packet Pg. 151 Attachment: 2021 ED- PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT (Visionaries On Call Video Production) (2544 : FY2020/21 on Call Contract 2671/031858-0001 7630421.2 a05/22/20 -6- 4.4 All Policies Requirements. a. Acceptability of insurers. All insurance required by this Section is to be placed with insurers with a Bests’ rating of no less than A:VII and admitted in California. b. Verification of coverage. Prior to beginning the Services under this Agreement, Consultant shall furnish City with Certificates of Insurance, additional insured endorsement or policy language granting additional insured status complete certified copies of all policies, including complete certified copies of all endorsements. All copies of policies and certified endorsements shall show the signature of a person authorized by that insurer to bind coverage on its behalf. The Certificate of Insurance must include the following reference: FY 2020/21 ON-CALL CITY OF MENIFEE VIDEO & PHOTOGRAPHY SERVICES FOR EVENTS AND PROGRAMMING. The name and address for Additional Insured endorsements, Certificates of Insurance and Notice of Cancellation is: City of Menifee, 29844 Haun Road, Menifee, CA 92586. City must be endorsed as an additional insured for liability arising out of ongoing and completed operations by or on behalf of Consultant. c. Notice of Reduction in or Cancellation of Coverage. Consultant shall provide written notice to City within ten (10) working days if: (1) any of the required insurance policies is terminated; (2) the limits of any of the required polices are reduced; or (3) the deductible or self insured retention is increased. d. Additional insured; primary insurance. City and its officers, employees, agents, and authorized volunteers shall be covered as additional insureds with respect to each of the following: liability arising out of the Services performed by or on behalf of Consultant, including the insured’s general supervision of Consultant; products and completed operations of Consultant, as applicable; premises owned, occupied, or used by Consultant; and automobiles owned, leased, or used by Consultant in the course of providing the Services pursuant to this Agreement. The coverage shall contain no special limitations on the scope of protection afforded to City or its officers, employees, agents, or authorized volunteers. The insurance provided to City as an additional insured must apply on a primary and non-contributory basis with respect to any insurance or self-insurance program maintained by City. Additional insured status shall continue for one (1) year after the expiration or termination of this Agreement or completion of the Services. A certified endorsement must be attached to all policies stating that coverage is primary insurance with respect to City and its officers, officials, employees, and volunteers, and that no insurance or self-insurance maintained by City shall be called upon to contribute to a loss under the coverage. e. Deductibles and Self-insured Retentions. Consultant shall obtain the written approval of City for the self-insured retentions and deductibles before beginning any of the Services. During the term of this Agreement, only upon the prior express written authorization of the Contract Administrator, Consultant may increase such deductibles or self- insured retentions with respect to City, its officers, employees, agents, and volunteers. The Contract Administrator may condition approval of an increase in deductible or self-insured 10.7.c Packet Pg. 152 Attachment: 2021 ED- PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT (Visionaries On Call Video Production) (2544 : FY2020/21 on Call Contract 2671/031858-0001 7630421.2 a05/22/20 -7- retention levels with a requirement that Consultant procure a bond guaranteeing payment of losses and related investigations, claim administration, and defense expenses that is satisfactory in all respects to each of them. f. Subcontractors. Consultant shall include all subcontractors as insureds under its policies or shall furnish separate certificates and certified endorsements for each subcontractor. All coverages for subcontractors shall be subject to all of the requirements stated herein. g. Variation. The Contract Administrator may, but is not required to, approve in writing a variation in the foregoing insurance requirements, upon a determination that the coverage, scope, limits, and forms of such insurance are either not commercially available, or that City’s interests are otherwise fully protected. 4.5 Remedies. In addition to any other remedies at law or equity City may have if Consultant fails to provide or maintain any insurance policies or policy endorsements to the extent and within the time herein required, City may, at its sole option, exercise any of the following remedies, which are alternatives to other remedies City may have and are not the exclusive remedy for Consultant’s breach: a. Obtain such insurance and deduct and retain the amount of the premiums for such insurance from any sums due under this Agreement; b. Order Consultant to stop work under this Agreement or withhold any payment that becomes due to Consultant hereunder, or both stop work and withhold any payment, until Consultant demonstrates compliance with the requirements hereof; and/or c. Terminate this Agreement. SECTION 5. INDEMNIFICATION. 5.1 Indemnification for Professional Liability. Where the law establishes a professional standard of care for performance of the Services, to the fullest extent permitted by law, Consultant shall indemnify, protect, defend (with counsel selected by City), and hold harmless City and any and all of its officers, employees, officials, volunteers, and agents from and against any and all claims, losses, costs, damages, expenses, liabilities, liens, actions, causes of action (whether in tort, contract, under statute, at law, in equity, or otherwise) charges, awards, assessments, fines, or penalties of any kind (including reasonable consultant and expert fees and expenses of investigation, costs of whatever kind and nature and, if Consultant fails to provide a defense for City, the legal costs of counsel retained by City) and any judgment (collectively, “Claims”) to the extent same are caused in whole or in part by any negligent or wrongful act, error, or omission of Consultant, its officers, agents, employees, or subcontractors (or any entity or individual that Consultant shall bear the legal liability thereof) in the performance of professional services under this Agreement. 5.2 Indemnification for Other than Professional Liability. Other than in the performance of professional services and to the full extent permitted by law, Consultant shall indemnify, protect, defend (with counsel selected by City), and hold harmless City, and any and 10.7.c Packet Pg. 153 Attachment: 2021 ED- PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT (Visionaries On Call Video Production) (2544 : FY2020/21 on Call Contract 2671/031858-0001 7630421.2 a05/22/20 -8- all of its officers, employees, officials, volunteers, and agents from and against any and all Claims, where the same arise out of, are a consequence of, or are in any way attributable to, in whole or in part, the performance of this Agreement by Consultant or by any individual or entity for which Consultant is legally liable, including but not limited to officers, agents, employees or subcontractors of Consultant. 5.3 Limitation of Indemnification. The provisions of this Section 5 do not apply to claims occurring as a result of City’s sole or active negligence. The provisions of this Section 5 shall not release City from liability arising from gross negligence or willful acts or omissions of City or any and all of its officers, officials, employees, and agents acting in an official capacity. SECTION 6. STATUS OF CONSULTANT. 6.1 Independent Contractor. At all times during the term of this Agreement, Consultant shall be an independent contractor and shall not be an employee of City. City shall have the right to control Consultant only insofar as the results of the Services rendered pursuant to this Agreement and assignment of personnel pursuant to Subparagraph 1.3; however, otherwise City shall not have the right to control the means by which Consultant accomplishes the Services rendered pursuant to this Agreement. The personnel performing the Services under this Agreement on behalf of Consultant shall at all times be under Consultant’s exclusive direction and control. Consultant shall not at any time or in any manner represent that it or any of its officers, employees, or agents is in any manner officers, officials, employees, or agents of City. Consultant shall not incur or have the power to incur any debt, obligation, or liability whatever against City, or bind City in any manner. Except for the fees paid to Consultant as provided in this Agreement, City shall not pay salaries, wages, or other compensation to Consultant for performing the Services hereunder for City. City shall not be liable for compensation or indemnification to Consultant for injury or sickness arising out of performing the Services hereunder. Notwithstanding any other City, state, or federal policy, rule, regulation, law, or ordinance to the contrary, Consultant and any of its employees, agents, and subcontractors providing services under this Agreement shall not qualify for or become entitled to any compensation, benefit, or any incident of employment by City, including but not limited to eligibility to enroll in the California Public Employees Retirement System (“PERS”) as an employee of City and entitlement to any contribution to be paid by City for employer contributions and/or employee contributions for PERS benefits. SECTION 7. LEGAL REQUIREMENTS. 7.1 Governing Law. The laws of the State of California shall govern this Agreement. 7.2 Compliance with Applicable Laws. Consultant and any subcontractor shall comply with all applicable local, state, and federal laws and regulations applicable to the performance of the work hereunder. Consultant shall not hire or employ any person to perform work within City or allow any person to perform the Services required under this Agreement unless such person is properly documented and legally entitled to be employed within the United States. Any and all work subject to prevailing wages, as determined by the Director of Industrial Relations of the State of California, will be the minimum paid to all laborers, including Consultant’s employee and subcontractors. It is understood that it is the responsibility of Consultant to determine the correct scale. The State Prevailing Wage Rates may be obtained from the California Department of 10.7.c Packet Pg. 154 Attachment: 2021 ED- PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT (Visionaries On Call Video Production) (2544 : FY2020/21 on Call Contract 2671/031858-0001 7630421.2 a05/22/20 -9- Industrial Relations (“DIR”) pursuant to California Public Utilities Code, Sections 465, 466, and 467 by calling 415-703-4774. Appropriate records demonstrating compliance with such requirement shall be maintained in a safe and secure location at all times, and readily available at City’s request. Consultant shall indemnify, defend, and hold City and its elected and appointed boards, members, officials, officers, agents, representatives, employees, and volunteers harmless from and against any liability, loss, damage, cost or expenses (including but not limited to reasonable attorneys’ fees, expert witness fees, court costs, and costs incurred related to any inquiries or proceedings) arising from or related to (i) the noncompliance by Consultant or any party performing the Services of any applicable local, state, and/or federal law, including, without limitation, any applicable federal and/or state labor laws (including, without limitation, the requirement to pay state prevailing wages and hire apprentices); (ii) the implementation of Section 1781 of the Labor Code, as the same may be amended from time to time, or any other similar law; and/or (iii) failure by Consultant or any party performing the Services to provide any required disclosure or identification as required by Labor Code Section 1781, as the same may be amended from time to time, or any other similar law. It is agreed by the Parties that, in connection with performance of the Services, including, without limitation, any and all public works (as defined by applicable law), Consultant shall bear all risks of payment or non-payment of prevailing wages under California law and/or the implementation of Labor Code Section 1781, as the same may be amended from time to time, and/or any other similar law. Consultant acknowledges and agrees that it shall be independently responsible for reviewing the applicable laws and regulations and effectuating compliance with such laws. Consultant shall require the same of all subcontractors. 7.3 Licenses and Permits. Consultant represents and warrants to City that Consultant and its employees, agents, and any subcontractors have all licenses, permits, qualifications, and approvals of whatsoever nature that are legally required to practice their respective professions. Consultant represents and warrants to City that Consultant and its employees, agents, and subcontractors shall, at their sole cost and expense, keep in effect at all times during the term of this Agreement any licenses, permits, and approvals that are legally required to practice their respective professions. In addition to the foregoing, Consultant and any subcontractors shall obtain and maintain during the term of this Agreement valid Business Licenses from City. SECTION 8. TERMINATION AND MODIFICATION. 8.1 Termination. City may cancel this Agreement at any time and without cause upon written notification to Consultant. 8.2 Termination by Consultant. Consultant may cancel this Agreement upon 30 days’ written notice to City. 8.3 Consequences of Termination. In the event of termination, Consultant shall be entitled to compensation for the Services performed up to the date of termination; City, however, may condition payment of such compensation upon Consultant delivering to City any or all documents, photographs, computer software, video and audio tapes, and other materials provided to Consultant or prepared by or for Consultant or City in connection with this Agreement. 10.7.c Packet Pg. 155 Attachment: 2021 ED- PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT (Visionaries On Call Video Production) (2544 : FY2020/21 on Call Contract 2671/031858-0001 7630421.2 a05/22/20 -10- 8.4 Extension. City may, in its sole and exclusive discretion, extend the end date of this Agreement beyond that provided for in Subsection 1.1. Any such extension shall require a written amendment to this Agreement, as provided for herein. Consultant understands and agrees that, if City grants such an extension, City shall have no obligation to provide Consultant with compensation beyond the maximum amount provided for in this Agreement. Similarly, unless authorized by the Contract Administrator, City shall have no obligation to reimburse Consultant for any otherwise reimbursable expenses incurred during the extension period. 8.5 Amendments. The Parties may amend this Agreement only by a writing signed by all the Parties. 8.6 Assignment and Subcontracting. City and Consultant recognize and agree that this Agreement contemplates personal performance by Consultant and is based upon a determination of Consultant’s unique personal competence, experience, and specialized personal knowledge. Moreover, a substantial inducement to City for entering into this Agreement was and is the professional reputation and competence of Consultant. Consultant may not assign this Agreement or any interest therein without the prior written approval of the Contract Administrator. Consultant shall not subcontract any portion of the performance contemplated and provided for herein, other than to the subcontractors noted in Consultant’s proposal, without prior written approval of the Contract Administrator. In the event that key personnel leave Consultant’s employ, Consultant shall notify City immediately. 8.7 Survival. All obligations arising prior to the expiration or termination of this Agreement and all provisions of this Agreement allocating liability between City and Consultant shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement. 8.8 Options upon Breach by Consultant. If Consultant materially breaches any of the terms of this Agreement, City's remedies shall include, but not be limited to, any or all of the following: a. Immediately terminate this Agreement; b. Retain the plans, specifications, drawings, reports, design documents, and any other work product prepared by Consultant pursuant to this Agreement; c. Retain a different consultant to complete the Services described in Exhibit A; and/or d. Charge Consultant the difference between the cost to complete the Services described in Exhibit A that is unfinished at the time of breach and the amount that City would have paid Consultant pursuant to Section 2 if Consultant had completed the Services. SECTION 9. KEEPING AND STATUS OF RECORDS. 9.1 Records Created as Part of Consultant’s Performance. All reports, data, maps, models, charts, studies, surveys, photographs, memoranda, plans, studies, specifications, records, files, or any other documents or materials, in electronic or any other form that Consultant prepares 10.7.c Packet Pg. 156 Attachment: 2021 ED- PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT (Visionaries On Call Video Production) (2544 : FY2020/21 on Call Contract 2671/031858-0001 7630421.2 a05/22/20 -11- or obtains pursuant to this Agreement and that relate to the matters covered hereunder shall be the property of City. Consultant hereby agrees to deliver those documents to City upon the expiration or termination of this Agreement. It is understood and agreed that the documents and other materials, including but not limited to those described above, prepared pursuant to this Agreement are prepared specifically for City and are not necessarily suitable for any future or other use. Any use of such documents for other projects by City shall be without liability to Consultant. City and Consultant agree that, until final approval by City, all data, plans, specifications, reports, and other documents are confidential and will not be released to third parties without prior written consent of both Parties unless required by law. 9.2 Licensing of Intellectual Property. This Agreement creates a non-exclusive and perpetual license for City to copy, use, modify, reuse, or sublicense any and all copyrights, designs, rights of reproduction, and other intellectual property embodied in plans, specifications, studies, drawings, estimates, test data, survey results, models, renderings, and other documents or works of authorship fixed in any tangible medium of expression, including but not limited to, physical drawings, digital renderings, or data stored digitally, magnetically, or in any other medium, which are prepared or caused to be prepared by Consultant under this Agreement (“Documents and Data”). Consultant shall require all subcontractors to agree in writing that City is granted a non- exclusive and perpetual license for any Documents and Data the subcontractor prepares under this Agreement. Consultant represents and warrants that Consultant has the legal right to license any and all Documents and Data. Consultant makes no such representation and warranty in regard to Documents and Data which were prepared by design professionals other than Consultant or provided to Consultant by the City. City shall not be limited in any way in its use of the Documents and Data at any time, provided that any such use not within the purposes intended by this Agreement shall be at City’s sole risk. 9.3 Consultant’s Books and Records. Consultant shall maintain any and all ledgers, books of account, invoices, vouchers, canceled checks, and other records or documents evidencing or relating to charges for the Services or expenditures and disbursements charged to City under this Agreement for a minimum of three (3) years, or for any longer period required by law, from the date of final payment to Consultant under this Agreement. All such records shall be maintained in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and shall be clearly identified and readily accessible. 9.4 Inspection and Audit of Records. Any records or documents that Section 9.3 of this Agreement requires Consultant to maintain shall be made available for inspection, audit, and/or copying at any time during regular business hours, upon oral or written request of City. Under California Government Code Section 8546.7, if the amount of public funds expended under this Agreement exceeds TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS ($10,000.00), this Agreement shall be subject to the examination and audit of the State Auditor, at the request of City or as part of any audit of City, for a period of three (3) years after final payment under this Agreement. SECTION 10. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS. 10.1 Attorneys’ Fees. If either Party to this Agreement brings any action, including an action for declaratory relief, to enforce or interpret the provision of this Agreement, the prevailing Party shall be entitled to reasonable attorneys’ fees and expenses including costs, in addition to 10.7.c Packet Pg. 157 Attachment: 2021 ED- PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT (Visionaries On Call Video Production) (2544 : FY2020/21 on Call Contract 2671/031858-0001 7630421.2 a05/22/20 -12- any other relief to which that Party may be entitled; provided, however, that the attorneys’ fees awarded pursuant to this Section shall not exceed the hourly rate paid by City for legal services multiplied by the reasonable number of hours spent by the prevailing Party in the conduct of the litigation. The court may set such fees in the same action or in a separate action brought for that purpose. 10.2 Applicable Law; Venue. The internal laws of the State of California shall govern the interpretation and enforcement of this Agreement. In the event that either Party brings any action against the other under this Agreement, the Parties agree that trial of such action shall be vested exclusively in Riverside County. 10.3 Severability. If any provision of this Agreement is held invalid, the remainder of this Agreement shall not be affected thereby and all other parts of this Agreement shall nevertheless be in full force and effect. 10.4 Section Headings and Subheadings. The section headings and subheadings contained in this Agreement are included for convenience only and shall not limit or otherwise affect the terms of this Agreement. 10.5 No Implied Waiver of Breach. The waiver of any breach of a specific provision of this Agreement does not constitute a waiver of any other breach of that term or any other term of this Agreement. 10.6 Successors and Assigns. The provisions of this Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and shall apply to and bind the successors and assigns of the Parties. 10.7 Consultant Representative. All matters under this Agreement shall be handled for Consultant by Trescher Catron, Owner (“Consultant’s Representative”). The Consultant’s Representative shall have full authority to represent and act on behalf of Consultant for all purposes under this Agreement. The Consultant’s Representative shall supervise and direct the Services, using his best skill and attention, and shall be responsible for all means, methods, techniques, sequences, and procedures and for the satisfactory coordination of all portions of the Services under this Agreement. 10.8 City Contract Administration. This Agreement shall be administered by a City employee, Kayla Charters, Economic Development Analyst (“Contract Administrator”). All correspondence shall be directed to or through the Contract Administrator or his designee. The Contract Administrator shall have the power to act on behalf of City for all purposes under this Agreement. Unless otherwise provided in this Agreement, Consultant shall not accept direction or orders from any person other than the Contract Administrator or his designee. 10.9 Notices. Any written notice to Consultant shall be sent to: VISIONARIES IMAGE COMPANY Attn: Trescher Catron, Owner 4263 S. Glacier Trail Ontario, CA 91762 10.7.c Packet Pg. 158 Attachment: 2021 ED- PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT (Visionaries On Call Video Production) (2544 : FY2020/21 on Call Contract 2671/031858-0001 7630421.2 a05/22/20 -13- Any written notice to City shall be sent to the Contract Administrator at: City of Menifee 29844 Haun Road Menifee, CA 92586 Attn: Kayla Charters, Economic Development Analyst with a copy to: City Clerk City of Menifee 29844 Haun Road Menifee, CA 92586 10.10 Professional Seal. Where applicable in the determination of the Contract Administrator, the first page of a technical report, first page of design specifications, and each page of construction drawings shall be stamped/sealed and signed by the licensed professional responsible for the report/design preparation. The stamp/seal shall be in a block entitled “Seal and Signature of Registered Professional with report/design responsibility,” as in the following example. __________________________________________ Seal and Signature of Registered Professional with report/design responsibility. 10.11 Rights and Remedies. Except with respect to rights and remedies expressly declared to be exclusive in this Agreement, the rights and remedies of the Parties are cumulative and the exercise by either Party of one or more of such rights or remedies shall not preclude the exercise by it, at the same or different times, of any other rights or remedies for the same default or any other default by the other Party. 10.12 Integration. This Agreement, including the scope of services attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit A, represents the entire and integrated agreement between City and Consultant and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations, or agreements, either written or oral. The terms of this Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the meaning of the language used and shall not be construed for or against either Party by reason of the authorship of this Agreement or any other rule of construction which might otherwise apply. 10.13 Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in multiple counterparts, each of which shall be an original and all of which together shall constitute one agreement. 10.14 Execution of Contract. The persons executing this Agreement on behalf of each of the Parties hereto represent and warrant that (i) such Party is duly organized and existing, (ii) they are duly authorized to execute and deliver this Agreement on behalf of said Party, (iii) by so executing this Agreement, such Party is formally bound to the provisions of this Agreement, and (iv) that entering into this Agreement does not violate any provision of any other Agreement to which said Party is bound. 10.7.c Packet Pg. 159 Attachment: 2021 ED- PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT (Visionaries On Call Video Production) (2544 : FY2020/21 on Call Contract 2671/031858-0001 7630421.2 a05/22/20 -14- 10.15 Nondiscrimination. Consultant covenants that, by and for itself, its heirs, executors, assigns, and all persons claiming under or through them, that in the performance of this Agreement there shall be no discrimination against or segregation of, any person or group of persons on account of any impermissible classification including, but not limited to, race, color, creed, religion, sex, marital status, sexual orientation, national origin, or ancestry. 10.16 No Third Party Beneficiaries. With the exception of the specific provisions set forth in this Agreement, there are no intended third-party beneficiaries under this Agreement and no such other third parties shall have any rights or obligations hereunder. 10.17 Nonliability of City Officers and Employees. No officer, official, employee, agent, representative, or volunteer of City shall be personally liable to Consultant, or any successor in interest, in the event of any default or breach by City or for any amount which may become due to Consultant or to its successor, or for breach of any obligation of the terms of this Agreement. 10.18 No Undue Influence. Consultant declares and warrants that no undue influence or pressure is used against or in concert with any officer or employee of City in connection with the award, terms or implementation of this Agreement, including any method of coercion, confidential financial arrangement, or financial inducement. No officer or employee of City shall receive compensation, directly or indirectly, from Consultant, or from any officer, employee, or agent of Consultant, in connection with the award of this Agreement or any work to be conducted as a result of this Agreement. 10.19 No Benefit to Arise to City Employees. No member, officer, or employee of City, or their designees or agents, and no public official who exercises authority over or has responsibilities with respect to this Agreement during his/her tenure or for one (1) year thereafter, shall have any interest, direct or indirect, in any agreement or sub-agreement, or the proceeds thereof, for the Services to be performed under this Agreement. [Signatures on Following Page] 10.7.c Packet Pg. 160 Attachment: 2021 ED- PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT (Visionaries On Call Video Production) (2544 : FY2020/21 on Call Contract 2671/031858-0001 7630421.2 a05/22/20 -15- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have executed and entered into this Agreement as of the Effective Date. CITY OF MENIFEE Armando G. Villa, City Manager Attest: Sarah A. Manwaring, City Clerk Approved as to Form: Jeffrey T. Melching, City Attorney CONSULTANT Trescher Catron, Owner Trescher Catron, Chief Financial Officer [Note: 2 officer’s signatures required if Consultant is a corporation, unless provided with a certificate of secretary in-lieu] 10.7.c Packet Pg. 161 Attachment: 2021 ED- PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT (Visionaries On Call Video Production) (2544 : FY2020/21 on Call Contract 2671/031858-0001 7630421.2 a05/22/20 EXHIBIT A EXHIBIT A SCOPE OF SERVICES Services shall include, but are not limited to: On Call Marketing Video Production Services in the amount not to exceed THIRTY THOUSAND DOLLARS AND ZERO CENTS ($30,000.00). Marketing videos, shall include, but are not limited to, events/activities, such as:  City of Menifee State of the City Video (highlighting the City’s annual accomplishments)  Recruitment, community outreach, education videos  Special events, programs etc. Consultant shall provide individual project schedule/cost breakdown to Economic Development Department staff for review/approval for each activity/project. 10.7.c Packet Pg. 162 Attachment: 2021 ED- PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT (Visionaries On Call Video Production) (2544 : FY2020/21 on Call Contract 2671/031858-0001 7630421.2 a00/00/00 EXHIBIT A 10.7.c Packet Pg. 163 Attachment: 2021 ED- PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT (Visionaries On Call Video Production) (2544 : FY2020/21 on Call Contract CITY OF MENIFEE SUBJECT: Menifee Valley Chamber of Commerce MOU MEETING DATE: July 15, 2020 TO: Mayor and City Council PREPARED BY: Kayla Charters, Management Analyst REVIEWED BY: Jeff Wyman, Assistant City Manager APPROVED BY: Armando G. Villa, City Manager RECOMMENDED ACTION Approve a Resolution, updating the list of activities, information and training programs, events, and promotional products in connection with the Menifee Valley Chamber of Commerce. DISCUSSION Staff has successfully collaborated with the Menifee Valley Chamber of Commerce (“Chamber”) to coordinate events, additional positive marketing of the City, and business related programs and services year after year, and together - continues to make positive impacts on the residents and business communities. The primary purpose of the partnership with the Chamber is to enable the City to continue to leverage its resources by utilizing Chamber staff to augment city staff. The partnership will allow the City to continue to focus on its core objectives, while increasing services and programs to the community, and assist the Chamber while it aims to grow and expand their reach. The City of Menifee Economic Development Department has revised priorities for the department to align the City of Menifee’s Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS). As a result, the task items listed on the Chamber Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) performance-based contract have been revised to align with the strategies outlined in the CEDS. The revisions included removing several events that were not aligned with department strategies, combining task items to consolidate efforts, or enhancing funding for items that would directly benefit strategies listed within the CEDS. The City Council approved a Memorandum of Understanding (“MOU”) on August 21, 2013, with the Menifee Valley Chamber of Commerce (“Chamber”), to further enhance outreach efforts with the Menifee business community. The existing MOU indicates the agreement shall automatically renew annually with the adoption of the City’s annual budget and with the adjustment of the “Attachment” to the MOU, unless terminated. Economic Development, Community Services staff, and the Chamber, have negotiated to obtain an update of Attachment A-1 (Economic Development Department) and Attachment A-2 (Community 10.8 Packet Pg. 164 City of Menifee Staff Report Menifee Valley Chamber of Commerce MOU July 15, 2020 Page 2 of 2 Services Department) to reflect various activities, information programs, training programs, events, and promotional products and services during fiscal year 2020-2021. Attachment A-1, as it relates to the Economic Development Department, includes the following:  Industry Specific Summits/Mayor’s Roundtables (4 events) (tied to the CEDS)  State of the City  Broker’s Luncheon (tied to the CEDS)  Menifee Munch/Workshops for Businesses (tied to the CEDS)  Job Fair (2 events) (tied to the CEDS)  Menifee K.E.E.P Business Walkabout (tied to the CEDS)  Innovation Month Event  ICSC Attendance (tied to the CEDS)  City Sponsorships/Misc. Attachment A-2, as related to the Community Services Department, includes the following:  Partnership on the Independence Day Celebration for FY 20/21 This is an opportunity to continue the great partnership with the Chamber, and staff recommends to approve the attachments as part of the existing MOU with the Chamber, further enhancing outreach efforts with the Menifee business community. Additionally, while many departments in the City, like the Economic Development Department, were required to make serious budget cuts due to the COVID-19 pandemic and business shut-downs, the Economic Development Department is recommending to the City Council to maintain the Chambers existing funding allocation of FY 19/20, $45,000 for FY 20/21, and is not proposing any decreases or increases in cost for the performance based agreement. Staff felt that it was extremely important to ensure that the small business community continue to receive important support and services provided by the Chamber through the City’s partnership, especially once the recovery process begins after the pandemic. FISCAL IMPACT The total cost of the Memorandum of Understanding Amendment A-1, for Fiscal Year 2020- 2021, shall not exceed $45,000. Funding for this item was included in the Fiscal Year 2020-21 Economic Development Department budget (Acct. No. 100-4350-52801). In reference to Attachment A-2, there are no associated expenditures or revenues being requested at this time for Fiscal Year 2020-2021. ATTACHMENTS 1. Original MOU 2. Chamber MOU Resolution 3. Attachment A-1 4. Attachment A-2 10.8 Packet Pg. 165 10.8.a Packet Pg. 166 Attachment: Original MOU (2550 : Menifee Valley Chamber of Commerce MOU) 10.8.a Packet Pg. 167 Attachment: Original MOU (2550 : Menifee Valley Chamber of Commerce MOU) 10.8.a Packet Pg. 168 Attachment: Original MOU (2550 : Menifee Valley Chamber of Commerce MOU) 10.8.a Packet Pg. 169 Attachment: Original MOU (2550 : Menifee Valley Chamber of Commerce MOU) RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MENIFEE, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AN UPDATE OF ACTIVITIES, INFORMATION PROGRAMS, TRAINING PROGRAMS, EVENTS, AND PROMOTIONAL PRODUCTS IN CONNECTION WITH THE MENIFEE VALLEY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE WHEREAS, on August 21, 2013 the Menifee City Council (“Council”) approved a Memorandum of Understanding (“MOU”) with the Menifee Valley Chamber of Commerce (“Chamber”) to encourage and facilitate businesses, business related services, and programs within the City of Menifee (“City”). WHEREAS, section D. Term of the MOU provides the agreement shall be in effect for fiscal year 2020-2020 and shall automatically renew annually with the adoption of the City’s annual budget and adjustment of Attachment A which provides for the activities, information programs, training programs, events and promotional products for the upcoming fiscal year and the respective contribution from the City. WHEREAS, the fiscal year 2020-2021 Adopted Program Budget for the Economic Development Department includes an amount of FORTY FIVE THOUSAND Dollars ($45,000) for activities, information programs, training programs, events and promotional products as provided in the MOU. WHEREAS, the Chamber has updated the attachment (attached as Exhibit A-1 & A2 to this Resolution) to reflect activities, information programs, training programs, events and promotional products for fiscal year 2020-2021 in an amount not-to-exceed FORTY FIVE Thousand Dollars ($45,000). NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Menifee, California, does resolve, declare, determine and order that the City is authorized to approve Exhibit A-1 & A-2 of the Resolution for fiscal year 2019-2020. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND DETERMINED, that the City Manager of the City of Menifee or his designee, is authorized to monitor the activities of the Chamber outlined in Exhibit A-1 & A-2 of the Resolution. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED ON this 15 day of July, 2020. ____________________________ Bill Zimmerman, Mayor ATTEST: ____________________________ Sarah A. Manwaring, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: _____________________________ Jeffrey T. Melching, City Attorney 10.8.b Packet Pg. 170 Attachment: Chamber MOU Resolution [Revision 1] (2550 : Menifee Valley Chamber of Commerce MOU) List of Chamber Provided Services FY 19/20 FY 20/21 Industry Specific Summits (Four events) $8,000 Mayor’s Roundtable $2,000 (Revised to Summits) Visionary Membership $7,500 $7,500 State of the City $3,500 No Cost MVCC Administration $4,000 $2,000 Economic Forecast Event $4,500 (removed) Menifee Monthly Coffees (4-coffee w/ Entrepreneur) $2,000 No Cost Broker’s Luncheon $5,000 Workshops for Businesses/Menifee Munch (all speakers must be business impact survey/ Keep results) $4000 $4,000 Job Fair & Tech Expo (2) $2,500 (1) $4,500 (2) Business Survey & Annual Report (KEEP Business Walk) $5,000 $5,000 Loans For Small Business EXPO $2,000 (removed) Innovation Month Event $2,000 $2,000 Passport to Menifee (Shop Local Initiative) $5,000 No Cost Manufacturing Day $500 No Cost Menifee Munch $500 No Cost ICSC Attendance (Ex. Dir. Only) $2,000 City Sponsorships/Misc. $5,000 Total Budgeted Contribution $45,000 $45,000 10.8.c Packet Pg. 171 Attachment: Attachment A-1 [Revision 1] (2550 : Menifee Valley Chamber of Commerce MOU) Resolution No. 17- ATTACHMENT A-1 Menifee Valley Chamber of Commerce activities, information programs, training programs, events and promotional products 2020-2021 Outcomes The following is a listing of activities, information programs, training programs, events and promotional products. Adjustments to individual line item contributions made during the course of the fiscal year may be made as long as the total contract dollar amount is not exceeded. List of Chamber Provided Services Funding City Task Items Industry Specific Summits (4 Meetings spread out throughout the year)  Host 4, industry summits/networking events aligned with targeted industries from the City of Menifee’s CEDS o Medical o Advanced Manufacturing o Technology Focused o Local-Serving (Retail, Entertainment, Restaurants)  Collaborate together to produce a high-quality event  Invite attendees 4 weeks in advance of each event by verbal and written invitations  Collect RSVP’s and follow-up on those who did not RSVP, and share with the City 2-weeks and 1-week prior  Arrive at event 1 hour early for set-up  Provide high-quality Breakfast (goal is for a hot breakfast, can be offset by sponsorship by Chamber)  Provide confirmed attendee list to city staff 5 days in advance  Search for new invitees from outside areas to the event  Provide weekly updates to city staff on attendees  Host event day-of  Chamber Executive to welcome attendees at beginning of each roundtable, then turn over to city staff and/or Mayor to proceed  Assist clean-up following event  Chamber President/CEO or Board of Director to host meeting $ 8,000  Provide topics to Chamber in sufficient time to prepare  Prepare Presentation from the Economic Development Department  Coordinate City Council Attendance  Create Flyer 10.8.c Packet Pg. 172 Attachment: Attachment A-1 [Revision 1] (2550 : Menifee Valley Chamber of Commerce MOU) Visionary Membership  Chairman’s Circle Membership Plaque  1 Booth Business Expo  1 Table Business Awards/Installation Dinner  2 Foursomes at our Annual Patriots Cup Golf Tournament  VIP & 3 Tables at the State of the City Event  1 Booth Mega Mixer  Waived Fee to Host Mixer  Special Recognition at Business Awards  Logo on Website and Chairman’s Circle Banner  Logo on Email Footer for Menifee Valley Chamber  Banner Ad- Large Slideshow  Access to Our Menifee Chambers Members Plus+ App & Enhanced Package in Chamber Master  Ability to Send Push Notifications to All Menifee Valley Chamber Members  Prominent Listing at all Chamber Special Event Programs $ 7,500 Broker’s Luncheon  Book and purchase venue for the event  Collaborate with City  Assist with set-up and clean-up  Host and purchase lunch for the event $5,000 MVCC Administration  To be defined in meeting to create scope of work / nothing currently in writing as to scope of work required  Attend SWCLC monthly meetings and report back to city and Chamber as to bills affecting businesses  Attend regular city council meetings  Send out notices of city partnering with businesses and Chamber for business events or projects  Send to membership Cal Chamber Legislative Updates on website or as received, not less than monthly  Attend annual Cal Chamber conference as budget provides, and make appointments with local legislators  Attend EDC meetings in the district as time permits, but not less than 4 yearly  Promote legislative and business advocacy $ 2,000 Workshops for Businesses/ Menifee Munch (4 workshops must be from Menifee KEEP Results)  Notify City of workshops so City can promote in advance, 4 weeks  Work with the City to select workshop topics $4,000  Assist with promotion of events 10.8.c Packet Pg. 173 Attachment: Attachment A-1 [Revision 1] (2550 : Menifee Valley Chamber of Commerce MOU)  Organize, coordinate, and promote up to 4 business to business workshops  Obtain venue and speakers / presenters for each workshop  Use info from survey of business needs if possible Job Fair & Tech Expo (2)  Put on 2 Menifee Job Fairs  Organize, coordinate and promote 2 Job Fairs  Obtain venue, supplies, speakers / presenters  City to have a table  City listed as co-host $4,500 Business Survey & Annual Report  Survey businesses in Menifee, work with City to develop questions/survey and amount of businesses  Identify businesses interested in expansion  Share results with City  Produce a list to provide to City with contact info  Create, distribute and provide results, and report, of the needs and challenges of home based businesses $5,000 Innovation Month Event  Host an event, in partnership with the City in the Month of April focused around innovation and Entrepreneurs  Start planning in February $2,000 ICSC Attendance  Pay for ICSC travel expenses $2,000 City Sponsorships  Flexibility for new and innovative programs, outreach and events $5,000 Total Budgeted Contribution 2020-21 $45,000 10.8.c Packet Pg. 174 Attachment: Attachment A-1 [Revision 1] (2550 : Menifee Valley Chamber of Commerce MOU) A. The Chamber and the City have previously worked together to put on signature special events for the residents of the City of Menifee to enhance the quality of life and vibrancy of the City. B. The City sees participation of Chamber activities as an investment that benefits all the residents of the community by encouraging the participation of local business and beer vendors at city-wide special events throughout the year. C. The Chamber finds the partnership and support of the City in its city-wide special events to be a positive force and an advantageous opportunity enabling local businesses and food vendors to thrive by providing public venues and/or special events where they can showcase their product and services to the community. D. The Parties desire to enter into an agreement regarding the following events:  Independence Celebration: o Beer Garden only o No revenue split, Chamber retains all revenue o City requests Chamber assistance in obtaining event sponsorships. Assistance will pertain to dissemination of flyers/video only. 10.8.d Packet Pg. 175 Attachment: Attachment A-2 [Revision 1] (2550 : Menifee Valley Chamber of Commerce MOU) Menifee Valley Chamber of Commerce is responsible for the following costs and logistics relating to the Beer Garden at the Independence Celebration event on Saturday, June 26, 2021: Fencing to enclose the Beer Garden All necessary certificates, licenses, etc necessary to operate Beer Garden Security Guards (ID checks, and activity related to the Beer Garden). Portable toilet and wash station inside Beer Garden Minimum of three sanitation stations separate from hand wash stations and toilet Ice for Beer Vendors 1 generator –power ice if necessary Lighting Fencing and decorations consistent with event themes mood lighting as needed Tables and chairs for guests / vendors in beer garden Cups and affiliated supplies that Beer Garden vendors will require Signage and branding for Chamber and Beer Garden Vendors Complete beer garden set up by 12:00pm per inspection guidelines from Cal-Fire Shared cost of Menifee Police Department support – two dedicated deputies for Beer garden. Any Federal, State, County, or local guidelines related to Social Distancing, capacity, and or additional cleaning measures must be adhered to. A comprehensive checklist will be provided by City staff in collaboration with local Public Health Officials Clean up of Beer Garden area to include removal of trash 10.8.d Packet Pg. 176 Attachment: Attachment A-2 [Revision 1] (2550 : Menifee Valley Chamber of Commerce MOU) CITY OF MENIFEE SUBJECT: Inland Empire Small Business Development Center MOU MEETING DATE: July 15, 2020 TO: Mayor and City Council PREPARED BY: Kayla Charters, Management Analyst REVIEWED BY: Jeff Wyman, Assistant City Manager APPROVED BY: Armando G. Villa, City Manager RECOMMENDED ACTION Approve a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Agreement between the City of Menifee and the Inland Empire Small Business Development Center for Menifee small business consulting services, and space of use at the Menifee City Hall. DISCUSSION The City of Menifee has partnered with the Inland Empire Small Business Development Center (SBDC) for several years bringing business consulting services to Menifee’s small businesses community and entrepreneurs at no cost to the business community, as a way to encourage, support, retain and grow industry, businesses, and start-ups in the City of Menifee. The SBDC has been a critical partner in Menifee’s economic development efforts, as the services SBDC offers have been an added benefit when attracting prospective businesses, and supporting the small business ecosystem within the City. The SBDC offers a wide variety of consulting services, at no-charge to the client, including but not limited to, assistance in the following areas:  Business Planning  Loan Proposals  Business Assessments  Finance  Bookkeeping  Taxes and Licenses  Marketing and Social Media  Business Management  Human Resources  Government Procurement Procedures 10.9 Packet Pg. 177 City of Menifee Staff Report IE Small Business Development Center (SBDC) MOU July 15, 2020 Page 2 of 2 In addition, through a yearly agreement with the City, SBDC holds four workshops in Menifee and offered free to Menifee Businesses. As additional funding becomes available, the SBDC has increased workshops to 14 per year, from grants received by the SBDC/SBA, with most workshops being held at the Menifee City Hall. These workshops are offered to Menifee businesses, at no cost, and the courses are tied to the City’s small business impact surveys and Comprehensive Economic Development Survey (CEDS). Virtual consultations are currently available amid the COVID-19 pandemic, until SBDC resumes in-house services. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it is vital that the City of Menifee makes business resources more accessible to support the small business community. As part of the Menifee CARES initiative, the City of Menifee has proactively secured a location on-site for SBDC to be housed at the Menifee City Hall in the Economic Development Department, as a pilot and as space permits, in an effort to provide additional business resources to Menifee businesses to assist in the recovery efforts from the pandemic. SBDC consultant will go from twice a month onsite housed at the Chamber office, to Monday through Friday hours housed at the Menifee City Hall, as the Chamber is not able to house the SBDC full-time with limited space. The full-time in- person hours are pending, until the SBDC resumes back to in-office hours again and contingent of funding and demand by businesses, and offered the opportunity to utilize conference room space to meet with Menifee businesses or potential Menifee businesses for consultations. SBDC is currently working remotely, but is available to businesses virtually to offer any of the services noted above and regularly scheduled workshops. Staff recommends to approve MOU between the Inland Empire Small Business Development to continue united efforts to assist the Menifee business community, and enhance the availability of resources offered to Menifee businesses to retain, and grow existing businesses, and expand ones looking to make Menifee their new home, or assist start-ups/entrepreneurs. There is no additional cost to the City for housing SBDC at City Hall or adding additional consultation hours, or adding additional workshops for businesses. The costs for the agreement remains $13,000 and is commensurate with past budget years. The agreement is within the City Manager’s signing authority; however, staff is bringing the MOU forward to City Council for consideration, because of the shared facility use component of the MOU agreement. FISCAL IMPACT The fiscal impact of the MOU with the SBDC is $13,000 for FY 20/21, which is in the City Manager’s signing authority, has been budgeted within the Economic Development Budget account 100-4350-52800. The agreement with the SBDC for FY 20/21 is commensurate with past years, and there is no cost to the city for the additional consultation hours with the SBDC, aside from the space being afforded to the SBDC by the City for FY 20/21. SBDC and the City partner on grant applications to receive funding for additional workshops, and to cover the costs of additional consultation hours for a SBDC representative in the City of Menifee. ATTACHMENTS 1. SDBC Use of Space Agreement 10.9 Packet Pg. 178 SPACE USE MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT This Space Use Memorandum of Agreement (“MOU”) is entered into as of the __ day of ______, 2020, by and between the City of Menifee, a California municipal corporation (“City”), and the University Enterprises Corporation at CSUSB for itself and on behalf of Inland Empire Small Business Development Center (“SBDC”). 1. Right to Use Subject Property. A. City hereby grants a license to SBDC to use the City of Menifee designated space within the Site, described in Exhibit “A”, attached hereto and incorporated herein (hereafter referred to as “Subject Property”)attached hereto and incorporated herein, subject to the terms and conditions of this MOU. City hereby grants a license to SBDC to use a designated space (“Site”) within the City Hall of the City of Menifee (“Subject Property”), as described in Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated by this reference.] 2. Term of License to Use Subject Property and Common Areas. A. Duration. The term of this MOU shall be twelve (12) months, commencing on July 1, 2020 ending on June 30, 2021, subject to the extension of the term as provided in Subsection C (Notice of Desire to Extend Term) . B. Right to Terminate MOU. Either party may terminate this MOU for any reason by providing a sixty (60) day prior written notice of termination to the other party at the addresses shown in Section 5 (Notice), below. C. Notice of Desire to Extend Term. On or before May 1, 2021, SBDC shall give written notice to City at the address shown in Section 5 (Notice), below of SBDC’s desire to further extend the Term of this MOU for one (1) additional year through June 30, 2022. The Term shall be extended for one (1) additional year through June 30, 2022 only if such extension is approved by the City Manager in writing. Nothing in this section shall be construed as an obligation of City to extend the Term, nor shall it be construed as granting SBDC any option to extend the Term, regardless of whether or not SBDC provides the notice described herein. D. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Section 2, the failure of SBDC to comply with the terms of this MOU or any written directions by or on behalf of City issued pursuant hereto shall constitute a material breach hereof, and this MOU may be terminated immediately. City’s failure to exercise this right of termination shall not constitute E. e waiver of such right, which may be exercised at any subsequent time. 3. Responsibilities of SBDC. A. SBDC shall have access to the Site, with one cubicle, computer screen, and computer and internet, and the use of conference room space, in accordance with City Hall reservation system for all of City Hall - subject to availability, at the Subject Property from 9:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday contingent on market demand and available funding. 10.9.a Packet Pg. 179 Attachment: SDBC Use of Space Agreement (2569 : IE Small Business Development Center (SBDC) MOU) B. SBDC shall provide the following types of assistance to businesses in Southwest Riverside County: i. Business planning; ii. Loan proposals; iii. Business assessments; iv. Finance; v. Bookkeeping; vi. Taxes and licenses; vii. Marketing; viii. Business management; ix. Human resources; and x. Governmental procurement procedures C. SBDC shall be responsible for the following duties, as part of its mentorship program for the benefit of City of Menifee businesses or prospective businesses interested in locating in Menifee:] i. Meet with City of Menifee businesses and review business milestones; ii. Provide advice to City of Menifee Clients, highlighting areas needing improvement, such as company leadership, business strategy, financing requirements and strategies, communications, company organization, work product; iii. Assist City of Menifee Clients in designing a strategic business plan charting growth and milestones in those areas that require improvement; and iv. Report monthly progress of City of Menifee businesses and prospective businesses to the Economic Development Department. D. The Center also will offer 4 seminars locally during the term of this agreement on business-related topics. The topics and fees to be charged for these seminars are to be determined in consultation with the City of Menifee. SBDC shall work with the City of Menifee and the Menifee Chamber of Commerce for marketing resources. E. SBDC shall identify the City of Menifee as co-sponsors of SBDC’s programs. F. SBDC shall have access to use City of Menifee conferencing spaces through the City’s room reservation system, subject to availability as determined by City Hall reservation procedures. G. SBDC shall not make any modifications to the interior or exterior of the Subject Property, office space, conference room, or City equipment, computer or internet, and must comply with all City required usage agreements H. SBDC shall repair any and all damage beyond normal wear and tear to City’s real and personal property arising out of any SBDC activity on the Subject Property. 10.9.a Packet Pg. 180 Attachment: SDBC Use of Space Agreement (2569 : IE Small Business Development Center (SBDC) MOU) I. SBDC shall not assign, sell, or transfer its interest under this MOU without the express prior written approval and consent of City. Any attempted assignment, sale, or transfer in violation of this subsection shall be void. 4. Responsibilities of City. A. City shall be responsible for providing the interior furniture, fixtures, and equipment for the interior of the cubicle, conference space subject to availability, computer equipment and internet in cubicle located on the Site. B. City shall be responsible for providing and maintaining wireless internet service for use by the SBDC at the Site. City shall not be responsible for intermittent wireless internet outages that occur through no fault of City. C. City shall be responsible for the installation and maintenance of security systems and fire alarm systems. City shall not be responsible for intermittent security systems and fire alarm outages that occur through no fault of City. D. City shall be responsible for maintaining, by providing custodial services for, the interior of the buildings located at the Site in a neat, clean, and safe condition. E. City shall provide all landscape maintenance services to the exterior of any buildings located at the Subject Property. F. City shall be responsible for all maintenance and repairs for the exterior of any buildings located at the Subject Property, including roofing, HVAC, the parking lot, and exterior lighting. G. City shall be responsible for the costs of utilities, including water, gas, and electricity at the Subject Property. H. City shall provide Economic Development Funding in the amount of $13,000 which will be allocated to pay for a workshop to be held every other month, consulting services, and provide a hub of services for the community in one convenient location for Fiscal Year 2020/2021. 5. Notice All notices which shall or may be given under this MOU shall be in writing and delivered personally or transmitted: (i) through the United States mail, by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid; or (ii) with prepaid overnight delivery service, the Parties at the following addresses: City: City of Menifee Attention: Economic Development Department 29844 Haun Road Menifee, CA 92586 SBDC: Paul Nolta Inland Empire Small Business Development Center 1650 Spruce Street, Suite 500 10.9.a Packet Pg. 181 Attachment: SDBC Use of Space Agreement (2569 : IE Small Business Development Center (SBDC) MOU) Riverside, CA 92507 6. Relationship of the Parties This MOU is not intended, and shall not be construed, to create the relationship of agent, servant, employee, partnership, joint venture, or association as between City and SBDC. SBDC understands and agrees that all persons furnishing services pursuant to this MOU are, for purposes of Workers Compensation liability, employees solely of SBDC and not of City. SBDC shall bear the sole responsibility and liability for furnishing Workers’ Compensation benefits to any person for injuries arising from or connected with services performed on behalf of SBDC pursuant to this MOU. 7. Indemnification and Insurance A. SBDC agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless City, its elected and appointed officers, employees, and agents (collectively hereinafter, “City Parties”) from and against any and all liability and expense, including defense costs and legal fees, arising from or connected with claims and lawsuits for damages relating to SBDC’s operations or its services, which result from bodily injury, death, personal injury, or property damage (including property owned by or in the case, custody or control of SBDC). B. Before beginning any work under this Agreement, Consultant, at its own cost and expense, shall procure the types and amounts of insurance checked below and provide Certificates of Insurance, indicating that Consultant has obtained or currently maintains insurance that meets the requirements of this section and which is satisfactory, in all respects, to City. Consultant shall maintain the insurance policies required by this section throughout the term of this Agreement. The cost of such insurance shall be included in Consultant’s compensation. Consultant shall not allow any subcontractor, consultant or other agent to commence work on any subcontract until Consultant has obtained all insurance required herein for the subcontractor(s) and provided evidence thereof to City. Verification of the required insurance shall be submitted and made part of this Agreement prior to execution. Consultant acknowledges the insurance policy must cover inter-insured suits between City and other Insureds. C. Workers’ Compensation. Consultant shall, at its sole cost and expense, maintain Statutory Workers’ Compensation Insurance and Employer’s Liability Insurance for any and all persons employed directly or indirectly by Consultant pursuant to the provisions of the California Labor Code. Statutory Workers’ Compensation Insurance and Employer’s Liability Insurance shall be provided with limits of not less than ONE MILLION DOLLARS ($1,000,000.00) per accident, ONE MILLION DOLLARS ($1,000,000.00) disease per employee, and ONE MILLION DOLLARS ($1,000,000.00) disease per policy. In the alternative, Consultant may rely on a self- insurance program to meet those requirements, but only if the program of self-insurance complies fully with the provisions of the California Labor Code. Determination of whether a self-insurance program meets the standards of the California Labor Code shall be solely in the discretion of the Contract Administrator. The insurer, if insurance is provided, or Consultant, if a program of self- insurance is provided, shall waive all rights of subrogation against City and its officers, officials, employees, and authorized volunteers for loss arising from the Services performed under this Agreement. 10.9.a Packet Pg. 182 Attachment: SDBC Use of Space Agreement (2569 : IE Small Business Development Center (SBDC) MOU) D. Commercial General and Automobile Liability Insurance. 1) General requirements. Consultant, at its own cost and expense, shall maintain commercial general and automobile liability insurance for the term of this Agreement in an amount not less than ONE MILLION DOLLARS ($1,000,000.00) per occurrence, combined single limit coverage, for risks associated with the Services contemplated by this Agreement, TWO MILLION DOLLARS ($2,000,000.00) general aggregate, and TWO MILLION DOLLARS ($2,000,000.00) products/completed operations aggregate. If a Commercial General Liability Insurance or an Automobile Liability Insurance form or other form with a general aggregate limit is used, either the general aggregate limit shall apply separately to the Services to be performed under this Agreement or the general aggregate limit shall be at least twice the required occurrence limit. Such coverage shall include but shall not be limited to, protection against claims arising from bodily and personal injury, including death resulting therefrom, and damage to property resulting from the Services contemplated under this Agreement, including the use of hired, owned, and non-owned automobiles. 2) Minimum scope of coverage. Commercial general coverage shall be at least as broad as Insurance Services Office Commercial General Liability occurrence form CG 0001. Automobile coverage shall be at least as broad as Insurance Services Office Automobile Liability form CA 0001 Code 2, 8, and 9. No endorsement shall be attached limiting the coverage. 3) Additional requirements. Each of the following shall be included in the insurance coverage or added as a certified endorsement to the policy: a) The insurance shall cover on an occurrence or an accident basis, and not on a claims-made basis. b) Any failure of Consultant to comply with reporting provisions of the policy shall not affect coverage provided to City and its officers, employees, agents, and volunteers. E. Professional Liability Insurance. 1) General requirements. Consultant, at its own cost and expense, shall maintain for the period covered by this Agreement professional liability insurance for licensed professionals performing the Services pursuant to this Agreement in an amount not less than ONE MILLION DOLLARS ($1,000,000) covering the licensed professionals’ errors and omissions. Any deductible or self-insured retention shall be shown on the Certificate. If the deductible or self-insured retention exceeds TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($25,000), it must be approved by City. 2) Claims-made limitations. The following provisions shall apply if the professional liability coverage is written on a claims-made form: a) The retroactive date of the policy must be shown and must be no later than the commencement of the Services. b) Insurance must be maintained and evidence of insurance must be provided for at least five (5) years after the expiration or termination of this 10.9.a Packet Pg. 183 Attachment: SDBC Use of Space Agreement (2569 : IE Small Business Development Center (SBDC) MOU) Agreement or completion of the Services, so long as commercially available at reasonable rates. c) If coverage is canceled or not renewed and it is not replaced with another claims-made policy form with a retroactive date that precedes the Effective Date of this Agreement, Consultant must provide extended reporting coverage for a minimum of five (5) years after the expiration or termination of this Agreement or the completion of the Services. Such continuation coverage may be provided by one of the following: (1) renewal of the existing policy; (2) an extended reporting period endorsement; or (3) replacement insurance with a retroactive date no later than the commencement of the Services under this Agreement. City shall have the right to exercise, at Consultant’s sole cost and expense, any extended reporting provisions of the policy, if Consultant cancels or does not renew the coverage. d) A copy of the claim reporting requirements must be submitted to City prior to the commencement of the Services under this Agreement. F. All Policies Requirements. 1) Acceptability of insurers. All insurance required by this Section is to be placed with insurers with a Bests’ rating of no less than A:VII and admitted in California. 2) Verification of coverage. Prior to beginning the Services under this Agreement, Consultant shall furnish City with Certificates of Insurance, additional insured endorsement or policy language granting additional insured status complete certified copies of all policies, including complete certified copies of all endorsements. All copies of policies and certified endorsements shall show the signature of a person authorized by that insurer to bind coverage on its behalf. The Certificate of Insurance must include the following reference: SPACE USE MEMORANDUM (MOU). The name and address for Additional Insured endorsements, Certificates of Insurance and Notice of Cancellation is: City of Menifee, 29844 Haun Road, Menifee, CA 92586. City must be endorsed as an additional insured for liability arising out of ongoing and completed operations by or on behalf of Consultant. 3) Notice of Reduction in or Cancellation of Coverage. Consultant shall provide written notice to City within ten (10) working days if: (1) any of the required insurance policies is terminated; (2) the limits of any of the required polices are reduced; or (3) the deductible or self insured retention is increased. 4) Additional insured; primary insurance. City and its officers, employees, agents, and authorized volunteers shall be covered as additional insureds with respect to each of the following: liability arising out of the Services performed by or on behalf of Consultant, including the insured’s general supervision of Consultant; products and completed operations of Consultant, as applicable; premises owned, occupied, or used by Consultant; and automobiles owned, leased, or used by Consultant in the course of providing the Services pursuant to this Agreement. The coverage shall contain no special limitations on the scope of protection afforded to City or its officers, employees, agents, or authorized volunteers. The insurance provided to City as an additional insured must apply on a primary and non-contributory basis with respect to any insurance or self-insurance program maintained by City. Additional insured status shall continue for one (1) year after the expiration or termination of this Agreement or completion of the Services. 10.9.a Packet Pg. 184 Attachment: SDBC Use of Space Agreement (2569 : IE Small Business Development Center (SBDC) MOU) A certified endorsement must be attached to all policies stating that coverage is primary insurance with respect to City and its officers, officials, employees, and volunteers, and that no insurance or self-insurance maintained by City shall be called upon to contribute to a loss under the coverage. 5) Deductibles and Self-insured Retentions. Consultant shall obtain the written approval of City for the self-insured retentions and deductibles before beginning any of the Services. During the term of this Agreement, only upon the prior express written authorization of the Contract Administrator, Consultant may increase such deductibles or self- insured retentions with respect to City, its officers, employees, agents, and volunteers. The Contract Administrator may condition approval of an increase in deductible or self-insured retention levels with a requirement that Consultant procure a bond guaranteeing payment of losses and related investigations, claim administration, and defense expenses that is satisfactory in all respects to each of them. 6) Subcontractors. Consultant shall include all subcontractors as insureds under its policies or shall furnish separate certificates and certified endorsements for each subcontractor. All coverages for subcontractors shall be subject to all of the requirements stated herein. 7) Variation. The Contract Administrator may, but is not required to, approve in writing a variation in the foregoing insurance requirements, upon a determination that the coverage, scope, limits, and forms of such insurance are either not commercially available, or that City’s interests are otherwise fully protected. G. Remedies. In addition to any other remedies at law or equity City may have if Consultant fails to provide or maintain any insurance policies or policy endorsements to the extent and within the time herein required, City may, at its sole option, exercise any of the following remedies, which are alternatives to other remedies City may have and are not the exclusive remedy for Consultant’s breach: a. Obtain such insurance and deduct and retain the amount of the premiums for such insurance from any sums due under this Agreement; b. Order Consultant to stop work under this Agreement or withhold any payment that becomes due to Consultant hereunder, or both stop work and withhold any payment, until Consultant demonstrates compliance with the requirements hereof; and/or c. Terminate this Agreement. 8. Additional Terms A. This MOU contains the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof. No addition to or alteration of the terms of this MOU, whether by written or verbal understanding of the parties, their officers, agents, or employees, shall be valid unless made in the form of a written amendment to this MOU and formally approved and executed by both parties. 10.9.a Packet Pg. 185 Attachment: SDBC Use of Space Agreement (2569 : IE Small Business Development Center (SBDC) MOU) B. SBDC shall comply with all applicable Federal, State, and local laws, rules, regulations, ordinances, and directives, and all provisions required thereby to be included in this MOU are hereby incorporated herein by reference. C. No waiver of a breach of any provision of this MOU by City will constitute a waiver of any other breach of said provision or of any other provision of this MOU. Failure of either party to enforce at any time, or from time to time, any provision of this MOU, shall not be construed as a waiver thereof. No waiver shall be enforced unless said waiver is set forth in writing. D. The persons executing this MOU on behalf of each of the parties hereto represent and warrant that (i) such party is duly organized and existing, (ii) they are duly authorized to execute and deliver this MOU on behalf of said party, (iii) by so executing this MOU, such party is formally bound to the provisions of this MOU, and (iv) that entering into this MOU does not violate any provision of any other agreement to which said party is bound. E. No officer, official, employee, agent, representative, or volunteer of City shall be personally liable to SBDC, or any successor in interest, in the event of any default or breach by City or for any amount which may become due to SBDC or to its successor, or for breach of any obligation of City of the terms of this MOU. F. Nothing in this MOU shall be deemed or otherwise construed as granting any rights, benefits, or interests to any individual, entity, or body that is not a party to this MOU. G. SBDC covenants that, by and for itself, its heirs, executors, assigns, and all persons claiming under or through them, that in the performance of this MOU there shall be no unlawful discrimination against or segregation of, any person or group of persons on account of any impermissible classification including, but not limited to, race, color, creed, religion, sex, marital status, sexual orientation, national origin, or ancestry. H. The parties agree to make a diligent, good-faith attempt to resolve any claim, controversy, or dispute arising out of this MOU. I. This MOU shall be governed by the internal laws of the State of California without regard to principles of conflicts of law. The Municipal and Superior Court of the County of Riverside shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any litigation between the parties hereto concerning this MOU. J. This MOU may be executed in counterparts, each of which, when this MOU has been signed by all the parties hereto, shall constitute an original. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this MOU to be executed by their duly authorized officers and representatives as of the date written at the beginning of this MOU. 10.9.a Packet Pg. 186 Attachment: SDBC Use of Space Agreement (2569 : IE Small Business Development Center (SBDC) MOU) Dated: , 2020 “City” CITY OF MENIFEE, a California municipal corporation By: _______________________________ APPROVED AS TO FORM RUTAN & TUCKER, LLP ______________________________ Attorneys for the City of Menifee ATTEST: By: _______________________________ Sarah Manwaring, City Clerk Dated: , 2020 “SBDC” Inland Empire Small Business Development Center By: Print Name:__________________________ Its: _________________________________ Dated: , 2020 By: Print Name:__________________________ Its: _________________________________ 10.9.a Packet Pg. 187 Attachment: SDBC Use of Space Agreement (2569 : IE Small Business Development Center (SBDC) MOU) EXHIBIT “A” DESCRIPTION OF SUBJECT PROPERTY AND SITE The City of Menifee City Hall is the subject of this Memorandum of Understanding and referenced in Section 1 (Right to Use Subject Property) of this MOU consists of a cubicle and desk area, on the second floor within the Economic Development Department, of the real property leased by the City of Menifee located at 29844 Haun Road Menifee, CA 92586. The Subject Property referenced in Section 1 (Right to Use Subject Property) of this MOU is the City Hall of the City of Menifee, located at 29844 Haun Road, Menifee, CA 92586. Within the Subject Property, the Site is located on the second floor within the Economic Development Department, and includes a cubicle and desk area. 10.9.a Packet Pg. 188 Attachment: SDBC Use of Space Agreement (2569 : IE Small Business Development Center (SBDC) MOU) CITY OF MENIFEE SUBJECT: Adoption of an Ordinance Approving the Junction Development Agreement No. 2017-291 MEETING DATE: July 15, 2020 TO: Mayor and City Council PREPARED BY: Ryan Fowler, Senior Planner REVIEWED BY: Cheryl Kitzerow, Community Development Director APPROVED BY: Armando G. Villa, City Manager RECOMMENDED ACTION Adopt an Ordinance approving The Junction Development Agreement No. 2017-291. DISCUSSION At the July 1, 2020 City Council hearing, this Ordinance was introduced for first reading. This is the required second reading and adoption. The Ordinance will become effective thirty (30) days from the date of adoption. FISCAL IMPACT As previously stated in the July 1, 2020 City Council Staff Report, the Development Agreement includes a provision for freezing the Development Impact Fees (DIF) for the project for a period of 7 years. As stated above, the developer would pay 50 percent of any DIF increases between years 7 and 10 and would pay DIF fees in full after 10 years. The DIF freeze begins at the Effective Date of the Development Agreement, so it also serves as an incentive to move forward with the project sooner. Although the DIF freeze could result in the City receiving less DIF funds over the 10-year period, the public benefits of the project, such as the expanded contribution to Howard Way ultimate improvement, expanded storm drain improvements, the early residential development impact fee, and the Haun Road alignment study, exceeds the amounts the City would anticipate from any DIF fee increases. The Development Agreement also include a provision for the City to enter into good faith negotiations toward a Transient Occupancy Tax (“TOT”) Sharing Agreement with the future hotel operator and a Sales Tax Sharing Agreement with the future operator of the wholesale club or big-box anchor store. Both sharing agreements are intended to attract such users to the City. 10.10 Packet Pg. 189 City of Menifee Staff Report The Junction July 15, 2020 Page 2 of 2 ATTACHMENTS 1. Ordinance - Development Agreement 2. Development Agreement 3. RTA Comment Letter 10.10 Packet Pg. 190 ORDINANCE NO. 2020-____ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MENIFEE, CALIFORNIA APPROVING DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT NO. 2017- 291 BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF MENIFEE AND KELCO PROPERTIES, LLC AND PLATINUM PARTNERS, LLC WHEREAS, on September 19, 2017, the applicant, PacTen Partners, filed a formal application with the City of Menifee for the approval of the following: (1) Plot Plan No. 2017-287, which proposes the construction and operation of the 268,824 sq. ft. of commercial retail buildings, a 85,282 sq. ft., 5-story hotel, and a two-phase 304-unit senior assisted living, independent living and memory care facility located on the northwest corner of Scott Road and Haun Road (APNs: 360-380-002, -007, -009, and - 010) (herein referred to as the “project site”); (2) Conditional Use Permit No. 2017-288, which would allow for the assisted living facility and gas station uses; and (3) Development Agreement No. 2017-291, which proposes a Development Agreement between the Property Owners (Kelco Properties, LLC and Platinum Partners, LLC) and the City of Menifee (collectively, the “Project”); and WHEREAS, on June 10, 2020, the Planning Commission of the City of Menifee held a public hearing on the Project, considered all public testimony as well as all materials in the staff report and accompanying documents, regarding Development Agreement No. 2017-291, which hearing was publicly noticed by a publication in The Press Enterprise, a newspaper of general circulation, an agenda posting, and notice to property owners and occupants within 900 feet of the Project boundaries, and to persons requesting public notice; and WHEREAS, at the June 10, 2020 Planning Commission public hearing, based upon the materials in the staff report and accompanying documents, public comment, and Planning Commission discussion, the City of Menifee Planning Commission recommended that the City Council adopt Development Agreement No. 2017-291; and, WHEREAS, on July 1, 2020, the City Council held a duly noticed public hearing concerning the Ordinance, introduced and conducted a first reading of the Ordinance, and considered testimony and evidence at the public hearing held with respect thereto; and; WHEREAS, the Development Agreement has been prepared, processed, reviewed, heard, and approved in accordance with applicable law, including but not limited to Section 65864 et seq. of the Government Code; and, NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Menifee does ordain as follows: Section 1: Consistency with the General Plan. The proposed development agreement is consistent with the objectives, policies, general land uses and programs specified in the general plan and any applicable specific plan. Consistency with General Plan The Project site is designated Economic Development Corridor (EDC) per the City of Menifee’s General Plan and Zoning map and is intended for a variety of commercial, entertainment, office and industrial uses. Specifically, the Project site is located within the EDC: Southern Gateway 10.10.a Packet Pg. 191 Attachment: Ordinance - Development Agreement [Revision 3] (2556 : The Junction) Page 2 of 8 Development Agreement No. 2017-291 July 1, 2020 (EDC-SG). The General Plan states that west of Interstate 215, north of Scott Road, the EDC area provides an opportunity for commercial, residential, and office uses with a high level of freeway accessibility as a transitional area to the Town Center located to the north. It instructs to avoid placement of residential units directly adjacent to the freeway. The Project is consistent with the EDC-SG land use designation, because the commercial center and senior living facility will provide commercial and residential uses as envisioned in the General Plan. The Project provides services and goods designated to serving patrons within the vicinity of the Project site as well as those from surrounding communities. Scott Road and Haun Road are both commercial corridors within the southerly portion of the City with Interstate 215 paralleling the site to the east. In addition, the Development Agreement is consistent with the following City of Menifee General Plan policies: Project Design  CD-3.5 Design parking lots and structures to be functionally and visually integrated and connected; off-street parking lots should not dominate the street scene. Perimeter landscaping and of the Project’s commercial and residential buildings has been provided to visually screen the parking lot and drive aisles from surrounding roadways along Haun Road, Scott Road, and Howard Way.  CD-3.9 Utilize Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) techniques and defensible space design concepts to enhance community safety. The Project is required to include security cameras at the entrances as well as within the property and the site has been designed to limit concealed areas to allow for greater visibility and security. Building Design  CD-3.10 Employ design strategies and building materials that evoke a sense of quality and permanence. The Project includes quality architectural features, such as stone veneer, wood siding and trim, metal siding, awnings, decorative light fixture, tower elements, spandrel glass, and standing seam metal roofing. In addition, the varied color palette creates a warm environment and ranges from soft reds to gray-toned whites and gray colored accents, which will complement the more natural earth tones within the stone veneer. 10.10.a Packet Pg. 192 Attachment: Ordinance - Development Agreement [Revision 3] (2556 : The Junction) Page 3 of 8 Development Agreement No. 2017-291 July 1, 2020  CD-3.14 Provide variations in color, texture, materials, articulation, and architectural treatments. Avoid long expanses of blank, monotonous walls or fences. The architecture of the Project incorporates varied colors, recesses, material changes, varied roof lines, wall plane changes, accent materials, and other architectural treatments that break up wall areas to avoid any long expanses of blank, monotonous walls. Enhanced Landscape Corridors  CD-4.2 Design new and, when necessary, retrofit existing streets to improve walkability, bicycling, and transit integration; strengthen connectivity; and enhance community identity through improvements to the public right-of-way such as sidewalks, street trees, parkways, curbs, street lighting, and street furniture. The Project will provide sufficient right-of-way for an expanded 8-foot sidewalk on Haun Road and standard sidewalks on Howard Way and Scott Road, parkway, street trees, street lighting and an 8 to 10-foot- wide Class II bike lane on Scott Road and Haun Road, and a Class III bike route on Howard Way. Lighting  CD-6.4 Require that lighting and fixtures be integrated with the design and layout of a project and that they provide a desirable level of security and illumination. The applicant is proposing decorative down-shielded building mounted lighting, as well as decorative down-shielded free-standing lighting.  CD-6.5 Limit light leakage and spillage that may interfere with the operations of the Palomar Observatory. The Project has been conditioned for all lighting fixtures to comply with Menifee Municipal Code Chapter 6.01, “Dark Sky Ordinance”, which will have the effect of limiting leakage and spillage of light. All lighting is to be down-shielded as described above. Policies  ED-2.1 Promote retail development by locating needed goods and services in proximity to where residents live to improve quality of life, retain taxable spending by Menifee residents and attract residents from outside the City to shop in Menifee. o Locate businesses providing convenience goods and services in retail centers that are on arterials adjacent to neighborhoods and communities throughout the City but not in rural residential areas. 10.10.a Packet Pg. 193 Attachment: Ordinance - Development Agreement [Revision 3] (2556 : The Junction) Page 4 of 8 Development Agreement No. 2017-291 July 1, 2020 o Encourage comparison goods businesses to locate in larger retail centers located on major arterials near freeway interchanges, because businesses that provide comparison goods tend to draw customers from larger areas. The Project would provide additional retail options and greater convenience to residential and commercial uses in the Project vicinity. The Project locates these retail businesses along a major east/west commercial corridor (Scott Road) and a north/south corridor (Haun Road). The Project and the properties situated to the north and south of the project site share the same General Plan and Zoning designation of Economic Development Corridor (EDC) and Economic Development Corridor (EDC) – Southern Gateway. The properties to the east are designated and zoned Menifee Commercial Specific Plan. Properties to the west are designated Rural Residential – 1 Acre Minimum and 2.1-5 Dwelling Units per Acre – Residential (2.1-5R) and zoned Rural Residential – 1 Acre Minimum and Low Density Residential – 2 (LDR-2) (7,200 sq. ft.). Furthermore, the properties to the north and east are presently vacant. Properties to the west and south include single-family residences. The Project is compatible with the surrounding uses it augments and supports the land uses in the vicinity of the Project. Consistency with Multiple Specie Habitat Conservation Plan (MSHCP) The City of Menifee has two (2) active conservation plans within the City’s boundary, the Western Riverside County MSHCP, and the Stephens’ Kangaroo Rat Habitat Conservation Plan (SKR-HCP). The subject site is within the jurisdiction of the SKR-HCP and the Western Riverside County MSHCP. The Project site is located inside the Stephen’s Kangaroo Rat (Dipodomys stephensi) (SKR) Fee Area. The Project is located within the boundaries of the Western Riverside County Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan; however, the Project is not located with a Criteria Cell or Cell Group. The Project will be subject to the payment of fees for a commercial project consistent with Riverside County Ordinance No. 810.2 as adopted by the City of Menifee. Therefore, the Project will not conflict with the provisions of the adopted HCP, Natural Conservation Community Plan, or other approved local, regional, or State conservation plan and the impact is considered less than significant. Section 2: Consistency with the Zoning Code. The proposed development agreement is compatible with the uses authorized in, and the regulations prescribed for, the zone in which the real property is or will be located. The Project site is zoned Economic Development Corridor – Southern Gateway (EDC-SG). Surrounding zoning classifications include EDC-SG to the north and south, Menifee Commercial Specific Plan to the east and Rural Residential – 1 Acre Minimum and Low Density Residential – 2 10.10.a Packet Pg. 194 Attachment: Ordinance - Development Agreement [Revision 3] (2556 : The Junction) Page 5 of 8 Development Agreement No. 2017-291 July 1, 2020 (LDR-2) (7,200 sq. ft.) to the west, which are consistent with the zoning for the Project site. The General Plan Land Use Designation and Zoning classification of Economic Development Corridor are consistent and compatible with one another. As previously stated, the General Plan states that west of Interstate 215, north of Scott Road, the EDC area provides an opportunity for commercial, residential, and office uses with a high level of freeway accessibility as a transitional area to the Town Center located to the north. It instructs to avoid placement of residential units directly adjacent to the freeway. This project was deemed complete prior to the current version of the Development Code (Title 9) became effective (January 17, 2020) and was therefore reviewed under the previous Development Code. The Project, which includes a commercial center and senior living facility, is consistent with the Economic Development Corridor’s list of allowable uses and the design of the Project is consistent with the development standard of the EDC-SG zone. Therefore, the Project is consistent with the Zoning Code. Section 3: The proposed development agreement is in conformity with and will promote public convenience, general welfare and good land use practice. The Project site is located at the northwest corner of Haun Road and Scott Road. To the north and east of the site if vacant land. To the west and south of the site is single-family residences and some vacant land. The Project is compatible with the surrounding land uses, General Plan land use designations, and zoning classifications and is adequately sized, shaped, designed and located to accommodate the proposed uses. As noted above in Sections 1 and 2, the Project includes uses that are compatible and serve surroundings residents and businesses. The Project will provide residential uses in the area with additional goods and service options in the southerly portion of the City. The senior living facility will also provide services that are not available within the southerly portion of the City. The project is compatible with the surrounding land uses, general plan land use designations and zoning classifications. The project incorporates quality design, bike lanes/routes, landscaping, amenities, retail commercial good and services, and other improvements which will enhance and benefit the area upon construction. The Development Agreement provides for the orderly construction of road improvements, utilities, drainage and other improvements. The proposed Development Agreement is consistent with the concurrent Plot Plan (Plot Plan No. 2017-287) and will assist the developer in implementation of the Plot Plan. The proposed Development Agreement is in conformity with and will promote public convenience, general welfare and good land use practice 10.10.a Packet Pg. 195 Attachment: Ordinance - Development Agreement [Revision 3] (2556 : The Junction) Page 6 of 8 Development Agreement No. 2017-291 July 1, 2020 Section 4: Surrounding Uses. The proposed development agreement will not be detrimental to the health, safety and general welfare within the city. The Project site is located at the northwest corner of Haun Road and Scott Road. To the north and east of the site if vacant land. To the west and south of the site is single-family residences and some vacant land. The Project is compatible with the surrounding land uses, General Plan land use designations, and zoning classifications and is adequately sized, shaped, designed and located to accommodate the proposed uses. The Project has been reviewed by a variety of Departments to ensure compliance with applicable regulations, including, but not limited to City of Menifee Building and Safety, Engineering and Public Works, Riverside County Fire, Riverside County Sheriff’s Department, and Riverside County Environmental Health. These Departments have also provided conditions of approval as appropriate to ensure compliance with applicable regulations. In addition, environmental impacts resulting from the Project have been analyzed in an Addendum to a previous Environmental Impact Report (i.e., the Junction at Menifee Valley Final Environmental Impact Report [FEIR]). The Addendum determined that none of the conditions described in Sections 15162 or 15163 of the CEQA Guidelines calling for the preparation of a subsequent or supplemental Environmental Impact Report (EIR) or negative declaration have occurred. The Project will not generate any new significant environmental effects that were not previously discussed in the Junction at Menifee Valley FEIR. Therefore, the Development Agreement is not anticipated to create any new conditions, not previously discussed in the Junction at Menifee Valley FEIR, materially detrimental to the public health, safety, and general welfare or injurious to or incompatible with other properties or land uses in the Project vicinity. Section 5: Orderly Development. The proposed development agreement will not adversely affect the orderly development of the property or the preservation of property values. The proposed Development Agreement would assist with and would not interfere with the development of the Project site and the uses proposed under Plot Plan No. 2017-287 and Conditional Use Permit No. 2017-288, which would not adversely affect the orderly development of the surrounding area. The Development Agreement would not alter the land uses as adopted in the General Plan. The Development Agreement would not conflict with surrounding existing and planned land uses and would not have the potential to adversely affect property values. 10.10.a Packet Pg. 196 Attachment: Ordinance - Development Agreement [Revision 3] (2556 : The Junction) Page 7 of 8 Development Agreement No. 2017-291 July 1, 2020 Section 6: Encourage Development. The proposed development agreement will promote and encourage the development of the proposed project by providing a greater degree of requisite certainty for the developer. The assurances provided to the applicant through the Development Agreement, such as vesting of Development Impact Fees, clarification of timing of public improvements, and tax sharing would provide greater certainty, reduced risk, and offset development costs that would encourage development as approved under the Plot Plan and the infrastructure associated with it that would serve the surrounding area. Section 7: Compliance with CEQA. Processing and approval of the permit application are in compliance with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act. An Addendum to the Junction at Menifee Valley FEIR was prepared pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) for the Project. In the Addendum, it was found that none of the conditions described in Sections 15162 or 15163 of the CEQA Guidelines calling for the preparation of a subsequent or supplemental Environmental Impact Report (EIR) or negative declaration have occurred. The Project will not generate any new significant environmental effects that were not previously discussed in the Junction at Menifee Valley FEIR. Section 8: Development Agreement Adopted The City Council approves the Development Agreement set forth in Exhibit "1" to this Ordinance. Section 9: The City Manager, or his or her designee, is directed and authorized to do all of the following: a. Make all necessary and appropriate clerical, typographical, and formatting corrections to the adopted Development Agreement prior to execution and recording; and b. To implement the Development Agreement, in accordance with its terms. Section 10. Recording. Pursuant to Government Code section 65868.5 and Section 9.45.150 of the Menifee Municipal Code, the City Clerk shall prepare a final version of the Development Agreement for recording within ten (10) days of the Effective Date that fully reflects the action of the City Council in adopting the Development Agreement. Section 11: Effective Date. The Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force and operation thirty (30) days after its second reading and adoption. Section 12: Severability. 10.10.a Packet Pg. 197 Attachment: Ordinance - Development Agreement [Revision 3] (2556 : The Junction) Page 8 of 8 Development Agreement No. 2017-291 July 1, 2020 If any section, subsection, subdivision, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion of this Ordinance is, for any reason, held to be invalid or unconstitutional by the decision of any court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance. The City Council hereby declares that it would have adopted this Ordinance, and each section, subsection, subdivision, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, subdivision, sentences, clauses, phrases, or portions thereof be declared invalid or unconstitutional. Section 13: Notice of Adoption. The City Clerk is authorized and directed to cause this Ordinance to be published within fifteen (15) days after its passage in a newspaper of general circulation and circulated within the City in accordance with Government Code Section 36933(a) or, cause this Ordinance to be published in the manner required by law using the alternative summary and posting procedure authorized under Government Code Section 36933(c). This Ordinance was introduced and read on the 1st of July, 2020 and PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 15th day of July 2020. ___________________________ Bill Zimmerman, Mayor Attest: ___________________________ Sarah A. Manwaring, City Clerk Approved as to form: ___________________________ Jeffrey T. Melching, City Attorney 10.10.a Packet Pg. 198 Attachment: Ordinance - Development Agreement [Revision 3] (2556 : The Junction) PLEASE RECORD AND WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: CITY OF MENIFEE 29844 Haun Road Menifee, CA 92586 Attn: City Attorney THE JUNCTION DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT This Development Agreement (hereinafter “Agreement”) is entered into on ______, 2020, by and between (1) the CITY OF MENIFEE (hereinafter “CITY”), a municipal corporation of the State of California, and (2) KELCO PROPERTIES, LLC, a California limited liability company (“KELCO”) and PLATINUM PARTNERS, LLC, a California, limited liability company (“PLATINUM”) (KELCO and PLATINUM are hereinafter collectively referred to as “DEVELOPER”). RECITALS A. DEVELOPER owns all of the real property described on Exhibit A and depicted on Exhibit B, consisting of approximately 54.01 gross acres of land area located in the City of Menifee, County of Riverside, State of California (“Property”). B. The Planning and Zoning approvals for the Project on the Property obtained prior to the Effective Date of this Agreement (collectively, the “Development Approvals”) include but are not limited to the following: i. Plot Plan No. 2017-287 (“Plot Plan”) proposes the construction of 268,824 sq. ft. of retail commercial buildings, including a 157,844 sq. ft. anchor building (“Anchor Building”) with gas station, 123,770 sq. ft., 5-story hotel (135 rooms), and a two-phase 304-unit (390-bed) senior assisted living, independent living and memory care facility on 54.01 gross acres, adopted by the City Council of the City of Menifee (“City Council”) on ________________ and provides the required contents of a Development Plan in compliance with Government Code section 65865.2. The Plot Plan specifically contemplates and requires that the retail commercial buildings on the Property would cover 33.11 gross acres of the total Property, and would consist of the following: (i) 10.10.b Packet Pg. 199 Attachment: Development Agreement [Revision 1] (2556 : The Junction) 2 Shops 1 (8,600 sq. ft.); (ii) Shops 2 (9,000 sq. ft.); (iii) Shops 3 (9,900 sq. ft.); (iv) Shops 4 (6,600 sq. ft.); (v) Shops 5 (10,800 sq. ft.) (with a site plan option to instead construct a 9,000 sq. ft. facility with a drive through); (vi) Shops 6 (9,600 sq. ft.); (vii) Fitness Center (37,000 sq. ft.); (viii) Pad 1 Restaurant (7,721 sq. ft.); (ix) Pad 2 Restaurant (5,991 sq. ft.); (x) Pad 3 Restaurant (2,368 sq. ft.); (xi) Pad 4 Restaurant (3,400 sq. ft.); (xii) Anchor Building with gas station (157,844 sq. ft.). In addition, a hotel will cover 4.29 gross acres of the Property, a senior living facility will cover 12.88 gross acres of the Property and will consist of a two-phase 304-unit (390-bed) senior assisted living, independent living, and memory care facility; the Property consists of a total of 54.01 gross acres. ii. Conditional Use Permit 2018-288 (“CUP”) to authorize, subject to the conditions contained therein, the gas station and senior living uses depicted on the Plot Plan. iii. Environmental Clearance Document: The Junction at Menifee Valley Environmental Impact Report (State Clearinghouse No. 2007041062), together with an Addendum to the Junction at Menifee Valley Environmental Impact Report approved by the CITY in June 2020. Development consistent with all of the Development Approvals and the proposed site plan attached as Exhibit C-1 is hereinafter referred to as the “Project.” B. Government Code Sections 65864 et seq. (“Development Agreement Law”) authorize CITY to enter into binding development agreements with persons having a legal or equitable interest in real property for the development of such property, all for the purpose of strengthening the public planning process, encouraging private participation and comprehensive planning, and reducing the economic costs of such development. DEVELOPER and CITY have agreed to enter into this Development Agreement in order to memorialize and secure the respective expectations of the CITY and DEVELOPER. C. The City Council has found that this Agreement is in the best public interest of the CITY and its residents. Adopting this Agreement constitutes a present exercise of the CITY’s police power, and that the Project is consistent with the goals and policies of the CITY’s General Plan and imposes appropriate standards and requirements with respect to the Development of the Property in order to maintain the overall quality of life and of the environment within the CITY. Prior to its approval of this Agreement, CITY considered the environmental impacts of the Project and completed its environmental review of the Project. D. On June 10, 2020, the Planning Commission of CITY held a public hearing on the DEVELOPER’s application for approval of this Agreement, made certain findings and determinations with respect thereto, and adopted Planning Commission Resolution No. ________, which recommended to the City Council that this Agreement be approved. 10.10.b Packet Pg. 200 Attachment: Development Agreement [Revision 1] (2556 : The Junction) 3 E. On __________, the City Council held a public hearing on the DEVELOPER’S application for approval of this Agreement, considered the recommendations of the Planning Commission, and found that this Agreement is consistent with CITY’s General Plan. On ___________, the City Council introduced Ordinance No. _________, approving this Development Agreement for first reading. On __________, the City Council approved Ordinance No. _________, which takes effect as of _______________. COVENANTS NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the above recitals and of the mutual covenants hereinafter contained and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the Parties agree as follows: 1. DEFINITIONS AND EXHIBITS. 1.1 Definitions. This Agreement uses a number of terms having specific meanings, as defined below. These specially defined terms are distinguished by having the initial letter capitalized, or all letters capitalized, when used in the Agreement. The defined terms include the following: 1.1.1 “Actual Costs of Construction” means the sum of (i) hard and soft out-of- pocket costs paid to Unaffiliated third parties (including, without limitation, land use planning and engineering costs, land acquisition costs, construction and management costs, and permit and construction fees); (ii) general conditions costs (to the extent not included in section “(i)” above, not to exceed five percent (5%) of hard costs); and (iii) an internal DEVELOPER project administration fee of up to three percent (3%) of the hard and soft costs set forth in (i) above to compensate DEVELOPER for performance of contract administration, bidding, accounting, design oversight, and project management. For the avoidance of doubt, the categories of costs set forth in clauses “(i)”, “(ii)”, and “(iii)” in the precedent sentence are mutually exclusive, and no cost in one category may be included in any other category. Actual Costs of Construction shall be evidenced by DEVELOPER’s submission of paid invoices or other documentation reasonably acceptable to City. Except as provided in clause (iii) above, internal project management and administrative costs and expenses paid to affiliates of DEVELOPER, if any, shall not be counted for purposes of the fee credit calculation. 1.1.2 “Agreement” means this Development Agreement. 1.1.3 “Affiliate” means a person or entity that, directly or indirectly controls the DEVELOPER, is controlled by the DEVELOPER, or is, with the DEVELOPER, under common control of another person or entity. Indicia of control include, without limitation, interlocking management or ownership; identity of interests among family members; shared facilities and equipment; common use of employees; and use of substantially the same management, ownership or principals as the DEVELOPER. 1.1.4 “Anchor Building” means the approximately 157,844 sq. ft. anchor building as depicted on the Plot Plan. 10.10.b Packet Pg. 201 Attachment: Development Agreement [Revision 1] (2556 : The Junction) 4 1.1.5 “Applicable Law” means all federal, state, and local laws and regulations applicable to the Project as of the Effective Date. 1.1.6 “Assessment District” means City of Menifee Community Facilities District No. 2017-1 (Maintenance Services), any other Community Facilities District and/or Assessment District allowing for land secured financing of services and improvements for the benefit of the Project. 1.1.7 “City Council” means the City Council of the CITY. 1.1.8 “CITY Parties” means the CITY, City Council, CITY officers, employees, attorneys and agents. 1.1.9 “Claim” means any claim, loss, cost, damage, expense, liability, lien, action, cause of action (whether in tort, contract, under statute, at law, in equity or otherwise), charge, award, assessment, fine or penalty of any kind (including consultant and expert fees, Legal Costs, and expenses and investigation costs of whatever kind or nature), and any judgment caused or initiated by a third party. Without limiting the foregoing, “Claims” include any matter that results or arises in any way from any of the following: (1) the noncompliance by DEVELOPER or its contractor with any applicable local, state and/or federal law or regulation, including, without limitation, any applicable federal and/or state labor laws or regulations (including, without limitation, if applicable, the requirement to pay state and/or federal prevailing wages and hire apprentices); (2) the implementation of Labor Code Section 1781 and/or any other similar law or regulation; and/or (3) failure by DEVELOPER to provide any required disclosure or identification as required by Labor Code Section 1781, as the same may be amended from time to time, or any other similar law or regulation. 1.1.10 “Costs” means quantifiable expenses of any kind, including without limitation the allocated value of staff time, amounts expended for consultant and/or legal services, acquisition expenses, and allocated overhead. 1.1.11 “CUP” means Conditional Use Permit 2018-288, which authorizes, subject to the conditions contained therein, the gas station and senior living uses depicted on the Plot Plan. 1.1.12 “Default” means the failure to perform any material duty or obligation set forth in this Agreement or to comply in good faith with the terms of this Agreement. 1.1.13 “DEVELOPER” means Kelco Properties, LLC, a California limited liability company and Platinum Partners, LLC, a California, limited liability company and their successors in interest to all or any part of the Property. 1.1.14 “Development” means the improvement of the Property for the purposes of completing the structures, improvements and facilities comprising the Project including, but not limited to: grading; the construction of infrastructure and public facilities related to the Project whether located within or outside the Property; the construction of buildings and structures; and the installation of landscaping and park facilities and improvements. 10.10.b Packet Pg. 202 Attachment: Development Agreement [Revision 1] (2556 : The Junction) 5 “Development” also includes the maintenance, repair, reconstruction or redevelopment of any building, structure, improvement, landscaping or facility after the construction and completion thereof. 1.1.15 “Development Approvals” means all permits, licenses, consents, rights and privileges, and other actions subject to approval or issuance by CITY in connection with Development of the Property issued by CITY on or before the Effective Date, including but not limited to: (a) The Plot Plan, including without limitation, the square footage and percentage Property coverage amounts described in Recital B; (b) Variances, conditional use permits (including the CUP), master plans, and public use permits; and (c) Grading, improvement and building permits. 1.1.16 “Development Fees” means the monetary consideration charged by CITY in connection with a development project for the purpose of defraying all or a portion of the cost of mitigating the impacts of the Project and development of the public facilities related to Development of the Project. Development Fees shall not include: (i) CITY’s normal fees for processing, environmental assessment/review, tentative tracts/parcel map review, plan checking, site review, site approval, administrative review, building permit (plumbing, mechanical, electrical, building), inspection, and similar fees imposed to recover CITY’s Costs associated with processing, review, and inspection of applications, plans, specifications, etc.; and/or (ii) fees and charges levied by any other public agency, utility, district, or joint powers authority, whether or not such fees are collected by CITY. 1.1.17 “Development Plan” means the plan for Development of the Property, including without limitation, the Development Approvals, planning and zoning standards, regulations, applicable conditions of approval, and criteria for the Development of the Property, contained in and consistent with Exhibit C. “Development Plan” also includes the Mitigation Measures identified in Exhibit D, and the site plan attached as Exhibit C- 1. 1.1.18 “Development Requirement” means any requirement of CITY in connection with or pursuant to any Development Approval for the dedication of land, the construction or improvement of public facilities, the payment of fees (including Development Fees) or assessments in order to lessen, offset, mitigate or compensate for the impacts of Development on the environment, or the advancement of the public interest. 1.1.19 “Effective Date” means the date that is the later of: (i) the date that the ordinance approving this Agreement becomes effective; or (ii) the date that this Agreement is executed by DEVELOPER. 1.1.20 “Excess Contributions” means the contributions toward estimated community and area-wide infrastructure improvements to the extent they exceed the 10.10.b Packet Pg. 203 Attachment: Development Agreement [Revision 1] (2556 : The Junction) 6 Development Requirements the CITY could otherwise impose on the Project, and are not recouped through Development Fee credits or reimbursements. 1.1.21 “Fee Freeze Period” means the first seven (7) years of this Agreement from the Effective Date. 1.1.22 “KELCO” means Kelco Properties, LLC, a California limited liability company. 1.1.23 “Land Use Regulations” means all ordinances, resolutions, codes, rules, regulations, CITY adopted plans (including, but not limited to, trail plans and park master plans) and official policies of CITY adopted and effective on or before the Effective Date governing Development and use of land, including, without limitation, the permitted use of land, the density or intensity of use, subdivision requirements, the maximum height and size of proposed buildings, the provisions for reservation or dedication of land for public purposes, and the design, improvement and construction standards and specifications applicable to the Development of the Property. “Land Use Regulations” does not include any CITY ordinance, resolution, code, rule, regulation or official policy, governing: (a) the conduct of businesses, professions, and occupations; (b) taxes and assessments; (c) the control and abatement of nuisances; (d) the granting of encroachment permits and the conveyance of rights and interests which provide for the use of or the entry upon public property; (e) the exercise of the power of eminent domain; and (f) the amount of processing fees or development impact fees. 1.1.24 “Legal Costs” means for any Person, all actual and reasonable costs and expenses such Person incurs in any legal proceeding (or other matter for which such Person is entitled to be reimbursed for its Legal Costs), including reasonable attorneys’ fees, court costs and expenses, including in or as a result of any: (a) bankruptcy proceeding; (b) litigation between the Parties; (c) negotiating or documenting any agreement with a third party requested by the other Party; (d) requirement or request that such Person or its employees act as a witness in any proceeding regarding this Agreement or the other Party; and (e) review or approval that the other Party requests of such Person. All references to Legal Costs shall include the salaries, benefits and costs of in-house or contract general counsel to CITY or DEVELOPER, respectively, and the lawyers employed in the office of such general counsel who provide legal services regarding a particular matter, adjusted to or billed at an hourly rate and multiplied by the time spent on such matter rounded to increments of one-tenth of an hour, in addition to Legal Costs of outside counsel retained by CITY or DEVELOPER, respectively, for such matter. 10.10.b Packet Pg. 204 Attachment: Development Agreement [Revision 1] (2556 : The Junction) 7 1.1.25 “Mitigation Measures” means those requirements imposed on the Project contained in the Mitigation Monitoring/Reporting Plan for the Project, which is attached hereto as Exhibit D. 1.1.26 “Mortgagee” means a mortgagee of a mortgage, a beneficiary under a deed of trust or any other security-device, a lender or each of their respective successors and assigns. 1.1.27 “Party” and “Parties” mean and refer to CITY and/or DEVELOPER, as context dictates, and their respective successors, assigns, and Affiliates. 1.1.28 “Person” means any association, corporation, government, individual, joint venture, joint-stock company, limited liability company, partnership, trust, unincorporated organization or other entity of any kind. 1.1.29 “PLATINUM” means Platinum Partners, LLC, a California limited liability company. 1.1.30 “Plot Plan” means Plot Plan No. 2017-287. 1.1.31 “Project” means the Development of the Property consistent with the Development Plan. 1.1.32 “Property” means the real property described in Exhibit A and shown on Exhibit B to this Agreement. 1.1.33 “Reservation of Authority” means the rights and authority excepted from the assurances and rights provided to DEVELOPER under this Agreement and reserved to CITY. 1.1.34 “Subsequent Development Approvals” means all permits, licenses, consents, rights and privileges, and other actions subject to approval or issuance by CITY in connection with Development of the Property issued by CITY subsequent to the Effective Date. 1.1.35 “Subsequent Land Use Regulations” means all ordinances, codes, rules, regulations, CITY adopted plans and official policies of CITY adopted and effective after the Effective Date of this Agreement governing Development and use of the Property, including, without limitation, the permitted use of the Property, the density or intensity of use, subdivision requirements, the maximum height and size of proposed buildings, the provisions for reservation or dedication of land for public purposes, and the design, improvement, and construction standards and specifications applicable to the Development of the Property; provided, however, that “Subsequent Land Use Regulations” do not include any CITY ordinance, resolution, code, rule, regulation or official policy, governing: (a) the conduct of business, professions, and occupations; (b) taxes and assessments; (c) the control and abatement of nuisances; (d) the granting of encroachment permits and the conveyance of rights and interests which provide for the use of or entry upon public property; 10.10.b Packet Pg. 205 Attachment: Development Agreement [Revision 1] (2556 : The Junction) 8 (e) the exercise of the power of eminent domain; and (f) the amount of processing fees or development impact fees. 1.1.36 “Term” means the period of time from the Effective Date until the expiration of this Agreement as provided in subsection 2.4, or earlier termination as provided in Section 8. 1.1.37 “Transfer” means sell, assign, or transfer. 1.1.38 “Unaffiliated” means and refers to a person or entity that is not an Affiliate. 1.2 Exhibits. The following documents are attached to, and by this reference made a part of, this Agreement: Exhibit A Legal Description of the Property. Exhibit B Map showing Property and its location. Exhibit C Development Plan Exhibit C-1 Site Plan Exhibit D Mitigation Monitoring/Reporting Plan Exhibit E Development Impact Fees Exhibit F Public Benefits Exhibit F-1 Summary of Main Drain Improvements in Scott Road and Haun Road Exhibit F-2 Preliminary Drainage Plan Detail Exhibit F-3 Scoping Letter for Haun Road Alignment Study Exhibit G Assumption Agreement 2. GENERAL PROVISIONS. 2.1 Binding Effect of Agreement. From and following the Effective Date, Development of the Project and CITY actions on applications for Subsequent Development Approvals respecting the Development of the Project shall be subject to the terms and provisions of this Agreement. 2.2 Assignment. 2.2.1 Release of Transferring DEVELOPER. Upon the Transfer in whole or in part, of DEVELOPER’s right and interest to all or any portion of the Property, DEVELOPER may, at least thirty (30) days prior to completion of the Transfer, apply to 10.10.b Packet Pg. 206 Attachment: Development Agreement [Revision 1] (2556 : The Junction) 9 CITY for a release from its obligations hereunder with respect to the portion of the Property so Transferred. CITY shall approve the partial or full release if: (i) DEVELOPER is not in Default of this Agreement at the time of the request for release, or provides adequate assurances to CITY that it will cure any Default prior to the Transfer; (ii) with respect to the Transfer of any lot that has not been fully improved, the transferee executes and delivers to CITY a written assumption agreement in substance and form which is approved by CITY’s Attorney, which approval shall not be unreasonably denied, and in which: (A) the name and address of the transferee is set forth; (B) the transferee expressly assumes the obligations of DEVELOPER under this Agreement as to the portion of the Property transferred; (C) the transferee provides commercially reasonable assurances of its performance of the obligations of the DEVELOPER that transferee proposes to assume; and (D) the assumption agreement adequately allocates to the transferee (or justifies the non-allocation) credits, reimbursements, or other benefits provided to DEVELOPER under this Agreement that relate to the portion of the Property transferred. A written assumption agreement substantially in the form of Exhibit G, augmented with the assurances of performance and allocations of credits, reimbursement rights, and other benefits, as detailed in clauses (ii)(C) and (ii)(D) of the preceding sentence, shall be deemed pre- approved by the CITY’s Attorney. Failure to obtain CITY approval of a written assumption agreement hereunder shall not negate, modify or otherwise affect the liability under this Agreement of any transferee or future owner of any portion of the Property. DEVELOPER shall remain responsible for all obligations set forth in the Agreement that are not subject to an assignment approved by the CITY in accordance with this paragraph. 2.3 Term. 2.3.1 Term. The term of this Agreement (“Term”) shall commence on the Effective Date and shall continue thereafter for a period of fifteen (15) years (“Original Term”), unless this Agreement is terminated, modified, or extended by circumstances set forth in this Agreement or by mutual written consent of the Parties. The Term shall be automatically extended for a five (5) year period (“First Extension”) if DEVELOPER obtains certificates of occupancy for either a hotel or 100,000 square feet of commercial development prior to the expiration of the Original Term. The Term shall be further automatically extended by an additional five (5) year period (“Second Extension”) if DEVELOPER obtains certificates of occupancy for either (i) a hotel and 100,000 square feet of commercial development or (ii) 200,000 square feet of commercial development prior to the expiration of the First Extension. The Term may be extended beyond the lapsing of the Second Extension if the DEVELOPER and CITY, in their respective sole and absolute discretion, so agree in writing; provided, however, that the total Term shall not exceed twenty-five (25) years except for the extensions of time due to Force Majeure Delays contemplated by Section 10.12. 2.3.2 Where a shorter term is not mandated by Applicable Law, the term of any and all discretionary Development Approvals and discretionary Subsequent Development Approvals shall automatically be extended for the longer of the Term of this Agreement or the term otherwise applicable to such discretionary Development Approvals or discretionary Subsequent Development Approvals. For the avoidance of doubt, the following categories of Development Approvals and Subsequent Development Approvals 10.10.b Packet Pg. 207 Attachment: Development Agreement [Revision 1] (2556 : The Junction) 10 shall be deemed “not discretionary” for purposes of this section: grading permits, building permits, improvement permits, landscape permits, wall and fence plans, and signage permits and programs. 3. DEVELOPMENT OF THE PROPERTY. 3.1 Rights to Develop. Subject to the terms of this Agreement, DEVELOPER shall have a vested right to develop the Project in accordance with, and to the extent of, the Development Plan. Development of the Project is hereby vested specifically with the Property, and that DEVELOPER retains the right to apportion development rights between itself and any subsequent DEVELOPER, upon the Transfer of any portion of the Property, so long as such apportionment is, prior to becoming effective, approved by CITY in writing in accordance with Section 2, and consistent with the Development Plan and the Land Use Regulations. 3.2 Effect of Agreement on Land Use Regulations. Except as otherwise provided under the terms of this Agreement, the rules, regulations and official policies governing permitted uses of the Property, the density and intensity of use of the Property, the maximum height and size of proposed buildings, and the design, improvement and construction standards and specifications applicable to Development of the Property, shall be those contained in the Development Plan and the Land Use Regulations. 3.3 Subsequent Development Approvals. CITY shall accept for processing, review and action all applications for Subsequent Development Approvals necessary and appropriate for implementation of the Project, and such applications shall be processed in the normal manner for processing such matters, for all or a portion of the Property at DEVELOPER’s option. The CITY further agrees that, unless otherwise requested by DEVELOPER or as authorized by this Agreement, it shall not, absent a violation of Applicable Law by DEVELOPER, amend or rescind any Subsequent Development Approvals respecting the Property after such approvals have been granted by the CITY. All Subsequent Development Approvals that are necessary and appropriate for implementation of the Project shall be deemed incorporated herein and vested as of the effective date of such approvals and shall be governed by the terms and conditions of this Agreement; provided, however, that requests for Subsequent Development Approvals (including, without limitation, General Plan amendments, zone changes, or variances) that increase the overall intensity or density of Development or otherwise cause a substantial modification of the Development Plan shall not be deemed incorporated herein and vested as of the effective date of such approvals, but shall instead require an amendment to this Agreement in accordance with Applicable Law and Section 3.5. 3.4 Timing of Development. The Parties acknowledge that DEVELOPER cannot at this time predict when or the rate at which phases of the Property will be developed. Such decisions depend upon numerous factors which are not within the control of DEVELOPER, such as market orientation and demand, interest rates, absorption, completion and other similar factors. Since the California Supreme Court held in Pardee Construction Co. v. City of Camarillo (1984) 37 Cal.3d 465, that the failure of the parties therein to provide for the timing of development resulted in a later-adopted initiative restricting the timing of development to prevail over such parties’ agreement, it is the Parties’ intent to cure that deficiency by acknowledging and providing that DEVELOPER shall have the right to develop the Property in such order and at such rate and 10.10.b Packet Pg. 208 Attachment: Development Agreement [Revision 1] (2556 : The Junction) 11 at such times as DEVELOPER deems appropriate within the exercise of its subjective business judgment. Nothing in this section is intended to alter the standard durational limits of any applicable permits issued to DEVELOPER. 3.5 Changes and Amendments. The Parties acknowledge that Development of the Project will likely require Subsequent Development Approvals, and that in connection therewith DEVELOPER may determine that changes are appropriate and desirable in the existing Development Approvals or Development Plan. In the event DEVELOPER finds that such a change is appropriate or desirable, DEVELOPER may apply, in writing, for an amendment to prior Development Approvals or the Development Plan to effectuate such change, and CITY shall process and act on such application notwithstanding anything in this Agreement that may be to the contrary. CITY shall have no obligation to grant any such application for a Subsequent Development Approval by DEVELOPER (including, without limitation, General Plan amendments, zone changes, or variances) that increases the overall intensity or density of Development or, in the sole and absolute discretion of the CITY’s City Manager, otherwise causes a substantial modification of the Development Plan and CITY shall not approve any such application unless accompanied by an amendment to this Agreement processed in accordance with Applicable Law. Except as provided in the preceding sentence, if approved in a form to which DEVELOPER and CITY have both, in their respective sole and absolute discretion, consented in writing, any application effectuating a change in the Development Approvals or Development Plan shall be incorporated herein and any resulting modifications to the Exhibits to this Agreement, shall be administratively appended to this Agreement for tracking purposes, and a notice thereof shall be recorded in the Official Records of the County of Riverside. 3.5.1 Operating Memoranda. The provisions of this Development Agreement require a close degree of cooperation between CITY and DEVELOPER and Development of the Property hereunder may demonstrate that refinements and clarifications are appropriate with respect to the details of performance of CITY and DEVELOPER. If and when, from time to time, during the Term of this Development Agreement, CITY and DEVELOPER agree that such clarifications are necessary or appropriate, CITY and DEVELOPER shall effectuate such clarifications through operating memoranda approved in writing by CITY and DEVELOPER, which, after execution, shall be attached hereto as addenda and become a part hereof, and may be further clarified from time to time as necessary with future approval by CITY and DEVELOPER. No such operating memoranda shall constitute an amendment to this Development Agreement requiring public notice or hearing. The City Manager, in consultation with the City Attorney, shall make the determination on behalf of CITY whether a requested clarification may be effectuated pursuant to this Section 3.5.1 or whether the requested clarification is of such a character to constitute an amendment hereof pursuant to Section 3.5, above. The City Manager shall be authorized to execute any operating memoranda hereunder on behalf of CITY. 3.6 Reservation of Authority. 3.6.1 Limitations, Reservations and Exceptions. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, the following Subsequent Land Use Regulations shall apply to the Development of the Property: 10.10.b Packet Pg. 209 Attachment: Development Agreement [Revision 1] (2556 : The Junction) 12 (a) Processing fees and charges of every kind and nature imposed by CITY to cover the estimated actual Costs to CITY of processing applications for Development Approvals, or Subsequent Development Approvals, or for monitoring compliance with any Development Approvals or Subsequent Development Approvals granted or issued. (b) Procedural regulations relating to hearing bodies, petitions, applications, notices, findings, records, hearing, reports, recommendations, appeals and any other matter of procedure. (c) Changes adopted by the California Building Standards Commission to the California Building Code, from time to time, as well as local modifications to the California Building Code adopted by CITY as Subsequent Land Use Regulations. (d) Regulations imposed by the CITY which may be in conflict with the Development Plan but which are reasonably necessary to protect the public health or safety. To the extent reasonable and feasible, any such regulations shall be applied and construed consistent with Section 3.6.2 below so as to provide DEVELOPER with the rights and assurances provided under this Agreement. (e) Regulations imposed by the CITY which are not in conflict with the Development Plan and this Agreement. (f) Regulations which are in conflict with the Development Plan provided DEVELOPER and CITY have given written consent to the application of such regulations to Development of Property. (g) Laws and regulations imposed by Federal, State, regional, or other governmental authorities, or imposed directly by the CITY as necessary to comply with Federal, State, regional or other governmental authorities’ regulations, which CITY is required to enforce against the Property or the Development of the Property. For purposes of this Section 3.6 and Section 3.2 the word “conflict” means any CITY- imposed modification that: (a) changes the permitted uses of the Property, the density and intensity of use (including, but not limited to, floor area ratios of buildings and the maximum number of units), or the maximum height and size of proposed buildings in a manner that is not consistent with the vested Land Use Regulations, the Development Approvals, and/or the vested Subsequent Development Approvals; (b) imposes new or additional requirements, or changes existing requirements, for reservation or dedication of land for public purposes or requirements for infrastructure, public improvements, or public utilities that are not otherwise provided for pursuant to the vested Land Use Regulations, the Development Approvals, and/or vested Subsequent Development Approvals; (c) changes conditions upon Development of the Property other than as permitted by Section 3.6.1, the vested Land Use Regulations, the Development Approvals, and the vested Subsequent Development Approvals; (d) expressly limits the timing, phasing, or 10.10.b Packet Pg. 210 Attachment: Development Agreement [Revision 1] (2556 : The Junction) 13 rate of Development of the Property in a manner that is not consistent with the vested Land Use Regulations, the Development Approvals, and/or the vested Subsequent Development Approvals; (e) limits the location of building sites, grading, or other improvements on the Property in a manner that is not consistent with the vested Land Use Regulations, the Development Approvals, and/or the vested Subsequent Development Approvals; (f) unreasonably limits or controls the ability to obtain public utilities, services, or facilities in a manner that is not consistent with the vested Land Use Regulations, the Development Approvals, and/or the vested Subsequent Development Approvals (provided, however, nothing herein shall be deemed to exempt the Project or the Property from any water use rationing requirements that may be imposed from time to time in the future or be construed as a reservation of any existing sanitary sewer or potable water capacity); (g) requires, or removes the requirement for, the issuance of additional permits or approvals by CITY (except to the extent otherwise authorized by this section) other than those required by Land Use Regulations, the Development Approvals, and the vested Subsequent Development Approvals; (h) changes or removes the permitted Development Fees or adds new Development Fees, except as permitted in this Agreement; (i) establishes, enacts, increases, or imposes against the Project or the Property any special taxes or assessments other than those specifically permitted by this Agreement; (j) imposes against the Project any Development Requirement not specifically authorized by then-Applicable Law or the vested Land Use Regulations or vested Subsequent Development Approvals (including this Agreement); (k) unreasonably limits the processing or procuring of applications and approvals of Subsequent Development Approvals; or (l) changes, as against the Project, any obligations regarding affordable housing not specifically required by the Development Approvals (except to the extent otherwise necessary to comply with a mandate or law imposed by another governmental authority). 3.6.2 Future Discretion of CITY. This Agreement shall not prevent CITY, in acting on Subsequent Development Approvals, from applying Subsequent Land Use Regulations which do not conflict with the Development Plan, nor shall this Agreement prevent CITY from denying or conditionally approving any Subsequent Development Approval on the basis of the existing Land Use Regulations or any Subsequent Land Use Regulation not in conflict with the Development Plan so long as the conditions imposed on Subsequent Development Approvals do not impose Development Requirements beyond those included in the Development Approvals; provided, however, that consistent with Section 3.5, nothing in this Section 3.6 shall in any way require that CITY grant any Subsequent Development Approval (including, without limitation, General Plan amendments, zone changes, specific plan amendments, or variances) that modifies the overall intensity or density of Development or otherwise is, in the sole and absolute discretion of the CITY, a substantial modification of the Development Plan. Such Subsequent Development Approvals may be approved, denied, or conditioned in any manner deemed appropriate by the CITY and consistent with then Applicable Laws, and shall not be limited in any way by the provisions of this Agreement. 3.6.3 Modification or Suspension by State or Federal Law. In the event that State or Federal laws or regulations, enacted after the Effective Date of this Agreement, prevent or preclude compliance with one or more of the provisions of this Agreement, such provisions of this Agreement shall be modified or suspended as may be necessary to 10.10.b Packet Pg. 211 Attachment: Development Agreement [Revision 1] (2556 : The Junction) 14 comply with such State or Federal laws or regulations, and this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect to the extent it is not inconsistent with such laws or regulations and to the extent such laws or regulations do not render such remaining provisions impractical to enforce. 3.6.4 Taxes, Assessments and Fees. This Agreement shall not prevent the CITY from enacting, levying or imposing any new or increased tax, assessment or fee. 3.7 Regulation by Other Public Agencies. It is acknowledged by the Parties that other public agencies not subject to control by CITY possess authority to regulate aspects of the Development of the Property, and this Agreement does not limit the authority of such other public agencies. 3.8 Compliance with Government Code Section 66473.7. As mandated by Government Code Section 65867.5, any tentative map prepared for the subdivision(s) included within the Project will comply with Government Code Section 66473.7. 3.9 Vesting Tentative Maps. If any tentative or final subdivision map, or tentative or final parcel map, heretofore or hereafter approved in connection with Development of the Property, is a vesting map under the Subdivision Map Act (Government Code Section 66410, et seq.), and if this Agreement is determined by a final judgment to be invalid or unenforceable insofar as it grants a vested right to develop to DEVELOPER, then and to that extent the rights and protection afforded DEVELOPER under the laws and ordinances applicable to vesting maps shall supersede the provisions of this Agreement. Except as set forth immediately above, Development of the Property shall occur only as provided in this Agreement, and the provisions in this Agreement shall be controlling over any conflicting provision of law or ordinance concerning vesting maps. 3.10 Provision of Real Property Interests by CITY. In any instance where DEVELOPER is required by a condition on the Project tentative subdivision map to construct any public improvement on land not owned by DEVELOPER, CITY shall first have acquired the necessary real property interests to allow DEVELOPER to construct such public improvements. Costs associated with such acquisition or condemnation proceedings, if any, shall be DEVELOPER’s responsibility. 3.11 Cooperation in Completing Development Plan. CITY agrees to cooperate with DEVELOPER, at no cost to CITY, as necessary for the successful completion of the Development Plan and fulfillment of Development Requirements, including, without limitation, accomplishment of each and every one of the Mitigation Measures, and all other requirements or conditions that may be imposed on the Development by other public agencies. 3.12 Future Tax Sharing Agreements. In the event that a hotel is opened within the Project, CITY shall enter into good faith negotiations toward a Transient Occupancy Tax (“TOT”) Sharing Agreement with the future hotel operator on terms mutually acceptable to the future operator and the CITY to help offset initial operational, staff training and similar related costs under which the CITY may share TOT generated by a Preferred Hotel (as defined below) with the hotel operator in an amount not to exceed One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000) per year over the initial ten (10) years of hotel operations, with a maximum TOT sharing of One Million 10.10.b Packet Pg. 212 Attachment: Development Agreement [Revision 1] (2556 : The Junction) 15 Dollars ($1,000,000) over the term of the TOT Sharing Agreement. For purposes of this paragraph 3.12, a “Preferred Hotel” is a hotel type and brand that the City determines, in its sole discretion, best suits market and community needs. As of the Effective Date, a “Preferred Hotel” is an “upper mid-scale”, limited service hotel or luxury hotel. CITY further retains the right to consider the proposed hotel brand when determining whether and to what extent it will enter into a TOT Sharing Agreement. In the event that a wholesale club or big-box anchor store is opened within the Project, the CITY shall enter into good faith negotiations toward a Sales Tax Sharing Agreement with the future operator of such on terms mutually acceptable to to the wholesale club or big-box anchor store and the CITY to help offset initial operational, staff training and similar related costs on similar terms as described above for the TOT Sharing Agreement. 4. REVIEW FOR COMPLIANCE. 4.1 Periodic Review. During the Term, the City Council or, at CITY’s election CITY’s City Manager, shall review this Agreement annually during May of each year following the Effective Date of this Agreement, in order to ascertain the good faith compliance by DEVELOPER with the terms of the Agreement. As part of that review, DEVELOPER shall submit an annual monitoring review statement describing its actions in compliance with this Agreement, in a form acceptable to the CITY’s City Manager, by April 10. The statement shall be accompanied by an annual review and administration fee sufficient to defray the estimated costs of review and administration of the Agreement during the succeeding year. The amount of the annual review and administration fee shall be set by resolution of the City Council. CITY shall not hold an Annual Review unless it provides DEVELOPER at least thirty (30) days written notice of such Annual Review. 4.2 Special Review. The City Council may order a special review of compliance with this Agreement at any time. DEVELOPER shall cooperate with the CITY in the conduct of such special reviews. 4.3 Procedure. In connection with any periodic or special review, each Party shall have a reasonable opportunity to assert matters which it believes have not been undertaken in accordance with the Agreement, to explain the basis for such assertion, and to receive from the other Party a justification of its position on such matters. If on the basis of the Parties’ review of any terms of the Agreement, either Party concludes that the other Party has not complied in good faith with the terms of the Agreement, then such Party may issue a written “Notice of Non- Compliance” specifying the grounds therefor and all facts demonstrating such non-compliance. The Party receiving a Notice of Non-Compliance shall have thirty (30) days to respond in writing to said Notice. If a Notice of Non-Compliance is contested, the Parties shall have up to sixty (60) days to arrive at a mutually acceptable resolution of the matters occasioning the Notice. In the event that the Parties are not able to arrive at a mutually acceptable resolution of the matter(s) by the end of the sixty (60) day period, the Party alleging the non-compliance may thereupon pursue the remedies provided in Section 8. 4.4 Certificate of Agreement Compliance. If, at the conclusion of a Periodic or Special Review, DEVELOPER is found to be in compliance with this Agreement, CITY shall, 10.10.b Packet Pg. 213 Attachment: Development Agreement [Revision 1] (2556 : The Junction) 16 upon request by DEVELOPER, issue a Certificate of Agreement Compliance (“Certificate”) to DEVELOPER stating that after the most recent Periodic or Special Review and based upon the information known or made known to the CITY’s City Manager and City Council that (1) this Agreement remains in effect and (2) DEVELOPER is in compliance. The Certificate shall be in recordable form, shall contain information necessary to communicate constructive record notice of the finding of compliance, shall state whether the Certificate is issued after a Periodic or Special Review and shall state the anticipated date of commencement of the next Periodic Review. DEVELOPER may record the Certificate with the County Recorder. Additionally, DEVELOPER may at any time request from the CITY a Certificate stating, in addition to the foregoing, which obligations under this Agreement have been fully satisfied with respect to the Property, or any lot or parcel within the Property. 5. FEES AND CREDITS. 5.1 Development Fees. The current Development Fees applicable to the Project are in the amount set forth in Exhibit E. DEVELOPER agrees that all Development Approvals and Subsequent Development Approvals that do not require an amendment to this Agreement under Section 3.5 shall be subject to the Development Fees, as set forth in this Section 5.1. For the first seven (7) years of this Agreement from the Effective Date (the “Fee Freeze Period”), the Development Fees applicable to the Project shall be as set forth in Exhibit E without increase. During the three year period immediately following the Fee Freeze Period, the Development Fees applicable to the Project shall be those set forth in Exhibit E plus one half of the approved increase(s) in those fees occurring after the Effective Date and through the date the fees are paid. Any Development Fees that become due and payable after the tenth (10th) anniversary of the Effective Date shall be subject to the full Development Fee in effect at the time that such Development Fees are paid. Decreases in in the Development Fees, if any, shall apply to the Development of the Project. 5.2 Credits. DEVELOPER may earn credits toward the payment of Development Fees in exchange for its construction of public improvements that are otherwise designated for funding with Development Fees; provided, however, that any credits against Development Fees shall be utilized only in connection with the Development of the Project on the Property. 5.3 Reimbursements. CITY and DEVELOPER may enter into Reimbursement Agreements for each of public improvement that is otherwise designated for funding with Development Fees; provided, however, that in no event shall DEVELOPER receive reimbursements that exceed one hundred percent (100%) of the Actual Costs of Construction of any such improvement(s). 5.4 Credit/Reimbursement Agreements for Development Fees. To receive credits pursuant to Section 5.2 or reimbursements pursuant to Section 5.3, DEVELOPER must first enter into an agreement with CITY (“Credit/Reimbursement Agreement”) which shall include terms that: (i) give DEVELOPER the specific impact fee credits in accordance with Section 5.2 (if applicable); (ii) establish a mechanism for DEVELOPER to obtain, for a period of ten (10) years following the effective date of each Credit/Reimbursement Agreement, reimbursements from CITY for contributions associated with public improvement constructed by DEVELOPER that are in excess of DEVELOPER’s otherwise applicable obligations, with such reimbursements coming 10.10.b Packet Pg. 214 Attachment: Development Agreement [Revision 1] (2556 : The Junction) 17 solely from the transfer from CITY to DEVELOPER of the Development Fees (if any) paid after the Effective Date that would otherwise be eligible for expenditure on the public improvement constructed by DEVELOPER. 5.4.1 Limitation on Total Credits and Reimbursements. For each public improvement that is subject to a Credit/Reimbursement Agreement, the total credits and reimbursements shall not exceed the dollar amount of the Actual Cost of Construction of such improvement. 5.4.2 Interpretation and Precedence. This Section 5.4 shall be deemed an application for such credits and reimbursements if such credits and reimbursements require an application under the CITY’s Municipal Code. Further, this Section 5.4 shall control over any contrary provisions applicable to Development Fee credits and reimbursements in the CITY’s Municipal Code. 5.5 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Reimbursement Agreements. CITY will cooperate in good faith, but at no cost to CITY, in working with the Western Riverside Council of Governments to facilitate a reimbursement agreement(s) through which DEVELOPER can receive Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee program credits in exchange for building one or more improvements identified in the Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee program. 5.6 Public Benefit. DEVELOPER shall, subject to this Agreement, construct or cause the construction of all of the community and area-wide infrastructure within the time and as set forth in Exhibit F, even though those benefits exceed the Development Requirements the CITY could otherwise impose on the Project. CITY and DEVELOPER agree that this Agreement serves as a contractual mechanism through which the CITY can facilitate construction of such facilities. 5.7 Contingent Payment of Public Benefit Fee. If a senior village project is constructed in the Project prior to the earlier of: (i) the issuance of a certificate of occupancy of a hotel; (ii) issuance of a certificate of occupancy for the Anchor Building; or (iii) issuance of a certificate of occupancy for at least ninety-five percent (95%) of the net square footage of all other commercial development identified in the Site Plan (excluding the Anchor Building) (“Milestones”), then DEVELOPER shall pay to CITY an “Early Residential Fee” in the amount of Two Hundred Eighty Five Dollars ($285) per occupied senior village unit per year in conjunction with the Annual Review pursuant to Section 4.1 until one of the Milestones is satisfied. 5.8 Challenges to Fees. Nothing set forth herein is intended or shall be construed to limit or restrict whatever right the DEVELOPER might otherwise have to challenge any fee, charge, assessment, or tax either not set forth in this Agreement or not in effect as of the Effective Date. DEVELOPER shall timely pay all applicable fees, charges, assessments, and special and general taxes validly imposed in accordance with the Constitution and laws of the State of California, including without limitation school impact fees in accordance with Government Code §§ 65995, et seq. 6. FINANCING FOR PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS AND SERVICES. 6.1 Formation of Assessment District(s). If requested by DEVELOPER, CITY and DEVELOPER will cooperate in the formation of any Assessment District to fund DEVELOPER’s 10.10.b Packet Pg. 215 Attachment: Development Agreement [Revision 1] (2556 : The Junction) 18 obligation to construct public improvements necessitated by the Project. Notwithstanding the foregoing, it is acknowledged and agreed by the Parties that nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed as requiring CITY or the City Council to form any such district or to issue and sell bonds. 6.1.1 CITY Advances. Upon written request of CITY, DEVELOPER will advance amounts necessary to pay all Costs and expenses of CITY to evaluate and structure any Assessment District; CITY will not be obligated to pay any Costs related to the formation or implementation of any Assessment District from its funds. CITY staff will meet with the DEVELOPER to establish a preliminary budget for such Costs, and will confer with DEVELOPER from time to time as to any necessary modifications to that budget. 6.1.2 DEVELOPER Reimbursements. Any Assessment District will, to the extent allowable under Applicable Law, provide for the reimbursement to DEVELOPER of any advances by DEVELOPER described in Section 6.1.1, and any other costs incurred by DEVELOPER that are related to the Assessment District, such as the costs of legal counsel, special tax consultants, and engineers. DEVELOPER agrees to promptly submit to CITY a detailed accounting of all such other costs incurred by DEVELOPER at such time as DEVELOPER makes application for reimbursement. 6.1.3 Selection of Consultants. CITY shall consult with DEVELOPER prior to engaging any consultant (including bond counsel, underwriters, appraisers, market absorption analysts, financial advisors, special tax consultants, assessment engineers and other consultants deemed necessary to accomplish any financing) and DEVELOPER shall be allowed an opportunity to provide input on each proposed consultant; provided, however, that CITY shall retain sole and absolute discretion with regard to the selection of consultants. 6.2 Formation of Infrastructure, Business Improvement, and/or Maintenance Assessment District(s). CITY may request that DEVELOPER agree to annex the Property into an Assessment District for purposes of funding costs of maintenance services. DEVELOPER, on behalf of itself and its successors in interest, hereby irrevocably consents to the annexation of the Property into the Assessment District and waives any and all right of protest or objection with respect to such annexation. DEVELOPER agrees to cooperate with CITY and take all necessary action to accomplish the annexation of the Property into the Assessment District, for the purposes of funding maintenance services for the Project. DEVELOPER agrees to cooperate in the imposition of assessments related to the Assessment District, including without limitation, if required by CITY, the submission of a ballot to CITY by DEVELOPER (or its successors in interest) in favor of the annexation into the Assessment District and the levying of such assessments. 6.3 Maintenance of Legislative Discretion. Nothing in this Section 6 shall be construed as a commitment by CITY to annex the Property into the Assessment District or as a limitation on CITY’s legislative discretion with respect thereto. DEVELOPER has agreed to the financing provisions set forth in this Section 6 and to perform the obligations hereunder in exchange for the consideration and benefits provided to DEVELOPER by CITY under this 10.10.b Packet Pg. 216 Attachment: Development Agreement [Revision 1] (2556 : The Junction) 19 Agreement, including without limitation the vested right to develop the Property in accordance with Section 3.1. 6.4 Covenant Regarding Assessment District. For avoidance of doubt, the Parties agree that this Agreement includes and constitutes a covenant not to contest the annexation into the Assessment District as set forth in Paragraph 6.2. The covenant shall be binding upon successive owners of the Property, or any portion thereof, and shall also be binding upon any and all homeowners associations that have covenants, conditions, and restrictions governing the use of the Property. 7. DEFAULT AND REMEDIES. 7.1 Specific Performance Available. The Parties acknowledge that money damages and remedies at law generally are inadequate and specific performance is a particularly appropriate remedy for the enforcement of this Agreement and should be available to DEVELOPER and CITY because the size, nature and scope of the Project, make it impractical or impossible to restore the Property to its natural condition once implementation of this Agreement has begun. After such implementation, DEVELOPER and/or CITY may be foreclosed from other choices they may have had to utilize or condition the uses of the Property or portions thereof. DEVELOPER and CITY have invested significant time and resources in performing extensive planning and processing for the Project and in negotiating and agreeing to the terms of this Agreement and will be investing even more significant time and resources in implementing the Project in reliance upon the terms of this Agreement, such that it would be extremely difficult to determine the sum of money which would adequately compensate DEVELOPER and/or CITY for such efforts. The Parties therefore agree that specific performance shall be the sole remedy available for a breach of this Agreement. 7.2 Money Damages Unavailable. Neither DEVELOPER nor CITY shall not be entitled to any monetary compensation, whether characterized as money damages or injunctive or other relief compelling the payment of money, including attorney fees, from the other Party by reason of, arising out of, based upon, or relating to (a) the interpretation, enforcement, performance, or breach of any provision of this Agreement, or (b) the respective rights or duties of any of the Parties under the Development Approvals, the Subsequent Development Approvals, any Development Requirement, the Land Use Regulations, or the Subsequent Land Use Regulations. Notwithstanding the foregoing, CITY may recover from DEVELOPER any fees owed under or pursuant to this Agreement; and DEVELOPER may recover from CITY the right to exercise any credits and the right to receive any reimbursements under or pursuant to this Agreement. 7.3 Termination of Agreement. 7.3.1 Termination of Agreement for Default of DEVELOPER. CITY in its discretion may terminate this Agreement for any failure of Default by DEVELOPER; provided, however, CITY may terminate this Agreement pursuant to this Section only after following the procedure set forth in Section 4.3 and thereafter providing written notice to DEVELOPER of the Default setting forth the nature of the Default and the actions, if any, required by DEVELOPER to cure such Default and, where the Default can be cured, DEVELOPER has failed to take such actions and cure such Default within thirty (30) days 10.10.b Packet Pg. 217 Attachment: Development Agreement [Revision 1] (2556 : The Junction) 20 after the effective date of such notice or, in the event that such Default cannot be cured within such thirty (30) day period but can be cured within a longer time, as reasonably determined by the CITY in its sole discretion, DEVELOPER has failed to commence the actions necessary to cure such Default within such thirty (30) day period and to diligently proceed to complete such actions and cure such Default. 7.3.2 Termination of Agreement for Default of CITY. DEVELOPER in its discretion may terminate this Agreement for any Default by CITY; provided, however, DEVELOPER may terminate this Agreement pursuant to this Section only after providing written notice by DEVELOPER to the CITY of the Default setting forth the nature of the Default and the actions, if any, required by CITY to cure such Default and, where the Default can be cured, the failure of CITY to cure such Default within thirty (30) days after the effective date of such notice or, in the event that such Default cannot be cured within such thirty (30) day period, the failure of CITY to commence to cure such Default within such thirty (30) day period and to diligently proceed to complete such actions and to cure such Default. 7.3.3 Rights and Duties Following Termination. Upon the termination of this Agreement, no Party shall have any further right or obligation hereunder except with respect to (i) any obligations to have been performed prior to said termination, or (ii) any Default in the performance of the provisions of this Agreement which has occurred prior to said termination. 8. INDEMNIFICATION AND THIRD PARTY LITIGATION. 8.1 Indemnities by DEVELOPER. 8.1.1 General Indemnity. DEVELOPER agrees to indemnify, protect, defend, and hold harmless the CITY Parties from and against any and all Claims which may arise, directly or indirectly, from the acts, omissions, or operations of DEVELOPER or DEVELOPER’s agents, contractors, subcontractors, agents, or employees pursuant to this Agreement, but excluding any loss resulting solely from the intentional or active negligence of the CITY Parties. Notwithstanding the foregoing, (i) CITY shall have the right to select and retain counsel to defend any such action or actions and DEVELOPER shall pay the cost thereof; provided, however, that the Parties agree to attempt in good faith to coordinate and/or consolidate their defense of any Claim that is subject to the indemnification provisions of this Section; and (ii) this indemnity obligation shall not apply to any Claim for which DEVELOPER has provided a separate indemnity to the CITY by way of a separate instrument mutually accepted by the Parties. 8.1.2 Prevailing Wage Indemnity and Notice to Developer of Labor Code Section 1781. In connection with, but without limiting, the indemnification obligations set forth in Section 9.1.1, DEVELOPER hereby expressly acknowledges and agrees that the CITY is not by this Agreement affirmatively representing, and has not previously affirmatively represented, to the DEVELOPER or any contractor(s) of DEVELOPER for any construction on or Development on or adjacent to the Property, in writing or otherwise, in a call for bids or any agreement or otherwise, that any work to be undertaken on the 10.10.b Packet Pg. 218 Attachment: Development Agreement [Revision 1] (2556 : The Junction) 21 Property, as may be referred to in this Agreement or construed under this Agreement, is not a “public work,” as defined in Section 1720 of the Labor Code, or under any similar existing or hereinafter enacted law or regulation. The Parties agree that, in connection with the Development and construction (as defined by Applicable Law) of the Project, including, without limitation, any and all public works (as defined by Applicable Law), DEVELOPER shall bear all risks of payment or non-payment of prevailing wages under California law and/or federal law and/or the implementation of Labor Code Section 1781, as the same may be amended from time to time, and/or any other similar law. With respect to the foregoing, DEVELOPER shall be solely responsible, expressly or impliedly and legally and financially, for determining and effectuating compliance with all applicable federal, state and local public works requirements, prevailing wage laws, and labor laws and standards, and CITY makes no representation, either legally and/or financially, as to the applicability or non-applicability of any federal, state and local laws to the construction of the Project as it may be amended pursuant hereto or otherwise. Without limiting the foregoing, DEVELOPER shall indemnify, protect, defend and hold harmless the CITY Parties, with counsel reasonably acceptable to CITY, from and against “increased costs” as defined in California Labor Code Section 1781 (including CITY’s reasonable attorneys’ fees, court and litigation costs, and fees of expert witnesses) in connection with the Development or construction (as defined by Applicable Law) of or on the Property, that results or arises in any way from (1) non-compliance by DEVELOPER of the requirement, if and to the extent applicable, to pay federal or state prevailing wages and hire apprentices, or (2) failure by DEVELOPER to provide any required disclosure or identification as required by California Labor Code Sections 1720 et seq. including without limitation specifically Section 1781, as the same may be amended from time to time. The foregoing indemnity shall survive the expiration or earlier termination of this Agreement. 8.2 Indemnification Procedures. Wherever this Agreement requires DEVELOPER to indemnify any CITY Party: 8.2.1 Prompt Notice. CITY shall promptly notify DEVELOPER in writing of any Claim. 8.2.2 Cooperation. CITY shall reasonably cooperate with DEVELOPER’s defense, provided DEVELOPER reimburses CITY’s actual reasonable out of pocket expenses (including Legal Costs) of such cooperation. 8.2.3 Settlement. Any settlement shall require the prior written consent of both CITY and DEVELOPER, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld if the settlement is objectively financially reasonable. If CITY refuses to authorize a settlement that is objectively financially reasonable, it shall be responsible for costs and damages of the Claim that are in excess of those incurred through the date of the CITY’s rejection of the proposal, plus the amount of the proposal. 8.2.4 CITY Cooperation. CITY shall reasonably cooperate with DEVELOPER’s defense, provided DEVELOPER reimburses CITY for its actual reasonable out of pocket expenses (including Legal Costs) of such cooperation. 10.10.b Packet Pg. 219 Attachment: Development Agreement [Revision 1] (2556 : The Junction) 22 8.2.5 Insurance Proceeds. DEVELOPER’s obligations shall be reduced by net insurance proceeds CITY actually receives for the matter giving rise to indemnification. 8.3 Third Party Litigation. CITY shall promptly notify DEVELOPER of any Claim against CITY and/or any CITY Party, and/or any other administrative or judicial action to challenge, set aside, void, annul, limit or restrict the approval and continued implementation and enforcement of this Agreement. DEVELOPER agrees to reimburse the CITY for its reasonable Legal Costs incurred in connection with the defense of the Claim and to fully defend and indemnify CITY for all costs of defense and/or judgment obtained in any such action or proceeding. CITY and DEVELOPER agree to cooperate in the defense of such action(s). 8.4 Challenge to Enforceability of Specific Obligations. The Parties have determined in good faith that each of the provisions of this Agreement are valid and enforceable. Notwithstanding, if a court of competent jurisdiction finds invalid or unenforceable any provision of this Agreement purporting to supersede or otherwise render ineffectual any federal, state, or local law or regulation in existence as of the Effective Date, DEVELOPER shall perform its obligations under such law or regulation as it existed on the Effective Date, or as otherwise specifically directed by a court of competent jurisdiction. 9. MORTGAGEE PROTECTION. The Parties hereto agree that this Agreement shall not prevent or limit DEVELOPER from encumbering the Property or any portion thereof or any improvement thereon by any mortgage, deed of trust or other security device securing financing with respect to the Property. CITY acknowledges that the lenders providing such financing may require certain Agreement interpretations and modifications and agrees upon request, from time to time, to meet with DEVELOPER and representatives of such lenders to negotiate in good faith any such request for interpretation or modification. Subject to compliance with Applicable Laws, CITY will not unreasonably withhold its consent to any such requested interpretation or modification provided CITY determines such interpretation or modification is consistent with the intent and purposes of this Agreement. Any Mortgagee of the Property shall be entitled to the following rights and privileges: (a) Neither entering into this Agreement nor a breach of this Agreement shall defeat, render invalid, diminish or impair the lien of any mortgage on the Property made in good faith and for value, unless otherwise required by law. (b) The Mortgagee of any mortgage or deed of trust encumbering the Property, or any part thereof, which Mortgagee has submitted a request in writing to the CITY in the manner specified herein for giving notices, shall be entitled to receive written notification from CITY of any Default by DEVELOPER in the performance of DEVELOPER’s obligations under this Agreement. (c) If CITY timely receives a request from a Mortgagee requesting a copy of any notice of Default given to DEVELOPER under the terms of this Agreement, CITY shall make a good faith effort to provide a copy of that notice to the Mortgagee within ten (10) days of sending the notice of Default to 10.10.b Packet Pg. 220 Attachment: Development Agreement [Revision 1] (2556 : The Junction) 23 DEVELOPER. The Mortgagee shall have the right, but not the obligation, to cure the Default during the remaining cure period allowed such Party under this Agreement. (d) Any Mortgagee who comes into possession of the Property, or any part thereof, pursuant to foreclosure of the mortgage or deed of trust, or deed in lieu of such foreclosure, shall take the Property, or part thereof, subject to the terms of this Agreement. However, no Mortgagee (including one who acquires title or possession to the Property, or any portion thereof, by foreclosure, trustee’s sale, deed in lieu of foreclosure, lease termination, eviction or otherwise) shall have any obligation to construct or complete construction of improvements, or to guarantee such construction or completion; provided, however, that a Mortgagee shall not be entitled to develop the Property or receive any benefit provided under this Agreement unless it first agrees in writing to fully comply with this Agreement and the Development Plan. 10. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS. 10.1 Option to Terminate Due to Litigation. If a lawsuit is filed challenging the Development Approvals or the ordinance approving this Agreement within the time periods for the filing of such lawsuits under the California Environmental Quality Act (Public Resources Code section 21000 et seq.) or the State Planning and Zoning Law (Government Code section 65000 et seq.), then the Parties shall meet and confer concerning the potential impact of the lawsuit on this Agreement and the Development of the Project. Within thirty (30) days of such meeting, if DEVELOPER determines that such litigation may have an unacceptable adverse impact on the Project or its rights under this Agreement, DEVELOPER may in its discretion terminate this Agreement by sending CITY a written notice of such termination, and the Parties shall be relieved of any further obligations to this Agreement, to the extent that such obligations have not been performed or have been incurred prior to such termination. DEVELOPER acknowledges and agrees that if this Agreement is terminated, other than by court order, CITY shall have the option to restore the General Plan, the Specific Plan, and zoning to the condition that existed prior to the adoption of the Development Approvals or ordinance approving this Agreement. In no event, however, shall DEVELOPER bring or cause to bring a lawsuit in any court against CITY to invalidate any provision in this Agreement that would result in the ability of DEVELOPER to keep the Development Approvals without having to comply with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 10.2 Recordation of Agreement. This Agreement shall be recorded with the County Recorder by the City Clerk within the period required by Section 65868.5 of the Government Code. Amendments approved by the Parties, and any termination, shall be similarly recorded. 10.3 Entire Agreement. This Agreement sets forth and contains the entire understanding and agreement of the Parties, and there are no oral or written representations, understandings or ancillary covenants, undertakings or agreements which are not contained or expressly referred to herein. No testimony or evidence of any such representations, understandings or covenants shall be admissible in any proceeding of any kind or nature to interpret or determine the terms or conditions of this Agreement. 10.10.b Packet Pg. 221 Attachment: Development Agreement [Revision 1] (2556 : The Junction) 24 10.4 Estoppel Certificate. Any Party hereunder may, at any time, deliver written notice to any other Party requesting such Party to certify in writing that, to the best knowledge of the certifying Party, (i) this Agreement is in full force and effect and a binding obligation of the Party; (ii) this Agreement has not been amended or modified either orally or in writing, or if so amended, identifying the amendments; and (iii) the requesting Party is not in Default in the performance of its obligations set forth in this Agreement or, if in Default, to describe therein the nature and amount of any such Defaults. A Party receiving a request hereunder shall execute and return such Certificate within sixty (60) days following the receipt thereof. Any third party including a Mortgagee shall be entitled to rely on the Certificate. 10.5 Severability. If any term, provision, covenant, or condition of this Agreement is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void, or unenforceable, the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect, unless and to the extent the rights and obligations of any Party has been materially altered or abridged by such holding. 10.6 Interpretation and Governing Law. This Agreement and any dispute arising hereunder shall be governed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of California. Any dispute between CITY and DEVELOPER over this Agreement shall be filed, and tried, in the Superior Court of the County of Riverside. This Agreement shall be construed as a whole according to its fair language and common meaning to achieve the objectives and purposes of the Parties hereto, and the rule of construction to the effect that ambiguities are to be resolved against the drafting Party or in favor of CITY shall not be employed in interpreting this Agreement, each of the Parties having been represented by counsel in the negotiation and preparation hereof. 10.7 Section Headings. All section headings and subheadings are inserted for convenience only and shall not affect any construction or interpretation of this Agreement. 10.8 Singular and Plural. As used herein, the singular of any word includes the plural. 10.9 Time of Essence. Time is of the essence in the performance of the provisions of this Agreement as to which time is an element. 10.10 Waiver. Failure of a Party to insist upon the strict performance of any of the provisions of this Agreement by the other Party, or the failure by a Party to exercise its rights upon the Default of the other Party, shall not constitute a waiver of such Party’s right to insist and demand strict compliance by the other Party with the terms of this Agreement thereafter. 10.11 No Third Party Beneficiaries. This Agreement is made and entered into for the sole protection and benefit for the Parties and their successors and assigns. No other Person shall have any right of action based upon any provision of this Agreement. 10.12 Force Majeure. Subject to the limitations set forth below, the Term of this Agreement and the time within which any Party shall be required to perform any act under this Agreement shall be extended by a period of time equal to the number of days during which performance of such act is delayed unavoidably and beyond the reasonable control of the Party seeking the delay by: strikes; acts of God; unusually severe weather, but only to the extent that such weather or its effects (including, without limitation, dry out time) result in delays that cumulatively exceed twenty (20) days for any winter season occurring after commencement of 10.10.b Packet Pg. 222 Attachment: Development Agreement [Revision 1] (2556 : The Junction) 25 construction of the Project; failure or inability to secure materials or labor in a commercially reasonable manner by reason of a new priority or new regulations or order of any governmental or regulatory body; a declaration of emergency as a result of a public health issue, including the occurrence of any pandemic; changes in local, state, or federal laws or regulations that render performance commercially infeasible; any development moratorium or any action of other public agencies that regulate land use, development, or the provision of services and that unreasonably prevents, prohibits, or delays construction of the Project due to circumstances beyond DEVELOPER’s control, including without limitation any extension authorized by Government Code Section 66463.5(d); enemy action; civil disturbances; wars; terrorist acts; fire; unavoidable casualties; referenda; or mediation, arbitration, litigation, or other administrative or judicial proceeding commenced by a third party and involving the Development Approvals or Subsequent Development Approvals or this Agreement (each a “Force Majeure Delay”). An extension of time shall be for the period of the enforced delay and shall commence to run from the time of the commencement of the cause, if written notice by the Party claiming such extension is sent to the other Parties within thirty (30) days of the commencement of the cause. If written notice is sent after such thirty (30) day period, then the extension shall commence to run no sooner than thirty (30) days prior to the giving of such notice. The cumulative extensions of time for Force Majeure Delays for individual performance obligations hereunder shall not exceed five (5) years, and the cumulative extensions of the expiration of this Agreement as a result of Force Majeure Delays shall not exceed two (2) years, unless otherwise agreed to in writing in accordance with Section 10.13. 10.13 Extension of Time Limits. The time limits set forth in this Agreement may be extended by mutual consent in writing of the Parties without amendment to this Agreement. Except as otherwise specified in this Agreement, each Party may agree or refuse to agree to any extension of time in its sole and absolute discretion. 10.14 Mutual Covenants. The covenants contained herein are mutual covenants and also constitute conditions to the concurrent or subsequent performance by the Party benefited thereby of the covenants to be performed hereunder by such benefited Party. 10.15 Successors in Interest. As provided in Section 65868.5 of the Government Code, and except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, all of the terms, provisions, covenants and obligations contained in this Agreement shall be binding upon, and inure to the benefit of, CITY and DEVELOPER, and their respective successors and assigns. In no event shall this Agreement impose obligations on Individual Unit Owners. From and after the date that certificates of occupancy have been issued (or a final inspection is completed when no certificate of occupancy is required) for all buildings and improvements to be constructed on a parcel within the Project (or with respect to a single-family dwelling unit on a single-family residential lot), such parcel shall not be burdened with the obligations of DEVELOPER under this Agreement. 10.16 Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed by the Parties in counterparts, which counterparts shall be construed together and have the same effect as if each of the Parties had executed the same instrument. 10.17 Jurisdiction and Venue. Any action at law or in equity arising under this Agreement or brought by any Party hereto for the purpose of enforcing, construing or determining 10.10.b Packet Pg. 223 Attachment: Development Agreement [Revision 1] (2556 : The Junction) 26 the validity of any provision of this Agreement shall be filed and tried in the Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of California, and the Parties hereto waive all provisions of law providing for the filing, removal or change of venue to any other court. 10.18 Project as a Private Undertaking. It is specifically understood and agreed by and between the Parties hereto that the Development of the Project is a private Development, that neither Party is acting as the agent of the other in any respect hereunder, and that each Party is an independent contracting entity with respect to the terms, covenants and conditions contained in this Agreement. No partnership, joint venture or other association of any kind is formed by this Agreement. The only relationship between CITY and DEVELOPER is that of a government entity regulating the Development of private property and the owner of such property. 10.19 Further Actions and Instruments. Each of the Parties shall cooperate with and provide reasonable assistance to the other to the extent contemplated hereunder in the performance of all obligations under this Agreement and the satisfaction of the conditions of this Agreement. Upon the request of either Party at any time, the other Party shall promptly execute, with acknowledgment or affidavit if reasonably required, and file or record such required instruments and writings and take any actions as may be reasonably necessary under the terms of this Agreement to carry out the intent and to fulfill the provisions of this Agreement or to evidence or consummate the transactions contemplated by this Agreement. 10.20 Eminent Domain. No provision of this Agreement shall be construed to limit or restrict the exercise by CITY of its power of eminent domain. 10.21 Amendments in Writing/Cooperation. This Agreement may be amended only by written consent of both Parties specifically approving the amendment and in accordance with the Government Code provisions for the amendment of Development Agreements. The Parties shall cooperate in good faith with respect to any amendment proposed in order to clarify the intent and application of this Agreement, and shall treat any such proposal on its own merits, and not as a basis for the introduction of unrelated matters. 10.22 Authority to Execute. The Person or Persons executing this Agreement on behalf of DEVELOPER warrants and represents that he/they have the authority to execute this Agreement on behalf of his/their corporation, partnership or business entity and warrants and represents that he/they has/have the authority to bind DEVELOPER to the performance of its obligations hereunder. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the day and year first set forth above. [Signatures Attached] 10.10.b Packet Pg. 224 Attachment: Development Agreement [Revision 1] (2556 : The Junction) 27 CITY: CITY OF MENIFEE By Mayor ATTEST: By City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: By City Attorney (SEAL) DEVELOPER: KELCO PROPERTIES, LLC, a California limited liability company. By Title By Title By Title PLATINUM PROPERTIES, LLC, a California limited liability company. By Title By Title By 10.10.b Packet Pg. 225 Attachment: Development Agreement [Revision 1] (2556 : The Junction) 28 Title 10.10.b Packet Pg. 226 Attachment: Development Agreement [Revision 1] (2556 : The Junction) 29 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss: COUNTY OF ) On ______________, 2020 before me, _____________________________________________ Notary Public (insert name and title of the officer), personally appeared , who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature: _______________________________________ [Seal] A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. 10.10.b Packet Pg. 227 Attachment: Development Agreement [Revision 1] (2556 : The Junction) 916/031858-0003 15091031.1 a05/21/20 EXHIBIT A -1- EXHIBIT A Legal Description of the Property THE SUBJECT PROPERTY IS SITUATED IN THE CITY OF MENIFEE, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AND IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: ASSESSOR PARCEL NO. 360-380-002: THAT PORTION OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 6 SOUTH, RANGE 3 WEST, SAN BERNARDINO AND MERIDIAN, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 15; THENCE NORTH 0° 20’ WEST, ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID SOUTHEAST QUARTER, 495 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89° 55’ EAST, PARALLEL WITH THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SOUTHEAST QUARTER, 743.65 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 0° 20’ EAST, PARALLEL WITH THE WEST LINE OF SAID SOUTHEAST QUARTER, 495 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SOUTHEAST QUARTER; THENCE NORTH 89° 55’ WEST, ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE, 748.65 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. EXCEPTING THEREFROM THE SOUTHERLY RECTANGULAR 30 FEET AS CONVEYED TO THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, BY DEED RECORDED SEPTEMBER 7, 1948 IN BOOK 1009 PAGE 227 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. ASSESSOR PARCEL NO. 360-380-007: THAT PORTION OF PARCEL 1, LOT “A” AND A PORTION OF LOT “B” OF PARCEL MAP NO. 10,610 AS SHOWN BY MAP ON FILE IN BOOK 58, PAGE 76 OF PARCEL MAPS, RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTH ONE-QUARTER CORNER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 6 SOUTH, RANGE 3 WEST, SAN BERNARDINO MERIDIAN, SAID QUARTER CORNER BEING A POINT ON THE CENTER LINE OR SCOTT ROAD; THENCE SOUTH 89° 54’ 46” EAST ALONG SAID CENTER LINE OF SCOTT ROAD, A DISTANCE OF 748.65 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE NORTH 0° 20’ 43” WEST PARALLEL TO THE NORTH- SOUTH CENTER OF SECTION LINE A DISTANCE OF 495.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89° 54’ 46” EAST PARALLEL TO SAID CENTER LINE OF SCOTT ROAD, A DISTANCE OF 570.98 FEET TO A POINT ON THE CENTER LINE OF HAUN ROAD BEARING SOUTH 0° 19’ 48” EAST 2133.29 FEET FROM THE CENTER LINE INTERSECTION OF HAUN ROAD AND WICKERD ROAD; THENCE SOUTH 0° 19’ 48” EAST ALONG SAID CENTER LINE, A DISTANCE OF 495.00 FEET TO THE CENTER LINE INTERSECTION OF HAUN ROAD AND SCOTT ROAD; THENCE NORTH 89° 54’ 46” WEST ALONG SAID CENTER LINE OF SCOTT ROAD, A DISTANCE OF 570.85 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. EXCEPTING THEREFROM THAT PORTION CONVEYED TO THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA BY DEED RECORDED APRIL 2, 1973, AS INSTRUMENT NO. 41166, RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY. 10.10.b Packet Pg. 228 Attachment: Development Agreement [Revision 1] (2556 : The Junction) 916/031858-0003 15091031.1 a05/21/20 EXHIBIT A -2- ASSESSOR PARCEL NO. 360-380-009: PARCEL A OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. LLA 17-008 PER DOCUMENT RECORDED MARCH 20, 2018 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 2018-0104555 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY. ASSESSOR PARCEL NO. 360-380-010: PARCEL B OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. LLA 17-008 PER DOCUMENT RECORDED MARCH 20, 2018 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 2018-0104555 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY. 10.10.b Packet Pg. 229 Attachment: Development Agreement [Revision 1] (2556 : The Junction) 916/031858-0003 15091031.1 a05/21/20 EXHIBIT B -1- EXHIBIT B Map Showing Property and Its Location 10.10.b Packet Pg. 230 Attachment: Development Agreement [Revision 1] (2556 : The Junction) 916/031858-0003 15091031.1 a05/21/20 EXHIBIT B -2- 10.10.b Packet Pg. 231 Attachment: Development Agreement [Revision 1] (2556 : The Junction) 916/031858-0003 15091031.1 a05/21/20 EXHIBIT C -1- EXHIBIT C Development Plan The Development Plan under the Agreement is the plan for the Development1 of the Property, as set forth in and regulated by the Development Approvals, planning and zoning standards, regulations, applicable conditions of approval, and criteria for the Development of the Property, all as contained in the following:2 1. The Menifee General Plan 2. Title 9, Planning and Zoning, of the Menifee Municipal Code 3. Menifee Municipal Code Chapter 8.26, Grading Regulations 4. Title 7, Subdivisions, of the Menifee Municipal Code 5. The Design Guidelines of the City of Menifee, adopted by the Menifee City Council on April 15, 2020. 6. Plot Plan No. 2017-287 (“Plot Plan”) proposes the construction of 268,393 sq. ft. of retail commercial buildings, including a 157,844 sq. ft. Anchor Building with gas station, 123,770 sq. ft., 5-story hotel (135 rooms), and a two-phase 304-unit (390-bed) senior assisted living, independent living and memory care facility on 54.01 gross acres, adopted by the City Council of the City of Menifee on ________________ and provides the required contents of a Development Plan in compliance with Government Code section 65865.2. The Plot Plan specifically contemplates and requires that the retail commercial buildings on the Property would cover 33.11 gross acres of the total Property, and would consist of the following: (i) Shops 1 (8,600 sq. ft.); (ii) Shops 2 (9,000 sq. ft.); (iii) Shops 3 (9,900 sq. ft.); (iv) Shops 4 (6,600 sq. ft.); (v) Shops 5 (10,800 sq. ft.) (with a site plan option to instead construct a 9,000 sq. ft. facility with a drive through); (vi) Shops 6 (9,600 sq. ft.); (vii) Fitness Center (37,000 sq. ft.); (viii) Pad 1 Restaurant (7,721 sq. ft.); (ix) Pad 2 Restaurant (5,560 sq. ft.); (x) Pad 3 Restaurant (2,368 sq. ft.); (xi) Pad 4 Restaurant 3,400 sq. ft.); (xii) Anchor Building with gas station (157,844 sq. ft.). In addition, a hotel will cover 4.29 gross acres of the Property, a senior living facility will cover 12.88 gross acres of the Property and will consist of a two-phase 304-unit (390-bed) senior assisted living, 1 All capitalized terms used in this Exhibit C shall have the meaning assigned to those terms in the Junction Development Agreement, to which this Exhibit C is attached. 2 Under Section 3.2 of the Agreement, except as otherwise provided in the Agreement, those portions of the items listed on Exhibit C that govern permitted uses of the Property, the density and intensity of use of the Property, the maximum height and size of proposed buildings, and the design, improvement and construction standards and specifications applicable to Development of the Property, shall govern the Development of the Property. 10.10.b Packet Pg. 232 Attachment: Development Agreement [Revision 1] (2556 : The Junction) 916/031858-0003 15091031.1 a05/21/20 EXHIBIT C -2- independent living, and memory care facility; the Property consists of a total of 54.01 gross acres. 7. Conditional Use Permit 2018-288 authorizing, subject to the conditions contained therein, the gas station and senior living uses depicted on the Plot Plan 8. The Mitigation Measures identified in Exhibit D. 9. All other ordinances, resolutions, codes, rules, regulations, CITY adopted plans and official policies of CITY adopted and effective on or before the Effective Date governing Development and use of land, including, without limitation, the permitted use of land, the density or intensity of use, subdivision requirements, the maximum height and size of proposed buildings, the provisions for reservation or dedication of land for public purposes, and the design, improvement and construction standards and specifications applicable to the Development of the Property. 10. Variances, conditional use permits, master plans, public use permits, and plot plans that constitute Subsequent Development Approvals. COMPLETE COPIES OF THE DEVELOPMENT PLAN ARE ON FILE WITH THE CITY CLERK. 10.10.b Packet Pg. 233 Attachment: Development Agreement [Revision 1] (2556 : The Junction) 916/031858-0003 15091031.1 a05/21/20 EXHIBIT C-1 -1- EXHIBIT C-1 Site Plan 10.10.bPacket Pg. 234Attachment: Development Agreement [Revision 1] (2556 : The Junction) 916/031858-0003 15091031.1 a05/21/20 EXHIBIT C-1 -2- 10.10.bPacket Pg. 235Attachment: Development Agreement [Revision 1] (2556 : The Junction) 916/031858-0003 15091031.1 a05/21/20 EXHIBIT D -1- EXHIBIT D Mitigation Measures 10.10.b Packet Pg. 236 Attachment: Development Agreement [Revision 1] (2556 : The Junction) The Junction at Menifee Valley Mitigation Monitoring/Reporting Plan Addendum to Environmental Impact Report No. 495 Page 1 MITIGATION MONITORING/REPORTING PLAN A. INTRODUCTION Section 21081.6 of the Public Resources Code requires a Lead Agency to adopt a “reporting or monitoring program for the changes made to the project or conditions of project approval, adopted in order to mitigate or avoid significant effects on the environment” (Mitigation Monitoring Program, Section 15097 of the CEQA Statute and Guidelines provides additional direction on mitigation monitoring or reporting). The City of Menifee is the Lead Agency for the Junction at Menifee Valley Project (the “Project”). An Environmental Impact Report (EIR No. 495) and Addendum to EIR No. 495 have been prepared to address the potential environmental impacts of the Project. Where appropriate, these environmental documents identified Project design features or recommended mitigation measures to avoid or to reduce potentially significant environmental impacts of the Project. This Mitigation Monitoring/Reporting Plan (MMRP) is designed to monitor implementation of the mitigation measures identified for the Project. The MMRP is subject to review and approval by the Lead Agency as part of the certification of the EIR and adoption of project conditions. The required mitigation measures are listed and categorized by impact area, as identified in the Addendum to EIR No. 495, with an accompanying identification of the following: • Monitoring Phase, the phase of the project during which the mitigation measure shall be monitored; o Pre-Construction, including the design phase o Construction o Pre-Occupancy (prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy) o Occupancy (post-construction) • Enforcement Agency, the agency with the power to enforce the mitigation measure; and • Monitoring Agency, the agency to which reports including feasibility, compliance, implementation, and development are made. The Project Applicant shall be responsible for implementing all mitigation measures unless otherwise noted. B. MMRP Aesthetics MM IV.B-1 The following measures would reduce the project’s significant impact to scenic vistas: • The proposed landscape plan shall be prepared to include landscape screening throughout the project site to further screen the proposed project from off-site 10.10.b Packet Pg. 237 Attachment: Development Agreement [Revision 1] (2556 : The Junction) City of Menifee May 2020 The Junction at Menifee Valley Mitigation Monitoring/Reporting Plan Addendum to Environmental Impact Report No. 495 Page 2 views. Landscaping shall be provided on the eastern side of the project site in order to screen the project from the scenic highway corridor. • The use of screen plantings which include coast live oak, holly oak, white willow, and afghan pine shall be employed so that the resulting visual characteristics are compatible with their surroundings. • The landscape plan shall be subject to review and approval by Project Review staff prior to issuance of building permits. • Colors used for exterior building surfaces shall match the hue, lightness, and saturation of colors of the immediately surrounding trees and vegetation. Several colors matching those of the surrounding trees and vegetation shall be used in order to minimize uniformity. • Prior to building permit issuance, the grading plan, development plan, landscaping plan, sign plan, elevations, and colors and materials shall receive review and approval of the City of Menifee Community Development Department. • The landscaping plan shall preserve and incorporate native materials such as rocks. Monitoring Phase: Pre-Construction/Construction Enforcement Agency: City of Menifee Community Development Department Monitoring Agency: City of Menifee Community Development Department MM IV.B-2 Prior to issuance of the Building permit, an exterior lighting plan shall be submitted for review and approval by the City of Menifee Community Development Department. The lighting plan shall include but not necessarily be limited to the following: • Proposed project lighting would follow the City of Menifee Dark Sky Ordinance Number 2009-024. • The exterior lighting plan shall show all potential light sources with the types of lighting and their locations. • Typical lighting shall include low mounted, downward casting and shielded lights that do not cause spillover onto adjacent properties and the utilization of motion detection systems where applicable. • No flood lights shall be utilized. • Lighting shall not "wash out" structures or any portions of the site. • Lighting shall be limited to the areas that would be in operation during nighttime hours. • Low intensity, indirect light sources shall be encouraged. 10.10.b Packet Pg. 238 Attachment: Development Agreement [Revision 1] (2556 : The Junction) City of Menifee May 2020 The Junction at Menifee Valley Mitigation Monitoring/Reporting Plan Addendum to Environmental Impact Report No. 495 Page 3 • On-demand lighting systems shall be encouraged. • Mercury, sodium vapor, and similar intense and bright lights shall not be permitted except where their need is specifically approved and their source of light is restricted. • All light sources shall be fully shielded from off-site view. • All buildings and structures shall consist of non-reflecting material or be painted with non-reflective paint. • Light fixtures shall not be located at the periphery of the property, unless, due to safety or other concerns, the City of Menifee Community Development Department specifically approves light fixtures on the periphery, and these light fixtures are properly shielded from sensitive receptors. Also, light fixtures shall shut off automatically when the use is not operating. Security lighting visible from the highway shall be motion-sensor activated. • All lighting shall be installed in accordance with building codes and the approved lighting plan during construction. Monitoring Phase: Pre-Construction/Construction Enforcement Agency: City of Menifee Building and Safety Department City of Menifee Community Development Department Monitoring Agency: City of Menifee Building and Safety Department City of Menifee Community Development Department Air Quality MM IV.D-1 In order to reduce the release of ROGs to the atmosphere during architectural coating applications, all architectural coatings used shall have a VOC content of 50 grams per liters or less. Monitoring Phase: Pre-Construction/Construction Enforcement Agency: City of Menifee Building and Safety Department City of Menifee Community Development Department Monitoring Agency: City of Menifee Building and Safety Department City of Menifee Community Development Department MM IV.D-2 The Project applicant shall include in construction contracts the control measures required and/or recommended by the SCAQMD at the time of development, including but not limited to the following: Rule 403 - Fugitive Dust 10.10.b Packet Pg. 239 Attachment: Development Agreement [Revision 1] (2556 : The Junction) City of Menifee May 2020 The Junction at Menifee Valley Mitigation Monitoring/Reporting Plan Addendum to Environmental Impact Report No. 495 Page 4 • Use watering to control dust generation during demolition of structures or break- up of pavement; • Water active grading/excavation sites and unpaved surfaces at least three times daily; • Cover stockpiles with tarps or apply non-toxic chemical soil binders; • Limit vehicle speed on unpaved roads to 15 miles per hour; • Sweep daily (with water sweepers) all paved construction parking areas and staging areas; • Provide daily clean-up of mud and dirt carried onto paved streets from the Site; • Suspend excavation and grading activity when winds (instantaneous gusts) exceed 15 miles per hour over a 30-minute period or more; and, • An information sign shall be posted at the entrance to each construction site that identifies the permitted construction hours and provides a telephone number to call and receive information about the construction project or to report complaints regarding excessive fugitive dust generation. Any reasonable complaints shall be rectified within 24 hours of their receipt. Monitoring Phase: Pre-Construction/Construction Enforcement Agency: City of Menifee Engineering/Public Works Department City of Menifee Community Development Department Monitoring Agency: City of Menifee Engineering/Public Works Department City of Menifee Community Development Department MM IV.D-3 All spaces utilizing refrigerated storage, including restaurants and food or beverage stores, shall provide an electrical hookup for refrigeration units on delivery trucks. Monitoring Phase: Pre-Construction Enforcement Agency: City of Menifee Building and Safety Department City of Menifee Community Development Department Monitoring Agency: City of Menifee Building and Safety Department City of Menifee Community Development Department 10.10.b Packet Pg. 240 Attachment: Development Agreement [Revision 1] (2556 : The Junction) City of Menifee May 2020 The Junction at Menifee Valley Mitigation Monitoring/Reporting Plan Addendum to Environmental Impact Report No. 495 Page 5 MM IV.D-4 Within the Project parking lots, the following features shall be provided: • Electric vehicle (“EV”) charging facilities for designated parking spaces; • Preferential parking locations for EVs and Compressed Natural Gas vehicles; and • Preferential parking for carpool/vanpool vehicles. Monitoring Phase: Pre-Construction Enforcement Agency: City of Menifee Building and Safety Department City of Menifee Community Development Department Monitoring Agency: City of Menifee Building and Safety Department City of Menifee Community Development Department MM IV.D-5 Within the Project, the following shall be provided: • Subsidies or incentives to employees who use public transit or carpooling, including preferential parking. • Secure, weather-protected bicycle parking for employees. • Showers and lockers for employees bicycling or walking to work. • A display case or kiosk displaying public transportation information in a prominent area accessible to employees or site visitors. Monitoring Phase: Pre-Construction Enforcement Agency: City of Menifee Building and Safety Department City of Menifee Community Development Department Monitoring Agency: City of Menifee Building and Safety Department City of Menifee Community Development Department MM IV.D-6 Restrict delivery truck operation to 2007 or newer model years. Monitoring Phase: Construction/Pre-Occupancy/Occupancy (Measure to be included in Project CC&Rs) Enforcement Agency: City of Menifee Building and Safety Department City of Menifee Community Development Department Monitoring Agency: City of Menifee Building and Safety Department City of Menifee Community Development Department 10.10.b Packet Pg. 241 Attachment: Development Agreement [Revision 1] (2556 : The Junction) City of Menifee May 2020 The Junction at Menifee Valley Mitigation Monitoring/Reporting Plan Addendum to Environmental Impact Report No. 495 Page 6 MM IV.D-7 Prior to the issuance of grading permits, the owner/permittee shall submit an accelerated construction dust abatement management program to the City of Menifee Community Development Department. This involves developing a dust control program to supplement the routine watering that constitutes the best available control measures (BACMSs) in excess of any minimum SCAQMD Rule 403 requirements. BACMs shall include, but not be limited to the following: a) Hydroseeding previously disturbed areas while awaiting construction; b) Adding chemical binders or surfactants (according to manufacturer’s specifications) to all inactive construction areas or previously graded areas that remain inactive for four or more days; c) Early paving or chip sealing of roads; d) Enforcing reduced travel speeds (15 mph) in unpaved areas; e) Installation of sand fences and perimeter sandbags; f) Watering for dust control during clearing, grading and construction; and g) Soil disturbance should be terminated when high winds (25 mph) make dust control extremely difficult. Monitoring Phase: Pre-Construction Enforcement Agency: City of Menifee Engineering/Public Works Department City of Menifee Community Development Department Monitoring Agency: City of Menifee Engineering/Public Works Department City of Menifee Community Development Department MM IV.D-8 All off-road construction equipment greater than 50 hp shall meet USEPA Tier 4 emission standards to reduce NOx, PM10, and PM2.5 emissions at the Project site. In addition, all construction equipment shall be outfitted with Best Available Control Technology devices certified by CARB. Any emissions control device used by the contractor shall achieve emissions reductions that are no less than what could be achieved by a Level 3 diesel emissions control strategy for a similarly sized engine as defined by CARB regulations. At the time of mobilization of each applicable unit of equipment, a copy of each unit’s certified tier specification, BACT documentation, and CARB or SCAQMD operating permit shall be provided. Monitoring Phase: Pre-Construction/Construction Enforcement Agency: City of Menifee Engineering/Public Works Department City of Menifee Community Development Department Monitoring Agency: City of Menifee Engineering/Public Works Department City of Menifee Community Development Department 10.10.b Packet Pg. 242 Attachment: Development Agreement [Revision 1] (2556 : The Junction) City of Menifee May 2020 The Junction at Menifee Valley Mitigation Monitoring/Reporting Plan Addendum to Environmental Impact Report No. 495 Page 7 Biological Resources MM IV.E-1 The results of the “Revised Jurisdictional Determination for a 50.95 Acre Property in Menifee, CA” dated 28 February 2020; “Revised DBESP” dated 28 February 2020 (with DBESP Addendum Clarification Memo” dated 19 May 2020); and “Revised Consistency Analysis Including Evaluation of MSHCP-Defined Section 6.1.2 Riparian/Riverine and Vernal Pool Areas within the Approximate 50.95 Acre Property” dated 28 February 2020, undertaken in order to confirm that existing site conditions have not changed since the time of the 2006 riparian/riverine survey, shall be reported to the City of Menifee Community Development Department. The following permits (or exemptions) shall be requested from the respective resource agency, and any associated conditions of approval shall be agreed upon, prior to the initiation of ground disturbing activities: • Clean Water Act Section 404 Permit from the Corps; • Streambed Alteration Agreement under Section 1600 of the Fish and Game Code from CDFG; • Clean Water Act Section 401 Water Quality Certification from the RWQCB; and • Corps, CDFG, RWQCB, and City of Menifee Community Development Department agreement of the Detailed Mitigation Plan. Monitoring Phase: Pre-Construction Enforcement Agency: City of Menifee Community Development Department Monitoring Agency: City of Menifee Community Development Department MM IV.E-2 Nesting Birds • Conduct vegetation removal associated with construction from September 1st through January 31st, when birds are not nesting. Initiate grading activities prior to the breeding season (which is generally February 1st through August 31st) and keep disturbance activities constant throughout the breeding season to prevent birds from establishing nests in surrounding habitat (in order to avoid possible nest abandonment); if there is a lapse in activities of more than five days, pre-construction surveys shall be necessary as described in the bullet below. OR • If tree and vegetation removal activities occur during the nesting season, a qualified biologist shall conduct a pre-construction nesting bird survey. The results of the survey shall be submitted to the City of Menifee Community Development Department for review and approval. The qualified wildlife biologist shall conduct weekly pre- construction bird surveys no more than 30 days prior to initiation of grading to provide 10.10.b Packet Pg. 243 Attachment: Development Agreement [Revision 1] (2556 : The Junction) City of Menifee May 2020 The Junction at Menifee Valley Mitigation Monitoring/Reporting Plan Addendum to Environmental Impact Report No. 495 Page 8 confirmation on the presence or absence of active nests in the vicinity (at least 300 to 500 feet around the individual construction site, as access allows). The last survey should be conducted approximately no more than three days prior to the anticipated initiation of clearance/construction work. If active nests are encountered, clearing and construction in the vicinity of the nests shall be deferred until the young birds have fledged and there is no evidence of a second attempt at nesting. A minimum buffer of 300 feet (500 feet for raptor nests) or as determined by a qualified biologist shall be maintained during construction depending on the species and location. The perimeter of the nest-setback zone shall be fenced or adequately demarcated with staked flagging at 20-foot intervals, and construction personnel and activities restricted from the area. Construction personnel should be instructed on the sensitivity of the area. A survey report by the qualified biologist documenting and verifying compliance with the mitigation and with applicable state and federal regulations protecting birds shall be submitted to the City of Menifee Community Development Department for review and approval prior to grading permit issuance. The qualified biologist shall serve as a construction monitor during those periods when construction activities would occur near active nest areas to ensure that no inadvertent impacts on these nests would occur. Burrowing Owl • Pursuant to Objective 6 and Objective 7 of the Species Account for the Burrowing Owl included in the Western Riverside County Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan, within thirty (30) days prior to the issuance of a grading permit, a pre-construction presence/absence survey for the burrowing owl shall be conducted by a qualified biologist and the results of this presence/absence survey shall be provided in writing to the City of Menifee Community Development Department. If it is determined that the Project Site is occupied by the Burrowing Owl, take of "active" nests shall be avoided pursuant to the MSHCP and the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. However, when the Burrowing Owl is present, relocation outside of the nesting season (March 1 through August 31) by a qualified biologist shall be required. The City shall be consulted to determine appropriate type of relocation (active or passive) and translocation sites. Occupation of this species on the project site may result in the need to revise grading plans so that take of "active" nests is avoided or alternatively, a grading permit may be issued once the species has been actively relocated. If the grading permit is not obtained within thirty (30) days of the survey a new survey shall be required. No ground disturbance, including disking, blading, grubbing or any similar activity (except for agricultural production on-site which has been a historic and on- going use of the property) shall occur within the site until the burrowing owl study is reviewed and approved. Monitoring Phase: Pre-Construction/Construction Enforcement Agency: City of Menifee Community Development Department Monitoring Agency: City of Menifee Community Development Department 10.10.b Packet Pg. 244 Attachment: Development Agreement [Revision 1] (2556 : The Junction) City of Menifee May 2020 The Junction at Menifee Valley Mitigation Monitoring/Reporting Plan Addendum to Environmental Impact Report No. 495 Page 9 MM IV.E-3 To offset the permanent loss of 0.32 acre of Riparian/Riverine resources, the Project Applicant shall purchase mitigation credits at the Riverpark Mitigation Bank at a required mitigation ratio of 2:1 for purchase of Re-establishment Credit (total 0.64 acre). Should Re-establishment Credit not be available for purchase at the time the Project is undertaken, then Rehabilitation Credit shall be purchased at the following ratios: 2.5:1 for impacts to the vegetated stream (2.5 x 0.26 = 0.65 acre) as well as 2:1 for impacts to the unvegetated riverine areas which consist of Feature 2 and the Haun Road intake area (2.0 x 0.06 = 0.12 acre) for a total of 0.77 acre of Rehabilitation Credit at the Riverpark Mitigation Bank. All mitigation associated with impacts to riparian/riverine habitat, as defined by Section 6.1.2 and the associated DBESP, shall be reviewed and approved by the City of Menifee Community Development Department, as well as the Corps, CDFW, and RWQCB, prior to the issuance of a grading permit. Monitoring Phase: Pre-Construction Enforcement Agency: City of Menifee Community Development Department Monitoring Agency: City of Menifee Community Development Department MM IV.E-4 Prior to the issuance of grading permits, the Project Applicant shall make the appropriate mitigation fee payment into the MSHCP Stephens’ kangaroo rat fee payment program for conservation of Stephens’ kangaroo rat-occupied habitats in order to offset the loss of potentially suitable Stephens’ kangaroo rat habitat on-site through Project implementation. Monitoring Phase: Pre-Construction Enforcement Agency: City of Menifee Community Development Department Monitoring Agency: City of Menifee Community Development Department MM IV.E-5 Prior to Project occupancy, the Project Applicant shall make the appropriate MSHCP mitigation fee payment that will contribute to conservation and management of conservation land for all MSHCP-covered organisms. This fee is based on City of Menifee Ordinance No. 810. The land types will include residential density greater than fourteen dwelling units per acre and commercial development. Monitoring Phase: Pre-Occupancy Enforcement Agency: City of Menifee Community Development Department Monitoring Agency: City of Menifee Community Development Department 10.10.b Packet Pg. 245 Attachment: Development Agreement [Revision 1] (2556 : The Junction) City of Menifee May 2020 The Junction at Menifee Valley Mitigation Monitoring/Reporting Plan Addendum to Environmental Impact Report No. 495 Page 10 MM IV.E-6 In accordance with MSHCP provisions limiting the use of exotic and invasive plant species, the Project’s landscape plan shall exclude invasive species such as crimson fountain grass (Pennisetum setaceum), pampas grass (Cortaderia selloana), giant reed (Arundo donax), and tree of heaven (Ailanthus altissima). Monitoring Phase: Pre-Construction Enforcement Agency: City of Menifee Community Development Department Monitoring Agency: City of Menifee Community Development Department MM IV.E-7 All grading and construction contractors shall receive copies of all mitigation measures required to reduce impacts to biological resources. Additionally, verbal instruction shall be provided by the Project biologist to all site workers to insure clear understanding that biological resources are to be protected on the Project site in accordance with the mitigation measures. A brochure depicting the regulatory status biological resources on- site shall be provided to all grading and construction contractors. Monitoring Phase: Construction Enforcement Agency: City of Menifee Community Development Department Monitoring Agency: City of Menifee Community Development Department Cultural Resources MM IV.G-1 ARCHAEOLOGIST RETAINED. During grading operations, the archaeologist or the archaeologist's on-site representative(s) and the Native American tribal representative(s) shall actively monitor all project related grading and shall have the authority to temporarily divert, redirect, or halt grading activity to allow recovery of archaeological and/or cultural resources. Prior to the issuance of grading permits, a copy of a fully executed contract for archaeological monitoring and mitigation services, including the NAME, ADDRESS and TELEPHONE NUMBER of the retained archaeologist shall be submitted to the City Community Development Department and the Engineering Division. The extent of the monitoring will be determined after the grading plan has been finalized. Tribal monitor(s) shall be required on-site during all ground disturbing activities, including grading, stockpiling of materials, engineered fill, rock crushing, etc. The land divider/permit holder shall retain a qualified tribal monitor(s) from the Pechange Band of Luiseno Indians and the Soboba Band of Luiseno Indians. Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the developer shall submit a copy of a signed contract between the above- mentioned Tribe and the land divider/permit holder for the monitoring of the project to the Community Development Department and to the Engineering Department. The Native American Monitor(s) shall have the authority to temporarily divert, redirect, or halt the 10.10.b Packet Pg. 246 Attachment: Development Agreement [Revision 1] (2556 : The Junction) City of Menifee May 2020 The Junction at Menifee Valley Mitigation Monitoring/Reporting Plan Addendum to Environmental Impact Report No. 495 Page 11 ground disturbance activities to allow recovery of cultural resources, in coordination with the Project Archaeologist. Should an agreement between the Tribes and the Applicant/Permittee not be established within 45 days of the date the Applicant/Permittee initiates such an agreement with the Tribes, Native American monitoring shall not be required. The Developer shall relinquish ownership of all cultural resources, including all archaeological artifacts that are of Native American origin, found in the project area for proper treatment and disposition. The Applicant/Permittee shall be responsible for all curation costs. Although the previously unrecorded milling feature site 33-28615, discovered during the updated Phase II Historical Resources Investigation was not considered significant under either the California Register or the National Register, it is recommended that monitoring of all earthmoving activities associated with development of the Senior housing element of The Junction at Menifee Valley, encompassing approximately +28.0 acres in the northwestern corner of the Project site, be conducted by a qualified archaeologist and a professional Tribal monitor. A Cultural Resources Monitoring Plan and monitoring agreements with the archaeologist and appropriate Tribe should be submitted prior to issuance of a grading permit. A Phase IV Monitoring Report should be required prior to final grading clearance. Monitoring Phase: Pre-Construction/Construction Enforcement Agency: City of Menifee Community Development Department Monitoring Agency: City of Menifee Community Development Department MM IV.G-3 TANK HOUSE DOCUMENTATION. Prior to grading permit issuance, the tank house shall be documented with measured drawings of each façade. The drawings shall conform in size and scale to those of the Phase II Historical Resources Investigation. A copy of the drawings (prepared by a qualified Architect and aided by a qualified Archeologist) shall be submitted to the Community Development Department and the Historical Preservation Officer for review and approval. Monitoring Phase: Pre-Construction Enforcement Agency: City of Menifee Community Development Department Monitoring Agency: City of Menifee Community Development Department MM IV.G-4 DEMOLITION VIDEO. Prior to dismantling the rock water heater, inscribed rock wall, and chimney, a voice-narrated demolition video shall be produced that identifies buildings and features of the Bailey farmstead compound. Demolition of all buildings and structures shall also be recorded on the video by a qualified Archeologist, serving as the final site 10.10.b Packet Pg. 247 Attachment: Development Agreement [Revision 1] (2556 : The Junction) City of Menifee May 2020 The Junction at Menifee Valley Mitigation Monitoring/Reporting Plan Addendum to Environmental Impact Report No. 495 Page 12 documentation. A copy of the video shall be submitted to the Community Development Department and the Historical Preservation Officer for review and approval. Monitoring Phase: Pre-Construction Enforcement Agency: City of Menifee Community Development Department Monitoring Agency: City of Menifee Community Development Department MM IV.G-5 STONE WORK DISMANTLING. Prior to grading permit issuance, the rock water heater, inscribed rock wall, and chimney shall be dismantled and then removed to an off-site secured storage facility until which time they can be reconstructed in the site plaza. a. All components of the water heater shall be labeled and photographed in situ prior to dismantling. The photographs shall be cross-referenced with AutoCAD drawings made prior to vandalism in order to facilitate accurate reconstruction of the feature. Inscribed water heater elements shall be removed intact to ensure preservation. b. The section of rock wall that is inscribed shall be removed intact from the site to ensure preservation. Rocks comprising the remainder of the rock wall shall be dismantled and removed to the storage facility. c. The rock chimney shall be dismantled and removed to the storage facility. A report shall be prepared that includes a detailed plan that identifies the following: 1.) specific location where salvage materials will be kept until building activities, and 2.) responsible entities and/or individuals that will keep such materials. A copy of the report shall be submitted to the Community Development Department and the Historical Preservation Officer for review and approval. Monitoring Phase: Pre-Construction Enforcement Agency: City of Menifee Community Development Department Monitoring Agency: City of Menifee Community Development Department MM IV.G-6 MVHA COLLECT CULTURES. Prior to grading permit issuance and upon receipt of requisite hold-harmless documents, the Menifee Valley Historical Association shall be given an opportunity to visit the Bailey farmstead under supervision to collect cultural resources for future use in their planned museum. A certified letter shall be sent to the Menifee Valley Historical Association (MVHA) giving a 30-day opportunity to visit the farmstead to collect cultural resources of historic nature. All of their activities shall be supervised by a qualified Archeologist. A copy of this letter shall be sent simultaneously to the Community Development Department and the Historical Preservation Officer. 10.10.b Packet Pg. 248 Attachment: Development Agreement [Revision 1] (2556 : The Junction) City of Menifee May 2020 The Junction at Menifee Valley Mitigation Monitoring/Reporting Plan Addendum to Environmental Impact Report No. 495 Page 13 Monitoring Phase: Pre-Construction Enforcement Agency: City of Menifee Community Development Department Monitoring Agency: City of Menifee Community Development Department MM IV.G-7 BAILEY’S COMPLEX DEMO REPORT. Prior to grading permit issuance, a detailed report shall be prepared by a qualified archeologist that incorporates all the demolition activities, including but not limited to: demolition permit numbers, tankhouse documentation, demolition video, rock water heater dismantling, historical rock wall dismantling, chimney dismantling, specific location where salvage materials will be kept until building activities occur, and responsible entities and/or individuals that will keep such materials. Monitoring Phase: Pre-Construction Enforcement Agency: City of Menifee Community Development Department Monitoring Agency: City of Menifee Community Development Department MM IV.G-8 BAILEY’S INADVERTENT FIND. Should a subsurface cultural deposit be discovered during demolition and/or earthmoving, said activities shall be halted or diverted until the resources can be evaluated. a. All subsurface cultural deposit soil shall be screened through 1/8” mesh and recovered cultural resources placed in labeled containers for removal from the site. b. Recovered subsurface cultural resources shall be analyzed and a report of findings shall be prepared as an addendum to the Phase II Historical Resources Investigation. All building demolition and earthmoving activities within the Bailey farmstead compound shall be monitored by Dr. Jean A. Keller (Cultural Resources Consultant) or another qualified Archaeologist. In addition, all earthmoving activities conducted on farmland surrounding the Bailey Farmstead shall be monitored by a qualified Archaeologist. In the event that an inadvertent find is discovered, the Community Development Department and the City’s Archeologist shall be notified. The City’s Archeologist will determine the appropriate time to resume grading activities. Monitoring Phase: Construction Enforcement Agency: City of Menifee Community Development Department Monitoring Agency: City of Menifee Community Development Department 10.10.b Packet Pg. 249 Attachment: Development Agreement [Revision 1] (2556 : The Junction) City of Menifee May 2020 The Junction at Menifee Valley Mitigation Monitoring/Reporting Plan Addendum to Environmental Impact Report No. 495 Page 14 MM IV.G-9 HISTORICAL EXHIBIT DESIGN. Architectural elements representative of the Menifee Valley Farming Era shall be incorporated in the entry statement and buildings of The Junction at Menifee Valley. Monitoring Phase: Pre-Construction/Construction Enforcement Agency: City of Menifee Community Development Department Monitoring Agency: City of Menifee Community Development Department MM IV.G-10 HISTORICAL DESIGN PLOT PLAN. Prior to building permit issuance, a Site Plaza shall be developed as public outdoor space that will incorporate historical structures, offer an interpretive exhibit and descriptive plaques depicting the historic Bailey farmstead, and serve as a community gathering place, a target location for patrons of The Junction at Menifee Valley. The Site Plaza shall be enhanced by benches, trees, and other attractive landscaping. Monitoring Phase: Pre-Construction/Construction Enforcement Agency: City of Menifee Community Development Department Monitoring Agency: City of Menifee Community Development Department MM IV.G-11 HISTORICAL EXHIBIT INSTALLATION. Prior to final inspection/occupancy, the tank house shall be recreated, using new materials, as the centerpiece of the Site Plaza. An historical exhibit shall be installed on the interior walls of the lower (open) section of the recreated tank house. The Historical Preservation Officer shall monitor installation completed by a qualified urban designer. Monitoring Phase: Pre-Occupancy Enforcement Agency: City of Menifee Community Development Department Monitoring Agency: City of Menifee Community Development Department MM IV.G-12 WATER HEATER RECONSTRUCT. Prior to final inspection/occupancy, the rock water heater shall be reconstructed in the Site Plaza. With the exception of the iron cauldron stolen by vandals, original materials from the water heater shall be used in the reconstruction. Monitoring Phase: Construction/Pre-Occupancy Enforcement Agency: City of Menifee Community Development Department Monitoring Agency: City of Menifee Community Development Department 10.10.b Packet Pg. 250 Attachment: Development Agreement [Revision 1] (2556 : The Junction) City of Menifee May 2020 The Junction at Menifee Valley Mitigation Monitoring/Reporting Plan Addendum to Environmental Impact Report No. 495 Page 15 MM IV.G-13 HISTORICAL WALL. Prior to final inspection/occupancy, stones salvaged from the rock wall shall be used to build a version of the historical wall/fence that will enclose or define the Site Plaza. The section of rock wall inscribed with the name of the builder, construction date, and family initials will be integrated into the Site Plaza. The work shall be done by a qualified Mason Contractor and aided by a qualified Archeologist. Monitoring Phase: Construction/Pre-Occupancy Enforcement Agency: City of Menifee Community Development Department Monitoring Agency: City of Menifee Community Development Department MM IV.G-14 CHIMNEY RECONSTRUCTION. Prior to final inspection/occupancy, stones from the dismantled Bailey House stone chimney shall be reconstructed and adapted as an outdoor fireplace in the Site Plaza gathering area. Should Bailey family members request retention of a portion of the chimney stones, the original stones may be supplemented with similar stones to complete fireplace construction. Monitoring Phase: Construction/Pre-Occupancy Enforcement Agency: City of Menifee Community Development Department Monitoring Agency: City of Menifee Community Development Department MM IV.G-15 HISTORICAL EXHIBIT DESIGN. Prior to final inspection/occupancy, an historical exhibit on the interior walls of the lower (open) section of the recreated tank house shall be created and installed. The exhibit’s primary focus shall be on appropriately mounted and protected interpretive panels containing relevant images and text, although representative artifacts may also be included in the exhibit. Suggested interpretive panels include large photographs of the Bailey farmstead and members of the Bailey family members, accompanied by minimal text explaining the Bailey family story and its place in Menifee Valley history. Consultation with the Menifee Valley Historical Association and Bailey family members shall guide creation of the interpretive exhibit. Monitoring Phase: Construction/Pre-Occupancy Enforcement Agency: City of Menifee Community Development Department Monitoring Agency: City of Menifee Community Development Department MM IV.G-16 HISTORICAL PLAQUES DESIGN. Prior to Building Permit Issuance, a plan for descriptive plaques for the recreated tank house, rock water heater, rock fireplace, and inscribed rock wall shall be submitted to the Community Development Department for review and approval. The plaques will provide context for the reconstructed historical 10.10.b Packet Pg. 251 Attachment: Development Agreement [Revision 1] (2556 : The Junction) City of Menifee May 2020 The Junction at Menifee Valley Mitigation Monitoring/Reporting Plan Addendum to Environmental Impact Report No. 495 Page 16 elements of the Bailey farmstead and shall be made of attractive durable material that will enhance the ambience of the Site’s Plazas. Consultation with the Menifee Valley Historical Association and Bailey family members will aid in the design of the descriptive plaques. Prepare a detailed plan describing the following: 1. The total number of plaques; 2. The precise location of each plaque: 3. The dimensions of each plaque; 4. The text (narrative) for each plaque. The plan shall be prepared by a qualified archaeologist and shall be in conformance with the Phase II Cultural Resources Report. The plaques design requires concurrent approval from the Community Development Department and Historical Preservation Officer. Monitoring Phase: Pre-Construction Enforcement Agency: City of Menifee Community Development Department Monitoring Agency: City of Menifee Community Development Department MM IV.G-17 HISTORICAL PLAQUES INSTALL. Prior to final inspection/occupancy, descriptive plaques shall be placed adjacent to the recreated tank house, rock water heater, rock fireplace, and inscribed rock wall. The plaques shall provide context for the reconstructed historical elements of the Bailey farmstead and shall be made of attractive durable material that will enhance the ambience of the Site Plaza. Consultation with the Menifee Valley Historical Association and Bailey family members shall aid in the design of the descriptive plaques. A detailed plan shall be prepared describing the following: the total number of plaques, the precise location of each plaque, the dimensions of each plaque and the text (narrative) for each plaque. The plan shall be prepared by a qualified Archeologist and shall be in conformance with the Phase II Cultural Resources Report. Monitoring Phase: Construction/Pre-Occupancy Enforcement Agency: City of Menifee Community Development Department Monitoring Agency: City of Menifee Community Development Department MM IV.G-18 HISTORICAL DESIGN COMPLIANCE. Prior to occupancy, the Community Development Department shall inspect all buildings, landscaping and historical design elements to verify that the project is in substantial conformance with the approved Exhibits B and A. Monitoring Phase: Construction/Pre-Occupancy Enforcement Agency: City of Menifee Community Development Department Monitoring Agency: City of Menifee Community Development Department 10.10.b Packet Pg. 252 Attachment: Development Agreement [Revision 1] (2556 : The Junction) City of Menifee May 2020 The Junction at Menifee Valley Mitigation Monitoring/Reporting Plan Addendum to Environmental Impact Report No. 495 Page 17 MM IV.G-19 ARCHEO MONITORING REPORT. Prior to Final Inspection, the applicant shall submit to the City Archaeologist one paper copy and two (2) CD copies of the Phase IV Cultural Resources Monitoring Report. The report shall follow the posted report scope of work on the TLMA website and be certified by a City Registered Archaeologist. An additional copy of the final report shall be submitted to the Eastern Information Center, the Bailey Farmstead descendants, and to the Menifee Valley Historical Society. Monitoring Phase: Pre-Occupancy Enforcement Agency: City of Menifee Community Development Department Monitoring Agency: City of Menifee Community Development Department MM IV.G-20 BROADCAST SOWER. Prior to grading permit issuance, determine if it is feasible to salvage the broadcast sower located at the base of a tree on-site. Consult with Dr. Jean A. Keller (Cultural Resources Consultant) to devise a feasible method of salvaging the broadcast sower. If a feasible method is not identified, the sower shall be documented and photo or video logged prior to being removed, per the recommendations of Dr. Keller. If salvaging the broadcast sower is determined to be feasible, the sower shall be removed from the site and safely stored until Project development. Prior to final inspection/occupancy, the broadcast sower shall be reconstructed for placement in or near the Site Plaza. Monitoring Phase: Pre-Construction Enforcement Agency: City of Menifee Community Development Department Monitoring Agency: City of Menifee Community Development Department Geology and Soils MM IV.G-2 PALEONTOLOGIST RETAINED. Prior to the issuance of grading permits, the project applicant shall retain a qualified paleontologist approved by the Community Development Department to create and implement a project-specific plan for monitoring site grading/earthmoving activities (project paleontologist). The project paleontologist retained shall review the approved development plan and shall conduct any pre- construction work necessary to render appropriate monitoring and mitigation requirements as appropriate. These requirements shall be documented by the project paleontologist in a Paleontological Resource Impact Mitigation Program (PRIMP). This PRIMP shall be submitted to the City Community Development Department for review and approval prior to the issuance of a grading permit. Information to be contained in the PRIMP, at a minimum and in addition to other industry standard and society of Vertebrate Paleontology standards, are as follows: 10.10.b Packet Pg. 253 Attachment: Development Agreement [Revision 1] (2556 : The Junction) City of Menifee May 2020 The Junction at Menifee Valley Mitigation Monitoring/Reporting Plan Addendum to Environmental Impact Report No. 495 Page 18 1. The project paleontologist shall participate in a pre-construction project meeting with development staff and construction operations to ensure an understanding of any mitigation measures required during construction, as applicable. 2. Paleontological monitoring of earthmoving activities will be conducted on an as- needed basis by the project paleontologist during all earthmoving activities that may expose sensitive strata. Earthmoving activities in areas of the project area where previously undisturbed strata will be buried but not otherwise disturbed will not be monitored. The project paleontologist or his/her assign will have the authority to reduce monitoring once he/she determines the probability of encountering fossils has dropped below an acceptable level. 3. If the project paleontologist finds fossil remains, earthmoving activities will be diverted temporarily around the fossil site until the remains have been evaluated and recovered. Earthmoving will be allowed to proceed through the site when the project paleontologist determines the fossils have been recovered and/or the site mitigated to the extent necessary. 4. If fossil remains are encountered by earthmoving activities when the project paleontologist is not on-site, these activities will be diverted around the fossil site and the project paleontologist called to the site immediately to recover the remains. 5. If fossil remains are found, fossilliferous rock will be recovered from the fossil site and processed to allow for the recovery of smaller fossil remains. Test samples may be recovered from other sampling sites in the rock unit if appropriate. 6. Any recovered fossil remains will be prepared to the point of identification and identified to the lowest taxonomic level possible by knowledgeable paleontologists. The remains will then be curated (assigned and labeled with museum repository fossil specimen numbers and corresponding fossil site numbers, as appropriate; placed in specimen trays and, if necessary, vials with completed specimen data cards) and catalogued, and associated specimen data and corresponding geologic and geographic site data will be archived (specimen and site numbers and corresponding data entered into appropriate museum repository catalogs and computerized data bases) at the museum repository by a laboratory technician. The remains will then be accessioned into the museum repository fossil collection, where they will be permanently stored, maintained, and, along with associated specimen and site data, made available for future study by qualified scientific investigators. The City must be consulted on the repository/museum to receive the fossil material prior to being curated. 7. A qualified paleontologist shall prepare a report of findings made during all site grading activity with an appended itemized list of fossil specimens recovered during grading (if any). This report shall be submitted to the City for review and approval prior to final building inspection as described elsewhere in this conditions set. All reports shall be signed by the project paleontologist and all other 10.10.b Packet Pg. 254 Attachment: Development Agreement [Revision 1] (2556 : The Junction) City of Menifee May 2020 The Junction at Menifee Valley Mitigation Monitoring/Reporting Plan Addendum to Environmental Impact Report No. 495 Page 19 professionals responsible for the report’s content (e.g., professional geologist, professional engineer, etc.), as appropriate. Two wet-signed original copies of the report shall be submitted directly to the office of the City Community Development Department along with a copy of this condition and the grading plan for appropriate case processing and tracking. Monitoring Phase: Pre-Construction/Construction Enforcement Agency: City of Menifee Community Development Department Monitoring Agency: City of Menifee Community Development Department Greenhouse Gas Emissions MM IV.M-1 The Project Applicant shall place signage in appropriate locations on the site (i.e., parking lots and loading areas) limiting the idling of diesel vehicles that are not in use to five minutes. Monitoring Phase: Construction/Occupancy Enforcement Agency: City of Menifee Community Development Department Monitoring Agency: City of Menifee Community Development Department Hazards and Hazardous Materials MM IV.F-1 Following demolition of the existing structures and removal of the vehicles and debris found on the project site, a visual assessment of the site shall be performed. The assessment shall include the use of a motorgrader to scrape the upper 1 inch± of weeds and soil away to expose areas of staining. Stained areas shall then be sampled and tested to determine the limits of any contamination. If necessary, a Phase II Environmental Site Assessment shall be performed. If soil and/or groundwater contamination is suspected during Project construction activities, work in the affected area shall cease and appropriate health and safety procedures shall be implemented. If it is determined that such contamination exists, the City shall be notified and a remediation plan shall be developed in compliance with applicable local, state, and federal regulations. Monitoring Phase: Construction Enforcement Agency: City of Menifee Building and Safety Department City of Menifee Engineering/Public Works Department Monitoring Agency: City of Menifee Building and Safety Department City of Menifee Engineering/Public Works Department MM IV.F-2 When conducting work that will impact surface coatings with any lead contents, the contractor shall comply with all relevant California Division of Occupational Safety and 10.10.b Packet Pg. 255 Attachment: Development Agreement [Revision 1] (2556 : The Junction) City of Menifee May 2020 The Junction at Menifee Valley Mitigation Monitoring/Reporting Plan Addendum to Environmental Impact Report No. 495 Page 20 Health (Cal/OSHA) regulations. When impacting lead containing materials that are found to contain lead in levels above the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) recommendations, the contractor shall be licensed and have properly trained personnel for the operation. All activities shall be conducted in accordance with Federal, State, and Local requirements. Monitoring Phase: Construction Enforcement Agency: City of Menifee Building and Safety Department City of Menifee Engineering/Public Works Department Monitoring Agency: City of Menifee Building and Safety Department City of Menifee Engineering/Public Works Department MM IV.F-3 In accordance with the US EPA’s National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAPS) 40 CFR 61, Sub-Part M, Section 61.145, Standards for Demolition and Renovation, all affected asbestos containing materials shall be removed prior to demolition. Monitoring Phase: Construction Enforcement Agency: City of Menifee Building and Safety Department City of Menifee Engineering/Public Works Department Monitoring Agency: City of Menifee Building and Safety Department City of Menifee Engineering/Public Works Department Hydrology/Water Quality MM IV.H-1 Grading and Drainage Plans Final grading and drainage plans shall be submitted to the City for its review and approval. The final drainage plan shall be prepared by a licensed professional engineer. As a condition of approval of the final grading and drainage plans, it must be demonstrated through detailed hydraulic analysis subject to City approval that implementation of the proposed drainage plans shall be designed based on RCFC & WCD and Riverside County Transportation standards and design policies. Pursuant to the design standards: • RCFC & WCD drainage facilities shall be designed for the 100-year peak flow rate based on the most current general plan. The drainage facilities must utilize the approved RCFC & WCD Standard Plans or RCTD Standard Plans. • Flooding within the public street right-of-way shall meet the criteria outlined in the RCTD Policies and Guidelines dated September 2005 or as subsequently modified. 10.10.b Packet Pg. 256 Attachment: Development Agreement [Revision 1] (2556 : The Junction) City of Menifee May 2020 The Junction at Menifee Valley Mitigation Monitoring/Reporting Plan Addendum to Environmental Impact Report No. 495 Page 21 Monitoring Phase: Pre-Construction Enforcement Agency: City of Menifee Engineering/Public Works Department Monitoring Agency: City of Menifee Engineering/Public Works Department Noise MM IV.J-1 The City shall ensure that construction activities are regulated to establish hours of operation in order to prevent and/or mitigate the generation of excessive or adverse noise impacts on surrounding areas. Project construction shall comply with Menifee Municipal Code Section 8.01.010 governing hours of construction. Monitoring Phase: Construction Enforcement Agency: City of Menifee Building and Safety Department City of Menifee Engineering/Public Works Department Monitoring Agency: City of Menifee Building and Safety Department City of Menifee Engineering/Public Works Department MM IV.J-2 A construction-related noise mitigation plan shall be submitted to the City Community Development Department for review and approval prior to issuance of a grading permit. The plan must depict the location of construction equipment and how the noise from this equipment will be mitigated during construction of this project, through the use of methods such as: • Temporary noise attenuation fences and sound blankets that block the line of sight from existing homes on Howard Way to on-site construction activities, capable of reducing noise levels 10 dBA Leq or more at 50 feet of distance; • Temporary noise attenuation fences and sound blankets that block the line of sight from existing homes on Scott Road to on-site construction activities, capable of reducing noise levels 10 dBA Leq or more at 50 feet of distance; • Preferential location of equipment away from sensitive noise receptors to the extent feasible; and • During all Project site excavation and grading, all construction equipment, fixed or mobile, shall be equipped with properly operating and maintained mufflers, consistent with the manufacturers’ standards. Monitoring Phase: Pre-Construction Enforcement Agency: City of Menifee Community Development Department Monitoring Agency: City of Menifee Community Development Department 10.10.b Packet Pg. 257 Attachment: Development Agreement [Revision 1] (2556 : The Junction) City of Menifee May 2020 The Junction at Menifee Valley Mitigation Monitoring/Reporting Plan Addendum to Environmental Impact Report No. 495 Page 22 MM IV.J-3 The City shall require that all construction equipment utilizes noise reduction features (e.g., mufflers and engine shrouds) that are capable of reducing noise levels 3 dBA Leq or more at 50 feet of distance. Monitoring Phase: Pre-Construction/Construction Enforcement Agency: City of Menifee Building and Safety Department City of Menifee Engineering/Public Works Department Monitoring Agency: City of Menifee Community Development Department MM IV.J-4 During construction, equipment staging areas shall be located in areas that will create the greatest distance between construction-related noise sources and noise sensitive receptors. All stationary construction equipment shall be placed so that noise is directed away from the nearest sensitive receptor. Monitoring Phase: Construction Enforcement Agency: City of Menifee Building and Safety Department City of Menifee Engineering/Public Works Department Monitoring Agency: City of Menifee Building and Safety Department City of Menifee Engineering/Public Works Department MM IV.J-5 The construction contractor shall provide notices to land uses within one-quarter mile of the Project site of the construction schedule, including a contact name and number for noise complaints. This information shall also be posted at locations on the perimeter of the site. Such complaints shall be resolved within 24 hours or the contractor shall provide evidence to the City why such complaints cannot be resolved. Monitoring Phase: Construction Enforcement Agency: City of Menifee Community Development Department Monitoring Agency: City of Menifee Community Development Department MM IV.J-6 Project Developer(s) shall enclose or shield HVAC equipment from off-site properties and from adjacent roadways. Monitoring Phase: Construction/Pre-Occupancy Enforcement Agency: City of Menifee Community Development Department Monitoring Agency: City of Menifee Community Development Department 10.10.b Packet Pg. 258 Attachment: Development Agreement [Revision 1] (2556 : The Junction) City of Menifee May 2020 The Junction at Menifee Valley Mitigation Monitoring/Reporting Plan Addendum to Environmental Impact Report No. 495 Page 23 MM IV.J-7 HVAC units with the lowest sound power level shall be selected. Monitoring Phase: Construction/Pre-Occupancy Enforcement Agency: City of Menifee Community Development Department Monitoring Agency: City of Menifee Community Development Department MM IV.J-8 HVAC units shall be installed as far as possible from residential land uses. Monitoring Phase: Construction/Pre-Occupancy Enforcement Agency: City of Menifee Community Development Department Monitoring Agency: City of Menifee Community Development Department MM IV.J-9 Project Developer(s) shall consider enclosing or shielding loading areas from off-site properties. Monitoring Phase: Construction/Pre-Occupancy Enforcement Agency: City of Menifee Community Development Department Monitoring Agency: City of Menifee Community Development Department MM IV.J-10 Trucks shall not idle at the site for more than five minutes. Signs shall be posed limiting idling to five minutes or less. Monitoring Phase: Construction/Occupancy Enforcement Agency: City of Menifee Community Development Department Monitoring Agency: City of Menifee Community Development Department MM IV.J-11 Truck deliveries, trash compactors, and other loading/unloading activities, including the outdoor use of tractors and forklifts, are to be limited to daytime hours (7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.). Trucks, tractors, and forklifts operated on-site shall maintain properly operating mufflers. Monitoring Phase: Occupancy Enforcement Agency: City of Menifee Community Development Department Monitoring Agency: City of Menifee Community Development Department 10.10.b Packet Pg. 259 Attachment: Development Agreement [Revision 1] (2556 : The Junction) City of Menifee May 2020 The Junction at Menifee Valley Mitigation Monitoring/Reporting Plan Addendum to Environmental Impact Report No. 495 Page 24 Public Services MM IV.L-1 Development Impact Fee. The developer shall pay fees for future fire facilities in accordance with City of Menifee Ordinance No. 17-232, the Development Impact Fee program. Monitoring Phase: Pre-Occupancy Enforcement Agency: City of Menifee Community Development Department Monitoring Agency: City of Menifee Community Development Department Transportation MM IV.K-1 Prior to issuance of first occupancy permits, the Project applicant shall install and is eligible to receive a future fair-share reimbursement by others for an eastbound right turn overlap at the intersection of Haun Road and Newport Road, including finalizing the traffic signal modification design subject to the approval of the City Engineer. Monitoring Phase: Pre-Occupancy Enforcement Agency: City of Menifee Engineering/Public Works Department Monitoring Agency: City of Menifee Engineering/Public Works Department MM IV.K-2 Prior to issuance of first occupancy permits, the Project applicant shall install and may be eligible to receive a future fair-share reimbursement by others for a traffic signal at the intersection of Howard Road and Scott Road including finalizing the signal design subject to the approval of the City Engineer. Monitoring Phase: Pre-Occupancy Enforcement Agency: City of Menifee Engineering/Public Works Department Monitoring Agency: City of Menifee Engineering/Public Works Department MM IV.K-3 Prior to issuance of first occupancy permits, the Project applicant shall install and is eligible to receive a future fair-share reimbursement from Project PP 22674 for a traffic signal and construction of lanes at the intersection of Haun Road and the Southern Project Driveway including finalizing the signal and lane design subject to the approval of the City Engineer. Alternatively, the Project applicant may pay a fair share of the cost for the design and construction of the traffic signal and lanes to Project PP 22674 provided that installation is complete prior to the issuance of first occupancy permits. 10.10.b Packet Pg. 260 Attachment: Development Agreement [Revision 1] (2556 : The Junction) City of Menifee May 2020 The Junction at Menifee Valley Mitigation Monitoring/Reporting Plan Addendum to Environmental Impact Report No. 495 Page 25 Monitoring Phase: Pre-Occupancy Enforcement Agency: City of Menifee Engineering/Public Works Department Monitoring Agency: City of Menifee Engineering/Public Works Department MM IV.K-4 Prior to issuance of first occupancy permits, the Project applicant shall install and is eligible to receive a future fair-share reimbursement by others for the addition of a second southbound left-turn lane and a westbound right-turn overlap at the intersection of Haun Road/Zeiders Road and Scott Road including finalizing the lane design subject to the approval of the City Engineer. Additionally, the applicant shall be responsible for modifying the existing traffic signal at Haun Road/Zeiders Road, or participating with others in the fair share cost of the modification, to allow operational compatibility between the Project’s street improvement and the traffic signal operation. Monitoring Phase: Pre-Occupancy Enforcement Agency: City of Menifee Engineering/Public Works Department Monitoring Agency: City of Menifee Engineering/Public Works Department MM IV.K-5 Prior to issuance of first occupancy permits, the Project applicant shall install and is eligible to receive a future fair-share reimbursement by others for a traffic signal and street improvements at the intersection of Murrieta Road and Scott Road including finalizing the street improvement and signal design subject to the approval of the City Engineer. Alternatively, the Project applicant may pay a fair share of the cost for the design and construction of the traffic signal and lanes by others provided that installation is complete prior to the issuance of first occupancy permits. The street improvements shall add a second southbound left-turn lane, an eastbound left-turn lane, a second westbound through lane, and a westbound right-turn lane with overlap signal phase. Monitoring Phase: Pre-Occupancy Enforcement Agency: City of Menifee Engineering/Public Works Department Monitoring Agency: City of Menifee Engineering/Public Works Department MM IV.K-6 Prior to issuance of first occupancy permits, the Project applicant shall install and is eligible to receive a future fair-share reimbursement by others for a traffic signal and southbound left-turn lane on Zeiders Road and Keller Road including finalizing the signal design subject to the approval of the City Engineer. If the signal and southbound left-turn lane are constructed by others, the Project Applicant shall pay a fair-share cost to others provided the installation is complete prior to the issuance of first occupancy permits. 10.10.b Packet Pg. 261 Attachment: Development Agreement [Revision 1] (2556 : The Junction) City of Menifee May 2020 The Junction at Menifee Valley Mitigation Monitoring/Reporting Plan Addendum to Environmental Impact Report No. 495 Page 26 Monitoring Phase: Pre-Occupancy Enforcement Agency: City of Menifee Engineering/Public Works Department Monitoring Agency: City of Menifee Engineering/Public Works Department MM IV.K-7 Prior to the issuance of the first certificate of occupancy for the Project, the Project applicant shall pay fees into the applicable Regional Transportation Funding Programs for the following off-site improvements: • **Murrieta Road (NS)/Scott Road (EW): Add a second southbound left-turn lane and dedicated southbound right-turn lane. Add a second eastbound through lane. Add a second westbound through lane and a right turn lane with overlap on Scott Road. • **Haun Road (NS)/Newport Road (EW): Provide second eastbound right-turn lane with overlap. Add westbound right turn lane. Final improvements and timing for fair share contributions at this intersection may be determined by the City during final Project review and approval. Subject to future reimbursement by others. • **Haun Road (NS)/Holland Road (EW): Install traffic signal. Add northbound left- turn lane and second through lane. Add southbound left-turn lane and second through lane. Add westbound left-turn lane and right-turn lane. Subject to future reimbursement by others. (In the event that Holland Road Overcrossing project is ready to proceed prior to issuance of first occupancy permits for the Project then the improvements may be substituted with the following: installation of a traffic signal, including Plan Specifications and Engineering and street improvements to include adding one northbound left-turn and one through/right-turn option lane, one southbound left-turn lane and one through/right-turn option lane and eastbound left-turn lane.) • **Haun Road (NS)/Garbani Road (EW): Install traffic signal. Add one additional through lane. Add a second southbound through lane on Haun Road. Add westbound left turn lane. Subject to future reimbursement by others. (In the event that Holland Road Overcrossing project is ready to proceed prior to issuance of first occupancy permits for the Project then the improvements may be substituted with the following: installation of a traffic signal, including Plan Specifications and Engineering and street improvements to include adding one northbound left-turn lane and one northbound through/right-turn option lane, one southbound left-turn lane and one southbound through/right-turn option lane, one through eastbound left-turn lane and one eastbound through/right-turn option lane, and one westbound left-turn lane and one westbound through/right-turn option lane.) • Haun Road (NS)/Southern Project Driveway (EW): Install traffic signal. Construct lanes. (Note: Project applicant shall install traffic signal and will be subject to 50% 10.10.b Packet Pg. 262 Attachment: Development Agreement [Revision 1] (2556 : The Junction) City of Menifee May 2020 The Junction at Menifee Valley Mitigation Monitoring/Reporting Plan Addendum to Environmental Impact Report No. 495 Page 27 reimbursement by Project PP 22674 or will contribute its 50% cost for improvements implemented by Project PP 22674). • **Haun/Zeiders Road (NS)/Scott Road (EW): Add second northbound left-turn lanes, second through lane and dual right-turn lanes with overlap. Add 2 southbound left turn lanes, a second southbound through lane, and a southbound right-turn lane on Haun Road. Add second eastbound left-turn lane and three total through lanes. Add a second westbound left turn lane, three total through lanes, and a right-turn lane with overlap. (In the event that the Holland Road Overcrossing project is ready to proceed prior to issuance of first occupancy prior to issuance of first occupancy permits for the Project then the improvements may be substituted with the following: modification of existing traffic signal, including additional equipment and appurtenances, as required, for street improvements and to provide a westbound right-turn overlap and street improvements to include adding one eastbound left-turn lane, and one eastbound through lane, one westbound through lane, 1 westbound left-turn lane and 1 westbound right-turn lane.) • **Zeiders Road (NS)/Keller Road (NS): Install traffic signal and southbound left- turn lane. (Note: Project applicant shall install traffic signal and southbound left- turn lane and will be subject to future fair-share reimbursement by others or will contribute its fair-share cost for traffic signal and southbound left-turn lane installation if installed by others). • Menifee Road (NS)/Newport Road (EW): Final improvements and timing for fair share contributions at this intersection may be determined by the City during final Project review and approval. Add eastbound right-turn lane with overlap. • **Menifee Road (NS)/Garbani Road (EW): Install traffic signal. Add westbound left-turn lane. • **Menifee Road (NS)/Scott Road (EW): Add southbound right-turn lane with overlap. Add third eastbound and westbound through lanes. Add westbound right- turn lane with overlap. (Note: Constraints on geometry exist at this intersection.) ** = The Project applicant must pay a fair share through the regional transportation funding programs to install traffic signals at these intersections. Monitoring Phase: Pre-Occupancy Enforcement Agency: City of Menifee Engineering/Public Works Department Monitoring Agency: City of Menifee Engineering/Public Works Department 10.10.b Packet Pg. 263 Attachment: Development Agreement [Revision 1] (2556 : The Junction) 916/031858-0003 15091031.1 a05/21/20 EXHIBIT E -1- EXHIBIT E Development Impact Fees 1Fee includes MDP South Benefit Area 10.10.b Packet Pg. 264 Attachment: Development Agreement [Revision 1] (2556 : The Junction) 916/031858-0003 15091031.1 a05/21/20 EXHIBIT F -1- EXHIBIT F Public Benefits 1) Expanded Contribution to Howard Way Ultimate Improvements–The DEVELOPER shall pay an in lieu fee sufficient to cover the costs of installation those improvements, in addition to those otherwise conditions as part of the Development Plan, sufficient to build the ultimate improvements on Howard Way sufficient to satisfied City collector street standards along the full Project frontage (“Fee for Expanded Improvements”). The Amount of the Fee for Expanded Improvements shall be based on an Engineers Estimate commissioned by DEVELOPER and approved by City, utilizing unit costs that the City utilizes for bonding purposes. The Fee for Expanded Improvements must be paid prior to the issuance of grading permits for the roadway improvements along Howard Way that are required of DEVELOPER as part of the Development Plan. . 2) Master Drainage Improvements – DEVELOPER shall construct or cause the construction of the portion of the master drainage facility from the southerly right of way of Scott Road to the northerly right of way of Scott Road which is also the southerly property line of the project site, as depicted on Exhibit F-1, and more particularly described on Exhibit F-2 (“Drainage Improvements”). Improvement Plans for the Drainage Improvements shall be submitted concurrent with DEVELOPER’s submittal of improvement plans for Haun Road improvements. DEVELOPER shall also convey to CITY drainage / flowage easement to allow public waters to cross the property via the public master drainage facility to the terminus north and west of the project site, as depicted on Exhibit F-1, and more particularly described on Exhibit F-2 (“Drainage Easement”). The Drainage Improvements shall be completed and the Drainage Easement shall be conveyed to the City prior to the completion of the DEVELOPER’s improvements to Scott Road and Haun Road. 3) Haun Road Alignment Study (Study) - DEVELOPER shall cause to be prepared an alignment study prepared by a registered Civil Engineer, which shall analyze improvements for Haun Road from Scott Road to Scott Road north to Holland Road, a distance of 2.0 miles (±10,600 LF) (“Alignment Study”). The Alignment Study shall be consistent with the scoping letter of March 27, 2020 from Ronald W. Sklepko, P.E., Vice President of DRC Engineering, Inc., attached hereto as Exhibit F-3. 10.10.b Packet Pg. 265 Attachment: Development Agreement [Revision 1] (2556 : The Junction) 916/031858-0003 15091031.1 a05/21/20 EXHIBIT F-1 -1- EXHIBIT F-1 Summary of Main Drain Improvements in Scott Road and Haun Road 10.10.b Packet Pg. 266 Attachment: Development Agreement [Revision 1] (2556 : The Junction) 916/031858-0003 15091031.1 a05/21/20 EXHIBIT F-1 -2- 10.10.b Packet Pg. 267 Attachment: Development Agreement [Revision 1] (2556 : The Junction) 916/031858-0003 15091031.1 a05/21/20 EXHIBIT F-1 -3- 10.10.b Packet Pg. 268 Attachment: Development Agreement [Revision 1] (2556 : The Junction) 916/031858-0003 15091031.1 a05/21/20 EXHIBIT F-2 -1- EXHIBIT F-2 Preliminary Drainage Plan Detail 10.10.bPacket Pg. 269Attachment: Development Agreement [Revision 1] (2556 : The Junction) 916/031858-0003 15091031.1 a05/21/20 EXHIBIT F-2 -2- 10.10.bPacket Pg. 270Attachment: Development Agreement [Revision 1] (2556 : The Junction) 916/031858-0003 15091031.1 a05/21/20 EXHIBIT F-3 -1- EXHIBIT F-3 Scoping Letter for Haun Road Alignment Study 10.10.b Packet Pg. 271 Attachment: Development Agreement [Revision 1] (2556 : The Junction) 916/031858-0003 15091031.1 a05/21/20 EXHIBIT F-3 -2- 10.10.b Packet Pg. 272 Attachment: Development Agreement [Revision 1] (2556 : The Junction) 916/031858-0003 15091031.1 a05/21/20 EXHIBIT F-3 -3- 10.10.b Packet Pg. 273 Attachment: Development Agreement [Revision 1] (2556 : The Junction) 916/031858-0003 15091031.1 a05/21/20 EXHIBIT G -1- EXHIBIT G Assumption Agreement 10.10.b Packet Pg. 274 Attachment: Development Agreement [Revision 1] (2556 : The Junction) 916/031858-0003 15091031.1 a05/21/20 EXHIBIT G -2- 10.10.b Packet Pg. 275 Attachment: Development Agreement [Revision 1] (2556 : The Junction) 916/031858-0003 15091031.1 a05/21/20 EXHIBIT G -3- 10.10.b Packet Pg. 276 Attachment: Development Agreement [Revision 1] (2556 : The Junction) 916/031858-0003 15091031.1 a05/21/20 EXHIBIT G -4- 10.10.b Packet Pg. 277 Attachment: Development Agreement [Revision 1] (2556 : The Junction) 916/031858-0003 15091031.1 a05/21/20 EXHIBIT G -5- 10.10.b Packet Pg. 278 Attachment: Development Agreement [Revision 1] (2556 : The Junction) 916/031858-0003 15091031.1 a05/21/20 EXHIBIT G -6- 10.10.b Packet Pg. 279 Attachment: Development Agreement [Revision 1] (2556 : The Junction) 916/031858-0003 15091031.1 a05/21/20 EXHIBIT G -7- 10.10.b Packet Pg. 280 Attachment: Development Agreement [Revision 1] (2556 : The Junction) 916/031858-0003 15091031.1 a05/21/20 EXHIBIT G -8- 10.10.b Packet Pg. 281 Attachment: Development Agreement [Revision 1] (2556 : The Junction) 916/031858-0003 15091031.1 a05/21/20 EXHIBIT G -9- 10.10.b Packet Pg. 282 Attachment: Development Agreement [Revision 1] (2556 : The Junction) 916/031858-0003 15091031.1 a05/21/20 EXHIBIT G -10- 10.10.b Packet Pg. 283 Attachment: Development Agreement [Revision 1] (2556 : The Junction) 916/031858-0003 15091031.1 a05/21/20 EXHIBIT G -11- 10.10.b Packet Pg. 284 Attachment: Development Agreement [Revision 1] (2556 : The Junction) 916/031858-0003 15091031.1 a05/21/20 EXHIBIT G -12- 10.10.b Packet Pg. 285 Attachment: Development Agreement [Revision 1] (2556 : The Junction) From:Mauricio Alvarez To:Ryan Fowler Subject:The Junction Plot Plan 2017-287 Date:Monday, July 6, 2020 10:52:35 AM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click on anylinks or open attachments unless your recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Good Morning Ryan, RTA has reviewed the plans you have sent and have one comment: 1. ADA compliant, connected sidewalk on both Haun Rd & Scott Rd. Thank you for considering this comment. Mauricio Alvarez, MBA Planning AnalystRiverside Transit Agencyp: 951.565.5260 | e: malvarez@riversidetransit.comWebsite | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram1825 Third Street, Riverside, CA 92507 10.10.c Packet Pg. 286 Attachment: RTA Comment Letter (2556 : The Junction) CITY OF MENIFEE SUBJECT: Reimbursement Agreement for the Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Program Funds for the McCall/I-215 Interchange MEETING DATE: July 15, 2020 TO: Mayor and City Council PREPARED BY: Carlos Geronimo, Senior Civil Engineer REVIEWED BY: Jonathan Smith, Public Works Director/City Engineer APPROVED BY: Armando G. Villa, City Manager RECOMMENDED ACTION Execute agreement between City of Menifee and the Western Riverside Council of Governments (WRCOG) to reimburse Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Program (TUMF) funds for Environmental and Design of the McCall / I-215 Interchange Project. DISCUSSION The I-215/McCall Boulevard Interchange is located on I-215 between Ethanac Road and Newport Road. It is a major access point for existing and proposed residential and commercial sites. This area is projected to experience substantial growth from planned development projects. Build out of the area will generate substantial traffic growth on the freeway and McCall Boulevard at the interchange. Widening of McCall Boulevard at the interchange will address existing deficiencies and accommodate projected growth. The City of Menifee has identified the need to advance the McCall Boulevard/I-215 Interchange Project through the Environmental and Design phases. A Project Initiation Document was completed in 2016 that included a Project Study Report and Project Development Study (PSR- PDS). The PSR-PDS identifies the environmental documents needed, potential interchange geometry alternatives, and right-of-way impacts of the project; this document is the basis for the next phases of the project. The McCall Boulevard/I-215 Interchange is a Transpiration Uniform Mitigation Fee (TUMF) facility with a maximum share contribution of $16,930,000. In FY 2019-20 additional funds became available in the TUMF program for projects within the Central Zone. The City of Menifee requested $2,852,230 of TUMF funds for the Environmental and Design phases of the project; this amount was the estimated cost in the PSR-PDS for these phases. Western Riverside Council of Governments (WRCOG) approved the City’s request. 10.11 Packet Pg. 287 City of Menifee Staff Report McCall/I-215 Interchange TUMF Agreement July 15, 2020 Page 2 of 2 FISCAL IMPACT Since this is a reimbursement agreement, there is no Fiscal Impact by executing this TUMF Reimbursement Agreement until the City enters into a contract with a consulting firm. Once the project is awarded to a selected engineering consulting firm through the RFP process, City Staff will bring this project before City Council for award identifying the accounts and appropriations to cover the cost of the project. ATTACHMENTS 1. McCall I-215 Interchange Agreement - TUMF 10.11 Packet Pg. 288 20-CN-MEN-1183 Page 1 of 14 TRANSPORTATION UNIFORM MITIGATION FEE PROGRAM AGREEMENT TO REIMBURSE TUMF FUNDS McCALL/I-215 INTERCHANGE THIS REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT (“Agreement”) is entered into as of this day of ____, 2020, by and between the Western Riverside Council of Governments (“WRCOG”), a California joint powers authority and The City of Menifee, a California municipal corporation (“AGENCY”). WRCOG and AGENCY are sometimes hereinafter referred to individually as “Party” and collectively as “Parties”. RECITALS A. WRCOG is the Administrator of the Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Program of Western Riverside County (“TUMF Program”). B. WRCOG has identified and designated certain transportation improvement projects throughout Western Riverside County as projects of regional importance (“Qualifying Projects” or “Projects”). The Qualifying Projects are more specifically described in that certain WRCOG study titled “TUMF Nexus Study”, as may be amended from time to time. Qualifying Projects can have Regional or Zonal significance as further described in the TUMF Nexus Study. C. The TUMF Program is funded by TUMF fees paid by new development in Western Riverside County (collectively, “TUMF Program Funds”). TUMF Program Funds are held in trust by WRCOG for the purpose of funding the Qualifying Projects. D. The AGENCY proposes to implement a Qualifying Project, and it is the purpose of this Agreement to identify the project and to set forth the terms and conditions by which WRCOG will release TUMF Program Funds. AGREEMENT NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and subject to the conditions contained herein, the Parties hereby agree as follows: 1. Description of the Qualifying Project. This Agreement is intended to distribute TUMF Program Funds to the AGENCY for McCall/I-215 Interchange, (the “Project”), a Qualifying Project. The Work, including a timetable and a detailed scope of work, is more fully described in Exhibit “A” attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference and, pursuant to Section 20 below, is subject to modification if requested by the AGENCY and approved by WRCOG. The work shall be consistent with one or more of the defined WRCOG Call for Projects phases detailed herein as follows: 1) PA&ED – Project Approvals & Environmental Document 2) PS&E – Plans, Specifications and Estimates 3) R/W – Right of Way Acquisition and Utility Relocation 4) CON – Construction 10.11.a Packet Pg. 289 Attachment: McCall I-215 Interchange Agreement - TUMF (2576 : McCall/I-215 Interchange TUMF Agreement) 20-CN-MEN-1183 Page 2 of 14 2. WRCOG Funding Amount. WRCOG hereby agrees to distribute to AGENCY, on the terms and conditions set forth herein, a sum not to exceed Two Million Eight Hundred Fifty Two Thousand Two Hundred Thirty Dollars ($2,852,230), to be used for reimbursing the AGENCY for eligible Project expenses as described in Section 3 herein (“Funding Amount”). The Parties acknowledge and agree that the Funding Amount may be less than the actual cost of the Project. Nevertheless, the Parties acknowledge and agree that WRCOG shall not be obligated to contribute TUMF Program Funds in excess of the maximum TUMF share identified in the TUMF Nexus Study (“Maximum TUMF Share”), as may be amended from time to time. 3. Project Costs Eligible for Advance/Reimbursement. The total Project costs (“Total Project Cost”) may include the following items, provided that such items are included in the scope of work attached hereto as Exhibit “A” (“Scope of Work”): (1) AGENCY and/or consultant costs associated with direct Project coordination and support; (2) funds expended in preparation of preliminary engineering studies; (3) funds expended for preparation of environmental review documentation for the Project; (4) all costs associated with right-of-way acquisition, including right-of-way engineering, appraisal, acquisition, legal costs for condemnation procedures if authorized by the AGENCY, and costs of reviewing appraisals and offers for property acquisition; (5) costs reasonably incurred if condemnation proceeds; (6) costs incurred in the preparation of plans, specifications, and estimates by AGENCY or consultants; (7) AGENCY costs associated with bidding, advertising and awarding of the Project contracts; (8) construction costs, including change orders to construction contract approved by the AGENCY; (9) construction management, field inspection and material testing costs; and (10) any AGENCY administrative cost to deliver the Project. 4. Ineligible Project Costs. The Total Project Cost shall not include the following items which shall be borne solely by the AGENCY without reimbursement: (1) any AGENCY administrative fees attributed to the reviewing and processing of the Project; and (2) expenses for items of work not included within the Scope of Work in Exhibit “A”. 5. Procedures for Distribution of TUMF Program Funds to AGENCY. (a) Initial Payment by the AGENCY. The AGENCY shall be responsible for initial payment of all the Project costs as they are incurred. Following payment of such Project costs, the AGENCY shall submit invoices to WRCOG requesting reimbursement of eligible Project costs. Each invoice shall be accompanied by detailed contractor invoices, or other demands for payment addressed to the AGENCY, and documents evidencing the AGENCY’s payment of the invoices or demands for payment. Documents evidencing the AGENCY’S payment of the invoices shall be retained for four (4) years and shall be made available for review by WRCOG. The AGENCY shall submit invoices not more often than monthly and not less often than quarterly. (b) Review and Reimbursement by WRCOG. Upon receipt of an invoice from the AGENCY, WRCOG may request additional documentation or explanation of the Project costs for which reimbursement is sought. Undisputed amounts shall be paid by WRCOG to the AGENCY within thirty (30) days. In the event that WRCOG disputes the eligibility of the AGENCY for reimbursement of all or a portion of an invoiced amount, the Parties shall meet 10.11.a Packet Pg. 290 Attachment: McCall I-215 Interchange Agreement - TUMF (2576 : McCall/I-215 Interchange TUMF Agreement) 20-CN-MEN-1183 Page 3 of 14 and confer in an attempt to resolve the dispute. If the meet and confer process is unsuccessful in resolving the dispute, the AGENCY may appeal WRCOG’s decision as to the eligibility of one or more invoices to WRCOG’s Executive Director. The WRCOG Executive Director shall provide his/her decision in writing. If the AGENCY disagrees with the Executive Director’s decision, the AGENCY may appeal the decision of the Executive Director to the full WRCOG Executive Committee, provided the AGENCY submits its request for appeal to WRCOG within ten (10) days of the Executive Director’s written decision. The decision of the WRCOG Executive Committee shall be final. Additional details concerning the procedure for the AGENCY’s submittal of invoices to WRCOG and WRCOG’s consideration and payment of submitted invoices are set forth in Exhibit “B”, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. (c) Funding Amount/Adjustment. If a post Project audit or review indicates that WRCOG has provided reimbursement to the AGENCY in an amount in excess of the Maximum TUMF Share of the Project, or has provided reimbursement of ineligible Project costs, the AGENCY shall reimburse WRCOG for the excess or ineligible payments within 30 days of notification by WRCOG. 6. Increases in Project Funding. The Funding Amount may, in WRCOG’s sole discretion, be augmented with additional TUMF Program Funds if the TUMF Nexus Study is amended to increase the maximum eligible TUMF share for the Project. Any such increase in the Funding Amount must be approved in writing by WRCOG’s Executive Director. In no case shall the amount of TUMF Program Funds allocated to the AGENCY exceed the then-current maximum eligible TUMF share for the Project. No such increased funding shall be expended to pay for any Project already completed. For purposes of this Agreement, the Project or any portion thereof shall be deemed complete upon its acceptance by WRCOG’s Executive Director which shall be communicated to the AGENCY in writing. 7. No Funding for Temporary Improvements. Only segments or components of the construction that are intended to form part of or be integrated into the Project may be funded by TUMF Program Funds. No improvement which is temporary in nature, including but not limited to temporary roads, curbs, tapers or drainage facilities, shall be funded with TUMF Program Funds, except as needed for staged construction of the Project. 8. AGENCY’s Funding Obligation to Complete the Project. In the event that the TUMF Program Funds allocated to the Project represent less than the total cost of the Project, the AGENCY shall provide such additional funds as may be required to complete the Project. 9. AGENCY’s Obligation to Repay TUMF Program Funds to WRCOG; Exception For PA&ED Phase Work. Except as otherwise expressly excepted within this paragraph, in the event that: (i) the AGENCY, for any reason, determines not to proceed with or complete the Project; or (ii) the Project is not timely completed, subject to any extension of time granted by WRCOG pursuant to the terms of this Agreement; the AGENCY agrees that any TUMF Program Funds that were distributed to the AGENCY for the Project shall be repaid in full to WRCOG, and the Parties shall enter into good faith negotiations to establish a reasonable repayment schedule and repayment mechanism. If the Project involves work pursuant to a PA&ED phase, 10.11.a Packet Pg. 291 Attachment: McCall I-215 Interchange Agreement - TUMF (2576 : McCall/I-215 Interchange TUMF Agreement) 20-CN-MEN-1183 Page 4 of 14 AGENCY shall not be obligated to repay TUMF Program Funds to WRCOG relating solely to PA&ED phase work performed for the Project. 10. AGENCY’s Local Match Contribution. “AGENCY local match funding is not required, as shown in Exhibit “A” and as called out in the AGENCY’s Project Nomination Form submitted to WRCOG in response to its Call for Projects.”] 11. Term/Notice of Completion. The term of this Agreement shall be from the date first herein above written until the earlier of the following: (i) the date WRCOG formally accepts the Project as complete, pursuant to Section 6; (ii) termination of this Agreement pursuant to Section 15; or (iii) the AGENCY has fully satisfied its obligations under this Agreement. All applicable indemnification provisions of this Agreement shall remain in effect following the termination of this Agreement. 12. Representatives of the Parties. WRCOG’s Executive Director, or his or her designee, shall serve as WRCOG’s representative and shall have the authority to act on behalf of WRCOG for all purposes under this Agreement. The AGENCY hereby designates Jonathan Smith, Director of Public Works, or his or her designee, as the AGENCY’s representative to WRCOG. The AGENCY’s representative shall have the authority to act on behalf of the AGENCY for all purposes under this Agreement and shall coordinate all activities of the Project under the AGENCY’s responsibility. The AGENCY shall work closely and cooperate fully with WRCOG’s representative and any other agencies which may have jurisdiction over or an interest in the Project. 13. Expenditure of Funds by AGENCY Prior to Execution of Agreement. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to prevent or preclude the AGENCY from expending funds on the Project prior to the execution of the Agreement, or from being reimbursed by WRCOG for such expenditures. However, the AGENCY understands and acknowledges that any expenditure of funds on the Project prior to the execution of the Agreement is made at the AGENCY’s sole risk, and that some expenditures by the AGENCY may not be eligible for reimbursement under this Agreement. 14. Review of Services. The AGENCY shall allow WRCOG’s Representative to inspect or review the progress of the Project at any reasonable time in order to determine whether the terms of this Agreement are being met. 15. Termination. (a) Notice. Either WRCOG or AGENCY may, by written notice to the other party, terminate this Agreement, in whole or in part, in response to a material breach hereof by the other Party, by giving written notice to the other party of such termination and specifying the effective date thereof. The written notice shall provide a 30-day period to cure any alleged breach. During the 30-day cure period, the Parties shall discuss, in good faith, the manner in which the breach can be cured. (b) Effect of Termination. In the event that the AGENCY terminates this Agreement, the AGENCY shall, within 180 days, repay to WRCOG any unexpended TUMF 10.11.a Packet Pg. 292 Attachment: McCall I-215 Interchange Agreement - TUMF (2576 : McCall/I-215 Interchange TUMF Agreement) 20-CN-MEN-1183 Page 5 of 14 Program Funds provided to the AGENCY under this Agreement and shall complete any portion or segment of work for the Project for which TUMF Program Funds have been provided. In the event that WRCOG terminates this Agreement, WRCOG shall, within 90 days, distribute to the AGENCY TUMF Program Funds in an amount equal to the aggregate total of all unpaid invoices which have been received from the AGENCY regarding the Project at the time of the notice of termination; provided, however, that WRCOG shall be entitled to exercise its rights under Section 5(b), including but not limited to conducting a review of the invoices and requesting additional information. Upon such termination, the AGENCY shall, within 180 days, complete any portion or segment of work for the Project for which TUMF Program Funds have been provided. This Agreement shall terminate upon receipt by the non-terminating Party of the amounts due to it hereunder and upon completion of the segment or portion of Project work for which TUMF Program Funds have been provided. (c) Cumulative Remedies. The rights and remedies of the Parties provided in this Section are in addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law or under this Agreement. 16. Prevailing Wages. The AGENCY and any other person or entity hired to perform services on the Project are alerted to the requirements of California Labor Code Sections 1770 et seq., which would require the payment of prevailing wages were the services or any portion thereof determined to be a public work, as defined therein. The AGENCY shall ensure compliance with these prevailing wage requirements by any person or entity hired to perform the Project. The AGENCY shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless WRCOG, its officers, employees, consultants, and agents from any claim or liability, including without limitation attorneys, fees, arising from its failure or alleged failure to comply with California Labor Code Sections 1770 et seq. 17. Progress Reports. WRCOG may request the AGENCY to provide WRCOG with progress reports concerning the status of the Project. 18. Indemnification. (a) AGENCY Responsibilities. In addition to the indemnification required under Section 16, the AGENCY agrees to indemnify and hold harmless WRCOG, its officers, agents, consultants, and employees from any and all claims, demands, costs or liability arising from or connected with all activities governed by this Agreement including all design and construction activities, due to negligent acts, errors or omissions or willful misconduct of the AGENCY or its subcontractors. The AGENCY will reimburse WRCOG for any expenditures, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, incurred by WRCOG, in defending against claims ultimately determined to be due to negligent acts, errors or omissions or willful misconduct of the AGENCY. (b) WRCOG Responsibilities. WRCOG agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the AGENCY, its officers, agents, consultants, and employees from any and all claims, demands, costs or liability arising from or connected with all activities governed by this Agreement including all design and construction activities, due to negligent acts, errors or omissions or willful misconduct of WRCOG or its sub-consultants. WRCOG will reimburse the 10.11.a Packet Pg. 293 Attachment: McCall I-215 Interchange Agreement - TUMF (2576 : McCall/I-215 Interchange TUMF Agreement) 20-CN-MEN-1183 Page 6 of 14 AGENCY for any expenditures, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, incurred by the AGENCY, in defending against claims ultimately determined to be due to negligent acts, errors or omissions or willful misconduct of WRCOG. (c) Effect of Acceptance. The AGENCY shall be responsible for the professional quality, technical accuracy and the coordination of any services provided to complete the Project. WRCOG’s review, acceptance or funding of any services performed by the AGENCY or any other person or entity under this Agreement shall not be construed to operate as a waiver of any rights WRCOG may hold under this Agreement or of any cause of action arising out of this Agreement. Further, the AGENCY shall be and remain liable to WRCOG, in accordance with applicable law, for all damages to WRCOG caused by the AGENCY’s negligent performance of this Agreement or supervision of any services provided to complete the Project. 19. Insurance. The AGENCY shall require, at a minimum, all persons or entities hired to perform the Project to obtain, and require their subcontractors to obtain, insurance of the types and in the amounts described below and satisfactory to the AGENCY and WRCOG. Such insurance shall be maintained throughout the term of this Agreement, or until completion of the Project, whichever occurs last. (a) Commercial General Liability Insurance. Occurrence version commercial general liability insurance or equivalent form with a combined single limit of not less than $1,000,000.00 per occurrence. If such insurance contains a general aggregate limit, it shall apply separately to the Project or be no less than two times the occurrence limit. Such insurance shall: (i) Name WRCOG and AGENCY, and their respective officials, officers, employees, agents, and consultants as insured with respect to performance of the services on the Project and shall contain no special limitations on the scope of coverage or the protection afforded to these insured; (ii) Be primary with respect to any insurance or self-insurance programs covering WRCOG and AGENCY, and/or their respective officials, officers, employees, agents, and consultants; and (iii) Contain standard separation of insured provisions. (b) Business Automobile Liability Insurance. Business automobile liability insurance or equivalent form with a combined single limit of not less than $1,000,000.00 per occurrence. Such insurance shall include coverage for owned, hired and non-owned automobiles. (c) Professional Liability Insurance. Errors and omissions liability insurance with a limit of not less than $1,000,000.00 Professional liability insurance shall only be required of design or engineering professionals. 10.11.a Packet Pg. 294 Attachment: McCall I-215 Interchange Agreement - TUMF (2576 : McCall/I-215 Interchange TUMF Agreement) 20-CN-MEN-1183 Page 7 of 14 (d) Workers’ Compensation Insurance. Workers’ compensation insurance with statutory limits and employers’ liability insurance with limits of not less than $1,000,000.00 each accident. 20. Project Amendments. Changes to the characteristics of the Project, including the deadline for Project completion, and any responsibilities of the AGENCY or WRCOG may be requested in writing by the AGENCY and are subject to the approval of WRCOG’s Representative, which approval will not be unreasonably withheld, provided that extensions of time for completion of the Project shall be approved in the sole discretion of WRCOG’s Representative. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to require or allow completion of the Project without full compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (Public Resources Code Section 21000 et seq.; “CEQA”) and the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 USC 4231 et seq.), if applicable, but the necessity of compliance with CEQA and/or NEPA shall not justify, excuse, or permit a delay in completion of the Project. 21. Conflict of Interest. For the term of this Agreement, no member, officer or employee of the AGENCY or WRCOG, during the term of his or her service with the AGENCY or WRCOG, as the case may be, shall have any direct interest in this Agreement, or obtain any present or anticipated material benefit arising therefrom. 22. Limited Scope of Duties. WRCOG’s and the AGENCY’s duties and obligations under this Agreement are limited to those described herein. WRCOG has no obligation with respect to the safety of any Project performed at a job site. In addition, WRCOG shall not be liable for any action of AGENCY or its contractors relating to the condemnation of property undertaken by AGENCY or construction related to the Project. 23. Books and Records. Each party shall maintain complete, accurate, and clearly identifiable records with respect to costs incurred for the Project under this Agreement. They shall make available for examination by the other party, its authorized agents, officers or employees any and all ledgers and books of account, invoices, vouchers, canceled checks, and other records or documents evidencing or related to the expenditures and disbursements charged to the other party pursuant to this Agreement. Further, each party shall furnish to the other party, its agents or employees such other evidence or information as they may require with respect to any such expense or disbursement charged by them. All such information shall be retained by the Parties for at least four (4) years following termination of this Agreement, and they shall have access to such information during the four-year period for the purposes of examination or audit. 24. Equal Opportunity Employment. The Parties represent that they are equal opportunity employers and they shall not discriminate against any employee or applicant of reemployment because of race, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, sex or age. Such non- discrimination shall include, but not be limited to, all activities related to initial employment, upgrading, demotion, transfer, recruitment or recruitment advertising, layoff or termination. 25. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed with the laws of the State of California. 10.11.a Packet Pg. 295 Attachment: McCall I-215 Interchange Agreement - TUMF (2576 : McCall/I-215 Interchange TUMF Agreement) 20-CN-MEN-1183 Page 8 of 14 26. Attorneys’ Fees. If either party commences an action against the other party arising out of or in connection with this Agreement, the prevailing party in such litigation shall be entitled to have and recover from the losing party reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs of suit. 27. Time of Essence. Time is of the essence for each and every provision of this Agreement. 28. Headings. Article and Section Headings, paragraph captions or marginal headings contained in this Agreement are for convenience only and shall have no effect in the construction or interpretation of any provision herein. 29. Public Acknowledgement. The AGENCY agrees that all public notices, news releases, information signs and other forms of communication shall indicate that the Project is being cooperatively funded by the AGENCY and WRCOG TUMF Program Funds. 30. No Joint Venture. This Agreement is for funding purposes only and nothing herein shall be construed to make WRCOG a party to the construction of the Project or to make it a partner or joint venture with the AGENCY for such purpose. 31. Compliance With the Law. The AGENCY shall comply with all applicable laws, rules and regulations governing the implementation of the Qualifying Project, including, where applicable, the rules and regulations pertaining to the participation of businesses owned or controlled by minorities and women promulgated by the Federal Highway Administration and the Federal Department of Transportation. 32. Notices. All notices hereunder and communications regarding interpretation of the terms of this Agreement or changes thereto shall be provided by the mailing thereof by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid and addressed as follows: If to AGENCY: The City of Menifee 29844 Huan Road Menifee, CA 92586 Attention: Jonathan Smith, Director of Public Works Telephone: 951-723-3704 Mobile: 951-723-7594 If to WRCOG: Western Riverside Council of Governments Riverside County Administrative Center 3390 University Ave, Suite 200 Riverside, California 92501 Attention: Christopher Gray, Director of Transportation Telephone: (951) 955-8304 Facsimile: (951) 787-7991 10.11.a Packet Pg. 296 Attachment: McCall I-215 Interchange Agreement - TUMF (2576 : McCall/I-215 Interchange TUMF Agreement) 20-CN-MEN-1183 Page 9 of 14 Any notice so given shall be considered served on the other party three (3) days after deposit in the U.S. mail, first class postage prepaid, return receipt requested, and addressed to the party at its applicable address. Actual notice shall be deemed adequate notice on the date actual notice occurred regardless of the method of service. 33. Integration; Amendment. This Agreement contains the entire agreement between the PARTIES. Any agreement or representation respecting matters addressed herein that are not expressly set forth in this Agreement is null and void. This Agreement may be amended only by mutual written agreement of the PARTIES. 34. Severability. If any term, provision, condition or covenant of this Agreement is held invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this Agreement shall not be affected thereby. 35. Conflicting Provisions. In the event that provisions of any attached appendices or exhibits conflict in any way with the provisions set forth in this Agreement, the language, terms and conditions contained in this Agreement shall control the actions and obligations of the Parties and the interpretation of the Parties’ understanding concerning the Agreement. 36. Independent Contractors. Any person or entities retained by the AGENCY or any contractor shall be retained on an independent contractor basis and shall not be employees of WRCOG. Any personnel performing services on the Project shall at all times be under the exclusive direction and control of the AGENCY or contractor, whichever is applicable. The AGENCY or contractor shall pay all wages, salaries and other amounts due such personnel in connection with their performance of services on the Project and as required by law. The AGENCY or consultant shall be responsible for all reports and obligations respecting such personnel, including, but not limited to: social security taxes, income tax withholding, unemployment insurance and workers’ compensation insurance. 37. Effective Date. This Agreement shall not be effective until executed by both Parties. The failure of one party to execute this Agreement within forty-five (45) days of the other party executing this Agreement shall render any execution of this Agreement ineffective. 38. No Third Party Beneficiaries. There are no intended third party beneficiaries of any right or obligation assumed by the Parties. [SIGNATURES ON FOLLOWING PAGE] 10.11.a Packet Pg. 297 Attachment: McCall I-215 Interchange Agreement - TUMF (2576 : McCall/I-215 Interchange TUMF Agreement) 20-CN-MEN-1183 Page 10 of 14 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have caused this Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized representatives to be effective on the day and year first above-written. WESTERN RIVERSIDE COUNCIL THE CITY OF MENIFEE OF GOVERNMENTS By: Date: By: Date: Rick Bishop Bill Zimmerman Executive Director Mayor Approved to Form: By: Date: Steven C. DeBaun General Counsel 6/12/20 6/12/20 10.11.a Packet Pg. 298 Attachment: McCall I-215 Interchange Agreement - TUMF (2576 : McCall/I-215 Interchange TUMF Agreement) 20-CN-MEN-1183 Exhibit A Page 11 of 14 EXHIBIT “A” SCOPE OF WORK SCOPE OF WORK: PA&ED as well as PS&E Phases of the project including completion of the environmental document and project approval through Caltrans, completion of the plans, specifications and estimate with Caltrans oversight as in accordance with approved Project Study Report for this project. 10.11.a Packet Pg. 299 Attachment: McCall I-215 Interchange Agreement - TUMF (2576 : McCall/I-215 Interchange TUMF Agreement) 20-CN-MEN-1183 Exhibit A – 1 Page 12 of 14 EXHIBIT “A-1” ESTIMATE OF COST Phase TUMF LOCAL TOTAL PA&ED $1,100,000 $1,100,000 PS&E $1,752,230 $1,752,230 RIGHT OF WAY CONSTRUCTION TOTAL $2,852,230 $2,852,230 10.11.a Packet Pg. 300 Attachment: McCall I-215 Interchange Agreement - TUMF (2576 : McCall/I-215 Interchange TUMF Agreement) 20-CN-MEN-1183 Exhibit A – 2 Page 13 of 14 EXHIBIT “A-2” PROJECT SCHEDULE TIMETABLE: Phase Estimated Completion Date Estimated Cost Comments PA&ED 6/30/2022 $1,100,000 PS&E 6/30/2024 $1,752,230 RIGHT OF WAY CONSTRUCTION TOTAL $2,852,230 10.11.a Packet Pg. 301 Attachment: McCall I-215 Interchange Agreement - TUMF (2576 : McCall/I-215 Interchange TUMF Agreement) 20-CN-MEN-1183 Exhibit B-5 Page 14 of 14 10.11.a Packet Pg. 302 Attachment: McCall I-215 Interchange Agreement - TUMF (2576 : McCall/I-215 Interchange TUMF Agreement) CITY OF MENIFEE SUBJECT: Permanent Local Housing Allocation Program Funding MEETING DATE: July 15, 2020 TO: Mayor and City Council PREPARED BY: Edna Lebron, Senior Management Analyst REVIEWED BY: Cheryl Kitzerow, Community Development Director APPROVED BY: Armando G. Villa, City Manager RECOMMENDED ACTION Adopt a Resolution authorizing staff to submit an application for Permanent Local Housing Allocation (PLHA) funds to be used as described in the staff report/plan for down payment assistance. DISCUSSION In 2017, Governor Brown signed a 15-bill housing package aimed at addressing the State’s housing shortage and high housing costs. Specifically, it included the Building Homes and Jobs Act of 2017 (SB 2), which established a $75 recording fee on documents for certain real estate transactions, designed to generate ongoing revenues to increase the supply of affordable homes in California. Because the number of real estate transactions recorded in each county will vary from year to year, the revenues collected will fluctuate. In February 2020, the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) announced the release of entitlement and non-entitlement components of local government formula and released a Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) to award approximately $195 million for the Permanent Local Housing Allocation (PLHA) Program. This funding provides grants to entitlement and non-entitlement local governments in California for eligible housing- related projects and programs that assist in addressing the unmet housing needs of their local communities. The State estimates that the City of Menifee will receive $251,604 by formula allocation for FY 2019-20, and an estimated $1.2 million total over five years. (Note that this five-year figure is only an estimate made pre-COVID, and the actual amount of funds to be awarded will likely vary from that estimate.) The City must submit an application, including a Council-approved five-year expenditure plan, by July 27, 2020, to receive that funding in late 2020. The five-year expenditure plan must detail how the allocated funds will be used for eligible activities. It also must include a description of the way the City will prioritize investments that 11.1 Packet Pg. 303 City of Menifee Staff Report Permanent Local Housing Allocation Program July 15, 2020 Page 2 of 2 increase the supply of housing for households with incomes at or below 60% of area median income (AMI). HCD has clarified that programs targeted for homeless and at-risk populations, at or below 30% AMI by definition, do meet this requirement. In addition, the expenditure plan must also include a description of how it is consistent with the programs set forth in the City’s Housing Element, and evidence that it was authorized and adopted by resolution of the City Council. PROGRAM The City proposes to allocate 100% of the PLHA funds for direct homeownership assistance to eligible households by providing down payment assistance on a first-come, first-served basis to persons not exceeding 80 percent of the HUD-adjusted area median income. The program will provide down payment assistance as a silent-second loan in the amount of up to $15,000. If the PLHA recipient is no longer the principal property owner or the property is sold prior to the end of the fifteenth (15) year affordability period, all PLHA direct subsidy funds must be repaid. Otherwise, the loan is converted to a grant after the affordability period. In addition, staff time associated with using the funds can be charged as project delivery costs, while up to five percent of the award can be used for general administrative costs related to tracking and annual reporting on the execution of eligible activities. Once the City Council approves the expenditure plan and submission of the application to HCD, HCD is expected to approve the application and send the City a five-year Standard Agreement to be executed and signed within 90 days. All the first-year’s allocation will be available for disbursement once the Standard Agreement is executed. Each year, HCD will publish the amount of funds the City will receive for the following year. To receive the funds, the City must submit a letter accepting the funds, its annual report detailing uses and expenditures of all awarded PLHA allocations and outcomes achieved, must have a certified Housing Element, and have submitted its latest Housing Element annual performance report. During the five-year expenditure plan period, up to 10% of the planned expenditure for each type of eligible activity may be reallocated to another activity without the submission of a plan amendment; however, changes exceeding this amount require HCD’s approval in writing. FISCAL IMPACT There is no fiscal impact to the General Fund. The City’s PLHA Program will be fully grant funded and allocated through the California Department of Housing and Community Development. It is estimated that the City may receive $251,604 per year for the next five years, totaling approximately $1.2 million. Upon formal confirmation that the City will be awarded the requested PLHA funds, staff will return to Council with a corresponding Budget Adjustment Resolution, formally accepting and amending the budget to recognize the grant funds. ATTACHMENTS 1. Resolution PLHA 2. PLHA Formula Allocation Application 11.1 Packet Pg. 304 RESOLUTION NO. 20- _________ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MENIFEE APPROVING THE SUBMITTAL TO APPLY FOR AND ACCEPT PERMANENT LOCAL HOUSING ALLOCATION PROGRAM FUNDS FROM THE CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT (HCD) WHEREAS, HCD is authorized to provide up to $195 million under the SB 2 Permanent Local Housing Allocation Program Formula Component from the Building Homes and Jobs Trust Fund for assistance to Cities and Counties (as described in Health and Safety Code section 50470 et seq. (Chapter 364, Statutes of 2017 (SB 2)); and WHEREAS, the State of California (the “State”), Department of Housing and Community Development (“Department”) issued a Notice of Funding Availability (“NOFA”) dated 02/26/2020 under the Permanent Local Housing Allocation (PLHA) Program; and WHEREAS, the City of Menifee is an eligible Local government applying for the program to administer one or more eligible activities; and WHEREAS HCD may approve funding allocations for PLHA Program, subject to the terms and conditions of the Guidelines, NOFA, Program requirements, the Standard Agreement and other contracts between HCD and PLHA grant recipients; NOW THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MENIFEE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. If the City of Menifee receives a grant of PLHA funds from HCD pursuant to the above referenced PLHA NOFA, it represents and certifies that it will use all such funds in a manner consistent and in compliance with all applicable state and federal statutes, rules, regulations, and laws, including without limitation all rules and laws regarding the PLHA Program, as well as any and all contracts City of Menifee may have with HCD. Section 2. City of Menifee is hereby authorized and directed to receive a PLHA grant, in an amount not to exceed the five-year estimate of the PLHA formula allocations, as stated in Appendix C of the current NOFA $1.2M in accordance with all applicable rules and laws. Section 3. City of Menifee hereby agrees to use the PLHA funds for eligible activities as approved by the HCD and in accordance with all Program requirements, Guidelines, other rules and laws, as well as in a manner consistent and in compliance with the Standard Agreement and other contracts between the City of Menifee and the HCD. 11.1.a Packet Pg. 305 Attachment: Resolution PLHA [Revision 3] (2575 : Permanent Local Housing Allocation Program) Section 4. Pursuant to City of Menifee’s certification in this resolution, the PLHA funds will be expended only for eligible Activities and consistent with all program requirements. Section 5. City of Menifee shall be subject to the terms and conditions as specified in the Standard Agreement, the PLHA Program Guidelines and any other applicable SB 2 Guidelines published by the HCD. Section 6. The City Manager, or designee is authorized to execute the PLHA Program Application, the PLHA Standard Agreement and any subsequent amendments or modifications thereto, as well as any other documents which are related to the Program or the PLHA grant awarded to City of Menifee, as HCD may deem appropriate. 11.1.a Packet Pg. 306 Attachment: Resolution PLHA [Revision 3] (2575 : Permanent Local Housing Allocation Program) PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 15th day of July 2020. ____________________________ Bill Zimmerman, Mayor ATTEST APPROVED AS TO FORM: ________________________ __________________________ Sarah Manwaring, City Clerk Jeffrey Melching, City Attorney 11.1.a Packet Pg. 307 Attachment: Resolution PLHA [Revision 3] (2575 : Permanent Local Housing Allocation Program) Final Filing Date: April 27, 2020 through July 27, 2020 at 5 P.M. PST Permanent Local Housing Allocation (PLHA) Formula Allocation 2020 Application State of California Governor, Gavin Newsom Lourdes Castro Ramírez, Secretary Business, Consumer Services and Housing Agency Douglas R. McCauley, Acting Director Department of Housing and Community Development Program Design and Implementation, PLHA Program 2020 West El Camino Avenue, Suite 150, Sacramento, CA 95833 PLHA Program Email: PLHA@hcd.ca.gov 11.1.b Packet Pg. 308 Attachment: PLHA Formula Allocation Application [Revision 1] (2575 : Permanent Local Housing Allocation Program) §302(c)(4)(D) Evidence that the Plan was authorized and adopted by resolution by the Local jurisdiction and that the public had an adequate opportunity to review and comment on its content. Plan Adoption 5 Legally binding agreement between Delegating and Administering Local Governments 4 X Applicant Agreement Disclosure of Application (California Public Records Act Statutes of 1968 Chapter 1473): Information provided in the application will become a public record available for review by the public, pursuant to the California Public Records Act Statutes of 1968 Chapter 1473. As such, any materials provided will be disclosable to any person making a request under this Act. The Department cautions Applicants to use discretion in providing information not specifically requested, including but not limited to, bank accounts, personal phone numbers and home addresses. By providing this information to the Department, the Applicant is waiving any claim of confidentiality and consents to the disclosure of submitted material upon request." Binder Tab # Threshold Requirement Electronic File Name Document Description Included? 1 X 2 3 X App1 TIN Taxpayer Identification Number Document Sponsor must complete the following worksheets in the PLHA Formula Allocation Application. Formula Allocation Application X App1 Signature Block Signature Block - upload in Microsoft Word Document 302(c)(4) Plan Legislative Contacts Checklist App1 Resolution PLHA webpage for Resolution Document "Red" shaded cells indicate the Sponsor has failed to meet a requirement of the program. Point cells in the Scoring worksheet shaded in "red" indicate that the Sponsor has failed to meet the minimum points required. Instructions Rev. 5/20/20 When opening this file, a yellow banner at the top may appear with a button that says "Enable Content". It is essential that you click this box so that the macros are enabled. Enabling macros is necessary for full worksheet functionality. Macros do not work with Microsoft's Excel version for Apple Mac. HCD will only accept applications through a postal carrier service such as U.S. Postal Service, UPS, FedEx or other carrier services that provide date stamp verification confirming delivery to HCD’s office. A complete original application and an electronic copy on a USB flash drive with all applicable information must be received by HCD via postal carrier no later than 5:00 p.m. on: Monday, July 27, 2020 Applications must be on the Department’s forms and cannot be altered or modified by the Applicant. Excel forms must be in Excel format and unprotected, not a .pdf document. For application errors please fill out the Application Support worksheet and email the entire workbook to Application Support for application errors at AppSupport@hcd.ca.gov. General Instructions (Additional instructions and guidance are given throughout the Supplemental Application in "red" text and in cell comments. Guideline references are made with "§" and the corresponding guideline section number. "Yellow" cells are for Sponsor input. Failure to provide the required attachments and documentation may disqualify your application from consideration or may negatively impact your point score. Required attachments are indicated in "orange" throughout the Supplemental Application. Failure to provide the required attachments and documentation may disqualify your application from consideration or may negatively impact your point score. Electronically attached files must use the naming convention in the Supplemental Application. For Example: "App1 Payee Data" for Sponsor 1 Payee Data Record/STD. 204. Threshold items are indicated in "blue" cells. PLHA Page 1 Instructions & Checklist 11.1.b Packet Pg. 309 Attachment: PLHA Formula Allocation Application [Revision 1] (2575 : Permanent Local Housing Allocation Program) City Zip Eligible Applicant Type: Entitlement Local Government Recipient of PLHA Formula Allocation: Menifee 29844 Haun Road City:Menifee Yes §302(b) Applicant or Delegating Local Government has submitted the current or prior year's Annual Progress Report to the Department of Housing and Community Development pursuant to Governemnt Code Section 65400. Yes File Name: Approximate PLHA Formula Allocation Amount:$12,580Allowable Local Admin (5%):$251,604 No App1 TIN App1 Signature Block App1 Resolution §300(d) If Applicant answered "Yes" above, has the Applicant attached the legally binding agreement required by §300 (c) and (d)? Signature Block - upload in Microsoft Word Document Attached and on USB?Yes File Name: File Name: §302(c)(4)(D) Applicant certifies that the Plan was authorized and adopted by resolution by the Local Government and that the public had an adequate opportunity to review and comment on its content §302(c)(7) Applicant certifies that it will ensure that the PLHA assistance is in the form of a low-interest, deferred loan to the Sponsor of the Project, if funds are used for the development of an Affordable Rental Housing Development. The loan shall be evidenced through a Promissory Note secured by a Deed of Trust.Yes Threshold Requirements, §302 Applicant Agreement Legally binding agreement between Delegating and Administering Local Governments §301(a)(10) Fiscal incentives made by a county to a city within the county to incentivize approval of one or more affordable housing Projects, or matching funds invested by a county in an affordable housing development Project in a city within the county, provided that the city has made an equal or greater investment in the Project. The county fiscal incentives shall be in the form of a grant or low-interest loan to an affordable housing Project. Matching funds investments by both the county and the city also shall be a grant or low-interest deferred loan to the affordable housing Project. §301(a)(9) Homeownership opportunities, including, but not limited to, down payment assistance. §301(a)(8) Efforts to acquire and rehabilitate foreclosed or vacant homes and apartments. §301(a)(7) Accessibility modifications in Lower-income Owner-occupied housing. §301(a)(6) Assisting persons who are experiencing or At-risk of homelessness, including, but not limited to, providing rapid re-housing, rental assistance, supportive/case management services that allow people to obtain and retain housing, operating and capital costs for navigation centers and emergency shelters, and the new construction, rehabilitation, and preservation of permanent and transitional housing. §301(a)(5) Capitalized Reserves for services connected to the preservation and creation of new permanent supportive housing. §301(a)(4) Matching portions of funds available through the Low- and Moderate-Income Housing Asset Fund pursuant to subdivision (d) of HSC Section 34176. §301(a)(3) Matching portions of funds placed into Local or Regional Housing Trust Funds. §301(a)(2) The predevelopment, development, acquisition, rehabilitation, and preservation of affordable rental and ownership housing, including Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs), that meets the needs of a growing workforce earning up to 120 percent of AMI, or 150 percent of AMI in high-cost areas. ADUs shall be available for occupancy for a term of no less than 30 days. Yes §301(a)(1) The predevelopment, development, acquisition, rehabilitation, and preservation of multifamily, residential live-work, rental housing that is affordable to Extremely low-,Very low-, Low-, or Moderate-income households, including necessary operating subsidies. Included?§301(a) Eligible activities are limited to the following: Yes Entity Address 29844 Haun Road Menifee State CA 92586 On behalf of the entity identified below, I certify that: The information, statements and attachments included in this application are, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true and correct and I possess the legal authority to submit this application on behalf of the entity identified in the signature block. Signature Date Entity name:City of Menifee Phone Number:951-672-677 City Manager Certifications Armando G. Villa TitleAuthorized Representative Printed Name Applicant agrees to adhere to §503, Reporting.Yes Applicant agrees to adhere to §502, Cancellation/Termination. Taxpayer Identification Number Document Attached and on USB?Yes Instructions: If the Local Government Recipient of the PLHA Formula Allocation delegated its PLHA formula allocation to a Local Housing Trust Fund or to another Local Government, the Applicant (for which information is required below) is the Local Housing Trust Fund or administering Local Government. The PLHA award will be made to the Applicant (upon meeting threshold requirements) and the Applicant is responsible for meeting all program requirements throughout the term of the Standard Agreement. The 302(c)(4) Plan template worksheet requires first choosing one or more of the Eligible Activities listed below. If "Yes" is clicked, the 302(c)(4) Plan worksheet opens a series of questions about what precise activities are planned. Some specific activities, such as providing downpayment assistance to lower-income households for acquisition of an affordable home, could be included under either Activity 2 or 9. Please only choose one of those Activities; don't list the downpayment assistance under both Activities. If the PLHA funds are used for the same Activity but for different Area Median Income (AMI) level, select the same Activity twice (or more times) and the different AMI level the Activity will serve. Please enter the percentage of funds allocated to the Activity in only the first Activity listing to avoid double counting the funding allocation. Eligible Applicants §300 §300(a) and (b) Eligible Applicants for the entitlement and Non-entitlement formula component described in Section §100(b)(1) and (2) are limited to the metropolitan cities and urban counties allocated a grant for the federal fiscal year 2017 pursuant to the federal CDBG formula specified in 42 USC, Section §5306 and Non-entitlement local governments. Applicant: City of Menifee Address: County: Yes Yes YesApplicant agrees to adhere to §501, Audits/Monitoring of PLHA Files. YesApplicant agrees to adhere to §500, Accounting Records. Yes §302(c)(5) Applicant certifies that the Plan submitted is for a term of five years. Local Governments agree to inform the Department of changes made to the Plan in each succeeding year of the term of the Plan.Yes §302(c)(6) Applicant certifies that it will ensure compliance with §302(c)(6) if funds are used for the acquisition, construction, or rehabilitation of for-sale housing projects or units within for-sale housing projects. §302(c)(8) Has Applicant attached a program income reuse plan describing how repaid loans will be reused for eligible activities specified in Section 301?Yes Yes Administration Local Government Formula Allocation Rev. 5/20/20 N/A §302(c)(4) Does the application include a Plan in accordance with §302(c)(4)? CA Zip:92586 Riverside §300(d) Is Applicant delegated by another Local government to administer on its behalf its formula allocation of program funds? N/A File Name:PLHA webpage for Resolution Document Attached and on USB? State: Attached and on USB?N/A §302(c)(3) Applicant certifies that, if the Local Government proposes allocation of funds for any activity to another entity, the Local government’s selection process had no conflicts of interest and was accesible to the public. §302(c)(2) Applicant certifies that submission of the application was authorized by the governing board of the Applicant. Eligible Activities, §301 §302(a) Housing Element compliance: Applicant or Delegating Local Government's Housing Element was adopted by the Local Government’s governing body by the application deadline and subsequently determined to be in substantial compliance with state Housing Element Law pursuant to Government Code Section 65585. YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES PLHA Page 1 Formula Allocation Application 11.1.b Packet Pg. 310 Attachment: PLHA Formula Allocation Application [Revision 1] (2575 : Permanent Local Housing Allocation Program) Type of Homeowner Assistance Home Buyer AssistanceHome Buyer AssistanceHome Buyer AssistanceHome Buyer AssistanceHome Buyer Assistance§302(c)(4)(E)(i) Percentage of Funds Allocated for the Proposed Activity 100.00%100.00%100.00%100.00%100.00% §301(a)(9) Homeownership opportunities, including, but not limited to, down payment assistance. §302(c)(4)(E)(i) Provide a description of how allocated funds will be used for the proposed Activity.Percentage of Funds Allocated for Affordable Owner-occupied Workforce Housing (AOWH)0% The City of Menifee will allocate 100% of the PLHA funds for direct homeownership assistance to eligible households by providing down payment assistance on a first-come, first-served basis to persons not exceeding 80 percent of the HUD-adjusted area median income.The program will provide down payment assistance as a silent-second loan in the amount of up to $15,000. If the property is no longer maintained as the principal residence of the buyer or is sold prior to the end of the fifteenth (15) year affordability period, all PLHA direct subsidy funds must be repaid. Otherwise, the loan is converted to a grant after the affordability period. Complete the table below for each proposed Activity to be funded with 2019-2023 PLHA allocations. If a single Activity will be assisting households at more than one level of Area Median Income, please list the Activity as many times as needed to capture all of the AMI levels that will be assisted, but only show the percentage of annual funding allocated to the Activity one time (to avoid double counting). Funding Allocation Year 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 §301(a)(8) Efforts to acquire and rehabilitate foreclosed or vacant homes and apartments. §301(a)(5) Capitalized Reserves for Services connected to the preservation and creation of new permanent supportive housing. §301(a)(4) Matching portions of funds available through the Low- and Moderate-Income Housing Asset Fund pursuant to subdivision (d) of HSC Section 34176. §301(a)(7) Accessibility modifications in Lower-income Owner-occupied housing. §301(a)(3) Matching portions of funds placed into Local or Regional Housing Trust Funds. §301(a)(2) The predevelopment, development, acquisition, rehabilitation, and preservation of Affordable rental and ownership housing, including Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs), that meets the needs of a growing workforce earning up to 120 percent of AMI, or 150 percent of AMI in high-cost areas. ADUs shall be available for occupancy for a term of no less than 30 days. §302(c)(4)(C) Provide a description of how the Plan is consistent with the programs set forth in the Local Government’s Housing Element. The City of Menifee Housing Element includes Goal HE-3: Improve opportunities for moderate and low income residents and those with special needs to rent, purchase, or maintain edequate housing. The PLHA funds will assist as stated in Policy HE-3.1: Homeownership Assistance. Increase homeownership assistance and security for lower and moderate income households through the provision of financial assistance, education, and collaborative partnerships. §301(a)(1) The predevelopment, development, acquisition, rehabilitation, and preservation of multifamily, residential live-work, rental housing that is affordable to extremely low-,very low-, low-, or moderate-income households, including necessary Operating subsidies. §302(c)(4) Plan Rev. 5/20/20 §302(c)(4)(A) Describe the manner in which allocated funds will be used for eligible activities. The City of Menifee intends to use PLHA funds towards a Down Payment Assistance Program to provide loans to qualified low- and moderate-income households to purchase affordable homes. §302(c)(4)(B) Provide a description of the way the Local government will prioritize investments that increase the supply of housing for households with incomes at or below 60 percent of Area Median Income (AMI). PLHA funding will only be allocated to homeownership services, as such, meets the requirement to prioritize investments that increase the supply of housing for households with incomes at or below 80% AMI. Activities Detail (Activities Detail (Must Make a Selection on Formula Allocation Application worksheet under Eligible Activities, §301)) §301(a)(6) Assisting persons who are experiencing or At risk of homelessness, including, but not limited to, providing rapid rehousing, rental assistance, supportive/case management services that allow people to obtain and retain housing, operating and capital costs for navigation centers and emergency shelters, and the new construction, rehabilitation, and preservation of permanent and transitional housing. PLHA Page 1 302(c)(4) Plan 11.1.b Packet Pg. 311 Attachment: PLHA Formula Allocation Application [Revision 1] (2575 : Permanent Local Housing Allocation Program) File Name:Plan Adoption §302(c)(4)(D) Evidence that the Plan was authorized and adopted by resolution by the Local jurisdiction and that the public had an adequate opportunity to review and comment on its content. Attached and on USB?Yes The city will publish on social media, website and provide flyers in efforts to market the program. Also, the city will reach out to all local lenders/real estate agencies and provide them with information to help market the Down Payment program. §301(a)(10) Fiscal incentives made by a county to a city within the county to incentivize approval of one or more affordable housing Projects, or matching funds invested by a county in an affordable housing development Project in a city within the county, provided that the city has made an equal or greater investment in the Project. The county fiscal incentives shall be in the form of a grant or low-interest loan to an affordable housing Project. Matching funds investments by both the county and the city also shall be a grant or low-interest deferred loan to the affordable housing Project. §302(c)(4)(E)(ii) Projected Number of Households Served 13 13 13 13 13 65 §302(c)(4)(E)(iii) A description of major steps/actions and a proposed schedule for the implementation and completion of the Activity. §302(c)(4)(E)(iv) Period of Affordability for the Proposed Activity §302(c)(4)(E)(ii) Area Median Income Level Served 80%80%80%80%80%TOTAL §302(c)(4)(E)(ii) Unmet share of the RHNA at AMI Level N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0 PLHA Page 2 302(c)(4) Plan 11.1.b Packet Pg. 312 Attachment: PLHA Formula Allocation Application [Revision 1] (2575 : Permanent Local Housing Allocation Program) Rev. 5/20/20Legislative and Congressional Information U.S. House of Representatives 42nd Ken Calvert District #First Name Last Name State Assembly Member 67th Melissa Melendez Provide the Legislative and Congressional information for the applicant and each activity location, (if different than applicant location), included in this application. To locate or verify the Legislative and Congressional information, click on the respective links below and enter the applicant office location zip code, the activity location site zip code(s) (i.e. zip code(s) where activities are performed), and any additional activity location site(s), as applicable. Applicant Office Location State Senate Member 23rd Mike Morrell California State Assembly California State Senate U.S. House of Representatives State Senate Member U.S. House of Representatives Activity Location 1 (if different from applicant location) District #First Name Last Name State Assembly Member State Senate Member U.S. House of Representatives Activity Location 2 (if different from applicant location) District #First Name Last Name State Assembly Member State Senate Member U.S. House of Representatives Activity Location 3 (if different from applicant location) District #First Name Last Name State Assembly Member State Senate Member U.S. House of Representatives Activity Location 4 (if different from applicant location) District #First Name Last Name State Assembly Member State Senate Member U.S. House of Representatives Activity Location 5 (if different from applicant location) District #First Name Last Name State Assembly Member State Senate Member U.S. House of Representatives Activity Location 6 (if different from applicant location) District #First Name Last Name State Assembly Member State Senate Member U.S. House of Representatives Activity Location 7 (if different from applicant location) District #First Name Last Name State Assembly Member State Senate Member U.S. House of Representatives Activity Location 8 (if different from applicant location) District #First Name Last Name State Assembly Member State Senate Member U.S. House of Representatives Activity Location 9 (if different from applicant location) District #First Name Last Name State Assembly Member State Senate Member U.S. House of Representatives Activity Location 10 (if different from applicant location) District #First Name Last Name State Assembly Member State Senate Member U.S. House of Representatives Activity Location 11 (if different from applicant location) District #First Name Last Name State Assembly Member PLHA Page 1 Legislative Contacts 11.1.b Packet Pg. 313 Attachment: PLHA Formula Allocation Application [Revision 1] (2575 : Permanent Local Housing Allocation Program) CITY OF MENIFEE SUBJECT: Measure DD Affirmation MEETING DATE: July 15, 2020 TO: Mayor and City Council PREPARED BY: Jeff Wyman, Assistant City Manager REVIEWED BY: Jeff Wyman, Assistant City Manager APPROVED BY: Armando G. Villa, City Manager RECOMMENDED ACTION Adopt a Resolution to place an affirmation ballot measure on the general election ballot for November 3, 2020 to affirm the 2016 voter approved passage of Measure DD, and the Ordinance 2016-199, codified as chapter 3.26 of the Menifee Municipal Code. DISCUSSION At the June 17, 2020 City Council Meeting, the City Council directed staff to prepare all materials necessary for a Measure DD affirmation measure and language, and to bring the item back for Council’s review and consideration. Background Recently completed community outreach found that for many residents the top priorities for Measure DD funding ($11,000,000 annually) include maintaining adequately equipped first responders, locally-controlled funding that cannot be taken by the state, adequate public safety staffing and services, and fiscal stability. The outreach also identified that there is a good number of residents who do not know about Measure DD, and/or are not clear that the Measure DD repeal ballot measure would terminate Measure DD funding and would significantly impact public safety (police/fire) service levels, as well as likely cuts to roads maintenance, code enforcement, youth and senior services, on top of budget reductions due to the COVID-19 crisis. Affirmation Measure The Community outreach also revealed an option to clarify this, that of a Measure DD Affirmation Measure, which was presented at the June 17, 2020 Council meeting as a way to give residents a clear option and for residents to fully understand what they are voting for. The Resolution accompanying this staff report is the Measure DD Affirmation Measure language to 12.1 Packet Pg. 314 City of Menifee Staff Report Measure DD Affirmation July 15, 2020 Page 2 of 3 affirm the 2016 voter approved passage of Measure DD, and Ordinance 2016-199, codified as chapter 3.26 of the Menifee Municipal Code. The Measure title and language are as follows: MEASURE ____________ MENIFEE 911 EMERGENCY PUBLIC SAFETY/NO TAX INCREASE CONTINUATION MEASURE. Shall an ordinance to continue the existing voter-approved locally controlled 1¢ sales tax providing $11,000,000 annually to maintain 911 emergency medical and disaster/preparedness response, paramedic/firefighting equipment, neighborhood police patrols, street/road repairs, and other general services until ended by voters, with funding that cannot be taken by the state, all funds for the City of Menifee, and with no increase in taxes, be adopted? YES NO Additionally, at the June 17, 2020 City Council meeting, Councilmember Sobek requested a few projections for the City be brought back for Council’s review. Below is a table noting actual and estimated population numbers through 2025. Population Estimates 2016 88,131 2020 97,093 2021* 100,005 2022* 103,005 2023* 106,095 2024* 109,277 2025* 112,555 * Estimated at 3% growth Also, below is a chart that projects the City’s funding through Fiscal Year 24/25 under several scenarios. The chart illustrates:  The original budget before COVID-19 and with Measure DD funding maintained (yellow line)  The anticipated expenditures (green line), actual adopted budget after COVID-19 impacts and Measure DD funding maintained (blue line) 12.1 Packet Pg. 315 City of Menifee Staff Report Measure DD Affirmation July 15, 2020 Page 3 of 3  The adopted budget after COVID-19 and without Measure DD funding (gray line)  The adopted budget after COVID-19 without Measure DD and without Vehicle License Fees (orange line) The loss of funding on an annual basis is projected to range from $5,861,830 to be as high as $24,401,570 by FY 24/25 (see chart below). Staff recommends approving the resolution to place an affirmation ballot measure on the general election ballot for November 3, 2020 to affirm the 2016 voter approved passage of Measure DD, and the Ordinance 2016-199, codified as chapter 3.26 of the Menifee Municipal Code. FISCAL IMPACT The estimated cost to put an Affirmation Measure on the November 2020 ballot is between 33,000 to $43,000. ATTACHMENTS 1. Affirmation Measure Resolution 12.1 Packet Pg. 316 RESOLUTION NO. 20-XXX A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MENIFEE, CALIFORNIA, REQUESTING PLACEMENT OF A BALLOT MEASURE ON THE GENERAL ELECTION BALLOT FOR THE CITY OF MENIFEE ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 2020, TO AFFIRM THE 2016 VOTER APPROVED PASSAGE OF MEASURE DD, WHICH ADOPTED ORDINANCE 2016-199, CODIFIED AS CHAPTER 3.26 OF THE MENIFEE MUNICIPAL CODE WHEREAS, for the reasons articulated immediately below, the City Council of the City of Menifee (“City” or “Menifee”) has not voted in favor of adoption of a measure to repeal locally controlled voter-approved funds (“Measure DD Repeal Initiative”), but is required by California statute to place it on the ballot; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Elections Code Section 9212, the City prepared a report on the fiscal and other effects of the Measure DD Repeal Initiative; that Report specifies that if the local funding provided by Measure DD is revoked, the City would no longer be able to maintain local vital services at adequate levels including emergency fire, medical, and police response times, fire protection services, neighborhood police and school patrols, funding for youth and senior services, and road maintenance; and WHEREAS, Menifee voters approved locally-controlled funding by nearly 70% to keep City taxpayer dollars local for the City’s own public safety, emergency response, roads maintenance, and vital quality of life services with funding that cannot be taken by the State; and WHEREAS, residents are relying on local services such as 911 emergency preparedness, public health and safety, and local business support critical to maintaining our safety and economic recovery in these challenging times; and WHEREAS, the City of Menifee wishes to maintain emergency medical and disaster preparedness and response, fire protection, and neighborhood police patrols; and WHEREAS, voter-approved local funding has been used to fix potholes and sidewalks, resurface streets, and upgrade roads to reduce congestion, create good- paying jobs, and improve safety for drivers, pedestrians, and our local first responders who need to travel quickly in emergencies; and WHEREAS, continuing voter-approved, locally controlled funding that cannot be taken by the State will maintain paramedic and firefighting equipment, including emergency healthcare supplies; and 12.1.a Packet Pg. 317 Attachment: Affirmation Measure Resolution [Revision 1] (2587 : Measure DD Affirmation) WHEREAS, all funds from a continuation of existing, voter-approved local funding with no increase in tax rates must continue to stay in Menifee to maintain local services – no funds can be taken by Sacramento or the federal government; and WHEREAS, all funds will continue to be subject to independent citizens oversight, mandatory financial audits, and reports to the community to ensure transparency and that funds are spent as promised. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MENIFEE, CALIFORNIA, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE, DECLARE, DETERMINE, AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Pursuant to the requirements of the laws of the State of California relating to general law cities within the state, there shall be, and there is hereby called and ordered to be held in the City of Menifee, California, on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, an election of the qualified electors of Menifee on a ballot measure set forth as Exhibit A hereto and incorporated herein by reference relating to affirmation of Chapter 3.26 of the Menifee Municipal Code, which has, since 2016, authorized and implemented the collection of a one-cent sales tax. SECTION 2. The election called and ordered by this Resolution shall be consolidated with the general election to be held on Tuesday, November 3, 2020. SECTION 3. Pursuant to Elections Code Section 10403, the Board of Supervisors of the County of Riverside is hereby requested to consent and agree to the consolidation of the election with the general election on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, for the purpose of consideration of adoption of a council-sponsored initiative ordinance relating to the affirmation of Chapter 3.26 of the Menifee Municipal Code such that, continuing with the general election of November 2020, the one-cent sales tax remains a valid and current tax in the City of Menifee. MEASURE ____________ MENIFEE 911 EMERGENCY PUBLIC SAFETY/NO TAX INCREASE CONTINUATION MEASURE. Shall an ordinance to continue the existing voter-approved locally controlled 1¢ sales tax providing $11,000,000 annually to maintain 911 emergency medical and disaster/preparedness response, paramedic/firefighting equipment, neighborhood police patrols, street/road repairs, and other general services until ended by voters, with funding that cannot be taken by the state, all funds for the City of Menifee, and with no increase in taxes, be adopted? YES NO SECTION 4. That the County Registrar of Voters is authorized to canvass the returns of the consolidated election. The election shall be held in all respects as if there were only one election, and only one form of ballot shall be used. 12.1.a Packet Pg. 318 Attachment: Affirmation Measure Resolution [Revision 1] (2587 : Measure DD Affirmation) SECTION 5. That the Board of Supervisors is requested to issue instructions to the County Registrar of Voters to take any and all steps necessary for the holding of the consolidated election. SECTION 6. That the City of Menifee recognizes that additional costs will be incurred by the County by reason of this consolidation and agrees to reimburse the County for any costs. SECTION 7. That the City Clerk is hereby directed to file a certified copy of this Resolution with the Registrar of Voters of the County of Riverside. SECTION 8. In all particulars not recited in this Resolution, the election shall be held and conducted as provided by law for holding elections in the City. SECTION 9. The notice of the time and place of holding the election is given and the City Clerk is authorized, instructed, and directed to give further or additional notice of the election, in time, form, and manner as required by law. SECTION 10. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this Resolution and enter it into the book of original Resolutions. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED on the 15 day of July, 2020. ________________________________ Bill Zimmerman, Mayor Attest ___________________________________ Sarah A. Manwaring, City Clerk Approved as to form: _______________________________ Jeffrey T. Melching, City Attorney 12.1.a Packet Pg. 319 Attachment: Affirmation Measure Resolution [Revision 1] (2587 : Measure DD Affirmation) [INSERT CLERK’S CERTIFICATION FORM] 12.1.a Packet Pg. 320 Attachment: Affirmation Measure Resolution [Revision 1] (2587 : Measure DD Affirmation) EXHIBIT A COUNCIL-SPONSORED INITIATIVE MEASURE TO BE SUBMITTED DIRECTLY TO THE VOTERS The City Council for the City of Menifee submits the following initiative measure to the voters of the City for approval and enactment: ORDINANCE NO. 2020-XXX AN ORDINANCE OF THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF MENIFEE, CALIFORNIA TO AFFIRM THE 2016 VOTER- APPROVED PASSAGE OF MEASURE DD, WHICH HAD THE EFFECT OF ADOPTING ORDINANCE 2016-199 IMPLEMENTING CHAPTER 3.26 OF THE MENIFEE MUNICIPAL CODE THEREBY ALLOWING FOR THE COLLECTION OF LOCALLY-CONTROLLED ONE-CENT SALES TAX THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF MENIFEE ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Affirmation of Chapter 3.26. The 2016 voter-approved passage of Measure DD, which had the effect of adopting Ordinance 2016-199, and thereby enacting Chapter 3.26 of the Menifee Municipal Code and authorizing and implementing to the collection of a one-cent sales tax, is hereby affirmed. Chapter 3.26 of the Menifee Municipal Code states, and shall continue to state, as follows: CHAPTER 3.26: TRANSACTIONS AND USE TAX Section 3.26.010 Title 3.26.020 Operative date 3.26.030 Purpose 3.26.040 Contract with state 3.26.050 Transaction tax rate 3.26.060 Place of sale 3.26.070 Use tax rate 3.26.080 Adoption of provisions of state law 3.26.090 Limitations on adoption of state law and collection of use taxes 3.26.100 Permit not required 12.1.a Packet Pg. 321 Attachment: Affirmation Measure Resolution [Revision 1] (2587 : Measure DD Affirmation) 3.26.110 Exemptions and exclusions 3.26.120 Amendments 3.26.130 Enjoining collection forbidden 3.26.140 Use tax proceeds 3.26.150 Annual audit 3.26.160 Termination date § 3.26.010 TITLE. This chapter shall be known as the Menifee Transactions and Use Tax Chapter. The City of Menifee hereinafter shall be called "city." This chapter shall be applicable in the incorporated territory of the city. § 3.26.020 OPERATIVE DATE. OPERATIVE DATE means the first day of the first calendar quarter commencing more than 110 days after the adoption of this chapter, the date of such adoption being as set forth below. § 3.26.030 PURPOSE. This chapter is adopted to achieve the following, among other purposes, and directs that the provisions hereof be interpreted in order to accomplish those purposes: (A) To adopt a retail transactions and use tax in accordance with the provisions of Part 1.6 (commencing with § 7251) of Division 2 of the Cal. Revenue and Taxation Code and § 7285.9 of Part 1.7 of Division 2 which authorizes the city to adopt this tax ordinance which shall be operative if a majority of the electors voting on the measure vote to approve the imposition of the tax at an election called for that purpose; (B) To adopt a retail transactions and use tax ordinance that incorporates provisions identical to those of the Sales and Use Tax Law of the State of California insofar as those provisions are not inconsistent with the requirements and limitations contained in Part 1.6 of Division 2 of the Cal. Revenue and Taxation Code; (C) To adopt a retail transactions and use tax ordinance that imposes a tax and provides a measure therefore that can be administered and collected by the State Board of Equalization in a 12.1.a Packet Pg. 322 Attachment: Affirmation Measure Resolution [Revision 1] (2587 : Measure DD Affirmation) manner that adapts itself as fully as practicable to, and requires the least possible deviation from, the existing statutory and administrative procedures followed by the State Board of Equalization in administering and collecting the California State Sales and Use Taxes; (D) To adopt a retail transactions and use tax ordinance that can be administered in a manner that will be, to the greatest degree possible, consistent with the provisions of Part 1.6 of Division 2 of the Cal. Revenue and Taxation Code, minimize the cost of collecting the transactions and use taxes, and at the same time, minimize the burden of record keeping upon persons subject to taxation under the provisions of this chapter. § 3.26.040 CONTRACT WITH STATE. Prior to the operative date, the city shall contract with the State Board of Equalization to perform all functions incident to the administration and operation of this transaction and use tax ordinance; provided, that if the city shall not have contracted with the State Board of Equalization prior to the operative data, it shall nevertheless so contract and in such a case the operative date shall be the first day of the first calendar quarter following the execution of such a contract. § 3.26.050 TRANSACTION TAX RATE. For the privilege of selling tangible personal property at retail, a tax is hereby imposed upon all retailers in the incorporated territory of the city at the rate of 1% of the gross receipts of any retailer from the sale of all tangible personal property sold at retail in said territory on and after the operative date of this chapter. § 3.26.060 PLACE OF SALE. For the purposes of this chapter, all retail sales are consummated at the place of business of the retailer unless the tangible personal property sold is delivered by the retailer or his or her agent to an out- of-state destination or to a common carrier for delivery to an out-of- state destination. The gross receipts from such sales shall include delivery charges, when such charges are subject to the state sales and use tax, regardless of the place to which delivery is made. In the event a retailer has no permanent place of business in the state or has more than one place of business, the place or places at which the retail sales are consummated shall be determined under rules 12.1.a Packet Pg. 323 Attachment: Affirmation Measure Resolution [Revision 1] (2587 : Measure DD Affirmation) and regulations to be prescribed and adopted by the State Board of Equalization. § 3.26.070 USE TAX RATE. An excise tax is hereby imposed on the storage, use or other consumption in the incorporated territory of the city of tangible personal property purchased from any retailer on and after the operative date of this chapter for storage, use or other consumption in said territory at the rate of 1% of the sales price of the property. The sales price shall include delivery charges when such charges are subject to state sales or use tax regardless of the place to which delivery is made. § 3.26.080 ADOPTION OF PROVISIONS OF STATE LAW. Except as otherwise provided in this chapter and except insofar as they are inconsistent with the provisions of Part 1.6 of Division 2 of the Cal. Revenue and Taxation Code, all of the provisions of Part 1 (commencing with § 6001) of Division 2 of the Cal. Revenue and Taxation Code are hereby adopted and made a part of this chapter as though fully set forth herein. § 3.26.090 LIMITATIONS ON ADOPTION OF STATE LAW AND COLLECTION OF USE TAXES. In adopting the provisions of Part 1 of Division 2 of the Cal. Revenue and Taxation Code: (A) Wherever the State of California is named or referred to as the taxing agency, the name of the city shall be substituted therefor. However, the substitution, however, shall not be made when: (1) The word "State" is used as part of the title of the State Controller, the State Treasurer, the State Board of Control, the State Board of Equalization, the State Treasury, or the Constitution of the State of California; (2) The result of that substitution would require action to be taken by or against the city or any agency, officer, or employee thereof rather than by or against the State Board of Equalization, in performing the functions incident to the administration or operation of this chapter; (3) In those sections, including, but not necessarily limited to, sections referring to the exterior boundaries of the State of California, where the result of the substitution would be to: 12.1.a Packet Pg. 324 Attachment: Affirmation Measure Resolution [Revision 1] (2587 : Measure DD Affirmation) (a) Provide an exemption from this tax with respect to certain sales, storage, use or other consumption of tangible personal property which would not otherwise be exempt from this tax while such sales, storage, use or other consumption remain subject to tax by the State under the provisions of Part 1 of Division 2 of the Cal. Revenue and Taxation Code; or (b) Impose this tax with respect to certain sales, storage, use or other consumption of tangible personal property which would not be subject to tax by the state under the said provisions of that Code; (4) In Cal. Revenue and Taxation Code §§ 6701, 6702 (expect in the last sentence thereof), 6711, 6715, 6737, 6797 or 6828. (B) The word "City" shall substituted for the word "State" in the phrase "retailer engaged in business in this State" in Cal. Revenue and Taxation Code § 6203 or in the definition of that phrase in Cal. Revenue and Taxation Code § 6203. § 3.26.100 PERMIT NOT REQUIRED. If a seller's permit has been issued to a retailer under Cal. Revenue and Taxation Code § 6067, an additional transactor's permit shall not be required by this chapter. § 3.26.110 EXEMPTIONS AND EXCLUSIONS. (A) There shall be excluded from the measure of the transactions tax and the use tax the amount of any sales or use tax imposed by the State of California or by any city, city and county, or county pursuant to the Bradley-Burns Uniform Local Sales and Use Tax Law or the amount of any state-administered transactions or use tax. (B) There are exempted from the computation of the amount of transactions tax the gross receipts from: (1) Sales of tangible personal property, other than fuel or petroleum products, to the operators of aircraft to be used or consumed principally outside the county in which the sale is made and directly and exclusively in the use of such aircraft as common carriers of persons or property under the authority of the laws of this state, the United States, or any foreign government. (2) Sales of property to be used outside the city which is shipped to a point outside the city, pursuant to the contract of sale, by delivery to such point by the retailer or his or her agent, or by delivery by the retailer to a carrier for shipment to a consignee at 12.1.a Packet Pg. 325 Attachment: Affirmation Measure Resolution [Revision 1] (2587 : Measure DD Affirmation) such point. For the purposes of this division, delivery to a point outside the city shall be satisfied: (a) With respect to vehicles (other than commercial vehicles) subject to registration pursuant to Chapter 1 (commencing with Section 4000) of Division 3 of the Cal. Vehicle Code, aircraft licensed in compliance with Cal. Public Utilities Code § 21411, and undocumented vessels registered under Division 3.5 (commencing with § 9840) of the Cal. Vehicle Code by registration to an out-of-city address and by a declaration under penalty of perjury, signed by the buyer, stating that such address is, in fact, his or her principal place of residence; and (b) With respect to commercial vehicles, by registration to a place of business out-of-city and declaration under penalty of perjury, signed by the buyer, that the vehicle will be operated from that address. (3) The sale of tangible personal property if the seller is obligated to furnish the property for a fixed price pursuant to a contract entered into prior to the operative date of this chapter. (4) A lease of tangible personal property which is a continuing sale of such property, for any period of time for which the lessor is obligated to lease the property for an amount fixed by the lease prior to the operative date of this chapter. (5) For the purposes of divisions (B)(3) and (4) of this section, the sale or lease of tangible personal property shall be deemed not to be obligated pursuant to a contract or lease for any period of time for which any party to the contract or lease has the unconditional right to terminate the contract or lease upon notice, whether or not such right is exercised. (C) There are exempted from the use tax imposed by this chapter, the storage, use or other consumption in the city of tangible personal property: (1) The gross receipts from the sale of which have been subject to a transactions tax under any state-administered transactions and use tax ordinance. (2) Other than fuel or petroleum products purchased by operators of aircraft and used or consumed by such operators directly and exclusively in the use of such aircraft as common carriers of persons or property for hire or compensation under a certificate of public convenience and necessity issued pursuant to the laws of this 12.1.a Packet Pg. 326 Attachment: Affirmation Measure Resolution [Revision 1] (2587 : Measure DD Affirmation) State, the United States, or any foreign government. This exemption is in addition to the exemptions provided in Cal. Revenue and Taxation Code §§ 6366 and 6366.1. (3) If the purchaser is obligated to purchase the property for a fixed price pursuant to a contract entered into prior to the operative date of this chapter. (4) If the possession of, or the exercise of any right or power over, the tangible personal property arises under a lease which is a continuing purchase of such property for any period of time for which the lessee is obligated to lease the property for an amount fixed by a lease prior to the operative date of this chapter. (5) For the purposes of divisions (C)(3) and (4) of this section, storage, use, or other consumption, or possession of, or exercise of any right or power over, tangible personal property shall be deemed not to be obligated pursuant to a contract or lease for any period of time for which any party to the contract or lease has the unconditional right to terminate the contract or lease upon notice, whether or not such right is exercised. (6) Except as provided in division (C)(7), a retailer engaged in business in the city shall not be required to collect use tax from the purchaser of tangible personal property, unless the retailer ships or delivers the property into the city or participates within the city in making the sale of the property, including, but not limited to, soliciting or receiving the order, either directly or indirectly, at a place of business of the retailer in the city or through any representative, agent, canvasser, solicitor, subsidiary, or person in the city under the authority of the retailer. (7) "A retailer engaged in business in the city" shall also include any retailer of any of the following: vehicles subject to registration pursuant to Chapter 1 (commencing with Section 4000) of Division 3 of the Cal. Vehicle Code, aircraft licensed in compliance with Cal. Public Utilities Code § 21411, or undocumented vessels registered under Division 3.5 (commencing with § 9840) of the Cal. Vehicle Code. That retailer shall be required to collect use tax from any purchaser who registers or licenses the vehicle, vessel, or aircraft at an address in the city. (D) Any person subject to use tax under this chapter may credit against that tax any transactions tax or reimbursement for transactions tax paid to a district imposing, or retailer liable for a transactions tax pursuant to Part 1.6 of Division 2 of the Cal. 12.1.a Packet Pg. 327 Attachment: Affirmation Measure Resolution [Revision 1] (2587 : Measure DD Affirmation) Revenue and Taxation Code with respect to the sale to the person of the property the storage, use or other consumption of which is subject to the use tax. § 3.26.120 AMENDMENTS. All amendments subsequent to the effective date of this chapter to Part 1 of Division 2 of the Cal. Revenue and Taxation Code relating to sales and use taxes and which are not inconsistent with Part 1.6 and Part 1.7 of Division 2 of the Cal. Revenue and Taxation Code, and all amendments to Part 1.6 and Part 1.7 of Division 2 of the Cal. Revenue and Taxation Code, shall automatically become a part of this chapter, provided however, that no such amendment shall operate so as to affect the rate of tax imposed by this chapter. § 3.26.130 ENJOINING COLLECTION FORBIDDEN. No injunction or writ of mandate or other legal or equitable process shall issue in any suit, action or proceeding in any court against the state or the city, or against any officer of the state or the city, to prevent or enjoin the collection under this chapter, or Part 1.6 of Division 2 of the Cal. Revenue and Taxation Code, of any tax or any amount of tax required to be collected. § 3.26.140 USE TAX PROCEEDS. All proceeds of the tax levied and imposed under this chapter shall be paid into the General Fund for use by the City of Menifee. § 3.26.150 ANNUAL AUDIT. By no later than December 31st of each year, the city's independent auditors shall complete a financial audit report to include the revenue raised and expended by this tax to be reflected in the city's budget. The audit shall review whether the tax revenues collected pursuant to this chapter are collected, managed and expended in accordance with the adopting ordinance. § 3.26.160 TERMINATION DATE. The authority to levy the tax imposed by this chapter shall expire when ended by voters. SECTION 2. Passage of Only Ballot Measure Adopting Ordinance Affirming Measure DD. If the Measure titled “An Initiative Measure to Repeal the ‘Menifee Public Safety/Traffic Congestion Relief/Vital Services Measure,’ Which Imposes a One Percent (1%) Retail Transactions and Use Tax,” which shall be placed on the November 3, 2020 general 12.1.a Packet Pg. 328 Attachment: Affirmation Measure Resolution [Revision 1] (2587 : Measure DD Affirmation) election ballot (“Measure DD Repeal Initiative”) does not pass with more than 50% of the votes from the voters of the City of Menifee but the ballot measure adopting this ordinance affirming Chapter 3.26 of the Menifee Municipal Code does pass with more than 50% of the votes from the voters of the City of Menifee, then this measure shall control in its entirety, the Measure DD Repeal Initiative and any other ballot measure relating to Chapter 3.26 of the Menifee Municipal Code shall be rendered void and without any legal effect, and Chapter 3.26 of the Menifee Municipal Code relating to the one-cent sales tax shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 3. Passage of Neither Ballot Measures Relating to Chapter 3.26. If neither the ballot measure adopting this ordinance affirming Chapter 3.26 of the Menifee Municipal Code nor the Measure DD Repeal Initiative receives more than 50% of the votes from the voters of the City of Menifee, then the Measure DD Repeal Initiative and any other ballot measure relating to Chapter 3.26 shall be rendered void and without any legal effect, and Chapter 3.26 of the Menifee Municipal Code Chapter 3.26 relating to the one-cent sales tax shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 4. Passage of Conflicting Ballot Measures. If both this ballot measure and the Measure DD Repeal Initiative should pass with each measure receiving more than 50% of the votes from the voters of the City of Menifee, the ballot measure receiving more affirmative votes shall be take effect and shall control in its entirety, and any other ballot measure relating to Chapter 3.26 of the Menifee Municipal Code shall be rendered void and without any legal effect. SECTION 5. Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional by the decision of any court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. The People of the City of Menifee hereby declare that they would have adopted this ordinance, and each and every section, subsection, sentence, clause, or phrase not declared invalid or unconstitutional, without regard to whether any portion of the ordinance would be subsequently declared invalid or unconstitutional. SECTION 6. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect according to law ten (10) days after certification of the election at which it is adopted. 12.1.a Packet Pg. 329 Attachment: Affirmation Measure Resolution [Revision 1] (2587 : Measure DD Affirmation) CITY OF MENIFEE SUBJECT: Code of Conduct Policy Continuation MEETING DATE: July 15, 2020 TO: Mayor and City Council PREPARED BY: Stephanie Roseen, Deputy City Clerk REVIEWED BY: Sarah Manwaring, City Clerk APPROVED BY: Armando G. Villa, City Manager RECOMMENDED ACTION Review and approve amendments, and adopt the Council Code of Conduct Policy. DISCUSSION On July 1, 2020, the City Council reviewed and discussed the proposed Code of Conduct Policy and provided direction to staff to make amendments and bring the item back to Council. Amendments are notated in attached redlined Code of Conduct Policy. FISCAL IMPACT There is no cost or fiscal impact to adopt the Council Code of Conduct Policy. ATTACHMENTS 1. Redlined Code of Conduct Policy 12.2 Packet Pg. 330 CITY OF MENIFEE CITY COUNCIL CODE OF CONDUCT ADOPTED XXXX, XX, 2020 12.2.a Packet Pg. 331 Attachment: Redlined Code of Conduct Policy [Revision 2] (2586 : Code of Conduct Policy Continuation) TABLE OF CONTENTS Page CHAPTER 1—FORM OF GOVERNMENT 1.1 Form of Government ................................................................................................. CHAPTER 2—COUNCIL POWERS AND RESPONSIBILITIES 2.1 City Council Generally .............................................................................................. 2.2 Mayor and Mayor Pro Tem—Appointment, Power, and Duties ........................ 2.3 Council Actions .......................................................................................................... 2.4 Councilmember Committees .................................................................................... 2.5 Establishment and Appointment of Council Advisory Bodies ............................ CHAPTER 3—LEGAL AND ETHICAL STANDARDS 3.1 Preamble ...................................................................................................................... 3.2 Public Interest ............................................................................................................. 3.3 Conduct ....................................................................................................................... 3.4 Conflict of Interest ...................................................................................................... 3.5 Compliance and Enforcement—All Rules .............................................................. 3.6 AB 1234—Required Ethics Training ........................................................................ CHAPTER 4—COMMUNICATIONS 4.1 Written Communications .......................................................................................... 4.2 Request for Staff Resources ....................................................................................... 4.3 Relationship/Communications with Staff .............................................................. 4.4 Council Relationship/Communication with Council Advisory Bodies ............. 4.5 Handling of Litigation and Other Confidential Information ............................... 4.6 Representing an Official City Position .................................................................... 4.7 Quasi-Judicial Role/Ex Parte Contacts .................................................................... 4.8 No Attorney-Client Relationship ............................................................................. CHAPTER 5—COUNCIL ADVISORY BODIES 5.1 Boards, Commissions, and Committees Generally ............................................... 5.2 Board, Commission, and Committee Organization and Conduct ...................... 5.3 Board, Commission, and Committee Appointments ............................................ 5.4 Boards, Commissions, and Committees—Vacancy of Office ............................... CHAPTER 6—MEETINGS 6.1. Ralph M. Brown Act .................................................................................................. 6.2 Regular Meetings ....................................................................................................... 6.3 Study Sessions............................................................................................................. 6.4 Closed Sessions ........................................................................................................... 12.2.a Packet Pg. 332 Attachment: Redlined Code of Conduct Policy [Revision 2] (2586 : Code of Conduct Policy Continuation) CLK/7/Council Code of Conduct 610-06-23-15CoC -i- 6.5 Special and Emergency Meetings ............................................................................ 6.6 Meeting Agendas ....................................................................................................... 6.7 Rules of Procedure ..................................................................................................... 6.8 Decorum ...................................................................................................................... 6.9 Time of Adjournment ................................................................................................ 6.10 Agenda Packets .......................................................................................................... CHAPTER 7—COUNCIL FINANCIAL MATTERS 7.1 Compensation ............................................................................................................. 7.2 Benefits 7.3 City Council Budget and Expenses .......................................................................... 12.2.a Packet Pg. 333 Attachment: Redlined Code of Conduct Policy [Revision 2] (2586 : Code of Conduct Policy Continuation) Council Code of Conduct -ii- 12.2.a Packet Pg. 334 Attachment: Redlined Code of Conduct Policy [Revision 2] (2586 : Code of Conduct Policy Continuation) Council Code of Conduct -1- CHAPTER 1—FORM OF GOVERNMENT 1.1 Form of Government 1.1.1 The City of Menifee municipal government operates under a council- manager form of government as established by the City Municipal Code. 1.1.2 Under this form of government, the Council provides legislative direction, sets City policy and monitors its execution by City staff. The City Manager serves as the City's chief administrative officer and is responsible for directing the day-to-day operations of the City. 1.1.3 The key provisions that outline City of Menifee's council-manager form of government are found in Chapter 2.08 of the City Municipal Code. "The City Manager shall be the administrative head of the government of the city under the direction and control of the City Council, except as otherwise provided in this chapter. The City Manager shall be responsible for the efficient administration of all affairs of the city which are under his or her control." The City Manager shall be expected and shall have the power as stated in section 2.08.060 of the Menifee Municipal Code. Specifically, the Menifee Municipal Code includes the following provisions: Appoint, remove, promote and demote any and all officers and employees of the city, except elected officers and the City Attorney, and specifically including the City Clerk and the City Treasurer (although the City Manager may serve in these positions as well), subject to all applicable personnel rules and regulations which may be adopted by the city. The City Council and its members shall deal with the administrative services of the city only through the City Manager, except for the purpose of inquiry, and neither the City Council nor any member thereof shall give orders to any subordinates of the City Manager. For purposes hereof, INQUIRY means any and all communications short of giving orders, directions or communications short of giving orders, directions or instructions to any member of the administrative staff. 12.2.a Packet Pg. 335 Attachment: Redlined Code of Conduct Policy [Revision 2] (2586 : Code of Conduct Policy Continuation) Council Code of Conduct -2- NOTE: See Chapter 4, Communications, for additional information regarding communications with staff. 12.2.a Packet Pg. 336 Attachment: Redlined Code of Conduct Policy [Revision 2] (2586 : Code of Conduct Policy Continuation) Council Code of Conduct -3- CHAPTER 2—COUNCIL POWERS AND RESPONSIBILITIES 2.1 City Council Generally 2.1.1 The City CouncilCity Council has the power, in, in the name ofname of the City, to do anddo and perform all acts and things appropriate to a municipal corporation and the general welfare of its inhabitants, which are not specifically prohibited by the constitution, the City Municipal Code, or State or Federal laws. 2.1.2 The Council acts as a body. Policy is established by majority vote. A decision of the majority binds the Council to a course of action. The Council majority may be a majority of the quorum of the Council. 2.1.3 No Councilmember has extraordinary powers beyond those of other members (except as may otherwise be provided in State law). All members, including the Mayor, have equal powers. 2.1.4 No member of the Council is permitted to hold any other City office or City employment (except as may otherwise be provided in the City Municipal Code). 2.2 Mayor and Mayor Pro Tem—Appointment, Power, and Duties 2.2.1 The selection of Mayor Pro Tem occurs annually in December, during the Council’s “Reorganization” meeting by majority vote of the City Council. 2.2.2 The Mayor Pro Tem is responsible to select the Annual Initiative (or theme) to be included in the City’s annual budget book, displayed at the City’s annual Fourth of July event, and used throughout the fiscal year in City communications, press, and events. The Mayor is the presiding officer of the City Council. In the Mayor's absence, the Mayor Pro Tem shall perform the duties of the Mayor. The Mayor, in partnership with the District Representative, is the official head of the City for all ceremonial purposes. Formatted: Not Expanded by / Condensed by Formatted: List Paragraph, Left, Right: 0", Line spacing: single, No bullets or numbering, Tab stops: Not at 1.07" 12.2.a Packet Pg. 337 Attachment: Redlined Code of Conduct Policy [Revision 2] (2586 : Code of Conduct Policy Continuation) Council Code of Conduct -4- The Mayor may perform such other duties consistent with the mayoral office as may be prescribed by the City Municipal Code or as may be imposed by the Council. The Mayor does not possess any power of veto. The Mayor, or Council designee, coordinates with the City Manager in the development review of agendas for meetings of the City Council. Once the agenda is published, the City Manager may withdraw an item; however, only the City Council may otherwise alter the agenda.The complete agenda setting process is outlined in City Council Policy No. 1: Rules of Decorum and Procedure for the Conduct of City Council Meetings. The Mayor Pro Tem serves at the pleasure of the Council and can be replaced at any time by a majority vote of the Council. 2.3 Council Actions 2.3.1 Legislative actions by the City Council can be taken by means of ordinance, resolution, or minute action duly made and passed by the majority (unless otherwise provided). 2.3.2 Public actions of the Council are recorded in the minutes of the City Council meeting. The City Clerk is required to make a record only of business actually passed upon by a vote of the Council and is not required to record any remarks of Councilmembers or of any other person, except at the special request of a Councilmember, with the consent of the Council. 2.3.3 Actions of the Council concerning confidential property, personnel, and/or legal matters of the City are to be reported consistent with State law. 2.4 Councilmember Committees (Refer to City Council Policy NoPolicy No. 2 – Regional Boards and Regional Commissions – Assignments and Reporting.) 2.4.1 The City Council may organize itself into standing and/or special/ad hoc committees of the Council to facilitate Council review and action regarding certain matters referred to them by the City Council or in accordance with City Council Policy No. 2, City Council Standing Committees, Regional Boards and Regional Commissions – Assignments and Reporting. 2.4.2 All work undertaken by a Councilmember committee must originate with 12.2.a Packet Pg. 338 Attachment: Redlined Code of Conduct Policy [Revision 2] (2586 : Code of Conduct Policy Continuation) Council Code of Conduct -5- the Council or as permitted under City Council Policy No. 2. All actions of committees shall be reported to the Council. 2.4.3 The Council may create or dissolve standing committees at any time by the affirmative vote of a majority of the Council. 2.4.4 The Mayor annually appoints members to standing committees at the annual Council Reorganization in December. 2.4.5 The Council or the Mayor may create special or ad hoc committees. The Mayor appoints members to special or ad hoc committees. 2.4.6 The Council may dissolve special or ad hoc committees. 2.4.7 If permitted by the Ralph M. Brown Act, other members of the Council not assigned to a committee may attend meetings of a committee, as an observer, however, they shall be seated with the audience and may not participate in any manner or address the committee. 2.4.8 If an absence is anticipated on a committee and that absence may impede the work of the committee, the assigned alternate member will attend in the committee member’s place. If the alternate member is not available, the committee chair or other member may request that the Mayor designate another member of the Council to attend for the absent member and serve as an alternate member of the committee, provided that the member's attendance, in the opinion of the City Attorney, will comply with the Brown Act. The term for service by the alternate member will be the term designated in the appointment, or for one meeting, if no term is specified. 12.2.a Packet Pg. 339 Attachment: Redlined Code of Conduct Policy [Revision 2] (2586 : Code of Conduct Policy Continuation) Council Code of Conduct -6- 2.5 Establishment and Appointment of Council Advisory Bodies 2.5.1 The Menifee Municipal Code establishes a Planning Commission and a Parks, Recreation and Trails Commission. 2.5.2 The City Council may establish by ordinance or resolution, commissions and committees to assist the Council in making its policy decisions. 2.5.3 The rules of procedure and code of conduct that govern the City Council apply with equal force to all Commissions and Council advisory bodies. 12.2.a Packet Pg. 340 Attachment: Redlined Code of Conduct Policy [Revision 2] (2586 : Code of Conduct Policy Continuation) Council Code of Conduct -7- CHAPTER 3—LEGAL AND ETHICAL STANDARDS 3.1 Preamble The residents and businesses of Menifee are entitled to have fair, ethical, and accountable local government. Such a government requires that public officials:  Comply with both the letter and the spirit of the laws and policies affecting operations of the government;  Be independent, impartial, and fair in their judgment and actions;  Use their public office for the public good, not for personal gain; and  Conduct public deliberations and processes openly, unless legally confidential, in an atmosphere of respect and civility. To this end, the Menifee City Council has adopted a code of ethics to encourage public confidence in the integrity of local government and its fair and effective operation. This City Council code of ethics shall reside in two documents—the City Council Code of Conduct and the City Council Personal Code of Conduct. The City Council Code of Conduct and the Personal Code of Conduct shall not be interpreted to conflict with other rights and responsibilities of public officials set forth in this code or Federal, State, or local law. The City Council Code of Conduct shall be considered to be the definitive document relating to ethical conduct by City of Menifee Councilmembers. The Personal Code of Conduct shall be considered to be a summary of the full City Council Code of Conduct. 3.2 Public Interest 3.2.1 Recognizing that stewardship of the public interest must be their primary concern, Councilmembers shall work for the common good of the people of Menifee and not for any private or personal interest. Councilmembers must endeavor to treat all members of the public and issues before them in a fair and equitable manner. 3.2.2 Councilmembers shall comply with the laws of the nation, the State of California, and the City in the performance of their public duties. These laws include, but are not limited to: the United States and California constitutions; the City of Menifee Municipal Code; laws pertaining to conflicts of interest, election campaigns, financial disclosures, employer responsibilities, and open processes of government; and City ordinances and policies. 12.2.a Packet Pg. 341 Attachment: Redlined Code of Conduct Policy [Revision 2] (2586 : Code of Conduct Policy Continuation) Council Code of Conduct -8- 3.3 Conduct 3.3.1 Councilmembers shall refrain from abusive conduct, personal charges, written, verbal, or public, and continuous attacks upon the character or motives of other members of the City Council, commissions, committees, City Manager, City Manger’s staff, City Attorney, or the public. 3.3.2 Councilmember duties shall be performed in accordance with the processes and rules of order established by the City Council. 3.3.3 Councilmembers shall inform themselves on public issues, listen attentively to public discussions before the body, and focus on the business at hand. 3.3.4 Council decisions shall be based upon the merits and substance of the matter at hand. 3.3.5 It is the responsibility of Councilmembers to publicly share substantive information that is relevant to a matter under consideration that they have received from sources outside of the public decision-making process with all other Councilmembers and the public prior to taking action on the matter. 3.3.6 When needed, at the discretion of the City Manager, appropriate City staff should be involved when Councilmembers meet with officials from other agencies, jurisdictions, or any project applicant to ensure proper staff support as needed and to keep staff informed. 3.3.7 Councilmembers shall not attend internal staff meetings or meetings between City staff and third parties unless invited by City staff or directed by Council to do so. 3.3.8 Policy Role Councilmembers shall respect and adhere to the council- manager structure of Menifee City government as provided in State law and the City Municipal Code. Councilmembers shall support the maintenance of a positive and constructive environment for residents, businesses, and City employees. 12.2.a Packet Pg. 342 Attachment: Redlined Code of Conduct Policy [Revision 2] (2586 : Code of Conduct Policy Continuation) Council Code of Conduct -9- 3.3.9 Implementation Ethics standards shall be included in the regular orientations for City Council candidates. Councilmembers entering office and upon reelection to that office shall sign a City Council Personal Code of Conduct statement (Attachment 1) affirming they have read and understand this Menifee City Council Code of Conduct. 3.4 Conflict of Interest 3.4.1 In order to assure their independence and impartiality on behalf of the public good, Councilmembers are prohibited from using their official positions to influence government decisions in which they have a financial interest or where they have an organizational responsibility or a personal relationship that would present a conflict of interest under applicable State law. 3.4.2 In accordance with State law, Councilmembers must file annual written disclosures of their economic interests. 3.4.3 Councilmembers shall not take advantage of services or opportunities for personal gain by virtue of their public office that are not available to the public in general. 3.4.4 Councilmembers shall respect and preserve the confidentiality of information provided to them concerning the confidential matters of the City. They must neither disclose confidential information without proper legal authorization nor use such information to advance the personal, financial, or private interests of themselves or others. 3.4.5 City Councilmembers should avoid any action that could be construed as, or create the appearance of, using public office for personal gain, including use of City stationery or other City resources to obtain or promote personal business. 3.4.6 Public resources not available to the general public (e.g., City staff time, equipment, supplies, or facilities) shall not be used by Councilmembers for private gain or personal purposes. 3.4.7 In keeping with their role as stewards of the public interest, Councilmembers shall not appear on behalf of the private interests of a 12.2.a Packet Pg. 343 Attachment: Redlined Code of Conduct Policy [Revision 2] (2586 : Code of Conduct Policy Continuation) Council Code of Conduct -10- third party before the City Council or any commission, or committee or proceeding of the City, except as permitted by law. 3.4.8 To the best of their ability, Councilmembers shall represent the official policies and positions of the City Council. When presenting their personal opinions or positions publicly, members shall explicitly state they do not represent the Council or the City. 3.4.9 City of Menifee City Municipal Code Provisions Financial Interests in City Contracts Prohibited. No officer or employee of the City shall become financially interested except by testate or intestate succession, either directly or indirectly, in any contract, sale, purchase, lease, or transfer of real or personal property to which the City is a party or be employed by any public service corporation regulated by or holding franchises in the City. Nepotism. The City Manager shall not appoint to a salaried position under the City government any person who is a relative by blood or marriage within the second degree of any one or more of the members of such Council and neither shall any department head or other officer having appointive power appoint any relative within such degree to any such position.Consistent with Human Resources Policy HR-15 (Nepotism) and Section 11 of the Personnel Rules (Relatives Working for the City), no person who is a relative of any City Council Member, City Commissioner shall be appointed to a position within the City organization. For these purposes a “relative” is someone related by blood or marriage within the second degree (i.e., parent, child, brother, sister, mother, father, grandchild, grandparent, uncle, aunt) to a City Council Member or City Commissioner. Political Activities Prohibited; Discrimination. This provision provides that: 1. Councilmembers shall not ask employees to take an active part in any municipal or other political campaignNo employee shall, while in uniform or during the Formatted: Body Text, Indent: Left: 1.82", Right: 0.08", No bullets or numbering Formatted: Condensed by 0.05 pt Formatted: Font: Book Antiqua Formatted: Font: Book Antiqua 12.2.a Packet Pg. 344 Attachment: Redlined Code of Conduct Policy [Revision 2] (2586 : Code of Conduct Policy Continuation) Council Code of Conduct -11- employee's working hours,. take an active part in any municipal or other political campaign. 2. No employee shallCouncilmembers shall not seek or accept contributions for or against a candidate or issue from employees, while t h e y a r e in uniform or during the employee's work hours,. seek or accept contributions for or against a candidate or issue. 12.2.a Packet Pg. 345 Attachment: Redlined Code of Conduct Policy [Revision 2] (2586 : Code of Conduct Policy Continuation) Council Code of Conduct -12- 3. Councilmembers shall not ask an employee to An employee may not seek or accept signatures to any petition for or against any such candidate or issue during his or her work hours. 4. No person in the classified service shall be employed, promoted, demoted, or discharged or in any way favored or discriminated against because of political opinions or affiliations or because of race or religious belief. 5. For purposes of this section, the term "employee" shall include contract employees and consultants who function as City employees. 3.4.10 Menifee City Code Provisions Use of City Property—Limited to Lawful Business of City. No person or persons other than City officials or employees shall use any City-owned equipment, tools, or paraphernalia other than for the purpose of conducting the lawful business of the City. Use of City Property for Private Purposes by City Official, Employee, etc. No City official, City employee, or other person shall borrow, take, or remove any City-owned equipment, tools, or paraphernalia for private use. Use of City Property—Loan, etc., by City Official, Employee, etc. No City official, City employee, or any other person shall lend, give, or transfer possession of such City-owned equipment, tools, or paraphernalia to any other City official, employee, or any other person with knowledge that the same shall be used for private purposes. 12.2.a Packet Pg. 346 Attachment: Redlined Code of Conduct Policy [Revision 2] (2586 : Code of Conduct Policy Continuation) Council Code of Conduct -13- 3.4.11 California State Law Regarding Conflicts Four key areas of California State law regulate the ethics of public officials. Constitutional prohibitions State law strictly forbids elected and appointed public officials from accepting free or discounted travel from transportation companies. The penalty for a violation includes the forfeiture of office. Contractual conflicts of interest This prohibition, found in Government Code Section 1090, applies to elected and appointed officials as well as other City staff members. It prohibits the City from entering into a contract if one of its members (i.e., a Councilmember) is financially interested in the contract. If the bar (or prohibition) applies, the agency is prohibited from entering into the contract whether or not the official with the conflict participates or not. In some limited circumstances, officials are allowed to disqualify themselves from participation and the agency may enter into the contract. Financial interest has been defined to include employment, stock/ownership interests, and membership on the board of directors of a for-profit or nonprofit corporation, among others. Violations can be charged as a felony. A person convicted of violating Gove r nme nt Code Section 1090 is prohibited from ever holding public office in the State. Political Reform Act—Conflicts of Interest The Political Reform Act (PRA) was adopted by the voters in 1974 and is the primary expression of the law relative to conflicts of interest (and campaign finance) in California. The Act created the Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC), a five-member State board which administers the Act. The Act and the regulations are complex and are continuously subjected to official interpretation. The following synopsis of 12.2.a Packet Pg. 347 Attachment: Redlined Code of Conduct Policy [Revision 2] (2586 : Code of Conduct Policy Continuation) Council Code of Conduct -14- key parts of the Act will be helpful in spotting issues; however, the FPPC and/or City Attorney should be consulted for further advice and clarification. With respect to conflicts of interest, the FPPC has promulgated a regulation which establishes an analysis which assists in determining whether a public official is participating in a government decision in which they have a qualifying financial interest and whether it is reasonably foreseeable that the decision will have a material financial effect on the public official's financial interest, which is distinguishable from the effect the decision will have on the public generally. If a member has a conflict of interest regarding a particular decision, they must refrain from making or participating in the making of a decision unless otherwise permitted by law. If a public official has a financial interest that gives rise to a conflict of interest, one of the key determinations in the eight-step analysis is to determine whether or not the public official is "participating in" or "making" a governmental decision. A public official makes a government decision when they do the following:  Vote on a matter.  Appoint a person.  Obligate or commit his or her agency to any course of action.  Enter into any contractual agreement on behalf of his or her agency.  Determine not to act in certain circumstances. 12.2.a Packet Pg. 348 Attachment: Redlined Code of Conduct Policy [Revision 2] (2586 : Code of Conduct Policy Continuation) Council Code of Conduct -15- A public official participates in making governmental decisions when acting within the authority of his or her position, they do the following:  Negotiate without significant substantive review with a governmental entity or private person regarding a governmental decision.  Advise or make recommenda- tions to the decision-maker either directly or without significant intervening substantive review by: — Conducting research or an investigation which requires the exercise of judgment on the part of the official and the purpose of which is to influence governmental decisions; or — Preparing or presenting any report, analysis, or opinion orally or in writing which requires the exercise of judgment on the part of the official and the purpose of which is to influence a governmental decision. When a public official has a qualifying financial interest, that official may not use their office or otherwise attempt to influence governmental decisions or make appearances or contacts on behalf of a business entity, client, or customer. If an official has a qualifying financial interest, there are nevertheless exceptions which allow a public official to make an appearance before an agency in 12.2.a Packet Pg. 349 Attachment: Redlined Code of Conduct Policy [Revision 2] (2586 : Code of Conduct Policy Continuation) Council Code of Conduct -16- very limited circumstances. The one that is most commonly encountered is an appearance by a public official to represent himself or herself with respect to a proposed project or change in their neighborhood. If the appearance is permitted under State law, the appearance is limited to appearing at a public meeting at the podium and addressing a commission, or the City Council. The official may not contact members of staff, the City Manager, or City Attorney, or discuss the matter with other Councilmembers. A public official with a conflict cannot interact with staff on that issue other than to ask questions, pay fees, etc. Political Reform Act—Gifts, etc. Qualifying gifts of $50 or more must be reported on an official's Statement of Economic Interest (SEI). In addition, the Political Reform Act imposes a limit on gifts a local official can receive. The dollar amount of the gift limit is modified every odd year to reflect changes in the Consumer Price Index.* There are various exceptions that apply to whether or not a gift is a "qualifying gift." In some instances, the gift limit does not apply (e.g., wedding gifts); however, the obligation to report the gift typically does apply.  A gift is a payment made by any person of anything of value, whether tangible or intangible, real or personal property, a good or service that provides a personal benefit to an official when the public official does not provide goods or services of equal or greater value. It can include forgiveness of a debt, a rebate or discount unless the rebate or discount is made through the regular course of business to members of the public.  There are exceptions to gifts for informational material, gifts that are returned unused, gifts from relatives—close family, campaign * The gift limit can be found in Government Code §89503. 12.2.a Packet Pg. 350 Attachment: Redlined Code of Conduct Policy [Revision 2] (2586 : Code of Conduct Policy Continuation) Council Code of Conduct -17- contributions, home hospitality, benefits commonly exchanged, reciprocal exchanges, acts of neighborliness, bona fide dating relationship, acts of human compassion, ceremonial role, etc.  There are specific regulations for how gifts are valued, particularly with the value of tickets and passes and attendance at dinners and events.  Gifts can be given to the public agency and they are not charged as gifts to an individual who may use the gift (e.g., tickets) provided the express terms of the appropriate regulation are satisfied. Travel Reimbursements The Political Reform Act contains extensive regulations on travel reimbursements; however, travel payment by one's own public agency as part of your official duties are typically exempt. Reimbursement from other entities (other than transportation companies) within California and outside of California are subject to very specific rules. Honoraria Honoraria are defined as a payment made in return for giving a speech, writing an article, or attending a public or private conference, convention, meeting, social event, meal, or similar gathering. Honoraria should be distinguished from campaign funds that go into that person's campaign or to a political party. Campaign funds cannot be used for personal benefit. 12.2.a Packet Pg. 351 Attachment: Redlined Code of Conduct Policy [Revision 2] (2586 : Code of Conduct Policy Continuation) Council Code of Conduct -18-  Local elected officials or candidates may not accept honoraria. A local agency employee who is required to file a Statement of Economic Interest (Form 700) may not accept honoraria from any source requiring disclosure on a public official's SEI. There are approximately 12 exceptions to honoraria, including payments made for comedic, theatrical, and musical performances; income from bona fide personal services in connection with teaching, practicing law, etc.; and travel, lodging, and subsistence in connection with a speech, limited to the day before, day of, and day after within the United States.  The exceptions for income from personal services in connection with teaching and practicing law do not apply if the sole or predominant activity is giving speeches. Political Reform Act—Mass Mailings A mass mailing is defined as 200 or more substantially similar pieces of mail sent at public or private expense by a public official within a calendar month.  Sent at Private Expense—If sent for a political purpose, sender must place the name and address on the outside of the envelope.  Sent at Public Expense—These mailings are subject to strict 12.2.a Packet Pg. 352 Attachment: Redlined Code of Conduct Policy [Revision 2] (2586 : Code of Conduct Policy Continuation) Council Code of Conduct -19- limitations. For example, the mailing may not contain the name or pictures of elected officials except as part of the standard letterhead, and within the confines of that regulation they cannot be of different size or otherwise emblazoned on the mailing. Because the rules are complex, staff should be consulted for assistance. Political Reform Act—Enforcement The FPPC can assess administrative fines and penalties for violation of the Act. The District Attorney and the State Attorney General may prosecute violators as civil or criminal matters. Violators may also be removed from office pursuant to Government Code Section 3060. Common Law Conflicts of Interest This is the judicial expression of the public policy against public officials using their official position for private benefit. An elected official bears a fiduciary duty to exercise the powers of office for the benefit of the public and is not permitted to use those powers or their office for the benefit of any private interest. This common law doctrine continues to survive the adoption of various statutory expressions of conflict law. Appearance of Impropriety When participation in action or decision-making as a public official does not implicate the specific statutory criteria for conflicts of interest; however, participation still does not "look" or "feel" right, that public official has probably encountered the appearance of impropriety. 12.2.a Packet Pg. 353 Attachment: Redlined Code of Conduct Policy [Revision 2] (2586 : Code of Conduct Policy Continuation) Council Code of Conduct -20- For the public to have faith and confidence that government authority will be implemented in an even-handed and ethical manner, public officials may need to step aside even though no technical conflict exists. An example is where a long-term nonfinancial affiliation exists between the public official and an applicant or the applicant is related by blood or marriage to the official. For the good of the community, members who encounter the appearance of impropriety should step aside. 3.5 Compliance and Enforcement—All Rules Councilmembers take an oath when they assume their office in which they promise to uphold the laws of the State of California, the City of Menifee, and the United States of America. Consistent with this oath is the requirement of this Council policy to comply with the laws as well as report violations of the laws and policy of which they become aware. 3.5.1 Any suspected violation or alleged violation by a Councilmember must be reported to the City Attorney. In the case of a City staff member making the report regarding a Councilmember, the report should be made to the City Manager who will then report it to the City Attorney. Upon report, the City Manager and City Attorney will follow the protocosprotocols for addressing the violation or alleged violation: If the City Manager and City Attorney agree that the violation or alleged violation is minor in nature, either the City Manager or City Attorney may contact the individual Councilmember and advise the member of the concern and seek to resolve the matter. In implementing the provisions of this section, the City Attorney will be authorized to conduct all inquiries and investigations as necessary to fulfill their obligation. NOTE: State laws governing conflicts of interest are written to ensure that actions are taken in the public interest. These laws are very complex. Councilmembers should consult with the City Attorney, their own attorney, or the Fair Political Practices Commission for guidance in advance. 12.2.a Packet Pg. 354 Attachment: Redlined Code of Conduct Policy [Revision 2] (2586 : Code of Conduct Policy Continuation) Council Code of Conduct -21- For purposes of Sections and, the incident or violation is not minor if it involves the injury or potential injury to any person (e.g., physical, emotional, defamation, harassment, etc.), significant liability to the City Treasury or the probability for a repeat occurrence. 3.5.2 Councilmembers wishing to report a suspected violation by a staff member should report it to both the City Manager and City Attorney. 3.5.3 This policy and the protocols set forth are alternatives to any remedy that might otherwise be available or prudent. In order to ensure good government, any individual, including the City Manager and City Attorney, who believes a violation may have occurred is hereby authorized to report the violation to other appropriate authorities. 12.2.a Packet Pg. 355 Attachment: Redlined Code of Conduct Policy [Revision 2] (2586 : Code of Conduct Policy Continuation) Council Code of Conduct -22- 3.5.4 These same protocols may be utilized for any suspected violations or alleged violations by a Council advisory body member. In addition to those protocols, the City Manager or City Attorney may also refer the matter to the City Council if further action is needed. 3.6 AB 1234—Required Ethics Training AB 1234 requires elected or appointed officials who are compensated for their service or reimbursed for their expenses to take two hours of training in ethics principles and laws every two years. It is the City’s policy to emphasize the importance of ethics in government and although not required, it is highly encouraged that all advisory body members, including Committees and Commissions, adhere to the same requirements. The training must occur within two months of assuming office and be renewed within two months of the expiration of the current certificate. The training must cover general ethics principles relating to public service and ethics laws including: • Laws relating to personal financial gain by public officials (including bribery and conflict of interest laws); • Laws relating to office-holder perks, including gifts and travel restrictions, personal and political use of public resources, and prohibitions against gifts of public funds; • Governmental transparency laws, including financial disclosure requirements and open government laws (the Brown Act and Public Records Act); • Laws relating to fair processes, including fair contracting requirements, common law bias requirements, and due process. 3.6.1 Enforcement • Noncompliant Council or advisory body members may not attend conferences or training (except ethics training), using tickets provided through the City’s ticket distribution program at the City’s expense, during the period of noncompliance; • Should noncompliance by an advisory body member continue for 30 days without substantiated extenuating circumstances such as illness, disability, family tragedy, etc., the City Clerk is directed to bring the matter to the City Council for consideration of removing 12.2.a Packet Pg. 356 Attachment: Redlined Code of Conduct Policy [Revision 2] (2586 : Code of Conduct Policy Continuation) Council Code of Conduct -23- the advisory body member from service on their respective body; and • Training deadlines may be temporarily postposed for noncompliant advisory body members who are temporarily unable to fulfill their duties, including attending scheduled meetings. Training must be completed within 60 days of returning to service. 12.2.a Packet Pg. 357 Attachment: Redlined Code of Conduct Policy [Revision 2] (2586 : Code of Conduct Policy Continuation) Council Code of Conduct -24- CHAPTER 4—COMMUNICATIONS 4.1 Written Communications 4.1.1 Written communications addressed to the City Council and all commission legislative bodies are to be referred to the City Clerk for:  Forwarding to the Council and Commissioners with their agenda packet, or place in their in-box. 4.2 Request for Staff Resources 4.2.1 Council requests for research or other staff work must be directed to the City Manager, or to the City Attorney if regarding legal matters. If more than one hour of staff time will be required to complete the task/project, the item will be agendized to ask the City Council if time should be spent on preparing a report on the proposed item. Staff responses prepared to Council inquiries shall be distributed to all City Councilmembers through the Council monthly update. 4.3 Relationship/Communications with Staff Staff serves the City Council, through the authority of the City Manager, as a whole, therefore: 4.3.1 A Councilmember shall not direct staff to initiate any action, change a course of action, or prepare any report. A Councilmember shall not initiate any project or study without the approval of the majority of the Council. 4.3.2 Councilmembers shall not attempt to pressure or influence discussions, recommendations, workloads, schedules, or department priorities absent the approval of a majority of the Council. Formatted: Indent: Left: 1.07", No bullets or numbering 12.2.a Packet Pg. 358 Attachment: Redlined Code of Conduct Policy [Revision 2] (2586 : Code of Conduct Policy Continuation) Council Code of Conduct -25- 4.3.3 When preparing for Council meetings, Councilmembers should direct questions ahead of time to the City Manager during Council briefings so that staff can provide the desired information at the Council meeting. 4.3.4 Any concerns by a member of the City Council regarding the behavior or work of a City employee should be directed to the City Manager privately to ensure the concern is resolved. Councilmembers shall not reprimand employees directly nor should they communicate their concerns to anyone other than the City Manager. 4.3.5 Councilmembers may direct routine inquiries to the City Manager. 4.3.6 Councilmembers serving on Council committees or as the City's representative to an outside agency may interact directly with City staff assigned to that effort as the City Manager's designee. The City staff member so designated and assigned will keep the City Manager appropriately informed. 4.3.7 Soliciting political support from staff (e.g., financial contributions, display of posters or lawn signs, name on support list, etc.) is prohibited. City staff may, as private citizens with constitutional rights, support political candidates, but all such activities must be done away from the workplace and may not be conducted while in uniform. 4.4 Council Relationship/Communication with Council Advisory Bodies 4.4.1 Councilmembers shall not attempt to pressure or influence commission, or committee decisions, recommendations, or priorities absent the approval of the majority of the Council. However, a majority vote of the City Council can authorize a work item for an advisory body under certain circumstances. 12.2.a Packet Pg. 359 Attachment: Redlined Code of Conduct Policy [Revision 2] (2586 : Code of Conduct Policy Continuation) Council Code of Conduct -26- 4.5 Handling of Litigation and Other Confidential Information 4.5.1 All written materials and verbal information provided to Councilmembers on matters that are confidential and/or privileged under State law shall be kept in complete confidence to ensure that the City's position is not compromised. No disclosure or mention of any information in these materials may be made to anyone other than Councilmembers, the City Attorney, or City Manager. Confidential materials provided in preparation for and during Closed Sessions shall not be retained and electronic copies must be deleted or documents returned to staff at the conclusion of the Closed Session. Confidential materials provided to Councilmembers outside of Closed Sessions must be destroyed, deleted, or returned to staff within thirty (30) days of their receipt. Councilmembers may not request confidential written information from staff that has not been provided to all Councilmembers. 4.6 Representing an Official City Position 4.6.1 City Councilmembers may use their title only when conducting official City business, for information purposes, or as an indication of background and expertise, carefully considering whether they are exceeding or appearing to exceed their authority. 4.6.2 Once the City Council has taken a position on an issue, all official City correspondence regarding that issue will reflect the Council's adopted position. 4.6.3 In most instances, the Council will authorize the Mayor, at a public City Council meeting, to send letters stating the City's official position to appropriate legislators. 4.6.4 If any Councilmember would like to prepare a letter, the City Manager must authorize it. 4.6.5 If a member of the City Council appears before another governmental agency organization to give a statement on an issue affecting the City, the Councilmember should indicate the majority position and opinion of the Council. 12.2.a Packet Pg. 360 Attachment: Redlined Code of Conduct Policy [Revision 2] (2586 : Code of Conduct Policy Continuation) Council Code of Conduct -27- 4.6.6 Personal opinions and comments may be expressed only if the Councilmember clarifies that these statements do not reflect the official position of the City Council. 4.7 Quasi-Judicial Role/Ex Parte Contacts The City Council has a number of roles. It legislates and makes administrative and executive decisions. The Council also acts in a quasi-judicial capacity or "like a judge" when it rules on various permits, licenses, and land use entitlements. In this last capacity, quasi-judicial, the Council holds a hearing, takes evidence, determines what the evidence shows, and exercises its discretion in applying the facts to the law shown by the evidence. It is to these proceedings that the rule relative to ex parte contacts applies. 4.7.1 Ex Parte Contacts/Fair Hearings. The Council shall refrain from receiving information and evidence on any quasi-judicial matter while such matter is pending before the City Council or any agency, board, or commission thereof, except at the public hearing. As an elected official, it is often impossible to avoid such contacts and exposure to information. Therefore, if any member is exposed to information or evidence about a pending matter outside of the public hearing, through contacts by constituents, the applicant or through site visits, the member shall disclose all such information and/or evidence acquired from such contacts, which is not otherwise included in the written or oral staff report, during the public hearing, and before the public comments period is opened. Matters are "pending" when an application has been filed. Information and evidence gained by members via their attendance at noticed public hearings before subordinate boards and commissions are not subject to this rule. 4.8 No Attorney-Client Relationship Councilmembers who consult the City Attorney, his or her staff, and/or attorney(s) contracted to work on behalf of the City cannot enjoy or establish an attorney-client relationship with said attorney(s) by consulting with or speaking to same. Any attorney-client relationship established belongs to the City, acting through the City Council, and as may be allowed in State law for purposes of defending the City and/or the City Council in the course of litigation and/or administrative procedures, etc. 12.2.a Packet Pg. 361 Attachment: Redlined Code of Conduct Policy [Revision 2] (2586 : Code of Conduct Policy Continuation) Council Code of Conduct -28- CHAPTER 5—COUNCIL ADVISORY BODIES 5.1 Commissions, and Committees Generally 5.1.1 The City of Menifee City Municipal Code establishes the following commissions to advise the City Council, and adopted resolutions establishing the following committees:  Planning Commission  Parks, Recreation , and Trails Commission  Senior Advisory Committee  Measure DD Oversight Committee  Menifee Citizens Advisory Committee 5.1.2 The City Municipal Code authorizes the City Council to establish additional advisory boards and commissions to assist the Council in its policy decisions. The City Council has the inherent power to create committees. 5.1.3 City commissions, and committees (collectively “Council advisory bodies”) do not set or establish City policy or administrative direction to City staff. 5.1.4 Appointments to commissions and committees are made by e a c h C i t y C o u n c i l m e m b e r , i n h i s o r h e r s o l e d i s c r e t i o n . Appointees to Council advisory bodies serve at the pleasure of the City Council. 5.1.5 Commissions typically have broader policy and advisory responsibilities than committees, which typically have much more focused advisory roles to the Council, such as Senior Advisory and Measure DD Committees. 5.2 Commission and Committee Organization and Conduct 5.2.1 Annually, each commission and committee elects one of their members to serve as the presiding officer or chair. 5.2.2 Commissions, and Committees established by the City Council shall hold regular and special meetings as may be required. The conduct of commission and committee meetings are governed by the same rules of policy and procedure as the City Council. 5.2.3 Commissions, and Committees should comply with all applicable open meeting and conflict-of-interest laws of the State. 12.2.a Packet Pg. 362 Attachment: Redlined Code of Conduct Policy [Revision 2] (2586 : Code of Conduct Policy Continuation) Council Code of Conduct -29- 5.2.4 Upon appointment or reappointment, Council advisory body members shall sign affirming they have read and understand this City of Menifee City Council Code of Conduct. 5.3 Commission, and Committee Appointments 5.3.1 The City requires that members of City commissions be qualified electors of the City (resident of City of Menifee and United States citizen). Appointments will provide, as nearly as possible, a representative balance of the broad population of the City. All appointees should bring the skill, integrity, knowledge, interest, and commitment to evaluating issues in the broad context of the public interest. 5.3.2 Unless appointed to an unexpired term of less than two years caused by the resignation or other such vacancy, the term of office for each commission and committee member is generally the same term as the appointing City Councilmember, or Mayor. Committee terms are two years and appointees are limited to two consecutive terms prior to reappointment on a given committee (except where specifically provided). An appointee must have a two year rest period between term limits prior to reappointment. 5.3.3 The City Clerk provides application forms and maintains a composite listing of all applications on file which have been received. 5.3.4 The City Clerk solicits applications for vacancies in accordance with the procedures outlined in Government Code section 54974. 12.2.a Packet Pg. 363 Attachment: Redlined Code of Conduct Policy [Revision 2] (2586 : Code of Conduct Policy Continuation) Council Code of Conduct -30- 5.3.5 Persons being considered for appointment (or reappointment) may be interviewed at least once to qualify for appointment. 5.4 Commissions, and Committees—Vacancy of Office 5.4.1 If a member of a commission or committee is absent from three regular meetings of such commission or committee consecutively or f r o m s i x r e g u l a r m e e t i n g s within a calendar year, or is convicted of a crime involving fraud, bribery, embezzlement, corruption, or any like crime involving dishonesty or abuse of trust (collectively, “crimes of moral turpitude”), or ceases to be a qualified elector and resident of the City, that office shall become vacant upon the declaration of Council. The Council may, for good cause, determine that a vacancy has been created. 5.4.2 Resignations may be submitted at any time to the City Council either directly or through the commission or committee chair. Resignations are effective upon submittal. 5.4.3 Upon notice of a vacancy, the Council Appointments shall initiate the appointment procedure detailed in City Council, Commission, and Committee Appointments, leading to a recommendation to the City Council for a successor of such vacancy and the successor will be appointed to serve only to the date of the unexpired term pursuant the City Municipal Code. 5.5 Commissions, and Committees—Removal 5.5.1 A Commissioner, or Committee member is subject to removal by motion of the City Council adopted by at least a simple majority of votes, or by the Councilmember which made the appointment. 12.2.a Packet Pg. 364 Attachment: Redlined Code of Conduct Policy [Revision 2] (2586 : Code of Conduct Policy Continuation) Council Code of Conduct -31- CHAPTER 6—MEETINGS 6.1. Ralph M. Brown Act All meetings of the City Council, standing Councilmember committees, and Council advisory bodies are governed by the Ralph M. Brown Act (Government Code 54950 et seq.). The City Council views the Brown Act as a minimum set of standards and in several respects, the City's open meeting requirements exceed the requirements of the Brown Act. If any member of a City legislative body, or City staff, believe that action has been taken on an item in contravention of the Brown Act, that person is privileged to place the item on a future agenda for reconsideration and/or action. 6.2 Regular Meetings 6.2.1 City Council Policy No. 01 establishes the Rules of Decorum and Procedures for the Conduct of City Council Meetings. The policy outlines the order of agenda items, rules of procedure and decorum. The policy applies to the Planning Commission and other City committees and commissions subject to the Brown Act and shall apply to the City Council Chambers or any other location where a meeting subject to these rules takes place. 6.3 Special and Emergency Meetings 6.3.1 Pursuant to the Ralph M. Brown Act, the Council may also hold special or emergency meetings as deemed necessary. 6.4 Meeting Agendas 6.4.1 Preparation of Agendas Council agendas and supporting information are prepared by the City Manager and City Clerk. For Council advisory bodies and Councilmember committees, agendas and supporting information are prepared by the supporting City department to the Council advisory body or Councilmember committee as directed by the City Manager. 6.4.2 Placing Items on Agendas Council Agendas 12.2.a Packet Pg. 365 Attachment: Redlined Code of Conduct Policy [Revision 2] (2586 : Code of Conduct Policy Continuation) Council Code of Conduct -32- The City Manager in conjunction with staff shall have the primary responsibility for placing matters on the City Council agenda in accord with the identified City needs and scheduling. The Mayor and Councilmembers may add an item to the agenda in a public meeting as stated in …. All regular City Council Agendas shall include an item entitled “Future Agenda Requests from Councilmembers.” See section 6.6.3, no. 15. 12.2.a Packet Pg. 366 Attachment: Redlined Code of Conduct Policy [Revision 2] (2586 : Code of Conduct Policy Continuation) Council Code of Conduct -33- 6.5 Time of Adjournment It is the policy of the City that all evening meetings of the Council, including Study Sessions, be adjourned no later than 10:00 p.m., which time is referred to as the normal time of adjournment. No new item of business shall be taken up by the City Council after the normal time unless the Council has determined by majority vote to set aside this policy. In the event it appears that the entire agenda cannot be completed by the normal time of adjournment, the Council may take up and act upon the more pressing agenda items. All agenda items not considered at the meeting shall be on the agenda of the next regular, special, or adjourned regular meeting unless the Council directs otherwise. 12.2.a Packet Pg. 367 Attachment: Redlined Code of Conduct Policy [Revision 2] (2586 : Code of Conduct Policy Continuation) Council Code of Conduct -34- 6.66.5 Agenda Packets Agenda packets are to be made available at City Hall, the City Clerk's Office, the City's web site (www.cityofmenifee.us), and at the Council meeting. Regular Council meeting agendas, minutes, and staff reports are generally available beginning the Friday evening before each Council meeting. NOTE: Also refer to City Council Policy No. 01, Rules of Decorum and Procedures, which sets forth the rules of procedure for the conduct of City business. 12.2.a Packet Pg. 368 Attachment: Redlined Code of Conduct Policy [Revision 2] (2586 : Code of Conduct Policy Continuation) Council Code of Conduct -35- CHAPTER 7—COUNCIL FINANCIAL MATTERS 7.1 Compensation 7.1.1 Pursuant to Section 2.04.040 of the City of Menifee City Municipal Code, each Councilmember will receive a monthly salary. 7.1.2 The Mayor receives a monthly salary equal to the salary of a Councilmember plus an additional $100 per month. 7.1.3 The City Council has no power to increase its salary by ordinance, resolution, or motion. 7.2 Benefits 7.2.1 The California Government Code provides that Councilmembers may receive health, retirement, and other benefits. 7.2.2 City-funded medical, dental, and life insurance plan benefits are provided. 7.3 City Council Budget and Expenses 7.3.1 City Council Policy No. 02, Reimbursement of Expenses for City Business for Elected or Appointed Officials and City Employees, provides policy guidance regarding Council expenditures for equipment, supplies and communications; travel; local expenses; and expenses charged against the City Council budget. 12.2.a Packet Pg. 369 Attachment: Redlined Code of Conduct Policy [Revision 2] (2586 : Code of Conduct Policy Continuation) CLK/7/Council Code of Conduct 610-06-23-15CoC COUNCIL ADVISORY BODY PERSONAL CODE OF CONDUCT Page 36 of 5 12.2.a Packet Pg. 370 Attachment: Redlined Code of Conduct Policy [Revision 2] (2586 : Code of Conduct Policy Continuation)