2020-07-01 City Council Item No. 7 Public Comment - Urich Attachment Regular MEETING - Additional Meeting MaterialsMenifee Police Officers' Association 30I 4I Anielope RoorJ t)784, Menifee CA 92584 nr enif eepcc'c. or-;tlor;k.conr June 20,2020 Honoroble Moyor Bill Zimmermon, Members of the Menifee City Council ond City Monoger Armondo Villo: This letter is to introduce you to the Menifee Police Officers' Associotion. We would like to thonk you for this precious opportunity to serye ond keep sofe the good people of Menifee. We fully understond whot o monumentol undertoking ond finonciol commitment it hos been to creote o new low enforcement ogency. Pleose be qssured of our dedicotion to provide the obsolute best low enforcement service in the United Stotes. We ore committed to providing on experience where the community truly feels unified, engoged ond sofe. We must commend you on the selection of Chief Poi Wolsh os the first Chief of Police for the city of Menifee. We hove the utmost respect ond oppreciotion for him ond his leodership. Chief Wqlsh possesses o rore ond voluoble leodership style. He mokes everyone oround him better by empowering them to mqke decisions ond grow. Chief Wolsh hos put together o teom with over 700 yeors of low enforcement experience ond hos creoted on environment where police personnel ore excited to do their job ond feel fully supported. The Menifee Police Officers' Associotion looks forword to being o force for good in the community through hosting chority events, providing youth scholorships ond leoding youth groups. We look forurord to working with you to moke Menifee the premiere city in oll of Southern Colifornio. Thonk you ond God Bless. Respectfully, Tony h President, Menifee Police Officers' Associotion ,fu--