2020-07-01 City Council Item No. 11.3 "The Junction" Presentation Regular MEETING - Additional Meeting MaterialsCity of Menifee City Council Plot Plan No. 2017-287 Conditional Use Permit No. 2017-288 Development Agreement No. 2017-291 “The Junction” Project Location General Plan Land Use Subject Property Economic Development Corridor – Southern Gateway (EDC-SG) North EDC-SG South EDC-SG East Menifee Commercial Specific Plan & EDC-SG West Rural Residential -1 Acre Min (RR1) & 2.1-5 Dwelling Units per Acre – Residential (2.1-5R) General Plan Land Use Project Site Zoning Classifications Subject Property Economic Development Corridor – Southern Gateway (EDC-SG) North EDC-SG South EDC-SG East Menifee Commercial Specific Plan & EDC-SG West Rural Residential –1 Acre Min (RR1) & Low Density Residential –2 (LDR-2) (7,200 SF) Zoning Project Site Plot Plan No. 2017-287 proposes: •268,824 SF of retail commercial buildings •85,282 SF 5-story hotel •304-unit (390-bed) 3-story senior living facility •54.01 gross acres Project Description Retail commercial buildings: •Shops 1 –8,600 SF •Shops 2 –9,000 SF •Shops 3 –9,900 SF •Shops 4 –6,600 SF •Shops 5 –10,800 SF* •Shops 6 –9,600 SF •Fitness Center –7,721 SF •Pad 1 Restaurant –7,721 SF •Pad 2 Restaurant –5,991 SF •Pad 3 Restaurant –2,368 SF •Pad 4 Restaurant –3,400 SF •Anchor Building –157,844 SF with gas station •Hotel -85,282 SF Project Description * Alternative 9,000 SF Shops 5 with drive-thru (in lieu of 10,800 SF Shops 5 without drive-thru) Senior living facilities •Independent living •Senior assisted living •Memory care •304 units (390 beds) •12.88 acres site •2 phases Phase 1A •AL –19 units •IL –153 •MC –24 Phase 1B •IL –135 units Project Description Conditional Use Permit No. 2017-288 proposes: •Assisted living facility •Gas station Project Description Development Agreement No. 2017-291 proposes: •Establishes provisions for development of the Project, such as: •Vesting of development rights/fees •Timing of public improvements •Public benefits •Credits/reimbursement for improvements •Future tax sharing agreements Project Description Plot Plan No. 2010-022 •Approved by City Council on April 2, 2014 •526,800 SF shopping center consisting of 18 buildings •Given 3 years to begin substantial construction with 2 one-year extensions •Expired on April 2, 2019 •Final EIR was approved project Background Site Planning •Design Guidelines •Architectural standards, paving standards, amenities, public art, landscape concept lighting, outdoor plazas •Pedestrian oriented •Walkways, plazas, courtyards •Retail within southeasterly portion •Plan considers residents to the west & includes wide landscaped buffer and screen walls Circulation •Driveways/Access: Commercial Component•3 on Haun Road•1 on Scott Road•3 on Howard Way Senior Living Component•2 on Howard Way•Emergency access w/ Senior Facility •Road segment improvements: •Howard Way•Scott Road•Haun Road •Intersection improvements •Haun Road/Scott Road•Scott Road/Howard Way Howard Way Haun RoadScott Road Landscaping •12.3 acres of landscaping provided •2.7 acres required •Two rows of perimeter trees shown (and in some areas more) •8’ trail on Haun Road Architecture •Rural agrarian vernacular with contemporary blend •Roof forms •Window types •Color and Material Architecture Architecture Architecture Phase 1A/1B •Howard improvements along entire westerly project frontage •Howard Way/Scott Road intersection improvements Phasing Phase 2 •Includes anchor building and gas station, Pads 1 – 4, and Shops 1 -4 •Phase 3 area would be mass graded •Road improvements for Scott Road and Haun Road Phasing Phase 3 •Includes Shops 5 and 6, fitness center and hotel Phasing •15-year initial term •1st 5-year extension with certificates of occupancy for either a hotel or 100,000 SF of commercial •2nd 5-year extension with certificate of occupancy for: •A hotel and 100,000 SF of commercial OR•200,000 SF of commercial •Fixed DIF for 7 seven years •Subject to 50% of accrued increases for 3 years•Full DIF after 10 years Development Agreement •Public Benefit -Excess Developer Contributions •Early frontage improvements•Expanded storm drain facility•Early residential development impact fee•Haun Road realignment study •Future Tax Sharing Agreement –Enter into Negotiations •Hotel •Transient Occupancy Tax Sharing Agreement •Wholesale club or big-box anchor store •Sales Tax Sharing Agreement Development Agreement Baily Farmstead Mitigation •Historical mitigation plan as part of original 2014 EIR •Recreated tank house with panels containing relevant images and text about history•Rebuilt water heater•Rebuilt outdoor fireplace •The Commission voted unanimously to approve (5:0) •Two letters of support were received. No public speakers. •Topics of discussion: •Tax sharing agreement •Height of the hotel •Architectural style of the project •Viability of the hotel •Types of restaurant that will be accommodated •Development Agreement language changes Planning Commission -June 10, 2020 •An Addendum to the Junction at Menifee Valley FEIR was prepared pursuant to CEQA for this project. •None of the conditions described in the CEQA Guidelines calling for preparation of a subsequent or supplemental EIR has occurred. Environmental Determination 1.Conduct public hearing 2.Adopt a Resolution adopting an Addendum to the previously certified Junction at Menifee Valley Final Environmental Impact Report 3.Adopt a Resolution approving Plot Plan No. 2017-287 subject to the Conditions of Approval 4.Adopt a Resolution approving Conditional Use Permit No. 2017-288 subject to the Conditions of Approval 5.Introduce an Ordinance approving Development Agreement No. 2017-291 Recommendations Questions?Thank You. •83.2 of preferred residential acreage in EDC-SG •94.54 acres of underutilized residential uses (i.e., assumed long-term turnover) •35.80 acre of remaining residential acreage available for development in EDC-SG (135.86 in the EDC overall) Preferred Land Use Mix Total Acreage Preferred Residential Area Total Residential Acreage1 Short- term Turnover2 Remaining Residential Acreage After Assumed Short-term Turnover Long-term Turnover2 Remaining Residential Acreage After Assumed Long-term Turnover Southern Gateway 832 83.2 141.94 48.60 -10.14 94.54 35.80 Total EDC Area 2,231 334.65 444.00 143.68 34.33 308.14 135.86 1.Total residential acreage includes actual residential acreage plus approved and proposed residential acreage (including the proposed project). 2.Areas identified for turn-over are generally underutilized properties that are likely to be redeveloped.