2020-06-17 City Council Item No. 11.2 Public Comment - Ashley Regular MEETING - Additional Meeting Materials1
Emily Grisenti
From:Mickey Ashley <mickeyashley@ashleydevco.com>
Sent:Wednesday, June 17, 2020 6:17 PM
To:Public Comments
Cc:Michael Naggar; Cheryl Kitzerow
Subject:Public Hearing Comment for Item 11.2 6-17-2020
Categories:Red category
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Could someone please read the following during the public hearing for
11.2. Menifee North Specific Plan Amendment No. 3 (2010‐090)
Good evening honorable Mayor and members of the Council.
This Specific Plan Amendment proposes to update the land use of a portion of the North Menifee Specific Plan.
Our family has owned this property for over 70 years. My Father remembers our family farming this land back in the
In 1990, we started the process of establishing the North Menifee Specific Plan by working together with several of the
neighboring property owners. It is 30 years later and those land uses are now out of date.
I would like to suggest a couple of small changes to one of the conditions. We have been working with the Planning
Department attempting to understand the underlying details and more recently to clarify the condition language.
The latest draft version of the condition was sent to us around noon today just after our meeting with the Planning
Department. However, there was not time today to finish it today and it seems to be half done. This concerns:
General Condition No. 6. “Fiscal Impact Analysis – Early Residential Fee”
1. The updated language allows for the City to elect to adjust the one‐time fee prior to project approval, however, it
affords no opportunity for the property owner to initiate any adjustment of the fee, If the City is able to elect to update
the calculation of the fee, it is reasonable to for the property owner to also be able to request the readjustment of the
fee during the entitlement process.
2. Since the annual fee component of the condition has been stated to be for 30 years, is it reasonable to request that
the condition reflect that annual fee be limited to 30 years.
Thank you
Mickey Ashley
Malaga 74, LLC
29490 Warmsprings Dr
Menifee CA 92584