2020-06-17 City Council Item No. 11.3 2019 Delinquent Solid Waste Accounts Presentation Regular MEETING - Additional Meeting MaterialsPublic Hearing Item 11.3 2019 Delinquent Solid Waste Accounts 2019 Solid Waste Delinquencies The action before the City Council is a request to conduct a public hearing to collect calendar year 2019 delinquent solid waste accounts through placement on the fiscal year 2020/2021 County of Riverside property tax roll for collection Discussion •Authority to collect delinquent solid waste charges on the annual property tax roll: •California Health and Safety Code Section 5473 •Riverside County Ordinance 745 Proposed Tax Roll Assessment •1,509 affected property owners •$527,801 anticipated total tax assessment Notification •A Notice of Public Hearing on Delinquent Solid Waste Charges was mailed to affected residents by Waste Management on May 20 •A Notice of Public Hearing was published in the Press Enterprise on May 28 and June 4 Resident Payment Options •Resolve unpaid solid waste charges with Waste Management before the deadline of June 30, 2020; or •Resolve unpaid solid waste charges with the County of Riverside once delinquent solid waste charges are assessed on the FY 2020/2021 property tax bill. Recommendation Staff requests that City Council conduct the public hearing, and upon its close: 1.Approve the solid waste delinquency report from Waste Management listing the calendar year 2019 delinquent solid waste accounts for placement on the fiscal year 2020/2021 County of Riverside property tax roll for collection. 2.Adopt a Resolution of the City Council authorizing the collection of delinquent solid waste charges on the annual property tax roll 3.Direct the City Clerk to file a certified copy of the Resolution and Solid Waste Delinquency Report with the County of Riverside Auditor-Controller. Fiscal Impact •12% franchise fee •$63,336 anticipated General Fund revenue recovery Questions?