2020-06-17 City Council Item No. 11.2 Menifee North Speciifc Plan Amendment No. 3 Presentation Regular MEETING - Additional Meeting MaterialsCity of Menifee Planning Commission “Menifee North Specific Plan Amendment No. 3” Specific Plan Amendment No. 2010-090 Environmental Impact Report Project Location Specific Plan Area Menifee County •Amendment No. 3 to Menifee North Specific Plan •Modifications to boundaries of Planning Areas 11, 12, 13 and 14 •Update of allowable uses for Planning Areas 11, 12 and 13 •Establishment of development standards within Planning Areas 11, 12, and 13 •Establishment of architectural design guidelines for residential and commercial development. Project Description •May 13, 2020 PC voted 4-1 to recommend Certification of EIR and approval of SPA •Commissioner Phillips expressed concerns with land use change, aesthetics, environmental justice, and soil contamination •Comments received by Southwest Regional Council of Carpenters •No members of public spoke at the Public Hearing •Commission added a condition requiring a Phase II Environmental Site Assessment prior to grading, although no RECs identified with Phase I study Planning Commission •December 1994 –Adopted by Riverside County •June 2007 -1st Amendment changing land use to PAs east of Briggs Rd. to Medium and Medium High Density Residential •April 2008 –2nd Amendment re-designated Business Park and Commercial of PAs west of Briggs Road to Medium High and High Density Residential use and added a park site west of Menifee Road •October 2008 -City incorporation transferred land use authority of PAs west of Briggs Rd. to the City •February 2016 –Substantial Conformance No. 1 Riverside County removed PAs in Menifee from County Adopted version of SP SP Background General Plan Land Use Zoning North PA 9 –Med Density PA 10 –Community Park South Business Park Pub /Quasi Pub Facilities East PA 16 -Commercial LDR-1 West PA 7A -Med-High Density PA 7B –High Density PA8 -Commercial Planning Areas and Land Use -PA 11 ProposedCurrent •Increase from 23.6 to 29.35 Ac. •Change from Business Park to VHDR. Up to 536 du. •Area has become residential to north and west and not well suited for light industrial uses Planning Areas and Land Use –PA12 •Increase in area from 4.7 to 9.2 Ac. •Change from Business Park to Commercial/VHDR Up to 135 Dwelling Units •12A transitional area to be developed with 11A or 13A. •12A-Up to 100% Commercial or a max of 67% Residential and 33% Commercial Uses. Current Proposed Planning Areas and Land Use –PA13 •Increase in area from 14..6 to 15.42 Ac. •Change from combo Business Park/Commercial to Commercial •Maintains commercial along Hwy 74 frontage and to serve surrounding residential areas. Current Proposed Planning Areas and Land Use –PA14 •Decrease in area from 11.7 to 9.24 Ac. •No other changes proposed Current Proposed Planning Areas and Land Use The proposed land uses compatible with existing land use designations in the surrounding area. Along Highway 74, amendment eliminates Business Park uses but retains the Commercial designation for PA 13 matching the designations directly east and west of the project site. PA 12 provides a transitional area accommodate both Very High Density Residential and a more limited range commercial uses. PA 11 Very High Density Residential is proposed, adjacent to Medium and Medium-High Density Residential designations to the north and west and lower density residential to the east. replacing the current Business Park designation, which allows for Industrial Park uses. •Update of allowable uses for Planning Areas 11, 12 and 13 •Land uses for PA 12 and 13 taken from the City’s former C-P-S Zone (Scenic Highway Commercial) modified to include a more up-to-date and selective range of uses. •Eliminated uses include escort bureaus, pawnshops, massage parlors, and taxidermists. •Added uses include day spas, restaurants with on-site brewery, weight loss clinics, and cellular service stores. •PA 12 land uses are more restrictive that those found in PA 13 to be sensitive to future residential uses to the north. In general, auto and vehicle related uses will require a Conditional Use Permit in PA 13 and are prohibited in PA 12. Proposed Allowable Uses Residential Architectural Guidelines Commercial Architectural Guidelines Environmental Determination Initial Study and Notice of Preparation •NOP review period from February 26, 2019 to March 27,2019 •To State Clearinghouse, Agencies, Surrounding Property Owners and Residents Scoping Meeting March 11, 2019 •Publicly noticed •Provides an opportunity for public to comment on scope of environmental issues to be addressed in EIR Summary of NOP comments in EIR Environmental Determination An Environmental Impact Report prepared for the project and includes Mitigation Measures for: •Air Quality •Biological Resources •Energy •Greenhouse Gases •Hazards and Hazardous Materials •Noise •Public Services •Transportation/Traffic Environmental Determination 9 Comment Letters received during Draft EIR public review period •Airport Land Use Commission (ALUC) •Lozeau / Drury LLP •Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians •Rincon Band of Luiseño Indians •Riverside County Fire Department •South Coast Air Quality Management District •Valley-Wide Recreation and Park District •Mitchell M. Tsai, Attorney on behalf of Southwest Regional Council of Carpenters •CA Department of Fish and Wildlife Environmental Determination Significant and Unavoidable Impacts for Air Quality •Operations impacts will exceed SCAQMD threshold of significance for NOx •Multiple-family was not anticipated under the existing General Plan •Exceed the assumptions used to develop the AQMP. •SCAQMD periodically amends the AQMP based on SCAG growth •Will eventually be addressed and incorporated into the regional air quality plan. •Beyond the scope of the Project to update growth forecasts and plans; •Therefore, no mitigation is feasible at the Project-level for Air Quality Environmental Determination Significant and Unavoidable Impacts for Traffic/Transportation •Project would result in a significant impact to the level of service for the roadway segment of Highway 74 from I-215 to Antelope Road even with mitigation for Opening Year 2023. •Project would generate a significant impact to the level of service for the roadway segments of Highway 74 from I-215 to Antelope Road and McCall Boulevard from the I-215 to Menifee Road under cumulative conditions after mitigation. •Project’s impact for Project Opening Year traffic conditions and cumulative conditions would be considered significant and unavoidable. •Impacts are not a result of the project but cumulative conditions assuming all projects in area opening year •These impacts deal with capacity of each roadway segment however signalized intersections along these corridors will operate at acceptable levels of service. Environmental Determination Statement of Overriding Consideration (SOOC) for Significant Unavoidable Impacts •Housing that is responsive to current market demand •Mixed-use community with buffering between existing and proposed uses •410 employee jobs •Adequate funds to cover maintenance of project-related roadways •Positive fiscal impact with impact fees to cover costs based on timing of land use development •Considers existing constraints and market conditions, transitions to existing neighborhoods, and establishes updated development standards and design guidelines •Places higher density housing where future residents can easily access to the HW 74. 1.Conduct a Public Hearing. 2.Adopt a Resolution to Certify the Environmental Impact Report and Adopt a Statement of Overriding Considerations based upon the findings incorporated in the resolution and analysis in the Environmental Impact Report; and, 3.Adopt an Ordinance to approve Specific Plan Amendment 2010-090 based upon the findings and conclusions incorporated in the staff report. Recommendations Questions?Thank You.