2020-06-17 City Council Item No. 11.1 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Substantial Amendment to Program Year 2019-2020 Annual Action Plan for CARES Act Fundds Presentation Regular MEETING - Additional Meeting MaterialsCommunity Development Block Grant (CDBG) Substantial Amendment to Program Year 19/20 Annual Action Plan for CARES Act Funds Public Hearing: June 17, 2020 Per the City’s Citizen Participation Plan,a SubstantialAmendmenttoanAnnualActionPlanisrequiredwhena“substantial”change is proposed,which includes: •The addition of a new activity or priority; •A change in the nature of an activity, its location, or its target population; or •A change of more than 50 percent in the amount of funds allocated to an activity. Citizen Participation Plan (CPP) CARES Act •$5 billion in supplemental Community Development Block Grant forCoronaVirus(CDBG-CV) •All CDBG-CV activities must prepare,prevent,and respond tocoronavirus •City of Menifee is eligible to receive $307,232 •CDBG-CV projects must meet one of the three National Objectives: 1.Benefit Low-to Moderate-Income Persons 2.Prevent or Eliminate Blight 3.Meet an Urgent Need Community Development Block Grant-CVCARES Act Overview CDBG-CV Overview CDBG-CV vs. CDBG •CDBG-CV funds must only be used for eligible activities related to COVID-19 •Eliminates the 15% cap for Public Services •HUD reduces standard 30-day public comment period to 5 days •Additional Federal guidelines are pending CDBG-CV Overview Examples of Eligible Activities •Emergency rent/utility assistance •Food distribution •Provide testing, diagnosis or other services at a fixed or mobile location •Provide short-term working capital assistance to small businesses to enable retention of jobs held by low-and moderate-income persons •Construct a facility for testing, diagnosis, or treatment •Rehabilitate a community facility to establish an infectious disease treatment clinic Proposed CDBG-CV Activities Meal/Food Service Program $100,000 •Assist with meal expenses and operating cost for foodbank,Community-Based Organization and other fooddeliveryorganization;and partner with CommunityServices Small Business Grants $100,000 •Provides assistance to stabilize businesses that wereaffectedbyCOVID-19 and support jobs (create andretain)with grants between $1,500-$5,000 andpartneredwithEconDevandSBDC Computer Lab Program $50,000 •Provide workforce and job search support,equipmentandsupplies/materials necessary to assist Menifeeresidentswithjobsearchassistance/training/resumebuildingtoobtainjobs Future Allocation $27,000 •Depending on needs that arise,staff will return withadditionalrecommendations Administrative Cost $30,232 Proposed CDBG-CV Activities Cont. Staff Recommendation 1.Conduct a Public Hearing; and 2.Adopt a Resolution approving the Substantial Amendment to PY2019/2020 Annual Action Plan &Citizen Participation Plan; and 3.Adopt a Resolution authorizing an increase in revenue and appropriation of expenditures in the amount of $307,232;and 4.Authorize staff to proceed with the submittal of the Substantial Amendment to HUD. Questions?Thank You.