2020-05-20 City Council Item No. 11.4 Rockport Ranch Staff's Presentation Regular MEETING - Additional Meeting MaterialsCity of Menifee City Council General Plan Amendment No. 2016-287 Change of Zone No. 2016-288 Specific Plan No. 2016-286 Tentative Tract Map No. 2016-285 Project Location General Plan Land Use Subject Property Agriculture (AG) Proposed Rockport Ranch Specific Plan (SP) North 2.1-5 DU/AC Residential (2.1-5R) & Water (OS-W) South Recreation (OS-R) East Agriculture (AG) & Estate Density Residential (EDR) (County of Riverside) West Menifee East Specific Plan (SP) General Plan Land Use Project Site Zoning Classifications Subject Property Agriculture (AG) Proposed Rockport Ranch Specific Plan (SP) North Planning Development-7 (PD-7) Tierra Shores South Recreation (OS-R) East Light Agriculture with Poultry (A-P) and Heavy Agriculture (A-2) (County of Riverside) West Menifee East Specific Plan (SP) Zoning Project Site General Plan Amendment proposes Agriculture (AG)to Specific Plan (SP). Project Description Change of Zone proposes Agriculture (AG) to Specific Plan (SP). Project Description Specific Plan proposes: •305 SFR lots on 79.68 acres •20.10 acres of open space •21.18 acres of roads/easements Project Description Specific Plan proposes: •PA 1: 96 courtyard lots (accessed off single private drive [8 pack]) •PA 2: 60 lots of 5,000 SF min. •PA 3: 79 lots of 6,000 SF min. •PA 4: 42 lots of 6,500 SF min. •PA 5: 27 lots of 7,000 SF min. Project Description Tentative Tract Map proposes: •305 SFR lots •Open space lots for recreation: •Private pool •1.2-acre park •Tot lots •Two lakes (5.2 acres) •0.2 acres of basins •8.9 acres of lawn and landscaping Project Description Project Description Project Description •Two forms of residential (single-family and single-family courtyard product) •Two forms of open space use (passive and active). Land Use Overview Land Use Total Gross Area (in acres) Target Density (DU/Acre) Proposed Dwelling Units Project Density Residential 38.40 2.1-5 305 3.83 Recreational, Trails, & Open Space 20.1 --- Other (Roads, Easements, etc.) 21.18 --- Site Total 79.68 2.1-5 Land Use Overview Planning Area Residential Land Use Designation Lot Type Density Range Net Area (acres) Proposed Dwelling Units Density (du/ac) PA-1 Courtyard Residential MHDR -5-8 du/ac 16.8 96 5.71 PA-2 Single-Family Residential MDR 5,000 SF 2-5 du/ac 15.0 60 4.01 PA-3 Single-Family Residential MDR 6,000 SF 2-5 du/ac 21.1 79 3.74 PA-4 Single-Family Residential MDR 6,500 SF 2-5 du/ac 14.7 43 2.92 PA-5 Single-Family Residential MDR 7,000 SF 2-5 du/ac 12.1 27 2.23 Total --2-5 79.68 305 3.83 Circulation Plan Resident only keyed/gated access •Primary Phase I: •Mass grading•Primary internal roads•Wet/dry utilities •Offsite improvements to adjacent streets •Park •Prior to occupancy in Phase 4/58th unit •Pool Facility •Prior to occupancy any production unit •Tot Lot •Prior to occupancy in Phase 5 •Lake •Prior to occupancy of any production unit Phasing Recreation Recreation Recreation Recreation Entry Signage Architecture •Architectural styles: •California Bungalow •California Craftsman •California Ranch •Cottage •Farmhouse •Monterey Architecture •Architectural Guidelines enhancements: •Texture variation •Massing changes •Archways, towers, & other building forms •Trim, decorative metal, added windows, shutters •Vertical/horizontal articulation •2nd floor massing changes •Relocation of 14 power poles on Briggs Road and undergrounding of distribution and communication lines Power Pole Relocation •Fiscal Impact Analysis (FIA) •There would be a shortfall of revenue •Total mitigation amount is $3,906,674.35: •$14,045.51 per DU for SFR •$10,116.28 per DU for courtyard-style SFR Fiscal Impact •An EIR was prepared •Mitigation Measures for: •Air Quality •Biological Resources •Geology and Soils •Greenhouse Gases •Hazards and Hazardous Materials •Noise •Public Services •Transportation and Traffic. •EIR determined the Project could result in significant and unavoidable impacts under Air Quality •Statement of Overriding Consideration. Environmental Determination •11 comment letter during Draft EIR public review period: •Rincon Band of Luiseño Indians •Paul Cramer •Riverside Co. Fire Dept. •South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) •U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service / California Dept. of Fish and Wildlife (FWS/CDFW) •Jan L. Westfall •Southwest Regional Council of Carpenters (SRCC) •Pechanga Band of Luiseño Indians •SRCC –Supplemental Letter •Better Neighborhoods •Governor’s Office of Planning and Research •2 comment letter prior to Planning Commission: •SRCC •Valley Wide Recreation & Parks District •4 comment letters/e-mails prior to Planning Commission: •Gerald Bolinger (2) •SRCC •Better Neighborhoods Public Comment •Planning Commission recommended adoption/approval by a unanimous vote (5-0). •City received 2 letters from SRCC and VWRPD questioning the adequacy of the EIR. •2 members of the public raised concern: (1) increased traffic; and (2) adequacy of the EIR. •Commission discussed the project’s drainage plan, ability to accommodate solar panels, fiscal mitigation, timing of installation of landscaping, lot sizes, and effect on the City’s housing goals. Planning Commission –April 22, 2020 1.Conduct public hearing 2.Adopt a Resolution certifying the Environmental Impact Report and adopting Statement of Overriding Considerations 3.Adopt a Resolution approving General Plan Amendment No. 2016-287 4.Introduce an Ordinance approving Change of Zone No. 2016- 288 and schedule for 2nd reading and adoption on June 3, 2020 5.Introduce an Ordinance approving Specific Plan No. 2016-286 and schedule for 2nd reading and adoption on June 3, 2020 6.Adopt a Resolution approving Tentative Tract Map No. 2016- 285 subject to the conditions of approval Recommendations Questions?Thank You.