2020-05-14 City Council Item No. 4.1 Public Comment - Knaub Special MEETING - Additional Meeting Materials1
Emily Grisenti
From:Alex Knaub <alxknaub@gmail.com>
Sent:Thursday, May 14, 2020 5:13 PM
To:Public Comments
Subject:Comment on Item 4.1
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Dear City Council,
It is difficult for everyone dealing with the Covid‐19 pandemic. The closures of businesses and social distancing is a
change that no one saw coming. It conflicts with our way of life in Southern California, and the U.S.
Canceling the independence day celebration is entirely contrary to the spirit behind our independence day. It may be
fitting to cancel our independence given the recent government intrusions into individuals lives, but that is not why we
choose to live in this country.
Please do not cancel the event. At the very least, please consider having the fireworks show. An outright cancelation is
Thank you,
Alex Knaub
Menifee Resident