2020-04-15 City Council Item No. 5.2 COVID-19 Update Presentation Regular MEETING - Additional Meeting MaterialsItem 5.2 -COVID-19 Update Samantha Rodriguez, Senior Management Analyst April 15, 2020 Local Emergency Proclamation Declaration Date: March 18, 2020 •RESOLUTION NO. 20.869 •Continues until terminated by Council •Monthly review of COVID-19 activity THEN: 3/18/2020 •Mass Gatherings: •Reduced from 250 to 10 •School Closures: •Through April 30 •Businesses: •Non-essential closed •Stay at Home: •Vulnerable population •PPE: •Face covering for sick only Public Health Orders NOW: 4/15/2020•Mass Gatherings: •Reduced from 10 to 0 •School Closures: •Through end of school year •Essential Businesses: •Non-essential closed •Stay at Home: •Healthy population •PPE: •Face coverings required THEN: 3/18/2020 •California: 675 •Riverside County: 16 •Menifee: 0 COVID-19 Cases NOW: 4/15/2020 •California: 22,348 •Riverside County: 2,105 •Menifee: 71 416 Recovered Cases in Riverside County THEN: 3/18/2020 •Local Declarations: 18 •EOC Activations: 10 •City Hall Closures: No •Park Closures: No •Testing Sites: 1 •FMS Sites: No Regional Response Summary NOW: 4/15/2020 •Local Declarations: 28 •EOC Activations: 28 •City Hall Closures: Yes •Park Closures: Yes •Testing Sites: 4 •FMS Sites: 2 THEN: 3/18/2020 •City Hall Status: Closed •Telecommuting: No •EOC Status: Level 03 •DOC Status: Active •PIO: Active •Food Distribution: Active •Code Enforcement: N/A •Finance: Active Menifee Response Summary NOW: 4/15/2020 •City Hall Status: Closed •Telecommuting: Yes •EOC Status: Level 02 •DOC Status: Active •PIO: Active •Food Distribution: Active •Code Enforcement: Active •Finance: Active City Hall Update •Focused on Continuity of Operations •City Hall staffing plan developed and implemented •Virtual City Hall developed and implemented •3/20/20 Website launch for continued services •4/10/20 Developer Roundtable webinar •Commission and Committee Meetings transitioned online •Face coverings provided to staff •Total Meals Delivered: 4,106 •572 five day meals packs (3,483 meals) •623 one day meals •Total New Enrollments: 274 Food Distribution Update Food Distribution Update Economic Development Update •Developed Took-kit of ALL resources (updating regularly) •Sent 2 Economic Development Impact Surveys - more to come •Personally visited all store fronts (week of March 16) •15 business have applied for SBA assistance in the City •Created essential business listing •Map of all essential businesses •Webpage for resources for employees/employers Economic Development Update Cont. •Developed Rewards Program-as EconDev Incentive •Outlining a Business Sustainability Program Incentive •Deferred Business License 90 days •Set up Mayors Roundtable to assist small businesses with resources •Collaborated regionally for messaging to business community/development community (Open for Business) •Converted all SBDC workshops to virtual workshops •Weekly calls with EconDev partners, county, and agency partners https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer? mid=1jUUQ_PkmmDYfrt- nk9LGzcCiVuOH3xcK&ll=33.702495940543 95%2C-117.08517875883785&z=13 PIO Update Facebook •Page Followers -6.4% increase •Likes -4% increase •Posts -127 •Videos -20,100 minutes viewed, 12,000 views, 22,000 reach Instagram •Posts -31 •New Followers -428 PIO Update •Press Releases: 25 •PSA’s: 8 •Sun City outreach: •Senior resource letter, HOA, and working on 6 PSA’s for Seniors to be televised in Sun City to assist with resource information •Resource Guide (20 pages -to hit next week) •Developed Menifee CAREs Initiative Page and branding •Non-Essential Business •Information Letters distributed, coordinated visits with RSO, if non-compliant ‘Social Persuasion’ Notices to post on storefronts to inform the public that the business is non-essential, per orders •Essential Businesses (Large Retailers) •Education Program –safety protocol checklist –visited and reviewed with 9 businesses (Lowes, Target, Grocers) •Temporary Parking Permits for RVs/Trailers •Residents working in an Essential business that may be at risk of exposing family –to support social distancing –one permit issued •Relaxed enforcement on temporary signage for essential business operations •Increased visibility in commercial centers •Temporary pause on Notices and Violations/Citations unless health and safety violation. Maintaining database of complaints for follow up Code Enforcement Update •Total COVID-19 Expenditures to date: $128,370 •Food Distribution: $28,092 •CS Staff Operations: $34,937 •EOC Establishment & Relocation to PD: $42,341 •PIO/Economic Development: TBD •Telecommuting Technology: $23,000 •Request for FEMA/CalOES Public Assistance: Completed Finance Update Questions?