2020-03-18 City Council Item No. 11.1 General Plan Amendment No. PLN19-0014 and Change of Zone No. PLN19-0092 Presentation Regular MEETING - Additional Meeting MaterialsCity of Menifee
City Council
•General Plan Amendment No. PLN19-
0014•Change of Zone No. PLN19-0092
•General Plan Amendment No. PLN19-0014
•Change of Zone No. PLN19-0092
Project: City initiated consistency & ‘clean up’ amendment:
•General Plan Amendment (PLN14-0014)
•Add Land Use Element Policy related to residential
•Change GP land use on two separate residential
•Change of Zone (PLN14-0092)
•Establish zoning consistent with proposed General Plan
land use for two residential properties
Project Description
Proposed Policy No. LU-1.11
•Clarifies that a single-family residential dwelling is
permissible on parcels that are:
•Undeveloped & residentially designated & zoned;
•Legally established on or before December 18, 2013;
•A lot size that is inconsistent with the General Plan
land use designation
General Plan Amendment No.
GPA -Policy Amendment
•Proposed Policy LU-1.11 addresses existing limitations on
existing undeveloped residential parcels inconsistent with
GP land use density
•The Policy will:
•Reasonably allow for a single-family dwelling on such
•Is consistent with, & supports goals of the Housing
•Provides certainty & clarity for residential properties that
do not meet the density standards of the General Plan
Site 1 -General Plan Amendment
Project Location
APN 336-090-004,
Southerly of Encanto
Drive, easterly of the
I-215 Freeway &
westerly of Bavaria
Project Site
Site 1 -General Plan Amendment
To:8.1-14 du/ac
Residential (8.1-14R)
•Change Land Use From:
•Rural Mountainous (RM) 10 Acre Min.
•Change the zoning From:
•Rural Mountainous RM
Site 1
Change of Zone No. PLN19-0092
•To: Medium Density
Residential (MDR)
Site 1
Background & Analysis
•April of 2006: County approved 148-unit senior apartment complex
•October 20, 2009 -City Council approved:
•221-unit senior apartment complex &
•GPA to Medium High Density Residential 8-14 du/acre)
•Completed site improvements: grading, street/driveway paving, drainage infrastructure & utilities
•Proposed GPA corrects inconsistency
Site 2 -General Plan
Amendment & Change of Zone
•Project Location
APN 360-280-014:
West side of Evans
Road & southerly of
Garbani Road
Project Site
•Change the land use From:
•Public Facilities/Quasi-Public
Facilities (PF)
Site 2 -General Plan Amendment
To: Rural Residential 1 Acre Min.
•Change the zoning From:
Public Facilities (PF) Zone
Site 2 -Change of Zone No.
•To: Rural Residential,
1-acre minimum (RR1)
Site 2
Background & Analysis
•Existing single-family residential dwelling
•General Plan adopted 2013 applied PF
•Existing residential use inconsistent with the PF
designation & zoning
•Amendments make existing single-family
residential use consistent RR1 land use & zoning
•Second Addendum to the General Plan FEIR
•The Addendum finds that no substantial changes have
occurred with respect to the circumstances associated
with the proposed project that would result in new
significant environmental effects or a substantial increase
in the severity of previously identified significant effects
identified in the General Plan Final Environmental Impact
Report (FEIR)
Environmental Review
1.Conduct a Public Hearing; and
2.Adopt a Resolution approving the Second Addendum to the
General Plan Final Environmental Impact Report, based on the
findings incorporated in the Second Addendum and the conclusion
that the project will not have a significant effect on the
environment; and
3.Adopt a Resolution approving General Plan Amendment No.
PLN19-0014, based upon the findings and conclusions
incorporated in the staff report and Resolution; and
4.Introduce an Ordinance approving Change of Zone No. PLN19-
0092 based upon the findings and conclusions incorporated in the
staff report and Ordinance.
Questions?Thank You.
Site 1-Approved Development