2020-03-12 City Council Item No. 4.1 City of Menifee Strategic Plan 2018 Goals and Objectives Implementation Plan March 2020 Update Special MEETING - Additional Meeting MaterialsMarch 12, 2020 1 Goal Objective POC Action/task Required e f e e Original Projected Completion Date May 2019 Revised Anticipated Completion Date Dec 2019 Revised Anticipated Completion Date March 2020 Revised Anticipated Completion Date Completed On Target/ In Process Revised 1. Public Safety 1.1 Local Control: Contract vs. Local Department Armando G. Villa 1.1.1 Prepare an updated independent comprehensive Public Safety / Police Services Study Sep-2018 Armando G. Villa 1.1.2 Financial Feasibility and comparison of existing services contract study Dec-2018 Armando G. Villa 1.1.3 Develop conceptual implementation plan Mar-2019 Armando G. Villa 1.1.4 Present for City Council consideration/action Jun-2019 1.2 Active Code Enforcement Cheryl Kitzerow/Lionel Martinez 1.2.1 Develop of Comprehensive Code Enforcement Plan Sep-2018 Jul-2019 Dec-2019 Colin McNie/Rutan & Tucker/Sarah Manwaring 1.2.2 Revise and update various municipal codes Jun-2020 Cheryl Kitzerow/Lionel Martinez 1.2.3 Develop Standard Operating Procedure for Department Sep-2018 Jul-2019 Dec-2019 Colin McNie 1.2.4 Prepare Staffing Plan Jun-2018 Colin McNie 1.2.5 Parking Enforcement Program Dec-2018 Colin McNie/Jonathan 1.2.6 Street sweeping Enforcement Program Dec-2018 Dec-2019 Jun-2020 Colin McNie 1.2.7 Nuisance abatement program Sep-2018 Colin McNie 1.2.8 Weed abatement Program Jun-2018 Rutan & Tucker 1.2.9 Enhanced City Attorney Services Jul-2018 Colin McNie 1.2.10 Abandoned Vehicle Abatement (AVA) Program Sep-2018 Colin McNie 1.2.11 Implementation of Code Enforcement Action Team (CAT)Dec-2018 Colin McNie/Jeff Wyman 1.2.12 Code Enforcement Software Update Jun-2018 Colin McNie/Wendy Preece 1.2.13 Cost Recovery Program Sep-2018 Colin McNeil 1.2.14 Enhanced Citations Program Sep-2018 Colin McNie/Rochelle 1.2.15 Enhanced Collections Program Jul-2018 Dec-2019 Jun-2020 Colin McNie/Gina Gonzalez 1.2.16 Public Outreach Program Jun-2018 Feb-2019 Colin McNie/Jon Nicks 1.2.17 Panhandling Enforcement Jul-2018 1.3 Aesthetics of the City Colin McNie 1.3.1 Signage Dec-2018 Colin McNie 1.3.2 Education Program with Business Owners Dec-2018 Colin McNie / Rutan & Tucker 1.3.3 Trash Can Ordinance Dec-2018 Colin McNie / Rutan & Tucker 1.3.4 Shopping Carts Ordinance Dec-2018 Colin McNie / Rutan & Tucker 1.3.5 Construction site screening Ordinance Dec-2018 City of Menifee Strategic Plan 2018Goals and Objectives Implementation Plan - March 2020 Update Status March 12, 2020 2 Goal Objective POC Action/task Required e f e e Original Projected Completion Date May 2019 Revised Anticipated Completion Date Dec 2019 Revised Anticipated Completion Date March 2020 Revised Anticipated Completion Date Completed On Target/ In Process Revised City of Menifee Strategic Plan 2018Goals and Objectives Implementation Plan - March 2020 Update Status Colin McNie / Rutan & Tucker 1.3.6 Graffiti abatement Program Dec-2018 Colin McNie / Rutan & Tucker 1.3.7 Private Property Parking Ordinance Dec-2018 Colin McNie / Rutan & Tucker 1.3.8 Commercial Property Parking Ordinance Dec-2018 Jon Nicks / Colin McNie 1.3.9 Vagrant Camps Clean-ups/Procedures/Enforcement Dec-2018 Jonathan Smith / Colin McNie 1.3.10 Illegal Dumping Enforcement Procedures Dec-2018 Colin McNie / Rutan & Tucker 1.3.11 Abandon Property Ordinance Dec-2018 Cheryl Kitzerow 1.3.12 Development of Design guidelines for Commercial Buildings Jun-2019 Oct-2019 Dec-2019 Mar-2020 Added May 7, 2019 1.4 Police Department Formation Pat Walsh / Jeff Wyman / Dave Brown / Colin McNie / Imelda Huerta/ Allen Yun/ Rochelle Clayton/ Daniel Alvarado/ Michelle Sarkissian 1.4.1 Acquire & retrofit police facilities Mar-2020 1.4.2 Recruit & hire sworn and professional staff Jun-2020 1.4.3 Develop & implement department training program May-2020 1.4.4 Procure & outfit police vehicle fleet May-2020 1.4.5 Adopt dispatch and radio agreement w/ Murrieta Aug-2019 1.4.6 Implement dispatch & radio agreement Apr-2020 1.4.7 Draft & adopt policy / procedures manual Mar-2020 May-2020 1.4.8 Design and authorize department badge/patch Jan-2020 1.4.9 Analyze adequacy of public safety DIF Jul-2021 March 12, 2020 3 Goal Objective POC Action/task Required e f e e Original Projected Completion Date May 2019 Revised Anticipated Completion Date Dec 2019 Revised Anticipated Completion Date March 2020 Revised Anticipated Completion Date Completed On Target/ In Process Revised City of Menifee Strategic Plan 2018Goals and Objectives Implementation Plan - March 2020 Update Status 2. Land Use 2.1 Sphere of Influence Analysis to Determine Future Ultimate City Limits Cheryl Kitzerow 2.1.1 Land Use Analysis Jan-2019 Jan-2020 Cheryl Kitzerow 2.1.2 Public Services Analysis Jan-2019 Jan-2020 TBD Cheryl Kitzerow 2.1.3 Public Facilities Analysis Jan-2019 Jan-2020 TBD Cheryl Kitzerow 2.1.4 Outside Agencies Analysis Jan-2019 Jan-2020 TBD Cheryl Kitzerow 2.1.5 LAFCO Processing Jun-2019 Jan-2020 TBD 2.2 Annexation Cheryl Kitzerow 2.2.1 General Plan Amendment / Comprehensive Update Jan-2021 Jan-2022 TBD Cheryl Kitzerow 2.2.2 Zoning Map Amendment Jan-2021 Jan-2022 TBD Cheryl Kitzerow 2.2.3 Pre-Zoning Jan-2021 Jan-2022 TBD Cheryl Kitzerow 2.2.4 CEQA Jan-2021 Jan-2022 TBD Cheryl Kitzerow 2.2.5 LAFCO Processing Jun-2021 Jan-2022 TBD Cheryl Kitzerow/Gina Gonzalez 2.2.6 Public Outreach Strategy Jun-2021 Jan-2022 TBD 2.3 Parks & Trails/Enhance standards of park system Jon Nicks 2.3.1a Recalibrate the Quimby fee structure Dec-2018 Oct-2019 Dec-2019 Jon Nicks 2.3.1b Recalibrate the DIF fee structure Dec-2018 Jul-2020 Jul-2021 Jon Nicks 2.3.2 Identify Multi-Use Facilities within new housing developments Jul-2018 Jon Nicks 2.3.3 Engage Conceptual Design Architect for Regional Multi-use Facility at the Evans Property Sep-2018 Sep-2019 Feb-2020 2.4 Valley Wide Parks Transition Jon Nicks / Rutan & Tucker 2.4.1 Complete LAFCO Detachment Process Sep-2018 Jul-2020 Jon Nicks / Rutan & Tucker 2.4.2 Develop Transition Plan Sep-2018 Mar-2020 Jon Nicks / Rutan & Tucker 2.4.3 Create Staffing Plan Sep-2018 Feb-2020 Jon Nicks / Rutan & Tucker 2.4.4 Conduct Facility Condition Assessment Mar-2019 May-2020 Jon Nicks / Rutan & Tucker 2.4.5 Establishing Maintenance and Capital Improvement Plan Mar-2019 Jul-2020 Jon Nicks / Rutan & Tucker 2.4.6 Transition Assessment Funding Mar-2019 Jul-2020 Jon Nicks / Rutan & Tucker 2.4.7 Transfer of Reserve from VW to City Mar-2019 Jul-2020 Jon Nicks / Rutan & Tucker 2.4.8 Transfer of all Contracts, Easements, and Utilities Mar-2019 Jul-2020 2.5 Cherry Hills Plaza Commercial Development Gina Gonzalez/Jeff Wyman 2.5.1 Analyze Commercial Property In Sun City Development May-2016 Gina Gonzalez/Jeff Wyman 2.5.2 Engage Property Owners Jun-2016 Gina Gonzalez/Jeff Wyman 2.5.3 Create Revitalization Plan Aug-2016 Gina Gonzalez/Jeff Wyman 2.5.4 Create Conceptual Rendering Aug-2016 Gina Gonzalez/Jeff Wyman 2.5.5 Develop Phase II of Revitalization Plan Sep-2018 Gina Gonzalez/Jeff Wyman 2.5.6a Engage Property Owners on Plan Oct-2018 Jul-2019 Gina Gonzalez/Jeff Wyman/Jonathan Smith 2.5.6b Assess Public Roadways and Right of Way Needs Sep-2018 TBD Uncertain Cheryl Kitzerow 2.5.6c Create Specific Plan or Development Overlay/CEQA Jan-2020 TBD Uncertain March 12, 2020 4 Goal Objective POC Action/task Required e f e e Original Projected Completion Date May 2019 Revised Anticipated Completion Date Dec 2019 Revised Anticipated Completion Date March 2020 Revised Anticipated Completion Date Completed On Target/ In Process Revised City of Menifee Strategic Plan 2018Goals and Objectives Implementation Plan - March 2020 Update Status Gina Gonzalez/Jeff Wyman 2.5.6d Work with Property Owners to Create BID or CFD Jul-2019 Uncertain Jonathan Smith/Armando G. Villa 2.5.6e Public / ROW Improvement Plan Jan-2020 TBD Uncertain 2.6 Economic Development Plan Cheryl Kitzerow 2.6.1 EDC Update Jul-2019 Oct-2019 Dec-2019 Cheryl Kitzerow 2.6.2 Comprehensive Development Code Update Jul-2019 Oct-2019 Dec-2019 Gina Gonzalez 2.6.3 Create Econ Dev Strategic Plan Dec-2019 Gina Gonzalez 2.6.4 Foreign Direct Investment Strategy Dec-2019 Dec-2020 Gina Gonzalez 2.6.5 Update Demographic Study Apr-2018 Gina Gonzalez 2.6.6 Hotel Market Feasibility Study Apr-2018 Gina Gonzalez 2.6.7 Health Needs Marketing Study Jun-2019 Dec-2020 Gina Gonzalez 2.6.8 Retail and Office Space Study Oct-2018 Dec-2019 Gina Gonzalez 2.6.9 Update Foreign Trade Zone to include Menifee Jun-2019 Jun-2020 Gina Gonzalez 2.6.10 Business Cluster Analysis Apr-2019 Gina Gonzalez 2.6.11 Create robust workforce development plan Dec-2019 Gina Gonzalez 2.6.12 Develop tourism backbone Jun-2020 Dec-2020 Gina Gonzalez 2.6.13 Develop EconDev website Aug-2018 Gina Gonzalez 2.6.14 Create Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Sep-2019 Gina Gonzalez/Cheryl Kitzerow 2.6.15 Streamline Development Process Jun-2019 Gina Gonzalez 2.6.16 Create Menifee Gardening Program for Business Retention and expansion efforts Jun-2019 Gina Gonzalez 2.6.17 Create Menifee Masters Ambassadors Program Oct-2018 Apr-2019 Added May 7, 2019 Gina Gonzalez/Jeff Wyman 2.6.18 Create Incentive Program to Fast Track Development Jan-2020 In process Gina Gonzalez 2.6.19 Develop Incubator Dec-2021 Added May 7, 2019 2.7 Create Regional Multi-Use Complex Jon Nicks / Cheryl Kitzerow 2.7.1 Review opportunities for Regional multi-use sports facilities within new developments.Ongoing March 12, 2020 5 Goal Objective POC Action/task Required e f e e Original Projected Completion Date May 2019 Revised Anticipated Completion Date Dec 2019 Revised Anticipated Completion Date March 2020 Revised Anticipated Completion Date Completed On Target/ In Process Revised City of Menifee Strategic Plan 2018Goals and Objectives Implementation Plan - March 2020 Update Status 3. City Hall 3.1 90 Day Feasibility Study Jeff Wyman 3.1.1 Space Needs Assessment for Permanent City Hall May-2017 Jeff Wyman / Charles Berglund 3.1.2 Assessment of Current City Hall Suitability and overall Compliance May-2018 Jeff Wyman/ Charles Berglund 3.1.3 Assessment of Cost to Expand Current City Hall May-2018 Jeff Wyman/ Charles Berglund 3.1.4 Assessment of Avail Space to Lease May-2018 Jeff Wyman/ Charles Berglund 3.1.5 Assessment of Cost to Lease Interim Facility May-2018 3.2 Feasibility Study and Funding Options to Build Future City Hall Jeff Wyman/ Imelda Huerta/ Rochelle 3.2.1 Identify Financing Options/Update Space Analysis Jun-2019 Dec-2019 Jan-2020 Apr-20204. Infrastructure 4.1 Scott Rd / 215 Improvement Jonathan Smith 4.1.1 Execute TUMF Reimbursement Agreement Apr-2018 Jonathan Smith 4.1.2 Advertise for Construction Apr-2018 Jonathan Smith 4.1.3 Award of Bid Jun-2018 Jonathan Smith 4.1.4 Begin Construction Aug-2018 Jonathan Smith 4.1.5 Complete Construction Feb-2020 Apr-2020 Jun-2020 Gina Gonzalez 4.1.6 Public Outreach Feb-2020 Apr-2020 Jun-2020 Jonathan Smith 4.1.7 Develop Funding Strategy with WRCOG / County / RCTC Jan-2018 Jonathan Smith 4.1.8 Right of Way Acquisition Oct-2017 Jonathan Smith 4.1.9 Utility Coordination / Relocation Aug-2018 Feb-2020 Jonathan Smith 4.1.10 Solicit Bids for Construction Management Feb-2018 Jonathan Smith 4.1.11 Select Construction Management Team Apr-2018 4.2 Pavement Management Program Jonathan Smith 4.2.1 Update Street Inventory Jun-2019 Updated Annually Jonathan Smith 4.2.2 Redefine Priority List Jun-2019 Updated Annually Jonathan Smith 4.2.3 Update Cost Estimate Jun-2019 Updated Annually Jonathan Smith 4.2.4 Make recommendations to Council Aug-2019 Updated Annually 4.3 Holland Rd Overpass Jonathan Smith 4.3.1 ROW Acquisition Dec-2019 Dec-2021 Jonathan Smith/Wendy Preece 4.3.2 Develop Funding Strategy Dec-2019 Jul-2020 4.4 McCall Interchange Improvement Jonathan Smith 4.4.1 Complete Final Design TBD Dec-2021 Jonathan Smith 4.4.2 ROW Acquisition TBD Dec-2021 Jonathan Smith 4.4.3 Develop Funding Strategy TBD Dec-2021 4.5 Identify Menifee at Entrances Jeff Wyman / Gina Gonzalez 4.5.1a Develop Menifee Gateway Sign Program Dec-2018 Dec-2019 Dec-2020 March 12, 2020 6 Goal Objective POC Action/task Required e f e e Original Projected Completion Date May 2019 Revised Anticipated Completion Date Dec 2019 Revised Anticipated Completion Date March 2020 Revised Anticipated Completion Date Completed On Target/ In Process Revised City of Menifee Strategic Plan 2018Goals and Objectives Implementation Plan - March 2020 Update Status (includes wayfinding signage) Jeff Wyman / Gina Gonzalez/Jonathan Smith 4.5.1b Identify Placement Locations for Signage Dec-2018 Dec-2019 Dec-2020 Jeff Wyman / Gina Gonzalez/Jonathan Smith/Wendy Preece 4.5.1c Cost Estimate and Funding Strategy to implement Dec-2018 Dec-2019 Jun-2020 Added May 7, 2019 4.6 Garbani Interchange Jonathan Smith 4.6.1 Identify Purpose and Need / Project Initiation Documents (PID)May-2020 4.6.2 Develop Funding Strategy Jan-2020 Jul-20 4.6.3 Preliminary Study Report / Project Development Study (PSR/PDS)TBD 4.6.4 Project Approval and Environmental Documents (PA&ED)TBD 4.6.5 Plans, Specifications and Estimates (PS&E)TBD 4.6.6 ROW Acquisition, Agreements and Permits TBD 4.6.7 Bid and Advertise TBD 4.6.8 Start Construction TBD March 12, 2020 7 Goal Objective POC Action/task Required e f e e Original Projected Completion Date May 2019 Revised Anticipated Completion Date Dec 2019 Revised Anticipated Completion Date March 2020 Revised Anticipated Completion Date Completed On Target/ In Process Revised City of Menifee Strategic Plan 2018Goals and Objectives Implementation Plan - March 2020 Update Status 5. Community Outreach 5.1 Partner with MSJC Gina Gonzalez 5.1.1 Work with MSJC to identify opportunities to partner Sep-2018 Gina Gonzalez/Jonathan Nicks 5.1.2 Execute MOU outlining partnership Sep-2018 Jul-2019 Jan-2020 Jun-2020 5.2 Social Media Increased Presence Imelda Huerta/PIO/Subcommittee 5.2.1 Develop Social Media Policy Jul-2018 Jul-2019 Mar-2020 Jun-2020 Gina Gonzalez 5.2.2 Create staffing plan May-2018 Gina Gonzalez 5.2.3 Monitor Social Media platforms Ongoing Gina Gonzalez 5.2.4 Create response plan Oct-2018 Jul-2019 Gina Gonzalez 5.2.5 Create on-going content Ongoing Gina Gonzalez 5.2.6 Develop videos Ongoing Gina Gonzalez 5.2.7 Develop graphics materials Ongoing Gina Gonzalez 5.2.8 Create Menifee Minute Series Ongoing Gina Gonzalez 5.2.9 Create Live- feeds featuring Town Halls, and events Ongoing 5.3 Public Information Officer Gina Gonzalez 5.3.1 Create staffing plan May-2018 Daniel Alvarado 5.3.2 Recruit and Hire Sep-2018 May-2019 Gina Gonzalez 5.3.3 Create Communications Plan for content Oct-2018 Jul-2019 5.4 Community Education Outreach Gina Gonzalez 5.4.1 Partner with Local HOA's Ongoing Gina Gonzalez 5.4.2 Town Halls Ongoing Added May 7, 2019 Jon Nicks/Gina Gonzalez 5.4.3 Town Halls at Local Events Ongoing ON HOLD6. Workforce and Facilities Management* 6.1 Workspace Jeff Wyman 6.1.1 Adequate Space for Staff and future recruitments  6.2 Staffing Rochelle Clayton 6.2.1 Increase Expected Customer Service with Increased Staffing Ongoing 6.3 Update Technology Jeff Wyman/Michelle S./Cheryl Kitzerow 6.3.1 Update antiquated systems and equipment Ongoing 6.4 Maintenance Equipment Jonathan Smith 6.4.1 Invest in equipment to maintain City infrastructure Ongoing Added by IH (see 5/7 mtg)6.5 Maintenance Building Jonathan Smith 6.5.1 Screening at Maintenance Building Jul-2020 * Goal six (6) was suggested by the City Staff