2020-03-12 City Council Item No. 4.1 City of Menifee Strategic Plan 2018 Goals and Objectives Implementation Plan March 2020 Update Special MEETING - Additional Meeting MaterialsMarch 12, 2020 1
Goal Objective POC Action/task Required
Original Projected
Completion Date
May 2019 Revised
Completion Date
Dec 2019 Revised
Completion Date
March 2020
Completion Date
On Target/
In Process Revised
1. Public Safety
1.1 Local Control: Contract vs. Local Department Armando G. Villa 1.1.1
Prepare an updated independent comprehensive Public Safety
/ Police Services Study Sep-2018
Armando G. Villa 1.1.2
Financial Feasibility and comparison of existing services
contract study Dec-2018
Armando G. Villa 1.1.3 Develop conceptual implementation plan Mar-2019
Armando G. Villa 1.1.4 Present for City Council consideration/action Jun-2019
1.2 Active Code Enforcement Cheryl Kitzerow/Lionel Martinez 1.2.1 Develop of Comprehensive Code Enforcement Plan Sep-2018 Jul-2019 Dec-2019
Colin McNie/Rutan & Tucker/Sarah
Manwaring 1.2.2 Revise and update various municipal codes Jun-2020
Cheryl Kitzerow/Lionel Martinez 1.2.3 Develop Standard Operating Procedure for Department Sep-2018 Jul-2019 Dec-2019
Colin McNie 1.2.4 Prepare Staffing Plan Jun-2018
Colin McNie 1.2.5 Parking Enforcement Program Dec-2018
Colin McNie/Jonathan 1.2.6 Street sweeping Enforcement Program Dec-2018 Dec-2019 Jun-2020
Colin McNie 1.2.7 Nuisance abatement program Sep-2018
Colin McNie 1.2.8 Weed abatement Program Jun-2018
Rutan & Tucker 1.2.9 Enhanced City Attorney Services Jul-2018
Colin McNie 1.2.10 Abandoned Vehicle Abatement (AVA) Program Sep-2018
Colin McNie 1.2.11 Implementation of Code Enforcement Action Team (CAT)Dec-2018
Colin McNie/Jeff Wyman 1.2.12 Code Enforcement Software Update Jun-2018
Colin McNie/Wendy Preece 1.2.13 Cost Recovery Program Sep-2018
Colin McNeil 1.2.14 Enhanced Citations Program Sep-2018
Colin McNie/Rochelle 1.2.15 Enhanced Collections Program Jul-2018 Dec-2019 Jun-2020
Colin McNie/Gina Gonzalez 1.2.16 Public Outreach Program Jun-2018 Feb-2019
Colin McNie/Jon Nicks 1.2.17 Panhandling Enforcement Jul-2018
1.3 Aesthetics of the City Colin McNie 1.3.1 Signage Dec-2018
Colin McNie 1.3.2 Education Program with Business Owners Dec-2018
Colin McNie / Rutan & Tucker 1.3.3 Trash Can Ordinance Dec-2018
Colin McNie / Rutan & Tucker 1.3.4 Shopping Carts Ordinance Dec-2018
Colin McNie / Rutan & Tucker 1.3.5 Construction site screening Ordinance Dec-2018
City of Menifee Strategic Plan 2018Goals and Objectives Implementation Plan - March 2020 Update
March 12, 2020 2
Goal Objective POC Action/task Required
Original Projected
Completion Date
May 2019 Revised
Completion Date
Dec 2019 Revised
Completion Date
March 2020
Completion Date
On Target/
In Process Revised
City of Menifee Strategic Plan 2018Goals and Objectives Implementation Plan - March 2020 Update
Colin McNie / Rutan & Tucker 1.3.6 Graffiti abatement Program Dec-2018
Colin McNie / Rutan & Tucker 1.3.7 Private Property Parking Ordinance Dec-2018
Colin McNie / Rutan & Tucker 1.3.8 Commercial Property Parking Ordinance Dec-2018
Jon Nicks / Colin McNie 1.3.9 Vagrant Camps Clean-ups/Procedures/Enforcement Dec-2018
Jonathan Smith / Colin McNie 1.3.10 Illegal Dumping Enforcement Procedures Dec-2018
Colin McNie / Rutan & Tucker 1.3.11 Abandon Property Ordinance Dec-2018
Cheryl Kitzerow 1.3.12 Development of Design guidelines for Commercial Buildings Jun-2019 Oct-2019 Dec-2019 Mar-2020
Added May 7, 2019 1.4 Police Department Formation
Pat Walsh / Jeff Wyman / Dave Brown /
Colin McNie / Imelda Huerta/ Allen Yun/
Rochelle Clayton/ Daniel Alvarado/
Michelle Sarkissian 1.4.1 Acquire & retrofit police facilities Mar-2020
1.4.2 Recruit & hire sworn and professional staff Jun-2020
1.4.3 Develop & implement department training program May-2020
1.4.4 Procure & outfit police vehicle fleet May-2020
1.4.5 Adopt dispatch and radio agreement w/ Murrieta Aug-2019
1.4.6 Implement dispatch & radio agreement Apr-2020
1.4.7 Draft & adopt policy / procedures manual Mar-2020 May-2020
1.4.8 Design and authorize department badge/patch Jan-2020
1.4.9 Analyze adequacy of public safety DIF Jul-2021
March 12, 2020 3
Goal Objective POC Action/task Required
Original Projected
Completion Date
May 2019 Revised
Completion Date
Dec 2019 Revised
Completion Date
March 2020
Completion Date
On Target/
In Process Revised
City of Menifee Strategic Plan 2018Goals and Objectives Implementation Plan - March 2020 Update
2. Land Use
Sphere of Influence Analysis to Determine
Future Ultimate City Limits Cheryl Kitzerow 2.1.1 Land Use Analysis Jan-2019 Jan-2020
Cheryl Kitzerow 2.1.2 Public Services Analysis Jan-2019 Jan-2020 TBD
Cheryl Kitzerow 2.1.3 Public Facilities Analysis Jan-2019 Jan-2020 TBD
Cheryl Kitzerow 2.1.4 Outside Agencies Analysis Jan-2019 Jan-2020 TBD
Cheryl Kitzerow 2.1.5 LAFCO Processing Jun-2019 Jan-2020 TBD
2.2 Annexation Cheryl Kitzerow 2.2.1 General Plan Amendment / Comprehensive Update Jan-2021 Jan-2022 TBD
Cheryl Kitzerow 2.2.2 Zoning Map Amendment Jan-2021 Jan-2022 TBD
Cheryl Kitzerow 2.2.3 Pre-Zoning Jan-2021 Jan-2022 TBD
Cheryl Kitzerow 2.2.4 CEQA Jan-2021 Jan-2022 TBD
Cheryl Kitzerow 2.2.5 LAFCO Processing Jun-2021 Jan-2022 TBD
Cheryl Kitzerow/Gina Gonzalez 2.2.6 Public Outreach Strategy Jun-2021 Jan-2022 TBD
Parks & Trails/Enhance standards of park
system Jon Nicks 2.3.1a Recalibrate the Quimby fee structure Dec-2018 Oct-2019 Dec-2019
Jon Nicks 2.3.1b Recalibrate the DIF fee structure Dec-2018 Jul-2020 Jul-2021
Jon Nicks 2.3.2 Identify Multi-Use Facilities within new housing developments Jul-2018
Jon Nicks 2.3.3
Engage Conceptual Design Architect for Regional Multi-use
Facility at the Evans Property Sep-2018 Sep-2019 Feb-2020
2.4 Valley Wide Parks Transition Jon Nicks / Rutan & Tucker 2.4.1 Complete LAFCO Detachment Process Sep-2018 Jul-2020
Jon Nicks / Rutan & Tucker 2.4.2 Develop Transition Plan Sep-2018 Mar-2020
Jon Nicks / Rutan & Tucker 2.4.3 Create Staffing Plan Sep-2018 Feb-2020
Jon Nicks / Rutan & Tucker 2.4.4 Conduct Facility Condition Assessment Mar-2019 May-2020
Jon Nicks / Rutan & Tucker 2.4.5 Establishing Maintenance and Capital Improvement Plan Mar-2019 Jul-2020
Jon Nicks / Rutan & Tucker 2.4.6 Transition Assessment Funding Mar-2019 Jul-2020
Jon Nicks / Rutan & Tucker 2.4.7 Transfer of Reserve from VW to City Mar-2019 Jul-2020
Jon Nicks / Rutan & Tucker 2.4.8 Transfer of all Contracts, Easements, and Utilities Mar-2019 Jul-2020
2.5 Cherry Hills Plaza Commercial Development Gina Gonzalez/Jeff Wyman 2.5.1 Analyze Commercial Property In Sun City Development May-2016
Gina Gonzalez/Jeff Wyman 2.5.2 Engage Property Owners Jun-2016
Gina Gonzalez/Jeff Wyman 2.5.3 Create Revitalization Plan Aug-2016
Gina Gonzalez/Jeff Wyman 2.5.4 Create Conceptual Rendering Aug-2016
Gina Gonzalez/Jeff Wyman 2.5.5 Develop Phase II of Revitalization Plan Sep-2018
Gina Gonzalez/Jeff Wyman 2.5.6a Engage Property Owners on Plan Oct-2018 Jul-2019
Gina Gonzalez/Jeff Wyman/Jonathan
Smith 2.5.6b Assess Public Roadways and Right of Way Needs Sep-2018 TBD Uncertain
Cheryl Kitzerow 2.5.6c Create Specific Plan or Development Overlay/CEQA Jan-2020 TBD Uncertain
March 12, 2020 4
Goal Objective POC Action/task Required
Original Projected
Completion Date
May 2019 Revised
Completion Date
Dec 2019 Revised
Completion Date
March 2020
Completion Date
On Target/
In Process Revised
City of Menifee Strategic Plan 2018Goals and Objectives Implementation Plan - March 2020 Update
Gina Gonzalez/Jeff Wyman 2.5.6d Work with Property Owners to Create BID or CFD Jul-2019 Uncertain
Jonathan Smith/Armando G. Villa 2.5.6e Public / ROW Improvement Plan Jan-2020 TBD Uncertain
2.6 Economic Development Plan Cheryl Kitzerow 2.6.1 EDC Update Jul-2019 Oct-2019 Dec-2019
Cheryl Kitzerow 2.6.2 Comprehensive Development Code Update Jul-2019 Oct-2019 Dec-2019
Gina Gonzalez 2.6.3 Create Econ Dev Strategic Plan Dec-2019
Gina Gonzalez 2.6.4 Foreign Direct Investment Strategy Dec-2019 Dec-2020
Gina Gonzalez 2.6.5 Update Demographic Study Apr-2018
Gina Gonzalez 2.6.6 Hotel Market Feasibility Study Apr-2018
Gina Gonzalez 2.6.7 Health Needs Marketing Study Jun-2019 Dec-2020
Gina Gonzalez 2.6.8 Retail and Office Space Study Oct-2018 Dec-2019
Gina Gonzalez 2.6.9 Update Foreign Trade Zone to include Menifee Jun-2019 Jun-2020
Gina Gonzalez 2.6.10 Business Cluster Analysis Apr-2019
Gina Gonzalez 2.6.11 Create robust workforce development plan Dec-2019
Gina Gonzalez 2.6.12 Develop tourism backbone Jun-2020 Dec-2020
Gina Gonzalez 2.6.13 Develop EconDev website Aug-2018
Gina Gonzalez 2.6.14 Create Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Sep-2019
Gina Gonzalez/Cheryl Kitzerow 2.6.15 Streamline Development Process Jun-2019
Gina Gonzalez 2.6.16
Create Menifee Gardening Program for Business Retention
and expansion efforts Jun-2019
Gina Gonzalez 2.6.17 Create Menifee Masters Ambassadors Program Oct-2018 Apr-2019
Added May 7, 2019 Gina Gonzalez/Jeff Wyman 2.6.18 Create Incentive Program to Fast Track Development Jan-2020 In process
Gina Gonzalez 2.6.19 Develop Incubator Dec-2021
Added May 7, 2019 2.7 Create Regional Multi-Use Complex Jon Nicks / Cheryl Kitzerow 2.7.1
Review opportunities for Regional multi-use sports facilities within new developments.Ongoing
March 12, 2020 5
Goal Objective POC Action/task Required
Original Projected
Completion Date
May 2019 Revised
Completion Date
Dec 2019 Revised
Completion Date
March 2020
Completion Date
On Target/
In Process Revised
City of Menifee Strategic Plan 2018Goals and Objectives Implementation Plan - March 2020 Update
3. City Hall
3.1 90 Day Feasibility Study Jeff Wyman 3.1.1 Space Needs Assessment for Permanent City Hall May-2017
Jeff Wyman / Charles Berglund 3.1.2
Assessment of Current City Hall Suitability and overall
Compliance May-2018
Jeff Wyman/ Charles Berglund 3.1.3 Assessment of Cost to Expand Current City Hall May-2018
Jeff Wyman/ Charles Berglund 3.1.4 Assessment of Avail Space to Lease May-2018
Jeff Wyman/ Charles Berglund 3.1.5 Assessment of Cost to Lease Interim Facility May-2018
Feasibility Study and Funding Options to
Build Future City Hall Jeff Wyman/ Imelda Huerta/ Rochelle 3.2.1 Identify Financing Options/Update Space Analysis Jun-2019 Dec-2019 Jan-2020 Apr-20204. Infrastructure
4.1 Scott Rd / 215 Improvement Jonathan Smith 4.1.1 Execute TUMF Reimbursement Agreement Apr-2018
Jonathan Smith 4.1.2 Advertise for Construction Apr-2018
Jonathan Smith 4.1.3 Award of Bid Jun-2018
Jonathan Smith 4.1.4 Begin Construction Aug-2018
Jonathan Smith 4.1.5 Complete Construction Feb-2020 Apr-2020 Jun-2020
Gina Gonzalez 4.1.6 Public Outreach Feb-2020 Apr-2020 Jun-2020
Jonathan Smith 4.1.7 Develop Funding Strategy with WRCOG / County / RCTC Jan-2018
Jonathan Smith 4.1.8 Right of Way Acquisition Oct-2017
Jonathan Smith 4.1.9 Utility Coordination / Relocation Aug-2018 Feb-2020
Jonathan Smith 4.1.10 Solicit Bids for Construction Management Feb-2018
Jonathan Smith 4.1.11 Select Construction Management Team Apr-2018
4.2 Pavement Management Program Jonathan Smith 4.2.1 Update Street Inventory Jun-2019 Updated Annually
Jonathan Smith 4.2.2 Redefine Priority List Jun-2019 Updated Annually
Jonathan Smith 4.2.3 Update Cost Estimate Jun-2019 Updated Annually
Jonathan Smith 4.2.4 Make recommendations to Council Aug-2019 Updated Annually
4.3 Holland Rd Overpass Jonathan Smith 4.3.1 ROW Acquisition Dec-2019 Dec-2021
Jonathan Smith/Wendy Preece 4.3.2 Develop Funding Strategy Dec-2019 Jul-2020
4.4 McCall Interchange Improvement Jonathan Smith 4.4.1 Complete Final Design TBD Dec-2021
Jonathan Smith 4.4.2 ROW Acquisition TBD Dec-2021
Jonathan Smith 4.4.3 Develop Funding Strategy TBD Dec-2021
4.5 Identify Menifee at Entrances Jeff Wyman / Gina Gonzalez 4.5.1a Develop Menifee Gateway Sign Program Dec-2018 Dec-2019 Dec-2020
March 12, 2020 6
Goal Objective POC Action/task Required
Original Projected
Completion Date
May 2019 Revised
Completion Date
Dec 2019 Revised
Completion Date
March 2020
Completion Date
On Target/
In Process Revised
City of Menifee Strategic Plan 2018Goals and Objectives Implementation Plan - March 2020 Update
(includes wayfinding signage)
Jeff Wyman / Gina Gonzalez/Jonathan
Smith 4.5.1b Identify Placement Locations for Signage Dec-2018 Dec-2019 Dec-2020
Jeff Wyman / Gina Gonzalez/Jonathan
Smith/Wendy Preece 4.5.1c Cost Estimate and Funding Strategy to implement Dec-2018 Dec-2019 Jun-2020
Added May 7, 2019 4.6 Garbani Interchange Jonathan Smith 4.6.1 Identify Purpose and Need / Project Initiation Documents (PID)May-2020
4.6.2 Develop Funding Strategy Jan-2020 Jul-20
4.6.3 Preliminary Study Report / Project Development Study (PSR/PDS)TBD
4.6.4 Project Approval and Environmental Documents (PA&ED)TBD
4.6.5 Plans, Specifications and Estimates (PS&E)TBD
4.6.6 ROW Acquisition, Agreements and Permits TBD
4.6.7 Bid and Advertise TBD
4.6.8 Start Construction TBD
March 12, 2020 7
Goal Objective POC Action/task Required
Original Projected
Completion Date
May 2019 Revised
Completion Date
Dec 2019 Revised
Completion Date
March 2020
Completion Date
On Target/
In Process Revised
City of Menifee Strategic Plan 2018Goals and Objectives Implementation Plan - March 2020 Update
5. Community Outreach
5.1 Partner with MSJC Gina Gonzalez 5.1.1 Work with MSJC to identify opportunities to partner Sep-2018
Gina Gonzalez/Jonathan Nicks 5.1.2 Execute MOU outlining partnership Sep-2018 Jul-2019 Jan-2020 Jun-2020
5.2 Social Media Increased Presence Imelda Huerta/PIO/Subcommittee 5.2.1 Develop Social Media Policy Jul-2018 Jul-2019 Mar-2020 Jun-2020
Gina Gonzalez 5.2.2 Create staffing plan May-2018
Gina Gonzalez 5.2.3 Monitor Social Media platforms Ongoing
Gina Gonzalez 5.2.4 Create response plan Oct-2018 Jul-2019
Gina Gonzalez 5.2.5 Create on-going content Ongoing
Gina Gonzalez 5.2.6 Develop videos Ongoing
Gina Gonzalez 5.2.7 Develop graphics materials Ongoing
Gina Gonzalez 5.2.8 Create Menifee Minute Series Ongoing
Gina Gonzalez 5.2.9 Create Live- feeds featuring Town Halls, and events Ongoing
5.3 Public Information Officer Gina Gonzalez 5.3.1 Create staffing plan May-2018
Daniel Alvarado 5.3.2 Recruit and Hire Sep-2018 May-2019
Gina Gonzalez 5.3.3 Create Communications Plan for content Oct-2018 Jul-2019
5.4 Community Education Outreach Gina Gonzalez 5.4.1 Partner with Local HOA's Ongoing
Gina Gonzalez 5.4.2 Town Halls Ongoing
Added May 7, 2019 Jon Nicks/Gina Gonzalez 5.4.3 Town Halls at Local Events Ongoing ON HOLD6. Workforce and Facilities
6.1 Workspace Jeff Wyman 6.1.1 Adequate Space for Staff and future recruitments
6.2 Staffing Rochelle Clayton 6.2.1 Increase Expected Customer Service with Increased Staffing Ongoing
6.3 Update Technology Jeff Wyman/Michelle S./Cheryl Kitzerow 6.3.1 Update antiquated systems and equipment Ongoing
6.4 Maintenance Equipment Jonathan Smith 6.4.1 Invest in equipment to maintain City infrastructure Ongoing
Added by IH (see 5/7 mtg)6.5 Maintenance Building Jonathan Smith 6.5.1 Screening at Maintenance Building Jul-2020
* Goal six (6) was suggested by the City Staff