2022-05-18 City Council Item No. 11.2 Public Comment - Miller Regular MEETING - Additional Meeting Materials1
Emily Grisenti
From:Stephanie Roseen
Sent:Wednesday, May 18, 2022 5:17 PM
To:Emily Grisenti
Subject:FW: The life threating legacy of Legado and Quartz Ranch
Attachments:I am too tired fighting development to come in person.docx
From: albia miller <stopbuildinganything@gmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2022 5:15 PM
To: Stephanie Roseen <sroseen@cityofmenifee.us>; Sarah Manwaring <smanwaring@cityofmenifee.us>; City Attorney
Subject: The life threating legacy of Legado and Quartz Ranch
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We are frightened by the health endangering air quality of Menifee because your unaccountalbe, unpunishable Plannes,
Council Members, and apacious Planning Commission have approved these disastrous projects