2021-06-16 City Council Item No. 5.2 Information Technology Workplan for Fiscal Year 2021-2022 Presentation Regular MEETING - Additional Meeting MaterialsInformation Technology Workplan for FY2021-22 June 16, 2021 1 •A rapidly maturing City •Leveraging technology for service delivery •New types of high-value information •Results in an expanding risk exposure Growing & Changing Requirements Global Risk Exposure •Excellent for “start-up” •Work well within their sphere of expertise/focus •Some aspects of Government Technology support prohibit partners –require Agency staff •“Cloud” solutions are far more difficult to address with partners •Multiple partners to address totality of need Vendors carry us only so far Maturing our capabilities Help Desk Back-up service SEIM/SOC as-a-Service Endpoint Protection & Patching Environment MonitoringSecurity & NW Engineering City Staff EnterpriseBack-up service End-Point Protection &Patching SEIM/SOC + Vulnerability Security & NW Engineering Single Partner Environment Monitoring & Alerting Audits City-wide Cyber- Awareness + Policy/Risk tracking Enhanced Cyber-Sec IT Techs Service Desk Agreement + separation of PD / City data + Encryption + Geo- Dispersion +DR/BCP Lite Agreement + 24x7 Log/ Security mon.+Named Team+24x7 Vunlerability Scan. +Remediation Assistance Solution TBD Testing Solution Lack of alerting resulting in avoidable system outages EXISTING EQUIPMENT & COSTS Now managed by M-IT Eliminate single points of failure Ensure all licenses active PARTIALLY EXISTING Now managed by M-IT No more unprotected Endpoints New Cyber- protections MDBR,Cal-OES, Vuln. Mgmt, DNS-SEC Known-bad IPs/Domains Prevents unintentional security risks New Cyber-protections Minimum “Standard of Care” Validate Cybersecurity Posture & Investments New Cyber-protections Cyber-Awareness City-widePhishing Tests Policy tracking and Cyber-Risk Management Previous annual spend: ~$500K FY2021-22 annual spend: ~$570k Addresses the gaps introduced by growth in the City April 28, 2021 Not working as advertisedNot working as advertised Not working as advertised Not working as advertised Menifee IT – 2021-22 Not CJIS compliant Microsoft Office 365 Licensing Microsoft EA State License Compliance Improve security, records retention, litigation hold, and manageability of City’s MS- O365 environment Not CJIS compliant Why do we need to mature? 30-Days of threats targeting one of our sites SEIM/SOC + Vulnerability Security & NW Engineering Microsoft EAState License EnhancedCyber-Sec Audits City-wide Cyber- Awareness + Policy/Risk tracking Why do we need to mature? 30-Days of threats targeting one of our sites One week of use-generated risk Legitimate City-business use of City computers for one-week results in this many threats generated –not external attacks •People are the first and last line of defense •Resources to support a cyber-safe workplace •Include cyber-safety in system selection and implementation •Critical in “Cloud” based services Incidents will occur –Preparation & Response is critical Building a Cyber-Safe Culture •Council Chamber Audio-Visual & “Menifee TV” PEG Chanel •IT Assessment & Strategic Plan •Delivering the GIS Strategic Plan •Disaster Recovery/Business Continuity Plan •City-wide Broadband Plan & Smart City Infrastructure RFP •Financial System RFP •Requests from all Departments Other Major Initiatives