2021-05-26 City Council Item No. 4.1 City of Menifee 2021-2029 Housing Element General Plan Update Presentation Regular MEETING - Additional Meeting Materials2021-2029 6th Cycle Housing Element UpdatePresentation to City Council and Planning Commission
City of Menifee
2021-2029 Housing Element General Plan Update
Time: 6:30
Date: May 26, 2021
Location: In person and Virtual
2021-2029 6th Cycle Housing Element Update
2021-2029 6th Cycle Housing Element Update
Overview of Community Outreach
•Joint City Council/Planning Commission Study Session -Sept. 30, 2020
•Community Workshop No. 1 –Oct. 22, 2020 (Virtual): Overview of planning process, RHNA requirements & interactive exercise/survey & discussion on housing topics
•Online Community Survey –Sept. 30 to Nov. 23, 2020
•Survey questions related to challenges to finding or creating housing, opportunities for housing, types of housing preferred in Menifee & creative ways to meet the City’s housing needs
•578 Responses used to guide policies
•Community Workshop No. 2 & EIR Scoping Meeting –Feb. 25, 2021 (Virtual): Recap of the Housing Element Update process, the Community Survey results & overview of the interactive mapping & EIR scoping
2021-2029 6th Cycle Housing Element Update
Overview of Community Outreach
•StoryMap/Interactive Web Map –Live on City Website since March 9, 2021: Allows for feedback on the candidate sites inventory (locations, density, and types of housing)
•Community Workshop No. 3 –May 20, 2021 (Virtual & In Person)
•StoryMap Outreach Results
•Candidate Sites Analysis
•Housing Element Draft Policy Review
•Land Use Element, Safety Element, and Environmental Justice Update
•Environmental Review Process
•Joint City Council/Planning Commission Study Session -May 26, 2021
2021-2029 6th Cycle Housing Element Update
2021-2029 6th Cycle Housing Element Update
6th Cycle Housing Element StoryMap
•Residents were able get information on the Housing Element Update and provide feedback through the website.
•Housing Element Update webpage
•Or directly through the url:
2021-2029 6th Cycle Housing Element Update
Interactive Web Map
•Interactive map allowed residents to see the locations of candidate sites.
•Participants were able to offer feedback on the sites and provide annotations directly onto the map.
•The feedback helped inform decision on sites analyzed in the Housing Element Update and sites analysis.
2021-2029 6th Cycle Housing Element Update
Interactive Web Map Results
•66 commenters have left suggestions on the interactive map, currently.
Identified missing infrastructure hazards within the City.18 commenters
Requested the removal of specific parcels from consideration.3 commenters*
Requested the creation of low density housing units.10 commenters
Requested the creation of senior housing units.9 commenters
Requested the creation of high density housing units.5 commenters
Requested the creation of low medium density housing units.2 commenters
Requested the creation of medium density housing units.2 commenters
Identified an opportunity for mixed use housing.1 commenter
*Note: The Story Map reflects 17 comments requesting removal of sites but only 3 of the 17 comments were for sites identified for Housing Element Sites Inventory
2021-2029 6th Cycle Housing Element Update
Candidate Sites
2021-2029 6th Cycle Housing Element Update
Adequate Sites Analysis
Why is an Adequate Site Analysis required?
•The City of Menifee must demonstrate the ability to accommodate RHNA
•Adequate sites to meet the RHNA-6,609 units
•Sites must meet statutory requirements –AB 1397
•Must be considered “available” (i.e. vacant)
•Meet size requirements
•Served by utilities
•Sites must meet income categories
•Very low, Low, Moderate, Above Moderate Income
2021-2029 6th Cycle Housing Element Update
RHNA Allocation: 6th Cycle (2021 –2029)
Income Category % of Median
Family Income Income Range*
(Housing Units)
Very Low Income 0 -50% MFI --$39,500 1,761 units
Low Income 51 –80% MFI $39,501 $63,200 1,051 units
Moderate Income 81 –120% MFI $63,201 $93,000 1,106 units
Above Moderate
Income >120% MFI $93,001 >$93,001 2,691 units
Total:6,609 units
*Income range is based on the 2021 HUD Median Family Income (MFI) for Riverside County of $77,500.
2021-2029 6th Cycle Housing Element Update
Low and Very Low Income Sites
Low and Very Low income RHNA Methodology
•The City’s 5th Cycle identification
of Low and Very Low sites on a maximum of 24 du/acre sites
•Existing affordable developments at a maximum of
24 du/acre
•The feasibility of land costs and
all development costs
2021-2029 6th Cycle Housing Element Update
Low & Very Low Income Sites
•2,812 units req’d. for Low and Very Low Income households.
•Existing HDR Zoned properties –Max. 24 du/acre
•> 0.5 acres and < 10 acres
•Vacant vs. nonvacant
•Access to opportunities
•Existing can accommodate portion of Lower Income RHNA
2021-2029 6th Cycle Housing Element Update
Low & Very Low Income Sites
•Candidate Rezone Sites for remaining Lower Income need
•HDR Zoning –Max. 24 du/acre
•Inset 1 -Rezone 9 parcels (5 from EDC-MB & 2 from LMDR) to HDR Zone (18.63 acres)
•Inset 2 -Rezone one parcel from EDC-NR to HDR (4.85 acres)
•Inset 3 –Rezone two parcels from EDC-NR to HDR (9.47 Acres)
•Inset 4 –Rezone one parcel from EDC-CC to HDR (5 Acres)
•Total Acres –37.95
Inset 1
Inset 1
Inset 2
Inset 2 Inset 3
McCall Blvd.
Newport Rd.
Inset 3
Inset 4
Inset 4
La Piedra Rd.
Newport Rd.Bradley Rd.Murrieta Rd.
2021-2029 6th Cycle Housing Element Update
Inset 1
North side of McCall Blvd. & east side of Sherman Rd.
3 Parcels -5.24 Acres
From: Economic Development
Corridor –McCall Blvd.
To: High Density Residential
(HDR) 20.1 -24 du/acre
2021-2029 6th Cycle Housing Element Update
Inset 1
South side of McCall Blvd easterly of Encanto Drive –
4 parcels -13.39 acres
From: Economic Development
Corridor –McCall Blvd.
(EDC-MB) (2 northerly parcels
fronting McCall); and
Low Medium Density Residential
(LMDR) (2 southerly parcels)
To: High Density Residential
(HDR) 20.1 -24 du/acre
2021-2029 6th Cycle Housing Element Update
Inset 2
S/W corner of Lazy Creek & Murrieta Roads
1 Parcel –4.85 acres
From: Economic Development
Corridor -Newport Road
To: High Density Residential
(HDR) 20.1 -24 du/acre
2021-2029 6th Cycle Housing Element Update
Inset 3
Bradley Rd north of Newport Rd
2 Parcels -9.47 acres
From: Economic Development
Corridor –Newport Road
To: High Density Residential
(HDR) 20.1 -24 du/acre
2021-2029 6th Cycle Housing Element Update
Inset 4
La Piedra & Sherman Roads
1 Parcel -5 Acres
From: Economic Development
Corridor –Community Core
To: High Density Residential
(HDR) 20.1 -24 du/acre
2021-2029 6th Cycle Housing Element Update
Moderate and Above Moderate Income Sites
The City must accommodate 1,106 units affordable to Moderate Income households and 2,691 units affordable to Above Moderate-Income households.
•Above Moderate-income densities included Specific Plans with Planning Areas with densities ranging from 3 du/acre to 8 du/acre.
•Moderate-income densities include Specific Plans with Planning Areas with densities ranging from 8.5 du/acre to 24 du/acre.
2021-2029 6th Cycle Housing Element Update
Moderate and Above Moderate Income Sites
Candidate rezone sites for Moderate & Above Moderate:
•Inset 1 -Rezone from EDC-NR to MDR at 8.1-14 du/acres (1 parcel 9.27 acres)
•Inset 2 -Rezone from EDC-MB to LMDR at 5.1-8 du/acre (2 parcels –9.47 acres)
Inset 2 Inset 2
Inset 1
Inset 1
McCall Blvd.
McCall Blvd.
2021-2029 6th Cycle Housing Element Update
Inset 1
North of McCall Blvd at Antelope Rd.
1 Parcel –9.27 acres
From: Economic Development
Corridor –McCall Blvd
To: Medium Density Residential
(MDR) 8.1 –14 du/acre
2021-2029 6th Cycle Housing Element Update
Inset 2
Newport & Normandy Roads
2 Parcels -10.15 acres
From: Economic Development
Corridor -Newport Road
To: Low Medium Density
Residential (LMDR) 5.1 –8
2021-2029 6th Cycle Housing Element Update
Overview of
Element Goals
and Policies
2021-2029 6th Cycle Housing Element Update
6th Cycle Housing Element Update
Required Chapter of the Menifee General Plan
Provides goals, policies, programs, and objectives to guide future housing growth and address current housing needs
Identifies future housing growth need by income category
Requires certification by the State Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) to show compliance with State housing laws
2021-2029 6th Cycle Housing Element Update
Housing Element Contents
Population and housing profile
Evaluation of housing constraints and resources
Evaluation of existing programs and policies
Analysis of sites to accommodate the City’s Regional Housing Needs Allocation
Policies, programs and quantified objectives to achieve the City’s housing goal
2021-2029 6th Cycle Housing Element Update
Housing Element Policies
The Housing Plan may include:
•Modified policies from the 2014-2021 HE (5th Cycle HE)
•New policies and programs to address newly enacted laws
•New policies and programs to address conservation amid growth
•New policies and programs to remove constraints and encourage equal
housing opportunities
2021-2029 6th Cycle Housing Element Update
Housing Element Policies
Compliance with SB 35 provisions
Emergency Shelters, Transitional and Supportive Housing (AB2162 and AB139)
Housing for Homeless People (SB 2 and SB 745)
Supportive Housing/Lower Barrier Navigation Centers
Housing for People with Disabilities
Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing-AFFH (AB 686)
Draft Programs based on Housing Element Laws include:
2021-2029 6th Cycle Housing Element Update
Housing Element Policies
Adequate Sites to Accommodate the City’s 2021-2029 RHNA
Rezone Program to Accommodate Low, Very Low and Moderate RHNA
Accessory Dwelling Unit and Junior Accessory Dwelling Unit Development
Senior Minor Home Repair Grant
Code Enforcement Program
The Preservation of At-Risk Housing
Annual RHNA sites Inventory Monitoring and Reporting Program
Draft programs of the updated Housing Element include:
2021-2029 6th Cycle Housing Element Update
Overview of
2021-2029 6th Cycle Housing Element Update
Land Use Element Update
•Amends land use and zoning designations of 14 candidate housing sites for RHNA.
•Includes parcels currently zoned as Low Medium Residential (LMDR) and Economic Development Corridors (EDC).•9 Parcels will be rezoned from EDC-NR, EDC-CC, and EDC-MB to HDR zoning designation•2 parcels will be rezoned from LMDR to HDR zoning designation•2 parcels will be rezoned from EDC-NR to LMDR zoning designation•1 parcel will be rezoned from EDC-MB to MDR zoning designation
Rezoned Parcels
2-LMDR (5.1 to 8
11-HDR (20.1-24
units/acre)1-MDR (8.1-14
2021-2029 6th Cycle Housing Element Update
Land Use Element Update
•Update text and exhibits including the buildout summary related to zone changes
•Updates to text, tables, and exhibits for consistency with the Housing Element
•Update Goals and Polices
•Update Exhibit LU-2 Land Use Map
•Amend the land use map with the updated HE sites & rezone sites
2021-2029 6th Cycle Housing Element Update
Land Use Element Update -EDC
•Updates to the Economic Development Corridor Land Use to:
•Amend EDC land use & zoning consistent with rezone program of the Housing Element
•Address residential in the EDC (i.e., 15% limitation & stand-alone)
•EDC Subarea use descriptions/preferred use mix
•Amend land use and zoning of EDC-CC island area to RR-1 consistent with existing established residential area
2021-2029 6th Cycle Housing Element Update
Safety Element Update
•Update text, tables, and exhibits to address newly adopted requirements related to hazards (floods, fires, climate adaptation)
•Update based on CalFire methodology and Climate Vulnerability Assessment conclusions.
•Revise and create new goals, policies, and objectives to combat fire hazards
•Identification of updated California Department of Forestry High Fire Hazard Severity Zone Maps.
•Creation of climate change adaptability goals and policies.
•Based on the conclusions of the Climate Vulnerability Assessment.
•Addresses risks due to fire susceptibility, heat damage, and drought.
2021-2029 6th Cycle Housing Element Update
Environmental Justice Policies
•Identify disadvantaged communities with the City of Menifee.
•Incorporate policies and goals to advance equity and protect human health.
•Intended to improve health, recreation, and economic mobility opportunities through cleaner air, better access to transportation infrastructure, access to education and employment, home maintenance, and nutrition.
•Policies created in compliance with SB 1000.
•Environmental Justice Outreach
•Stakeholder interviews
•Online engagement through the City website
•Review of Policies
•Public hearings
2021-2029 6th Cycle Housing Element Update
Review Process
2021-2029 6th Cycle Housing Element Update
Environmental Review Process
•Preparation of an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) underway
•An EIR allows for an in-depth analysis of the potential environmental impacts of a proposed project.
•The NOP was circulated -February 3, 2021
•30-day review period ended March 5, 2021
•Notice of Availability of Draft EIR –Summer 2021
•45-day review period ends Summer/Fall 2021
•Public commentary is built into the process
•Notification of available documents and information
•Multiple periods of review for EIRs
•Public meetings
•A Final EIR created based on comments received from the initial Draft EIR
2021-2029 6th Cycle Housing Element Update
Environmental Review Process
•Agriculture and Forestry Resources
•Air Quality
•Biological Resources
•Cultural Resources
•Geology and Soils
•Greenhouse Gas Emissions
•Hazards and Hazardous Materials
•Hydrology and Water Quality
•Land Use and Planning
•Mineral Resources
•Population and Housing
•Public Services and Recreation
•Tribal Cultural Resources
•Utilities and Service Systems
•Mandatory Findings of
Scope of analysis typically included in the EIR:
Any technical studies conducted for environmental analyses will be included as an appendix of
the EIR
2021-2029 6th Cycle Housing Element Update
Next Steps
2021-2029 6th Cycle Housing Element Update
Tentative Housing Element Update Schedule
Joint City Council/Planning Commission Study Session September 2020
Virtual Workshop #1 October 15, 2020
Community Survey Fall 2020
Community Workshop #2 February 25, 2021
Community Workshop #3May 20, 2021
Joint Planning Commission/City Council Study Session May 26, 2021
Public Review Draft
Summer 2021
Public Hearings Fall 2021
2021-2029 6th Cycle Housing Element Update
Thank you!
Contact Doug Darnell, Senior Planner
By phone at (951) 723-3744
Or by email at ddarnell@cityofmenifee.us
2021-2029 6th Cycle Housing Element Update
Possible Alternatives
Norheast corner of Antelope & Garbani Roads1 Parcel –Approximately 29 Acres in EDC-CC Zone
2021-2029 6th Cycle Housing Element Update
Possible Alternatives
North side of McCall Blvd east of the Hospital2 Parcels –Approximately 20 Acres in EDC-MB and RR-5 Zone
(Developable EDC Zoned portion is Approximately 15 Acres)
2021-2029 6th Cycle Housing Element Update
Possible Alternatives
Southwest corner of Chambers and Murrieta Rd.2 Parcels –19.64 acres Currently Zoned LMDR
West side of Valley Blvd. & south of McCall Rd.1 Parcel -12.54 acres Currently Zoned HDR (Steep topography & in VHFHSZ)
2021-2029 6th Cycle Housing Element Update
Land Use Element Update –EDC Land Use Mix
(594 Acres)
No change in
McCall Boulevard
(257 Acres)
Reduce by
23 Acres
Newport Road
(156 Acres)
Reduce by
25 Acres
Community Core
(392 Acres)
Reduce by
approximately 70
acres removing
EDC island
(832 Acres)
No change in
Existing Proposed Existing Proposed Existing Proposed Existing Proposed Existing Proposed
Residential 5%5%20%20%30%20%25%20%10%10%
Commercial Retail 0%5%60%60%60%65%10%35%10%10%
Commercial Office 0%0%20%20%5%15%35%40%10%10%
Industrial 95%90%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%
Business Park 0%0%0%0%5%0%30%15%70%70%
2021-2029 6th Cycle Housing Element Update
3D Visual Simulations of Housing Sites
•CityEngine Web Viewer (arcgis.com)
2021-2029 6th Cycle Housing Element Update
Reference Slides
Del Oro Multi-Family
Development –
Holland & Palomar Roads
Market Rate Apts -
27 du/acre
237 units on 8.8 acres
Senior Apts. -
21 du/acre
102 units on 4.8 acrese
2021-2029 6th Cycle Housing Element Update
Reference Slides
Del Oro Multi-Family
Development –
Holland & Antelope
2021-2029 6th Cycle Housing Element Update
Reference Slides
Del Oro Multi-Family
Development –Holland &
2021-2029 6th Cycle Housing Element Update
Reference Slides
Interactive Story Map
Specific Comments on Housing
Inventory Sites
Candidate rezone site for LMDR
at Newport and Normandy
2021-2029 6th Cycle Housing Element Update
Reference Slides
Interactive Story Map
Specific Comments on Housing
Inventory Sites
Vacant land on Bradley Road
currently Zoned HDR
2021-2029 6th Cycle Housing Element Update
Reference Slides
Interactive Story Map
Specific Comments on Housing
Inventory Sites
Vacant land on Menifee Road
currently Zoned HDR
2021-2029 6th Cycle Housing Element Update
Reference Slides
Interactive Story Map
Specific Comments on Housing
Inventory Sites
Vacant land on Menifee Road
currently Zoned HDR