2021-05-05 City Council Item No. 11.1 Community Developement Block Grant Overview Presentation Regular MEETING - Additional Meeting Materials•The City of Menifee receives an annual
allocation of funds from the U.S.Department of
Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
•Annual Allocations determined by HUD formula
1.Population,weighted at 25%;
2.People in poverty,weighted at 50%
3.Overcrowded units,weighted at 25%
•FY21/22 the City will receive $520,026
Community Development Block Grant
(CDBG) Overview
Community Development Block Grant
(CDBG) Overview
CDBG Funds are Intended for the Purposes of:
Providing Decent Housing
Creating a Suitable Living Environment
Expanding Economic Opportunities
National Objectives Requirements:
Benefit Persons who are Low-Mod Income
Eliminate Blight
Address Urgent Threat to Health & Safety
2017-2021 Menifee Consolidated Plan
Priority Needs
1.Affordable Housing
2.Ensure Equal Access to Housing Opportunities
3.Provide Public Services for Low-Income & Special Needs Residents
4.Prevent & Eliminate Homelessness
5.Neighborhood Infrastructure & Public Facility Improvements
1.Preserve Affordable Housing
2.Fair Housing Services
3.Services for Low and Moderate Income & Special Needs Residents
4.Homelessness Prevention Services
5.Preserve & Improve Area Neighborhoods
Annual Action Plan
The Annual Action Plan will generally include the following main
categories of activities/programs:
Planning/Administration (20% Cap)
Fair Housing Services (Mandatory for Participation)
Public Services (15% Cap)
Housing (Senior Minor Home Rehabilitation Grant Program)
Public Facilities/Infrastructure Projects
Recommended Program Year 2021/2022
Funding Breakdown
Description Amount
Public Services (15% Maximum Cap)$78,004
Assistance League of Temecula Valley 10,000
Boys & Girls Club of Menifee Valley 10,000
Family Service Association 10,000
Habitat for Humanity 10,000
Hospice of the Valleys 10,000
Menifee Valley Community Cupboard 18,004
SAFE Family Justice Centers 10,000
Minor Home Rehabilitation Grant Program $120,000
Public Facilities/Infrastructure Project $218,017
Peacock Community Street Improvements
(bounded by Chambers Ave. & Valley Blvd.)
Planning & Administration (20% Maximum Cap)$104,005
Administration $81,790
Fair Housing Services 22,215
Total $520,026
Staff Recommendation
1.Conduct a Public Hearing;
2.Adopt a resolution approving the 2021/2022 Annual
Action Plan;and
3.Authorize staff to proceed with the submittal of the
2021/2022 Annual Action Plan to HUD.
Questions?Thank You.