2021-03-03 City Council Item No. 12.3 Public Comment - Croy Regular MEETING - Additional Meeting Materials1
Rachel Kleinpeter
From:rick croy <rickcroy22@gmail.com>
Sent:Thursday, February 25, 2021 5:54 PM
To:Public Comments
Subject:Item 12.3 Central Park Amphitheatre
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Good evening.
As a member of the AD HOC committee, I would like to thank the Council and City Manager for their patience in the
process. In what seemed a rather slow pace, the overriding concern among us was that we really wanted something
unique with the WOW factor and to "get it right" the first time.
We unanimously decided that the design consultant successfully listened to us and delivered a design Menifee will be
proud of for decades to come
In comparing surrounding Cities with similarly built structures, I believe we have delivered a superior product concept
for a very competitive price, even a bit less than other Cities.
Mayor Bill will remember a long ago Parks and Rec meeting where just such an Amphitheatre was proposed and we
were all excited about it.
Well, it took a while, but the time has come and I fully support creating a world class venue for Local, Regional and
National artists to add to Menifee's heritage of first rate Parks and Recreational Facilities.
Thank you again,
Rick Croy
District 3
Parks,Recreation and Trails Commission.