2021-03-03 City Council Regular MEETING - Agenda PacketCity Council Chambers Via Live Video (see below) Menifee, CA 92586 Bill Zimmerman, Mayor Bob Karwin, District 1 Matthew Liesemeyer, District 2   Lesa Sobek, District 3   Dean Deines, District 4    AGENDA Menifee City Council  Regular Meeting Agenda Wednesday, March 3, 2021 5:00 PM Closed Session 6:00 PM Regular Meeting Armando G. Villa, City Manager Jeffrey T. Melching, City Attorney Sarah A. Manwaring, City Clerk AS A RESULT OF THE COVID­19 VIRUS, AND RESULTING ORDERS AND DIRECTION FROM THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, THE GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AND THE RIVERSIDE COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH DEPARTMENT, AS WELL AS THE CITY OF MENIFEE EMERGENCY DECLARATION, THE PUBLIC WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO PHYSICALLY ATTEND THE MENIFEE MEETING TO WHICH THIS AGENDA APPLIES. YOU MAY PARTICIPATE IN THE MEETING BY: LIVE VIDEO:https://cityofmenifee.us/Agendas and click on the “HTML Agenda” icon under Documents. PUBLIC COMMENTS:To comment on an agenda item please submit your public comment to publiccomments@cityofmenifee.us. Please include your name and the item(s) you wish to speak on. CLOSED SESSION (5:30 PM) 1.CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – EXISTING LITIGATION Government Code Paragraph (1) of subdivision (d) of Section 54956.9 Pechanga Band of Luiseno Indians and Soboba Band of Luiseno Indians v. City of Menifee Riverside County Superior Court Case No. CVRI2000531 REGULAR MEETING (6:00 PM) 1.CALL TO ORDER  2.ROLL CALL  3. WORDS OF INSPIRATION  3.1 Pastor Kasey Crawford ­ Elevation Church 4. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE  5. PRESENTATIONS  5.1 Rick Bishop Retirement Proclamation 5.2 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Project Update 6.AGENDA APPROVAL OR MODIFICATIONS   7. PUBLIC COMMENTS (NON­AGENDA ITEMS) This is the time for members of the public to address the Council about items which are NOT listed on the agenda.  The Ralph M. Brown Act limits the Council’s ability to respond to comments on non­agendized matters at the time such comments are made. Each speaker will be limited to three minutes on any single item. To submit a public comment, please email publiccomments@cityofmenifee.us. 8. COUNCILMEMBER UPDATES AND COMMENTS  9. APPROVAL OF MINUTES  9.1 February 17, 2021 City Council Minutes 10. CONSENT CALENDAR  All matters on the Consent Calendar are to be approved in one motion unless a Councilmember requests a separate action on a specific item on the Consent Calendar.  If an item is removed from the Consent Calendar, it will be discussed individually and acted upon separately. 10.1 Waiver of Reading RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Waive the reading in full of any and all Ordinances listed on this agenda and provide that they be read by title only. 10.2 Warrant Register RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Ratify and approve the Voucher List dated 2/12/2021 and the Payroll Register/Other EFT’s dated 2/2/2021, 2/3/2021, 2/5/2021 and 2/8/2021 which have a total budgetary impact of $4,360,052.31 10.3 Treasurer's Report, January 2021 RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Approve the Treasurer’s Report for January 2021. 10.4 2020 Emergency Management Performance Grant Program COVID­19 Supplemental (EMPG­S) RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Accept the Fiscal Year 2020 Emergency Management Performance Grant Program COVID­19 Supplemental (EMPG­S) in the amount of $7,500 and authorize staff to administer the funded program/project(s); and 2. Adopt a Resolution authorizing the City Manager, Assistant City Manager, or designee to apply for the fiscal year 2020 Emergency Management Performance Grant Program COVID­19 Supplemental (EMPG­S); and 3. Adopt a Resolution authorizing an increase in revenue and appropriation of expenditures in the amount of $7,500. 10.5 Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. Agreement for Enterprise Geographic Information System RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Approve and authorize the City Manager to execute a Professional Services Agreement with Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. (Esri) in the not­to­exceed amount of $15,000 for Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Implementation Services, and; 2. Approve and authorize the City Manager to execute the Enterprise Agreement (EA): Small Municipal and County Government Program (Software Maintenance and Licensing Support) with Esri for an amount not­to­exceed a total of $165,000 ($55,000 annually for three years) for the period of July 1, 2021, through June 30, 2023, contingent on the availability of funds, and; 3. Exempt purchase from the competitive bidding process as the purchase will be made under Menifee Municipal Code section 3.12.070(A)(7) as a unique commodity. 10.6 Local Early Action Planning (LEAP) Funding Agreement RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Approve acceptance of Local Early Action Planning (LEAP) grant funds from the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD); and 2. Adopt a Resolution approving an increase in revenue and appropriation of expenditures of $300,000 (Grant Amount) to project account as assigned by the Finance Department; and 3.  Authorize the City Manager, or his designee, to execute all necessary documents to implement the LEAP Grant Funds for which grant funding is intended. 11. PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS ­ NONE  12. DISCUSSION ITEMS  12.1 Fiscal Year 2020/21 Mid­Year Budget Review and Budget Adjustments RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Accept the fiscal year 2020/21 mid­year budget review and approve the additional budget appropriations and revenue recognitions as presented.  12.2 General Plan Annual Progress Report for 2020 RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Review, receive, and file the General Plan Annual Progress Report for 2020 as required by state law to show progress toward implementation of General Plan Goals and Policies. 12.3 CIP No. 19­15 (CS030) Central Park Amphitheater Conceptual Design RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Approve the conceptual design of the Central Park Amphitheater as recommended by the Ad Hoc Committee. 12.4 Coronavirus Memorial for Menifee Residents RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Review and discuss options for a Coronavirus Memorial; and 2. Provide additional direction for City staff. 12.5 Menifee CARES Small Business Relief Grant Final Report RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Receive and file the Menifee CARES Small Business Relief Grant Final Report. 13. CITY ATTORNEY REPORTS  14. CITY MANAGER REPORTS  15. FUTURE AGENDA REQUESTS FROM COUNCIL MEMBERS  > Discuss strategy to address phaseout of illegal uses (Liesemeyer, July 18, 2018) Target Date: TBD > WRCOG presentation on Community Choice Aggregation (Liesemeyer, February 5, 2020) Target Date: TBD > Post Pandemic Report and Update on New Technology Implementations (Deines, April 15, 2020) Target Date: TBD > Discussion of DIF and Assess Park Allocations (Liesemeyer, June 17, 2020) Target Date: TBD > Discuss hunting regulations within the City (Zimmerman, December 2, 2020) Target Date: TBD > Discuss Cooperative Agreement with Canyon Lake for Fire Services (Liesemeyer, February 17, 2021) Target Date: TBD > Discuss City Event for Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day (Deines, February 17, 2021) Target Date: TBD 16.ADJOURN  Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 1 of 240 City Council ChambersVia Live Video (see below)Menifee, CA 92586Bill Zimmerman, MayorBob Karwin, District 1Matthew Liesemeyer, District 2  Lesa Sobek, District 3  Dean Deines, District 4    AGENDA Menifee City Council Regular Meeting AgendaWednesday, March 3, 20215:00 PM Closed Session6:00 PM Regular MeetingArmando G. Villa, City ManagerJeffrey T. Melching, City AttorneySarah A. Manwaring, City ClerkAS A RESULT OF THE COVID­19 VIRUS, AND RESULTING ORDERS AND DIRECTIONFROM THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, THE GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OFCALIFORNIA, AND THE RIVERSIDE COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH DEPARTMENT, AS WELL ASTHE CITY OF MENIFEE EMERGENCYDECLARATION, THE PUBLIC WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO PHYSICALLY ATTEND THEMENIFEE MEETING TO WHICH THIS AGENDA APPLIES. YOU MAY PARTICIPATE IN THEMEETING BY:LIVE VIDEO:https://cityofmenifee.us/Agendas and click on the “HTML Agenda” icon underDocuments.PUBLIC COMMENTS:To comment on an agenda item please submit your public comment topubliccomments@cityofmenifee.us. Please include your name and the item(s) you wish tospeak on.CLOSED SESSION (5:30 PM)1.CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – EXISTING LITIGATIONGovernment Code Paragraph (1) of subdivision (d) of Section 54956.9Pechanga Band of Luiseno Indians and Soboba Band of Luiseno Indians v. City ofMenifeeRiverside County Superior Court Case No. CVRI2000531REGULAR MEETING (6:00 PM)1.CALL TO ORDER 2.ROLL CALL 3. WORDS OF INSPIRATION 3.1 Pastor Kasey Crawford ­ Elevation Church 4. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE  5. PRESENTATIONS  5.1 Rick Bishop Retirement Proclamation 5.2 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Project Update 6.AGENDA APPROVAL OR MODIFICATIONS   7. PUBLIC COMMENTS (NON­AGENDA ITEMS) This is the time for members of the public to address the Council about items which are NOT listed on the agenda.  The Ralph M. Brown Act limits the Council’s ability to respond to comments on non­agendized matters at the time such comments are made. Each speaker will be limited to three minutes on any single item. To submit a public comment, please email publiccomments@cityofmenifee.us. 8. COUNCILMEMBER UPDATES AND COMMENTS  9. APPROVAL OF MINUTES  9.1 February 17, 2021 City Council Minutes 10. CONSENT CALENDAR  All matters on the Consent Calendar are to be approved in one motion unless a Councilmember requests a separate action on a specific item on the Consent Calendar.  If an item is removed from the Consent Calendar, it will be discussed individually and acted upon separately. 10.1 Waiver of Reading RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Waive the reading in full of any and all Ordinances listed on this agenda and provide that they be read by title only. 10.2 Warrant Register RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Ratify and approve the Voucher List dated 2/12/2021 and the Payroll Register/Other EFT’s dated 2/2/2021, 2/3/2021, 2/5/2021 and 2/8/2021 which have a total budgetary impact of $4,360,052.31 10.3 Treasurer's Report, January 2021 RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Approve the Treasurer’s Report for January 2021. 10.4 2020 Emergency Management Performance Grant Program COVID­19 Supplemental (EMPG­S) RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Accept the Fiscal Year 2020 Emergency Management Performance Grant Program COVID­19 Supplemental (EMPG­S) in the amount of $7,500 and authorize staff to administer the funded program/project(s); and 2. Adopt a Resolution authorizing the City Manager, Assistant City Manager, or designee to apply for the fiscal year 2020 Emergency Management Performance Grant Program COVID­19 Supplemental (EMPG­S); and 3. Adopt a Resolution authorizing an increase in revenue and appropriation of expenditures in the amount of $7,500. 10.5 Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. Agreement for Enterprise Geographic Information System RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Approve and authorize the City Manager to execute a Professional Services Agreement with Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. (Esri) in the not­to­exceed amount of $15,000 for Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Implementation Services, and; 2. Approve and authorize the City Manager to execute the Enterprise Agreement (EA): Small Municipal and County Government Program (Software Maintenance and Licensing Support) with Esri for an amount not­to­exceed a total of $165,000 ($55,000 annually for three years) for the period of July 1, 2021, through June 30, 2023, contingent on the availability of funds, and; 3. Exempt purchase from the competitive bidding process as the purchase will be made under Menifee Municipal Code section 3.12.070(A)(7) as a unique commodity. 10.6 Local Early Action Planning (LEAP) Funding Agreement RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Approve acceptance of Local Early Action Planning (LEAP) grant funds from the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD); and 2. Adopt a Resolution approving an increase in revenue and appropriation of expenditures of $300,000 (Grant Amount) to project account as assigned by the Finance Department; and 3.  Authorize the City Manager, or his designee, to execute all necessary documents to implement the LEAP Grant Funds for which grant funding is intended. 11. PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS ­ NONE  12. DISCUSSION ITEMS  12.1 Fiscal Year 2020/21 Mid­Year Budget Review and Budget Adjustments RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Accept the fiscal year 2020/21 mid­year budget review and approve the additional budget appropriations and revenue recognitions as presented.  12.2 General Plan Annual Progress Report for 2020 RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Review, receive, and file the General Plan Annual Progress Report for 2020 as required by state law to show progress toward implementation of General Plan Goals and Policies. 12.3 CIP No. 19­15 (CS030) Central Park Amphitheater Conceptual Design RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Approve the conceptual design of the Central Park Amphitheater as recommended by the Ad Hoc Committee. 12.4 Coronavirus Memorial for Menifee Residents RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Review and discuss options for a Coronavirus Memorial; and 2. Provide additional direction for City staff. 12.5 Menifee CARES Small Business Relief Grant Final Report RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Receive and file the Menifee CARES Small Business Relief Grant Final Report. 13. CITY ATTORNEY REPORTS  14. CITY MANAGER REPORTS  15. FUTURE AGENDA REQUESTS FROM COUNCIL MEMBERS  > Discuss strategy to address phaseout of illegal uses (Liesemeyer, July 18, 2018) Target Date: TBD > WRCOG presentation on Community Choice Aggregation (Liesemeyer, February 5, 2020) Target Date: TBD > Post Pandemic Report and Update on New Technology Implementations (Deines, April 15, 2020) Target Date: TBD > Discussion of DIF and Assess Park Allocations (Liesemeyer, June 17, 2020) Target Date: TBD > Discuss hunting regulations within the City (Zimmerman, December 2, 2020) Target Date: TBD > Discuss Cooperative Agreement with Canyon Lake for Fire Services (Liesemeyer, February 17, 2021) Target Date: TBD > Discuss City Event for Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day (Deines, February 17, 2021) Target Date: TBD 16.ADJOURN  Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 2 of 240 City Council ChambersVia Live Video (see below)Menifee, CA 92586Bill Zimmerman, MayorBob Karwin, District 1Matthew Liesemeyer, District 2  Lesa Sobek, District 3  Dean Deines, District 4    AGENDA Menifee City Council Regular Meeting AgendaWednesday, March 3, 20215:00 PM Closed Session6:00 PM Regular MeetingArmando G. Villa, City ManagerJeffrey T. Melching, City AttorneySarah A. Manwaring, City ClerkAS A RESULT OF THE COVID­19 VIRUS, AND RESULTING ORDERS AND DIRECTIONFROM THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, THE GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OFCALIFORNIA, AND THE RIVERSIDE COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH DEPARTMENT, AS WELL ASTHE CITY OF MENIFEE EMERGENCYDECLARATION, THE PUBLIC WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO PHYSICALLY ATTEND THEMENIFEE MEETING TO WHICH THIS AGENDA APPLIES. YOU MAY PARTICIPATE IN THEMEETING BY:LIVE VIDEO:https://cityofmenifee.us/Agendas and click on the “HTML Agenda” icon underDocuments.PUBLIC COMMENTS:To comment on an agenda item please submit your public comment topubliccomments@cityofmenifee.us. Please include your name and the item(s) you wish tospeak on.CLOSED SESSION (5:30 PM)1.CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – EXISTING LITIGATIONGovernment Code Paragraph (1) of subdivision (d) of Section 54956.9Pechanga Band of Luiseno Indians and Soboba Band of Luiseno Indians v. City ofMenifeeRiverside County Superior Court Case No. CVRI2000531REGULAR MEETING (6:00 PM)1.CALL TO ORDER 2.ROLL CALL 3. WORDS OF INSPIRATION 3.1 Pastor Kasey Crawford ­ Elevation Church4. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 5. PRESENTATIONS 5.1 Rick Bishop Retirement Proclamation5.2 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Project Update6.AGENDA APPROVAL OR MODIFICATIONS  7. PUBLIC COMMENTS (NON­AGENDA ITEMS)This is the time for members of the public to address the Council about items which are NOT listed on theagenda.  The Ralph M. Brown Act limits the Council’s ability to respond to comments on non­agendizedmatters at the time such comments are made. Each speaker will be limited to three minutes on anysingle item. To submit a public comment, please email publiccomments@cityofmenifee.us.8. COUNCILMEMBER UPDATES AND COMMENTS 9. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 9.1 February 17, 2021 City Council Minutes10. CONSENT CALENDAR All matters on the Consent Calendar are to be approved in one motion unless a Councilmemberrequests a separate action on a specific item on the Consent Calendar.  If an item is removed from theConsent Calendar, it will be discussed individually and acted upon separately.10.1 Waiver of ReadingRECOMMENDED ACTION1. Waive the reading in full of any and all Ordinances listed on this agenda andprovide that they be read by title only.10.2 Warrant RegisterRECOMMENDED ACTION1. Ratify and approve the Voucher List dated 2/12/2021 and the PayrollRegister/Other EFT’s dated 2/2/2021, 2/3/2021, 2/5/2021 and 2/8/2021 whichhave a total budgetary impact of $4,360,052.3110.3 Treasurer's Report, January 2021RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Approve the Treasurer’s Report for January 2021. 10.4 2020 Emergency Management Performance Grant Program COVID­19 Supplemental (EMPG­S) RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Accept the Fiscal Year 2020 Emergency Management Performance Grant Program COVID­19 Supplemental (EMPG­S) in the amount of $7,500 and authorize staff to administer the funded program/project(s); and 2. Adopt a Resolution authorizing the City Manager, Assistant City Manager, or designee to apply for the fiscal year 2020 Emergency Management Performance Grant Program COVID­19 Supplemental (EMPG­S); and 3. Adopt a Resolution authorizing an increase in revenue and appropriation of expenditures in the amount of $7,500. 10.5 Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. Agreement for Enterprise Geographic Information System RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Approve and authorize the City Manager to execute a Professional Services Agreement with Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. (Esri) in the not­to­exceed amount of $15,000 for Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Implementation Services, and; 2. Approve and authorize the City Manager to execute the Enterprise Agreement (EA): Small Municipal and County Government Program (Software Maintenance and Licensing Support) with Esri for an amount not­to­exceed a total of $165,000 ($55,000 annually for three years) for the period of July 1, 2021, through June 30, 2023, contingent on the availability of funds, and; 3. Exempt purchase from the competitive bidding process as the purchase will be made under Menifee Municipal Code section 3.12.070(A)(7) as a unique commodity. 10.6 Local Early Action Planning (LEAP) Funding Agreement RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Approve acceptance of Local Early Action Planning (LEAP) grant funds from the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD); and 2. Adopt a Resolution approving an increase in revenue and appropriation of expenditures of $300,000 (Grant Amount) to project account as assigned by the Finance Department; and 3.  Authorize the City Manager, or his designee, to execute all necessary documents to implement the LEAP Grant Funds for which grant funding is intended. 11. PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS ­ NONE  12. DISCUSSION ITEMS  12.1 Fiscal Year 2020/21 Mid­Year Budget Review and Budget Adjustments RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Accept the fiscal year 2020/21 mid­year budget review and approve the additional budget appropriations and revenue recognitions as presented.  12.2 General Plan Annual Progress Report for 2020 RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Review, receive, and file the General Plan Annual Progress Report for 2020 as required by state law to show progress toward implementation of General Plan Goals and Policies. 12.3 CIP No. 19­15 (CS030) Central Park Amphitheater Conceptual Design RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Approve the conceptual design of the Central Park Amphitheater as recommended by the Ad Hoc Committee. 12.4 Coronavirus Memorial for Menifee Residents RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Review and discuss options for a Coronavirus Memorial; and 2. Provide additional direction for City staff. 12.5 Menifee CARES Small Business Relief Grant Final Report RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Receive and file the Menifee CARES Small Business Relief Grant Final Report. 13. CITY ATTORNEY REPORTS  14. CITY MANAGER REPORTS  15. FUTURE AGENDA REQUESTS FROM COUNCIL MEMBERS  > Discuss strategy to address phaseout of illegal uses (Liesemeyer, July 18, 2018) Target Date: TBD > WRCOG presentation on Community Choice Aggregation (Liesemeyer, February 5, 2020) Target Date: TBD > Post Pandemic Report and Update on New Technology Implementations (Deines, April 15, 2020) Target Date: TBD > Discussion of DIF and Assess Park Allocations (Liesemeyer, June 17, 2020) Target Date: TBD > Discuss hunting regulations within the City (Zimmerman, December 2, 2020) Target Date: TBD > Discuss Cooperative Agreement with Canyon Lake for Fire Services (Liesemeyer, February 17, 2021) Target Date: TBD > Discuss City Event for Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day (Deines, February 17, 2021) Target Date: TBD 16.ADJOURN  Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 3 of 240 City Council ChambersVia Live Video (see below)Menifee, CA 92586Bill Zimmerman, MayorBob Karwin, District 1Matthew Liesemeyer, District 2  Lesa Sobek, District 3  Dean Deines, District 4    AGENDA Menifee City Council Regular Meeting AgendaWednesday, March 3, 20215:00 PM Closed Session6:00 PM Regular MeetingArmando G. Villa, City ManagerJeffrey T. Melching, City AttorneySarah A. Manwaring, City ClerkAS A RESULT OF THE COVID­19 VIRUS, AND RESULTING ORDERS AND DIRECTIONFROM THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, THE GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OFCALIFORNIA, AND THE RIVERSIDE COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH DEPARTMENT, AS WELL ASTHE CITY OF MENIFEE EMERGENCYDECLARATION, THE PUBLIC WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO PHYSICALLY ATTEND THEMENIFEE MEETING TO WHICH THIS AGENDA APPLIES. YOU MAY PARTICIPATE IN THEMEETING BY:LIVE VIDEO:https://cityofmenifee.us/Agendas and click on the “HTML Agenda” icon underDocuments.PUBLIC COMMENTS:To comment on an agenda item please submit your public comment topubliccomments@cityofmenifee.us. Please include your name and the item(s) you wish tospeak on.CLOSED SESSION (5:30 PM)1.CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – EXISTING LITIGATIONGovernment Code Paragraph (1) of subdivision (d) of Section 54956.9Pechanga Band of Luiseno Indians and Soboba Band of Luiseno Indians v. City ofMenifeeRiverside County Superior Court Case No. CVRI2000531REGULAR MEETING (6:00 PM)1.CALL TO ORDER 2.ROLL CALL 3. WORDS OF INSPIRATION 3.1 Pastor Kasey Crawford ­ Elevation Church4. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 5. PRESENTATIONS 5.1 Rick Bishop Retirement Proclamation5.2 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Project Update6.AGENDA APPROVAL OR MODIFICATIONS  7. PUBLIC COMMENTS (NON­AGENDA ITEMS)This is the time for members of the public to address the Council about items which are NOT listed on theagenda.  The Ralph M. Brown Act limits the Council’s ability to respond to comments on non­agendizedmatters at the time such comments are made. Each speaker will be limited to three minutes on anysingle item. To submit a public comment, please email publiccomments@cityofmenifee.us.8. COUNCILMEMBER UPDATES AND COMMENTS 9. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 9.1 February 17, 2021 City Council Minutes10. CONSENT CALENDAR All matters on the Consent Calendar are to be approved in one motion unless a Councilmemberrequests a separate action on a specific item on the Consent Calendar.  If an item is removed from theConsent Calendar, it will be discussed individually and acted upon separately.10.1 Waiver of ReadingRECOMMENDED ACTION1. Waive the reading in full of any and all Ordinances listed on this agenda andprovide that they be read by title only.10.2 Warrant RegisterRECOMMENDED ACTION1. Ratify and approve the Voucher List dated 2/12/2021 and the PayrollRegister/Other EFT’s dated 2/2/2021, 2/3/2021, 2/5/2021 and 2/8/2021 whichhave a total budgetary impact of $4,360,052.3110.3 Treasurer's Report, January 2021RECOMMENDED ACTION1. Approve the Treasurer’s Report for January 2021.10.4 2020 Emergency Management Performance Grant Program COVID­19 Supplemental(EMPG­S)RECOMMENDED ACTION1. Accept the Fiscal Year 2020 Emergency Management Performance GrantProgram COVID­19 Supplemental (EMPG­S) in the amount of $7,500 andauthorize staff to administer the funded program/project(s); and2. Adopt a Resolution authorizing the City Manager, Assistant City Manager, ordesignee to apply for the fiscal year 2020 Emergency ManagementPerformance Grant Program COVID­19 Supplemental (EMPG­S); and3. Adopt a Resolution authorizing an increase in revenue and appropriation ofexpenditures in the amount of $7,500.10.5 Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. Agreement for Enterprise GeographicInformation SystemRECOMMENDED ACTION1. Approve and authorize the City Manager to execute a Professional ServicesAgreement with Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. (Esri) in thenot­to­exceed amount of $15,000 for Geographic Information Systems (GIS)Implementation Services, and;2. Approve and authorize the City Manager to execute the Enterprise Agreement(EA): Small Municipal and County Government Program (Software Maintenanceand Licensing Support) with Esri for an amount not­to­exceed a total of$165,000 ($55,000 annually for three years) for the period of July 1, 2021,through June 30, 2023, contingent on the availability of funds, and;3. Exempt purchase from the competitive bidding process as the purchase will bemade under Menifee Municipal Code section 3.12.070(A)(7) as a uniquecommodity.10.6 Local Early Action Planning (LEAP) Funding AgreementRECOMMENDED ACTION1. Approve acceptance of Local Early Action Planning (LEAP) grant funds fromthe California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD); and2. Adopt a Resolution approving an increase in revenue and appropriation ofexpenditures of $300,000 (Grant Amount) to project account as assigned by theFinance Department; and3.  Authorize the City Manager, or his designee, to execute all necessarydocuments to implement the LEAP Grant Funds for which grant funding isintended.11. PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS ­ NONE  12. DISCUSSION ITEMS  12.1 Fiscal Year 2020/21 Mid­Year Budget Review and Budget Adjustments RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Accept the fiscal year 2020/21 mid­year budget review and approve the additional budget appropriations and revenue recognitions as presented.  12.2 General Plan Annual Progress Report for 2020 RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Review, receive, and file the General Plan Annual Progress Report for 2020 as required by state law to show progress toward implementation of General Plan Goals and Policies. 12.3 CIP No. 19­15 (CS030) Central Park Amphitheater Conceptual Design RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Approve the conceptual design of the Central Park Amphitheater as recommended by the Ad Hoc Committee. 12.4 Coronavirus Memorial for Menifee Residents RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Review and discuss options for a Coronavirus Memorial; and 2. Provide additional direction for City staff. 12.5 Menifee CARES Small Business Relief Grant Final Report RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Receive and file the Menifee CARES Small Business Relief Grant Final Report. 13. CITY ATTORNEY REPORTS  14. CITY MANAGER REPORTS  15. FUTURE AGENDA REQUESTS FROM COUNCIL MEMBERS  > Discuss strategy to address phaseout of illegal uses (Liesemeyer, July 18, 2018) Target Date: TBD > WRCOG presentation on Community Choice Aggregation (Liesemeyer, February 5, 2020) Target Date: TBD > Post Pandemic Report and Update on New Technology Implementations (Deines, April 15, 2020) Target Date: TBD > Discussion of DIF and Assess Park Allocations (Liesemeyer, June 17, 2020) Target Date: TBD > Discuss hunting regulations within the City (Zimmerman, December 2, 2020) Target Date: TBD > Discuss Cooperative Agreement with Canyon Lake for Fire Services (Liesemeyer, February 17, 2021) Target Date: TBD > Discuss City Event for Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day (Deines, February 17, 2021) Target Date: TBD 16.ADJOURN  Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 4 of 240 City Council ChambersVia Live Video (see below)Menifee, CA 92586Bill Zimmerman, MayorBob Karwin, District 1Matthew Liesemeyer, District 2  Lesa Sobek, District 3  Dean Deines, District 4    AGENDA Menifee City Council Regular Meeting AgendaWednesday, March 3, 20215:00 PM Closed Session6:00 PM Regular MeetingArmando G. Villa, City ManagerJeffrey T. Melching, City AttorneySarah A. Manwaring, City ClerkAS A RESULT OF THE COVID­19 VIRUS, AND RESULTING ORDERS AND DIRECTIONFROM THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, THE GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OFCALIFORNIA, AND THE RIVERSIDE COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH DEPARTMENT, AS WELL ASTHE CITY OF MENIFEE EMERGENCYDECLARATION, THE PUBLIC WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO PHYSICALLY ATTEND THEMENIFEE MEETING TO WHICH THIS AGENDA APPLIES. YOU MAY PARTICIPATE IN THEMEETING BY:LIVE VIDEO:https://cityofmenifee.us/Agendas and click on the “HTML Agenda” icon underDocuments.PUBLIC COMMENTS:To comment on an agenda item please submit your public comment topubliccomments@cityofmenifee.us. Please include your name and the item(s) you wish tospeak on.CLOSED SESSION (5:30 PM)1.CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – EXISTING LITIGATIONGovernment Code Paragraph (1) of subdivision (d) of Section 54956.9Pechanga Band of Luiseno Indians and Soboba Band of Luiseno Indians v. City ofMenifeeRiverside County Superior Court Case No. CVRI2000531REGULAR MEETING (6:00 PM)1.CALL TO ORDER 2.ROLL CALL 3. WORDS OF INSPIRATION 3.1 Pastor Kasey Crawford ­ Elevation Church4. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 5. PRESENTATIONS 5.1 Rick Bishop Retirement Proclamation5.2 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Project Update6.AGENDA APPROVAL OR MODIFICATIONS  7. PUBLIC COMMENTS (NON­AGENDA ITEMS)This is the time for members of the public to address the Council about items which are NOT listed on theagenda.  The Ralph M. Brown Act limits the Council’s ability to respond to comments on non­agendizedmatters at the time such comments are made. Each speaker will be limited to three minutes on anysingle item. To submit a public comment, please email publiccomments@cityofmenifee.us.8. COUNCILMEMBER UPDATES AND COMMENTS 9. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 9.1 February 17, 2021 City Council Minutes10. CONSENT CALENDAR All matters on the Consent Calendar are to be approved in one motion unless a Councilmemberrequests a separate action on a specific item on the Consent Calendar.  If an item is removed from theConsent Calendar, it will be discussed individually and acted upon separately.10.1 Waiver of ReadingRECOMMENDED ACTION1. Waive the reading in full of any and all Ordinances listed on this agenda andprovide that they be read by title only.10.2 Warrant RegisterRECOMMENDED ACTION1. Ratify and approve the Voucher List dated 2/12/2021 and the PayrollRegister/Other EFT’s dated 2/2/2021, 2/3/2021, 2/5/2021 and 2/8/2021 whichhave a total budgetary impact of $4,360,052.3110.3 Treasurer's Report, January 2021RECOMMENDED ACTION1. Approve the Treasurer’s Report for January 2021.10.4 2020 Emergency Management Performance Grant Program COVID­19 Supplemental(EMPG­S)RECOMMENDED ACTION1. Accept the Fiscal Year 2020 Emergency Management Performance GrantProgram COVID­19 Supplemental (EMPG­S) in the amount of $7,500 andauthorize staff to administer the funded program/project(s); and2. Adopt a Resolution authorizing the City Manager, Assistant City Manager, ordesignee to apply for the fiscal year 2020 Emergency ManagementPerformance Grant Program COVID­19 Supplemental (EMPG­S); and3. Adopt a Resolution authorizing an increase in revenue and appropriation ofexpenditures in the amount of $7,500.10.5 Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. Agreement for Enterprise GeographicInformation SystemRECOMMENDED ACTION1. Approve and authorize the City Manager to execute a Professional ServicesAgreement with Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. (Esri) in thenot­to­exceed amount of $15,000 for Geographic Information Systems (GIS)Implementation Services, and;2. Approve and authorize the City Manager to execute the Enterprise Agreement(EA): Small Municipal and County Government Program (Software Maintenanceand Licensing Support) with Esri for an amount not­to­exceed a total of$165,000 ($55,000 annually for three years) for the period of July 1, 2021,through June 30, 2023, contingent on the availability of funds, and;3. Exempt purchase from the competitive bidding process as the purchase will bemade under Menifee Municipal Code section 3.12.070(A)(7) as a uniquecommodity.10.6 Local Early Action Planning (LEAP) Funding AgreementRECOMMENDED ACTION1. Approve acceptance of Local Early Action Planning (LEAP) grant funds fromthe California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD); and2. Adopt a Resolution approving an increase in revenue and appropriation ofexpenditures of $300,000 (Grant Amount) to project account as assigned by theFinance Department; and3.  Authorize the City Manager, or his designee, to execute all necessarydocuments to implement the LEAP Grant Funds for which grant funding isintended.11. PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS ­ NONE 12. DISCUSSION ITEMS 12.1 Fiscal Year 2020/21 Mid­Year Budget Review and Budget AdjustmentsRECOMMENDED ACTION1. Accept the fiscal year 2020/21 mid­year budget review and approve theadditional budget appropriations and revenue recognitions as presented. 12.2 General Plan Annual Progress Report for 2020RECOMMENDED ACTION1. Review, receive, and file the General Plan Annual Progress Report for 2020 asrequired by state law to show progress toward implementation of General PlanGoals and Policies.12.3 CIP No. 19­15 (CS030) Central Park Amphitheater Conceptual DesignRECOMMENDED ACTION1. Approve the conceptual design of the Central Park Amphitheater asrecommended by the Ad Hoc Committee.12.4 Coronavirus Memorial for Menifee ResidentsRECOMMENDED ACTION1. Review and discuss options for a Coronavirus Memorial; and2. Provide additional direction for City staff.12.5 Menifee CARES Small Business Relief Grant Final ReportRECOMMENDED ACTION1. Receive and file the Menifee CARES Small Business Relief Grant Final Report.13. CITY ATTORNEY REPORTS 14. CITY MANAGER REPORTS 15. FUTURE AGENDA REQUESTS FROM COUNCIL MEMBERS > Discuss strategy to address phaseout of illegal uses (Liesemeyer, July 18, 2018)Target Date: TBD> WRCOG presentation on Community Choice Aggregation (Liesemeyer, February 5,2020) Target Date: TBD > Post Pandemic Report and Update on New Technology Implementations (Deines, April 15, 2020) Target Date: TBD > Discussion of DIF and Assess Park Allocations (Liesemeyer, June 17, 2020) Target Date: TBD > Discuss hunting regulations within the City (Zimmerman, December 2, 2020) Target Date: TBD > Discuss Cooperative Agreement with Canyon Lake for Fire Services (Liesemeyer, February 17, 2021) Target Date: TBD > Discuss City Event for Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day (Deines, February 17, 2021) Target Date: TBD 16.ADJOURN  Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 5 of 240 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 17, 2021 Page 1 of 9 City Council Chambers Via Live Meeting Menifee, CA 92586 Bill Zimmerman, Mayor Bob Karwin, District 1 Matthew Liesemeyer, District 2 Lesa Sobek, District 3 Dean Deines, District 4 MINUTES Menifee City Council Regular Meeting Minutes Wednesday, February 17, 2021 5:30 PM Closed Session 6:00 PM Regular Meeting Armando G. Villa, City Manager Jeffrey T. Melching, City Attorney Sarah A. Manwaring, City Clerk CLOSED SESSION (5:30 PM) 1.CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Significant Exposure to Litigation (Gov. Code Section 54956.9(d)(2) and (3)): 1 Case. Mayor Zimmerman called Closed Session to order at 5:30 PM. Present were Councilmembers Deines, Karwin, Liesemeyer, Mayor Pro Tem Sobek and Mayor Zimmerman. There were no public comments. The Council recessed to Closed Session at 5:31 PM for the reason listed above. REGULAR MEETING (6:00 PM) 1.CALL TO ORDER Mayor Zimmerman called the regular meeting to order at 6:00 PM. City Attorney Jeffrey Melching stated there was nothing to report from Closed Session. 2.ROLL CALL Present: Dean Deines, Bob Karwin, Matthew Liesemeyer, Lesa Sobek, Bill Zimmerman Absent: None 3.WORDS OF INSPIRATION 3.1 Pastor Rocky Stone, Sandals Church Pastor Jeff Johnson with Impact Church provided the words of inspiration. 4.PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Pastor Jeff Johnson led the flag salute. 5.PRESENTATIONS - NONE Item Title:9.1 February 17,2021 City Council Minutes Item Page Number:1 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 6 of 240 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 17, 2021 Page 2 of 9 6.AGENDA APPROVAL OR MODIFICATIONS City Clerk Sarah Manwaring stated staff had requested to pull Item No. 10.5 off the agenda. The agenda was approved unanimously (5-0) with the modification. 7.PUBLIC COMMENTS (NON-AGENDA ITEMS) City Attorney Jeffrey Melching read public comments submitted by the following. Darcy Castro Ricky Estrada 8.COUNCILMEMBER UPDATES AND COMMENTS Councilmember Karwin reported on the meetings and events he attended. Rotary Club Meeting Tour of Sun City Vons  Community Clean Up Councilmember Karwin stated he would be submitting a regular column in the Courier Newspaper to provide updates to the Sun City Civic Center. Councilmember Liesemeyer reported on the meetings and events he attended. Public Safety Committee Meeting Student of the Month Program Meritage Homes Grand Opening for Meadow Run Councilmember Deines reported on the meeting he attended. Amphitheater Ad Hoc Committee Meeting Mayor Pro Tem Sobek reported on the meetings and events she attended. Community Clean Up Public Safety Committee Meeting Meritage Homes Grand Opening for Meadow Run Virtual Meeting with Councilwomen in the Region  Annual Meeting with Congressman Ken Calvert Mayor Zimmerman reported on the meetings and events he attended. City of Menifee Emergency Operation Committee Meeting Community Clean Up Community Partners Meeting Riverside County Transportation Commission (RCTC) Meeting Meritage Homes Grand Opening for Meadow Run Rotary Club Meeting Boys and Girls Club in Quail Valley Visit Item Title:9.1 February 17,2021 City Council Minutes Item Page Number:2 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 7 of 240 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 17, 2021 Page 3 of 9 Annual Meeting with Congressman Ken Calvert League of California Cities Monthly Mayor’s Club Meeting Mayor Zimmerman stated he would be attending the Mayor’s Industry Ideas Exchange, hosted by the City, on February 18, 2021. 9.APPROVAL OF MINUTES 9.1 February 3, 2020 City Council Minutes The minutes were approved unanimously (5-0) with no modifications. 10.CONSENT CALENDAR Mayor Pro Tem Sobek requested to pull Item No. 10.3 and Councilmember Liesemeyer requested to pull Item No. 10.6 for further discussion. 10.1 Waiver of Reading ACTION: Adopted as Part of Consent. Waived the reading in full of any and all ordinances listed on this agenda and provided that they be read by title only. MOVER: Matthew Liesemeyer SECONDER: Dean Deines AYES: Deines, Karwin, Liesemeyer, Sobek, Zimmerman NAYS: None RECUSE: None 10.2 Warrant Register ACTION: Adopted as Part of Consent. Ratified and approved the Voucher List dated 1/29/2021, the Payroll Register/Other EFT’s dated 1/21/2021, 1/22/2021, 1/25/2021 and 1/29/2021 and the Void Check Listing PE 1/31/2021 which have a total budgetary impact of $1,907,648.63. MOVER: Matthew Liesemeyer SECONDER: Dean Deines AYES: Deines, Karwin, Liesemeyer, Sobek, Zimmerman NAYS: None RECUSE: None 10.3 Agreement with Trauma Intervention Programs, Inc. for Support Services Mayor Pro Tem Sobek requested to pull this item and requested a report from staff. Menifee Police Captain Chris Karrer reported on his experience with Trauma Item Title:9.1 February 17,2021 City Council Minutes Item Page Number:3 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 8 of 240 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 17, 2021 Page 4 of 9 Intervention Program (TIP) and reported on the number of cases that TIP had assisted the Police Department with and what services they provide. The Council inquired about reasons TIP services might be requested. City Attorney Jeffrey Melching read a public comment submitted by Ricky Estrada. ACTION: 1.Approved a three-year agreement through June 30, 2023 with Trauma Intervention Programs, Inc. in the amount of $34,560 ($11,520 per year) for Trauma Incident Support Services; and 2.Authorized the City Manager to execute the agreement and any future amendments based on population growth; and 3.Designated the Menifee Police Chief, Police Captain, or designee, as board member of Trauma Intervention Programs, Inc. MOVER: Lesa Sobek SECONDER: Dean Deines AYES: Deines, Karwin, Liesemeyer, Sobek, Zimmerman NAYS: None RECUSE: None 10.4 Nonactive Member California Public Employees’ Retirement System Healthcare Contract ACTION: Adopted as Part of Consent. Approved Resolution No. 21-997, authorizing the Non-active Member Health Contract between the City of Menifee and the California Public Employees’ Retirement System (CalPERS), allowing CalPERS Retiree health coverage. MOVER: Matthew Liesemeyer SECONDER: Dean Deines AYES: Deines, Karwin, Liesemeyer, Sobek, Zimmerman NAYS: None RECUSE: None 10.5 This item was pulled off the agenda during agenda modifications. 10.6 Park and Recreation Facility Naming Application Councilmember Liesemeyer requested to pull the item for further discussion and inquired about the park renaming process. Community Services Director Jonathan Nicks clarified there was no application fee, and the process followed the City Council approved Park Renaming Policy. City Attorney Jeffrey Melching read a public comment submitted by Ricky Estrada. Mayor Pro Tem Sobek spoke in favor of the signage and park amenities. Item Title:9.1 February 17,2021 City Council Minutes Item Page Number:4 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 9 of 240 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 17, 2021 Page 5 of 9 ACTION: Approved Lennar Homes’ request to name the park facility located in the Remington Place Development (previously known as McCall Mesa), Remington Park in accordance with City Council Policy CC-17, Section 5C. MOVER: Matthew Liesemeyer SECONDER: Lesa Sobek AYES: Deines, Karwin, Liesemeyer, Sobek, Zimmerman NAYS: None RECUSE: None 10.7 CIP No. 19-16 (CS020) Lazy Creek Construction Contract ACTION: Adopted as Part of Consent. 1.Adopted Resolution No. 21-998, approving the appropriation of $111,101 from Fund 622 (CFD 2015-2 (Parks)); and 2.Awarded bid and authorized the City Manager to execute Owner-Contractor Agreement with Optima RPM Inc. for the Lazy Creek Center Improvements Project, CIP 19-16 in the amount of $1,588,577; and 3.Authorized the City Manager to execute change orders for unanticipated expenditures required to execute the construction of the project, in an amount not- to-exceed 10% of the contract amount or $158,858. MOVER: Matthew Liesemeyer SECONDER: Dean Deines AYES: Deines, Karwin, Liesemeyer, Sobek, Zimmerman NAYS: None RECUSE: None 10.8 Employment Agreement with Colin McNie ACTION: Adopted as Part of Consent. Authorized the City Manager to execute the employment agreement with Colin McNie pursuant to the Government Code Sections 7522.56 and 21224 to provide specialized services to the Community Services Department for a limited duration until December 31, 2021. MOVER: Matthew Liesemeyer SECONDER: Dean Deines AYES: Deines, Karwin, Liesemeyer, Sobek, Zimmerman NAYS: None RECUSE: None 10.9 Agreements with Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District for Tentative Tract Map 36658, Cimarron Ridge Development by Cimarron Ridge, LLC Item Title:9.1 February 17,2021 City Council Minutes Item Page Number:5 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 10 of 240 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 17, 2021 Page 6 of 9 ACTION: Adopted as Part of Consent. 1.Approved Agreements among the Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District (Flood Control), the City of Menifee, and Cimarron Ridge, LLC (aka Van Daele Development), for the construction, inspection, ownership, operation, and maintenance of various Drainage Facilities associated with the development of Tentative Tract Map 36658, Cimarron Ridge development, located east of Goetz Road and south of McLaughlin Road; and 2.Authorized the City Manager to execute the Agreements. MOVER: Matthew Liesemeyer SECONDER: Dean Deines AYES: Deines, Karwin, Liesemeyer, Sobek, Zimmerman NAYS: None RECUSE: None 10.10 Bond Replacement for Tracts 32102 and 32102-1 by Pulte Home Company, LLC ACTION: Adopted as Part of Consent. 1.Approved the replacement bonds and agreements for streets and drainage, water system, recycled water, and sewer system for Tracts 32102 and 32102-1, a proposed development by Pulte Home Company, LLC consisting of 256 residential lots located northwest of Domenigoni Parkway and east of Lindenberger Road; and 2.Approved the release of existing lien and lien agreement with Diamond Brothers Five Partnership for Tracts 32102 and 32102-1 for streets and drainage, water system, recycled water, and sewer system. MOVER: Matthew Liesemeyer SECONDER: Dean Deines AYES: Deines, Karwin, Liesemeyer, Sobek, Zimmerman NAYS: None RECUSE: None 10.11 Final Map, Bonds and Agreements – Parcel Map 37873 (IP 20-008), Center Pointe, LLC ACTION: Adopted as Part of Consent. 1.Approved Street Improvement Bonds and Agreements for IP 20-008, associated with Parcel Map 37873, developed by Center Pointe, LLC; and 2.Approved and authorized filing of the Final Map for PM 37873, located south of the intersection of Calle Thomas and Newport Road. MOVER: Matthew Liesemeyer SECONDER: Dean Deines AYES: Deines, Karwin, Liesemeyer, Sobek, Zimmerman NAYS: None RECUSE: None Item Title:9.1 February 17,2021 City Council Minutes Item Page Number:6 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 11 of 240 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 17, 2021 Page 7 of 9 AYES: Deines, Karwin, Liesemeyer, Sobek, Zimmerman NAYS: None RECUSE: None 11.PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS 11.1 Community Development Block Grant Program Substantial Amendment to Prior Year 2019/2020 Senior Management Analyst Edna Lebron provided a presentation and reported on the Community Development Block Grant – Corona Virus (CDBG-CV) Substantial Amendment. Mayor Zimmerman opened the public hearing at 6:51 PM. City Clerk Sarah Manwaring stated the item was legally noticed and there were no public comments or correspondence received. Mayor Zimmerman closed the public hearing at 6:51 PM. ACTION: 1.Adopted Resolution No. 21-999, authorizing an increase in revenue and appropriation of expenditures in the amount of $404,459 to accounts identified in the Fiscal Impact for Fiscal Year 2020/21, and 2.Adopted Resolution No. 21-1000, approving the Substantial Amendment to Plan Year (PY) 2019/2020 Annual Action Plan and voiding the Substantial Amendment to PY 2020/21 as adopted December 16, 2020. MOVER: Lesa Sobek SECONDER: Dean Deines 11.2 Burglar Alarm Registration Process, Ordinance and Fee Resolution City Manager Armando Villa introduced the item and Menifee Police Captain Dave Gutierrez. Captain Gutierrez provided a presentation and reported on the background of false alarms; what causes false alarms; false alarm impacts; alarm registration and permit process and fees; false alarm penalty fees; Police Officer discretion; comparisons with other cities; fire alarm tracking; community outreach; timeline; and the fiscal impact. The City Council asked questions of staff regarding cause of false alarms, Request for Proposals (RFP) and renewal process coverage, fees charged by contact alarm tracking company, officers’ discretion for false alarms, calls for service, use of fees collected, City outreach, stats to reduced false alarms, commercial and residential fee difference, definition of a repeat location, new home owner alarm set up, denial or suspension of an alarm permit, City liability, monitored or non-monitored alarm system registration, purpose of annual renewals, dispatching process, panic alarms, legitimate requests, ability to take a nuisance approach, and volunteer registration program. Mayor Zimmerman opened the public hearing at 7:30 PM. City Clerk Sarah Manwaring stated the public hearing was legally noticed and no correspondence was received. City Attorney Jeffrey Melching read public comments submitted by the following. Item Title:9.1 February 17,2021 City Council Minutes Item Page Number:7 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 12 of 240 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 17, 2021 Page 8 of 9 AYES: Deines, Karwin, Liesemeyer, Sobek, Zimmerman Tara and Jeff Drost spoke in support of the Ordinance Fabio Conti spoke in support of the Ordinance Tony and Leslie LoPiccolo spoke in support of the Ordinance Mayor Zimmerman closed the public hearing at 7:33 PM. Councilmember Liesemeyer spoke in favor of the Ordinance in general. He did not approve of a separate charge for commercial and residential and not applying a fee to seniors. Mayor Pro Tem Sobek spoke in favor of the Ordinance and stated her concerns regarding the six-month compliance and adding an additional grace period for people to come into compliance after the first offense. Mayor Pro Tem Sobek also stated she was in favor of not applying a fee for the senior community. Councilmember Karwin stated his concerns and reasons he was opposed to the proposed Ordinance. Councilmember Karwin stated there was not any data proving that an alarm registration will reduce false alarms. Councilmember Deines commented on having a voluntary registration program and stated he would like to see staff reach out to the residential community to get their input. Councilmember Deines also stated he was in favor of the initial grace period and not charging a fee for the first offense. Mayor Zimmerman stated his hesitation for approving a fee-based registration program and would be in favor of a program that did not include a registration component. Councilmember Deines, stated he would be in favor of creating a volunteer registration program and still being able to penalize the repeat offenders. Councilmember Liesemeyer stated he would be in favor of a phased approach with no registration fee and penalizing repeat offenders. Councilmember Liesemeyer made a motion to continue the item. Mr. Melching provided an overview of the items the Council would like to have addressed and brought back in the revised Ordinance as follows: 1) Repeat offenders would be subject to the charge 2) Repeat offenders would be required to register 3) Voluntary registration for all others 4) Bring back data on effectiveness of the program. City Manager Armando Villa stated he would look at scheduling a public workshop an d invite the community to provide input; and staff would come back to the Council at a future date. ACTION: Continued. MOVER: Matthew Liesemeyer SECONDER: Dean Deines NAYS: None RECUSE: None Item Title:9.1 February 17,2021 City Council Minutes Item Page Number:8 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 13 of 240 Menifee Mayor and City Council February 17, 2021 Page 9 of 9 12.DISCUSSION ITEMS - NONE 13.CITY ATTORNEY REPORTS City Attorney apologized for not finishing a public comment submitted by Ricky Estrada and read the remainder of the comment. Mr. Melching had no other reports. 14.CITY MANAGER REPORTS City Manager Armando Villa provided an update from the meeting with Congressman Ken Calvert. 15.FUTURE AGENDA REQUESTS FROM COUNCIL MEMBERS Councilmember Liesemeyer inquired about the status of the City’s Public Education Government (PEG) public access TV channel. City Manager Armando Villa stated staff was working on a solution and would present to Council at a future Council meeting. Councilmember Liesemeyer requested a discussion item regarding a cooperative agreement with the City of Canyon Lake regarding fire services. Councilmember Deines seconded the request. Councilmember Deines requested a Welcome Home Vietnam Veteran Day event for March 2022. Councilmember Liesemeyer seconded the request. 16.ADJOURN Mayor Zimmerman adjourned the meeting at 8:30 PM. Sarah A. Manwaring, MMC City Clerk Item Title:9.1 February 17,2021 City Council Minutes Item Page Number:9 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 14 of 240 CITY OF MENIFEE SUBJECT: Warrant Register MEETING DATE: March 3, 2021 TO: Mayor and City Council PREPARED BY: Ann-Marie Etienne, Financial Services Manager REVIEWED BY: Wendy Preece, Deputy Finance Director APPROVED BY: Armando G. Villa, City Manager ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RECOMMENDED ACTION Ratify and approve the Voucher List dated 2/12/2021 and the Payroll Register/Other EFT’s dated 2/2/2021, 2/3/2021, 2/5/2021 and 2/8/2021 which have a total budgetary impact of $4,360,052.31. DISCUSSION The City of Menifee Municipal Code Chapter 3.16.050 requires that the City Council audit payments of demands and directs the City Manager to issue checks. The attached Voucher List and all corresponding invoices have been reviewed and approved for accuracy by the Financial Services Manager and by the Deputy Finance Director Voucher List dated 2/12/2021 and the Payroll Register/Other EFT’s dated 2/2/2021, 2/3/2021, 2/5/2021 and 2/8/2021 have a total budgetary impact of $4,360,052.31. STRATEGIC PLAN OBJECTIVE Responsive and Transparent Community Government FISCAL IMPACT As indicated above Voucher List dated 2/12/2021 and the Payroll Register/Other EFT’s dated 2/2/2021, 2/3/2021, 2/5/2021 and 2/8/2021 have a total budgetary impact of $4,360,052.31, which is included in the 2020-2021 Budget. ATTACHMENTS 1. Voucher Listing 2-12-2021 2. Payroll Register Item Title:10.2 Warrant Register Item Page Number:1 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 15 of 240 02/10/2021 Voucher List City of Menifee 1 4:24:42PM Page:vchlist Bank code :uboc Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO #Description/Account Amount 47944 2/12/2021 01889 ADLERHORST INTERNATIONAL LLC 105909 PD TRAINING SEMINAR 900.00 Total : 900.00 47945 2/12/2021 01252 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES, INC.17H4-H1NH-1D6V P/W ADMIN MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 34.04 13.02PD MATERIALS & SUPPLIES17H4-H1NH-1TVW 52.12SUPPLIES FOR CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE1CFP-R6TC-QJ6Q 97.50PD OFFICE SUPPLIES1PGF-33VY-3JMQ 850.76PD MATERIALS & SUPPLIES1RPJ-6PYX-NTP7 10.32PD SUPPLIES1TQ9-1JXM-LMTD 46.88ENG DEPT OFFICE SUPPLIES1TQ9-1JXM-W1JX 19.56P/W FLEET EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE1XV9-NL6K-T4LR Total : 1,124.20 47946 2/12/2021 00786 AMERICAN ASPHALT SOUTH, INC.1/4/21 RETENTION RETENTION FOR CIP 20-02 ETHANAC & SHERMA 62,999.49 Total : 62,999.49 47947 2/12/2021 00258 AMERICAN FORENSIC NURSES, INC 74220 02554 DEC'20 MENIFEE PD FORENSIC SERVICES 275.00 02554 55.00JAN'21 MENIFEE PD FORENSIC SERVICES74221 Total : 330.00 47948 2/12/2021 01006 BUCKNAM INFRASTRUCTURE GROUP 339-09.01 02883 FY 20/21 PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PROGRAM SUP 792.00 Total : 792.00 47949 2/12/2021 01720 CG RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AND, ENGINEERING, INC.766 02613 SEPT-OCT'20 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRA 337.50 Total : 337.50 47950 2/12/2021 01374 CIVILPROS COM_1002_202012 02109 DEC'20 CIP20-01 SCOTT ROAD/BUNDY CANYON 38,283.00 Total : 38,283.00 47951 2/12/2021 01516 CN ENGINEERING, INC 02616-05 02616 NOV'20 RECOVERABLE ON-CALL ENGINEERING S 1,620.00 Total : 1,620.00 47952 2/12/2021 01210 CORKY'S PEST CONTROL 2600858 AMR PEST CONTROL SVCS 75.00 Total : 75.00 47953 2/12/2021 00949 CR&R INCORPORATED 0002511 02817 DEC'20 STREET SWEEPING SERVICES 4,591.54 1Page: Item Title:10.2 Warrant Register Item Page Number:2 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 16 of 240 02/10/2021 Voucher List City of Menifee 2 4:24:42PM Page:vchlist Bank code :uboc Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO #Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 4,591.54 47953 2/12/2021 00949 00949 CR&R INCORPORATED 47954 2/12/2021 00881 D.R. BECHTER CONSULTING INC.14-002-329 02590 DEC'20 ON-CALL RECOVERABLE CONSTRUCTION 6,930.00 02590 9,405.00JAN'21 ON-CALL RECOVERABLE CONSTRUCTION14-002-330 Total : 16,335.00 47955 2/12/2021 01988 DIVERSIFIED DISTRIBUTION 2000961 PD VEHICLE MAINTENANCE (VEH#20-04) 130.48 Total : 130.48 47956 2/12/2021 01621 DRAMA KIDS TEMECULA VALLEY CK REQ 2/2 COMM SVCS INSTRUCTOR PAYMENT 322.00 Total : 322.00 47957 2/12/2021 00841 DUDEK 202009057 02619 NOV'20 ON-CALL RECOVERABLE CONSTRUCTION 14,685.00 02619 15,785.00DEC'20 ON-CALL RECOVERABLE CONSTRUCTION202009775 Total : 30,470.00 47958 2/12/2021 00731 ENTERPRISE FM TRUST FBN4145929 02785 FEB'21 MENIFEE PD & CS VEHICLE LEASES 4,156.78 Total : 4,156.78 47959 2/12/2021 00765 FAMILY SERVICE ASSOC.12-2020-300617 02996 CDBG REIMB REQUEST - MORE THAN A MEAL PR 10,000.00 Total : 10,000.00 47960 2/12/2021 00805 GARY F. HOYT LANDSCAPE CP-2406 02620 SEPT'20 RECOVERABLE ENG SVCS LANDSCAPE P 4,675.00 02620 5,115.00OCT'20 RECOVERABLE ENG SVCS LANDSCAPE PLCP-2410 02620 6,820.00NOV'20 RECOVERABLE ENG SVCS LANDSCAPE PLCP-2413 02605 4,180.00GARY HOYT- NOV'20 LANDSCAPE DESIGN & INSCP-2414 Total : 20,790.00 47961 2/12/2021 02032 HELIX ENVIRONMENTAL, PLANNING, INC 105828 02907 CIP17-01 EVANS PARK CONSTRUCTION & DESIG 751.57 Total : 751.57 47962 2/12/2021 01291 HELIXSTORM 10647 02475 MENIFEE PD SIEM AND SOC SOLUTION -1 YEAR 9,000.00 Total : 9,000.00 47963 2/12/2021 00824 HILLCREST CONTRACTING, INC.PB 29221 02818 CIP 20-11 SCOTT/MENIFEE ROAD SIDEWALK PR 108,341.55 Total : 108,341.55 47964 2/12/2021 01498 INNOVATIVE DOCUMENT SOLUTIONS, T36E 223879 OFFICE SUPPLIES 74.63 2Page: Item Title:10.2 Warrant Register Item Page Number:3 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 17 of 240 02/10/2021 Voucher List City of Menifee 3 4:24:42PM Page:vchlist Bank code :uboc Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO #Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 74.63 47964 2/12/2021 01498 01498 INNOVATIVE DOCUMENT SOLUTIONS, T36E 47965 2/12/2021 01753 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS, INFO TECHNOLOGIES - LEFTAINV-000169 02998 SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT FOR POLICE T 4,599.00 Total : 4,599.00 47966 2/12/2021 01437 JPW COMMUNICATIONS, LLC 1900 MARKETING FOR CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE 813.35 Total : 813.35 47967 2/12/2021 00840 KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC.17789662 02511 OCT'20 PROF SVCS AGREEMENT FOR '21-'29 H 65,050.00 02792 10,420.00DEC'20 CIP 21-11 MENIFEE/GARBANI RD TRAF18050598 Total : 75,470.00 47968 2/12/2021 00790 LEIGHTON CONSULTING, INC.43462 02468 DEC'20 CIP 20-02 ETHANAC & SHERMAN RD RE 410.40 02797 5,597.20DEC'20 CIP 20-11 SCOTT/MENIFEE RD SIDEWA43463 02865 2,114.80CIP 21-13 MCCALL BLVD RESURFACING ENCANT43497 Total : 8,122.40 47969 2/12/2021 00241 LSA ASSOCIATES INC 175581 02905 DEC'20 PROF SVCS FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CONSU 12,705.00 Total : 12,705.00 47970 2/12/2021 01467 PARRON-HALL CORPORATION 33668 02856 ALLSTEEL BOOKCASES (HR & CITY COUNCIL) 992.19 Total : 992.19 47971 2/12/2021 00822 PCR SERVICES CORPORATION 160097 02611 ESA NOV'20 ON-CALL PLANNING ENVIRONMENTA 4,828.40 Total : 4,828.40 47972 2/12/2021 00938 PETTIT 15130 02627 OCT'20 - JAN'21 STAFF AUGMENTATION SVCS 19,792.50 Total : 19,792.50 47973 2/12/2021 01457 RICK ENGINEERING 18395C(3)02739 CIP 21-09 MURRIETA & SUN CITY BLVD. TRAF 4,347.48 02739 19,127.50DEC'20 CIP 21-09 MURRIETA RD/SUN CITY BL18395C(4) Total : 23,474.98 47974 2/12/2021 00360 RIVERSIDE COUNTY, INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYIT0000004551 GIS SERVICES 932.43 Total : 932.43 47975 2/12/2021 00242 RIVERSIDE COUNTY, TLMA ADMINISTRATION TL0000015591 OCT'20 SLF MONTHLY COST 17,803.69 3Page: Item Title:10.2 Warrant Register Item Page Number:4 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 18 of 240 02/10/2021 Voucher List City of Menifee 4 4:24:42PM Page:vchlist Bank code :uboc Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO #Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 17,803.69 47975 2/12/2021 00242 00242 RIVERSIDE COUNTY, TLMA ADMINISTRATION 47976 2/12/2021 01825 S BROWNE SUPPLY, LLC 4105 MENIFEE PD PROTECTIVE DEVICES AND ACCESS 1,418.65 Total : 1,418.65 47977 2/12/2021 01318 SEARLE CREATIVE GROUP LLC 20487-CITY 02762 FY20/21 ON CALL MARKETING SERVICES (PIO) 975.00 Total : 975.00 47978 2/12/2021 01236 SPICER CONSULTING GROUP LLC 0727 02819 DEC'20 SPECIAL DISTRICT ADMIN SVCS 7,970.28 Total : 7,970.28 47979 2/12/2021 01283 STB CONSULTING INC SB-33 02631 DEC'20 RECOVERABLE ENGINEERING SVCS 11,520.00 Total : 11,520.00 47980 2/12/2021 01228 SUN LIFE FINANCIAL 935452 -FEB'21 FEB'21 INSURANCE PREMIUMS 26,705.87 Total : 26,705.87 47981 2/12/2021 01695 SUSAN SAXE-CLIFFORD 21-0126-3 02289 MENIFEE PD PSYCHOLOGICAL EVALUATION SVCS 425.00 Total : 425.00 47982 2/12/2021 00899 T.Y. LIN INTERNATIONAL 102012214 02748 NOV'20 CIP 13-03: HOLLAND ROAD OVERPASS 2,934.27 02906 356.00DEC'20 CIP20-09 ELECTRICAL DESIGN FOR OV102101143 02748 10,523.63DEC'20 CIP 13-03: HOLLAND ROAD OVERPASS102101145 Total : 13,813.90 47983 2/12/2021 01401 VERIZON WIRELESS INV21985546 NOV'20 VEHICLE GPS SERVICE 948.00 Total : 948.00 47984 2/12/2021 00864 VIZION'S WEST, INC.21-1008 PROPERTY ABATEMENT SVCS 362.00 Total : 362.00 47985 2/12/2021 00504 WALLACE & ASSOCIATES 20-04MENIFEE-16-13 02791 DEC'20 CIP 16-13 PUBLIC WORKS LABOR COMP 687.50 02758 455.50DEC'20 CIP 19-18 LABOR COMPLIANCE SVCS20-04MENIFEE-19-18 02826 1,063.00DEC'20 CIP 21-01 MURRIETA RD RESURFACING20-04MENIFEE-21-01 02365 560.00DEC'20 CIP 20-02 ETHANAC & SHERMAN RD LA20-09-MENIFEE-20-02 Total : 2,766.00 47986 2/12/2021 01198 WHITE HOUSE SANITATION 0000905479 FEB'21 LAZY CREEK PORTABLE RESTROOM SVCS 201.77 4Page: Item Title:10.2 Warrant Register Item Page Number:5 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 19 of 240 02/10/2021 Voucher List City of Menifee 5 4:24:42PM Page:vchlist Bank code :uboc Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO #Description/Account Amount 47986 2/12/2021 (Continued)01198 WHITE HOUSE SANITATION 161.28FEB'21 LYLE MARSH PORTABLE RESTROOM SVCS0000905480 Total : 363.05 47987 2/12/2021 01524 WRIGHT SEPTIC 31361 FIRE STATION #5 FACILITY MAINTENANCE 410.00 Total : 410.00 47988 2/12/2021 00555 ADAME LANDSCAPING, INC.86704 02779 FY 20/21 MAINT SVCS FOR IRRIGATION REPAI 1,039.00 02779 292.50FY 20/21 MAINT SVCS FOR IRRIGATION REPAI86705 02779 275.00FY 20/21 MAINT SVCS FOR IRRIGATION REPAI86706 02779 350.00FY 20/21 MAINT SVCS FOR IRRIGATION REPAI86905 02779 85.00FY 20/21 MAINT SVCS FOR IRRIGATION REPAI86914 02779 195.00FY 20/21 MAINT SVCS FOR IRRIGATION REPAI86915 02779 914.00FY 20/21 MAINT SVCS FOR IRRIGATION REPAI86917 02779 214.00FY 20/21 MAINT SVCS FOR IRRIGATION REPAI86918 02779 252.50FY 20/21 MAINT SVCS FOR IRRIGATION REPAI86919 02779 630.00FY 20/21 MAINT SVCS FOR IRRIGATION REPAI86920 02938 6,405.00RIGHT-OF-WAY MAINTENANCE (RUSTLERS RANCH86922 02779 72.00FY 20/21 MAINT SVCS FOR IRRIGATION REPAI86973 02779 630.00FY 20/21 MAINT SVCS FOR IRRIGATION REPAI86974 02779 330.00FY 20/21 MAINT SVCS FOR IRRIGATION REPAI86975 02779 316.00FY 20/21 MAINT SVCS FOR IRRIGATION REPAI86976 02779 234.00FY 20/21 MAINT SVCS FOR IRRIGATION REPAI86977 Total : 12,234.00 47989 2/12/2021 01045 AHERN RENTALS, INC 22866160-001 02987 SKIDSTEER RENTAL FOR NOVA PARK 3,048.97 02987 2,200.40SKIDSTEER RENTAL FOR NOVA PARK22880419-001 Total : 5,249.37 47990 2/12/2021 01795 AIR & HOSE SOURCE, INC 409743 P/W FLEET VEHICLE MAINTENANCE(VEH#218) 54.95 31.52P/W FLEET VEHICLE MAINTENANCE(VEH#218)409768 Total : 86.47 47991 2/12/2021 01334 ALL STAR ELITE SPORTS 2331 02936 COMM SVCS UNIFORMS 2,820.90 Total : 2,820.90 47992 2/12/2021 01596 ALL STAR GLASS, INC.ITA086070 PD VEHICLE MAINTENANCE (VEH#20-07) 431.55 5Page: Item Title:10.2 Warrant Register Item Page Number:6 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 20 of 240 02/10/2021 Voucher List City of Menifee 6 4:24:42PM Page:vchlist Bank code :uboc Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO #Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 431.55 47992 2/12/2021 01596 01596 ALL STAR GLASS, INC. 47993 2/12/2021 00744 ALLIED TRAFFIC & EQUIP. RENTAL 82207 P/W SIGN MAINTENANCE & REPLACEMENT 156.60 238.16P/W SIGN MAINTENANCE & REPLACEMENT82218 951.56P/W SIGN MAINTENANCE & REPLACEMENT82222 Total : 1,346.32 47994 2/12/2021 00365 AMERICAN PLANNING ASSOC.361283-210126 APA MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL 99.00 434.00APA MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL362993-210103 99.00APA MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL384820-210126 Total : 632.00 47995 2/12/2021 00624 AMERICAN PUBLIC WORKS ASSOC.769655-2021 APWA MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL 268.75 Total : 268.75 47996 2/12/2021 01948 APPLEONE EMPLOYMENT SERVICES 01-5785893 CITY CLERK TEMP EMP SVCS PE 1/09/21 1,107.20 Total : 1,107.20 47997 2/12/2021 01646 ARROYO BACKGROUND, INVESTIGATIONS 2433 02848 PROFESSIONAL BACKGROUND INVESTIGATION SE 1,000.00 Total : 1,000.00 47998 2/12/2021 00679 AUTOZONE INC.4153324763 FIRE VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 39.41 -18.00BLDG/SFTY VEHICLE MAINTENANCE (VEH#103)5570376509 Total : 21.41 47999 2/12/2021 01206 BACKFLOW TESTING BY PATRICK 1665 P/W MOC BACKFLOW TESTING 95.00 Total : 95.00 48000 2/12/2021 01203 BALLET FOLKLORICO, LORENA HANCOCK CK REQ 2/2 COMM SVCS INSTRUCTOR PAYMENT 349.20 Total : 349.20 48001 2/12/2021 02077 BARRY ANINAG INVESTIGATIONS, LLC 20-23 03009 INVESTIGATION & TRANSCRIPTION SERVICES 4,707.50 Total : 4,707.50 48002 2/12/2021 01746 BAY AREA DRIVING SCHOOL, INC CK REQ 2/2 COMM SVCS INSTRUCTOR PAYMENT 66.00 Total : 66.00 48003 2/12/2021 01975 BIGFOOT GRAPHICS CK REQ 2/2 COMM SVCS INSTRUCTOR PAYMENT 490.00 6Page: Item Title:10.2 Warrant Register Item Page Number:7 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 21 of 240 02/10/2021 Voucher List City of Menifee 7 4:24:42PM Page:vchlist Bank code :uboc Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO #Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 490.00 48003 2/12/2021 01975 01975 BIGFOOT GRAPHICS 48004 2/12/2021 00259 BIO-TOX LABORATORIES INC 40621 02641 DEC'20 PD BLOOD ALCOHOL ANALYSIS 707.00 Total : 707.00 48005 2/12/2021 01933 C BELOW, INC 23916 02846 CIP 21-14 ASH DALE WAY DRAINAGE IMPROVEM 3,725.00 Total : 3,725.00 48006 2/12/2021 00897 CALIFORNIA PARK & REC SOCIETY CK REQ 1/19 03012 CPRS MEMBERSHIP FEES FOR COMMUNITY SERVI 2,002.48 Total : 2,002.48 48007 2/12/2021 01511 CANON FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC 26064889 02571 JAN'21 SCANNER LEASE SERVICES 354.80 02570 6,593.24JAN'21 COPIER LEASE SERVICES26064890 02570 387.46JAN'21 COPIER LEASE SERVICES26064891 02570 2,282.23DEC'20 COPIER LEASE SERVICES26064892 02570 141.05JAN'21 COPIER LEASE SERVICES26064893 02570 438.12DEC'20 COPIER LEASE SERVICES26064895 Total : 10,196.90 48008 2/12/2021 00681 CAPPO, INC.300008332 CAPPO MEMBERSHIP DUES 130.00 130.00CAPPO MEMBERSHIP DUES300008339 130.00CAPPO MEMBERSHIP DUES300008340 Total : 390.00 48009 2/12/2021 02027 CARRINO, CHRISTOPHER CK REQ 1/26 PIER DIEM FOR TASER MASTER INSTUCTOR SCH 272.00 Total : 272.00 48010 2/12/2021 02083 COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, EXECUTIVE OFFICE 2021-02MEN 03007 NOV-DEC'20 ANIMAL SHELTERING SERVICES 56,897.00 03007 85,345.00JAN-MAR'21 ANIMAL SHELTERING SERVICES2021-03MEN Total : 142,242.00 48011 2/12/2021 01052 CRIME SCENE STERI-CLEAN LLC 41603 PD CRIME SCENE CLEAN UP SVCS 750.00 Total : 750.00 48012 2/12/2021 00019 CSMFO 200008891 2021 CSMFO GOVERNMENT CONFERNECE 200.00 200.002021 CSMFO GOVERNMENT CONFERNECE200008892 200.002021 CSMFO GOVERNMENT CONFERNECE200009585 7Page: Item Title:10.2 Warrant Register Item Page Number:8 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 22 of 240 02/10/2021 Voucher List City of Menifee 8 4:24:42PM Page:vchlist Bank code :uboc Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO #Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 600.00 48012 2/12/2021 00019 00019 CSMFO 48013 2/12/2021 01684 DENT KNOWLEDGE 4048 PD VEHICLE MAINTENANCE (VEH#20-19) 600.00 Total : 600.00 48014 2/12/2021 01178 DIRECTV LLC 004016741X210116 JAN'21 FIRE STATION #7 SATELLITE SVCS 117.24 Total : 117.24 48015 2/12/2021 00871 DOWNTOWN FORD SALES 317477 02367 FLEET DEPT VEHICLE PURCHASE 38,892.56 Total : 38,892.56 48016 2/12/2021 00161 EASTERN MUNICIPAL WATER DIST.32454 03010 CIP 20-04 PALOMA WASH TRAIL IMPROVEMENTS 4,100.00 Total : 4,100.00 48017 2/12/2021 00161 EASTERN MUNICIPAL WATER DIST.CK REQ 2/2 02502 RECYCLED WATER CANDIDACY & IRRIGATION IN 3,400.00 Total : 3,400.00 48018 2/12/2021 00161 EASTERN MUNICIPAL WATER DIST.100351-02 1/8 DEC'20 FIRE STATION #76 WATER SVCS 91.15 20.40DEC'20 CSA 145 WATER SVCS100891-03 1/8 129.28DEC'20 FIRESTATION #76 WATER SVCS101330-02 1/8 35.36DEC'20 FIRE STATION #76 WATER SVCS106931-02 1/8 295.13JAN'21 LLMD ZONE 3 WATER SVCS231135-03 1/25 518.50JAN'21 LLMD ZONE 3 WATER SVCS231149-03 1/25 623.93JAN'21 HAUN RD WATER SVC236550-01 1/25 39.12JAN'21 TOWN CENTER ROW WATER SVCS240244-02 1/25 20.40DEC'20 HIDDEN HILLS PARK IRRIGATION SVCS247009-02 1/8 159.55JAN'21 AMR CREEK VIEW IRRIGATION SVCS247266-02 1/25 67.68DEC'20 CENTRAL PARK WATER SVCS250203-02 1/07 71.68DEC'20 CENTENNIAL PARK WATER SVCS250719-02 1/7 258.90DEC'20 LLMD ZONE 3 WATER SVCS71998-03 1/8 24.17DEC'20 LLMD ZONE 3 WATER SVCS79852-03 1/8 428.14DEC'20 CSA 33 WATER SVCS8792-03 1/8 130.31DEC'20 RANCHO RAMONA PARK WATER SVCS8913-02 1/8 Total : 2,913.70 48019 2/12/2021 01142 FRONTIER CALIFORNIA INC.951-679-8153 1/4 JAN'21 LAZY CREEK ALARM SVCS 115.04 370.64JAN'21 CITY HALL ROLLOVER LINES SVC951-679-8527 1/19 8Page: Item Title:10.2 Warrant Register Item Page Number:9 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 23 of 240 02/10/2021 Voucher List City of Menifee 9 4:24:42PM Page:vchlist Bank code :uboc Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO #Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 485.68 48019 2/12/2021 01142 01142 FRONTIER CALIFORNIA INC. 48020 2/12/2021 00921 HD SUPPLY CONSTRUCTION SUPPLY 10013423689 P/W MATERIALS & SUPPLIES -77.45 102.87P/W ADMIN MATERIALS & SUPPLIES10013692286 Total : 25.42 48021 2/12/2021 00558 HDL COREN & CONE SIN006400 JAN-MAR'21 CONTRACT PROPERTY TAX SVCS 3,170.00 Total : 3,170.00 48022 2/12/2021 00650 HDL SOFTWARE, LLC SIN006153 NOV'20 HDL ONLINE CC PROCESSING SVCS 787.62 Total : 787.62 48023 2/12/2021 00880 HEMET RUBBER STAMP & SIGN CO.203818 STAMPS FOR FINANCE DEPT 58.94 Total : 58.94 48024 2/12/2021 00274 HINDERLITER DELLAMAS & ASSOC.SIN005610 CONTRACT SERVICES - SALES TAX 2ND QTR 1,689.16 10,606.02CONTRACT SERVICES - SALES TRANS TAX 2NDSIN005745 Total : 12,295.18 48025 2/12/2021 01969 IE RISING STARS BASKETBALL, ACADEMY CK REQ 2/2 COMM SVCS INSTRUCTOR PAYMENT 63.00 Total : 63.00 48026 2/12/2021 01043 IMPERIAL SPRINKLER SUPPLY 4492794-01 IRRIGATION SUPPLIES FOR TRAIL ENHANCEMEN 520.63 35.69IRRIGATION SUPPLIES FOR TRAIL ENHANCEMEN4492794-02 8.57CSA 145 IRRIGATION SUPPLIES4493310-01 3.36P/W MATERIALS & SUPPLIES4505082-00 110.16CSA 145 IRRIGATION SUPPLIES4505148-00 225.86JOHN DENVER PARK IRRIGATION SUPPLIES4505888-00 191.72IRRIGATION SUPPLIES FOR TRAIL ENHANCEMEN4508899-00 21.89IRRIGATION SUPPLIES FOR TRAIL ENHANCEMEN4509479-00 Total : 1,117.88 48027 2/12/2021 01471 INFRASTRUCTURE ENGINEERING, CORPORATION13323 02440 DEC'20 CIP 19-06 SCOTT & MURRIETA RD TRA 285.00 02469 95.00DEC'20 CIP 20-06 TRAFFIC SIGNAL LABOR CO13324 02808 1,000.00DEC'20 CIP 20-11 SCOTT/MENIFEE RD SIDEWA13325 Total : 1,380.00 48028 2/12/2021 01077 INLAND LIGHTING SUPPLIES, INC 250031 02799 SPIRIT PARK LIGHT FIXTURE REPLACEMENT 2,586.08 9Page: Item Title:10.2 Warrant Register Item Page Number:10 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 24 of 240 02/10/2021 Voucher List City of Menifee 10 4:24:42PM Page:vchlist Bank code :uboc Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO #Description/Account Amount 48028 2/12/2021 (Continued)01077 INLAND LIGHTING SUPPLIES, INC 02984 2,871.00JOHN DENVER PARK LED LIGHTING UPGRADE252556 Total : 5,457.08 48029 2/12/2021 01054 INLAND OVERHEAD DOOR 46345 FIRESTATION #76 FACILITY MAINTENANCE 309.00 Total : 309.00 48030 2/12/2021 01570 KTU+A 32710 01971 DEC'20 CITY OF MENIFEE ACTIVE TRANSPORTA 1,664.56 Total : 1,664.56 48031 2/12/2021 00128 LOWES 902528 IRRIGATION SUPPLIES FOR TRAIL ENHANCEMEN 291.24 Total : 291.24 48032 2/12/2021 00474 DALE E GRIFFIN CO CK REQ 1/11 REFUND SECURITY DEPOSIT PMT18-00971 10,000.00 Total : 10,000.00 48033 2/12/2021 00474 KENNETH SIMPSON CK REQ 1/28 LIVESCAN REIMBURSMENT FOR CERT 35.44 Total : 35.44 48034 2/12/2021 00474 DAVID A FOUST CK REQ 2/2 LIVESCAN REIMBURSMENT FOR CERT 25.00 Total : 25.00 48035 2/12/2021 00474 CHRISTOPHER RAVEN CK REQ 1/28 LIVESCAN REIMBURSMENT FOR CERT 25.00 Total : 25.00 48036 2/12/2021 02015 NATIONAL TRAINING CONCEPTS INC 21-011 MENIFEE PD TACTICAL TRAINING 630.00 945.00MENIFEE PD TACTICAL TRAINING21-012 Total : 1,575.00 48037 2/12/2021 01558 OCCUPATION HEALTH CENTERS, OF CALIFORNIA69801502 COVID-19 TESTING 370.00 1,562.00PRE-EMPLOYMENT TESTING SVCS70002357 30.00COVID-19 TESTING70040521 87.00PRE-EMPLOYMENT TESTING SVCS70103496 1,562.00PRE-EMPLOYMENT TESTING SVCS70164741 203.50PRE-EMPLOYMENT TESTING SVCS70225448 Total : 3,814.50 48038 2/12/2021 01130 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS 4746-177077 FLEET VEHICLE MAINTENANCE (VEH#230) 94.59 10Page: Item Title:10.2 Warrant Register Item Page Number:11 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 25 of 240 02/10/2021 Voucher List City of Menifee 11 4:24:42PM Page:vchlist Bank code :uboc Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO #Description/Account Amount 48038 2/12/2021 (Continued)01130 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS 15.21PW EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE4746-177079 Total : 109.80 48039 2/12/2021 01674 PACIFIC ALARM SERVICE S-01040423 P/W MOC FACILITY MAINTENANCE 513.58 Total : 513.58 48040 2/12/2021 01096 PAPER RECYCLING & SHREDDING, SPECIALISTS INC.464049 CITY HALL DOC SHREDDING SVCS 95.00 95.00CITY HALL DOC SHREDDING SVCS466123 95.00CITY HALL DOC SHREDDING SVCS468277 95.00CITY HALL DOC SHREDDING SVCS477915 Total : 380.00 48041 2/12/2021 01843 PARKHOUSE TIRE, INC 2010720704 PD VEHICLE TIRES 1,706.15 34.06FLEET MATERIALS & SUPPLIES2010722580 Total : 1,740.21 48042 2/12/2021 01505 PERRIS VALLEY AUTO CENTER 15008989/1 P/W VEHICLE MAINTENANCE (VEH#232) 471.51 Total : 471.51 48043 2/12/2021 02050 PIT STOP PUB CK REQ 2/3 COVID-19 SENIOR LUNCHES 837.38 Total : 837.38 48044 2/12/2021 01739 PROFORCE LAW ENFORCEMENT 434489 MENIFEE PD WEAPONS PURCHASE 1,432.79 1,206.80MENIFEE PD MATERIALS & SUPPLIES434492 220.10MENIFEE PD WEAPONS PURCHASE437548 Total : 2,859.69 48045 2/12/2021 01065 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 23102719 P/W UNIFORM LAUNDRY SVCS 127.78 43.27P/W LAUNDRY SVCS23102720 45.00COMM SVCS UNIFORM LAUNDRY SVCS23105743 127.78P/W UNIFORM LAUNDRY SVCS23105752 43.27P/W LAUNDRY SVCS23105753 45.00COMM SVCS UNIFORM LAUNDRY SVCS23108771 127.78P/W UNIFORM LAUNDRY SVCS23108781 43.27P/W LAUNDRY SVCS23108782 Total : 603.15 11Page: Item Title:10.2 Warrant Register Item Page Number:12 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 26 of 240 02/10/2021 Voucher List City of Menifee 12 4:24:42PM Page:vchlist Bank code :uboc Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO #Description/Account Amount 48046 2/12/2021 00006 R&R BUSINESS SOLUTIONS 8573 PRINTING SERVICES 20.59 122.89PRINTING SERVICES8574 Total : 143.48 48047 2/12/2021 01491 RINCON CONSULTANTS, INC 26972 02644 NOV'20 PLANNING & ENVIRONMENTAL RVW SVCS 510.00 Total : 510.00 48048 2/12/2021 00500 RIVERSIDE HABITAT CONSERVATION CK REQ 2/9 JAN'21 K-RAT FEES 37,500.00 Total : 37,500.00 48049 2/12/2021 01858 SAFETY-KLEEN SYSTEMS, INC 85022680 FLEET PROFESSIONAL SVCS 478.69 244.00FLEET PROFESSIONAL SVCS85178933 Total : 722.69 48050 2/12/2021 00803 SCS ENGINEERS 0393972 02628 NOV'20 RECOVERABLE ENGINEERING SVCS 637.50 Total : 637.50 48051 2/12/2021 01912 SLI CLEANING SERVICES 0001 MENIFEE PD CLEANING SVCS 325.00 Total : 325.00 48052 2/12/2021 00046 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 2-31-766-8671 1/9 DEC'20 CSA 33 STREET LIGHT SVCS 85.62 93.24NOV'20 CSA 33 STREET LIGHT SVCS2-31-766-8671 12/10 1,388.59DEC'20 CSA 86 STREET LIGHT SVCS2-31-766-9422 1/9 92.16DEC'20 MENIFEE RD TC-1 SIGNAL SVCS2-31-923-1015 1/6 320.36DEC'20 NEWPORT RD SGNL & STREETLIGHTING2-32-648-0936 1/12 684.06DEC'20 LLMD SIGNAL SVCS2-35-194-1992 1/5 2,256.20DEC'20 CITY SIGNAL SVC2-35-194-3196 1/5 2,526.22NOV'20 CITY SIGNAL SVC2-35-194-3196 12/4 144.92DEC'20 BRIGGS RD SGNL SVC2-35-870-8709 1/12 309.14DEC'20 CITY SIGNAL SVCS2-36-738-8345 1/12 79.03DEC'20 MCCALL TC-1 SIGNAL SVCS2-37-489-6173 1/8 2,081.82DEC'20 FIRE STATIONS ELECTRICAL SVCS2-39-846-6326 1/14 60.75DEC'20 2015-2 ANNEXATION #12 STREET LIGH2-40-738-2100 1/8 77.75DEC'20 LLMD ZONE 167 SIGNAL SVCS2-40-993-9402 1/7 58.20DEC'20 LLMD ZONE 167 SIGNAL SVCS2-40-994-7645 1/12 75.61DEC'20 LLMD ZONE 167 SIGNAL SVCS2-40-994-7744 1/9 52.58DEC'20 LLMD ZONE 167 SAFETY LIGHT SVCS2-40-994-7868 1/7 12Page: Item Title:10.2 Warrant Register Item Page Number:13 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 27 of 240 02/10/2021 Voucher List City of Menifee 13 4:24:42PM Page:vchlist Bank code :uboc Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO #Description/Account Amount 48052 2/12/2021 (Continued)00046 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 70.91DEC'20 AMR STREET LIGHT SVCS2-41-130-6095 1/5 74.39DEC'20 CFD 2017-1 TOWN CENTER TRAFFIC SI2-41-608-8631 1/13 53.12DEC'20 CFD 2017-1 TOWN CENTER TRAFFIC SI2-41-608-8649 1/13 78.05DEC'20 CFD 2017-1 TOWN CENTER TRAFFIC SI2-41-608-8664 1/13 118.24DEC'20 CFD 2012-1 AMR STREETLIGHT SVCS2-41-777-6713 1/5 796.39DEC'20 POLICE HQ ELECTRICAL SVCS2-41-909-0907 1/14 16.88DEC'20 AMR SPORTS PARK ELECTRIC SVCS2-42-069-6999 1/14 46.92DEC'20 CSA 80 STREET LIGHTS2-42-240-0671 1/5 39.06DEC'20 NEWPORT BRIDGE LIGHT SVCS2-42-456-1900 1/9 32.40DEC'20 HIDDEN HILLS PARK ELECTRIC SVCS2-42-483-8597 1/9 24.95DEC'20 PARK CITY LS3 SIGNAL SVCS2-42-556-4754 1/9 84.08DEC'20 PARK CITY TC-1 SIGNAL SVCS2-42-556-4762 1/9 43,798.37DEC'20 ELECTRIC SVCS FOR VARIOUS LOCATIO2-42-783-6465 1/8 21.02DEC'20 CFD 2015-2 ANEEX 18 STREET LIGHT2-42-985-8632 1/9 21.97NOV'20 CFD 2015-2 ANEEX 18 STREET LIGHT2-42-985-8632 1/9 19.52DEC'20 AMR IRRIGATION SVCS2-43-157-5166 1/14 37.68DEC'20 AMR IRRIGATION SVCS2-43-157-5166 12/29 32.67DEC'20 AMR IRRIGATION SVCS2-43-157-5174 12/29 32.54DEC'20 AMR IRRIGATION SVCS2-43-157-5182 12/29 Total : 55,785.41 48053 2/12/2021 00046 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 2-41-608-8672 1/13 DEC'20 CFD 2017-1 TOWN CENTER IRRIGATIO 13.57 12.89DEC'20 AMR STREET LIGHT SVCS2-43-157-5182 1/9 Total : 26.46 48054 2/12/2021 02079 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA FORCE, INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION000059 ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP FOR PD INSTRUCTORS 100.00 Total : 100.00 48055 2/12/2021 01127 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MULCH INC.22816 DIF 17 PARK LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE 190.31 570.94DIF 17 PARK LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE22829 Total : 761.25 48056 2/12/2021 01251 STATE OF CA - DEPT OF FISH, AND WILDLIFE CK REQ 1/25 03001 CIP 13-04 PERMIT APPLICATION FEE 5,596.00 Total : 5,596.00 48057 2/12/2021 01010 STC TRAFFIC, INC.4356-B 02632 STC- SEP & OCT'20 ON-CALL RECOVERABLE EN 27,242.25 13Page: Item Title:10.2 Warrant Register Item Page Number:14 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 28 of 240 02/10/2021 Voucher List City of Menifee 14 4:24:42PM Page:vchlist Bank code :uboc Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO #Description/Account Amount 48057 2/12/2021 (Continued)01010 STC TRAFFIC, INC. 02632 5,585.00NOV'20 RECOVERABLE ENGINEERING SVCS4464-B 02633 6,598.00DEC'20 NON-RECOVERABLE TRAFFIC ENGINEERI4497-A 02387 3,906.20DEC'20 CIP 16-07 TRAFFIC SIGNAL ENGINEER4498 Total : 43,331.45 48058 2/12/2021 02031 SUBWAY CK REQ 2/3 COVID-19 SENIOR LUNCHES 420.00 Total : 420.00 48059 2/12/2021 00098 THE GAS COMPANY 091 934 9672 7 1/26 NOV'20 POLICE DEPT (BLDG A) GAS SVCS 20.00 20.98JAN'21 POLICE DEPT (BLDG A) GAS SVCS091 934 9672 7 1/26 Total : 40.98 48060 2/12/2021 00854 THE LLOYD PEST CONTROL CO, INC 7295025 JAN'21 PD HQ PEST CONTROL SVCS 99.00 Total : 99.00 48061 2/12/2021 00430 UNION BANK, N.A.1231817 SEP'20 ACCT MGMT SVCS 291.67 291.67OCT'20 ACCT MGMT SVCS1236601 291.67NOV'20 ACCT MGMT SVCS1241263 291.67DEC'20 ACCT MGMT SVCS1245898 Total : 1,166.68 48062 2/12/2021 01911 US ARMOR CORPORATION 31166 PD CONCEALABLE VESTS 951.41 Total : 951.41 48063 2/12/2021 02030 VCA CALIFORNIA OAKS, ANIMAL HOSPITAL 380284938 02802 MENIFEE PD AS-NEEDED VET SERVICES 300.81 02802 128.21MENIFEE PD AS-NEEDED VET SERVICES380284940 02802 150.53MENIFEE PD AS-NEEDED VET SERVICES380286800 02802 55.04MENIFEE PD AS-NEEDED VET SERVICES380287495 Total : 634.59 48064 2/12/2021 01574 WALSH, PAT CK REQ 2/1 PER DIEM FOR POST MANAGEMENT COURSE 61.00 Total : 61.00 48065 2/12/2021 00960 WANCO, INC.S0001341 P/W EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 120.00 Total : 120.00 48066 2/12/2021 01119 WEST COAST ARBORISTS INC.166918 02592 FY2020/21 ON-CALL RIGHT-OF-WAY TREE MAIN 1,800.00 14Page: Item Title:10.2 Warrant Register Item Page Number:15 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 29 of 240 02/10/2021 Voucher List City of Menifee 15 4:24:42PM Page:vchlist Bank code :uboc Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO #Description/Account Amount 48066 2/12/2021 (Continued)01119 WEST COAST ARBORISTS INC. 02592 2,538.00FY2020/21 ON-CALL RIGHT-OF-WAY (ROW) TRE167829 Total : 4,338.00 48067 2/12/2021 01803 WEST TOW 00062532 PD VEHICLE TOWING SVCS 540.00 525.00PD VEHICLE TOWING SVCS20-63850 130.00PD VEHICLE TOWING SVCS21-70895 130.00PD VEHICLE TOWING SVCS21-70896 481.90PD VEHICLE TOWING SVCS67928 Total : 1,806.90 48068 2/12/2021 00298 WEX BANK 70068038 JAN'21 CITY VEHICLE FUEL & MAINT CHARGES 24,639.79 Total : 24,639.79 48069 2/12/2021 02051 WORLDPAC INC 95202174 PD VEHICLE MAINTENANCE (VEH#20-20) 16.94 14.91PD VEHICLE MAINTENANCE95226708 15.96PD VEHICLE MAINTENANCE95434956 100.29PD VEHICLE MAINTENANCE95435093 100.29PD VEHICLE MAINTENANCE95475072 15.96PD VEHICLE MAINTENANCE95481041 Total : 264.35 48070 2/12/2021 00143 WRCRCA CK REQ 2/9 JAN 2021 - MSHCP FEES 252,356.00 Total : 252,356.00 Bank total : 1,272,884.78 127 Vouchers for bank code :uboc 1,272,884.78Total vouchers :Vouchers in this report 127 15Page: Item Title:10.2 Warrant Register Item Page Number:16 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 30 of 240 Date Paid by:Payee Description Amount 2/5/2021 ACH City Payroll Payroll Period 1/16/2021 - 1/29/2021 652,244.92 2/5/2021 ACH ICMA Payroll Period 1/16/2021 - 1/29/2021 32,003.58 TOTAL PAYROLL:684,248.50$ Date Paid by:Payee Description Amount 2/2/2021 ACH PayPros Credit Card Processing Fees 22,394.72 2/3/2021 ACH PayPros Credit Card Processing Fees 406.25 2/3/2021 ACH CALPERS - Medical Feb-21 231,766.58 2/3/2021 ACH CALPERS - Retirement Payroll Period 12/19/2020 - 1/1/2021 83,022.50 2/3/2021 ACH CALPERS - Retirement Payroll Period 12/19/2020 - 1/1/2021 61,751.48 2/8/2021 Wire Stewart Title Guaranty Company Future MOC Property Purchase - Bradley & Cherry Hills Blvd 2,003,577.50 TOTAL OTHER EFT'S:2,402,919.03$ TOTAL PAYMENTS:3,087,167.53$ Payroll Register, Taxes and Other EFT's/Wires City of Menifee March 3, 2021 Item Title:10.2 Warrant Register Item Page Number:17 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 31 of 240 CITY OF MENIFEE SUBJECT: Treasurer's Report, January 2021 MEETING DATE: March 3, 2021 TO: Mayor and City Council PREPARED BY: Wendy Preece, Deputy Finance Director REVIEWED BY: Rochelle Clayton, Deputy City Manager APPROVED BY: Armando G. Villa, City Manager ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RECOMMENDED ACTION Approve the Treasurer’s Report for January 2021. DISCUSSION Attached is the Treasurer’s report for Cash and Investments for the month of January 2021. STRATEGIC PLAN OBJECTIVE Regular City Business FISCAL IMPACT There is no fiscal impact associated with the recommended action. ATTACHMENTS 1. January 2021 Treasurer’s Report Item Title:10.3 Treasurer's Report,January 2021 Item Page Number:1 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 32 of 240 Item Title:10.3 Treasurer's Report,January 2021 Item Page Number:2 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 33 of 240 CITY OF MENIFEE SUBJECT: 2020 Emergency Management Performance Grant Program COVID-19 Supplemental (EMPG-S) MEETING DATE: March 3, 2021 TO: Mayor and City Council PREPARED BY: Vanessa Barrera, Emergency Management Analyst REVIEWED BY: Jonathan Nicks, Community Services Director APPROVED BY: Armando G. Villa, City Manager ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Accept the Fiscal Year 2020 Emergency Management Performance Grant Program COVID- 19 Supplemental (EMPG-S) in the amount of $7,500 and authorize staff to administer the funded program/project(s); and 2. Adopt a Resolution authorizing the City Manager, Assistant City Manager, or designee to apply for the fiscal year 2020 Emergency Management Performance Grant Program COVID- 19 Supplemental (EMPG-S); and 3. Adopt a Resolution authorizing an increase in revenue and appropriation of expenditures in the amount of $7,500. DISCUSSION The City of Menifee proactively seeks to mitigate losses resulting from manmade or natural catastrophic events and has regularly applied for Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) grants. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the City applied for the Fiscal Year 2020 Emergency Management Performance Grant COVID-19 Supplemental (EMPG-S) in order to assist with pandemic-related response activities. On January 27, 2021, the City was awarded the Fiscal Year 2020 EMPG-S with an allocation of $7,500. This grant’s performance period is from January 27, 2020 to July 31, 2021. The EMPG- S grant requires a dollar-for dollar match and the City fulfilled this grant with staff time match. Along with this requirement, the EMPG-S grant requires approval of a Resolution, indicating the explicit fiscal year and title of the grant. Item Title:10.4 2020 Emergency Management Performance Grant Program COVID-19 Supplemental (EMPG-S) Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 34 of 240 City of Menifee Staff Report EMPG-S Grant Acceptance March 3, 2021 Page 2 of 2 3 5 1 STRATEGIC PLAN OBJECTIVE Safe and Attractive Community FISCAL IMPACT The fiscal impact resulting from acceptance of the Fiscal Year 2020 EMPG-S will result in an increase of $7,500 in the City’s grant revenue and an appropriation in expenditures which will be determined once approved by Council. This grant includes a dollar-for-dollar match and will specifically be used to cover personnel costs associated with the City’s COVID-19 response. The City’s match portion will be covered with corresponding personnel expenses. ATTACHMENTS 1. FY 20 EMPG-S Grant Award Letter 2. FY 20 EMPG-S Grant Summary Report 3. Resolution Amending FY 20-21 Operating Budget (EMPG-S Grant) 4. Resolution for EMPG-S Grant Authorization Item Title:10.4 2020 Emergency Management Performance Grant Program COVID-19 Supplemental (EMPG-S) Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 35 of 240 Bruce Barton Director 450 EAST ALESSANDRO RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA 92508 T: 951.358.7100 ♦ F: 951.358.7105 ♦ WEB: WWW.RIVCOEMD.ORG ♦ TDD: 951.358.5124 January 27, 2021 Armando G Villa Jeff Wyman City of Menifee 29844 Haun Road Menifee, CA 92586 Subject: NOTIFICATION OF SUBRECIPIENT SUBAWARD APPROVAL Fiscal Year (FY) 2020 Emergency Management Performance Grant Program COVID-19 Supplemental (EMPG-S) Subaward #2020-0019, CFDA# 97.042 Subaward Performance Period: January 27, 2020, to July 31, 2021 We are pleased to announce the approval of your FY 2020 EMPG-S subaward in the amount of $7,500.00. Please remember that changes to your grant will require the approval of the OA prior to incurring any costs. All modifications, EHP’s, and sole source procurement require additional approvals from CalOES through the OA prior to incurring any costs. You must obtain documentation of eligibility prior to making any agreement/payment with a vendor funded by EMPG funds. It is your Agency’s responsibility to obtain all additional approvals prior to expending the funds. Your Agency will also be responsible for providing all necessary documentation for reimbursements. This subaward is subject to requirements in 2 CFR, Part 200, including the Notice of Funding Opportunities (NOFO), the California Supplement to the NOFO, and all applicable federal, state, and local requirements. All activities funded with this subaward must be completed within the subaward performance period. Your Agency’s Financial Workbook is being provided to you via email along with a copy of this letter. Please complete the facesheet on your workbook and please have the Grant Assurances read, signed and dated by your authorized agent in blue ink and return both to me Keep in mind that this grant has a dollar-for-dollar match requirement. As always, please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have. I look forward to working with you and appreciate your cooperation and support. Regards, Joe Barron Joe Barron Administrative Services Analyst II Item Title:10.4 2020 Emergency Management Performance Grant Program COVID-19 Supplemental (EMPG-S) Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 36 of 240 FISCAL YEAR OF GRANT AWARD:2020/2021 DATE CITY COUNCIL APPROVED:TBD RELATED RESOLUTION #(s): City Department: Emergency Management City Grant Administrator: Federal Awarding Agency: Federal CFDA No:97.042 Pass-through Agency: Pass-through No. : Grant Name from Agency: Funding Period:01/2020 - 10/2021 Reporting Requirements: Final report and reimbursement request (Example: Report to pass-through agency quarterly.) Type of Grant:Federal Installments If Other (please describe): N/A Other Amount from Granting Agency: $7,500.00 City Matching Funds: $7,500.00 N/A Total Grant Amount: $15,000.00 City Expenditure Account Number: TBD City Revenue Account Number: TBD Does the funding agency require a compliance audit?No If yes, what kind of report? OtherAdditional reporting required: Does the funding agency require a copy of the Single Audit report?No Is this a federal grant (subject to Single Audit)?Yes Can grant funds be carried over to other fiscal years?Yes If yes, which years?: 2020/21 No City Program and/or Purpose of Grant: The Fiscal Year (FY) 2020 Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) Program is one of the grant programs that constitute the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)/Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA's) focus on all-hazards emergency preparedness. EMPG Program supports the goals of Building a Culture of Preparedness and Readying the Nation for Catastrophic Disasters. Additional Description: (Example: Certain Percentage of Amount from Granting Agency) (If new or unknown, contact Finance Department) If Other (please describe): Reimbursement Requests Is allocated interest a grant requirement? EMPG - S Amended Through: Method of Funding: Frequency of Funding: If Other (please describe): CITY OF MENIFEE FINANCE DEPARTMENT GRANT SUMMARY REPORT TBD Vanessa Barrera FEMA Item Title:10.4 2020 Emergency Management Performance Grant Program COVID-19 Supplemental (EMPG-S) Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 37 of 240 RESOLUTION NO. 21-XXX A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MENIFEE, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2020/21 OPERATING BUDGET WHEREAS, the City of Menifee, California adopted a budget for the fiscal year 2020/21 with resolution 20-916 on June 3rd, 2020; and WHEREAS, the City of Menifee does from time to time have unanticipated expenditures arise; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the citizens of the City of Menifee to allocate budget resources to continue the operations of the City of Menifee; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Menifee needs to amend the fiscal year 2020/21 budget as follows: AMENDMENTS TO ADOPTED BUDGET: Grant Fund Adopted FY 2020/21 Revenue Budget: $0 CITY COUNCIL MEETING DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT #AMOUNT August 19, 2020 CalRecycle Beverage Container Recycling Grant 301-3848 23,125 August 19, 2020 CARES Act Funds 301-3740 1,198,820 September 2, 2020 OTS Grant (STEP)301-3865 115,000 October 21, 2020 Various Grants (Budget Carry Over) 301-XXXX 3,336,702 November 4, 2020 K9 Grant 301-3867 250 January 20, 2021 Prop. 68 Per Capita Grant (CIP 20-09) 301-3741 235,075 March 3, 2021 EMPG-S 301-3869 $7,500 TOTAL:$4,916,472 Amended Grant Fund FY 2020/21 Revenue Budget: $4,916,472 Grant Fund Adopted FY 2020/21 Expenditure Budget: $0 2. Record Appropriation(s): CITY COUNCIL MEETING DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT #AMOUNT August 5, 2020 CalRecycle Beverage Container Recycling Grant 301-4550-52425 23,125 August 19, 2020 Emergency Declaration Expenses (CARES) 301-4221-52214 1,098,820 Item Title:10.4 2020 Emergency Management Performance Grant Program COVID-19 Supplemental (EMPG-S) Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 38 of 240 City of Menifee Resolution No. 21-XXX Amending the Fiscal Year 2020/21 Grant Fund Budget 2 August 19, 2020 Small Business Assistance Grant Program 301-4221-52215 100,000 September 2, 2020 OTS Grant (STEP)301-4911-52426 115,000 October 21, 2020 Various Grants (Budget Carry Over) 301-xxxx-xxxxx 2,756,110 November 4, 2020 K9 Grant (K-9 Supplies) 301-4911-52753 250 January 20, 2021 Prop. 68 Per Capita Grant (CIP 20-09) 301-4660-58092 235,075 March 3, 2021 EMPG-S 301-4114-52838 $7,500 TOTAL:$4,335,880 Amended Grant Fund FY 2020/21 Expenditure Budget: $4,335,880 3. Record Transfer of Funds: FROM ACCOUNT #TO ACCOUNT #AMOUNT TOTAL:0 NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MENIFEE DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: The annual budget for the Grant Fund for the City of Menifee for fiscal year 2020/21 is hereby increased and amended to reflect unanticipated revenues and expenditures as follows: Revenues: EMPG-S $7,500 Amended Grant Fund FY 2020/21 Budget $4,916,472 Expenditures: EMPG-S $7,500 Amended Grant Fund FY 2020/21 Budget: $4,335,880 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 3rd day of March 2021. _____________________________ Bill Zimmerman, Mayor Item Title:10.4 2020 Emergency Management Performance Grant Program COVID-19 Supplemental (EMPG-S) Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 39 of 240 City of Menifee Resolution No. 21-XXX Amending the Fiscal Year 2020/21 Grant Fund Budget 3 ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: ____________________________ ____________________________ Sarah A. Manwaring, City Clerk Jeffrey T. Melching, City Attorney Item Title:10.4 2020 Emergency Management Performance Grant Program COVID-19 Supplemental (EMPG-S) Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 40 of 240 1 RESOLUTION NO. 21-____ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MENIFEE, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING CERTAIN CITY OFFICIALS OF THE CITY OF MENIFEE OR DESIGNEE TO APPLY FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 2020 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT PERFORMANCE GRANT PROGRAM – COVID-19 SUPPLEMENTAL (EMPG-S) WHEREAS, the City of Menifee desires to apply for COVID-19 supplemental funding through the Emergency Management Performance Grant Program – COVID-19 Supplemental (EMPG-S), as made available through and administered by the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (“Cal OES”) for fiscal year 2020; and WHEREAS, the City Council desires the City Manager, Assistant City Manager, or designee to apply for the aforementioned grant. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED by the City Council of the City of Menifee, California as follows: Section 1. The City Council authorizes the City Manager, Assistant City Manager, or designee to execute for and on behalf of the City of Menifee any document, including agreements, amendments, extensions, and grant award documents with Cal OES, or other responsible government agency, for the purpose of obtaining federal financial assistance provided by the Federal Emergency Management Agency and sub-granted through the Governor’s Office of Emergency Services for the FY 2020 Emergency Management Performance Grant Program – COVID-19 Supplemental. Section 2. The City Manager, Assistant City Manager, or designee must submit the grant award(s) to the City Council for final approval. Section 3. This Resolution shall be in effect for the duration of the grant period, as stipulated in the award letter and including any extensions thereof. Section 4. This Resolution shall take effect immediately. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 3rd day of March 2021. __________________________ Bill Zimmerman, Mayor Attest: _______________________ Sarah A. Manwaring, City Clerk Approved as to form: ___________________________ Jeffrey T. Melching, City Attorney Item Title:10.4 2020 Emergency Management Performance Grant Program COVID-19 Supplemental (EMPG-S) Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 41 of 240 3 7 8 CITY OF MENIFEE SUBJECT: Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. Agreement for Enterprise Geographic Information System MEETING DATE: March 3, 2021 TO: Mayor and City Council PREPARED BY: Michelle Sarkissian, Information Technology Supervisor REVIEWED BY: Jeff Wyman, Assistant City Manager APPROVED BY: Armando G. Villa, City Manager ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Approve and authorize the City Manager to execute a Professional Services Agreement with Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. (Esri) in the not-to-exceed amount of $15,000 for Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Implementation Services, and; 2. Approve and authorize the City Manager to execute the Enterprise Agreement (EA): Small Municipal and County Government Program (Software Maintenance and Licensing Support) with Esri for an amount not-to-exceed a total of $165,000 ($55,000 annually for three years) for the period of July 1, 2021, through June 30, 2023, contingent on the availability of funds, and; 3. Exempt purchase from the competitive bidding process as the purchase will be made under Menifee Municipal Code section 3.12.070(A)(7) as a unique commodity. DISCUSSION In 2008, the Department of Information Technology (IT) began the limited use of GIS capabilities to initiate a fixed contract with Esri to provide software for mapping, data maintenance, and web services to build the City’s current Enterprise GIS. The initial establishment of the City’s GIS began the process of making GIS technology accessible throughout the organization. Currently, within the City of Menifee, GIS technology is utilized for the following purposes (including but not limited to): Item Title:10.5 Environmental Systems Research Institute,Inc.Agreement for Enterprise Geographic Information System Item Page Number:1 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 42 of 240 Producing and maintaining base geographic data as required by the Police Department for its dispatching system application Creating maps and conducting data analysis to assist City Council and staff in the decision-making process Providing base geographic data for the City’s permitting system and Code Enforcement applications Creating, maintaining, and updating geographic information within and of concern to the City Providing City staff and the public access to geographic data and map layers via internal and external web sites Integrating GIS technology and data with other department applications and business processes Providing GIS web-based mobile applications for the field staff to access and collect relevant geographical data within the City The use of Esri products by City staff has recently been increasing across departments. Numerous staff members across various departments use Esri GIS software solutions in their daily operations and for purposes noted above. The City’s current annual GIS license agreement with Esri, which provides for a limited number of desktop licenses and ArcGIS online credits, and basic GIS web service capabilities, will expire on June 30, 2021. Esri Small Municipal and County Government Enterprise Agreement (EA) Program GIS has become an integral part of City operations by enhancing City Council’s and staff’s decision-making processes, improving communication within the City, and making geographic information accessible to City staff and the public. Esri GIS services and software provide geographic information to analysts, decision-makers, field staff, and the public through desktop, mobile, and web clients. Esri’s EA program offers a cost-effective way to deploy GIS into City operations and business processes such as permitting, business licensing, asset management, and public safety dispatch. The upgrade to Esri’s EA for Small Municipal and County Government Program provides numerous benefits, which include the following: Provides unlimited licenses for many of the ArcGIS products utilized by the City currently; the City has a limited number of ArcGIS licenses and online credits. Allows City use of additional functionality and software needed for the City’s GIS platform Allows the City to fully develop its public-facing web GIS into a more robust platform for the public to access GIS data/layers and applications Provides a lower cost per unit for licensed software Reduces or eliminates piecemeal purchases of extra licenses, extensions, and ArcGIS online credits Provides maintenance and technical support on all Esri software deployed under the agreement Item Title:10.5 Environmental Systems Research Institute,Inc.Agreement for Enterprise Geographic Information System Item Page Number:2 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 43 of 240 City of Menifee Staff Report Esri Services for GIS March 3, 2021 Page 3 of 4 Provides complete flexibility to deploy software products when and where needed Provides four complimentary registrations to the annual Esri International User’s Conference The purchase of GIS software and technology must comply with specific procurement procedures, which would ordinarily require a competitive bid process. However, ArcGIS (GIS system) is unique and a sole proprietary software of Esri. Therefore, staff is recommending exemption of this purchase from the competitive bidding process as the purchase will be made under Menifee Municipal Code section 3.12.070(A)(7) as “the commodity is unique, including, but not limited to, acquisition of data processing, telecommunications, and word processing equipment, goods, and services. This request for a contract to upgrade to Esri’s Small Municipal and County Government EA Program is for a duration of three years and will continue and expand the use of Esri’s online GIS services as well as renew and expand the existing GIS desktop software licenses and extensions to an unlimited number of users. This agreement will include maintenance and support for the period of July 1, 2021, through June 30, 2023. STRATEGIC PLAN OBJECTIVE Responsive and Transparent Community Government: GIS services within the City provide the community access to GIS maps and data layers through the City’s website. Information of a geographic nature of interest to the public can either be obtained through requests of counter staff who utilize the City’s internal GIS system or access various maps and interactive web maps on the City's website. FISCAL IMPACT The total fiscal impact of the proposed Professional Services Agreement (Implementation Services) and Small Municipal and County Government EA Program (Software Maintenance and Licensing Support) is $180,000, which consists of a one-time $15,000 implementation fee and a not-to-exceed $55,000 annual license renewal cost over the next three years. The fiscal impact to the current year budget FY20/21 will be $15,000, representing the Implementation Services Agreement costs, and will be funded from the available balance within Account #110-4115-52800 (Professional Services). The Software Maintenance and Licensing Support Agreement will commence on July 1, 2021. Annual costs of $55,000 for the annual Software Maintenance and Licensing Support Agreement will be incorporated as part of the corresponding annual budget. No additional budget appropriation action(s) is required. Item Title:10.5 Environmental Systems Research Institute,Inc.Agreement for Enterprise Geographic Information System Item Page Number:3 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 44 of 240 City of Menifee Staff Report Esri Services for GIS March 3, 2021 Page 4 of 4 ATTACHMENTS 1. ESRI Small Municipal and County Government EA Program Proposal 2. ESRI Agreement for ArcGIS implementation Services Item Title:10.5 Environmental Systems Research Institute,Inc.Agreement for Enterprise Geographic Information System Item Page Number:4 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 45 of 240 380 New York Street 909.793.2853 esri.com Redlands, California 92373-8100 USA info@esri.com January 27, 2021 Michelle Sarkissian City of Menifee 29844 Haun Rd Menifee, CA 92586-6539 Dear Michelle, The Esri Small Municipal and County Government Enterprise Agreement (SGEA) is a three-year agreement that will grant your organization access to Esri term license software. The EA will be effective on the date executed and will require a firm, three-year commitment. Based on Esri's work with several organizations similar to yours, we know there is significant potential to apply Geographic Information System (GIS) technology in many operational and technical areas within your organization. For this reason, we believe that your organization will greatly benefit from an Enterprise Agreement (EA). An EA will provide your organization with numerous benefits including:  A lower cost per unit for licensed software  Substantially reduced administrative and procurement expenses  Complete flexibility to deploy software products when and where needed The following business terms and conditions will apply:  All current departments, employees, and in-house contractors of the organization will be eligible to use the software and services included in the EA.  If your organization wishes to acquire and/or maintain any Esri software during the term of the agreement that is not included in the EA, it may do so separately at the Esri pricing that is generally available for your organization for software and maintenance.  The organization will establish a single point of contact for orders and deliveries and will be responsible for redistribution to eligible users.  The organization will establish a Tier 1 support center to field calls from internal users of Esri software. The organization may designate individuals as specified in the EA who may directly contact Esri for Tier 2 technical support.  The organization will provide an annual report of installed Esri software to Esri.  Esri software and updates that the organization is licensed to use will be automatically available for downloading.  The fee and benefits offered in this EA proposal are contingent upon your acceptance of Esri’s Small Municipal and County Government EA terms and conditions. Item Title:10.5 Environmental Systems Research Institute,Inc.Agreement for Enterprise Geographic Information System Item Page Number:5 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 46 of 240 Small Government Enterprise Agreement  Licenses are valid for the term of the EA. This program offer is valid for 90 days. To complete the agreement within this time frame, please contact me within the next seven days to work through any questions or concerns you may have. To expedite your acceptance of this EA offer: 1. Sign and return the EA contract with a Purchase Order or issue a Purchase Order that references this EA Quotation and includes the following statement on the face of the Purchase Order: "THIS PURCHASE ORDER IS GOVERNED BY THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE ESRI SMALL MUNICIPAL AND COUNTY GOVERNMENT EA, AND ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS IN THIS PURCHASE ORDER WILL NOT APPLY." Have it signed by an authorized representative of the organization. 2. On the first page of the EA, identify the central point of contact/agreement administrator. The agreement administrator is the party that will be the contact for management of the software, administration issues, and general operations. Information should include name, title (if applicable), address, phone number, and e-mail address. 3. In the purchase order, identify the "Ship to" and "Bill to" information for your organization. 4. Send the purchase order and agreement to the address, email or fax noted below: Esri Attn: Customer Service SG-EA 380 New York Street Redlands, CA 92373-8100 e-mail: service@esri.com fax documents to: 909-307-3083 I appreciate the opportunity to present you with this proposal, and I believe it will bring great benefits to your organization. Thank you very much for your consideration. Best Regards, Natalie Carter Item Title:10.5 Environmental Systems Research Institute,Inc.Agreement for Enterprise Geographic Information System Item Page Number:6 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 47 of 240 Quotation # Q-420487 Date: January 27, 2021 Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. 380 New York St Redlands, CA 92373-8100 Phone: (909) 793-2853 Fax: (909) 307-3049 DUNS Number: 06-313-4175 CAGE Code: 0AMS3 Customer # 445895 Contract # City of Menifee Information Technology Dept 29844 Haun Rd Menifee, CA 92586-6539 To expedite your order, please attach a copy of ATTENTION:Michelle Sarkissian this quotation to your purchase order. PHONE:9517233778 Quote is valid from: 7/28/2020 To: 4/26/2021 EMAIL:msarkissian@cityofmenifee.us Material Qty Term Unit Price Total 168179 1 Year 1 $55,000.00 $55,000.00 Populations of 50,001 to 100,000 Small Government Term Enterprise License Agreement 168179 1 Year 2 $55,000.00 $55,000.00 Populations of 50,001 to 100,000 Small Government Term Enterprise License Agreement 168179 1 Year 3 $55,000.00 $55,000.00 Populations of 50,001 to 100,000 Small Government Term Enterprise License Agreement Subtotal:$165,000.00 Sales Tax:$0.00 Estimated Shipping and Handling (2 Day Delivery):$0.00 Contract Price Adjust:$0.00 Total:$165,000.00 Esri may charge a fee to cover expenses related to any customer requirement to use a proprietary vendor management, procurement, or invoice program. For questions contact: Natalie Carter Email: ncarter@esri.com Phone: (909) 793-2853 x7419 The items on this quotation are subject to and governed by the terms of this quotation, the most current product specific scope of use documentfound at https://assets.esri.com/content/dam/esrisites/media/legal/product-specific-terms-of-use/e300.pdf, and your applicable signed agreementwith Esri. If no such agreement covers any item quoted, then Esri’s standard terms and conditions found at https://go.esri.com/MAPS apply to yourpurchase of that item. Federal government entities and government prime contractors authorized under FAR 51.1 may purchase under the terms ofEsri’s GSA Federal Supply Schedule. Supplemental terms and conditions found at https://www.esri.com/en-us/legal/terms/state-supplemental applyto some state and local government purchases. All terms of this quotation will be incorporated into and become part of any additional agreementregarding Esri’s offerings. Acceptance of this quotation is limited to the terms of this quotation. Esri objects to and expressly rejects any differentor additional terms contained in any purchase order, offer, or confirmation sent to or to be sent by buyer. Unless prohibited by law, the quotationinformation is confidential and may not be copied or released other than for the express purpose of system selection and purchase/license. Theinformation may not be given to outside parties or used for any other purpose without consent from Esri. Delivery is FOB Origin. CARTERN This offer is limited to the terms and conditions incorporated and attached herein. Item Title:10.5 Environmental Systems Research Institute,Inc.Agreement for Enterprise Geographic Information System Item Page Number:7 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 48 of 240 Esri Use Only: Cust. Name Cust. # PO # Esri Agreement # Page 1 of 6 September 25, 2020 SMALL ENTERPRISE AGREEMENT COUNTY AND MUNICIPALITY GOVERNMENT (E214-3) This Agreement is by and between the organization identified in the Quotation ("Customer") and Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. ("Esri"). This Agreement sets forth the terms for Customer's use of Products and incorporates by reference (i) the Quotation and (ii) the Master Agreement. Should there be any conflict between the terms and conditions of the documents that comprise this Agreement, the order of precedence for the documents shall be as follows: (i) the Quotation, (ii) this Agreement, and (iii) the Master Agreement. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the state in which Customer is located without reference to conflict of laws principles, and the United States of America federal law shall govern in matters of intellectual property. The modifications and additional rights granted in this Agreement apply only to the Products listed in Table A. Table A List of Products Uncapped Quantities Desktop Software and Extensions (Single Use) ArcGIS Desktop Advanced ArcGIS Desktop Standard ArcGIS Desktop Basic ArcGIS Desktop Extensions: ArcGIS 3D Analyst, ArcGIS Spatial Analyst, ArcGIS Geostatistical Analyst, ArcGIS Publisher, ArcGIS Network Analyst, ArcGIS Schematics, ArcGIS Workflow Manager, ArcGIS Data Reviewer Enterprise Software and Extensions ArcGIS Enterprise and Workgroup (Advanced and Standard) ArcGIS Monitor ArcGIS Enterprise Extensions: ArcGIS 3D Analyst, ArcGIS Spatial Analyst, ArcGIS Geostatistical Analyst, ArcGIS Network Analyst, ArcGIS Schematics, ArcGIS Workflow Manager Enterprise Additional Capability Servers ArcGIS Image Server Developer Tools ArcGIS Engine ArcGIS Engine Extensions: ArcGIS 3D Analyst, ArcGIS Spatial Analyst, ArcGIS Engine Geodatabase Update, ArcGIS Network Analyst, ArcGIS Schematics ArcGIS Runtime (Standard) ArcGIS Runtime Analysis Extension Limited Quantities One (1) Professional subscription to ArcGIS Developer Two (2) ArcGIS CityEngine Single Use Licenses 250 ArcGIS Online Viewers 250 ArcGIS Online Creators 37,500 ArcGIS Online Service Credits 250 ArcGIS Enterprise Creators 5 ArcGIS Insights in ArcGIS Enterprise 5 ArcGIS Insights in ArcGIS Online 50 ArcGIS Tracker for ArcGIS Enterprise 50 ArcGIS Tracker for ArcGIS Online 4 ArcGIS Parcel Fabric User Type Extensions (Enterprise) 4 ArcGIS Utility Network User Type Extensions (Enterprise) OTHER BENEFITS Number of Esri User Conference registrations provided annually 4 Number of Tier 1 Help Desk individuals authorized to call Esri 4 Maximum number of sets of backup media, if requested* 2 Five percent (5%) discount on all individual commercially available instructor-led training classes at Esri facilities purchased outside this Agreement *Additional sets of backup media may be purchased for a fee Item Title:10.5 Environmental Systems Research Institute,Inc.Agreement for Enterprise Geographic Information System Item Page Number:8 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 49 of 240 Page 2 of 6 September 25, 2020 Customer may accept this Agreement by signing and returning the whole Agreement with (i) the Quotation attached, (ii) a purchase order, or (iii) another document that matches the Quotation and references this Agreement ("Ordering Document"). ADDITIONAL OR CONFLICTING TERMS IN CUSTOMER'S PURCHASE ORDER OR OTHER DOCUMENT WILL NOT APPLY, AND THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT WILL GOVERN. This Agreement is effective as of the date of Esri's receipt of an Ordering Document, unless otherwise agreed to by the parties ("Effective Date"). Term of Agreement: Three (3) years This Agreement supersedes any previous agreements, proposals, presentations, understandings, and arrangements between the parties relating to the licensing of the Products. Except as provided in Article 4— Product Updates, no modifications can be made to this Agreement. Accepted and Agreed: (Customer) By: Authorized Signature Printed Name: Title: Date: CUSTOMER CONTACT INFORMATION Contact: Telephone: Address: Fax: City, State, Postal Code: E-mail: Country: Quotation Number (if applicable): Item Title:10.5 Environmental Systems Research Institute,Inc.Agreement for Enterprise Geographic Information System Item Page Number:9 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 50 of 240 Page 3 of 6 September 25, 2020 1.0—ADDITIONAL DEFINITIONS In addition to the definitions provided in the Master Agreement, the following definitions apply to this Agreement: "Case" means a failure of the Software or Online Services to operate according to the Documentation where such failure substantially impacts operational or functional performance. "Deploy", "Deployed" and "Deployment" mean to redistribute and install the Products and related Authorization Codes within Customer's organization(s). "Fee" means the fee set forth in the Quotation. "Maintenance" means Tier 2 Support, Product updates, and Product patches provided to Customer during the Term of Agreement. "Master Agreement" means the applicable master agreement for Esri Products incorporated by this reference that is (i) found at https://www.esri.com/en- us/legal/terms/full-master-agreement and available in the installation process requiring acceptance by electronic acknowledgment or (ii) a signed Esri master agreement or license agreement that supersedes such electronically acknowledged master agreement. "Product(s)" means the products identified in Table A—List of Products and any updates to the list Esri provides in writing. "Quotation" means the offer letter and quotation provided separately to Customer. "Technical Support" means the technical assistance for attempting resolution of a reported Case through error correction, patches, hot fixes, workarounds, replacement deliveries, or any other type of Product corrections or modifications. "Tier 1 Help Desk" means Customer's point of contact(s) to provide all Tier 1 Support within Customer's organization(s). "Tier 1 Support" means the Technical Support provided by the Tier 1 Help Desk. "Tier 2 Support" means the Esri Technical Support provided to the Tier 1 Help Desk when a Case cannot be resolved through Tier 1 Support. 2.0—ADDITIONAL GRANT OF LICENSE 2.1 Grant of License. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Esri grants to Customer a personal, nonexclusive, nontransferable license solely to use, copy, and Deploy quantities of the Products listed in Table A—List of Products for the Term of Agreement (i) for the applicable Fee and (ii) in accordance with the Master Agreement. 2.2 Consultant Access. Esri grants Customer the right to permit Customer's consultants or contractors to use the Products exclusively for Customer's benefit. Customer will be solely responsible for compliance by consultants and contractors with this Agreement and will ensure that the consultant or contractor discontinues use of Products upon completion of work for Customer. Access to or use of Products by consultants or contractors not exclusively for Customer's benefit is prohibited. Customer may not permit its consultants or contractors to install Software or Data on consultant, contractor, or third-party computers or remove Software or Data from Customer locations, except for the purpose of hosting the Software or Data on Contractor servers for the benefit of Customer. 3.0—TERM, TERMINATION, AND EXPIRATION 3.1 Term. This Agreement and all licenses hereunder will commence on the Effective Date and continue for the duration identified in the Term of Agreement, unless this Agreement is terminated earlier as provided herein. Customer is only authorized to use Products during the Term of Agreement. For an Agreement with a limited term, Esri does not grant Customer an indefinite or a perpetual license to Products. 3.2 No Use upon Agreement Expiration or Termination. All Product licenses, all Maintenance, and Esri User Conference registrations terminate upon expiration or termination of this Agreement. 3.3 Termination for a Material Breach. Either party may terminate this Agreement for a material breach by the other party. The breaching party will have thirty (30) days from the date of written notice to cure any material breach. 3.4 Termination for Lack of Funds. For an Agreement with government or government- Item Title:10.5 Environmental Systems Research Institute,Inc.Agreement for Enterprise Geographic Information System Item Page Number:10 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 51 of 240 Page 4 of 6 September 25, 2020 owned entities, either party may terminate this Agreement before any subsequent year if Customer is unable to secure funding through the legislative or governing body's approval process. 3.5 Follow-on Term. If the parties enter into another agreement substantially similar to this Agreement for an additional term, the effective date of the follow-on agreement will be the day after the expiration date of this Agreement. 4.0—PRODUCT UPDATES 4.1 Future Updates. Esri reserves the right to update the list of Products in Table A—List of Products by providing written notice to Customer. Customer may continue to use all Products that have been Deployed, but support and upgrades for deleted items may not be available. As new Products are incorporated into the standard program, they will be offered to Customer via written notice for incorporation into the Products schedule at no additional charge. Customer's use of new or updated Products requires Customer to adhere to applicable additional or revised terms and conditions in the Master Agreement. 4.2 Product Life Cycle. During the Term of Agreement, some Products may be retired or may no longer be available to Deploy in the identified quantities. Maintenance will be subject to the individual Product Life Cycle Support Status and Product Life Cycle Support Policy, which can be found at https://support.esri.com/en/other- resources/product-life-cycle. Updates for Products in the mature and retired phases may not be available. Customer may continue to use Products already Deployed, but Customer will not be able to Deploy retired Products. 5.0—MAINTENANCE The Fee includes standard maintenance benefits during the Term of Agreement as specified in the most current applicable Esri Maintenance and Support Program document (found at https://www.esri.com/en- us/legal/terms/maintenance). At Esri's sole discretion, Esri may make patches, hot fixes, or updates available for download. No Software other than the defined Products will receive Maintenance. Customer may acquire maintenance for other Software outside this Agreement. a. Tier 1 Support 1. Customer will provide Tier 1 Support through the Tier 1 Help Desk to all Customer's authorized users. 2. The Tier 1 Help Desk will be fully trained in the Products. 3. At a minimum, Tier 1 Support will include those activities that assist the user in resolving how-to and operational questions as well as questions on installation and troubleshooting procedures. 4. The Tier 1 Help Desk will be the initial point of contact for all questions and reporting of a Case. The Tier 1 Help Desk will obtain a full description of each reported Case and the system configuration from the user. This may include obtaining any customizations, code samples, or data involved in the Case. 5. If the Tier 1 Help Desk cannot resolve the Case, an authorized Tier 1 Help Desk individual may contact Tier 2 Support. The Tier 1 Help Desk will provide support in such a way as to minimize repeat calls and make solutions to problems available to Customer’s organization. 6. Tier 1 Help Desk individuals are the only individuals authorized to contact Tier 2 Support. Customer may change the Tier 1 Help Desk individuals by written notice to Esri. b. Tier 2 Support 1. Tier 2 Support will log the calls received from Tier 1 Help Desk. 2. Tier 2 Support will review all information collected by and received from the Tier 1 Help Desk including preliminary documented troubleshooting provided by the Tier 1 Help Desk when Tier 2 Support is required. 3. Tier 2 Support may request that Tier 1 Help Desk individuals provide verification of information, additional information, or answers to additional questions to Item Title:10.5 Environmental Systems Research Institute,Inc.Agreement for Enterprise Geographic Information System Item Page Number:11 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 52 of 240 Page 5 of 6 September 25, 2020 supplement any preliminary information gathering or troubleshooting performed by Tier 1 Help Desk. 4. Tier 2 Support will attempt to resolve the Case submitted by Tier 1 Help Desk. 5. When the Case is resolved, Tier 2 Support will communicate the information to Tier 1 Help Desk, and Tier 1 Help Desk will disseminate the resolution to the user(s). 6.0—ENDORSEMENT AND PUBLICITY This Agreement will not be construed or interpreted as an exclusive dealings agreement or Customer's endorsement of Products. Either party may publicize the existence of this Agreement. 7.0—ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS 7.1 OEM Licenses. Under Esri's OEM or Solution OEM programs, OEM partners are authorized to embed or bundle portions of Esri products and services with their application or service. OEM partners' business model, licensing terms and conditions, and pricing are independent of this Agreement. Customer will not seek any discount from the OEM partner or Esri based on the availability of Products under this Agreement. Customer will not decouple Esri products or services from the OEM partners' application or service. 7.2 Annual Report of Deployments. At each anniversary date and ninety (90) calendar days prior to the expiration of this Agreement, Customer will provide Esri with a written report detailing all Deployments. Upon request, Customer will provide records sufficient to verify the accuracy of the annual report. 8.0—ORDERING, ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES, DELIVERY, AND DEPLOYMENT 8.1 Orders, Delivery, and Deployment a. Upon the Effective Date, Esri will invoice Customer and provide Authorization Codes to activate the nondestructive copy protection program that enables Customer to download, operate, or allow access to the Products. If this is a multi-year Agreement, Esri may invoice the Fee up to thirty (30) calendar days before the annual anniversary date for each year. b. Undisputed invoices will be due and payable within thirty (30) calendar days from the date of invoice. Esri reserves the right to suspend Customer's access to and use of Products if Customer fails to pay any undisputed amount owed on or before its due date. Esri may charge Customer interest at a monthly rate equal to the lesser of one percent (1.0%) per month or the maximum rate permitted by applicable law on any overdue fees plus all expenses of collection for any overdue balance that remains unpaid ten (10) days after Esri has notified Customer of the past-due balance. c. Esri's federal ID number is 95-2775-732. d. If requested, Esri will ship backup media to the ship-to address identified on the Ordering Document, FOB Destination, with shipping charges prepaid. Customer acknowledges that should sales or use taxes become due as a result of any shipments of tangible media, Esri has a right to invoice and Customer will pay any such sales or use tax associated with the receipt of tangible media. 8.2 Order Requirements. Esri does not require Customer to issue a purchase order. Customer may submit a purchase order in accordance with its own process requirements, provided that if Customer issues a purchase order, Customer will submit its initial purchase order on the Effective Date. If this is a multi-year Agreement, Customer will submit subsequent purchase orders to Esri at least thirty (30) calendar days before the annual anniversary date for each year. a. All orders pertaining to this Agreement will be processed through Customer's centralized point of contact. b. The following information will be included in each Ordering Document: (1) Customer name; Esri customer number, if known; and bill-to and ship-to addresses (2) Order number (3) Applicable annual payment due Item Title:10.5 Environmental Systems Research Institute,Inc.Agreement for Enterprise Geographic Information System Item Page Number:12 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 53 of 240 Page 6 of 6 September 25, 2020 9.0—MERGERS, ACQUISITIONS, OR DIVESTITURES If Customer is a commercial entity, Customer will notify Esri in writing in the event of (i) a consolidation, merger, or reorganization of Customer with or into another corporation or entity; (ii) Customer's acquisition of another entity; or (iii) a transfer or sale of all or part of Customer's organization (subsections i, ii, and iii, collectively referred to as "Ownership Change"). There will be no decrease in Fee as a result of any Ownership Change. 9.1 If an Ownership Change increases the cumulative program count beyond the maximum level for this Agreement, Esri reserves the right to increase the Fee or terminate this Agreement and the parties will negotiate a new agreement. 9.2 If an Ownership Change results in transfer or sale of a portion of Customer's organization, that portion of Customer's organization will transfer the Products to Customer or uninstall, remove, and destroy all copies of the Products. 9.3 This Agreement may not be assigned to a successor entity as a result of an Ownership Change unless approved by Esri in writing in advance. If the assignment to the new entity is not approved, Customer will require any successor entity to uninstall, remove, and destroy the Products. This Agreement will terminate upon such Ownership Change. Item Title:10.5 Environmental Systems Research Institute,Inc.Agreement for Enterprise Geographic Information System Item Page Number:13 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 54 of 240 2671/031858-0001 7630421.2 a05/22/20 CITY OF MENIFEE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT CITY OF MENIFEE: ARCGIS ENTERPRISE (IMPLEMENTATION SERVICES) THIS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT (“Agreement”) is made and effective this _____ day of __________, 2021 (“Effective Date”) by and between the CITY OF MENIFEE, a California municipal corporation, (“City”) and ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS RESEARCH INSTITUTE, INC., a California Corporation (“Consultant”). City and Consultant may sometimes herein be referred to individually as a “Party” and collectively as the “Parties.” SECTION 1. SERVICES. Subject to the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement, Consultant shall provide to City the services described in the Scope of Services, attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by this reference (the “Services”). Consultant will perform subsequent task orders as requested by the Contract Administrator (as defined below), in accordance with the Scope of Services. In the event of a conflict in or inconsistency between the terms of this Agreement and Exhibit A, this Agreement shall prevail. 1.1 Term of Services. The term of this Agreement shall begin on March 3, 2021 and shall end on December 31, 2021 unless the term of this Agreement is otherwise terminated or extended as provided for in Section 8. The time provided to Consultant to complete the Services required by this Agreement shall not affect City’s right to terminate this Agreement, as provided for in Section 8. 1.2 Standard of Performance. Consultant warrants for a period of ninety (90) days from the date of performance that services will substantially conform to the professional and technical standards of the software industry. If services do not substantially conform to these standards, City may require Consultant to reperform services at no additional cost to City. Disclaimer of Warranties. With the exception of the limited warranty set forth in this Section, Consultant disclaims and this Agreement expressly excludes all other warranties, express or implied, oral or written, including, without limitation, any and all warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. 1.3 Assignment of Personnel. Consultant shall assign only competent personnel to perform the Services pursuant to Agreement. In the event that City, in its sole discretion, at any time during the term of this Agreement, desires the reassignment of any such persons, Consultant shall, immediately upon receiving notice from City of such desire of City, reassign such person or persons. 1.4 Time. Consultant shall devote such time to the performance of the Services pursuant to this Agreement as may be reasonably necessary to satisfy Consultant’s obligations hereunder. Item Title:10.5 Environmental Systems Research Institute,Inc.Agreement for Enterprise Geographic Information System Item Page Number:14 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 55 of 240 2671/031858-0001 7630421.2 a05/22/20 -2- 1.5 Authorization to Perform Services. Consultant is not authorized to perform any of the Services or incur any costs whatsoever under the terms of this Agreement until receipt of authorization from the Contract Administrator. SECTION 2. COMPENSATION. City hereby agrees to pay Consultant a sum not to exceed FIFTEEN THOUSAND DOLLARS AND ZERO CENTS ($15,000.00) notwithstanding any contrary indications that may be contained in Consultant’s proposal, for the Services to be performed and reimbursable costs incurred under this Agreement. In the event of a conflict between this Agreement and Exhibit A, regarding the amount of compensation, this Agreement shall prevail. City shall pay Consultant for the Services rendered pursuant to this Agreement at the time and in the manner set forth herein. The payments specified below shall be the only payments from City to Consultant for the Services rendered pursuant to this Agreement. Consultant shall submit all invoices to City in the manner specified herein. Except as specifically authorized in advance by City, Consultant shall not bill City for duplicate services performed by more than one person. 2.1 Invoices. Consultant shall submit invoices monthly during the term of this Agreement, based on the cost for the Services performed and reimbursable costs incurred prior to the invoice date. Invoices shall contain the following information: a. Serial identifications of progress bills; i.e., Progress Bill No. 1 for the first invoice, etc.; b. The beginning and ending dates of the billing period; c. A “Task Summary” containing the original contract amount, the amount of prior billings, the total due this period, the balance available under this Agreement, and the percentage of completion; d. At City’s option, for each item in each task, a copy of the applicable time entries or time sheets shall be submitted showing the name of the person performing the Services, the hours spent by each person, a brief description of the Services, and each reimbursable expense; e. The total number of hours of work performed under this Agreement by Consultant and each employee, agent, and subcontractor of Consultant performing the Services hereunder necessary to complete the Services described in Exhibit A; f. Receipts for expenses to be reimbursed; g. The Consultant Representative’s signature. Invoices shall be submitted to: City of Menifee Attn: Accounts Payable Item Title:10.5 Environmental Systems Research Institute,Inc.Agreement for Enterprise Geographic Information System Item Page Number:15 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 56 of 240 2671/031858-0001 7630421.2 a05/22/20 -3- 29844 Haun Road Menifee, CA 92586 2.2 Monthly Payment. City shall make monthly payments, based on invoices received, for the Services satisfactorily performed, and for authorized reimbursable costs incurred. City shall have thirty (30) days from the receipt of an invoice that complies with all of the requirements above to pay Consultant. 2.3 Final Payment. City shall pay the last five percent (5%) of the total amount due pursuant to this Agreement within sixty (60) days after completion of the Services and submittal to City of a final invoice, if all of the Services required have been satisfactorily performed. 2.4 Total Payment. City shall not pay any additional sum for any expense or cost whatsoever incurred by Consultant in rendering the Services pursuant to this Agreement. City shall make no payment for any extra, further, or additional service pursuant to this Agreement. In no event shall Consultant submit any invoice for an amount in excess of the maximum amount of compensation provided above either for a task or for the entirety of the Services performed pursuant to this Agreement, unless this Agreement is modified in writing prior to the submission of such an invoice. 2.5 Hourly Fees. Fees for the Services performed by Consultant on an hourly basis shall not exceed the amounts shown on the fee schedule included with Exhibit A. 2.6 Reimbursable Expenses. Reimbursable expenses are included within the maximum amount of this Agreement. 2.7 Payment of Taxes. Consultant is solely responsible for the payment of employment taxes incurred under this Agreement and any federal or state taxes. 2.8 Payment upon Termination. In the event that City or Consultant terminates this Agreement pursuant to Section 8, City shall compensate Consultant for all outstanding costs and reimbursable expenses incurred for Services satisfactorily completed and for reimbursable expenses as of the date of written notice of termination. Consultant shall maintain adequate logs and timesheets in order to verify costs and reimbursable expenses incurred to that date. SECTION 3. FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT. Except as otherwise provided, Consultant shall, at its sole cost and expense, provide all facilities and equipment necessary to perform the services required by this Agreement. City shall make available to Consultant only physical facilities such as desks, filing cabinets, and conference space, as may be reasonably necessary for Consultant’s use while consulting with City employees and reviewing records and the information in possession of City. The location, quantity, and time of furnishing those facilities shall be in the sole discretion of City. In no event shall City be required to furnish any facility that may involve incurring any direct expense, including but not limited to computer, long-distance telephone or other communication charges, vehicles, and reproduction facilities. Item Title:10.5 Environmental Systems Research Institute,Inc.Agreement for Enterprise Geographic Information System Item Page Number:16 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 57 of 240 2671/031858-0001 7630421.2 a05/22/20 -4- SECTION 4. INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS. Before beginning any work under this Agreement, Consultant, at its own cost and expense, shall procure the types and amounts of insurance checked below and provide Certificates of Insurance, indicating that Consultant has obtained or currently maintains insurance that meets the requirements of this section and which is satisfactory, in all respects, to City. Consultant shall maintain the insurance policies required by this section throughout the term of this Agreement. The cost of such insurance shall be included in Consultant’s compensation. Consultant shall not allow any subcontractor, consultant or other agent to commence work on any subcontract until Consultant has obtained all insurance required herein for the subcontractor(s) and provided evidence thereof to City. Verification of the required insurance shall be submitted and made part of this Agreement prior to execution. Consultant acknowledges the insurance policy must cover inter-insured suits between City and other Insureds. 4.1 Workers’ Compensation. Consultant shall, at its sole cost and expense, maintain Statutory Workers’ Compensation Insurance and Employer’s Liability Insurance for any and all persons employed directly or indirectly by Consultant pursuant to the provisions of the California Labor Code. Statutory Workers’ Compensation Insurance and Employer’s Liability Insurance shall be provided with limits of not less than ONE MILLION DOLLARS ($1,000,000.00) per accident, ONE MILLION DOLLARS ($1,000,000.00) disease per employee, and ONE MILLION DOLLARS ($1,000,000.00) disease per policy. In the alternative, Consultant may rely on a self- insurance program to meet those requirements, but only if the program of self-insurance complies fully with the provisions of the California Labor Code. Determination of whether a self-insurance program meets the standards of the California Labor Code shall be solely in the discretion of the Contract Administrator. The insurer, if insurance is provided, or Consultant, if a program of self- insurance is provided, shall waive all rights of subrogation against City and its officers, officials, employees, and authorized volunteers for loss arising from the Services performed under this Agreement. 4.2 Commercial General and Automobile Liability Insurance. a. General requirements. Consultant, at its own cost and expense, shall maintain commercial general and automobile liability insurance for the term of this Agreement in an amount not less than ONE MILLION DOLLARS ($1,000,000.00) per occurrence, combined single limit coverage, for risks associated with the Services contemplated by this Agreement, TWO MILLION DOLLARS ($2,000,000.00) general aggregate, and TWO MILLION DOLLARS ($2,000,000.00) products/completed operations aggregate. If a Commercial General Liability Insurance or an Automobile Liability Insurance form or other form with a general aggregate limit is used, either the general aggregate limit shall apply separately to the Services to be performed under this Agreement or the general aggregate limit shall be at least twice the required occurrence limit. Such coverage shall include but shall not be limited to, protection against claims arising from bodily and personal injury, including death resulting therefrom, and damage to property resulting from the Services contemplated under this Agreement, including the use of hired, owned, and non-owned automobiles. b. Minimum scope of coverage. Commercial general coverage shall be at least as broad as Insurance Services Office Commercial General Liability occurrence form CG 0001. Item Title:10.5 Environmental Systems Research Institute,Inc.Agreement for Enterprise Geographic Information System Item Page Number:17 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 58 of 240 2671/031858-0001 7630421.2 a05/22/20 -5- Automobile coverage shall be at least as broad as Insurance Services Office Automobile Liability form CA 0001 Code 2, 8, and 9. No endorsement shall be attached limiting the coverage. c. Additional requirements. Each of the following shall be included in the insurance coverage or added as a certified endorsement to the policy: a. The insurance shall cover on an occurrence or an accident basis, and not on a claims-made basis. b. Any failure of Consultant to comply with reporting provisions of the policy shall not affect coverage provided to City and its officers, employees, agents, and volunteers. 4.3 Professional Liability Insurance. a. General requirements. Consultant, at its own cost and expense, shall maintain for the period covered by this Agreement professional liability insurance for licensed professionals performing the Services pursuant to this Agreement in an amount not less than ONE MILLION DOLLARS ($1,000,000) covering the licensed professionals’ errors and omissions. Any deductible or self-insured retention shall be shown on the Certificate. If the deductible or self-insured retention exceeds TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($25,000), it must be approved by City. b. Claims-made limitations. The following provisions shall apply if the professional liability coverage is written on a claims-made form: a. The retroactive date of the policy must be shown and must be no later than the commencement of the Services. b. Insurance must be maintained and evidence of insurance must be provided for at least five (5) years after the expiration or termination of this Agreement or completion of the Services, so long as commercially available at reasonable rates. c. If coverage is canceled or not renewed and it is not replaced with another claims-made policy form with a retroactive date that precedes the Effective Date of this Agreement, Consultant must provide extended reporting coverage for a minimum of five (5) years after the expiration or termination of this Agreement or the completion of the Services. Such continuation coverage may be provided by one of the following: (1) renewal of the existing policy; (2) an extended reporting period endorsement; or (3) replacement insurance with a retroactive date no later than the commencement of the Services under this Agreement. City shall have the right to exercise, at Consultant’s sole cost and expense, any extended reporting provisions of the policy, if Consultant cancels or does not renew the coverage. d. A copy of the claim reporting requirements must be submitted to City prior to the commencement of the Services under this Agreement. Item Title:10.5 Environmental Systems Research Institute,Inc.Agreement for Enterprise Geographic Information System Item Page Number:18 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 59 of 240 2671/031858-0001 7630421.2 a05/22/20 -6- 4.4 All Policies Requirements. a. Acceptability of insurers. All insurance required by this Section is to be placed with insurers with a Bests’ rating of no less than A-:VIII and admitted in California. b. Verification of coverage. Prior to beginning the Services under this Agreement, Consultant shall furnish City with Certificates of Insurance, additional insured endorsement or policy language granting additional insured status complete certified copies of all policies, including complete certified copies of all endorsements. All copies of policies and certified endorsements shall show the signature of a person authorized by that insurer to bind coverage on its behalf. The Certificate of Insurance must include the following reference: CITY OF MENIFEE: ArcGIS ENTERPRISE (IMPLEMENTATION SERVICES). The name and address for Additional Insured endorsements, Certificates of Insurance and Notice of Cancellation is: City of Menifee, 29844 Haun Road, Menifee, CA 92586. Consultant’s insurer will provide 30- day notice to Consultant of any of cancellation or nonrenewal. Within 20 days after receipt of such notice, Consultant will have its carrier provide notice to City, provided that no such notice is required if Consultant buys a replacement policy that ensures continuous coverage and otherwise complies with the requirements of Section 4, Insurance Requirements. City must be endorsed as an additional insured for liability arising out of ongoing and completed operations by or on behalf of Consultant. c. Notice of Reduction in or Cancellation of Coverage. Consultant shall provide written notice to City within ten (10) working days if: (1) any of the required insurance policies is terminated; (2) the limits of any of the required polices are reduced; or (3) the deductible or self insured retention is increased. d. Additional insured; primary insurance. City and its officers, employees, agents, and authorized volunteers shall be covered as additional insureds with respect to each of the following: liability arising out of the Services performed by or on behalf of Consultant, including the insured’s general supervision of Consultant; products and completed operations of Consultant, as applicable; premises owned, occupied, or used by Consultant; and automobiles owned, leased, or used by Consultant in the course of providing the Services pursuant to this Agreement. The coverage shall contain no special limitations on the scope of protection afforded to City or its officers, employees, agents, or authorized volunteers. The insurance provided to City as an additional insured must apply on a primary and non-contributory basis with respect to any insurance or self-insurance program maintained by City. Additional insured status shall continue for one (1) year after the expiration or termination of this Agreement or completion of the Services. A certified endorsement must be attached to all policies stating that coverage is primary insurance with respect to City and its officers, officials, employees, and volunteers, and that no insurance or self-insurance maintained by City shall be called upon to contribute to a loss under the coverage. e. Deductibles and Self-insured Retentions. Consultant shall obtain the written approval of City for the self-insured retentions and deductibles before beginning any of the Services. Item Title:10.5 Environmental Systems Research Institute,Inc.Agreement for Enterprise Geographic Information System Item Page Number:19 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 60 of 240 2671/031858-0001 7630421.2 a05/22/20 -7- During the term of this Agreement, only upon the prior express written authorization of the Contract Administrator, Consultant may increase such deductibles or self- insured retentions with respect to City, its officers, employees, agents, and volunteers. The Contract Administrator may condition approval of an increase in deductible or self-insured retention levels with a requirement that Consultant procure a bond guaranteeing payment of losses and related investigations, claim administration, and defense expenses that is satisfactory in all respects to each of them. f. Subcontractors. Consultant shall include all subcontractors as insureds under its policies or shall furnish separate certificates and certified endorsements for each subcontractor. All coverages for subcontractors shall be subject to all of the requirements stated herein. g. Variation. The Contract Administrator may, but is not required to, approve in writing a variation in the foregoing insurance requirements, upon a determination that the coverage, scope, limits, and forms of such insurance are either not commercially available, or that City’s interests are otherwise fully protected. 4.5 Remedies. In addition to any other remedies at law or equity City may have if Consultant fails to provide or maintain any insurance policies or policy endorsements to the extent and within the time herein required, City may, at its sole option, exercise any of the following remedies, which are alternatives to other remedies City may have and are not the exclusive remedy for Consultant’s breach: a. Intentionally Omitted. b. Order Consultant to stop work under this Agreement or withhold any payment that becomes due to Consultant hereunder, or both stop work and withhold any payment, until Consultant demonstrates compliance with the requirements hereof; and/or c. Terminate this Agreement. SECTION 5. INDEMNIFICATION. 5.1 Intentionally Omitted. 5.2 Indemnification: To the full extent permitted by law, Consultant shall indemnify, protect, defend (with counsel selected by City), and hold harmless City, and any and all of its officers, employees, officials, volunteers, and agents from and against any and all losses arising out of Claims for bodily injury, death, or tangible or real property to the extent they arise out of or are a consequence of, or are in any way attributable to, in whole or in part, the performance of this Agreement by Consultant, its officers, agents, employees, or subcontractors of Consultant. 5.3 Limitation of Indemnification. The provisions of this Section 5 do not apply to claims occurring as a result of City’s sole or active negligence. The provisions of this Section 5 shall not release City from liability arising from gross negligence or willful acts or omissions of City or any and all of its officers, officials, employees, and agents acting in an official capacity. Item Title:10.5 Environmental Systems Research Institute,Inc.Agreement for Enterprise Geographic Information System Item Page Number:20 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 61 of 240 2671/031858-0001 7630421.2 a05/22/20 -8- SECTION 6. STATUS OF CONSULTANT. 6.1 Independent Contractor. At all times during the term of this Agreement, Consultant shall be an independent contractor and shall not be an employee of City. City shall have the right to control Consultant only insofar as the results of the Services rendered pursuant to this Agreement and assignment of personnel pursuant to Subparagraph 1.3; however, otherwise City shall not have the right to control the means by which Consultant accomplishes the Services rendered pursuant to this Agreement. The personnel performing the Services under this Agreement on behalf of Consultant shall at all times be under Consultant’s exclusive direction and control. Consultant shall not at any time or in any manner represent that it or any of its officers, employees, or agents is in any manner officers, officials, employees, or agents of City. Consultant shall not incur or have the power to incur any debt, obligation, or liability whatever against City, or bind City in any manner. Except for the fees paid to Consultant as provided in this Agreement, City shall not pay salaries, wages, or other compensation to Consultant for performing the Services hereunder for City. City shall not be liable for compensation or indemnification to Consultant for injury or sickness arising out of performing the Services hereunder. Notwithstanding any other City, state, or federal policy, rule, regulation, law, or ordinance to the contrary, Consultant and any of its employees, agents, and subcontractors providing services under this Agreement shall not qualify for or become entitled to any compensation, benefit, or any incident of employment by City, including but not limited to eligibility to enroll in the California Public Employees Retirement System (“PERS”) as an employee of City and entitlement to any contribution to be paid by City for employer contributions and/or employee contributions for PERS benefits. SECTION 7. LEGAL REQUIREMENTS. 7.1 Governing Law. The laws of the State of California shall govern this Agreement. 7.2 Compliance with Applicable Laws. Consultant and any subcontractor shall comply with all applicable local, state, and federal laws and regulations applicable to the performance of the work hereunder. Consultant shall not hire or employ any person to perform work within City or allow any person to perform the Services required under this Agreement unless such person is properly documented and legally entitled to be employed within the United States. Any and all work subject to prevailing wages, as determined by the Director of Industrial Relations of the State of California, will be the minimum paid to all laborers, including Consultant’s employee and subcontractors. It is understood that it is the responsibility of Consultant to determine the correct scale. The State Prevailing Wage Rates may be obtained from the California Department of Industrial Relations (“DIR”) pursuant to California Public Utilities Code, Sections 465, 466, and 467 by calling 415-703-4774. Appropriate records demonstrating compliance with such requirement shall be maintained in a safe and secure location at all times, and readily available at City’s request. Consultant shall indemnify, defend, and hold City and its elected and appointed boards, members, officials, officers, agents, representatives, employees, and volunteers harmless from and against any liability, loss, damage, cost or expenses (including but not limited to reasonable attorneys’ fees, expert witness fees, court costs, and costs incurred related to any inquiries or proceedings) arising from or related to (i) the noncompliance by Consultant or any party performing the Services of any applicable local, state, and/or federal law, including, without limitation, any applicable federal and/or state labor laws (including, without limitation, the requirement to pay state prevailing wages and hire apprentices); (ii) the implementation of Section Item Title:10.5 Environmental Systems Research Institute,Inc.Agreement for Enterprise Geographic Information System Item Page Number:21 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 62 of 240 2671/031858-0001 7630421.2 a05/22/20 -9- 1781 of the Labor Code, as the same may be amended from time to time, or any other similar law; and/or (iii) failure by Consultant or any party performing the Services to provide any required disclosure or identification as required by Labor Code Section 1781, as the same may be amended from time to time, or any other similar law. It is agreed by the Parties that, in connection with performance of the Services, including, without limitation, any and all public works (as defined by applicable law), Consultant shall bear all risks of payment or non-payment of prevailing wages under California law and/or the implementation of Labor Code Section 1781, as the same may be amended from time to time, and/or any other similar law. Consultant acknowledges and agrees that it shall be independently responsible for reviewing the applicable laws and regulations and effectuating compliance with such laws. Consultant shall require the same of all subcontractors. 7.3 Licenses and Permits. Consultant represents and warrants to City that Consultant and its employees, agents, and any subcontractors have all licenses, permits, qualifications, and approvals of whatsoever nature that are legally required to practice their respective professions. Consultant represents and warrants to City that Consultant and its employees, agents, and subcontractors shall, at their sole cost and expense, keep in effect at all times during the term of this Agreement any licenses, permits, and approvals that are legally required to practice their respective professions. In addition to the foregoing, Consultant and any subcontractors shall obtain and maintain during the term of this Agreement valid Business Licenses from City. SECTION 8. TERMINATION AND MODIFICATION. 8.1 Termination. City may cancel this Agreement at any time and without cause upon written notification to Consultant. 8.2 Termination by Consultant. Consultant may cancel this Agreement upon 30 days’ written notice to City. 8.3 Consequences of Termination. In the event of termination, Consultant shall be entitled to compensation for the Services performed up to the date of termination; City, however, may condition payment of such compensation upon Consultant delivering to City any or all documents, photographs, computer software, video and audio tapes, and other materials provided to Consultant or prepared by or for Consultant or City in connection with this Agreement. 8.4 Extension. City may, in its sole and exclusive discretion, extend the end date of this Agreement beyond that provided for in Subsection 1.1. Any such extension shall require a written bilateral amendment to this Agreement, as provided for herein. Consultant understands and agrees that, if City grants such an extension, City shall have no obligation to provide Consultant with compensation beyond the maximum amount provided for in this Agreement. Similarly, unless authorized by the Contract Administrator, City shall have no obligation to reimburse Consultant for any otherwise reimbursable expenses incurred during the extension period. 8.5 Amendments. The Parties may amend this Agreement only by a writing signed by all the Parties. Item Title:10.5 Environmental Systems Research Institute,Inc.Agreement for Enterprise Geographic Information System Item Page Number:22 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 63 of 240 2671/031858-0001 7630421.2 a05/22/20 -10- 8.6 Assignment and Subcontracting. City and Consultant recognize and agree that this Agreement contemplates personal performance by Consultant and is based upon a determination of Consultant’s unique personal competence, experience, and specialized personal knowledge. Moreover, a substantial inducement to City for entering into this Agreement was and is the professional reputation and competence of Consultant. Consultant may not assign this Agreement or any interest therein without the prior written approval of the Contract Administrator. Consultant shall not subcontract any portion of the performance contemplated and provided for herein, other than to the subcontractors noted in Consultant’s proposal, without prior written approval of the Contract Administrator. In the event that key personnel leave Consultant’s employ, Consultant shall notify City immediately. 8.7 Survival. All obligations arising prior to the expiration or termination of this Agreement and all provisions of this Agreement allocating liability between City and Consultant shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement. 8.8 Options upon Breach by Consultant. If Consultant materially breaches any of the terms of this Agreement, City's remedies shall include, but not be limited to, any or all of the following: a. Immediately terminate this Agreement; b. Retain the plans, specifications, drawings, reports, design documents, and any other work product prepared by Consultant pursuant to this Agreement; c. Retain a different consultant to complete the Services described in Exhibit A; and/or d. Subject to Section 11 Limitation of Liability, charge Consultant the difference between the cost to complete the Services described in Exhibit A that is unfinished at the time of breach and the amount that City would have paid Consultant pursuant to Section 2 if Consultant had completed the Services. SECTION 9. KEEPING AND STATUS OF RECORDS. 9.1 Records Created as Part of Consultant’s Performance. All reports, data, maps, models, charts, studies, surveys, photographs, memoranda, plans, studies, specifications, records, files, or any other documents or materials, in electronic or any other form that Consultant prepares or obtains pursuant to this Agreement and that relate to the matters covered hereunder shall be the property of City. Consultant hereby agrees to deliver those documents to City upon the expiration or termination of this Agreement. It is understood and agreed that the documents and other materials, including but not limited to those described above, prepared pursuant to this Agreement are prepared specifically for City and are not necessarily suitable for any future or other use. Any use of such documents for other projects by City shall be without liability to Consultant. City and Consultant agree that, until final approval by City, all data, plans, specifications, reports, and other documents are confidential and will not be released to third parties without prior written consent of both Parties unless required by law. Item Title:10.5 Environmental Systems Research Institute,Inc.Agreement for Enterprise Geographic Information System Item Page Number:23 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 64 of 240 2671/031858-0001 7630421.2 a05/22/20 -11- 9.2 Licensing of Intellectual Property. Except as specifically granted in this Agreement, Consultant owns and retains all rights, title, and interest in the deliverables. Subject to the terms and conditions in this Agreement, Consultant grants to City a nonexclusive, royalty-free, worldwide license to use, modify, and/or reproduce deliverables in connection with City’s authorized use of Esri's COTS Software. 9.3 Consultant’s Books and Records. Consultant shall maintain any and all ledgers, books of account, invoices, vouchers, canceled checks, and other records or documents evidencing or relating to charges for the Services or expenditures and disbursements charged to City under this Agreement for a minimum of three (3) years, or for any longer period required by law, from the date of final payment to Consultant under this Agreement. All such records shall be maintained in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and shall be clearly identified and readily accessible. 9.4 Inspection and Audit of Records. Any records or documents that Section 9.3 of this Agreement requires Consultant to maintain shall be made available for inspection, audit, and/or copying at any time during regular business hours, upon oral or written request of City. Under California Government Code Section 8546.7, if the amount of public funds expended under this Agreement exceeds TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS ($10,000.00), this Agreement shall be subject to the examination and audit of the State Auditor, at the request of City or as part of any audit of City, for a period of three (3) years after final payment under this Agreement. SECTION 10. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS. 10.1 Attorneys’ Fees. If either Party to this Agreement brings any action, including an action for declaratory relief, to enforce or interpret the provision of this Agreement, the prevailing Party shall be entitled to reasonable attorneys’ fees and expenses including costs, in addition to any other relief to which that Party may be entitled; provided, however, that the attorneys’ fees awarded pursuant to this Section shall not exceed the hourly rate paid by City for legal services multiplied by the reasonable number of hours spent by the prevailing Party in the conduct of the litigation. The court may set such fees in the same action or in a separate action brought for that purpose. 10.2 Applicable Law; Venue. The internal laws of the State of California shall govern the interpretation and enforcement of this Agreement. In the event that either Party brings any action against the other under this Agreement, the Parties agree that trial of such action shall be vested exclusively in Riverside County. 10.3 Severability. If any provision of this Agreement is held invalid, the remainder of this Agreement shall not be affected thereby and all other parts of this Agreement shall nevertheless be in full force and effect. 10.4 Section Headings and Subheadings. The section headings and subheadings contained in this Agreement are included for convenience only and shall not limit or otherwise affect the terms of this Agreement. Item Title:10.5 Environmental Systems Research Institute,Inc.Agreement for Enterprise Geographic Information System Item Page Number:24 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 65 of 240 2671/031858-0001 7630421.2 a05/22/20 -12- 10.5 No Implied Waiver of Breach. The waiver of any breach of a specific provision of this Agreement does not constitute a waiver of any other breach of that term or any other term of this Agreement. 10.6 Successors and Assigns. The provisions of this Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and shall apply to and bind the successors and assigns of the Parties. 10.7 Consultant Representative. All matters under this Agreement shall be handled for Consultant by Megan Lenz (“Consultant’s Representative”). The Consultant’s Representative shall have full authority to represent and act on behalf of Consultant for all purposes under this Agreement. The Consultant’s Representative shall supervise and direct the Services, using his best skill and attention, and shall be responsible for all means, methods, techniques, sequences, and procedures and for the satisfactory coordination of all portions of the Services under this Agreement. 10.8 City Contract Administration. This Agreement shall be administered by a City employee, Michelle Sarkissian, IT Analyst (“Contract Administrator”). All correspondence shall be directed to or through the Contract Administrator or his designee. The Contract Administrator shall have the power to act on behalf of City for all purposes under this Agreement. Unless otherwise provided in this Agreement, Consultant shall not accept direction or orders from any person other than the Contract Administrator or his designee. 10.9 Notices. Any written notice to Consultant shall be sent to: ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS RESEARCH INSTITUTE, INC. Attn: Elbert Smith 380 NEW YORK STREET REDLANDS, CA 92373-8100 Any written notice to City shall be sent to the Contract Administrator at: City of Menifee 29844 Haun Road Menifee, CA 92586 Attn: Michelle Sarkissian, IT Analyst with a copy to: City Clerk City of Menifee 29844 Haun Road Menifee, CA 92586 10.10 Intentionally Omitted. 10.11 Rights and Remedies. Except with respect to rights and remedies expressly declared to be exclusive in this Agreement, the rights and remedies of the Parties are cumulative and the exercise by either Party of one or more of such rights or remedies shall not preclude the Item Title:10.5 Environmental Systems Research Institute,Inc.Agreement for Enterprise Geographic Information System Item Page Number:25 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 66 of 240 2671/031858-0001 7630421.2 a05/22/20 -13- exercise by it, at the same or different times, of any other rights or remedies for the same default or any other default by the other Party. 10.12 Integration. This Agreement, including the scope of services attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit A, represents the entire and integrated agreement between City and Consultant and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations, or agreements, either written or oral. The terms of this Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the meaning of the language used and shall not be construed for or against either Party by reason of the authorship of this Agreement or any other rule of construction which might otherwise apply. 10.13 Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in multiple counterparts, each of which shall be an original and all of which together shall constitute one agreement. 10.14 Execution of Contract. The persons executing this Agreement on behalf of each of the Parties hereto represent and warrant that (i) such Party is duly organized and existing, (ii) they are duly authorized to execute and deliver this Agreement on behalf of said Party, (iii) by so executing this Agreement, such Party is formally bound to the provisions of this Agreement, and (iv) that entering into this Agreement does not violate any provision of any other Agreement to which said Party is bound. 10.15 Nondiscrimination. Consultant covenants that, by and for itself, its heirs, executors, assigns, and all persons claiming under or through them, that in the performance of this Agreement there shall be no discrimination against or segregation of, any person or group of persons on account of any impermissible classification including, but not limited to, race, color, creed, religion, sex, marital status, sexual orientation, national origin, or ancestry. 10.16 No Third Party Beneficiaries. With the exception of the specific provisions set forth in this Agreement, there are no intended third-party beneficiaries under this Agreement and no such other third parties shall have any rights or obligations hereunder. 10.17 Nonliability of City Officers and Employees. No officer, official, employee, agent, representative, or volunteer of City shall be personally liable to Consultant, or any successor in interest, in the event of any default or breach by City or for any amount which may become due to Consultant or to its successor, or for breach of any obligation of the terms of this Agreement. 10.18 No Undue Influence. Consultant declares and warrants that no undue influence or pressure is used against or in concert with any officer or employee of City in connection with the award, terms or implementation of this Agreement, including any method of coercion, confidential financial arrangement, or financial inducement. No officer or employee of City shall receive compensation, directly or indirectly, from Consultant, or from any officer, employee, or agent of Consultant, in connection with the award of this Agreement or any work to be conducted as a result of this Agreement. 10.19 No Benefit to Arise to City Employees. No member, officer, or employee of City, or their designees or agents, and no public official who exercises authority over or has responsibilities with respect to this Agreement during his/her tenure or for one (1) year thereafter, shall have any interest, direct or indirect, in any agreement or sub-agreement, or the proceeds thereof, for the Services to be performed under this Agreement. Item Title:10.5 Environmental Systems Research Institute,Inc.Agreement for Enterprise Geographic Information System Item Page Number:26 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 67 of 240 2671/031858-0001 7630421.2 a05/22/20 -14- 10.20 Nonsolicitation. Neither party will directly solicit for hire any employee of the other party who is associated with services called for under this Agreement during, and for a period of one (1) year after, project completion. The foregoing will in no way restrict the parties from publicly advertising positions for hire in newspapers, professional magazines, or Internet postings. [Signatures on Following Page] IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have executed and entered into this Agreement as of the Effective Date. CITY OF MENIFEE Armando G. Villa, City Manager Attest: Sarah A. Manwaring, City Clerk Approved as to Form: Jeffrey T. Melching, City Attorney CONSULTANT William C. Fleming, Director, Contracts and Legal [Note: 2 officer’s signatures required if Consultant is a corporation, unless provided with a certificate of secretary in-lieu] Item Title:10.5 Environmental Systems Research Institute,Inc.Agreement for Enterprise Geographic Information System Item Page Number:27 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 68 of 240 2671/031858-0001 7630421.2 a05/22/20 EXHIBIT A EXHIBIT A SCOPE OF SERVICES Consultant shall provide ArcGIS Enterprise Jumpstart services in the not to exceed amount of FIFTEEN THOUSAND DOLLARS AND ZERO CENTS ($15,000.00) as further detailed in the following pages. Item Title:10.5 Environmental Systems Research Institute,Inc.Agreement for Enterprise Geographic Information System Item Page Number:28 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 69 of 240 2671/031858-0001 7630421.2 a00/00/00 EXHIBIT A Item Title:10.5 Environmental Systems Research Institute,Inc.Agreement for Enterprise Geographic Information System Item Page Number:29 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 70 of 240 2671/031858-0001 7630421.2 a00/00/00 -2- Item Title:10.5 Environmental Systems Research Institute,Inc.Agreement for Enterprise Geographic Information System Item Page Number:30 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 71 of 240 CITY OF MENIFEE SUBJECT: Local Early Action Planning (LEAP) Funding Agreement MEETING DATE: March 3, 2021 TO: Mayor and City Council PREPARED BY: Doug Darnell, Senior Planner REVIEWED BY: Cheryl Kitzerow, Community Development Director APPROVED BY: Armando G. Villa, City Manager ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Approve acceptance of Local Early Action Planning (LEAP) grant funds from the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD); and 2. Adopt a Resolution approving an increase in revenue and appropriation of expenditures of $300,000 (Grant Amount) to project account as assigned by the Finance Department; and 3. Authorize the City Manager, or his designee, to execute all necessary documents to implement the LEAP Grant Funds for which grant funding is intended. DISCUSSION In June 2019, Governor Newson signed into law Assembly Bill 74, also known as the 2019-2020 Budget Act. The 2019-20 Budget Act provides a spectrum of support, incentives, resources, and accountability to meet California’s housing goals. Among the financial support programs established was the Local Government Planning Support Grants Program, which provides one- time grant funding to regions and jurisdictions for technical assistance, preparation and adoption of planning documents, and process improvements. In January 2020, the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) issued a Notice of Funding Availability for approximately $119 million under the Local Government Planning Support Grants Program through the Local Early Action Planning (LEAP) Grants Program. The non-competitive grant based the maximum award amounts on population estimates from the California Department of Finance. The over-arching goals of the program are to: (1) accelerate housing production; and (2) facilitate compliance to implement the sixth cycle of the Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA). Item Title:10.6 Local Early Action Planning (LEAP)Funding Agreement Item Page Number:1 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 72 of 240 City of Menifee Staff Report LEAP Agreement March 3, 2021 Page 2 of 3 3 8 4 On May 20, 2020, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 20-894 authorizing application for, and receipt of LEAP Grant Funds. In June of 2020, the Community Development Department applied for the LEAP Grant Funds requesting the maximum amount of $300,000. The application requested funding for three separate planning efforts/projects to streamline housing approvals and accelerate housing production. Each project and funding requested for that project is as follows: $85,000 for entitlement and permit streamlining; $45,000 for an inclusionary housing feasibility study; and $170,000 for the 6th cycle update to the Housing Element of the General Plan, Land Use Element Amendments including rezoning, and the Environmental Impact Report. On November 3, 2020, the City received a letter from HCD announcing approval of the City’s application for the LEAP Grant Funds and on February 5, 2021, the City received the LEAP Funding Agreement for $300,000. To receive the funds, an increase in revenue and appropriation of expenditures of the grant funds is required. STRATEGIC PLAN OBJECTIVE Livable and Economically Prosperous Community FISCAL IMPACT The fiscal impact of accepting the LEAP Grant Funds results in an increase in revenue and expenditure of $300,000. The participation and acceptance of the grant does not require a match from the jurisdiction and funds could potentially fund the full cost of the described efforts. The $170,000 portion of the LEAP grant funds received for the Housing Element update will substantially offset the fiscal impact of the consultant work to complete the Housing Element, including associated land use amendments/rezoning, and the Environmental Impact Report and will be expensed against account #301-4330- 52839 (LEAP Grant – Housing Element). A professional services agreement in the not-to-exceed amount of $491,440 with Kimley-Horn & Associates, Inc for the Housing Element update was approved by the City Council on June 3, 2020. $321,440 of the associated costs were planned to be paid through Account #100-4330- 52650 (General Plan). The remaining consultant costs of $170,000 for the Housing Element update has been funded through Account #301- 4330-52835 (SB 2 Grant – Housing Update). With acceptance of the LEAP Grant, an additional $170,000 from the $321,440 originally planned to be paid from Account #100- 4330-52650 will be offset. The remainder of the LEAP grant funds ($130,000) will cover the entire cost of the other two planning efforts (permit streamlining and the inclusionary housing feasibility study) and will be expensed as follows: $85,000 to account #301- 4330-52840 (Permit Streamlining) and $45,000 to account #301-4330-52841 (Inclusionary Housing Feasibility Study). Item Title:10.6 Local Early Action Planning (LEAP)Funding Agreement Item Page Number:2 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 73 of 240 City of Menifee Staff Report LEAP Agreement March 3, 2021 Page 3 of 3 3 8 4 ATTACHMENTS 1. Budget Amendment Resolution FY 20-21 2. LEAP Funding Notice and Agreement 3. Grant Summary Report Item Title:10.6 Local Early Action Planning (LEAP)Funding Agreement Item Page Number:3 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 74 of 240 RESOLUTION NO. 21-___ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MENIFEE, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2020/21 OPERATING BUDGET WHEREAS, the City of Menifee, California adopted a budget for the fiscal year 2020/21 with Resolution No. 20-916 on June 3rd, 2020; and WHEREAS, the City of Menifee does from time to time have unanticipated expenditures arise; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the citizens of the City of Menifee to allocate budget resources to continue the operations of the City of Menifee; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Menifee needs to amend the fiscal year 2020/21 budget as follows: AMENDMENTS TO ADOPTED BUDGET: Grant Fund Adopted FY 2020/21 Revenue Budget: $0 CITY COUNCIL MEETING DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT #AMOUNT August 19, 2020 CalRecycle Beverage Container Recycling Grant 301-3848 23,125 August 19, 2020 CARES Act Funds 301-3740 1,198,820 September 2, 2020 OTS Grant (STEP)301-3865 115,000 October 21, 2020 Various Grants (Budget Carry Over) 301-XXXX 3,336,702 November 4, 2020 K9 Grant 301-3867 250 January 20, 2021 Prop. 68 Per Capita Grant (CIP 20-09) 301-3741 235,075 February 17, 2021 EMPG-S 301-3869 $7,500 March 3, 2021 LEAP Grant 301-3871 $300,000 TOTAL:$5,216,472 Amended Grant Fund FY 2020/21 Revenue Budget: $5,216,472 Grant Fund Adopted FY 2020/21 Expenditure Budget: $0 2. Record Appropriation(s): CITY COUNCIL MEETING DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT #AMOUNT August 5, 2020 CalRecycle Beverage Container Recycling Grant 301-4550-52425 23,125 August 19, 2020 Emergency Declaration Expenses (CARES) 301-4221-52214 1,098,820 Item Title:10.6 Local Early Action Planning (LEAP)Funding Agreement Item Page Number:4 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 75 of 240 Amending the Fiscal Year 2020/21 Grant Fund Budget 2 1 5 9 5 3 August 19, 2020 Small Business Assistance Grant Program 301-4221-52215 100,000 September 2, 2020 OTS Grant (STEP)301-4911-52426 115,000 October 21, 2020 Various Grants (Budget Carry Over) 301-xxxx-xxxxx 2,756,110 November 4, 2020 K9 Grant (K-9 Supplies) 301-4911-52753 250 January 20, 2021 Prop. 68 Per Capita Grant (CIP 20-09) 301-4660-58092 235,075 February 17, 2021 EMPG-S 301-4114-52838 7,500 March 3, 2021 LEAP Grant (Housing Element) 301-4330-52839 170,000 March 3, 2021 LEAP Grant (Permit Streamlining) 301-4330-52840 85,000 March 3, 2021 LEAP Grant (Inclusionary Housing Update) 301-4330-52841 45,000 TOTAL:$4,635,880 Amended Grant Fund FY 2020/21 Expenditure Budget: $4,635,880 3. Record Transfer of Funds: FROM ACCOUNT #TO ACCOUNT #AMOUNT TOTAL:0 NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MENIFEE DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: The annual budget for the Grant Fund for the City of Menifee for fiscal year 2020/21 is hereby increased and amended to reflect unanticipated revenues and expenditures as follows: Revenues: LEAP Grant $300,000 Amended Grant Fund FY 2020/21 Budget $5,216,472 Expenditures: LEAP Grant (Housing Element) $170,000 LEAP Grant (Permitting Streamlining) $85,000 Item Title:10.6 Local Early Action Planning (LEAP)Funding Agreement Item Page Number:5 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 76 of 240 Amending the Fiscal Year 2020/21 Grant Fund Budget 3 1 5 9 5 3 LEAP Grant (Inclusionary Housing Feasibility Study) $45,000 Amended Grant Fund FY 2020/21 Budget: $4,635,880 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 3rd day of March 2021. _____________________________ Bill Zimmerman, Mayor ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: ____________________________ ____________________________ Sarah A. Manwaring, City Clerk Jeffrey T. Melching, City Attorney Item Title:10.6 Local Early Action Planning (LEAP)Funding Agreement Item Page Number:6 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 77 of 240 Item Title:10.6 Local Early Action Planning (LEAP)Funding Agreement Item Page Number:7 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 78 of 240 Item Title:10.6 Local Early Action Planning (LEAP)Funding Agreement Item Page Number:8 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 79 of 240 Item Title:10.6 Local Early Action Planning (LEAP)Funding Agreement Item Page Number:9 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 80 of 240 Item Title:10.6 Local Early Action Planning (LEAP)Funding Agreement Item Page Number:10 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 81 of 240 Item Title:10.6 Local Early Action Planning (LEAP)Funding Agreement Item Page Number:11 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 82 of 240 Item Title:10.6 Local Early Action Planning (LEAP)Funding Agreement Item Page Number:12 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 83 of 240 Item Title:10.6 Local Early Action Planning (LEAP)Funding Agreement Item Page Number:13 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 84 of 240 Item Title:10.6 Local Early Action Planning (LEAP)Funding Agreement Item Page Number:14 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 85 of 240 Item Title:10.6 Local Early Action Planning (LEAP)Funding Agreement Item Page Number:15 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 86 of 240 Item Title:10.6 Local Early Action Planning (LEAP)Funding Agreement Item Page Number:16 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 87 of 240 Item Title:10.6 Local Early Action Planning (LEAP)Funding Agreement Item Page Number:17 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 88 of 240 Item Title:10.6 Local Early Action Planning (LEAP)Funding Agreement Item Page Number:18 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 89 of 240 Item Title:10.6 Local Early Action Planning (LEAP)Funding Agreement Item Page Number:19 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 90 of 240 Item Title:10.6 Local Early Action Planning (LEAP)Funding Agreement Item Page Number:20 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 91 of 240 Item Title:10.6 Local Early Action Planning (LEAP)Funding Agreement Item Page Number:21 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 92 of 240 Item Title:10.6 Local Early Action Planning (LEAP)Funding Agreement Item Page Number:22 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 93 of 240 Item Title:10.6 Local Early Action Planning (LEAP)Funding Agreement Item Page Number:23 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 94 of 240 Item Title:10.6 Local Early Action Planning (LEAP)Funding Agreement Item Page Number:24 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 95 of 240 Item Title:10.6 Local Early Action Planning (LEAP)Funding Agreement Item Page Number:25 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 96 of 240 FISCAL YEAR OF GRANT AWARD: 2020/2021 DATE CITY COUNCIL APPROVED: 3/3/2021 RELATED RESOLUTION #(s): City Department: Community Development City Grant Administrator: Federal Awarding Agency: Federal CFDA No:N/A Pass-through Agency/ Awarding Agency:State of California- Department of Housing and Community D Pass-through No. :N/A Grant Name from Agency: Funding Period:HCD Approv.- 6/30/24 N/A Reporting Requirements: Reimbursement requests due no later than Sep 30, 2023 along with back up documentation as requested by the request for reimbursement that is provided by the state (Example: Report to pass-through agency quarterly.) Type of Grant:State Reimbursement If Other (please describe):N/A One-Time Amount from Granting Agency: $300,000.00 City Matching Funds: $0.00 N/A Total Grant Amount: $300,000.00 City Expenditure Account Number: TBD City Revenue Account Number: TBD Does the funding agency require a compliance audit?No If yes, what kind of report? N/A Additional reporting required: Does the funding agency require a copy of the Single Audit report?No Is this a federal grant (subject to Single Audit)?No Can grant funds be carried over to other fiscal years?Yes If yes, which years?: 2022, 2023 No City Program and/or Purpose of Grant: If Other (please describe): No Is allocated interest a grant requirement? The purpose of the LEAP Grant is to use $85,000 for entitlement and permit streamlining, $45,000 for an inclusionary housing feasibility study and $170,000 for the 6th cycle update to the Housing Element of the General Plan, Land Use Element Amendments including rezoning, and the Environmental Impact Report. (Example: Certain Percentage of Amount from Granting Agency) (If new or unknown, contact Finance Department) CITY OF MENIFEE GRANT SUMMARY REPORT Doug Darnell N/A TBD FINANCE DEPARTMENT Amended Through: Additional Description: If Other (please describe): 2019 Local Early Action Planning (LEAP) Method of Funding: Frequency of Funding: This Report is to be completed for each approved grant, and forwarded along with approved Council Agenda staff report to the Finance Department. Item Title:10.6 Local Early Action Planning (LEAP)Funding Agreement Item Page Number:26 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 97 of 240 CITY OF MENIFEE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBJECT: Fiscal Year 2020/21 Mid-Year Budget Review and Budget Adjustments MEETING DATE: March 3, 2021 TO: Mayor and City Council PREPARED BY: Wendy Preece, Deputy Finance Director REVIEWED BY: Rochelle Clayton, Deputy City Manager APPROVED BY: Armando G. Villa, City Manager ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Approve a Resolution authorizing the fiscal year 2020/21 mid-year budget amendments including additional budget appropriations and revenue recognitions as presented; and 2. Approve a Resolution updating the Classification and Compensation Plan in the Authorized Positions Listing. DISCUSSION The purpose of this review is to update City Council on the current operational status of the City’s finances and provide various budget adjustments required to meet the operational needs of the City through the remainder of the fiscal year. During the spring of 2020 while compiling the fiscal year (FY) 2020/21 budget, the world encountered the Covid-19 pandemic. Staff adjusted the already completed budget, based on an estimated overall 8.3% decline in revenues as well as expenditure reductions in all departments, to present a balanced budget held to FY2019/20 levels. Staff quickly responded to the pandemic and closure of City Hall, by implementing the City’s Virtual City Hall and Zero-Stop-Shop. With development related revenues accounting for nearly 20% of general fund revenues, staff worked swiftly to ensure there was no break in services to the development community, as well as residents and businesses alike. Some examples include the expedited implementations of: Menifee Permit Portal – Online permitting and inspection scheduling Virtual City Hall Counter – Book appointments online with City departments Virtual Meetings – Online virtual meetings with City staff (saving lengthy drive times for many developers and consultants) DocuSign – Online routing of documents requiring signatures (quickly expedites the routing process between multiple departments, agencies, etc.) Financial Accounting System Online Routing – Invoice review/approval routing expedited for quicker payment to vendors Menifee Mobile App improvements – Interactive tool allowing residents to report issues, submit service requests and receive information Item Title:12.1 Fiscal Year 2020/21 Mid-Year Budget Review and Budget Adjustments Item Page Number:1 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 98 of 240 2 After the first few months of decline in revenues due to the pandemic (March – June 2020), the City’s revenues started to recover. Development has not slowed, and while home sales took a brief dip at the onset of the pandemic (during April and May), they quickly returned to steady sales by June 2020 and remained strong through December 2020. Property values continue to grow, as does the City’s sales tax base. The top five budgeted revenue sources for the General Fund, inclusive of Measure DD, consist of Sales Tax, Property Tax, Franchise Fees, Development Permitting Fees (Building, Fire Inspection, Engineering and Planning) and Vehicle License Fees. These five revenue sources represent 93.48% of the total originally adopted budgeted General Fund and Measure DD revenues. For the first six months of FY 2020/21, total revenues from development permitting fees are 63% of the original proposed budget of $10.8 million. The Building and Safety Inspection permitting fees are trending higher than the budgeted revenues while Planning, Engineering and Fire fees are coming in as budgeted. Staff is recommending a $1.486 million increase in development fees. Revenues from sales tax continue recover from the decline due to the Covid-19 pandemic and remain a growing revenue source for the City. The estimated total revenues from sales tax for the General Fund inclusive of Measure DD, are $23 million, or $4.7 million over the originally budgeted amount. Staff is recommending an increase of $1.229 million increase in Sales Tax Revenues for the General Fund and $3.703 million in the Measure DD Fund. Overall, budgetary expenditures for most departments within the General Fund are in line with their original budget projections. For the most part, the additional requests of expenditures for FY 2020/21 stem from the need to unfreeze positions that were frozen during the budget development (due to the pandemic), and for additional positions and Professional Services to enable staff to keep up with the demands of the City’s growing residential and commercial community needs. Although there are no requested additional appropriations for the General Fund at this mid-year budget review, staff is recommending the use of year-to-date increased revenues to cover the listed expenditure requests. Within the Measure DD Fund, staff is requesting to use the increased revenues along with an appropriation of fund balance to complete the funding on the new Fire Station #5, the interior improvements on Fire Station #68, and for various pavement management projects. During the first seven months of operations, staff presented ten staff reports requesting to increase revenue and expenditure appropriations in the General Fund for FY 2020/21. These requested increases in revenues and expenditures were presented and adopted as follows: Item Title:12.1 Fiscal Year 2020/21 Mid-Year Budget Review and Budget Adjustments Item Page Number:2 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 99 of 240 3 COUNCIL APPROVED APPROPRIATIONS July 1, 2020 to March 3, 2021 Table 1.0 Date Description Amount 7/15/2020 Donation 10,000$ 8/19/2020 Donation 2,500$ 10/7/2020 Donation 13,500$ 10/7/2020 State Asset Forfeiture 11,112$ 11/4/2020 State Asset Forfeiture 10,000$ 12/16/2020 PACT Reimbursement from County 55,700$ Total 102,812$ Date Description Amount 7/15/2020 Police Volunteer Program 10,000$ 7/15/2020 Police Start-Up Year Budget Roll-Over 273,873$ 8/19/2020 Police Printing & Duplication 2,500$ 10/7/2020 Police Training & Protective Devices 13,500$ 10/7/2020 Police Training, Materials & Supplies and Capital Outlays 11,112$ 10/21/2020 General Fund FY 19/20 Budget Carry-Overs 1,329,739$ 11/4/2020 Planning Professional Services - Recoverable 119,724$ 11/18/2020 Police Materials & Supplies and Capital Outlays 10,000$ 12/16/2020 Police Additional Staffing and Capital Outlays 1,250,821$ 1/20/2021 Mott-Rancon Distribution Center EIR 271,216$ Total 3,292,485$ General Fund Revenues General Fund Expenditures Below is a summary of the General Fund Mid-Year Revenue and Expenditure budgetary adjustments requested for FY 2020/21. FISCAL YEAR 2020/21 MIDYEAR GENERAL FUND ADJUSTMENT REQUESTS Item Title:12.1 Fiscal Year 2020/21 Mid-Year Budget Review and Budget Adjustments Item Page Number:3 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 100 of 240 4 Table 2.0 Additional Revenue Amount Justification Current Year Secured Property Tax 887,240$ HdL Forecast Current Unsecured Property Tax 53,000$ Current Trend Current Year Unsecured Fire PP Tax 12,000$ Current Trend Structural Fire Property Tax (624,583)$ HdL Forecast Teeter Settlement 51,000$ Current Trend Sales & Use Tax 1,229,000$ HdL Forecast Transient Occupancy Tax 94,120$ Current Trend Real Property Transfer Tax 360,000$ Current Trend Motor Vehicle License Fee 913,423$ HdL Forecast Building Permits 570,000$ Current Trend Building Plan Check Fees 347,000$ Current Trend Plumbing Permit Fees 217,000$ Current Trend Mechanical Permit Fees 95,000$ Current Trend Electrical Permit Fees 290,000$ Current Trend Fire Plan Check (43,000)$ Current Trend Fire Inspection 50,000$ Current Trend Planning Fees (80,000)$ Current Trend General Plan Maintenance Fee 100,000$ Current Trend Fiscal Impact Mitigation Fee 337,000$ Current Trend Code Enforcement Fines (127,000)$ Current Trend Code Enforcement Demand Pay-Offs (96,000)$ Current Trend Engineering Fees 40,050$ Current Trend CFD Formation Fees (300,000)$ Current Trend Impound Fee 7,500$ Current Trend Repossession Fee (250)$ Current Trend Police Report Fee 4,200$ Current Trend Traffic Citations (20,000)$ Current Trend Weed/Hazardous Vegetation Fines 3,200$ Current Trend Abandone Vehicle Abatement Fees (34,700)$ Current Trend Media Duplication 100$ Current Trend Clearance Letters 100$ Current Trend Citation Sign-Off 1,000$ Current Trend Subpoenas 1,500$ Current Trend Fines & Forfeitures (70,000)$ Current Trend SB 90 Claims 10,000$ Current Trend Class Registration (30,000)$ Current Trend Drop-in Recreation Fees (1,388)$ Current Trend Camp/Program Enrollment (21,175)$ Current Trend Picnic Shelter Rental (2,500)$ Current Trend Athletic Field Rental 5,000$ Current Trend Facility/Building Rental (23,278)$ Current Trend City Sports Leagues (5,750)$ Current Trend Snack Bar Revenue (1,050)$ Current Trend Park & Rec Misc. Revenue (4,900)$ Current Trend CPR Training Fees (3,860)$ Current Trend E.D. Event/Program Revenues (1,035)$ Current Trend Interest Income (25,000)$ Current Trend Late Fees (2,000)$ Current Trend Donations (10,000)$ Current Trend Event Sponsorships (10,000)$ Current Trend Transfer From General Plan Reserve (150,000)$ Current Trend Transfer In From Reserved Fund Balance (450,000)$ Current Trend Total General Fund Revenue Adjustments 3,540,964$ General Fund Revenues Item Title:12.1 Fiscal Year 2020/21 Mid-Year Budget Review and Budget Adjustments Item Page Number:4 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 101 of 240 5 Table 3.0 Additional Expenditure Amount Justification New Positions (15)/Reclassifications (2)459,593$ Various Departments Professional Services - Finance 1,600$ Bid Rating Software Professional Services Recoverable - Finance (300,000)$ CFD Formation Expense Reduction PERS Unfunded Liability 170,000$ Pay-Off Current PERS Unfunded Liability Worker's Compensation Insurance 105,000$ Increase in Insurance Coverage Premiums General Liability Insurance 157,000$ Increase in Insurance Coverage Premiums Other Insurance Premiums 35,100$ Increase in Insurance Coverage Premiums Admin/Service Charges 119,400$ Increase in Customers Paying w/ Credit Cards Building Leases 100,200$ Correct Amounts to Actual Code Enforcement 108,534$ Transfer from CSAs* Public Works 146,331$ Transfer From CSAs* Professional Services - Engineering 120,000$ Contract Services Professional Services Recoverable - Engineering 25,000$ Contract Services Recoverable Streetlight Expenses 152,000$ Transfer From CSAs* Community Services 100,812$ Transfer from CSAs* Menifee Police 340,000$ Transfer from CSAs* Total General Fund Additional Expenditures:1,840,570$ Total Addition to General Fund Reserves:1,700,394$ To General Fund Balance * Offsetting Revenues Also Being Transferred General Fund Expenditures As of December 31, 2020, an increase to current year revenues of $3,540,964 is requested. The additional expenditures and positions/reclassifications needed for FY 2020/21 will be offset by the increase in revenues with a request for an increase in appropriations for expenditures of $1,840,570. It is projected that there will be an additional $1,700,394 added to fund balance at the end of FY 2020/21. The requested mid-year budget adjustments for Measure DD and other funds, to either correct originally budgeted amounts or to meet the operational needs of the City, are illustrated below. FISCAL YEAR 2020/21 MIDYEAR MEASURE DD FUND ADJUSTMENT REQUESTS Table 4.0 Revenues Amount Justification DD - Sales & Use Tax Fund 105 3,703,000$ HdL Forecast DD - Interest Income (15,000)$ Lower Yields Total Measure DD Revenue Adjustments 3,688,000$ Expenditures Amount Justification Holland Road Overpass 1,600,000$ Additional Funding New Fire Station #5 2,153,433$ To Fully Fund this Project Fire Station #68 Interior Improvements 300,000$ To Fully Fund this Project Pavement Management Program 1,954,378$ Additional PMP Projects Total Measure DD Expenditure Adjustments 6,007,811$ Measure DD Fund Measure DD Fund Item Title:12.1 Fiscal Year 2020/21 Mid-Year Budget Review and Budget Adjustments Item Page Number:5 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 102 of 240 6 FISCAL YEAR 2020/21 MIDYEAR OTHER FUND ADJUSTMENT REQUESTS (Table 4.0 continued) Revenues Amount Justification Interest Income (7,300)$ Lower Yields Total Gas Tax Revenue Adjustments (7,300)$ Additional Expenditure Amount Justification Street Maintenance 21,776$ Additional Funding Pavement Management Program 30,000$ Additional PMP Projects Total Gax Tax Expenditure Adjustments 51,776$ Revenues Amount Justification Interest Income 450$ Lower Yields Total SB 1 Revenue Adjustments 450$ Revenues Amount Justification Interest Income (1,350)$ Lower Yields Total Measure A Revenue Adjustments (1,350)$ Additional Expenditures Amount Justification Pavement Management Program 184,943$ Additional PMP Projects Total Measure A Expenditure Adjustments 184,943$ Revenues Amount Justification Interest Income (1,000)$ Lower Yields Grant Revenue 6,862$ Correct Amounts to Actual Total Measure A Revenue Adjustments 5,862$ Additional Expenditure Amount Justification Interest Income (165)$ Lower Yields Total AQMD Expenditure Adjustments (165)$ Revenues Amount Justification Interest Income (38,500)$ Lower Yields Total TUMF Revenue Adjustments (38,500)$ Revenues Amount Justification Interest Income (37,795)$ Lower Yields Total Capital Projects Revenue Adjustments (37,795)$ Revenues Amount Justification Interest Income (3,575)$ Lower Yields Special Assessments (300)$ Correct Amounts to Actual Total TUMF Revenue Adjustments (3,875)$ Additional Expenditure Amount Justification Landscape Maintenance 57,791$ ROW Maintenance Total LLMD Expenditure Adjustments 57,791$ Revenues Amount Justification Interest Income (14,840)$ Correct Amounts to Actual RBBD Fees 32,000$ Correct Amounts to Actual Total RBBD Revenue Adjustments 17,160$ Measure A Fund Gas Tax Fund AQMD Funds Measure A Fund RBBD Funds SB 1 Road Maintenance & Rehab TUMF Fund SLESF Cops Grant Fund Gas Tax Fund Capital Projects Fund LLMD Funds LLMD Funds Item Title:12.1 Fiscal Year 2020/21 Mid-Year Budget Review and Budget Adjustments Item Page Number:6 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 103 of 240 7 Revenues Amount Justification Property Taxes (850,747)$ Correct Amounts to Actual Interest Income (3,500)$ Correct Amounts to Actual Total CSA Revenue Adjustments (854,247)$ Additional Expenditure Amount Justification CSA 33 (34,880)$ Transfer to General Fund CSA 84 (152,000)$ Streetlight Debt Payment CSA 86 (594,865)$ Streetlight Debt Payment CSA 145 (74,742)$ Streetlight Debt Payment Total CSA Expenditure Adjustments (856,487)$ Revenues Amount Justification DIF Fees 707,629$ Correct Amounts to Actual Interest Income (141,090)$ Lower Yields Total DIF Revenue Adjustments 566,539$ Additional Expenditure Amount Justification Evans Park Improvements 100,000$ To Fully Fund This Project Lazy Creek Campus Improvements 405,979$ To Fully Fund This Project Paloma Wash Trail Improvements 177,475$ To Fully Fund This Project New Fire Station #5 2,796,567$ To Fully Fund This Project Total CSA Expenditure Adjustments 3,480,021$ Revenues Amount Justification Special Assessements 301,335$ Correct Amounts to Actual Transfers In 7,648$ Correct Amounts to Actual Interest Income (5,050)$ Lower Yields Total CFD Revenue Adjustments 303,933$ Additional Expenditure Amount Justification Landscape Maintenance 13,181$ ROW Maintenance Professional Services 162$ Correct Amounts to Actual Total CFD Expenditure Adjustments 13,343$ Revenues Amount Justification Interest Income (1,500)$ Lower Yields Total Debt Service Revenue Adjustments (1,500)$ Revenues Amount Justification Interest Income (15)$ Lower Yields Total Debt Service Revenue Adjustments (15)$ Veteran's Memorial Fund CFD Funds Debt Service Fund CSA Funds CFD Funds DIF Funds CSA Funds DIF Funds Overall, interest income is being reduced by $295,230 due to lower than anticipated interest rates and some lower cash balances due to fund balance use for capital projects. Item Title:12.1 Fiscal Year 2020/21 Mid-Year Budget Review and Budget Adjustments Item Page Number:7 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 104 of 240 8 In addition to the operational adjustment requests presented above, staff is requesting Capital Improvement Project funding adjustments. Staff Recommends using the balance of the Waste Management Reserve as follows: Central Park Amphitheatre $2,015,729 Paloma Wash Trail Improvements $ 476,998 Paloma Wash Pedestrian Bridge $ 57,273 TOTAL: $2,550,000 With the proposed appropriation increases and the use of the Waste Management Reserve, the following priority capital projects will be fully funded in FY 2020/21: New Fire Station #5 Central Park Amphitheatre Lazy Creek Campus Improvements Evans Park Improvements – Pump Track Fire Station #68 Interior Improvements Paloma Wash Trail Improvements STRATEGIC PLAN OBJECTIVE Responsive and Transparent Community Government. Staff considered the City Council’s Strategic Plan goals and has addressed them in the following ways: Increased staffing for critical areas to sustain current operations, including those that develop additional revenues Additional Capital Projects funding and Associate Engineer, to assist with staff’s commitment to infrastructure building and to keep large scale projects on schedule Additional Public Works Inspectors, Equipment Operator and Street Maintenance personnel to ensure the safety and cleanliness of the City Increased and Improved Customer Service with additional Finance, IT and Public Information staff Item Title:12.1 Fiscal Year 2020/21 Mid-Year Budget Review and Budget Adjustments Item Page Number:8 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 105 of 240 9 FISCAL IMPACT Below is a summary of the mid-year budget adjustments being requested for the increase in expenditures and revenues for the General Fund, along with similar adjustments for the other funds. Included in these figures are 16 positions, which include previously frozen and new full-time positions, as well as three reclassifications, including one reclassification from part time to full time. SUMMARY OF FISCAL YEAR 2020/21 MIDYEAR ADJUSTMENT REQUESTS Table 5.0 Totals By Fund Revenues/Savings Expenditures/Reserves General Fund 3,540,964$ 1,840,570$ Measure DD 3,688,000$ 6,007,811$ TOTAL ADJUSTMENTS GENERAL FUND 7,228,964$ 7,848,381$ SUMMARY OF MID-YEAR BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS GENERAL FUND Table 6.0 Gas Tax Fund (7,300)$ 51,776$ SB 1 Road Maintenance Fund 450$ -$ Measure A Fund -$ 184,943$ SLESF Cops Fund 5,862$ -$ AQMD Fund (165)$ -$ TUMF Fund (38,500)$ -$ Capital Projects Fund 37,795$ -$ L&LMD 89-1 C (3,875)$ 57,791$ RBBD Funds 17,160$ -$ CSA Funds (854,247)$ (856,487)$ DIF Funds 566,539$ 3,480,021$ CFD Funds 303,933$ 124,444$ Debt Service Fund (1,500)$ -$ Veteran's Memorial Fund (15)$ -$ TOTAL ADJUSTMENTS OTHER FUNDS 26,137$ 3,042,488$ SUMMARY OF MID-YEAR BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS OTHER FUNDS ATTACHMENTS 1. Resolution authorizing the FY2020/21 Mid-year Budget Amendments 2. Resolution approving the Classification and Compensation Plan 3. Exhibit A – Authorized Positions Listing Item Title:12.1 Fiscal Year 2020/21 Mid-Year Budget Review and Budget Adjustments Item Page Number:9 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 106 of 240 RESOLUTION NO. 21-____ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MENIFEE, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2020/21 OPERATING BUDGET WHEREAS, the City of Menifee, California adopted a budget for the fiscal year 2020/21 with resolution 20-916 on June 3rd, 2020; and WHEREAS, the City of Menifee does from time to time have unanticipated revenues and/or expenditures arise; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the citizens of the City of Menifee to allocate budget resources to continue and enhance the operations of the City of Menifee; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Menifee needs to amend the fiscal year 2020/21 budget to reflect an additional revenue source and a corresponding additional expenditure as follows: AMENDMENTS TO ADOPTED BUDGET: General Fund Adopted FY20/21 Budget: $49,389,575 1. Record Revenue Estimate(s): CITY COUNCIL MEETING DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT #AMOUNT July 15, 2020 Donation 100-3855 $10,000 August 19, 2020 Donation 100-3855 2,500 October 7, 2020 Donation 100-3855 13,500 October 7, 2020 State Asset Forfeiture 100-3468 11,112 November 4, 2020 State Asset Forfeiture 100-3468 10,000 December 16, 2020 Menifee PD: PACT Reimbursement from County 100-3467 55,700 March 3, 2021 Mid-Year Budget Adjustments Various 3,540,964 TOTAL:$3,643,776 Amended General Fund FY 2020/21 Revenue Budget: $53,033,351 General Fund Adopted FY20/21 Budget: $49,389,575 2. Record Appropriation(s): CITY COUNCIL MEETING DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT #AMOUNT July 15, 2020 Police Volunteer Program 100-4911-52509 10,000 Item Title:12.1 Fiscal Year 2020/21 Mid-Year Budget Review and Budget Adjustments Item Page Number:10 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 107 of 240 City of Menifee Resolution No. 21-___ Amending the Fiscal Year 2020/21 Budget 2 July 15, 2020 Police Start-Up Year Budget Roll-Over 100-4911-58090 273,873 August 19, 2020 Printing & Duplication 100-4911-51300 2,500 October 7, 2020 Training 100-4911-52211 2,000 October 7, 2020 Protective Devices & Accessories 100-4911-52751 11,500 October 7, 2020 Training 100-4911-52211 3,504 October 7, 2020 Materials & Supplies 100-4911-51501 1,164 October 7, 2020 Capital Outlays 100-4911-53155 6,444 October 21, 2020 Various Expenditures General Fund (FY19/20 Budget Carry-Over) 100-XXXX-XXXXX 1,329,739 November 4, 2020 Professional Services (Recoverable) 100-4330-52825 119,724 November 18, 2020 Materials & Supplies 100-4911-51501 9,559 November 18, 2020 Capital Outlays 100-4911-53155 441 December 16, 2020 Menifee PD (Salaries Various) 100-4911-xxxxx 684,687 December 16, 2020 Menifee PD (New Hire Screening/Testing) 100-4911-52100 20,400 December 16, 2020 Menifee PD (Capital Outlays (Vehicles & Leica360 Scanner) 100-4911-53155 380,316 December 16, 2020 Menifee PD (Protective Devices & Accessories) 100-4911-52751 163,618 December 16, 2020 Menifee PD (Furniture & Equipment) 100-4911-53150 1,800 January 20, 2021 Motte-Rancon Distribution Center EIR 100-4330-52825 271,216 March 3, 2021 Mid-Year Budget Adjustments Various 1,840,570 March 3, 2021 Mid-Year Budget Adjustments (CIP)(Waste Management Reserve) Various 2,550,000 TOTAL:$7,683,055 Amended General Fund FY 2020/21 Expenditure Budget: $57,072,630 3. Record Transfer of Funds: FROM ACCOUNT #TO ACCOUNT # Item Title:12.1 Fiscal Year 2020/21 Mid-Year Budget Review and Budget Adjustments Item Page Number:11 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 108 of 240 City of Menifee Resolution No. 21-___ Amending the Fiscal Year 2020/21 Budget 3 AMOUNT TOTAL:0 NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MENIFEE DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Other funds as shown in the table below: Total By Fund Revenue/Savings 6,007,811$ Expenditures/ReservesTotals By Fund Measure DD 3,688,000$ Table 6.0 Gas Tax Fund (7,300)$ 51,776$ SB 1 Road Maintenance Fund 450$ -$ Measure A Fund -$ 184,943$ SLESF Cops Fund 5,862$ -$ AQMD Fund (165)$ -$ TUMF Fund (38,500)$ -$ Capital Projects Fund 37,795$ -$ L&LMD 89-1 C (3,875)$ 57,791$ RBBD Funds 17,160$ -$ CSA Funds (854,247)$ (856,487)$ DIF Funds 566,539$ 3,480,021$ CFD Funds 303,933$ 124,444$ Debt Service Fund (1,500)$ -$ Veteran's Memorial Fund (15)$ -$ TOTAL ADJUSTMENTS OTHER FUNDS 26,137$ 3,042,488$ SUMMARY OF MID-YEAR BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS OTHER FUNDS TOTAL ADJUSTMENTS OTHER FUNDS 9,050,299.00$ 3,714,137.00$ SUMMARY OF MID-YEAR BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS CIP PROJECTS Total by Project Expenditures/Reserves CIP 19-15: Central Park Amphitheater Project $2,015,729 CIP 20-04: Paloma Wash Trail Improvements Project 476,998 CIP 20-13: Paloma Wash Pedestrian Bridge Project 57,273 TOTAL ADJUSTMENTS: $2,550,000 The annual General Fund budget for the City of Menifee for fiscal year 2020/21 is hereby increased and amended to reflect unanticipated revenues and expenditures as follows: Revenues: Table 6.0 Gas Tax Fund (7,300)$ 51,776$ SB 1 Road Maintenance Fund 450$ -$ Measure A Fund -$ 184,943$ SLESF Cops Fund 5,862$ -$ AQMD Fund (165)$ -$ TUMF Fund (38,500)$ -$ Capital Projects Fund 37,795$ -$ L&LMD 89-1 C (3,875)$ 57,791$ RBBD Funds 17,160$ -$ CSA Funds (854,247)$ (856,487)$ DIF Funds 566,539$ 3,480,021$ CFD Funds 303,933$ 124,444$ Debt Service Fund (1,500)$ -$ Veteran's Memorial Fund (15)$ -$ TOTAL ADJUSTMENTS OTHER FUNDS 26,137$ 3,042,488$ SUMMARY OF MID-YEAR BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS OTHER FUNDS Item Title:12.1 Fiscal Year 2020/21 Mid-Year Budget Review and Budget Adjustments Item Page Number:12 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 109 of 240 City of Menifee Resolution No. 21-___ Amending the Fiscal Year 2020/21 Budget 4 Increase Budget for Mid-Year Budget Adjustments: $ 3,540,964 Amended FY 2020/21 Revenue Budget: $ 53,033,351 Expenditures: Increase Budget for Mid-Year Budget Adjustments: $ 1,840,570 Increase Budget for Mid-Year Budget Adjustments $ 2,550,000 (CIP Projects)(Waste Management Reserve) Amended FY 2020/21 Expenditure Budget: $ 57,072,630 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 3rd day of March, 2021. _____________________________ Bill Zimmerman, Mayor ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: ____________________________ ____________________________ Sarah Manwaring, City Clerk Jeffrey T. Melching, City Attorney Item Title:12.1 Fiscal Year 2020/21 Mid-Year Budget Review and Budget Adjustments Item Page Number:13 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 110 of 240 RESOLUTION NO. 21-___ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MENIFEE, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING THE CLASSIFICATION AND COMPENSATION PLAN FOR THE CITY OF MENIFEE FOR FISCAL YEAR 2020/2021 WHEREAS, it is necessary to amend the City’s Classification and Compensation plan from time to time to maintain a current plan which reflects the organizational structure, workload, or otherwise; and WHEREAS, the Classification and Compensation Plan has been updated to reflect changes in the 2020/2021 fiscal year as recommended in the mid-year review; and WHEREAS, the Classification and Compensation Plan, including the schedule of authorized positions, attached hereto, is hereby adopted pursuant to Section 45001 of the California Government Code; such list is attached to this Resolution as “Exhibit A” and incorporated herein by this reference; and WHEREAS, the changes to the Classification and Compensation Plan as related to the budget require Council approval; and WHEREAS, the Classification and Compensation Plan shall become effective March 3, 2021, and may be, thereafter, amended; and WHEREAS, the City Manager shall implement the attached Classification and Compensation Plan and has the authority to select and appoint employees in accordance with the City’s Personnel Rules and Regulations; and WHEREAS, the City Manager In accordance with the City of Menifee Municipal Code Section 2.08.060(B), shall administer the City personnel system; this resolution specifically authorizes the City Manager to establish, fix and alter job classifications including titles, descriptions, compensation and number of positions in the Classification and Compensation Plan as needed, subject to the total personnel expenditure budget limitations approved by the City Council, and in accordance with the provisions of Gov. Code 3500 et. seq., if applicable; and WHEREAS, all prior resolutions and parts of this resolution in conflict with this resolution are hereby rescinded. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Menifee, California, does hereby DETERMINE and ORDER as follows: SECTION 1: The City Council hereby does adopt the Classification and Compensation Plan effective March 3, 2021 as presented herewith. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 3rd day of March 2021. ____________________________ William Zimmerman, Mayor Attest: _______________________________ Sarah Manwaring, City Clerk Item Title:12.1 Fiscal Year 2020/21 Mid-Year Budget Review and Budget Adjustments Item Page Number:14 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 111 of 240 2 Approved as to form: _______________________________ Jeffrey T. Melching, City Attorney Item Title:12.1 Fiscal Year 2020/21 Mid-Year Budget Review and Budget Adjustments Item Page Number:15 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 112 of 240 "EXHIBIT A" Effective 03/03/2021 Department Title Classification Group FTE Step From Step To Council Council Member Elec Elected n/a n/a 7,800.00$ Council Council Member Elec Elected n/a n/a 7,800.00$ Council Council Member Elec Elected n/a n/a 7,800.00$ Council Council Member Elec Elected n/a n/a 7,800.00$ Council Mayor Elec Elected n/a n/a 9,000.00$ City Manager City Manager Contract 1.0 n/a -n/a 264,980$ City Manager Assistant City Manager Exec 1.0 625 173,133$ 675 228,834$ City Manager Public Information Officer Prof 1.0 516 103,542$ 566 132,868$ City Manager Senior Management Analyst Conf 1.0 481 86,957$ 531 111,586$ City Manager Media Specialist Gen 1.0 405 59,523$ 455 76,381$ City Manager Executive Assistant Conf 1.0 387 54,412$ 437 69,823$ Building and Safety Building Official Mid 1.0 547 120,855$ 597 155,084$ Building and Safety Building/Safety Manager Mid 1.0 525 108,296$ 575 138,968$ Building and Safety Plans Examiner Gen 2.0 443 71,944$ 493 92,320$ Building and Safety Senior Building Inspector Gen 1.0 443 71,944$ 493 92,320$ Building and Safety Building Inspector Gen 5.0 420 64,147$ 470 82,315$ Building and Safety Management Aide Gen 1.0 405 59,523$ 455 76,381$ Building and Safety Building Permit Technician Gen 3.0 395 56,627$ 445 72,665$ Building and Safety Office Specialist II Gen 1.0 318 38,569$ 368 49,493$ City Clerk City Clerk Exec 1.0 579 141,768$ 629 181,921$ City Clerk Deputy City Clerk Gen 1.0 409 60,722$ 459 77,921$ City Clerk Records Technician Gen 1.0 347 44,571$ 397 57,195$ City Clerk Office Specialist II Gen 1.0 318 38,569$ 368 49,493$ City Clerk Receptionist Gen 1.0 284 32,553$ 334 41,773$ Code Enforcement Code Enforcement Supervisor Prof 1.0 449 74,130$ 499 95,125$ Code Enforcement Senior Code Enforcement Officer Gen 2.0 430 67,427$ 480 86,524$ Code Enforcement Code Enforcement Officer II Gen 2.0 409 60,722$ 459 77,921$ Code Enforcement Code Enforcement Officer I Gen 1.0 387 54,412$ 437 69,823$ Code Enforcement Code Enforcement Technician Gen 1.0 367 49,246$ 417 63,194$ Code Enforcement Office Specialist II Gen 1.0 318 38,569$ 368 49,493$ Community Development Community Development Director Exec 1.0 605 161,398$ 655 207,109$ Community Development Planning Manager Mid 1.0 547 120,855$ 597 155,084$ Community Development Senior Planner Prof 4.0 481 86,957$ 531 111,586$ Community Development Senior Management Analyst Prof 1.0 481 86,957$ 531 111,586$ Community Development Associate Planner Gen 2.0 449 74,130$ 499 95,125$ Community Development Management Analyst I Prof 1.0 443 71,944$ 493 92,320$ Community Development Assistant Planner Gen 2.0 430 67,427$ 480 86,524$ Community Development Planning Technician Gen 1.0 395 56,627$ 445 72,665$ Community Development Administrative Assistant Gen 1.0 367 49,246$ 417 63,194$ Community Services Community Services Director Exec 1.0 595 153,545$ 645 197,033$ Community Services Park/Landscape Maintenance Manager Mid 1.0 525 108,296$ 575 138,968$ Community Services Community Services Manager Mid 1.0 525 108,296$ 575 138,968$ Community Services Management Analyst II Prof 1.0 462 79,095$ 512 101,497$ Community Services Community Services Supervisor Prof 1.0 449 74,130$ 499 95,125$ Community Services Field Supervisor Gen 1.0 420 64,147$ 470 82,315$ CITY OF MENIFEE AUTHORIZED POSITIONS and COMPENSATION FISCAL YEAR 2020-2021 Annual Salary Ranges Item Title:12.1 Fiscal Year 2020/21 Mid-Year Budget Review and Budget Adjustments Item Page Number:16 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 113 of 240 "EXHIBIT A" Effective 03/03/2021 Department Title Classification Group FTE Step From Step To CITY OF MENIFEE AUTHORIZED POSITIONS and COMPENSATION FISCAL YEAR 2020-2021 Annual Salary Ranges Community Services Community Services Coordinator Gen 4.0 383 53,337$ 433 68,444$ Community Services Park Ranger Gen 2.0 383 53,337$ 433 68,444$ Community Services Senior Park Maintenance Worker Gen 1.0 377 51,765$ 427 66,426$ Community Services Park Maintenance Worker II Gen 3.0 360 47,557$ 410 61,026$ Community Services Sr. Facility Maintenance Worker Gen 1.0 377 51,765$ 410 66,426$ Community Services Office Specialist II Gen 1.0 318 38,569$ 368 49,493$ Community Services Part Time Leader, Instructor, Maintenance(Full Time Equivalents)PT 9.39 269 30,206$ 356 46,850$ Economic Development Economic Development Director Exec 1.0 595 153,545$ 645 197,033$ Economic Development Management Analyst I Prof 1.0 443 71,944$ 493 92,320$ Economic Development Management Aide Gen 1.0 405 59,523$ 455 76,381$ Economic Development Marketing Assistant Gen 1.0 383 53,337$ 433 68,444$ City Manager Deputy City Manager Exec 1.0 615 164,710$ 665 217,701$ Finance Deputy Finance Director Conf 1.0 564 131,549$ 614 168,807$ Finance Financial Services Manager Mid/Conf 2.0 516 103,542$ 566 132,868$ Finance Financial Analyst Prof 1.0 481 86,957$ 531 111,586$ Finance Management Aide Gen 1.0 405 59,523$ 455 76,381$ Finance Senior Accounting Technician Gen 2.0 396 56,910$ 446 73,029$ Finance Accounting Technician II Gen 2.0 377 51,765$ 427 66,426$ Finance Contract/Purchasing Technician II Gen 1.0 377 51,765$ 427 66,426$ Finance Contract/Purchasing Technician I Gen 1.0 354 46,155$ 404 59,227$ Finance Accounting Assistant Gen 3.0 330 40,948$ 380 52,545$ Human Resources Risk Manager Conf 1.0 547 120,855$ 597 155,084$ Human Resources Human Resources Manager Conf 1.0 525 108,296$ 575 138,968$ Human Resources Human Resources Analyst Conf 2.0 462 79,095$ 512 101,497$ Human Resources Human Resources Technician Conf 2.0 377 51,765$ 427 66,426$ Information Technology Information Technology Director Exec 1.0 605 161,398$ 655 207,109$ Information Technology Information Technology Supervisor Conf 1.0 504 97,527$ 554 125,149$ Information Technology Information Technology Analyst Conf 2.0 462 79,095$ 512 101,497$ Information Technology Information Technology Technician Conf 2.0 396 56,910$ 446 73,029$ Information Technology Geographic Information System Technician Conf 2.0 396 56,910$ 446 73,029$ Information Technology Audio Visual Technician Conf 1.0 396 56,910$ 446 73,029$ Information Technology Information Technology Technician (Part-Time)PT 0.5 396 56,910$ 446 73,029$ Information Technology Geographic Info System Manager - Retired Annuitant PT 0.5 547 120,855$ 597 155,084$ Fire Fire Permit Technician Gen 1.0 395 56,627$ 445 72,665$ Fire Office Specialist II Gen 1.0 318 38,569$ 368 49,493$ Police Chief of Police Exec 1.0 625 180,110$ 675 231,122$ Police Police Captain PMA 2.0 P587 139,110$ P637 178,509$ Police Police Lieutenant PMA 3.0 P557 119,778$ P607 153,702$ Police Police Support Services Manager Mid 1.0 525 108,296$ 575 138,968$ Police Police Sergeant PMA 10.0 P518 98,605$ P568 126,533$ Police Budget and Grants Analyst Prof 1.0 481 86,957$ 531 111,586$ Police Senior Police Personnel & Training Analyst Conf 1.0 481 86,957$ 531 111,586$ Police Crime Analyst Prof 1.0 462 79,095$ 512 101,497$ Police Police Officer POA 53.0 P467 76,459$ P517 98,114$ Police Police Records Supervisor Gen 1.0 430 67,427$ 480 86,524$ Police Crime Scene/Property & Evidence Specialist POA Misc 2.0 420 64,147$ 470 82,315$ Police Community Service Officer II POA Misc 8.0 409 60,722$ 459 77,921$ Item Title:12.1 Fiscal Year 2020/21 Mid-Year Budget Review and Budget Adjustments Item Page Number:17 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 114 of 240 "EXHIBIT A" Effective 03/03/2021 Department Title Classification Group FTE Step From Step To CITY OF MENIFEE AUTHORIZED POSITIONS and COMPENSATION FISCAL YEAR 2020-2021 Annual Salary Ranges Police Investigative Specialist II POA Misc 2.0 409 60,722$ 459 77,921$ Police Executive Assistant Conf 1.0 387 54,412$ 437 69,823$ Police Police Records Technician POA Misc 4.0 377 51,765$ 427 66,426$ Public Works/Engineering Director of Public Works and Engineering Exec 1.0 605 161,398$ 655 207,109$ Public Works/Engineering Assistant City Engineer Mid 1.0 547 120,855$ 597 155,084$ Public Works/Engineering Principal Engineer Prof 1.0 534 113,268$ 584 145,348$ Public Works/Engineering Public Works Manager Mid 1.0 525 108,296$ 575 138,968$ Public Works/Engineering Construction Manager Mid 1.0 516 103,542$ 566 132,868$ Public Works/Engineering Senior Engineer Prof 3.0 504 97,527$ 554 125,149$ Public Works/Engineering Associate Engineer Gen 5.0 481 86,957$ 531 111,586$ Public Works/Engineering Senior Management Analyst Prof 1.0 481 86,957$ 531 111,586$ Public Works/Engineering Senior Public Works Inspector Gen 1.0 462 79,095$ 512 101,497$ Public Works/Engineering Public Works Maintenance Supervisor Prof 1.0 449 74,130$ 499 95,125$ Public Works/Engineering Management Analyst I Prof 1.0 443 71,944$ 493 92,320$ Public Works/Engineering Emergency Management Analyst Prof 1.0 443 71,944$ 493 92,320$ Public Works/Engineering Public Works Inspector II Gen 1.0 430 67,427$ 480 86,524$ Public Works/Engineering Senior Fleet Technician Gen 1.0 420 64,147$ 470 82,315$ Public Works/Engineering Public Works Inspector I Gen 2.0 409 60,722$ 459 77,921$ Public Works/Engineering Fleet Technician Gen 1.0 395 56,627$ 445 72,665$ Public Works/Engineering Engineering Technician I Gen 1.0 395 56,627$ 445 72,665$ Public Works/Engineering Senior Street Maintenance Worker Gen 2.0 377 51,765$ 427 66,426$ Public Works/Engineering Administrative Assistant Gen 1.0 367 49,246$ 417 63,194$ Public Works/Engineering Street Maintenance Worker II Gen 7.0 360 47,557$ 410 61,026$ Public Works/Engineering Street Maintenance Worker I Gen 1.0 340 43,042$ 390 55,232$ Public Works/Engineering Office Specialist II Gen 2.0 318 38,569$ 368 49,493$ Public Works/Engineering Building Project Manager - Retired Annuitant PT 0.5 645 197,033$ 645 197,033$ TOTAL BUDGETED POSITIONS 240.89 Group Key: Elec: Elected Appt: Appointed Nonrep: Non-Represented Conf: Confidential Mid: Mid-Management PMA: Police Management POA: Police Officers POA Misc: Miscellaneous Unit Prof: Professional Gen: General PT: Part-Time Item Title:12.1 Fiscal Year 2020/21 Mid-Year Budget Review and Budget Adjustments Item Page Number:18 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 115 of 240 CITY OF MENIFEE SUBJECT: General Plan Annual Progress Report for 2020 MEETING DATE: March 3, 2021 TO: Mayor and City Council PREPARED BY: Doug Darnell, Senior Planner REVIEWED BY: Cheryl Kitzerow, Community Development Director APPROVED BY: Armando G. Villa, City Manager ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RECOMMENDED ACTION Review, receive, and file the General Plan Annual Progress Report for 2020 as required by state law to show progress toward implementation of General Plan Goals and Policies. DISCUSSION Background State law requires an annual progress report (APR) to the City Council, the Governor’s Office of Planning and Research (OPR), and California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) on the progress toward implementation of the City’s General Plan goals and policies. The report highlights completed areas of the General Plan and future priorities and amendments. State law requires that the APR be completed and submitted to the State by April 1 of each year. The APR for the 2020 calendar year (January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020) was presented to the Planning Commission on February 10, 2021. It is presented to the City Council as an informational item, and will be submitted to OPR and HCD following this presentation. General Plan Implementation Program Progress The City’s current General Plan, adopted December 18, 2013, includes eight General Plan Elements as follows: Land Use, Housing, Circulation, Open Space and Conservation, Community Design, Economic Development, Safety and Noise Elements. Each General Plan Element includes goals and policies for the City’s vision for the future out to year 2035. The 2020 Annual Progress Report provides an overview of key requirements and progress in fulfilling the General Plan goals and policies. Item Title:12.2 General Plan Annual Progress Report for 2020 Item Page Number:1 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 116 of 240 City of Menifee Staff Report General Plan Annual Progress Report March 3, 2021 Page 2 of 4 3 8 3 The General Plan contains an Implementation Program, which is comprised of “Actions” to achieve the goals and policies of each General Plan Element. The Implementation Program was last amended in February 2018 to include “Actions” to implement airport influence area and airport land use compatibility goals and policies relating to the Riverside County Airport Land Use Commission’s March Air Reserve Base/Inland Port Airport (MARB/IPA) Land Use Compatibility Plan. The status of progress for each program, and how the City has met or implemented the program, including Housing Element programs, is listed in the attached APR. Notable accomplishments to implement General Plan programs include: Adoption of the Comprehensive Development Code and Citywide Design Guidelines; Capital Improvements Program (CIP) projects such as completion of the Scott Road interchange; Adoption of the City of Menifee Active Transportation Program; Adoption of City Traffic Impact Analysis Guidelines for Vehicle Miles Travelled (VMT) and VMT threshold of significance; Progress on the 6th Cycle Housing Element update; and SB 2 Grant funding for Pre-Approved Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) plans and Objective Development & Design Standards OPR General Plan Guidelines Compliance The APR includes discussion of OPR General Plan Guidelines Compliance topics related to the following: Collaborative planning with military lands and facilities (e.g., airport land use compatibility planning with MARB/IPA); Collaboration with native American tribes under Assembly Bill (AB) 52 as part of CEQA environmental review; and Environmental Justice Considerations such as Senate Bill (SB) 1000, which requires environmental justice policies to be included within general plans. Housing Element Under State law (Government Code section 65588(a)) the primary purpose of the Housing Element update is to: 1) evaluate and revise, as appropriate, the City’s housing goals and policies to ensure consistency with and to help attain State housing goals; 2) evaluate the effectiveness of the Housing Element over the prior planning period (2008-2014); and 3) evaluate the City’s progress toward implementation of the Housing Element. The Housing Element is required to address how the City will facilitate the maintenance, improvement, and development of housing for all income groups and persons with disabilities and other special needs during the planning period, with a particular focus on affordable housing for those with incomes below the Riverside County median household income. The Housing Element must be updated every eight years. It is the only General Plan Element that requires review and Item Title:12.2 General Plan Annual Progress Report for 2020 Item Page Number:2 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 117 of 240 City of Menifee Staff Report General Plan Annual Progress Report March 3, 2021 Page 3 of 4 3 8 3 certification by HCD. On February 5, 2014, the City Council adopted an update to the City’s General Plan Housing Element for the 2014-2021 planning period (Round 5 RHNA Cycle). Housing Element Annual Progress Report State Law, specifically Government Code Section 65400, requires the City to provide an Annual Housing Element Progress Report to show progress on the General Plan Housing Element. This report provides an update on the progress in meeting Regional Housing Need Allocation (RHNA) and Housing Element program implementation in the 2020 calendar year. The 2020 Annual Housing Progress Report forms are included as Appendix C of the attached APR. Annual reporting specific to the Housing Element is also required at the same time as the General Plan APR. Therefore, the Housing Element APR is included as part of this General Plan APR. Housing Element - Progress in Meeting Regional Housing Need Allocation RHNA is a housing production goal calculated by the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG), based upon a State established goal, for the Housing Element planning period and provides data to assist cities in accommodating the estimated housing needs of the projected population and employment growth during the planning period. State Housing law does not require that market-rate and affordable housing units be constructed to meet RHNA projections. Instead, State law requires that cities adopt policies, zoning standards, regulatory provisions, and review processes that will provide realistic opportunities for the private market to construct new units with minimal constraints to meet the established goal. The following table shows the City’s 2014-2021 RHNA. City’s RHNA Allocation Household Income Category Household Income Definition Number of Units Percent of Total Extremely Low 0-30% of MFI 744 12% Very Low 0-50% of MFI 744 12% Low 51-80% of MFI 1,007 16% Moderate 81-120% of MFI 1,140 18% Above Moderate Above 120% of MFI 2,610 42% Total 6,245 100% Source: Southern California Association of Governments, 2012 The median family income (MFI) for the Menifee region is $75,300 for a family of four (4). The following table illustrates the City’s building permit activity since January 1, 2014. In 2020, building permits were issued for a total of 1,450 housing units. Item Title:12.2 General Plan Annual Progress Report for 2020 Item Page Number:3 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 118 of 240 City of Menifee Staff Report General Plan Annual Progress Report March 3, 2021 Page 4 of 4 3 8 3 Income Category RHNA 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Total Units to Date Total Remaining RHNA Very Low 1,488 1 4 3 3 0 0 0 -11 1,477 Low 1,007 1 0 2 9 1 4 2 -19 988 Moderate 1,140 158 193 184 168 181 379 7 -1,270 0 Above Moderate 2,610 181 215 349 514 759 653 1,441 -4,112 0 Total RHNA 6,245 341 412 538 694 941 1,036 1,450 -5,412 2,465 In conclusion, this 2020 APR serves to comply with State requirements to report annually on the progress of the General Plan implementation including specific requirements for reporting on the City’s Housing Element and reflects the many accomplishments towards implementing the City of Menifee General Plan. STRATEGIC PLAN OBJECTIVE Livable and Economically Prosperous Community FISCAL IMPACT There is no fiscal impact associated with the recommended action. ATTACHMENTS 1. 2020 General Plan Annual Progress Report Item Title:12.2 General Plan Annual Progress Report for 2020 Item Page Number:4 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 119 of 240 City of Menifee General Plan Annual Progress Report Calendar Year 2020 City of Menifee, California 29844 Haun Road, Menifee, CA 92586 Submitted to: Governor’s Office of Planning and Research (OPR) and California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) Prepared by: City of Menifee, Community Development Department Doug Darnell, AICP – Senior Planner (951) 723-3744 ddarnell@cityofmenifee.us Pursuant to Government Code § 65400 Item Title:12.2 General Plan Annual Progress Report for 2020 Item Page Number:5 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 120 of 240 Table of Contents Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 General Plan Implementation Actions – 2020 Progress -------------------------------------2 Housing Element Reporting Requirements ------------------------------------------------------6 OPR General Plan Guidelines Compliance------------------------------------------------------7 2020 Legislative Actions (GPA, SPA and Zoning Code Amendments) ---------------10 Appendices Appendix A: General Plan Implementation Actions – Implementation Progress Appendix B: Housing Element Implementation Actions – Implementation Progress Appendix C: 2020 HCD Housing Element Annual Progress Report Forms Item Title:12.2 General Plan Annual Progress Report for 2020 Item Page Number:6 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 121 of 240 Page | 1 Introduction The City of Menifee has prepared this Annual Progress Report (APR) for submission to the Governor’s Office of Planning and Research (OPR), and the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD). This report has been prepared to satisfy Government Code Section 65400(a)(2), and reflects the programs and actions undertaken to implement the City’s General Plan between January 1, 2020, and December 31, 2020. The State of California Government Code Section 65400 requires the planning agency of cities to provide an annual review to their legislative body, the Governor’s Office of Planning and Research (OPR), and California Housing and Community Development (HCD) on the status of the City’s General Plan and progress. The report highlights completed areas of the General Plan and future priorities and amendments. State law requires that the annual report be completed and submitted to the State by April 1 of each year. Date of presentation/acceptance by the legislative body (City Council): • Planning Commission - February 10, 2021 • City Council – March 3, 2021 The City’s current General Plan, adopted December 18, 2013, contains a thorough accounting of past and current (2013) conditions, and the vision of the future (2035). The City of Menifee General Plan is accessible on the City’s website at: http://www.cityofmenifee.us/221/General-Plan As shown in Table 1 below, General Plan contains eight (8) elements, including 41 goals and 237 policies. The City’s General Plan includes all seven (7) mandated elements, required by the California Government Code, OPR General Plan Guidelines. Table 1 Contents of General Plan Element Number of Goals Number of Policies Land Use 4 21 Housing 3 19 Circulation 6 25 Open Space and Conservation 10 54 Community Design 6 57 Economic Development 4 15 Safety 6 26 Noise 2 20 Total 41 237 Item Title:12.2 General Plan Annual Progress Report for 2020 Item Page Number:7 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 122 of 240 Page | 2 The Housing Element of the General Plan must be updated every eight years. On February 5, 2014, the City of Menifee adopted its 5th Cycle, 2013-2021 Housing Element and on March 5, 2014, the State Department of Housing and Community Development found the Housing Element to be in full compliance with State housing element law. Looking forward, the City is currently preparing its Sixth Cycle 2021-2029 Update to the Housing Element of the General Plan. The purpose of the Housing Element update is to develop, adopt, and implement a housing plan that addresses the varied housing needs of the community, and Housing Element requirements mandated by the State of California and the certification requirements mandated by the Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) within the legally mandated timeframes. General Plan Implementation Actions - 2020 Progress The General Plan contains an Implementation Program, which is comprised of “Actions” to achieve the goals and policies of each general plan element. For reference, the General Plan Implementation Actions and Housing Element Implementation Actions are included as Appendix A and B of the Report, respectively. The General Plan Implementation Program was last amended in February 2018 to include Actions to implement airport influence area and airport land use compatibility goals and policies of the Riverside County Airport Land Use Commission’s March Air Reserve Base/Inland Port Airport (MARB/IPA) Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan. Table 2 below identifies 2020 progress towards completion of City of Menifee General Plan Goals, Policies, and Implementation Actions. “On-going” efforts, or those, which rely on standardized processes (such as California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) compliance), are not included. The list items below are a snapshot of significant programs or targeted efforts. Please refer to Appendices A and B of this Report for greater detail on all General Plan Implementation Actions and progress on implementation. Table 2 Specific Implementation Actions for 2020 Action # Abbreviated Description Goals / Policies 2020 Accomplishments LU-2 Prepare Annual Report on the General Plan All This 2020 Annual Report of the City of Menifee General Plan implements this Action item. LU-8 Update the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map to reflect updated General Plan Land Use map Goal CD-3 Policies CD-3.1 through CD-3.22 Development Code, Subdivision Code and Grading Code: On December 18, 2019, the City Council adopted the comprehensive Zoning Code Update which became effective in January 2020. The Comprehensive Development Code established Item Title:12.2 General Plan Annual Progress Report for 2020 Item Page Number:8 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 123 of 240 Page | 3 revisions and new land use designations zoning consistency with General Plan land uses for the entire City and addressed several implementation action items including standards for lighting, air quality, fencing, bicycle parking, hillside development, and mixed-use standards and the EDC zones. CD-4 Create Citywide Design Guidelines to replace Countywide Design Guidelines Goal CD-3 Policies CD-3.1 through CD-3.22 On April 15, 2020, the City Council adopted the Citywide Design Guidelines which replaced the Countywide Design Guidelines. LU-16 Annually Review the Capital Improvement Program for consistency with the General Plan Goal C-1 Policies C- 1.1 through C- 1.5 Capital Improvement Program (CIP): On June 17, 2020, the City Council adopted Capital Improvement Program (CIP) for FY 2020/21 through 2024/25 and found the CIP consistent with the General Plan. CIP programs implement General Plan Goals and Policies and consist of six major categories: - Transportation Projects - Traffic Signal Projects - Street Improvement Projects - Drainage Projects - Public Facility Buildings - Community Services Projects (Parks and Trails) Notable CIP projects completed in 2020: • Scott Road/I-215 Interchange Project • Traffic signals at major intersections. • Menifee Interim Police Headquarters Notable funded CIP projects include: • Scott Road/Bundy Canyon Road Widening • Garbani Road/I-215 Interchange • McCall Blvd./I-215 Interchange • Paloma Wash Pedestrian Bridge • Holland Road Overpass • Traffic Signal Interconnect Projects & Traffic Signals at major intersections • New Quail Valley Fire Station #5 • Future City Hall at the Town Center • Construction of Evans Park Funding for these efforts comes from many sources, including a substantial amount of funding from Measure DD, a 1 percent sales tax approved by the voters in November 2016. OSC-10 CIP to address shortage of parks and recreation facilities • Goal OSC- 1 • Policies OSC-1.2 & OSC-1.3 CIP: CIP projects in recommended for FY2020/21 to address shortage of parks and recreation facilities includes: • Park Amenity Enhancements • Irrigation Upgrades and Control System • Evans Park Design/Construction • Park Lighting • Sports Field Lighting • IT Network Upgrades • Central Park Amenities Item Title:12.2 General Plan Annual Progress Report for 2020 Item Page Number:9 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 124 of 240 Page | 4 • Trails Connectivity and Enhancements • Sports Court Resurfacing • Shade Structures LU-17 Work w/ agencies to secure external funding to construct a new sewer system for Quail Valley Goal LU-3 Policies LU-3.1 & LU-3.2 Summer 2019 - Completed sewer connections to approximately 230 parcels (158 houses and 75 vacant parcels) out of 700 parcels in Subarea 9 of Quail Valley. EMWD is currently seeking additional funds to complete the sewer connections of the remaining residences in Subarea 9 and to initiate the design of the sewer system to serve Subarea 4. On April 7, 2020, the State Water Board approved the amendment to the Water Quality Control Plan for the Santa Ana River Basin to expand exemptions to the Onsite Wastewater Treatment System (Septic System) prohibition of discharges from new septic systems in Quail Valley. This becomes effective upon approval by the Office of Administrative Law. LU-18 Work w/ Riverside County Flood Control Dist. to seek funding to complete Line A (identified in the Romoland/Homeland Area Drainage Plan) & eliminate the infrastructure constraints to dev. of properties in this area Goal LU-3 • Policies LU-3.1 & LU-3.2 In 2016, the Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District (Flood Control District) completed the $27 million Romoland MDP Line A project. The Flood Control District is planning to design, construct, and operate additional flood control facilities (Romoland MDP Line A-3) that will extend and be part of the Romoland Master Drainage Plan Line A. On September 16, 2020, the City Council approved a Cooperative Agreement between the Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District and the City of Menifee for the construction, ownership, operation and maintenance of the Romoland MDP Line A-3, Stage 2, and Stage 3. The storm drain facilities will provide flood protection for residents, business owners and future development in the Romoland area, and reduce the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) floodplain limits along the main Line A. C-13 through C-20 Bikeway and Pedestrian Actions (e.g., seek funding for bikeway and pedestrian • Goals C-2 & C-4 • Policies C2.1 through C2.5 & C- 4.1 CIP: Citywide Pedestrian Safety Improvements Active Transportation Plan: On November 18, 2020, the City Council adopted Menifee’s Active Transportation Plan (ATP) to meet the City’s goals and vision for providing a transportation system that supports walking, cycling, public transit and automobiles. The ATP recommends a total of 93 bikeway projects that equate to 183.3 miles of new bikeways consisting of 4% multi-use paths, 60% bicycle lanes, and 36% bicycle routes. The ATP identifies a variety of programs to support walking & biking such as educational events and health related programs. Item Title:12.2 General Plan Annual Progress Report for 2020 Item Page Number:10 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 125 of 240 Page | 5 C-7 Upgrade and Maintain Traffic Signal Interconnect Systems Goal C-1 Policies C- 1.1 & C- 1.2 On June 17, 2020, the City adopted the 2020/21 – 2024/25 Five-Year CIP Budget, which includes the following traffic signal improvements: • Menifee Road and La Piedra Road • Murrieta Road and Sun City Boulevard: • Murrieta Road and Rouse Road • Menifee Road and Garbani Road Housing Element Implementation Plan Programs Program # Abbreviated Description Goals / Policies 2020 Accomplishments Prog. #1: Minor Home Repair Issue grants for up to 10 households annually. Request County to expand program to cover mobile home units. CDBG Ongoing: The City has been successful in assisting an estimated 8-10 households per year. The City will continue to incorporate the Senior Minor Home Repair Grant Program as part of its annual CDBG Program activities/program through its 5-year Consolidated Plan (2017-2021). Program # 11 Update the Zoning Code to implement the General Plan and address housing element compliance issues, including fair housing, density bonuses, housing for people with disabilities, and transitional and permanent supportive housing. Goal H-1 Policies H 1-3 through H1-6 On December 18, 2019, the City Council adopted the comprehensive Zoning Code Update, which became effective in January 2020. The updated Zoning Code establishes zoning consistency with General Plan land uses and addresses housing element compliance issues by including density bonus provisions and provisions that allow for and address housing for people with disabilities, SROs, emergency shelters and transitional & supportive housing. Item Title:12.2 General Plan Annual Progress Report for 2020 Item Page Number:11 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 126 of 240 Page | 6 Housing Element Reporting Requirements As required by State law, the City completed its 2020 Housing Element Annual Progress Report (APR) to show progress towards implementation of its General Plan Housing Element Goals. Annual reporting specific to the Housing Element is also required at the same time as the General Plan APR. Therefore, the Housing Element APR is included as part of this General Plan APR. Housing Element Annual Progress Report State Law, specifically Government Code Section 65400, requires the City to provide an Annual Housing Element Progress Report to show progress on the General Plan Housing Element. This report provides an update on the progress in meeting Regional Housing Need Allocation (RHNA) and Housing Element program implementation in the 2020 calendar year. The 2020 Annual Housing Progress Report forms are included as Appendix C of this report. Housing Element - Progress in Meeting Regional Housing Need Allocation RHNA is a housing production goal calculated by the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG), based upon a State established goal, for the Housing Element planning period and provides data to assist cities in accommodating the estimated housing needs of the projected population and employment growth during the planning period. State Housing law does not require that market-rate and affordable housing units be constructed to meet RHNA projects. Instead, State law requires that the cities adopt policies, zoning standards, regulatory provisions, and review processes that will provide realistic opportunities for the private market to construct new units with minimal constraints to meet the established goal. The City’s 5th cycle 2014-2021 Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA) obligation is 6,245 total units. Table 3 below, shows the RHNA allocation broken down into the household income categories: Table 3 City’s 2014-2021 RHNA Allocation Household Income Category Household Income Definition Number of Units Percent of Total Extremely Low 0-30% of MFI 744 12% Very Low 0-50% of MFI 744 12% Item Title:12.2 General Plan Annual Progress Report for 2020 Item Page Number:12 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 127 of 240 Page | 7 Low 51-80% of MFI 1,007 16% Moderate 81-120% of MFI 1,140 18% Above Moderate Above 120% of MFI 2,610 42% Total 6,245 100% Source: Southern California Association of Governments, 2012 The median family income (MFI) for the Menifee region is $75,300 for a family of four (4). Table 4 below, illustrates the City’s building permit activity since January 1, 2014. In 2020, and progress towards meeting the City’s 5th cycle RHNA with production of housing units. In 2020, building permits were issued for a total of 1,450 housing units. Table 4 Building Permits Income Category RHNA 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Total Units to Date Total Remaining RHNA Very Low 1,488 1 4 3 3 0 0 0 - 11 1,477 Low 1,007 1 0 2 9 1 4 2 - 19 988 Moderate 1,140 158 193 184 168 181 379 7 - 1,270 0 Above Moderate 2,610 181 215 349 514 759 653 1,441 - 4,112 0 Total RHNA 6,245 341 412 538 694 941 1,036 1,450 - 5,412 2,465 The Annual Housing Element report reflects that the City has produced housing to meet its entire RHNA obligation for the moderate income and above-moderate income categories. OPR General Plan Guidelines Compliance The following overview addresses topics specified by the Governor’s Office of Planning and Research’s (OPR’s) General Plan Annual Progress Report Guidance (2016). Item Title:12.2 General Plan Annual Progress Report for 2020 Item Page Number:13 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 128 of 240 Page | 8 Collaborative Planning with Military Lands and Facilities: The March Air Reserve Base/Inland Port Airport (MARB/IPA), situated between the cities of Riverside, Moreno Valley and Perris, is located approximately eight (8) miles northerly of the City of Menifee. Portions of the City of Menifee located northerly of Newport Road are within MARB/IPA Airport Influence areas and land use compatibility zones established by the Riverside County Airport Land Use Commission. The City of Menifee’s collaborative planning related to military operations of the MARB/IPA consists of ensuring development in the City of Menifee is compatible with the Riverside County Airport Land Use Commission’s 2014 MARB/IPA Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan. As required by State law, on February 7, 2018 the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 2018-233 amending the City’s General Plan to add policies to the Land Use Element and Implementation Actions to ensure consistency with the MARB/IPA Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan. In 2017/2018, the Department of the Air Force prepared an updated AICUZ Study to address recent changes in aircraft operations. This study will likely result in a future amendment to the MARB/IPA Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan. The City will amend its General Plan as needed to be consistent with future Compatibility Plan amendments. Consultation with Native American Tribes: The City has established positive relationships with Native American tribes in the area, particularly after the State Legislature adopted Assembly Bill 52. Today the City regularly conducts AB52 consultation with two (2) tribes: • Pechanga Band of Luiseno Indians • Soboba Band of Luiseno Indians Other tribes that have requested AB 52 consultation notification of projects subject to AB 52 are: • Rincon Band of Luiseno Indians • Torrez Martinez Band of Luiseno Indians • Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians In reviewing the Planning Commission agendas for 2020, seven projects involved CEQA review requiring AB52 consultation with Native American tribes. Related to tribal cultural resources, the Open Space and Conservation Element of the Menifee General Plan states: “The City of Menifee is a community with a dynamic topography; hills and small mountains that can be found dispersed throughout the city alongside low-lying plains and waterways. The steepest slopes and largest cluster of hillsides can be found north of Menifee Lakes, traveling northward across McCall Boulevard. Quail Valley also has a number of steep hillsides that influence development patterns in the area. Menifee's 2 tallest peaks-Quail Hill at 2,250 feet and Bell Mountain at 1,850 feet-are important landmarks in the city and have been important to the Item Title:12.2 General Plan Annual Progress Report for 2020 Item Page Number:14 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 129 of 240 Page | 9 Native American tribes who have ancestral territories within the city. In addition, rock outcroppings and large boulders often contain archaeological features associated with the Native American tribes who inhabited this area prehistorically and whose descendants still live in and around the city proper. Preserving these features whenever feasible will further preserve and protect the unique history of the city, while adding to the future character of Menifee. Menifee's prominent natural hillsides are one of the city's most identifiable features.” Open Space and Conservation Element Goals and Policies related to tribal cultural resources are: • Goal OSC-3 Natural landforms. Undisturbed slopes, hillsides, rock outcroppings, and other natural landforms that enhance the City’s environmental setting and rich cultural and historical past and present. Examples of policies in support of this Goal are: o Policy OCS-3.4: Support the preservation of natural vegetation and rock outcroppings during and after the construction process. o Policy OCS-3.5: Develop suitable long-term preservation plans with appropriate Native American tribes who have ancestral lands within the city to ensure the perpetual preservation of cultural resources, boulders, and rock outcroppings protected under this policy. • Goal OSC-5 - Archeological, historical, and cultural resources that are protected and integrated into the city’s built environment. Under Goal OSC-5, Policies OCS- 5.1 through OSC-5.6 are all policies related to protecting tribal cultural resources. Environmental Justice Considerations: The term “environmental justice” has traditionally been used to define a need to provide equity and protect lower income communities from the impacts of pollution. In 2016, the State Legislature adopted Senate Bill (SB) 1000, which mandates the inclusion of environmental justice policies and programs within general plans. Additionally, SB 1000 expands the meaning of environmental justice to include a broader context of community health, as the legislation requires cities to promote public facilities, food access, safe and sanitary homes, and physical activities. It also requires the promotion of civil engagement in the public decision making processes, and requires that specific improvements and programs be identified to address the needs of disadvantaged communities. The City is currently amending and updating the General Plan to include environmental justice policies and programs in the General Plan as part of the City’s sixth cycle update to the Housing Element. Item Title:12.2 General Plan Annual Progress Report for 2020 Item Page Number:15 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 130 of 240 Page | 10 2019 Legislative Actions (General Plan, Specific Plan and Zoning Code Amendments) General Plan Amendments The following General Plan Amendments were adopted in 2020: • February 26, 2020: The City Council adopted Resolution No. 20-875, approving General Plan Amendment No. PLN19-0014 involving consistency and clarification amendments to add Policy No. LU-1.11 to the Land Use Element of the General Plan and to amend General Plan land use designations on two parcels at different locations within the City as follows: o Site 1 – Assessor’s Parcel Number 336-090-004: Change the land use designation of an approximately 19.69-acre parcel located southerly of Encanto Drive, easterly of the l-215 Freeway and westerly of Bavaria Drive from the Rural Mountainous (RM) 10 Acre. Min designation on the southeastern portion of the parcel to the 8.1-14 du/ac Residential (8.1-14R) designation which will establish the 8.1-14R designation for the entire parcel; and o Site 2 - Assessor's Parcel Number 360-280-014: Change the land use designation of an approximately 2.98-acre parcel located at the west side of Evans Road, and southerly of Garbani Road from the Public Facilities/Quasi-Public Facilities (PF) land use designation to the Rural Residential 1 Acre Min. (RR1) land use designation. Policy LU-1.11 clarifies and allows for reasonable accommodation (or permitting) of a single-family residential dwelling on residentially designated, undeveloped non-conforming parcels legally established on or before December 18, 2013. • May 20, 2020: The City Council adopted Resolution No. 20-875, approving General Plan Amendment No. 2018-207 removing the Collector Street designation and roadway segment for Wickered Road between Haleblian Road and Antelope Road. • May 20, 2020: The City Council adopted Resolution No. 20-904, approving General Plan Amendment No. 2016-287 amending the General Plan land use designation of 79.68 acres on the southwest corner of Briggs Road and Old Newport Road/Rockport Road from Agriculture (AG) to Specific Plan (SP). Specific Plan Amendments The following Specific Plan Amendments were adopted in 2020: Item Title:12.2 General Plan Annual Progress Report for 2020 Item Page Number:16 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 131 of 240 Page | 11 • June 3, 2020: Adopted Ordinance No. 2020-299 approving the Specific Plan No. 2016-286 (Rockport Ranch) which establishes land uses, development standards and design guidelines for a planned residential and recreational development known as Rockport Ranch Specific Plan on 79.68 gross acres of property located south of Old Newport Road, east of the Lakes residential development, and west of Briggs Road. • June 17, 2020: Adopted Ordinance No. 2020-300 approving Specific Plan No. 2017-187 (Legado Specific Plan) and Ordinance No. 2020-302 approving Development Agreement No. 2018-277 for the Legado Specific Plan. The Legado Specific Plan establishes land uses, development standards and design guidelines for a planned residential and commercial development known as the Legado Specific Plan including 331 acres south of Rouse Road, east of Encanto Drive and west of Antelope Road. • July 1, 2020: Adopted Ordinance No. 2020-309 approving Specific Plan Amendment No. 2010-090 (Menifee North Specific Plan Palomar Crossings) for Amendment No. 3 to the Specific Plan which included changes consisting of the realignment of boundaries and acreages of Planning Areas 11, 12, 13 and 14, the re-classification of land use designations for Planning Areas 11, 12 and 13, the establishment of development standards and allowable land uses within Planning Areas 11, 12, and 13 and the establishment of architectural design guidelines for residential and commercial development. Zoning Code/Map Amendments The following Zoning Code/Map Amendments were adopted in 2020: • December 18, 2019 (Effective January 2020): Adopted Comprehensive Development Code Update including the following components: o Ordinance No. 2019-286, repealing Chapter 9.55 of the City of Menifee Municipal Code; replacing certain portions of Section 9.56.050 of the the City of Menifee Municipal Code; and adding Title 7, Subdivisions to the City of Menifee Municipal Code. o Ordinance No. 2019-287, repealing Section 8.04.090 of the City of Menifee Municipal Code and adding Chapter 8.26, Grading Regulations, to the City of Menifee Municipal Code. o Ordinance No. 2019-289, repealing Riverside County Ordinance 348 (as adopted by the City of Menifee), repealing existing Title 9, Planning and Zoning, of the Menifee Municipal Code, and adopting a new Title 9, Planning and Zoning, to the City of Menifee Municipal Code. Item Title:12.2 General Plan Annual Progress Report for 2020 Item Page Number:17 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 132 of 240 Page | 12 o Ordinance No. 2019-290, adopting an updated zoning map consistent with City of Menifee General Plan land use designations. o Ordinance No. 2019-291, amending Title 7, Subdivisions, of the Menifee Municipal Code; to implement technical corrections to Ordinance No. 2019-286. • March 18, 2020: Adopted Ordinance No. 2020-295, approving Change of Zone NO. PLN19-0092 establishing residential zoning consistent with a concurrent proposed General Plan land use amendment (PLN19-0014) on two parcels in different locations as follows: o Site 1 - Assessor’s Parcel Number 336-090-004: Change of Zone of an approximately 19.69-acre parcel located southerly of Encanto Drive, easterly of the I-215 Freeway and westerly of Bavaria Drive from the Rural Mountainous (RM) Zone on the southeastern portion of the site to the Medium Density Residential (MDR) Zone, establishing the MDR Zone for the entire parcel; and o Site 2 - Assessor’s Parcel Number 360-280-014: Change of Zone of an approximately 2.98-acre parcel located at the west side of Evans Road, and southerly of Garbani Road from the Public/Quasi-Public Facilities (PF) Zone to the Rural Residential - 1 Acre Min. (RR1) Zone. • June 3, 2020: Adopted Ordinance No. 2020-298 approving Change of Zone No. 2016-288 changing the zoning classification of 79.68 acres on the southwest corner of Briggs Road and Old Newport Road/Rockport Road from Agriculture (AG) to Rockport Ranch Specific Plan (SP). • June 17, 2020: Adopted Ordinance No. 2020-301 approving Change of Zone 217- 188 changing the zoning classification of 331 acres of property located south of Rouse Road, east of Encanto Drive, and west of Antelope Road from the Fleming Ranch Specific Plan to the Legado Specific Plan. Other Planning Guidance & Regulatory Documents • April 15, 2020: Adopted Resolution No. 20-885 adopting City Design Guidelines. • June 3, 2020: Resolution No. 20-912 City Council approval of the City of Menifee Traffic Impact Analysis Guidelines Threshold of Significance for Vehicle Miles Travelled to comply with SB 743. Item Title:12.2 General Plan Annual Progress Report for 2020 Item Page Number:18 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 133 of 240 Appendix A General Plan Implementation Actions Implementation Progress For further information, the City of Menifee General Plan is available on the City of Menifee’s Website at: http://www.cityofmenifee.us/221/General-Plan Item Title:12.2 General Plan Annual Progress Report for 2020 Item Page Number:19 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 134 of 240 Action Topic Implementation Action Responsible Department Timing Resources Required to Complete Status Status as of Jan. 2021 Action LU-1 General Initiate a coordinated process to regularly review and adjust population assumptions and forecasts in conjunction with the Department of Finance, SCAG, WRCOG, and the County of Riverside. Community Development and Public Works Departments Ongoing Adequate staff resources CDD has been working with SCAG on assumptions and forecasts and providing local input on SCAG's RTP/SCS, with most recent input on the ConnectSoCal 2020/2045 RTP/SCS. Action LU-2 General Prepare a General Plan Status Report annually as required by California Government Code. Community Development Department Annually Adequate staff resources Action LU-3 General Phase development into undeveloped areas according to the following criteria: a) Availability of services (streets, water, wastewater and emergency services) b) Logical extension of services; c) Contiguity with existing development; and/or d) Conformance with an approved Specific Plan or EDC Conceptual Master Plan Community Development Department Ongoing Adequate staff resources Action LU-4 General Develop policy guidance or an update to the zoning ordinance that facilitates home-based businesses and home occupations within the Estate Residential uses adjacent to Scott Road. Community Development and Building and Safety Departments 1–2 years Adequate staff resources The City adopted a Comprehensive Zoning Code Update in December 18, 2019 (effective January, 2020). Action LU-5 General Focus growth and development in specific plans and EDC areas to minimize intrusion into rural or estate residential areas. Community Development and Economic Development Departments Ongoing Adequate staff resources Large projects have not been processed in rural or estate residential areas. Ongoing Action LU-6 General Designate a point person to serve as a liaison to the Winchester Municipal Advisory Committee (MAC) and to facilitate an open dialogue between the City and adjacent unincorporated areas regarding development along jurisdictional boundaries and contemplated incorporation/annexation efforts. Community Development Department Ongoing Adequate staff resources CDD staff reviews projects in surrounding jurisdictions. Action LU-7 General Revisit older specific plans approved by the county to determine if land uses are still appropriate. Work with property owners to identify refinements or amendments in cases where the specific plan land uses are no longer consistent with the Vision 2035 identified by the City Council or General Plan goals and policies. In particular, the Menifee North Specific Plan is located within two jurisdictions (the City and County of Riverside). Community Development Department 2–5 years Adequate staff resources Not currently working on this item. Action LU-8 General Update the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map to reflect updated General Plan Land Use map revisions and new land use designations. Community Development Department 1 year Adequate staff resources or funding for consultant The City adopted a Comprehensive Zoning Code Update in December 18, 2019 (effective Jan. 2020). This included adoption of an updated Zoning Map consistent with General Plan land use designations. Action LU-9 General Enact a hillside ordinance to protect certain slopes and other natural topographic features. Community Development Department 1–2 years Adequate staff resources Adopted 8/20/14. The City adopted a Comprehensive Zoning Code Update in December 18, 2019. The City's Hillside Grading Standards are included in Zoning Code Chapter 19.190 - Hillside Development Standards. Action LU-10 General Develop specific plans for areas that need additional design or land use guidance. Community Development and Public Works Departments Ongoing Adequate staff resources No City initiated SPs; however, City has approved and continues to review developer initiated SPs Action LU-11 General Evaluate the potential for creating a transfer of density program (between properties or by clustering development on a single site) to preserve and conserve the City's natural landforms and hillsides. Community Development Department 1–2 years Adequate staff resources Adopted 8/20/14 Action LU-12 General Appoint a liaison to work with school district representatives to identify and coordinate future school locations or reuse of existing sites. Community Development Department Ongoing Adequate staff resources Action LU-13 General Revise Menifee's Municipal Code to include measures that will protect the air quality of sensitive land uses (facilities where individuals are highly susceptible to the adverse effects of air pollutants, such as housing, child care centers, retirement homes, schools, and hospitals) near freeways and other major air-pollutant-generating uses. Protective measures include an analysis to the potential health risks and appropriate mitigation measures, such as increased air filtration to reduce risks, as necessary. Community Development and Building and Safety Departments 1 year Adequate staff resources or funding for consultant Zoning code update adopted 2019/2020. Land Use Element Implementation Actions General Implementation Actions Page 1 of 21 1/27/2021 General Plan Implementation Plan Actions Implementation Progress as of Jan. 2021 Item Title:12.2 General Plan Annual Progress Report for 2020 Item Page Number:20 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 135 of 240 Action Topic Implementation Action Responsible Department Timing Resources Required to Complete Status Action LU-13 EDC Develop a formal protocol and Master Conceptual Plan review process for projects within the EDC. Planning and Economic Development Departments 1–2 years Adequate staff resources The City adopted a Comprehensive Zoning Code Update in December 18, 2019 (effective January, 2020). The Zoning Code establishes special standards & requirements for the EDC Zone. Master Conceptual plan review process to come. Action LU-14 EDC Require property owners in the EDC to prepare a Conceptual Master Plan in advance of a formal development application submittal. Community Development Department Ongoing Adequate staff resources Ongoing. Action LU-15 EDC Develop an internal tracking system for new development that tracks the acreages of each use existing in EDC areas to ensure that proposed uses do not exceed the maximum 15% residential permitted by the Land Use Element. Community Development Department Ongoing Adequate staff resources Ongoing. Action LU-16 Utilities and Infrastructure Annually review the City’s capital improvement program and the local public works projects of other local agencies for their consistency with the General Plan (California Government Code Sections 65302 (a) (b) (e) ) City Managers Office and Finance, Community Development, and Public Works Departments Annually Adequate staff resources Ongoing. GP consistency findings are made as part of the City's annual CIP program adoption. Action LU-17 Utilities and Infrastructure Work collaboratively with EMWD, Canyon Lake, the Santa Ana Watershed Project Authority, and EVMWD to secure external funding to construct a new sewer system for Quail Valley. Public Works Department Ongoing Adequate staff resources Ongoing. Action LU-18 Utilities and Infrastructure Continue to work with the Riverside County Flood Control District to seek funding to complete Line A (identified in the Romoland/Homeland Area Drainage Plan) and eliminate the infrastructure constraints that preclude development of properties in this area. Community Development and Public Works Departments Ongoing Adequate staff resources In 2016, the Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District completed the $27 million Romoland MDP Line A project. On September 16, 2020, the City Council approve a Cooperative Agreement between the RCFCWCD and the City of Menifee for the construction, ownership, operation & maintenance of the Romoland MDP Line A-3, Stage 2 & 3. Action Topic Implementation Action Responsible Department Timing Resources Required to Complete Action C-1 Roadway Network Require street dedications from new development projects that are consistent with the right-of- way width identified by the General Plan, including additional right-of-way for those development projects located adjacent to Enhanced Intersection locations, as identified in Exhibit C-3: Roadway Network. Community Development and Engineering Departments Ongoing Adequate staff resources Implementing Action C-2 Roadway Network Resolve the roadway alignments, intersections geometrics and traffic control features within the Connectivity Analysis Zones identified in Exhibit C-3: Roadway Network prior to approval of new development projects which significantly impact or constrain alignment alternatives in those zones. Community Development and Engineering Departments Ongoing Adequate staff resources Ongoing. Action C-3 Roadway Network Develop master plans for scenic preservation and high-speed, limited vehicular access for Ethanac Road/Highway 74, Newport Road/Domenigoni Parkway, and Bundy Canyon Road/Scott Road as they traverse from the western to the eastern City boundaries. Community Development and Engineering Departments Short term (5 years) Adequate staff resources Action C-4 Roadway Network Require Traffic Impact Analysis for new development projects to identify specific mitigation to traffic impacts generated by the new development. Traffic Impact Analyses shall be submitted in a format acceptable to the City Engineer and be subject to his/her review and approval. Community Development and Engineering Departments Ongoing Adequate staff resources Implementing City Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) Guidelines. On June 3, 2020, the City adopted TIA Guidelines for Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) and a VMT threshold of significance to comply with Senate Bill (SB) 743 and the California Environmental Quality Act. Action C-5 Roadway Network Require adequate drop-off and pick-up facilities at all new schools for the safety of school children, and to minimize traffic congestion. Community Development and Public Works Departments Ongoing Adequate staff resources Implementing and coordinating with schools and school districts Action C-6 Roadway Network Develop rural street section standards for areas where full street improvements (e.g., curb, gutter or sidewalk) do not exist, where it is determined the rural character of the neighborhood should be maintained, or in new development proposed with a rural street scene. Rural street section standards shall accommodate pedestrian access, and shall incorporate storm drainage design features to avoid surface ponding of water, flooding of adjacent property, as well as to accommodate general storm water runoff from the neighborhood. Community Development and Engineering Departments Short term (2 years) Adequate staff resources Public Works department working on standards. Roadway Network Circulation Implementation Actions Economic Development Corridor Utilities and Infrastructure Housing Implementation Actions The implementation actions, referred to as programs, for the Housing Element are provided in the General Plan Housing Element in accordance with state Implementation Actions Page 2 of 21 1/27/2021 Item Title:12.2 General Plan Annual Progress Report for 2020 Item Page Number:21 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 136 of 240 Action Topic Implementation Action Responsible Department Timing Resources Required to Complete Status Action C-7 Roadway Network Upgrade and maintain traffic signal-interconnect systems to efficiently coordinate and control traffic flow on arterial streets, including the installation or removal of separate left-turn phasing where warranted. Traffic signal timing should adequately provide for safe pedestrian crossing. Engineering and Public Works Departments Short term (5 years) Adequate staff resources, funding for upgrade projects 2020/2021 - City will have all traffic signals communicating to the City's traffic Management Center (TMC). As of 2020, the City has approximately 80 traffic signals and will have about 150 at buildout of the city. In the first year the City wil have about 10% of signals running in a coordination plan from 6 am to 7 pm and running in a free mode outside of those hours. The following year the City anticipates coordination plans for another 10% of traffic signals along the heavily travelled corridors that have closely spaced traffic signals. Another 10% will likely be added the following year. As more and more signals are added and spaced closer together the City will place those in coordination during part of the day. Action C-8 Roadway Network Periodically analyze and improve high-accident locations to improve traffic flow and safety. Engineering and Public Works Departments Ongoing Adequate staff resources Ongoing. Action C-9 Roadway Network Discourage parcel access points taken off major roadway. Engineering and Public Works Departments Ongoing Adequate staff resources Ongoing. Action C-10 Roadway Network Allow roundabouts or other innovative design solutions when a thorough traffic impact assessment has been conducted demonstrating that such an intersection design alternative would manage traffic flow, and improve safety, if it is physically and economically feasible. Engineering and Public Works Departments Ongoing Adequate staff resources Ongoing. Action C-11 Roadway Network Create a road maintenance district to repair and maintain roads within the City located south of the Salt Creek Channel. Community Development, Engineering, and Public Works Departments Short term (5 years) Adequate staff resources Action C-12 Roadway Network Prepare a multi-year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) that establishes improvement priorities and scheduling for transportation project construction over a period of 5 to 7 years. The TIP will be reviewed and updated annually. Community Development and Engineering Departments Short term (2 years) Adequate staff resources Action C-13 Bikeway and Pedestrian Network Encourage developers to provide bikeway and pedestrian connections between developed land uses, as well as bicycle parking accommodations for employees and customers. Community Development Department Ongoing Adequate staff resources Implementing Action C-14 Bikeway and Pedestrian Network Require Subregional and Community Off-Road Bike Trail dedications from new development projects that are consistent with the alignments identified in Exhibit C-4: Bikeway and Community Pedestrian Network. Community Development Department Ongoing Adequate staff resources Implementing Action C-15 Bikeway and Pedestrian Network Resolve the bikeway alignments, intersections crossings and traffic control features within the Connectivity Analysis Zones identified in Exhibit C-3: Roadway Network prior to approval of new development projects which significantly impact or constrain alignment alternatives in those zones. Community Development Department Ongoing Adequate staff resources Implementing Action C-16 Bikeway and Pedestrian Network Develop and maintain bicycle and walking trail system brochures and maps that educate and inform trail users. This information should be made available on the City’s website. Community Development Department Short term (2 years) Adequate staff resources The City's Parks, Trails, Open Space and Recreation Master Plan was approved by City Council Resolution No. 16-500 on March 16, 2016. The Plan is available on the City's Website. Action C-17 Bikeway and Pedestrian Network Establish and maintain design standards for the development of various types of bikeway and related improvements—e.g., parkways, bridges, trail heads, and rest stops—that may be necessary to implement the Menifee Bikeway and Community Pedestrian Network (Exhibit C-4). Bikeways shall be designed and constructed in accordance with Chapter 1000, Bikeway Planning and Design, of the Caltrans Highway Design Manual, or as otherwise approved by the City Engineer. Community Development and Engineering Departments Short term (5 years) Adequate staff resources The City's Parks, Trails, Open Space and Recreation Master Plan was approved by City Council Resolution No. 16-500 on March 16, 2016. Action C-18 Bikeway and Pedestrian Network Aggressively seek funding for trails and bikeways from federal and state sources. Community Development, Engineering, and Public Works Departments Ongoing Adequate staff resources On November 18, 2020, the City adopted Resolution No. 20-976 approving the City of Menifee Active Transporation Plan (ATP). The ATP identifies funding sources which the City will pursue for trails and bikeways identified in the ATP. Action C-19 Bikeway and Pedestrian Network Create a Bicycle Master Plan for the City. Community Development and Public Works Departments Long term (10 years) Adequate staff resources On November 18, 2020, the City adopted Resolution No. 20-976 approving the City of Menifee Active Transporation Plan (ATP) which recommends a total of 93 bikeway projects that equate to 183.3 miles of new bikeways. Of these, 4 percent are multi-use paths, 60 percent bicycle lanes, and 36 percent are bicycle routes. The ATP identifies a variety of programs to support walking & biking such as educational events and health related programs like Healthy Menifee. Action C-20 Bikeway and Pedestrian Network Revise Municipal Zoning Code to require bicycle parking at multi-family residential sites in addition to requirements for commercial, service and offices uses. Community Development Department Short term (2 years) Adequate staff resources The City adopted a Comprehensive Zoning Code Update in December 18, 2019 (effective January, 2020). The Zoning Code prohibits offsite outdoor advertising. Zoning Code Chapter 9.215 includes bycicle parking requirements for industrial, commercial service, office and multi-family residential uses. Action C-21 Public Transit Require bus shelters, transit bays and turnouts, where appropriate, from new development projects along the existing and potential future transit service routes identified in Exhibit C-4. Community Development Department Ongoing Adequate staff resources Implementing and coordinating with the Riverside Transit Authority (RTA) Public Transit Bikeway and Pedestrian Network Implementation Actions Page 3 of 21 1/27/2021 Item Title:12.2 General Plan Annual Progress Report for 2020 Item Page Number:22 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 137 of 240 Action Topic Implementation Action Responsible Department Timing Resources Required to Complete Status Action C-22 Public Transit Encourage developers to implement transit oriented design best practices in the vicinity of the five Transit Nodes identified in Exhibit C-5: Potential Transit Services. Community Development Department Ongoing Adequate staff resources Ongoing. Action C-23 Public Transit Develop local transit routes (bus, shuttle or trams) to circulate people between retail centers, medical facilities, offices, schools and residential areas to provide community mobility options. Community Development Department Ongoing Funding to support circulator system Ongoing. Action C-24 Public Transit Participate in and influence regional transportation programs that seek new and creative solutions in public transportation, transportation systems, and traffic management. Community Development and Engineering Departments Ongoing Adequate staff resources Attend WRCOG meetings, ongoing. Action C-25 NEV and Golf Carts Prepare an integrated NEV/Golf Cart Study that covers the entire City and expands upon the backbone network identified in Exhibit C-6: Potential Neighborhood Electric Vehicle Network. Community Development Department Short term (5 years) Adequate staff resources and/or funding for consultant services Action C-26 NEV and Golf Carts Identify areas where public and private parking lots should provide for NEV parking and NEV recharging stations. Community Development Department Short term (5 years) Adequate staff resources Action C-27 NEV and Golf Carts Work with WRCOG Clean Cities Coalition and SCAQMD to install electric vehicle charging stations in high traffic areas through grant-funded programs to encourage electric vehicle use. Public Works Department Ongoing Adequate staff resources and funding for installation. Ongoing. Have requested that developers add EVCS to their projects. Action C-28 NEV and Golf Carts Revise the permit fees and processing schedule to provide incentives to new and existing commercial, industrial, public, school, medical, and residential projects that provide parking spaces reserved for electric vehicles (NEVs and EVs) and have a charging connection. Incentives could include giving priority in plan review, processing, and field inspection services. Community Development and Building and Safety Departments Short term (5 years) Adequate staff resources Looking into incorporating into the new development code. Action C-29 NEV and Golf Carts Review and update the existing Golf Cart plan to ensure relevance and provide appropriate implementation. Community Development Department Short term (5 years) Adequate staff resources Action C-30 NEV and Golf Carts Prepare an NEV Plan that supports flexible travel options, promotes vehicle emission reductions, integrates with other alternative transportation modes, and incorporates parking standards that recognize the reduced footprint needs inherent with NEVs and golf carts. Community Development Department Short term (5 years) Adequate staff resources and/or funding for consultant services Action C-31 Goods Movement Adopt an ordinance implementing the proposed truck routes identified in Exhibit C-7: Truck Routes. Community Development Department Short term (1 year) Adequate staff resources Action C-32 Goods Movement Evaluate the use of weight restrictions on roadways where safety and maintenance considerations compel the reduction of heavy truck travel Engineering and Public Works Departments Short term (2 years) Adequate staff resources Action C-33 Scenic Highways Study potential scenic highway corridors for possible inclusion in the Caltrans Scenic Highways Plan. Community Development Department Short term (5 years) Adequate staff resources Action C-34 Scenic Highways Require development within scenic highway corridors to utilize contour grading and slope rounding to gradually transition graded road slopes into a natural configuration consistent with the topography of the area. Community Development Department Ongoing Adequate staff resources Implementing Action C-35 Scenic Highways Require development within scenic highway corridors to make dedications consistent with the Scenic Highways Plan when necessary to preserve unique or special visual features. Community Development Department Ongoing Adequate staff resources Implementing Scenic Highways Goods Movement Neighborhood Electric Vehicles and Golf Cards Implementation Actions Page 4 of 21 1/27/2021 Item Title:12.2 General Plan Annual Progress Report for 2020 Item Page Number:23 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 138 of 240 Action Topic Implementation Action Responsible Department Timing Resources Required to Complete Status Action C-36 Scenic Highways Require new or relocated electric or communication distribution lines, which would be visible from Eligible County Scenic Highways, to be placed underground. Engineering and Public Works Departments Ongoing Adequate staff resources Implementing Action C-37 Scenic Highways In the City's Municipal Code, prohibit offsite outdoor advertising displays and require that the size, height, and type of on-premise signs that are visible from Designated and Eligible State and County Scenic Highways be the minimum necessary for identification. Community Development Department Short term (2 years) Adequate staff resources The City adopted a Comprehensive Zoning Code Update in December 18, 2019 (effective January, 2020). The Zoning Code prohibits offsite outdoor advertising. Action Topic Implementation Action Responsible Department Timing Resources Required to Complete Action OSC-1 Parks and Recreation Prepare a Parks and Recreation Master Plan to identify potential sites for new parks, including a regional park of at least 25 acres; assess demand for park land based on approved development; and develop a strategy for potential park site acquisitions, expansions, and improvements. Community Development and Public Works Departments 1--2 years Adequate staff resources and/or funding for consultant The City's Parks, Trails, Open Space and Recreation Master Plan was adopted by City Council Resolution No. 16-500 on March 16, 2016. Action OSC-2 Parks and Recreation Amend the City's Quimby Ordinance to require 5 acres of parkland per 1,000 residents and review in-lieu fees on an annual basis to ensure they accurately reflect current assessed valuation of land in the City. Community Development Department 1 year, ongoing Adequate staff resources Adopted 12/17/14 Action OSC-3 Parks and Recreation Conduct outreach to identify park and recreation program needs and receive feedback on existing facilities and activities. Community Development Department Ongoing Adequate staff resources The City's Parks, Trails, Open Space and Recreation Master Plan was adopted by City Council Resolution No. 16-500 on March 16, 2016. Action OSC-4 Parks and Recreation Maintain an up-to-date inventory of developed and proposed public park land and residences outside of one-half mile of a public park so that new park development can be directed to those areas. Community Development and Public Works Departments Ongoing Adequate staff resources Implementing Action OSC-5 Parks and Recreation Require new park and recreation facilities to incorporate Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) strategies whenever possible. Community Development Department Ongoing Adequate staff resources Implementing Action OSC-6 Parks and Recreation Adopt an ordinance banning after-hours loitering in parks. Community Development Department 1--2 years Adequate staff resources Adopted. Section 13.01.250 - Park Hours & Closure, of the Menifee Municipal Code establishes park hours and closure of parks and makes it unlawful for any person and/or vehicle to be present in or use any closed park. Action OSC-7 Parks and Recreation When possible, establish agreements with Menifee Union School District, Romoland School District, Perris Union High School District, Mt. San Jacinto College, and other agencies to facilitate joint-use, maintenance, and development of parks and recreational facilities and programs. Community Development Department Ongoing Adequate staff resources Ongoing. Action OSC-8 Parks and Recreation Work with school districts, the County of Riverside, Valley Wide Park and Recreation District, the Kay Cisneros Community Center, the Sun City Civic Association, and other organizations and agencies to create additional recreational program opportunities for Menifee’s residents. Community Development Department Ongoing Adequate staff resources Ongoing. Action OSC-9 Parks and Recreation Periodically assess the condition of park facilities and communicate with the County of Riverside’s Economic Development Agency and Valley Wide Park and Recreation District on any outstanding maintenance issues. Community Development and Public Works Departments Bi-annually Adequate staff resources Ongoing. Conducted by Community Services Staff Action OSC-10 Parks and Recreation Update the City’s Capital Improvement Program to address shortages or improvements of park and recreational facilities. City Managers Office and Finance, Community Development, and Public Works Departments Annually Adequate staff resources Capital Improvement Program. The City's Parks, Trails, Open Space and Recreation Master Plan was adopted by City Council Resolution No. 16-500 on March 16, 2016. Action OSC-11 Parks and Recreation Develop the proposed park at Craig Avenue and Bradley Road. Community Development Department 5 years Funding to build the park (land is already owned by the City) Action OSC-12 Parks and Recreation Track the number of users participating in Menifee’s recreational programs and develop tailored programs to facilitate wide-spread participation among all community residents. Community Development Department Ongoing Adequate staff resources Ongoing. Open Space and Conservation Implementation Actions Parks and Recreation Implementation Actions Page 5 of 21 1/27/2021 Item Title:12.2 General Plan Annual Progress Report for 2020 Item Page Number:24 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 139 of 240 Action Topic Implementation Action Responsible Department Timing Resources Required to Complete Status Action OSC-13 Recreational Trails Implement the following strategies to acquire land for trail expansion and development, including those that have been designated but never constructed and gaps within the trails and bikeways system (as identified by the Menifee Trails Committee): a. Identify land for trails on abandoned roads, flood control channels, utility easements, and rights of way; b. Require developer dedications, accept donations, and seek grants to expand the City’s trail system; c. Require proposed residential and nonresidential projects to provide permanent easements for trails, staging areas, and other needed improvements where appropriate; d. Seek or set aside funding to support the development, maintenance, and improvement of trails; e. Institute joint agreements and encroachment permits with the public and private sectors that control easements and unused rights-of-way to incorporate such lands into permanent trail linkages. f. Implement trail easements or other mechanisms with landowners to ensure long-term viability and access to trails and trailheads. Community Development and Public Works Departments Ongoing Adequate staff resources, funding for trail construction Implementing Action OSC-14 Recreational Trails Using the inventory generated by the Trails Committee as a reference, prepare a Master Trails Plan, including recreational trail classifications, design standards, implementation mechanisms, and capital improvement programming, and update periodically to address changing needs. This plan will be consistent with any appropriate guidelines or policies identified in the Riverside County MSHCP. Community Development Department 1--2 years Adequate staff resources The City's Parks, Trails, Open Space and Recreation Master Plan was adopted by City Council Resolution No. 16-500 on March 16, 2016. Action OSC-15 Recreational Trails Work with the Pechanga Bank of Luiseño Indians and the Soboba Band of Luiseño Indians to determine if recreational trails could be established on their lands. Community Development Department Ongoing Adequate staff resources Ongoing. Action OSC-16 Recreational Trails Develop trailheads with appropriate parking and other necessary facilities and amenities to ensure long-term access to trails. Community Development Department Ongoing Funding to build and maintain trailheads Ongoing. Action OSC-17 Recreational Trails Coordinate with the Cities of Perris, Canyon Lake, Lake Elsinore, Wildomar, Murrieta, and Hemet and the County of Riverside to connect Menifee trails to destinations in other jurisdictions. Community Development Department Ongoing Adequate staff resources Ongoing. CDD staff reviews projects for connectivity. Action OSC-18 Recreational Trails Require new recreational trails to incorporate CPTED strategies where appropriate. Community Development Department Ongoing Adequate staff resources Implementing Action OSC-19 Recreational Trails Establish standards for and acquire multipurpose trail easements that provide enough width to include vegetation, paving, fencing, and equestrian components where appropriate. Community Development and Public Works Departments Ongoing Adequate staff resources Implementing Action OSC-20 Natural Landforms Conduct an inventory of the City’s most significant natural landforms and establish a strategy for these natural landforms (including Bell Mountain) as permanent open space for the City. Community Development Department 2-5 years Adequate staff resources Action OSC-21 Natural Landforms Develop and adopt a Hillside Grading Ordinance that establishes appropriate grading standards for each General Plan land use category to preserve Menifee’s hillsides and canyons from mass grading and hillside scarring. The ordinance must also require the use of proper soil management techniques for erosion, and sedimentation, and other soil- related programs and that the grading plan for development adjacent to natural slopes "feather" man-made and natural slopes to create a natural continuity of slope rather than rigid terraces. Community Development Department 2-5 years Adequate staff resources The Hillside Grading Ordinance was adopted 8/20/14. Hillside Development Standards are included in the Comprehensive Zoning Code Update adopted December 18, 2019 - Chapter 19.190 - Hillside Development Standards. Action OSC-22 Natural Landforms Amend the City’s Municipal Code to allow the clustering of development and the dedication of open space for the preservation of natural landforms and viewsheds. Community Development Department 1-2 years Adequate staff resources Hillside Development Ord. included - adopted 12/17/14 and included in the Comprehensive Zoning Code Update adopted December 18, 2019. Action OSC-23 Natural Landforms Identify, define, map, and protect the City’s scenic resources, scenic vistas, scenic corridors, viewsheds, and natural landmarks. Community Development Department 1-2 years Adequate staff resources Hillside Development adopted 12/17/14 and included in the Comprehensive Zoning Code Update adopted December 18, 2019. Recreational Trails Natural Landforms Implementation Actions Page 6 of 21 1/27/2021 Item Title:12.2 General Plan Annual Progress Report for 2020 Item Page Number:25 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 140 of 240 Action Topic Implementation Action Responsible Department Timing Resources Required to Complete Status Action OSC-24 Energy and Mineral Develop and implement strategies, in coordination with Southern California Edison and the Southern California Gas Company, to reduce residential and nonresidential energy use. These strategies could include requiring existing development to meet specified conservation standards and requiring new development to utilize energy reduction strategies during construction and operation. Community Development and Public Works Departments Ongoing Adequate staff resources Ongoing. Action OSC-25 Energy and Mineral Use the project review process to ensure that all new development complies with California State Energy Regulation requirements. Community Development and Public Works Departments Ongoing Adequate staff resources Implementing Action OSC-26 Energy and Mineral Work with Southern California Edison, the Southern California Gas Company, school districts, Mt. San Jacinto College, and other agencies and organizations on outreach programs to promote energy conservation for residential and nonresidential uses. Community Development and Public Works Departments Ongoing Adequate staff resources Ongoing. Action OSC-27 Energy and Mineral Prepare a package of information that is made available at the public counter on alternative energy that describes the technology and identifies financial and nonfinancial resources available for residents and business owners to assist them in implementing alternative energy programs Community Development and Public Works Departments 2--5 years Adequate staff resources Action OSC-28 Paleontological and Cultural Resources Identify sites in the City that meet the criteria to be in the State Historic Resources Inventory as Riverside County Landmarks, as State Points of Historic Interest, as State Landmarks, or as sites on the National Register of Historic Places, and encourage owners to apply for recognition. Community Development Department 2--5 years Adequate staff resources Action OSC-29 Paleontological and Cultural Resources Create an inventory of known archaeological sites and identify them as either (a) no longer existing, (b) in danger of destruction or damage, or (c) currently safe. This inventory should be updated regularly to reflect changing conditions. Community Development Department 2--5 years Adequate staff resources City has been utilizing current resources such as UCR's Eastern Informaton Center database and the California Historical Resources Information System (CHRIS). Action OSC-30 Paleontological and Cultural Resources Require projects that involve earth-disturbing activities to: a. Be evaluated by a qualified archaeologist, where the archeologist, at a minimum, conducts a records search and Phase I walkover study and prepares an archeological report containing the results of the site’s evaluation. If Phase II archaeological evaluations are recommended by the archaeologist, all such surveys with recommendations, if any, must be completed prior to project approval; and b. Consult with the Pechanga Band of Luiseño Indians and Soboba Band of Luiseño Indians for the purposes of determining archaeological and cultural resource impacts and developing appropriate mitigation to address such impacts. Community Development Department Ongoing Adequate staff resources Implementing Action OSC-31 Paleontological and Cultural Resources Require projects that are determined to be in a culturally or archeologically sensitive area, based on consultation with the project archeologist and the Pechanga Band of Luiseno Indians and/or Soboba Band of Luiseno Indians, to be conditioned for archaeological monitoring and Tribe monitoring during all earth-disturbing activities. Community Development Department Ongoing Adequate staff resources Implementing Action OSC-32 Paleontological and Cultural Resources Develop mandatory mitigation measures, in coordination with the Pechanga Band of Luiseno Indians and/or Soboba Band of Luiseno Indians, for any project within previously undisturbed soils in an area determined to be in a culturally or archeologically sensitive area, based on consultation with the project archeologist and the Tribe. Community Development Department Ongoing Adequate staff resources Implementing Action OSC-33 Paleontological and Cultural Resources Enforce California Health and Safety Code Section 7050.5, which states that if human remains are encountered, no further disturbance shall occur until the Riverside County Coroner has made the necessary findings as to the origin and California Public Resources Code Section 5097.98(b) which states that remains shall be left in place and free from disturbance until a final decision as to the treatment and disposition has been made. If the Riverside County Coroner determines the remains to be Native American, the Native American Heritage Commission shall be contacted within 24 hours. Community Development and Building and Safety Departments Ongoing Adequate staff resources Implementing Action OSC-34 Paleontological and Cultural Resources Locate where artifact collections are curated for those sites in the City where subsurface investigation has occurred and seek ways to make these collections more accessible to students, researchers, and the interested public. Community Development Department Ongoing Adequate staff resources Implementing Action OSC-35 Paleontological and Cultural Resources Work with the Society for California Archaeology to develop citizen participation in site protection through the California Archaeological Site Stewardship Program. Community Development Department Ongoing Adequate staff resources Ongoing. Action OSC-36 Paleontological and Cultural Resources Conduct an archaeological and historical records review of proposed or revised development at the Eastern Information Center (EIC) at University of California, Riverside. If the records review indicates that the project area has not been previously examined for cultural resources or that the project area is sensitive for cultural resources, then archaeological field surveys and historical surveys are required. Archeological field surveys and historical surveys may also be recommended for properties that have been previously examined, if surface conditions have changed or if the previous survey was conducted so long ago that it no longer meets current professional standards. Community Development Department 2-5 years Adequate staff resources This item is ongoing Action OSC-37 Paleontological and Cultural Resources Require a preservation plan for any newly discovered archaeological sites and historical structures. Require that this plan be filed with the City Planning Department to ensure the resource will stay protected and not be destroyed by mistake. Community Development Department Ongoing Adequate staff resources Implementing Energy and Mineral Paleontological and Cultural Resources Implementation Actions Page 7 of 21 1/27/2021 Item Title:12.2 General Plan Annual Progress Report for 2020 Item Page Number:26 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 141 of 240 Action Topic Implementation Action Responsible Department Timing Resources Required to Complete Status Action OSC-38 Paleontological and Cultural Resources Require monitoring of excavation in areas identified as likely to contain paleontological resources by a qualified paleontological monitor. Recovered specimens should be prepared to a point of identified and permanent preservation and curated into an established, accredited museum repository with permanent retrievable paleontological storage. A report of findings is required to be prepared. The report and inventory, when submitted to the appropriate lead agency, along with confirmation of the curation of recovered specimens, will signify completion of the program to mitigate impacts to paleontologic resources. Community Development Department Ongoing Adequate staff resources Implementing Action OSC-39 Agriculture In the City’s Municipal Code, include an agricultural zone and apply that zone to areas designated as Agriculture in the City’s General Plan. Community Development Department 1--2 years Adequate staff resources The Comprehensive Zoning Code Update was adopted in December 18, 2019 & became effective Jan. 2020. The Zoning Code allows agricultural uses in Agricultural zones consistent with the Agriculture land use designation of the General Plan. Action OSC-40 Agriculture Develop a Right to Farm Ordinance that describes normal farm practices expected to occur in agricultural areas and ensure the right of the farmer to continue such practices subject to appropriate health and safety standards. The ordinance shall specify that it applies only to areas designated with agricultural land use categories. Community Development Department 1--2 years Adequate staff resources The Comprehensive Zoning Code Update was adopted in December 18, 2019 & became effective Jan. 2020. The Zoning Code allows agricultural uses in Agricultural zones consistent with the Agriculture land use designation of the General Plan. Action OSC-41 Agriculture Work with local agricultural clubs, organizations, and businesses, including the Agricultural Research Center at Heritage High School, to educate the public about Menifee’s agricultural roots and present day farming practices. Community Development Department Ongoing Adequate staff resources Ongoing. Action OSC-42 Agriculture Develop a program to allow the operation of community gardens on public land. Community Development Department Ongoing Adequate staff resources Ongoing. Some research has been done for a program. WRCOG a resource. Community gardens being accommodated, including a community garden located at the Kay Cisneros Senior Center 29995 Evans Rd which is used by seniors, 4-H club, and a master gardners group. A second community garden will be avaialable to the public when the Legado Specific Plan residential community (approved in 2020) is developed in the coming years. Action OSC-43 Water Adopt and implement the Santa Ana Watershed Project Authority’s Santa Ana Watershed Integrated Regional Water Management Plan. Public Works Department Ongoing Adequate staff resources Complying. Action OSC-44 Water Prepare and implement a watercourse management system that identifies the functional roles of each water course (e.g., flood control, water recharge, habitat, etc.) and provides appropriate setbacks and permitted uses adjacent to and within designated watercourses and floodways. Public Works Department 2-5 years Adequate staff resources Action OSC-45 Water Design and implement, in partnership with the Eastern Municipal Water District, conservation and recharge programs to increase the supply of potable water in the City. Public Works Department Ongoing Adequate staff resources Ongoing. Action OSC-46 Water Develop and implement, in partnership with the Eastern Municipal Water District, educational outreach designed to increase public participation in water conservation and water quality awareness. Public Works Department Ongoing Adequate staff resources Ongoing. Action OSC-47 Water Require all development projects to utilize best management practices to improve water quality. Public Works Department Ongoing Adequate staff resources Implementing Action OSC-48 Water Require as part of project review that all development projects have adequate stormwater detention or treatment methods to accommodate surface water runoff generated by the project, and when necessary, incorporate detention of stormwater run-off at the point of origin. Public Works Department Ongoing Adequate staff resources Implementing Action OSC-49 Water Adopt a Recycled Water Ordinance in accordance with the requirements of Senate Bill 2095, Water Recycling in Landscaping Act, and convert existing City of Menifee non-domestic water uses to recycled water use in accordance with Sections 13550--13556 of the State Water Code as recycled water service becomes available. Public Works Department 1--2 years Adequate staff resources Action OSC-50 Water Continue implementing the City's Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance to require new projects to utilize drought-tolerant landscaping and other water-efficient landscape practices. Public Works Department 1--2 years Adequate staff resources This item is ongoing Action OSC-51 Water Develop and maintain an inventory of sites within the City that are suitable for groundwater recharge and manage this information in the City’s GIS. Public Works Department Ongoing Adequate staff resources Action OSC-52 Water Develop a set of guidelines for floodways, floodplain fringe, and wetland preservation and management that includes incentives for limiting development in and around these designated areas. Public Works Department 2--5 years Adequate staff resources Action OSC-53 Biological Develop a project review checklist to ensure that all development projects are reviewed for their impacts on biological resources onsite and on immediate surroundings. Community Development Department 1--2 years Adequate staff resources Done through CEQA and EPD review Action OSC-54 Biological Require all new development in areas containing or adjacent to sensitive habitat areas, designated critical habitat, and MSHCP conservation areas and core linkages as defined by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, and the MSHCP, to provide detailed biological assessments, assess potential impacts, and mitigate significant impacts to a level below significance. Community Development Department Ongoing Adequate staff resources Implementing Action OSC-55 Biological Identify parcels with important biological resources in the City’s GIS to ensure the information in readily available when projects are reviewed for that site. Community Development Department Ongoing Adequate staff resources County's GIS provides this service identifies mapping biologically sensitive resources identified in the Riverside County Multi-Species Habitat Conservation Plan (MSHCP) Agriculture Water Biological Implementation Actions Page 8 of 21 1/27/2021 Item Title:12.2 General Plan Annual Progress Report for 2020 Item Page Number:27 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 142 of 240 Action Topic Implementation Action Responsible Department Timing Resources Required to Complete Status Action OSC-56 Biological Evaluate different ways to acquire areas with high biological resource significance. Acquisition methods could include acquiring land by development agreement or gift; dedication of conservation, open space and scenic easements; joint acquisition with other local agencies; transfer of development rights; lease purchase agreements; State and federal grants; and impact fees/mitigation banking. Community Development Department Ongoing Adequate staff resources Ongoing. Action OSC-57 Biological Actively participate in Multispecies Habitat Conservation Planning with the County of Riverside, Regional Conservation Authority, and other applicable state and federal agencies. Community Development Department Ongoing Adequate staff resources Implementing Action OSC-58 Air Quality Revise Menifee's Municipal Code to include measures that will protect the air quality of sensitive land uses (facilities where individuals are highly susceptible to the adverse effects of air pollutants, such as housing, child care centers, retirement homes, schools, and hospitals) near freeways and other major air pollutant-generating uses. Protective measures include an analysis of the potential health risks and appropriate mitigation measures, such as increased air filtration to reduce risks, as necessary. Community Development and Building and Safety Departments 1 year Adequate staff resources The City adopted a Comprehensive Zoning Code Update in December 18, 2019, which became effective Jan., 2020. Chapter 9.210, Performance Standards of the Zoning Code includes air quality standards including consideration of proximity of proposed sensitive land uses to air pollution sources. Action OSC-59 Air Quality Evaluate the existing transportation network to identify areas where mobile source pollution can be reduced by making vehicular movement more efficient. Revise the transportation network as necessary. Possible improvements include: installation of dedicated left and right turn lanes, construction of roundabouts, development of Intelligent Transportation systems such as synchronized signal timing and adaptive traffic control systems, removal of unwarranted stop signs, and construction of new and improved freeway on- and off-ramps. Community Development and Public Works Department 3--5 years Capital Improvement Funds 2020/2021 - City will have all traffic signals communicating to the City's traffic Management Center (TMC). As of 2020, the City has approximately 80 traffic signals and will have about 150 at buildout of the city. In the first year the City wil have about 10% of signals running in a coordination plan from 6 am to 7 pm and running in a free mode outside of those hours. The following year the City anticipates coordination plans for another 10% of traffic signals along the heavily travelled corridors that have closely spaced traffic signals. Another 10% will likely be added the following year. As more and more signals are added and spaced closer together the City will place those in coordination during part of the day. Action OSC-60 Air Quality Create and implement a public outreach program to recognize and reward companies and residents using innovative approaches to improve air quality. Programs could include recognition on the City's website or a certificate presented at a City Council meeting. Community Development Department and City Managers Office Ongoing Adequate staff resources Ongoing Action OSC-61 Air Quality Provide a link to SCAQMD’s website and promote their regional events and incentive programs through the City’s website and at City Hall. Community Development Department 1 year; Ongoing Adequate staff resources New website just implemented, will start on this soon. Action OSC-62 Air Quality Require new development projects and substantial redevelopment projects subject to CALGreen to provide proof of submittal of a Construction Waste Management Plan (CWMP). Project applicants should work with Riverside County Waste Management Department to prepare the CWMP. Require the CWMP to include control measures that will also protect air quality, such as but not limited to: Minimizing simultaneous operation of multiple construction equipment units; Implementation of South Coast AQMD Air Quality Management Plan; fugitive dust control measures; Construction vehicle and equipment emissions standards and controls. Public Works and Building and Safety Departments Ongoing Adequate staff resources Implementing Action OSC-63 Air Quality Monitor regional air quality issues and apply for local government grants through SCAQMD to improve air quality in the City and the larger South Coast Air Basin. Community Development, Public Works, and Building and Safety Departments Annually Adequate staff resources Monitoring through WRCOG meetings. The City has not directly appliced for SCAG grants. However, related to air quality and greenhouse gases, the City is one of 14 cities participating in the 2020 Western Riverside Council of Governments (WROG) Subregional Climate Action Plan (CAP) update, which began in the Summer of 2020. Action OSC-64 Air Quality Provide technical assistance and demographic data to SCAG and SCAQMD for the development of future projections and programs. Community Development, Public Works, and Building and Safety Departments Ongoing Adequate staff resources Have provided assistance to SCAG. Action OSC-65 Air Quality Establish a reduced permit fee schedule for energy saving projects or energy efficiency improvements in Menifee homes and businesses. Building and Safety Department 1 Year Adequate staff resources Action OSC-66 Air Quality Complete a solar analysis and implement a five-year plan to establish solar energy generation on municipal buildings. Building and Safety Department 5 years Adequate staff resources Action OSC-67 Air Quality Create a Solar Plan that provides incentives and coordinates financing for City residences and businesses to invest in solar energy. Community Development, Public Works, and Finance Departments 5--10 years Adequate staff resources Action OSC-68 Air Quality Conduct energy efficiency audits of existing municipal buildings to check, repair, and readjust heating, ventilation, air conditioning, lighting, water heating equipment, insulation, and weatherization. Building and Safety Department Annually Adequate staff resources Kay Cisneros Center remodel. No other owned City buildings. Action OSC-69 Air Quality Revise the Menifee Municipal Code to include energy efficient light sources such as LED, LPS (Lower Pressure Sodium), HPS (High Pressure Sodium), and solar powered signage and regulation of parking lot and building light fixtures require full cut-off fixtures, except emergency exit or safety lighting. In addition, require that all permanently installed exterior lighting be controlled by either a photocell or an astronomical time switch. Prohibit continuous all night outdoor lighting unless required for security reasons. Community Development and Building and Safety Departments 1 year Adequate staff resources The City adopted a Comprehensive Zoning Code Update in December 18, 2019, which includes lighting standards to conserve energy and resources, minimize light glare and pollution, and preserve the visibility of night skies, included in Zoning Code Chapter 9.205 and Chapter 6.01 (Dark Sky, Light Pollution) of the Menifee Municipal Code. Air Quality Implementation Actions Page 9 of 21 1/27/2021 Item Title:12.2 General Plan Annual Progress Report for 2020 Item Page Number:28 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 143 of 240 Action Topic Implementation Action Responsible Department Timing Resources Required to Complete Status Action OSC-70 Air Quality Establish a tracking and monitoring system for greenhouse gas emissions that includes Planning and Building design review standards to evaluate a project's contribution to GHG emissions to demonstrate compliance with AB 32. Community Development and Building and Safety Departments 5 years Adequate staff resources The City is one of 14 cities participating in the 2020 Western Riverside Council of Governments (WROG) Subregional Climate Action Plan (CAP) update, which began in the Summer of 2020. Action OSC-71 Air Quality Train all plan check and building inspection staff in appropriate use of green building materials, techniques, and best practices. Community Development and Building and Safety Departments Within 1 year and Reoccurring Annually Adequate staff resources Ongoing. Action OSC-72 Air Quality Set and monitor performance goals and/or VMT reduction targets that are consistent with the targets set by Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) Sustainable Communities Strategy and Regional Transportation Plan and Western Riverside Council of Governments (WRCOG) Climate Action Plan. Community Development and Public Works Department Ongoing Adequate staff resources Ongoing. WRCOG working on implementation actions for a subregional Climate Action Plan. City participating. Action OSC-73 Air Quality Work with Riverside Transit Agency (RTA), and the Riverside County Transportation Commission (RCTC) to evaluate options to add transit to increase service in Menifee. Improvements include supporting the implementation of a regional bus rapid transit system in Western Riverside County (with a stop in the City of Menifee) and expanded service or a dedicated shuttle to connect Sun City Core to the Menifee Valley Medical Center. Partner with RTA to increase the frequency and coverage of buses connecting Menifee to other cities and the nearby existing and proposed rail stations. Possible grant funding sources should be considered in the evaluation. Community Development and Public Works Department 5 years; Ongoing Adequate staff resources Ongoing. Action OSC-74 Air Quality Work with EMWD to create a public outreach campaign to reduce energy use and conserve water. Campaign components can include workshops, brochures, mailers, website links, etc. Topics to highlight include: changes in Menifee's Building Code, how to implement whole house energy upgrades or other energy efficiency improvements for residents and businesses, the WRCOG HERO financing program and other subregional energy conservation efforts, as well as the City's the Solar Plan when complete. Community Development and Building and Safety Departments Ongoing Adequate staff resources Ongoing. Action OSC-75 Air Quality Create a program to incentivize new and existing commercial, industrial, public, school and medical facilities/developments to install shared vehicle parking, car pool parking, additional bike racks, and bus stop shelters. Components of the plan could include reduced permit fees, expedited processing, reduced parking requirements, etc. Community Development and Public Works Department Ongoing Adequate staff resources Action OSC-76 Air Quality Design and implement a public outreach campaign to reduce vehicle miles traveled within the City. Campaign components can include a ride sharing board at City Hall and an on-line version through the City website, promotion of RTA's schedule, passes, and programs, the City's Bicycle Master Plan when complete, as well as electric vehicles and their routes/street network. Community Development Department Ongoing Adequate staff resources City now selling bus tickets to make purchasing easier and more available Action OSC-77 Air Quality Adopt a Green Building Ordinance that requires energy efficient design, in excess of Title 24 standards, for all new residential and non-residential buildings. Require 30 percent above the 2008 Building and Efficiency standards in Title 24 to coincide with the Voluntary Tier 2 standards for the 2010 California Green Building Code (CALGreen). Building and Safety Department 2 years Adequate staff resources The Building & Safety Department adopted 2019 Cal Green Code 12/4/13 Action Topic Implementation Action Responsible Department Timing Resources Required to Complete Action CD-1 Community Image Identify specific locations for community gateways (based on general locations provided in Exhibit CD-1) and install landscaping, signage, lighting, and other design features to announce arrival. Community Development Department 2–5 years Adequate staff resources and funding Action CD-2 Community Image Establish priorities, timing, and possible funding sources to be used to fund the installation of pedestrian, bike, automobile, and transit circulation signage. Community Development Department Ongoing Adequate staff resources Ongoing. Action CD-3 Community Image Encourage neighborhood community organizations or homeowners associations to fund gateway features for their neighborhoods or rehabilitate existing signage, lighting, and other design amenities. Community Development Department Ongoing Adequate staff resources Ongoing. Action CD-4 Community Image Create citywide Design Guidelines to replace the Third and Fifth Supervisorial District Design Guidelines and Countywide Design Guidelines. Community Development Department 1–2 years Adequate staff resources On April 15, 2020, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 20-885 approving Design Guidelines Action CD-5 Community Image Institute special neighborhood improvement programs in areas that lack a distinct identity, that structure with day-to-day maintenance issues, or have a repeated history of code violations. Community Development Department 2–5 years Adequate staff resources Action CD-6 Community Image Create a “way-finding” signage system to orient people in the City and highlight key destinations, such as recreation facilities, schools, libraries, community centers, and City Hall. The way-finding system should include signage at two scales: one for motorists and one for pedestrians. Community Development Department 2–5 years Adequate staff resources; funds for signage construction Have started putting up additional signage to identify and direct people City Hall Action CD-7 Community Image Conduct yearly meetings with organized neighborhoods within the City to identify neighborhood design issues and develop strategies to address them. Community Development Department Annually Adequate staff resources Meetings with Quail Valley Community and other neighborhoods are ongoing. Community Design Implementation Actions Community Image Implementation Actions Page 10 of 21 1/27/2021 Item Title:12.2 General Plan Annual Progress Report for 2020 Item Page Number:29 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 144 of 240 Action Topic Implementation Action Responsible Department Timing Resources Required to Complete Status Action CD-8 Corridors and Scenic Resources Conduct a survey of minor roadways and neighborhood streets and identify streetscape deficiencies, signage problems, inadequate lighting, etc. Based on this survey, develop a phased program to correct any problems and deficiencies and incorporate the list into the City's Capital Improvement Plan. Community Development and Public Works Departments 1–2 years Adequate staff resources and funding Action CD-9 Corridors and Scenic Resources Create a master streetscape plan addressing landscaping, signage, lighting, gateway design, and special design features along enhanced landscape corridors and at key entryways to the City. See Exhibit CD-2 for a map of major roadways that should be included in the master streetscape plan. Community Development and Public Works Departments 1–2 years Adequate staff resources Action CD-10 Corridors and Scenic Resources Require new development to underground utilities and look for funding opportunities to underground existing utilities, especially in areas of scenic value. Community Development and Public Works Departments Ongoing Adequate staff resources Implementing Action CD-11 Corridors and Scenic Resources Develop a list of community sites that have exceptional scenic value. Community Development and Public Works Departments 1–2 years Adequate staff resources Action CD-12 Corridors and Scenic Resources Amend the City's Municipal Code to require the size, height, and type of on-site signs within 660 feet of the nearest edge of the right-of-way of all scenic corridors to be the minimum necessary for identification. The design, materials, color, and location of on-site signs shall blend with the environment, utilizing natural materials where possible. Community Development and Public Works Departments Ongoing Adequate staff resources Comprehensive Zoning Code Update adopted in December 18, 2019, & became effective Jan. 2020. The Zoning Code includes lighting standards to conserve energy and resources, minimize light glare and pollution, and preserve the visibility of night skies, included in Zoning Code Chapter 9.205 and Chapter 6.01 (Dark Sky, Light Pollution) of the Menifee Municipal Code. Action CD-13 Project and Building Design Quality Work with local service organizations and educational institutions to develop an educational campaign to inform residential, commercial, and industrial property owners and tenants about property maintenance methods and possible financing opportunities. This information should be available free of charge at the counter. Code Enforcement, Building, Planning, and Economic Development Departments 2–5 years Adequate staff resources Action CD-15 Project and Building Design Quality Explore possibility of establishing a public art program and funding source for the installation of public art within new development proposals and in public spaces and gathering areas. Community Development Department 1–2 years Adequate staff resources Discussed as part of DIF study. Action CD-16 Project and Building Design Quality Prohibit retention/detention basins at the corner of projects unless no other feasible alternative is available. If a retention/detention basin must be located at a project corner, require the use of landscaping and other buffers to soften their appearance and integrate them into the project. Community Development and Public Works Department Ongoing Adequate staff resources Complying. Action CD-17 Land Use Transitions and Buffers Update the City's Municipal Code to include a walls and fencing ordinance to address appropriate materials and designs for walls and fencing, including temporary construction fencing. Community Development Department 1–2 years Adequate staff resources Comprehensive Zoning Code Update adopted in December 18, 2019, & became effective Jan. 2020. Includes Chapter 9.185 - Fences, Walls & Screening. Addresses temporary construction fencing. Materials & sesign addressed in Chapter 9.185 & City Design Guideines. Action CD-18 Rural Design Create design guidelines for the community's rural areas. Community Development Department 2–3 years Adequate staff resources Action CD-19 Rural Design Create an alternative roadway section that eliminates vertical curbs, gutters, and sidewalks, and could be applied to rural roadways where drainage is sufficiently handled. Public Works Department 1–2 years Adequate staff resources Action CD-20 Rural Design Provide transitional buffers for proposed residential developments at densities exceeding two units per acre whenever such projects are located adjacent to or on the opposite side of the street from improved properties 1 acre or larger and/or land that is designated Rural Residential or Rural Mountainous. Buffers may include the use of larger lot sizes that mirror adjacent uses, an open space corridor, trails, paseos, and/or screening landscaping. Community Development Department Ongoing Funding Implementing Corridors and Scenic Resources Project and Building Design Quality Land Use Transitions and Buffers Rural Design Implementation Actions Page 11 of 21 1/27/2021 Item Title:12.2 General Plan Annual Progress Report for 2020 Item Page Number:30 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 145 of 240 Action Topic Implementation Action Responsible Department Timing Resources Required to Complete Status Action CD-21 Economic Development Corridor Create design guidelines for each EDC subarea. Community Development and Economic Development Departments 1–2 years Adequate staff resources Comprehensive Zoning Code Update adopted in December 18, 2019, & became effective Jan. 2020. Action CD-22 Economic Development Corridor Create streetscape and landscaping plans for each EDC subarea that reflect and emphasize the character of that area to create a unique sense of place and destination image. Community Development and Public Works Departments 1–2 years Adequate staff resources Action CD-23 Economic Development Corridor Amend the City's Municipal Code to create mixed/multi-use development standards that remove potential barriers to this type of development, such as parking, open space, and setback requirements. Community Development Department 1–2 years Adequate staff resources Comprehensive Zoning Code Update adopted in December 18, 2019, & became effective Jan. 2020, includes mixed/multi-use standards for the Economic Development Corridor (EDC) zones. Action CD-24 Community Design Amenities Require that an appropriate landscape plan be submitted and implemented for development projects subject to discretionary review. Community Development Department Ongoing Adequate staff resources Implementing Action CD-25 Community Design Amenities Require that new development utilize drought-tolerant landscaping and incorporate adequate drought-conscious irrigation systems. Community Development Department Ongoing Adequate staff resources Implementing Action CD-26 Community Design Amenities Continue enforcing the City's Oak Tree Management Guidelines. Community Development Department Ongoing Adequate staff resources Implementing Action CD-27 Community Design Amenities Organize a committee to assist the City with the beautification of the public streets through fundraising and assistance in planting and maintenance of landscaping. Public Works Department 2–5 years Adequate staff resources Action CD-28 Community Design Amenities Develop a sign guidelines manual with examples of appropriate signs of various scales for major corridors, commercial centers, and activity centers. Maximum height limits would need to be defined. Community Development Department 2–3 years Adequate staff resources Action CD-29 Community Design Amenities When there are two or more businesses on a property, require the development of a Master Sign Program (MSP). Once an MSP is established, each sign on the property must conform to the program, as well as any sign regulations set forth in the City's Municipal Code. Community Development Department Ongoing Adequate staff resources Implementing Action CD-30 Community Design Amenities Periodically review the City's lighting standards and amend them as necessary to reflect updates to Title 24 and other regional, state, and federal regulations. Community Development and Public Works Departments Ongoing Adequate staff resources Ongoing. Action CD-31 Community Design Amenities Update the City's Sign Ordinance to better reflect the City's high quality design standards. Community Development Department 2–3 years Adequate staff resources Comprehensive Zoning Code Update adopted in December 18, 2019 & became effective Jan. 2020. Includes Chapter 9.220 Sign Regulations. In additin, Citywide Design Guidelines were adopted on April 15, 2020. Action CD-32 Community Design Amenities Create design guidelines to address specific requirements for enhanced lighting. Community Development Department 2–3 years Adequate staff resources Citywide Design Guidelines were adopted on April 15, 2020. Action Topic Implementation Action Responsible Department Timing Resources Required to Complete Action ED-1 Economic Development Develop, periodically update, and implement an economic development strategy. The strategy should be based on analysis, community and stakeholder engagement, General Plan goals and policies, and City Council priorities. In addition to the vision, goals, objectives, and actions generated during preparation of the strategy, it should actively seek to achieve the goals of the General Plan, and it may provide or address the following: • A business visitation program • A communications strategy to market Menifee to existing businesses, residents, and potential new business • Specific business types to target for business attraction efforts • An incentives policy • Measurable objectives for local economic development efforts and for collaboration with regional economic development partners • Economic development performance benchmarks and targets • A mechanism to measure performance and adjust programs where needed to improve performance. City Manager and Economic Development Departments 1–3 years Adequate staff resources Action ED-2 Economic Development Establish and implement an annual business visitation program. City Manager and Economic Development Departments 1–3 years Adequate staff resources Action ED-3 Economic Development Establish, update, and publish an inventory of sites and facilities available in Menifee for nonresidential uses. City Manager and Economic Development Departments 1–3 years Adequate staff resources Actions Topic Implementation Action Responsible Parties Timing Resources Required to Complete Economic Development Corridor Design Community Design Amenities Economic Development Implementation Actions Note: Most economic development implementation measures will be determined through and housed in the economic development strategy. Safety Implementation Actions Seismic and Geological Issues Implementation Actions Page 12 of 21 1/27/2021 Item Title:12.2 General Plan Annual Progress Report for 2020 Item Page Number:31 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 146 of 240 Action Topic Implementation Action Responsible Department Timing Resources Required to Complete Status Action S-1 Seismic, Flooding Review all plans for new development to be certain new structures are designed in accordance with the most recent California Building Code adopted by City Council, including the provisions regarding seismic loads, lateral forces, and grading. Building and Safety Department Ongoing Adequate staffing, with reviewers having the necessary credentials and certifications to conduct these reviews; Review fees paid by developer Implementing Action S-2 Seismic Conduct routine field inspections during construction to ensure that new structures are built in accordance with the most recent California Building Code adopted by the City and in agreement with the approved plans and specifications. Building and Safety Department Ongoing Adequate staffing, with reviewers having the necessary credentials and certifications to conduct these reviews; Review fees paid by developer Implementing Action S-3 Seismic Require that liquefaction assessment studies be conducted for all projects proposed in areas identified as potentially susceptible to liquefaction (Exhibit S-2, Liquefaction and Landslides). The studies shall be conducted in accordance with the California Geological Survey’s Special Publication 117, Guidelines for Evaluating and Mitigating Seismic Hazards in California (2008 or more recent version), and the Earthquake Engineering Research Center’s Report No. EERC-2003-06 (or more recent version), Recent Advances in Soil Liquefaction Engineering. Developers and their geotechnical consultants, Building and Safety Department staff Ongoing Adequate staffing, with reviewers having the necessary credentials and certifications to conduct these reviews; Review fees paid by developer Implementing Action S-4 Seismic In areas where geotechnical testing shows the sediments are susceptible to liquefaction, require the implementation of mitigation measures as a condition of approval. Liquefaction mitigation measures shall be applied to all habitable structures, bridges, roadways, major utility lines, and park improvements to be built in these areas. Developers and their geotechnical consultants, Building and Safety Department staff Ongoing Adequate staffing, with reviewers having the necessary credentials and certifications to conduct these reviews; Review fees paid by developer Implementing Action S-5 Seismic If and when the California Geological Survey (CGS) develops a Seismic Hazards Zone Map that includes the City, review the proposed draft for agreement with geotechnical reports filed at the City, work with the CGS to make any necessary changes, and adopt the final map as a replacement to the Seismic Hazards Map that is currently part of Exhibit S-2, Liquefaction and Landslides. Community Development and Building and Safety Departments Unknown, in response to State actions City Staff or consultant with geotechnical engineering expertise As of Jan. 2021, City is working on updating the Safety Element of the General Plan in cojunction with its 6th Cycle Housing Element Update & will review CGS seismic hazards maps and update the Saftey Element maps as necessary. Action S-6 Seismic Develop and make available to all residents and businesses literature on hazard prevention and disaster response, including information on how to earthquake-proof residences and places of business, and information on what to do before, during, and after an earthquake. Reminders will be issued periodically to encourage the review and renewal of earthquake preparedness kits and other emergency preparedness materials and procedures. Office of Emergency Management Short Term (within 5 years) Additional Staff; Funding to develop program Action S-7 Seismic Develop and administer a housing rehabilitation grant and/or loan program that allows owners of manufactured (mobile) homes to seismically retrofit their houses. Finance Department Short Term (5 years) Start-up funding, possibly as a grant from FEMA or Cal-EMA (requires writing and submitting a grant request). Action S-8 Seismic Identify the unreinforced masonry buildings in the City, and develop incentives for owners to seismically retrofit these structures, especially those being used for residential, commercial, or industrial purposes. Building and Safety and Community Development Departments Within next 5 years Funding and available personnel Action S-9 Seismic Evaluate the above-ground water storage tanks in the City to assess their potential inundation hazard in the event of catastrophic failure and ensure that all tanks are fitted with the appropriate seismic safeguards, including shut-off valves, in accordance with the most recent water tank design guidelines. Public Works and Building and Safety Departments and Utility Providers Long term (within 10 years)Funding Action S-10 Geologic Require development proposals within areas identified as having a seismic or geotechnical hazard to conduct, as a condition of approval, geotechnical and engineering geological investigations, prepared by state- certified professionals (geotechnical engineers and engineering geologists, as appropriate) following the most recent guidelines by the California Geological Survey and similar organizations, that address, at a minimum, the site-specific geologic hazards identified in the Safety Element Technical Background Report. These reports shall provide mitigation measures to reduce those hazards identified at a site to an acceptable level. Community Development and Building and Safety Departments Ongoing Adequate staffing, with reviewers having the necessary credentials and certifications to conduct these reviews; Review fees paid by developer Implementing Implementation Actions Page 13 of 21 1/27/2021 Item Title:12.2 General Plan Annual Progress Report for 2020 Item Page Number:32 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 147 of 240 Action Topic Implementation Action Responsible Department Timing Resources Required to Complete Status Action S-11 Geologic Conduct routine inspections of grading operations to ensure site safety and compliance with approved plans and specifications. Building and Safety Department Ongoing Adequate staffing, with reviewers having the necessary credentials and certifications to conduct these reviews; Review fees paid by developer Implementing Action S-12 Geologic Maintain an updated map of slope failures in the City to show areas where debris flows, surficial mass wasting events, and rockfalls are reported, especially during wet winters. Require geotechnical studies that assess this hazard in these areas, and where deemed necessary, erect protective devices such as barriers, rock fences, retaining structures, or catchment areas. Community Development and Public Works Departments, developers and their geotechnical consultants Ongoing Adequate staffing, review fees paid by project proponent Ongoing. Action S-13 Geologic Prohibit any additions or reconstruction of structures damaged by geologic hazards, unless the structure is relocated to a safer area, or it can be demonstrated that the proposed project and its occupants can be protected from future, recurrent damage by implementing mitigation measures not present in the original, damaged structure. Building and Safety and Planning Departments Ongoing, in response to damage by geologic hazards Adequate staffing, potential issues associated with vesting property rights Ongoing. Implementation Actions Page 14 of 21 1/27/2021 Item Title:12.2 General Plan Annual Progress Report for 2020 Item Page Number:33 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 148 of 240 Action Topic Implementation Action Responsible Department Timing Resources Required to Complete Status Action S-14 Geologic Require that cut-and-fill transition lots be overexcavated and a 100% maximum variation of fill depths beneath structures to mitigate the potential of seismically induced differential settlement. Building and Safety and Planning Departments Ongoing Adequate staffing Ongoing. Action S-15 Geologic Coordinate with Eastern Municipal Water District to identify and map all groundwater resources in the City and develop and implement strategies that prevent the overdrafting of the aquifers. Public Works Department and Eastern Municipal Water District Within next 5 years Adequate staffing EMWD adopted its 2015 Urban Water Management Plan (UWMP) in 2016. The UWMP identifies the West San Jacinto and Hemet/San Jacinto groundwater basin plan areas and addresses groundwater management of these basins for EMWD's service area that includes Menifee. Action S-16 Flood Require new development proposals to include, as a condition of approval, hydrological studies prepared by a state-certified engineer with expertise in this area, that assess the impact that the new development will have on the flooding potential of existing development downgrade. The studies shall provide mitigation measures to reduce this impact to an acceptable level. Community Development and Building and Safety Departments Ongoing Adequate staffing, review fees paid by developer.Implementing Action S17 Flood Continue to enforce Riverside County Ordinance No. 458 for all new developments and existing projects undergoing substantial improvements within the FEMA-designated Special Flood Hazard Areas, areas identified by the county as susceptible to flooding, and other areas known to flood. Mitigation measures can include the design of onsite drainage systems that are connected to the City’s storm drainage system, or that keep surface waters within the project area, grading of the site so that runoff does not impact adjacent properties, and buildings that are elevated above the anticipated flood levels. Community Development and Building and Safety Departments 2 years Adequate staffing, review fees paid by developer. Action S-18 Flood Prohibit any additions or reconstruction of structures damaged by flooding, unless the structure is relocated to a safer area or it can be demonstrated that the proposed project and its occupants can be protected from future, recurrent damage by implementing mitigation measures not present in the original, damaged structure. Building and Safety and Planning Departments Ongoing, in response to flood-caused damage Adequate staffing, potential issues associated with vesting property rights Ongoing. Action S-19 Flood Require development proposals for areas adjacent to McCall Boulevard that are located at the base of a mountainous area to prepare a coordinated access and flooding mitigation plan that will limit the number of access points to McCall Blvd. Community Development and Public Works Departments Ongoing Adequate staffing Ongoing. Action S-20 Flood Require that the design and upgrade of street storm drains be based on the depth of inundation, relative risk to public health and safety, the potential for hindrance of emergency access and regress from excessive flood depth, and the threat of contamination of the storm drain system with sewage effluent. In general, the 10-year flood flows shall be contained within the top of curbs and the 100-year flood flows within the street right-of-way. Community Development and Public Works Departments Ongoing Adequate staffing Implementing Action S-21 Flood Maintain, and continue to improve where needed, the City's storm drain systems, with an emphasis on areas of the City that flood repeatedly. This entails maintaining and regularly cleaning the storm drains and other flood-control structures, as necessary, so that floodwaters can be effectively conveyed away from structures, and upgrading systems known to be underfit. Public Works Department Ongoing and Short to Long term, within next five to ten years Funding, possibly in the form of grants from FEMA and other sources to improve the City’s infrastructure.Ongoing. Action S-22 Flood Identify properties in the City that are subject to recurring flooding and map their location in GIS in order to track infrastructure improvements and direct funding sources to areas with the most need. Public Works, Information Technology, and Community Development Departments Short to Long Term (within the next 5 years)Adequate staffing Action S-23 Flood Pursue grant funding, such as FEMA’s Hazard Mitigation Grant and Flood Mitigation Assistance Programs and their Predisaster Mitigation Program, to implement the mitigation measures required to reduce flooding in the City. Finance Department Short to Long Term (within the next 5 years)Adequate staffing Action S-24 Flood Request that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) conduct a City-wide detailed study of flood prone areas, to develop a better, more comprehensive Flood Insurance Rate Map for Menifee. Community Development and Building and Safety Departments, with cooperation from the Public Works Department Short to Long Term (within the next 5 years) Appropriate funding sources Action S-25 Flood Continue to participate in the National Flood Insurance Program and require that all owners of properties within the 100-year floodplain (Zones A and AE), and repeat-flood properties in Zone X, purchase and keep flood insurance for those properties. Community Development and Building and Safety Departments Ongoing Adequate staffing Ongoing. Action S-26 Flood Participate in the StormReady Program with the National Weather Service, including the monitoring of precipitation and snow levels on the mountains, providing storm watches and warnings in real time, and issuing evacuation notices for affected neighborhoods in a timely manner. Community Development and Public Works Departments Short to Long Term, within five years Adequate staffing to prepare application; emergency technology to provide warnings in real-time to population, such as reverse 911 system; funds to run warning system Flood Hazards Implementation Actions Page 15 of 21 1/27/2021 Item Title:12.2 General Plan Annual Progress Report for 2020 Item Page Number:34 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 149 of 240 Action Topic Implementation Action Responsible Department Timing Resources Required to Complete Status Action S-27 Flood Prepare and distribute informational materials to owners of properties within the flood zones (Zones A, AE and X) and inundation zones (Exhibit bS-2.1, Dams with the Potential to Inundate the Menifee General Plan Area) regarding the potential for flooding in their area, including the potential for flooding of access routes to and from their neighborhoods. Community Development and Public Works Departments Ongoing Adequate staffing to prepare materials Ongoing. Action S-28 Flood Where possible, continue to institute joint-use agreements with the Riverside County Flood Control district to develop floodplains as parks, nature trails, equestrian parks, golf courses, or other types of recreational facilities that can withstand periodic inundation. Community Development and Public Works Departments and Riverside County Flood Control District Long Term (within 10 years) Adequate staffing and fiscal resources to fund new projects Ongoing. Action S-29 Flood Coordinate with adjacent jurisdictions to create a development review process that takes into consideration the impact of flooding and flood control measures on adjacent jurisdictions. Community Development and Public Works Departments Short Term (within 5 years)Adequate staffing Action S-30 Flood Continue to implement the County of Riverside Master Plan of Drainage. Community Development and Public Works Departments Ongoing Adequate staffing Ongoing. Action S-31 Fire Work with safety-oriented organizations such as Fire Safe to prepare and distribute educational materials and hold public information programs designed to inform homeowners in the High and Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zones about the value of installing and maintaining a fuel reduction zone and defensible space around their residences. Riverside County Fire, Office of Emergency Management 2 years Adequate staffing Action S-32 Fire Prohibit the use of invasive, ornamental plant species in the High and Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zones and require the use of fire-resistive, native plant species. Community Development and Public Works Departments Ongoing Adequate staffing Ongoing. New projects reviewed for compliance. Action S-33 Fire Continue to conduct regular inspections of parcels throughout the City, and direct property owners to bring their property into compliance with fire inspection standards. This includes enforcing the weed abatement and notification program, to reduce the potential for vegetation fires on vacant or poorly maintained lots, and encouraging homeowners to follow fire-safe practices, including maintaining a fire-safe landscape and keeping combustibles (such as wood fire) a safe distance away from all structures. Community Development Department Ongoing Adequate staffing, with reviewers having the necessary credentials and certifications to conduct these inspections Ongoing. Action S-34 Fire Encourage homeowners in wildland fire vulnerable areas (High and Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zones) to have fire plans in place and to practice evacuation procedures with all household members. Office of Emergency Management Short Term (within 5 years) Adequate staffing and funding required to create educational materials Action S-35 Fire Continue to require that all new habitable structures be designed in accordance with the most recent California Fire Code with local amendments adopted by the City, including the use of fire sprinklers in residential structures. County Fire Department and Building and Safety Department Ongoing Adequate staffing Implementing Action S-36 Fire Coordinate with the Riverside County Fire Department and train in NIMS- compliant emergency response procedures to provide assistance as needed during emergency situations. This includes conducting emergency response exercises, including mock earthquake-induced fire- scenario exercises, to evaluate and improve, as needed, the City’s ability to respond to the multiple ignitions that an earthquake is likely to generate. Office of Emergency Management Annually Adequate staffing Action S-37 Fire Prepare a Local Hazard Mitigation Plan (LHMP) for the City. Until an LHMP for Menifee is complete, the City shall continue to adhere to the County of Riverside's LHMP. If complete, the City's LHMP will be adopted as an addendum to the Safety Element of the General Plan. If it is not yet completed by the time the Safety Element is adopted, the county's LHMP will be adopted. The City's LHMP should be updated every 5 years, per the requirements of the Federal Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000. Office of Emergency Management Short Term (within 5 years)Adequate staffing LHMP Prepared. As of Jan. 2021, City is working on updating the Safety Element of the General Plan in cojunction with its 6th Cycle Housing Element Update. As required by State law, the LHMP will be incorporated into the Safety Element by reference. Action S-38 Fire Require all proposed construction meet the minimum standards for fire safety as defined in the Uniform Building Code and Uniform Fire Code. Building and Safety Department and County Fire Department Ongoing Adequate staffing Implementing Action S-39 Fire Require all proposed development in Hazardous Fire areas to provide secondary public access, unless determined otherwise by the county fire chief. Building and Safety Department and County Fire Department Ongoing Adequate staffing Implementing Action S-40 Fire Evaluate, in cooperation with the Riverside County Fire Department, public notification systems (such as a reverse 911 system) that can be used to warn residents of an approaching wildfire and provide evacuation instructions. Office of Emergency Management 2 years Adequate staffing Action S-41 Fire Continue to regularly evaluate specific fire hazard areas and adopt reasonable safety standards, such as adequacy of nearby water supplies, fire-retardant roofing materials, fire-equipment accessible routes, clarity of addresses, street signage, and street maintenance. Planning and Public Works Departments Ongoing Adequate staffing Ongoing. Action S-42 Fire Ensure that the Eastern Municipal Water District conducts annual fire flow tests and addresses any deficiencies as soon as possible. Public Works Department and EMWD Annually Adequate staffing Action S-43 Fire Develop and hold regular training exercises that involve residents as much as possible, such as through the City’s Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) program, to empower individuals and neighborhoods to be self-reliant in the aftermath of a natural or man- made disaster. Office of Emergency Management Short Term (within 5 years)Adequate staffing Ongoing - CPR classes Fire Hazards Implementation Actions Page 16 of 21 1/27/2021 Item Title:12.2 General Plan Annual Progress Report for 2020 Item Page Number:35 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 150 of 240 Action Topic Implementation Action Responsible Department Timing Resources Required to Complete Status Action S-44 Fire Pursue grant funding for sprinkler-retrofit projects for high-occupancy structures, and/or reach out to nonsprinklered high-occupancy structures to educate them on available grant funding sources they can utilize to retrofit their projects. Finance and Building and Safety Departments Short Term (within 5 years)Adequate staffing Implementation Actions Page 17 of 21 1/27/2021 Item Title:12.2 General Plan Annual Progress Report for 2020 Item Page Number:36 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 151 of 240 Action Topic Implementation Action Responsible Department Timing Resources Required to Complete Status Action S-45 Hazardous Prohibit new facilities that use or store hazardous materials in quantities that would place them in the state’s TRI or SQG databases in flood zones A, AE and X unless all standards of elevation, anchoring, and flood proofing have been implemented to the satisfaction of the City’s Building Department and the Riverside County Fire Department. Community Development and Building and Safety Departments Ongoing Adequate staffing Ongoing (no new facilities) Action S-46 Hazardous Identify roadways along which hazardous materials are routinely transported. If critical facilities, such as schools, medical facilities, child care centers, or other facilities with special evacuation needs are located along these routes, the City, together with these facilities, will identify emergency response plans that can be implemented in the event of a roadway accident nearby that results in the unauthorized release of hazardous materials. Planning and Public Works Departments, Office of Emergency Management, Riverside County Fire Department, Hazardous Materials Division Short Term (within 5 years)Adequate staffing Action S-47 Hazardous Prohibit new facilities involved in the production, use, storage, transport, or disposal of hazardous materials near existing land uses that may be adversely impacted by such activities. Prohibit new sensitive facilities (like schools, child care centers, nursing homes) near existing sites that use, store, or generate hazardous materials. Community Development and Building and Safety Departments Ongoing Adequate staffing Ongoing (no new facilities) Action S-48 Hazardous Coordinate with regional providers of emergency services, including the county’s fire and sheriff departments, to ensure that all residents, workers, and visitors to Menifee are protected from exposure to hazardous materials and wastes. Office of Emergency Management, Riverside County Fire Department, Hazardous Materials Division Ongoing Adequate staffing Ongoing. Action S-49 Hazardous Continue to allocate funding to operate the City's hazardous materials drop-off facility. Public Works and Finance Departments Ongoing Adequate staffing and funding required to operate facility Ongoing. Action S-50 Hazardous The City, in cooperation with the Riverside County Fire Department, Hazardous Materials Division, will continue to enforce disclosure laws that require all users, generators, and transporters of hazardous materials and wastes to clearly identify the materials that they store, use or transport, and to notify the appropriate City, county, state, and federal agencies of a change in quantity or type of materials and in the event of a violation. Community Development and Building and Safety Departments, Riverside County Fire Department, Hazardous Materials Division Ongoing Adequate staffing Ongoing. Action S-51 Hazardous Continue to reduce or eliminate the use of hazardous materials by using nontoxic, safer alternatives that do not pose a threat to the environment, or buying and using only the smallest amount of a hazardous substance to get the intended job done. The City will encourage residents and businesses in the City to do the same. Community Development and Building and Safety Departments, Riverside County Fire Department, Hazardous Materials Division Ongoing Adequate staffing Ongoing. Action S-52 Hazardous Require hazardous materials be stored in watertight containers that are not capable of floating or in flood-proof receptacles or tanks. Building and Safety Department, Office of Emergency Management, Riverside County Fire Department, Hazardous Materials Division Ongoing Adequate staffing, review fees paid by project proponent.Ongoing. Action S-53 Hazardous Require facilities that handle hazardous materials to install automatic fire and hazardous materials detection, reporting, and shut-off devises and install an alternative communication system in the event power is out or telephone service is saturated following an earthquake. Building and Safety Department, Riverside County Fire Department, Hazardous Materials Division Ongoing Adequate staffing Ongoing. Action S-54 Hazardous Work with the Eastern Municipal Water District to monitor the potential presence of perchlorate in well water. If perchlorate continues to be detected at measurable concentrations, programs to find and eradicate the source of this contaminant, and to clean up the perchlorate already in the water will have to be developed. Public Works Department and EMWD Ongoing Adequate staffing Ongoing. Action S-55 Disaster Response Maintain and update the emergency response organization consisting of representatives from all City departments, the Riverside County Fire and Sheriff Departments, local quasi-governmental agencies, private businesses, citizens, and other community partners involved in emergency relief and/or community-wide services. Emergency Services Department in cooperation with the Riverside County Fire Department and other City agencies Ongoing Adequate staffing, funding Ongoing. Note that the City of Menifee Police Department was established and began service in July, 2020 at which time police service for the City of Menifee transferred from the Sheriff's Department to the City of Menifee PD. With the formation of the Police Department, the City Council approved a dispatch services agreement between the City of Menifee and the City of Murrieta. Hazardous Materials Disaster Preparedness, Response, and Recovery Implementation Actions Page 18 of 21 1/27/2021 Item Title:12.2 General Plan Annual Progress Report for 2020 Item Page Number:37 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 152 of 240 Action Topic Implementation Action Responsible Department Timing Resources Required to Complete Status Action S-56 Disaster Response Continue to maintain mutual aid agreements with neighboring cities and the Riverside County Operational Area. Emergency Services Department in cooperation with the Riverside County Fire Department and other City agencies Ongoing Adequate staffing, funding Ongoing. Action S-57 Disaster Response Participate in regional and local emergency exercises, such as the Great California ShakeOut, an annual statewide earthquake drill that is generally held in October. Emergency Services Department in cooperation with the Riverside County Fire Department and other City agencies, Menifee Unified School District, Menifee Valley Medical Center, CERT volunteers Yearly Individuals interested in planning and implementing the scenario exercises Ongoing. Action S-58 Disaster Response The Riverside County Fire Department, in the annual review of these facilities, can encourage owners and operators to maintain alternate emergency exits, emergency evacuation plans, and emergency generators, and to anchor computers, shelving, and other nonstructural elements. Building and Safety and Emergency Services Department in cooperation with the Riverside County Fire Department Ongoing, on a yearly basis Adequate staffing Ongoing. Action S-59 Disaster Response Compile and maintain a list of facilities that because of population demands (such as mobility issues), construction type, location relative to a high hazard area, or other factors, may have a high risk and specific needs requiring special response during a disaster. Emergency Services Department in cooperation with the Riverside County Fire Department Short Term (in the next 1 to 5 years) Adequate staffing and fiscal resources to fund the project Action S-60 Disaster Response Enhance public awareness and preparedness by encouraging residents and businesses to store supplies for self-reliance following a disaster. Emergency preparedness kits should include, at a minimum, a three-day supply of drinking water and food for all members of the household or business, including pets. Emergency Services Department in cooperation with the Riverside County Fire Department Ongoing Adequate staffing Action S-61 Disaster Response Offer educational programs for residents and businesses regarding preventative actions to take prior to, during, and after an emergency, and involve the public in the awareness of City emergency response plans, resources, risk reduction, and mitigation measures. Emergency Services Department in cooperation with the Riverside County Fire Department and other City agencies, CERT volunteers Short Term (in the next 1 to 5 years) Adequate staffing, funding Action S-62 Disaster Response Identify the potential emergency shelter locations and draw agreements, as needed, with the owners and operators of those facilities. Specific sheltering amenities that each of these facilities can provide, including restrooms and showers, whether cooking can be done on site, and whether family pets are allowed, should be identified so that this information is available in advance of a disaster. Shelter locations for horses and other animals also need to be identified and procured. Emergency Services Department in cooperation with the Parks and Recreation Department and other City agencies, American Red Cross, Salvation Army and other emergency response organizations, churches, Menifee Unified School District Short Term (in the next 1 to 5 years) Action S-63 Disaster Response Continue to support the development of local preparedness plans and multi-jurisdictional cooperation and communication for emergency situations consistent with regional, state (SIMS), and federal standards, guidelines, and/or recommendations (NIMS). Emergency Services Department in cooperation with the Riverside County Fire Department and other City agencies Ongoing Adequate staffing with the necessary training, funding for the training of personnel and to prepare and implement the plans and agreements Ongoing. Implementation Actions Page 19 of 21 1/27/2021 Item Title:12.2 General Plan Annual Progress Report for 2020 Item Page Number:38 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 153 of 240 Action Topic Implementation Action Responsible Department Timing Resources Required to Complete Status Action S-64 Disaster Response Identify multilingual personnel and encourage them to assist in evacuation, short-term recovery activities, and meeting general community needs during times of emergency. Human Resources Department and Office of Emergency Management Ongoing Adequate staffing Action S-65 Disaster Response Require all essential and critical facilities (including but not limited to essential City offices and buildings, medical facilities, schools, child care centers, and nursing homes) in or within 200 feet of Flood Zones A, AE and X, or within the dam inundation pathways, to develop disaster response and evacuation plans that address the actions that will be taken in the event of flooding or inundation due to catastrophic failure of a dam. Community Development and Public Works Departments, Office of Emergency Management, school districts, individual facilities Short to Long Term, within five years Action S-66 Disaster Response Require that dependent care facilities have all flood-vulnerable electrical circuitry flood-proofed. Building and Safety Department Ongoing Adequate staffing Action S-67 Disaster Response Coordinate with the Riverside County Airport Land Use Commission to review the Airport Land Use Plans for March Air Reserve Base and Perris Valley Airport and incorporate applicable disaster preparedness, response, and recovery measures into City disaster planning efforts. Office of Emergency Management Short Term (in the next 1 to 5 years)Adequate staffing ALUC reviews development plans. City in low hazard zones for both airports. Action S-68 Disaster Response Evaluate proposals for new critical facilities to ensure they are outside of hazardous areas. If the facility must be located in a hazardous area, ensure that the project implements appropriate mitigation measures to protect the facility in the case of damage or disaster. Community Development and Building and Safety Departments Ongoing Adequate staffing No new critical facilities proposed. Action S-69 Disaster Response Coordinate with the Public Utilities Commission (PUC) and/or utilize the Capital Improvement Program, to strengthen, relocate, or take other appropriate measures to safeguard high-voltage lines; water, sewer, natural gas and petroleum pipelines; and trunk electrical and telephone conduits that extend through areas of high liquefaction potential, cross active faults, or traverse earth cracks or landslides. Public Works and Building and Safety Departments and Utility Providers Ongoing Adequate staffing Action Topic Implementation Action Responsible Department Timing Resources Required to Complete Action N-1 Policy and Reg Require subdivisions adjacent to developed/occupied noise-sensitive land uses to submit a construction-related noise mitigation plan to the City for review and approval prior to issuance of a grading permit. The plan must depict the location of construction equipment and how the noise from this equipment will be mitigated during construction of this project, through the use of methods such as: • Temporary noise attenuation fences; • Preferential location of equipment • Current noise suppression technology and equipment. Community Development and Public Works Departments Ongoing Adequate staffing Implementing Action N-2 Policy and Reg Prepare and adopt a Local Noise Ordinance and include, at a minimum, the following components: • Noise level measurement criteria • Exterior and interior noise standards • Standards for residential noise sources such as, but not limited to, leaf blowers, mobile vendors, mobile stereos and stationary noise sources such as home appliances, air conditioners, and swimming pool equipment • Regulation and enforcement of nuisances • Manner for enforcement of noise violations Community Development Department 2 years Adequate staffing Noise Ordinance adopted 10/1/14 Action N-3 Policy and Reg Require that a noise analysis be conducted by an acoustical specialist for all proposed noise-sensitive projects. Identify specific structural and site design features that will adequately mitigate noise impacts of nearby noise-generating uses or proposed noise-generating uses. Mitigation strategies could include setbacks, enclosures, sound walls, or natural barriers and landscaping, including hills, berms, boulders, and dense vegetation. Community Development Department Ongoing Adequate staffing Implementing Action N-4 Policy and Reg Require that a noise analysis be conducted by an acoustical specialist for all proposed projects that are potential major noise producers, including, but not limited to industrial, manufacturing, commercial uses, water treatment facilities, and schools. Identify structural and site design features that will adequately mitigate noise impacts if the project is either within proximity of a noise-sensitive land use, or on land designated for noise-sensitive land uses. Mitigation strategies could include selection of quieter equipment, setbacks, building design, enclosures, sound walls, or natural barriers and landscaping, including hills, berms, boulders, and dense vegetation. Community Development and Building and Safety Departments Ongoing Adequate staffing Implementing Action N-5 Policy and Reg Require applicants proposing the development of new noise-sensitive uses in areas exposed to ambient noise levels greater than 60 dBA CNEL to provide an acoustical study to demonstrate that the proposed uses will meet applicable noise standards and include mitigation strategies. Community Development Department Ongoing Adequate staffing Implementing Action N-6 Policy and Reg As part of any approvals of noise-sensitive projects where reduction of exterior noise to 65 dBA CNEL is not reasonably feasible, the developer shall be required to issue disclosure statements to be identified on all real estate transfers associated with the affected property that identifies regular exposure to noise. Community Development and Public Works Departments Ongoing Adequate staffing Implementing Action N-7 Policy and Reg Enforce Right-to-Farm Ordinance to protect Menifee’s agricultural resources from noise complaints. Community Development Department Ongoing Adequate staffing Implementing Noise Implementation Actions Policy and Regulation Siting and Design Implementation Actions Page 20 of 21 1/27/2021 Item Title:12.2 General Plan Annual Progress Report for 2020 Item Page Number:39 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 154 of 240 Action Topic Implementation Action Responsible Department Timing Resources Required to Complete Status Action N-8 Siting and Design Assist the efforts of local homeowners living in high noise areas to noise attenuate their homes through funding assistance and retrofitting program development, as feasible. Community Development and Building and Safety Departments Short term (within 5 years)Adequate staffing Action N-9 Transportation Work with Caltrans to evaluate the potential need for sound barriers and/or other mitigation strategies along segments of I-215 that abut existing noise-sensitive land uses. Community Development and Public Works Departments Short term (within 5 years) Adequate staffing, funding to share costs associated with mitigation strategies City has worked with Caltrans during widening of the I-215 Action N-10 Transportation Work with the Southern California Rail Authority and Union Pacific Railroad to construct noise barriers and implement quiet zones in areas where noise-sensitive uses exist or are proposed adjacent to railroad tracks, where feasible. Community Development and Public Works Departments Short term (within 5 years) Adequate staffing, funding to share costs associated with mitigation strategies Action N-11 Transportation Implement quiet zone standards for new railroad crossings. Community Development and Public Works Departments Short term (within 5 years)Adequate staffing Action N-12 Transportation Review development proposals to determine if they are within an airport noise impact area, and if so, require the proposed development to comply with applicable airport land use noise compatibility criteria. Community Development and Public Works Departments Ongoing Adequate staffing Implementing Action N-13 Transportation Evaluate existing roadways and repair paving in sections that need improvement. Community Development and Public Works Departments Short term (within 5 years) Adequate staffing, funding to repair areas in need of improvement Ongoing. Action N-14 Transportation Encourage and facilitate the use of nonmotorized and electric vehicles. Community Development and Public Works Departments Ongoing Adequate staffing Ongoing. Action N-15 Siting and Design Require that the parking structures, terminals, and loading docks of commercial, industrial, office, and other noise-generating land uses be designed and managed to minimize the potential noise impacts of vehicles on site as well as on adjacent land uses. Community Development Department Ongoing Adequate staffing Implementing Noise Spillover Transportation Noise Implementation Actions Page 21 of 21 1/27/2021 Item Title:12.2 General Plan Annual Progress Report for 2020 Item Page Number:40 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 155 of 240 Appendix B Housing Element Implementation Progress Item Title:12.2 General Plan Annual Progress Report for 2020 Item Page Number:41 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 156 of 240 Appendix B: 2020 APR Housing Element Implementation Progress Page B-1 Appendix - B 2020 APR Housing Element Implementation Progress The following chart is a review of the City of Menifee’s housing project and program performance in the 2014-2021 Planning cycle. It is an evaluation of the 5th cycle’s Policy Program and considers all current and existing programs and projects as well as the most current accomplishments and effectiveness and appropriateness. Program Name and Description Objective Program Accomplishments Status 1. Minor Home Repair Grant: The City traditionally participated in Riverside County’s Home Repair Program, which provides grants to qualified low- income homeowners to address interior and exterior health and safety issues, Housing Quality Standards, or improve the accessibility of homes. To qualify, the homeowner must be low income, own and live in their home in a qualified area, and maintain the home and property in acceptable condition for 10 years. Low income senior homeowners are eligible to apply for repairs that address health and safety issues only. The program does not apply to mobile homes in Menifee. The City will assume this program (if approved as an entitlement jurisdiction). Objective: Issue grants for up to 10 households annually. Commencing with 2012-2013, the City of Menifee participates as an entitlement community within the Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG). Annually $100,000 is designated specifically to provide assistance to Low Moderate (30%- 80% or less) senior and/or permanently disabled resident within the City for improvements focused on address health, safety, and accessibility. An estimated 8-10 households were assisted each year. The City has continued to incorporate the Senior Minor Home Repair Grant Program as part of its annual CDBG Program activities/program through its 5-year Consolidated Plan (2017-2021). Ongoing: The City of Menifee has been successful in assisting an estimated 8-10 households per year. The City will continue to incorporate the Senior Minor Home Repair Grant Program as part of its annual CDBG Program activities/program through its 5-year Consolidated Plan (2017-2021). 2. Neighborhood Stabilization Homeownership Program: Menifee participates in the Neighborhood Stabilization Program administered by Riverside County. This program provides revenues for intermediaries to acquire, Support the program by advertising on the City’s website. Funding is no longer available for this program. Modified: The Neighborhood Stabilization Homeownership Program’s funding is no Item Title:12.2 General Plan Annual Progress Report for 2020 Item Page Number:42 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 157 of 240 Appendix B: 2020 APR Housing Element Implementation Progress Page B-2 Program Name and Description Objective Program Accomplishments Status rehabilitate, and resell foreclosed homes. This program provides a silent second loan up to 20% of the purchase price of the home secured by a deed of trust. To qualify, the homebuyer must be a first-time homebuyer, be very low, low, or moderate income, and purchase a foreclosed home in the County of Riverside. The Program can also provide substantial home repair assistance including energy-efficient improvements. Total combined amount of purchase price assistance and home repair assistance cannot exceed $75,000. Program revenues have been exhausted, but funds are still available as program revenues when a home is sold. longer available. The City has been approved for $251,604 through HCD for the Permanent Local Housing Allocation (PLHA) program. Funds will be used for a Down Payment Assistance up to $15,000. 3. Fair Housing Services Provide fair housing services to address issues of housing discrimination, landlord- tenant conflict issues etc. As a part of its annual CDBG program, the City allocates approximately $22,000 for the provision of fair housing services to address issues of housing discrimination, landlord- tenant conflict issues etc. The City contracts with Fair Housing Council of Riverside County for these services. The City has continued to contract with Fair Housing Council of Riverside County Inc., beginning with 2012-2013 to the present, for provision of comprehensive fair housing related services. Ongoing: The City of Menifee will continue to contract with the Fair Housing Council of Riverside County Inc. to provide fair housing services. 4. Code Enforcement Program: The City of Menifee implements a code enforcement program. The program is responsible for enforcing various municipal codes that are intended to maintain the Continue to implement code enforcement activities on an annual basis to address Complying. The Code Enforcement Department actively addressed hazardous vegetation, substandard buildings, accumulation of debris and vehicles, graffiti, Ongoing: The City successfully held annual Quail Valley Clean Up Days in April of every Item Title:12.2 General Plan Annual Progress Report for 2020 Item Page Number:43 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 158 of 240 Appendix B: 2020 APR Housing Element Implementation Progress Page B-3 Program Name and Description Objective Program Accomplishments Status value and safety of property and structures in the community. The program addresses hazardous vegetation, substandard buildings, accumulation of debris and vehicles, graffiti, storm water drainage, green pools, construction without a permit, land use violations, and various other health and safety codes. The City’s code enforcement officers work with residents and the business community to remedy code violations in a timely manner. Code enforcement officers are also involved in coordinated cleanup days. This program is viewed as essential to maintaining and improving the safety, livability, and value of properties in the City of Menifee. As the City is awarded a federal entitlement jurisdiction, CDBG funds may also be used for code enforcement purpose in income-eligible census tracts. properties not in compliance with City codes. storm water drainage, green pools, construction without a permit, land use violations and various other code issues through the year. In addition, the City holds an annual Quail Valley Clean Up Day to assist property owners clean up their properties and discard debris. year from 2008 to 2019. Due to COVID-19, 2020 was only year the City did not do a Clean Up Day. Clean Up Days were also held in Romoland in 2018 and 2019. In the future, the City’s goal is to hold multiple clean-up days around the City. The City will continue to address noncompliant properties through various methods listed in this table as well as new methods should they become available. 5. Habitat for Humanity: Habitat for Humanity Inland Valley runs several home rehabilitation and repair programs out of its Inland Valley office. Using federal Neighborhood Stabilization funds, Habitat has rehabilitated 6 homes in Menifee. In addition, Habitat has launched “A Brush with Kindness” program that offers low cost home repairs to low income families. Sample projects include house/trim painting, weed abatement, address numbers, fence repair, and garage door painting. Funds are provided through its organization and donations. Habitat currently works with Sun City Civic Association to repair about 20 homes per Continue to partner with nonprofit organizations to assist in meeting city housing needs. The City works with Habitat for Humanity on projects for home repairs within the City. Through the City’s public services program entitled “Brush with Kindness,” operated by Habitat for Humanity, completed minor home repairs and maintenance improvements primarily for 180 seniors from 2012-2017. From 2017-2021 the City allocated $10,000 in CDBG towards Habitat for Humanity Ongoing: The City partnered with Habitat for Humanity on projects for home repairs within 5th Cycle. 71 projects completed from 2012-2017 and from 2017-2021, 79 thus far. The City of Menifee will continue to work with nonprofit Item Title:12.2 General Plan Annual Progress Report for 2020 Item Page Number:44 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 159 of 240 Appendix B: 2020 APR Housing Element Implementation Progress Page B-4 Program Name and Description Objective Program Accomplishments Status year. Through its partnership with Grid Alternative, low income homeowners may also be eligible to receive free solar panels as part of the program. Grid Alternative also trains volunteers in an apprentice program, serving to meet economic development goals of communities as well. Inland Valley: Brush with Kindness to assist rehabilitation with 83 households. organizations to meet the City’s housing needs. 6. Rental Housing Assistance: The County of Riverside’s Housing Choice Voucher (Section 8) program provides rental assistance to very low- income families to help them afford decent and safe rental housing in Menifee. This program is currently administered by the Riverside County Housing Authority. The Housing Authority accepts application for rental assistance, selects the applicant for admission, and issues the applicant a rental voucher. The family must then find and lease a unit suitable to the family's needs and desires in the private rental market. The Housing Authority pays the owner a portion of the rent that generally covers the difference between what the tenant can afford (30% of income) and the locally determined fair market rent and payment standard. Because of the limited number of vouchers, there is a waiting list for vouchers. Although not a direct service provider, the City can assist the county by placing advertisements in certain locations throughout the community. Support Riverside County Housing Authority by placing advertisements for the program for them at City Hall. The City provides information for the public on Riverside County Housing Authority. https://cityofmenifee.us/162/Menifee- Housing-Programs Ongoing: The City of Menifee provides information on Riverside County Housing Authority to the public. The City will continue to support Riverside County Housing Authority by providing information through various methods listed in this table as well as new methods should they become available. Since the City does not have a Housing Authority, any subsidized housing within the City is provided and managed by the Housing Authority of Riverside County. Once a year the County provides the City Item Title:12.2 General Plan Annual Progress Report for 2020 Item Page Number:45 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 160 of 240 Appendix B: 2020 APR Housing Element Implementation Progress Page B-5 Program Name and Description Objective Program Accomplishments Status with current registrants on the Housing Choice Voucher waiting list and # of vouchers being used. There are currently 1,043 registrants and 68 vouchers being used. 7. Housing Funding: As a newly incorporated city, Menifee has limited financial resources available for housing. The elimination of redevelopment agencies, take of local funds, and take of vehicle license fees has made it necessary to seek other funding sources. The City is not an entitlement jurisdiction and does not qualify for CDBG, HOME, or ESG funds. To address the need for funding, the City has secured status as an entitlement jurisdiction to receive community development block grants. However, the City is not large enough to qualify for HOME, ESG, or other federal funding sources. General funds are also limited due to the need to fund City operations. Therefore, the City needs a self-sustaining funding source that cannot be appropriated by the state to address infrastructure, housing maintenance, foreclosures, and services The City will therefore continue to seek out additional grants that provide funding for the range of housing and community services valued by the City. Review grants and additional funding sources applicable with the objective of 3 per housing element planning cycle. This may include supporting tax credit or bond projects as well. The Community Development Department monitors grants. Ongoing: The City monitored grants and any additional funding sources for housing funds. The City of Menifee will continue to monitor grants and any additional funding sources. Item Title:12.2 General Plan Annual Progress Report for 2020 Item Page Number:46 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 161 of 240 Appendix B: 2020 APR Housing Element Implementation Progress Page B-6 Program Name and Description Objective Program Accomplishments Status 8. Housing for People with Disabilities: State law requires that community care facilities serving six or less must be permitted by right in all residential zones similar to other residential uses in the same zone. The Riverside County Zoning Code, which the City uses until a substitute is adopted, does not clearly define or permit such facilities. Rather, the Zoning Code uses the term congregate care, which is very different in requirements than residential care facilities. Fair housing law requires local governments to implement a reasonable accommodation procedure to provide flexibility in the application of land use policies, zoning regulations, and City procedures to accommodate the needs of persons with disabilities. Currently, the City makes reasonable accommodations through a variance on a case-by-case basis, which is not in keeping with fair housing law. "By 2015, amend the Zoning Code to define residential care. Support agencies in seeking funding for the provision of housing and services for people with disabilities, including developmental disabilities. On an annual basis, reach out to providers as part of the Action Plan solicitation to apply for federal dollars allocated to the City facility serving six or fewer clients and allow such uses as a by-right use in all residential zones. Create a reasonable accommodation procedure." The City adopted a Comprehensive Zoning Code update on December 18, 2019, which became effective in January 2020. The City of Menifee is proactive in the provision of services to those with special needs. The region has created the Southwest Riverside County Special Needs Resource Guide, which was created to provide a comprehensive list of agencies and nonprofit groups providing essential services for those with special needs. Special needs populations consist of persons who are not homeless but due to various reasons are in need of services and supportive housing. Persons with special needs include, but are not limited to, the elderly, frail elderly, severe mentally ill, developmentally disabled, physically disabled, persons with alcohol or other drug addictions, persons with HIV/AIDS and victims of domestic violence. The City will consider allocating CDBG public service funding to various programs that provide services to those with special needs populations. Ongoing: The City adopted a comprehensive update to the Zoning Code on December 18, 2019, which became effective in January 2020. The Zoning Code allows Group Residential Facilities and Residential Day Care (6 or fewer by right) and Residential Care Facilities per State law. The City will continue to through the appropriate methods listed in this table to support housing for people with disabilities as well as seek other methods should they become accessible. 9. Community Services As a new entitlement jurisdiction, assume responsibility for funding organizations that serve public service needs in the community The City has assumed responsibility for funding organizations that serve public service needs in the community. Completed: The City assumes responsibility for funding organizations that serve public service needs in the community, as it will remain moving forward. Item Title:12.2 General Plan Annual Progress Report for 2020 Item Page Number:47 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 162 of 240 Appendix B: 2020 APR Housing Element Implementation Progress Page B-7 Program Name and Description Objective Program Accomplishments Status Through CDBG, the City has funded: Assistance League, The Boys & Girls Club, Community Cupboard, Hospice of the Valleys, Family Service Association (FSA), Habitat for Humanity, Social Work Action Group (SWAG), and Safe Alternative for Everyone. Will continue if they apply and funding availability. 10. Specific Plans: The City of Menifee has 15 approved specific plans that comprise 7,200 acres of land. Of that total, 10 specific plans have significant residential development capacity that will accommodate significant new housing units. This includes single-family units, townhomes, apartments, and senior housing built at various densities. These vacant housing sites are free from infrastructure, environmental, or other topographical constraints that would preclude their development. "Continue to review and approve residential projects within specific plan areas and/or amend specific plans as needed to accommodate the Round #5 RHNA." The City has been processing residential projects within Specific Plans and homes are being built in Specific Plans. The Department routinely meets with developers to facilitate and encourage their development so that housing can be provided commensurate with the regional housing needs allocation. Ongoing: The City continued to process residential projects within Specific Plans and homes and met with developers to facilitate and encourage RHNA housing. The City will continue to review and approve residential projects within specific plan areas and/or amend specific plans as needed to accommodate RHNA housing within the upcoming 6th cycle. Item Title:12.2 General Plan Annual Progress Report for 2020 Item Page Number:48 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 163 of 240 Appendix B: 2020 APR Housing Element Implementation Progress Page B-8 Program Name and Description Objective Program Accomplishments Status 11. Zoning Code Update: Menifee’s General Plan establishes new land use designations that will guide future development in the community. Following adoption of the General Plan, the City will update the Zoning Code to implement the general plan. Although the scope of work is yet to be finalized, the Zoning Code update will include permitted land uses, development regulations, and administrative procedures to review and approve projects consistent with the General Plan. Other codes will be adopted to address housing element compliance issues, including fair housing, density bonuses, housing for people with disabilities, and transitional and permanent supportive housing. During the period of time of the update of the Zoning Code and drafting of 20.1–24R standards, the City will accept, consider, and allow proposed residential development projects consistent with the General Plan to proceed, with final approval upon completion and adoption of the zoning code amendment. "By mid-2015, complete the comprehensive update of the Zoning Code to implement the City’s adopted general plan." The City adopted a Comprehensive Zoning Code update on December 18, 2019, which became effective in January 2020. Completed: The City adopted an update to the Zoning Code on December 18, 2019. 12. Financial Incentives Program: As a newly formed community, Menifee has limited financial resources available to facilitate and encourage the production of housing. About 75% of total fees for residential development are derived from: 1) Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee; 2) school district fees, and 3) water and sewer fees required from the Eastern Municipal Water District. Under the TUMF program, affordable housing projects are exempt from this fee. School districts do not Annually evaluate the appropriateness of the City’s fee structure for encouraging the production of affordable housing. The City initiated a fee study review in 2017. An updated fee schedule was adopted in December 2018. As a result of the new fee study, hourly rates were reduced, some engineering fees were reduced and several application types are now flat fees, which should lower costs for applicants of housing projects. Biggest reduction and provision of more certainty to the development community was Ongoing: The City of Menifee updated the fee schedule in late 2018 to reduce cost for applicants of housing projects. The City will continue to evaluate the fee structure for encouraging the Item Title:12.2 General Plan Annual Progress Report for 2020 Item Page Number:49 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 164 of 240 Appendix B: 2020 APR Housing Element Implementation Progress Page B-9 Program Name and Description Objective Program Accomplishments Status offer fee waivers for affordable housing, but do allow for significant reductions for senior housing. Water and sewer providers do not offer reductions for either affordable or senior housing. With the elimination of redevelopment and reduction in community development block grants, most cities can no longer subsidize affordable housing. As the economy improves, however, the City will periodically evaluate the appropriateness of its fee strategy for opportunities to support the production of affordable housing. transition from deposit to flat based fees for majority of discretionary planning applications. The user fees are not reviewed annually but we will re-evaluate in FY 21/22 as part of City comprehensive fee study. The City DIF fee was also adopted in 5th cycle – the City was using County DIF since incorporation and in 2018 adopted City DIF – this did result in higher DIF generally for residential but established ADU/Senior housing specific DIF. production of affordable housing. 13. At-Risk Housing Preservation: As the City gradually begins to develop an inventory of publicly subsidized housing units, the City will monitor the status of its projects. Should the need arise to preserve or rehabilitate such units, the City will work with property owners or qualified organizations to facilitate the preservation and long-term affordability of these projects. Every two years, monitor affordable projects and work with qualified entities to preserve the long-term affordability of such projects. The City of Menifee does not have a large stock of publicly subsidized housing at risk of conversion to market rates. Current senior and family apartments provide market rate housing affordable to moderate-income households. Menifee has three publicly subsidized projects providing 226 units affordable to lower income households. The Vineyards Senior Apartments, Avila (formerly Encanto) Apartments, and the Halter Hillside Senior Apartments in Sun City. Affordable projects in Menifee to remain affordable until at least 2046. Ongoing: The City continued to review affordable projects in and will continue to preserve affordable projects and work with qualified entities. 14. Energy Conservation: The City of Menifee recognizes the importance of addressing statewide goals for energy conservation and climate change reduction by taking reasonable actions to encourage the conservation of energy, reduction Continue to require adherence to the latest applicable California Green Building Code and other practices deemed feasible to reduce Complying. To that end, the City requires residential developers to meet the 2019 California Green Building Standards Code adopted by the City in 2019 requiring reductions in indoor water use, reduction in diversion of construction waste generated at Ongoing: The City of Menifee continues to comply with the 2019 California Green Building Standards Code and other practices Item Title:12.2 General Plan Annual Progress Report for 2020 Item Page Number:50 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 165 of 240 Appendix B: 2020 APR Housing Element Implementation Progress Page B-10 Program Name and Description Objective Program Accomplishments Status of greenhouse gas emissions, and other feasible practices in residential construction. greenhouse gas emissions and conserve resources in a manner that does not unduly constrain the development, improvement, and affordability of housing. the site, achievement of California Energy Standards, and other standards per City specifications. All of these standards are enforced through the permitting process for new housing. The General Plan EIR approved in 2014, includes mitigation measures to achieve greenhouse gas emission reductions. Finally, the City is one of 14 cities participating in the 2020 Western Riverside Council of Governments (WROG) Subregional Climate Action Plan (CAP) update, which began in the Summer of 2020. deemed feasible to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and conserve resources that does not constrain affordable housing. 15. Density Bonus Program: State law requires all cities and counties to adopt a bonus density ordinance that specifies how compliance with the state bonus density law will be implemented. The City of Menifee will adopt a bonus density ordinance to allow greater density bonuses and incentives and concessions for affordable and senior citizen housing, in accordance with changes made in the state-mandated density bonus law effective in 2005. Among other things, the ordinance will provide for greater density and incentive options based on the level of affordability and percentage of affordable units, as well as incentives for senior housing. The ordinance may also allow basic incentives and concessions to be granted through an administrative procedure, regardless of whether or not the project otherwise requires a Prepare local density bonus ordinance consistent with state law. The City adopted a Comprehensive Zoning Code update on December 18, 2019, which became effective in January 2020. Density Bonus provisions are included in Chapter 9.180 of the Zoning Code. Completed: The City successfully prepared a local density bonus ordinance consistent with state law. Density Bonus Provisions are included as Chapter 9.180 of the Zoning Code adopted in December of 2019. Item Title:12.2 General Plan Annual Progress Report for 2020 Item Page Number:51 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 166 of 240 Appendix B: 2020 APR Housing Element Implementation Progress Page B-11 Program Name and Description Objective Program Accomplishments Status discretionary review. In the meantime, the City will permit such requests as required under state law. 16. Lower Income Housing: Menifee recognizes that the production of lower income housing, in particularly extremely low-income housing, is needed. But this affordability level cannot be achieved without financial assistance. Given the loss of local funding, Menifee will face challenges in encouraging the production of housing for extremely low-income persons. To that end, the City will seek, where feasible, to encourage the production of housing affordable to extremely low income households through activities such as developer outreach on an annual basis, rezoning land identified in this housing element, identifying and supporting grants or other funding opportunities, adopting a density bonus program, amending the zoning code to define single room occupancy units, and exploring other feasible means to further this goal. Annually outreach to developers, apply for or support applications for funding, and adopt a density bonus ordinance to facilitate housing for extremely low, very low, and low-income households. Amend the Zoning Code to as part of the Zoning Code update to be completed in mid- 2015. The City adopted a Comprehensive Zoning Code update on December 18, 2019, which became effective in January 2020. Ongoing: The City adopted a Zoning Code update in December 2019. The Zoning Code includes density bonus provisions & defines and allows for Single Room Occupancy (SRO). The City will continue annual outreach to developers and apply for or support applications for funding. 17. Housing for Homeless People: State law (Senate Bill 2) was amended to require local governments to address the needs of the homeless and transitional homeless population. This is accomplished in three steps: 1) define emergency shelters as a by-right use pursuant to state law; 2) identify an appropriate zone that permits a year- round emergency shelter as a by-right use; and 3) make code amendments to allow transitional and permanent supportive housing. Amend the Municipal Code to allow emergency shelters as a by right use in the I-P zone (north of Rouse) and create development and operational standards allowed for under state law. · Amend all zones allowing residential use to permit The City adopted a Comprehensive Zoning Code update on December 18, 2019, which became effective in January 2020. The Zoning Code defines Emergency Shelters and allows Emergency Shelters by-right in the Economic Development Corridor (EDC) and Heavy Industrial (HI) Zones. In Riverside County, homelessness is addressed regionally through the Continuum of Care (CoC). The City of Menifee participates in the CoC and the Regional Ongoing: The City adopted an Economic Development Corridor Zone which includes emergency shelters as a permitted use. The City of Menifee will continue to participate in Continuum of Care (CoC) and will continue to support appropriate Item Title:12.2 General Plan Annual Progress Report for 2020 Item Page Number:52 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 167 of 240 Appendix B: 2020 APR Housing Element Implementation Progress Page B-12 Program Name and Description Objective Program Accomplishments Status In complying with this requirement, the City must amend the Municipal Code to define emergency shelters as required under state law. The City of Menifee can create standards permitted in state law with respect to maximum occupancy, off- street parking regulations, onsite waiting and client intake areas, onsite management, proximity of other emergency shelters, length of stay, lighting, and security. Considerable flexibility is granted, but shelters must be subject to development standards required of other uses in the zone. transitional housing and supportive housing as a residential use, subject only to the same standards and processes required for the same type of housing in the same zone. Homeless Alliance, a regional partnership with four other cities, local nonprofit organizations, law enforcement, code enforcement officers, park rangers and the local council of governments. The five cities participating in the Alliance are Menifee, Murrieta, Wildomar, Lake Elsinore and Temecula. The Alliance meets every month to discuss common problems and to seek best practices that can be implemented throughout the region. The City participates in the nationwide Point-in-Time Homeless Count, which is done annually new methods should they become available. In 2020, the City initiated a Zoning Code clean-up amendment, which will include an amendment to allow Transitional and Supportive Housing subject to the same standards and processes required for other housing allowed in the same zone, in compliance with State law. The Zoning Code amendment is anticipated to be completed and adopted in 2021. 18. Fair Housing Program: Menifee is committed to furthering fair housing opportunity for all residents. Menifee is a contract city under Riverside County’s CDBG Program, and the Fair Housing Council of Riverside County provides fair housing services, including antidiscrimination and landlord-tenant mediation, training and technical assistance, enforcement of laws, and administrative hearings. The City committed to making changes to its code to further fair housing, which address reasonable accommodations, "Annually implement housing programs contained herein, prepare the Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing as required, and take necessary steps to remove identified impediments to fair housing. · In 2015, as part of the Zoning Code The City adopted its Comprehensive Zoning Code update on December 18, 2019, which became effective in January 2020. The City has been implementing the housing programs as noted above. Ongoing: The City adopted a Zoning Code update on December 18, 2019. The City will continue to annually publicize and disseminate materials for fair housing services at the City Hall and library. Flyers/brochures are Item Title:12.2 General Plan Annual Progress Report for 2020 Item Page Number:53 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 168 of 240 Appendix B: 2020 APR Housing Element Implementation Progress Page B-13 Program Name and Description Objective Program Accomplishments Status zoning code updates, housing for people with disabilities, and housing for homeless people. The City will continue to prepare its Analysis of Impediments as required and take necessary steps to remove impediments to fair housing opportunity. update, revise the term family, single-family residence, apartment, and other Zoning Code definitions consistent with fair housing law. · Annually publicize and disseminate materials for fair housing services at the City Hall and library. Refer requests for services or concerns to the Fair Housing contractor designated as part of the consortium." provided by Fair Housing and displayed in the lobby. A yearly “First-Time Homebuyer” workshop takes place except this year and others as needed. Item Title:12.2 General Plan Annual Progress Report for 2020 Item Page Number:54 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 169 of 240 Appendix C 2020 HCD Housing Element Annual Progress Report Forms Item Title:12.2 General Plan Annual Progress Report for 2020 Item Page Number:55 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 170 of 240 Jurisdiction Menifee ANNUAL ELEMENT PROGRESS REPORT Note: "+" indicates an optional field Reporting Year 2020 (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31)Housing Element Implementation Date Application Submitted Total Approved Units by Project Total Disapproved Units by Project Streamlining Notes 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 Prior APN+Current APN Street Address Project Name+Local Jurisdiction Tracking ID+ Unit Category(SFA,SFD,2 to 4,5+,ADU,MH) Tenure R=RenterO=Owner Date Application Submitted (see instructions) Very Low-Income Deed Restricted Very Low- Income Non Deed Restricted Low-Income Deed Restricted Low-Income Non Deed Restricted Moderate-Income Deed Restricted Moderate- Income Non Deed Restricted AboveModerate-Income Total PROPOSED Units by Project Total APPROVED Units by project Total DISAPPROVED Units by Project Was APPLICATION SUBMITTED Pursuant to GC 65913.4(b)? (SB 35 Streamlining) Notes+ Summary Row: Start Data Entry Below 0 0 0 0 3 96 1497 1596 1505 0 0 364-190-004 and 364-190-005 NA TM 37131 - Rockport Ranch 2016-285 SFD O 1/3/2020 96 209 305 305 0 No Approval Date: 5/20/2020 372-190-001,372-190-003,372-160- 006, 372,160,007, 372-160,008, 373-160-013 NA TM 37668 - Suamc Ridge PLN19-0012 SFD O 1/15/2020 175 175 175 0 No Approval Date:10/28/2020333-030-010, 333- 030-012, 333-030- 013, 333-030-021, 333-030-022 NA TM 37408 2018-137 SFD O 1/15/2020 475 475 475 0 No Approval Date: 6/03/2020333-020-009 NA TM 37409 2018-138 SFD O 1/15/2020 547 547 547 0 No Approval Date: 6/03/2020 384-050-024 33461 Wild Lilac, Menifee, CA 92584 Dietrich Residence PLN20-0211 ADU O 8/24/2020 1 1 1 0 No 472-040-027 30405 Curzulla, Menifee, CA 92584 Bent Residence PLN20-0208 ADU O 8/20/2020 1 1 1 0 No 327-250-059 29051 Citation Ave Menifee, CA 92585 Garcia Residence PLN20-0140 ADU O 6/1/2020 1 1 1 0 No 340-040-030 NA TM 37828 Menifee Village PLN20-0055 SFD O 2/18/2020 91 91 0 0 No 0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0 Housing Development Applications Submitted Table A Cells in grey contain auto-calculation formulas (CCR Title 25 §6202) 51 Project Identifier Unit Types Proposed Units - Affordability by Household Incomes Item Title:12.2 General Plan Annual Progress Report for 2020 Item Page Number:56 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 171 of 240 Jurisdiction Menifee ANNUAL ELEMENT PROGRESS REPORT Reporting Year 2020 (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31)Housing Element Implementation Cells in grey contain auto-calculation formulas Table A2 Annual Building Activity Report Summary - New Construction, Entitled, Permits and Completed Units Streamlining Infill Housing without Financial Assistance or Deed Restrictions Term of Affordability or Deed Restriction Notes 2 3 5 6 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Prior APN+Current APN Street Address Project Name+Local Jurisdiction Tracking ID+ Unit Category (SFA,SFD,2 to 4,5+,ADU,MH) Tenure R=RenterO=Owner Very Low- Income Deed Restricted Very Low- Income Non Deed Restricted Low- Income Deed Restricted Low- Income Non Deed Restricted Moderate- Income Deed Restricted Moderate- Income Non Deed Restricted AboveModerate-Income EntitlementDate Approved # of Units issued Entitlements Very Low- Income Deed Restricted Very Low- Income Non Deed Restricted Low- Income Deed Restricted Low- Income Non Deed Restricted Moderate- Income Deed Restricted Moderate- Income Non Deed Restricted AboveModerate-Income Building Permits Date Issued # of Units Issued Building Permits Very Low- Income Deed Restricted Very Low- Income Non Deed Restricted Low- Income Deed Restricted Low- Income Non Deed Restricted Moderate- Income Deed Restricted Moderate- Income Non Deed Restricted AboveModerate-Income Certificates of Occupancy or other forms of readiness (see instructions) Date Issued # of Units issued Certificates of Occupancy or other forms of readiness How many of the units were Extremely Low Income?+ Was Project APPROVED using GC 65913.4(b)? (SB 35 Streamlining) Y/N Infill Units?Y/N+ Assistance Programs for Each Development (see instructions) Deed Restriction Type(see instructions) For units affordable without financial assistance or deed restrictions, explain how the locality determined the units were affordable(see instructions) Term of Affordability or Deed Restriction (years) (if affordable in perpetuity enter 1000)+ Number of Demolished/Destroyed Units+ Demolished or Destroyed Units+ Demolished/Destroyed Units Owner or Renter+ Notes+ Summary Row: Start Data Entry Below 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 7 1441 478 0 0 0 3 0 6 1040 1043 0 0 3 0 030414 TOWN CENTER DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 ARTESA-BUILDING #1PMT17-02080 5+R 0 0 10 4/10/2020 0:00 10 N30414 TOWN CENTER DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 ARTESA-BUILDING #2PMT17-02081 5+R 0 0 10 4/10/2020 0:00 10 N30414 TOWN CENTER DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 ARTESA-BUILDING #3PMT17-02082 5+R 0 0 10 4/10/2020 0:00 10 N30414 TOWN CENTER DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 ARTESA-BUILDING #4PMT17-02083 5+R 0 0 10 3/27/2020 0:00 10 N30414 TOWN CENTER DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 ARTESA-BUILDING #5PMT17-02084 5+R 0 0 10 3/24/2020 0:00 10 N30414 TOWN CENTER DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 ARTESA-BUILDING #11PMT17-02090 5+R 0 0 10 3/24/2020 0:00 10 N30414 TOWN CENTER DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 ARTESA-BUILDING #23PMT17-02102 5+R 0 0 10 9/8/2020 0:00 10 N33441 DAILY RDMENIFEE, CA 92584 MH - INSTALL - CASSIL RESIDENCEPMT19-02622 MH O 0 1 2/25/2020 0:00 1 0 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 33533 DAILY RD MENIFEE, CA 92584 MH-INSTALL - GUILLOT RESIDENCEPMT19-05139 MH O 0 1 6/3/2020 0:00 1 0 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 23080 TEXAS AVE MENIFEE, CA 92587 INSTALL-ALEXANDER RESIDENCEPMT18-02844 MH O 0 1 2/12/2020 1 1 5/19/2020 0:00 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 23976 WELLS PL MENIFEE, CA 92587 MH-INSTALL-HERRERA RESIDENCEPMT19-00363 MH O 0 0 1 3/18/2020 0:00 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 29554 PLATINO DR MENIFEE, CA MH-INSTALL-DELATORRE RESIDENCEPMT19-01419 MH O 0 0 1/29/2020 0:00 0 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 33159 WARM SPRINGS WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 MH-INSTALL-DIX RESIDENCEPMT19-02148 MH O 0 1 1/29/2020 1 1 10/15/2020 0:00 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 23420 VISTA WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 MH-INSTALL- KONA FUNDING INCPMT19-04232 MH O 0 0 1 5/4/2020 0:00 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 23410 VISTA WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 MH-INSTALL- KONA FUNDING INCPMT19-04235 MH O 0 0 1 5/4/2020 0:00 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 23890 VISTA WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 MH-INSTALL- KONA FUNDING INCPMT19-04238 MH O 0 0 1 5/4/2020 0:00 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 25868 GARBANI RD MENIFEE, CA 92584 MH - INSTALL - WATTS RESIDENCEPMT19-04396 MH O 0 1 8/12/2020 1 1 12/16/2020 0:00 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 23910 VISTA WAY MENIFEE, CA 92587 MH - INSTALL - CAMPOS RESIDENCEPMT19-05895 MH O 0 1 3/10/2020 1 1 8/7/2020 0:00 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent - Moblie Home is in a Moblie Home Park. 25821 WESTWIND DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 MH INSTALL-MILHOLLAND FRAZIER RESIDENCEPMT20-01343 MH O 0 1 4/2/2020 1 1 5/21/2020 0:00 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent.30851 SUNSET LAKE CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 DEMO - CONRAD RESIDENCEPMT19-05310 SFD O 0 0 0 N 1 Demolished O27540 KELLER RD MENIFEE, 92584 DEMO- BOREL RESIDENCEPMT20-01264 SFD O 0 0 0 N 1 Demolished O27110 TOSA LN MENIFEE, CA 92584 DEMO- SEEDBORG-RESIDENCEPMT20-03471 SFD O 0 0 0 N 1 Demolished O 360680036 30436 BOULDER ESTATES WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 New ADU PMT19-06971 ADU O 1 4/21/2020 1 1 9/1/2020 1 0 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 327250059 29051 CITATION AVE MENIFEE, CA 92585 New ADU - Garcia ResidencePMT20-03969 ADU O 1 9/23/2020 1 1 11/23/2020 1 0 N Based on proposed sales price/rent.29125 MORAGA ST MENIFEE, CA 92584 HERITAGE HEIGHTS-NSFR-LOT 122PMT17-00054 SFD O 0 0 1 1/6/2020 0:00 1 N24577 ROUND MEADOW DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 DAKOTA-NSFR-LOT 43PMT18-01788 SFD O 0 0 1 1/13/2020 0:00 1 N24589 ROUND MEADOW DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 DAKOTA-NSFR-LOT 44PMT18-01789 SFD O 0 0 1 1/13/2020 0:00 1 N29701 RIGGING WAY MENIFEE, CA 92586 REFLECTIONS-NSFR-LOT 5PMT19-03605 SFD O 0 0 1 1/13/2020 0:00 1 N30091 TYPHOON CT MENIFEE, CA 92586 REFLECTIONS-NSFR-LOT 24PMT19-03607 SFD O 0 0 1 1/13/2020 0:00 1 N30084 TYPHOON CT MENIFEE, CA 92586 REFLECTIONS-NSFR-LOT 38PMT19-03608 SFD O 0 0 1 1/13/2020 0:00 1 N29629 RIGGING WAY MENIFEE, CA 92586 REFLECTIONS-NSFR-LOT 54PMT19-03609 SFD O 0 0 1 1/13/2020 0:00 1 N31518 EATON LN MENIFEE, CA 92584 PEPPERTREE-NSFR-LOT 113PMT19-00039B SFD O 0 0 1 1/15/2020 0:00 1 N31530 EATON LN MENIFEE, CA 92584 PEPPERTREE-NSFR-LOT 114PMT19-00040B SFD O 0 0 1 1/15/2020 0:00 1 N32698 MIRA ST MENIFEE, CA 92584 HOMES FOR OUR TROOPS-NSFRPMT18-04755 SFD O 0 0 1 1/16/2020 0:00 1 N31517 TUDOR CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 PEPPERTREE-NSFR-LOT 111PMT19-03687 SFD O 0 0 1 1/17/2020 0:00 1 N31506 EATON LN MENIFEE, CA 92584 PEPPERTREE-NSFR-LOT 112PMT19-03688 SFD O 0 0 1 1/17/2020 0:00 1 N30434 CANYON TRAIL CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 BOULDER ESTATES-NSFR-LOT 3PMT18-02888 SFD O 0 0 1 1/21/2020 0:00 1 N30462 CANYON TRAIL CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 BOULDER ESTATES-NSFR-LOT 2PMT18-02889 SFD O 0 0 1 1/21/2020 0:00 1 N30490 CANYON TRAIL CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 BOULDER ESTATES-NSFR-LOT 1PMT18-02890 SFD O 0 0 1 1/21/2020 0:00 1 N29932 OLYMPIC DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 CHELSEA-NSFR-LOT 31PMT19-01950 SFD O 0 0 1 1/21/2020 0:00 1 N29944 OLYMPIC DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 CHELSEA-NSFR-LOT 32PMT19-01951 SFD O 0 0 1 1/21/2020 0:00 1 N27512 ARCHES DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 CHELSEA-NSFR-LOT 34PMT19-01953 SFD O 0 0 1 1/22/2020 0:00 1 N29927 OLYMPIC DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 CHELSEA-NSFR-LOT 81PMT19-01955 SFD O 0 0 1 1/22/2020 0:00 1 N30378 CANYON TRAIL CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 BOULDER ESTATES-NSFR-LOT 5PMT18-02886 SFD O 0 0 1 1/23/2020 0:00 1 N26595 OPALESCENT DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 PRIMROSE-NSFR-LOT 24PMT18-05671 SFD O 0 0 1 1/23/2020 0:00 1 N26648 OPALESCENT DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 PRIMROSE-NSFR-LOT 34PMT18-05681 SFD O 0 0 1 1/23/2020 0:00 1 N27524 ARCHES DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 CHELSEA-NSFR-LOT 35PMT19-01954 SFD O 0 0 1 1/23/2020 0:00 1 N27517 ARCHES DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 CHELSEA-NSFR-LOT 82PMT19-01956 SFD O 0 0 1 1/23/2020 0:00 1 N29892 URTICA CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 VALOR-NSFR-LOT 22PMT19-02735 SFD O 0 0 1 1/23/2020 0:00 1 N29868 URTICA CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 VALOR-NSFR-LOT 24PMT19-02737 SFD O 0 0 1 1/23/2020 0:00 1 N29956 OLYMPIC DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 CHELSEA-NSFR-LOT 33PMT19-01952 SFD O 0 0 1 1/24/2020 0:00 1 N27529 ARCHES DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 CHELSEA-NSFR-LOT 83PMT19-01957 SFD O 0 0 1 1/24/2020 0:00 1 N28471 CORAL DUNE DR MENIFEE, CA 92586 BRIXTON-NSFR-LOT 22PMT19-03505 SFD O 0 0 1 1/24/2020 0:00 1 N31520 SHAWNEE CIR MENIFEE, CA 92586 BRIXTON-NSFR-LOT 41PMT19-03693 SFD O 0 0 1 1/24/2020 0:00 1 N31548 SHAWNEE CIR MENIFEE, CA 92586 BRIXTON-NSFR-LOT 43PMT19-03695 SFD O 0 0 1 1/24/2020 0:00 1 N26155 BOULDER RIDGE WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 BOULDER ESTATES-NSFR-LOT 26PMT18-02882 SFD O 0 0 1 1/27/2020 0:00 1 N30439 CANYON TRAIL CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 BOULDER ESTATES-NSFR-LOT 8PMT18-02883 SFD O 0 0 1 1/27/2020 0:00 1 N30411 CANYON TRAIL CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 BOULDER ESTATES-NSFR-LOT 7PMT18-02884 SFD O 0 0 1 1/27/2020 0:00 1 N26239 BOULDER RIDGE WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 BOULDER ESTATES-NSFR-LOT 29PMT18-02891 SFD O 0 0 1 1/27/2020 0:00 1 N28354 FELDSPAR DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 WINDSOR-NSFR-LOT 44PMT18-05208 SFD O 0 0 1 1/27/2020 0:00 1 N31103 MORGAN HORSE ST MENIFEE, CA 92584 NEWPARK-NSFR-LOT 37PMT19-02012 SFD O 0 0 1 1/27/2020 0:00 1 N31534 SHAWNEE CIR MENIFEE, CA 92586 BRIXTON-NSFR-LOT 42PMT19-03694 SFD O 0 0 1 1/27/2020 0:00 1 N31562 SHAWNEE CIR MENIFEE, CA 92586 BRIXTON-NSFR-LOT 44PMT19-03696 SFD O 0 0 1 1/27/2020 0:00 1 N24553 ROUND MEADOW DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 DAKOTA-NSFR-LOT 41PMT18-01785 SFD O 0 0 1 1/28/2020 0:00 1 N31554 EATON LN MENIFEE, CA 92584 PEPPERTREE-NSFR-LOT 116PMT19-00042B SFD O 0 0 1 1/29/2020 0:00 1 N31780 ABBOTT CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 CYPRESS-NSFR-LOT 129PMT19-02535 SFD O 0 0 1 1/29/2020 0:00 1 N31768 ABBOTT CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 CYPRESS-NSFR-LOT 130PMT19-02536 SFD O 0 0 1 1/29/2020 0:00 1 N31773 ABBOTT CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 CYPRESS-NSFR-LOT 131PMT19-02537 SFD O 0 0 1 1/29/2020 0:00 1 N 26128 ABBEY LN MENIFEE, CA 92584 CYPRESS-NSFR-LOT 133PMT19-02539 SFD O 0 0 1 1/29/2020 0:00 1 N30159 HONOR CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 KINGSTON-NSFR-LOT 39PMT19-03259 SFD O 0 0 1 1/29/2020 0:00 1 N30182 HONOR CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 KINGSTON-NSFR-LOT 18PMT19-03261 SFD O 0 0 1 1/29/2020 0:00 1 N30170 HONOR CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 KINGSTON-NSFR-LOT 19PMT19-03262 SFD O 0 0 1 1/29/2020 0:00 1 N29880 URTICA CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 VALOR-NSFR-LOT 23PMT19-02736 SFD O 0 0 1 1/31/2020 0:00 1 N30160 HONOR CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 KINGSTON-NSFR-LOT 20PMT19-03260 SFD O 0 0 1 1/31/2020 0:00 1 N30183 HONOR CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 KINGSTON-NSFR-LOT 41PMT19-03264 SFD O 0 0 1 1/31/2020 0:00 1 N29653 RIGGING WAY MENIFEE, CA 92586 REFLECTIONS-NSFR-LOT 1PMT19-03603 SFD O 0 0 1 2/4/2020 0:00 1 N29689 RIGGING WAY MENIFEE, CA 92586 REFLECTIONS-NSFR-LOT 4PMT19-03604 SFD O 0 0 1 2/4/2020 0:00 1 N28343 FELDSPAR DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 WINDSOR-NSFR-LOT 50PMT18-05214 SFD O 0 0 1 2/6/2020 0:00 1 N31542 EATON LN MENIFEE, CA 92584 PEPPERTREE-NSFR-LOT 115PMT19-00041B SFD O 0 0 1 2/6/2020 0:00 1 N31566 EATON LN MENIFEE, CA 92584 PEPPERTREE-NSFR-LOT 117PMT19-00043B SFD O 0 0 1 2/6/2020 0:00 1 N26116 ABBEY LN MENIFEE, CA 92584 CYPRESS-NSFR-LOT 134PMT19-02540 SFD O 0 0 1 2/6/2020 0:00 1 N31711 JADE RUN DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 WINDSOR-NSFR-LOT 62PMT19-04737 SFD O 0 0 1 2/6/2020 0:00 1 N23554 CASA BONITA AVE MENIFEE, CA 92587 NSFR - NEGRETE RESIDENCEPMT19-01143 SFD O 0 0 1 2/10/2020 0:00 1 N31152 MORGAN HORSE ST MENIFEE, CA 92584 NEWPARK-NSFR-LOT 82PMT19-02434 SFD O 0 0 1 2/10/2020 0:00 1 N30283 RAMSAY DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 CAMDEN PLACE-NSFR-LOT 34PMT19-02842 SFD O 0 0 1 2/10/2020 0:00 1 N30235 RAMSAY DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 CAMDEN PLACE-NSFR-LOT 38PMT19-02847 SFD O 0 0 1 2/10/2020 0:00 1 N30383 CANYON TRAIL CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 BOULDER ESTATES-NSFR-LOT 6PMT18-02885 SFD O 0 0 1 2/11/2020 0:00 1 N30406 CANYON TRAIL CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 BOULDER ESTATES-NSFR-LOT 4PMT18-02887 SFD O 0 0 1 2/11/2020 0:00 1 N30271 RAMSAY DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 CAMDEN PLACE-NSFR-LOT 35PMT19-02844 SFD O 0 0 1 2/11/2020 0:00 1 N30259 RAMSAY DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 CAMDEN PLACE-NSFR-LOT 36PMT19-02845 SFD O 0 0 1 2/11/2020 0:00 1 N30247 RAMSAY DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 CAMDEN PLACE-NSFR-LOT 37PMT19-02846 SFD O 0 0 1 2/11/2020 0:00 1 N30223 RAMSAY DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 CAMDEN PLACE-NSFR-LOT 39PMT19-02848 SFD O 0 0 1 2/11/2020 0:00 1 N30399 TOWN SQUARE DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 123PMT19-03513 SFA O 0 0 1 2/11/2020 0:00 1 N30395 TOWN SQUARE DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 124PMT19-03514 SFA O 0 0 1 2/11/2020 0:00 1 N30391 TOWN SQUARE DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 125PMT19-03515 SFA O 0 0 1 2/11/2020 0:00 1 N30387 TOWN SQUARE DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 126PMT19-03516 SFA O 0 0 1 2/11/2020 0:00 1 N30383 TOWN SQUARE DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 127PMT19-03517 SFA O 0 0 1 2/11/2020 0:00 1 N30379 TOWN SQUARE DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 128PMT19-03518 SFA O 0 0 1 2/11/2020 0:00 1 N27457 SAGINAW DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 158PMT19-03587 SFD O 0 0 1 2/11/2020 0:00 1 N27493 SAGINAW DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 161PMT19-03590 SFD O 0 0 1 2/12/2020 0:00 1 N27464 SAGINAW DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 167PMT19-03594 SFD O 0 0 1 2/12/2020 0:00 1 N28457 CORAL DUNE DR MENIFEE, CA 92586 BRIXTON-NSFR-LOT 23PMT19-03506 SFD O 0 0 1 2/13/2020 0:00 1 N28429 CORAL DUNE DR MENIFEE, CA 92586 BRIXTON-NSFR-LOT 25PMT19-03508 SFD O 0 0 1 2/13/2020 0:00 1 N30377 TOWN SQUARE DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 129PMT19-03519 SFA O 0 0 1 2/13/2020 0:00 1 N30381 TOWN SQUARE DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 130PMT19-03520 SFA O 0 0 1 2/13/2020 0:00 1 N30385 TOWN SQUARE DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 131PMT19-03521 SFA O 0 0 1 2/13/2020 0:00 1 N30389 TOWN SQUARE DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 132PMT19-03522 SFA O 0 0 1 2/13/2020 0:00 1 N30393 TOWN SQUARE DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 133PMT19-03523 SFA O 0 0 1 2/13/2020 0:00 1 N30397 TOWN SQUARE DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 134PMT19-03524 SFA O 0 0 1 2/13/2020 0:00 1 N27315 GRAPHITE DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 CAMDEN PLACE-NSFR-LOT 125PMT19-04013 SFD O 0 0 1 2/13/2020 0:00 1 N27327 GRAPHITE DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 CAMDEN PLACE-NSFR-LOT 126PMT19-04015 SFD O 0 0 1 2/13/2020 0:00 1 N27339 GRAPHITE DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 CAMDEN PLACE-NSFR-LOT 127PMT19-04016 SFD O 0 0 1 2/13/2020 0:00 1 N27338 GRAPHITE DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 CAMDEN PLACE-NSFR-LOT 128PMT19-04017 SFD O 0 0 1 2/13/2020 0:00 1 N27336 GRAPHITE DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 CAMDEN PLACE-NSFR-LOT 129PMT19-04018 SFD O 0 0 1 2/13/2020 0:00 1 N27314 GRAPHITE DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 CAMDEN PLACE-NSFR-LOT 130PMT19-04019 SFD O 0 0 1 2/13/2020 0:00 1 N24824 TROTT CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 TRIBUTE-NSFR-LOT 10PMT18-02234 SFD O 0 0 1 2/14/2020 0:00 1 N24800 TROTT CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 TRIBUTE-NSFR-LOT 12PMT18-02236 SFD O 0 0 1 2/14/2020 0:00 1 N27488 SAGINAW DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 165PMT19-03592 SFD O 0 0 1 2/14/2020 0:00 1 N27476 SAGINAW DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 166PMT19-03593 SFD O 0 0 1 2/14/2020 0:00 1 N31115 MORGAN HORSE ST MENIFEE, CA 92584 EASTON-NSFR-LOT 38PMT19-02013 SFD O 0 0 1 2/18/2020 0:00 1 N28350 MORELAND DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HERNANDEZ/RAMIREZ-NSFRPMT14-02565 SFD O 0 0 1 2/19/2020 0:00 1 N26206 REDOAK ST MENIFEE, CA 92584 CYPRESS-NSFR-LOT 144PMT19-02755 SFD O 0 0 1 2/19/2020 0:00 1 N29677 RIGGING WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 REFLECTIONS - MODEL PLAN 2PMT17-01552 SFD O 0 0 1 2/24/2020 0:00 1 N29665 RIGGING WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 REFLECTIONS - MODEL PLAN 3PMT17-01553 SFD O 0 0 1 2/24/2020 0:00 1 N24819 TROTT CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 TRIBUTE-NSFR-LOT 3PMT18-02233 SFD O 0 0 1 2/24/2020 0:00 1 N26235 REDOAK ST MENIFEE, CA 92584 CYPRESS-NSFR-LOT 186PMT18-05337 SFD O 0 0 1 2/24/2020 0:00 1 N31049 BAY HORSE WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 CANVAS-NSFR-LOT 56PMT19-04140 SFD O 0 0 1 2/24/2020 0:00 1 N31061 BAY HORSE WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 CANVAS-NSFR-LOT 57PMT19-04151 SFD O 0 0 1 2/24/2020 0:00 1 N31073 BAY HORSE WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 CANVAS-NSFR-LOT 58PMT19-04152 SFD O 0 0 1 2/24/2020 0:00 1 N31241 BAY HORSE WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 NEWPARK-NSFR-LOT 55PMT19-02787 SFD O 0 0 1 2/25/2020 0:00 1 N31254 BAY HORSE WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 NEWPARK-NSFR-LOT 114PMT19-02789 SFD O 0 0 1 2/25/2020 0:00 1 N27481 SAGINAW DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 160PMT19-03589 SFD O 0 0 1 2/25/2020 0:00 1 N29884 OLYMPIC DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 CHELSEA-NSFR-LOT 27PMT19-03595 SFD O 0 0 1 2/25/2020 0:00 1 N29896 OLYMPIC DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 CHELSEA-NSFR-LOT 28PMT19-03596 SFD O 0 0 1 2/25/2020 0:00 1 N31085 BAY HORSE WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 CANVAS-NSFR-LOT 59PMT19-04153 SFD O 0 0 1 2/25/2020 0:00 1 N31097 BAY HORSE WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 CANVAS-NSFR-LOT 60PMT19-04154 SFD O 0 0 1 2/25/2020 0:00 1 N29682 SADDLEBRED CIR MENIFEE, CA 92284 EASTON-NSFR-LOT 99PMT19-02782 SFD O 0 0 1 2/26/2020 0:00 1 N29647 SADDLEBRED CIR MENIFEE, CA 92284 EASTON-NSFR-LOT 103PMT19-02783 SFD O 0 0 1 2/26/2020 0:00 1 N29908 OLYMPIC DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 CHELSEA-NSFR-LOT 29PMT19-03597 SFD O 0 0 1 2/26/2020 0:00 1 N29920 OLYMPIC DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 CHELSEA-NSFR-LOT 30PMT19-03598 SFD O 0 0 1 2/26/2020 0:00 1 N31278 BAY HORSE WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 NEWPARK-NSFR-LOT 112PMT19-02791 SFD O 0 0 1 2/27/2020 0:00 1 N29889 OLYMPIC DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 CHELSEA-NSFR-LOT 78PMT19-03600 SFD O 0 0 1 2/27/2020 0:00 1 N31074 BAY HORSE WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 CANVAS-NSFR-LOT 8PMT19-04157 SFD O 0 0 1 2/27/2020 0:00 1 N31086 BAY HORSE WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 CANVAS-NSFR-LOT 7PMT19-04158 SFD O 0 0 1 2/27/2020 0:00 1 N31098 BAY HORSE WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 CANVAS-NSFR-LOT 6PMT19-04159 SFD O 0 0 1 2/27/2020 0:00 1 N31050 BAY HORSE WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 CANVAS-NSFR-LOT 10PMT19-04155 SFD O 0 0 1 2/28/2020 0:00 1 N31062 BAY HORSE WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 CANVAS-NSFR-LOT 9PMT19-04156 SFD O 0 0 1 2/28/2020 0:00 1 N26183 BOULDER RIDGE WAY MENIFEE, CA 92585 BOULDER ESTATES-MODEL-LOT 27PMT18-00971 SFD O 0 0 1 3/2/2020 0:00 1 N26211 BOULDER RIDGE WAY MENIFEE, CA 92585 BOULDER ESTATES-MODEL-LOT 28PMT18-00972 SFD O 0 0 1 3/2/2020 0:00 1 N31290 BAY HORSE WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 NEWPARK-NSFR-LOT 111PMT19-02792 SFD O 0 0 1 3/2/2020 0:00 1 N27500 SAGINAW DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 164PMT19-03591 SFD O 0 0 1 3/2/2020 0:00 1 N29877 OLYMPIC DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 CHELSEA-NSFR-LOT 77PMT19-03599 SFD O 0 0 1 3/2/2020 0:00 1 N29901 OLYMPIC DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 CHELSEA-NSFR-LOT 79PMT19-03601 SFD O 0 0 1 3/2/2020 0:00 1 N29915 OLYMPIC DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 CHELSEA-NSFR-LOT 80PMT19-03602 SFD O 0 0 1 3/2/2020 0:00 1 N30445 VILLAGE TERRACE DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE VILLAGE-NSFR-LOT 13PMT19-03577 SFD O 0 0 1 3/3/2020 0:00 1 N30449 VILLAGE TERRACE DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE VILLAGE-NSFR-LOT 14PMT19-03578 SFD O 0 0 1 3/3/2020 0:00 1 N30453 VILLAGE TERRACE DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE VILLAGE-NSFR-LOT 15PMT19-03579 SFD O 0 0 1 3/3/2020 0:00 1 N30441 VILLAGE TERRACE DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE VILLAGE-NSFR-LOT 16PMT19-03580 SFD O 0 0 1 3/3/2020 0:00 1 N30437 VILLAGE TERRACE DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE VILLAGE-NSFR-LOT 17PMT19-03581 SFD O 0 0 1 3/3/2020 0:00 1 N30433 VILLAGE TERRACE DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE VILLAGE-NSFR-LOT 18PMT19-03582 SFD O 0 0 1 3/3/2020 0:00 1 N30430 VILLAGE TERRACE DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE VILLAGE-NSFR-LOT 66PMT19-03583 SFD O 0 0 1 3/3/2020 0:00 1 N27849 CALLE TALAVERA MENIFEE, CA 92584 TALAVERA-NSFR-LOT 32PMT19-04082 SFD O 0 0 1 3/3/2020 0:00 1 N27820 CALLE TALAVERA MENIFEE, CA 92584 TALAVERA-NSFR-LOT 61PMT19-04094 SFD O 0 0 1 3/3/2020 0:00 1 N27613 HEADSAIL DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 NEWPORT-NSFR-LOT 60PMT19-04111 SFD O 0 0 1 3/3/2020 0:00 1 N27625 HEADSAIL DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 NEWPORT-NSFR-LOT 61PMT19-04112 SFD O 0 0 1 3/3/2020 0:00 1 N27637 HEADSAIL DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 NEWPORT-NSFR-LOT 62PMT19-04113 SFD O 0 0 1 3/3/2020 0:00 1 N27638 HEADSAIL DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 NEWPORT-NSFR-LOT 63PMT19-04114 SFD O 0 0 1 3/3/2020 0:00 1 N27614 HEADSAIL DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 NEWPORT-NSFR-LOT 65PMT19-04116 SFD O 0 0 1 3/3/2020 0:00 1 N24505 CROOKED TRAIL DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SAVANNAH-NSFR-LOT 46PMT19-03403 SFD O 0 0 1 3/4/2020 0:00 1 N24493 CROOKED TRAIL DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SAVANNAH-NSFR-LOT 45PMT19-03404 SFD O 0 0 1 3/4/2020 0:00 1 N24481 CROOKED TRAIL DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SAVANNAH-NSFR-LOT 44PMT19-03405 SFD O 0 0 1 3/4/2020 0:00 1 N24469 CROOKED TRAIL DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SAVANNAH-NSFR-LOT 43PMT19-03406 SFD O 0 0 1 3/4/2020 0:00 1 N27861 CALLE TALAVERA MENIFEE, CA 92584 TALAVERA-NSFR-LOT 33PMT19-04083 SFD O 0 0 1 3/4/2020 0:00 1 N27873 CALLE TALAVERA MENIFEE, CA 92584 TALAVERA-NSFR-LOT 34PMT19-04084 SFD O 0 0 1 3/4/2020 0:00 1 N24492 CROOKED TRAIL DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SAVANNAH-NSFR-LOT 41PMT19-03407 SFD O 0 0 1 3/5/2020 0:00 1 N24480 CROOKED TRAIL DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SAVANNAH-NSFR-LOT 40PMT19-03408 SFD O 0 0 1 3/5/2020 0:00 1 N24468 CROOKED TRAIL DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SAVANNAH-NSFR-LOT 39PMT19-03409 SFD O 0 0 1 3/5/2020 0:00 1 N30434 VILLAGE TERRACE DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE VILLAGE-NSFR-LOT 67PMT19-03584 SFD O 0 0 1 3/5/2020 0:00 1 N30446 VILLAGE TERRACE DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE VILLAGE-NSFR-LOT 74PMT19-03585 SFD O 0 0 1 3/5/2020 0:00 1 N30442 VILLAGE TERRACE DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE VILLAGE-NSFR-LOT 75PMT19-03586 SFD O 0 0 1 3/5/2020 0:00 1 N28424 HAZEL LN MENIFEE, CA 92584 WINDSOR-NSFR-LOT 10PMT19-04733 SFD O 0 0 1 3/5/2020 0:00 1 N28399 HAZEL LN MENIFEE, CA 92584 WINDSOR-NSFR-LOT 60PMT19-04735 SFD O 0 0 1 3/5/2020 0:00 1 N29821 HARNESS CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 NEWPARK-NSFR-LOT 84PMT19-02795 SFD O 0 0 1 3/6/2020 0:00 1 N29833 HARNESS CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 NEWPARK-NSFR-LOT 85PMT19-02796 SFD O 0 0 1 3/6/2020 0:00 1 N31509 SHAWNEE CIR MENIFEE, CA 92586 BRIXTON-NSFR-LOT 39PMT19-03691 SFD O 0 0 1 3/6/2020 0:00 1 N31506 SHAWNEE CIR MENIFEE, CA 92586 BRIXTON-NSFR-LOT 40PMT19-03692 SFD O 0 0 1 3/6/2020 0:00 1 N31618 SHAWNEE CIR MENIFEE, CA 92586 BRIXTON-NSFR-LOT 47PMT19-04753 SFD O 0 0 1 3/6/2020 0:00 1 N31646 SHAWNEE CIR MENIFEE, CA 92586 BRIXTON-NSFR-LOT 49PMT19-04760 SFD O 0 0 1 3/6/2020 0:00 1 N27469 SAGINAW DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 159PMT19-03588 SFD O 0 0 1 3/10/2020 0:00 1 N24843 TROTT CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 TRIBUTE-NSFR-LOT 5PMT18-02238 SFD O 0 0 1 3/11/2020 0:00 1 N24836 TROTT CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 TRIBUTE-NSFR-LOT 9PMT18-02242 SFD O 0 0 1 3/11/2020 0:00 1 N29723 SADDLE RANCH PL MENIFEE, CA 92584 VAQUERO-NSFR-LOT 17PMT19-03655 SFD O 0 0 1 3/13/2020 0:00 1 N29711 SADDLE RANCH PL MENIFEE, CA 92584 VAQUERO-NSFR-LOT 18PMT19-03656 SFD O 0 0 1 3/13/2020 0:00 1 N29699 SADDLE RANCH PL MENIFEE, CA 92584 VAQUERO-NSFR-LOT 19PMT19-03657 SFD O 0 0 1 3/13/2020 0:00 1 N29728 SADDLE RANCH PL MENIFEE, CA 92584 VAQUERO-NSFR-LOT 55PMT19-03658 SFD O 0 0 1 3/13/2020 0:00 1 N 1 Unit Types Affordability by Household Incomes - Completed Entitlement Affordability by Household Incomes - Building Permits Affordability by Household Incomes - Certificates of Occupancy 4 7 10 (CCR Title 25 §6202) Note: "+" indicates an optional field Housing with Financial Assistance and/or Deed Restrictions Demolished/Destroyed UnitsProject Identifier Item Title:12.2 General Plan Annual Progress Report for 2020 Item Page Number:57 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 172 of 240 Jurisdiction Menifee ANNUAL ELEMENT PROGRESS REPORT Reporting Year 2020 (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31)Housing Element Implementation Cells in grey contain auto-calculation formulas(CCR Title 25 §6202) Note: "+" indicates an optional field 24855 TROTT CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 TRIBUTE-NSFR-LOT 6PMT18-02239 SFD O 0 0 1 3/16/2020 0:00 1 N24860 TROTT CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 TRIBUTE-NSFR-LOT 7PMT18-02240 SFD O 0 0 1 3/16/2020 0:00 1 N24848 TROTT CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 TRIBUTE-NSFR-LOT 8PMT18-02241 SFD O 0 0 1 3/16/2020 0:00 1 N31266 BAY HORSE WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 NEWPARK-NSFR-LOT 113PMT19-02790 SFD O 0 0 1 3/16/2020 0:00 1 N27573 WENDY ST MENIFEE, CA 92585 ROCKPORT-NSFR-LOT 1PMT19-04102 SFD O 0 0 1 3/16/2020 0:00 1 N27561 WENDY ST MENIFEE, CA 92585 ROCKPORT-NSFR-LOT 2PMT19-04118 SFD O 0 0 1 3/16/2020 0:00 1 N27610 WENDY ST MENIFEE, CA 92585 ROCKPORT-NSFR-LOT 45PMT19-04119 SFD O 0 0 1 3/16/2020 0:00 1 N27598 WENDY ST MENIFEE, CA 92585 ROCKPORT-NSFR-LOT 46PMT19-04120 SFD O 0 0 1 3/16/2020 0:00 1 N31599 JADE RUN DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 WINDSOR-NSFR-LOT 1PMT19-03701 SFD O 0 0 1 3/17/2020 0:00 1 N27586 WENDY ST MENIFEE, CA 92585 ROCKPORT-NSFR-LOT 47PMT19-04121 SFD O 0 0 1 3/17/2020 0:00 1 N27574 WENDY ST MENIFEE, CA 92585 ROCKPORT-NSFR-LOT 48PMT19-04122 SFD O 0 0 1 3/17/2020 0:00 1 N27562 WENDY ST MENIFEE, CA 92585 ROCKPORT-NSFR-LOT 49PMT19-04123 SFD O 0 0 1 3/17/2020 0:00 1 N27550 WENDY ST MENIFEE, CA 92585 ROCKPORT-NSFR-LOT 50PMT19-04124 SFD O 0 0 1 3/17/2020 0:00 1 N28396 HAZEL LN MENIFEE, CA 92584 WINDSOR-NSFR-LOT 9PMT19-04732 SFD O 0 0 1 3/17/2020 0:00 1 N29505 BILOXY DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 141PMT19-04924 SFD O 0 0 1 3/19/2020 0:00 1 N29493 BILOXY DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 142PMT19-04925 SFD O 0 0 1 3/19/2020 0:00 1 N30220 HONOR CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 KINGSTON-NSFR-LOT 15PMT19-05260 SFD O 0 0 1 3/19/2020 0:00 1 N29549 CARAVEL DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 NEWPORT-NSFR-LOT 5PMT19-04117 SFD O 0 0 1 3/20/2020 0:00 1 N27505 SAGINAW DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 162PMT19-04930 SFD O 0 0 1 3/20/2020 0:00 1 N27512 SAGINAW DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 163PMT19-04931 SFD O 0 0 1 3/20/2020 0:00 1 N31320 QUARTER HORSE WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 KADENCE-NSFR-LOT 34PMT19-03416 SFD O 0 0 1 3/24/2020 0:00 1 N31332 QUARTER HORSE WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 KADENCE-NSFR-LOT 33PMT19-03417 SFD O 0 0 1 3/24/2020 0:00 1 N29445 BILOXY DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 146PMT19-04929 SFD O 0 0 1 3/24/2020 0:00 1 N31338 QUARTER HORSE WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 KADENCE-NSFR-LOT 32PMT19-03418 SFD O 0 0 1 3/25/2020 0:00 1 N31344 QUARTER HORSE WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 KADENCE-NSFR-LOT 31PMT19-03419 SFD O 0 0 1 3/25/2020 0:00 1 N31321 QUARTER HORSE WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 KADENCE-NSFR-LOT 5PMT19-03421 SFD O 0 0 1 3/25/2020 0:00 1 N31348 QUARTER HORSE WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 KADENCE-NSFR-LOT 30PMT19-03420 SFD O 0 0 1 3/26/2020 0:00 1 N31333 QUARTER HORSE WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 KADENCE-NSFR-LOT 6PMT19-03422 SFD O 0 0 1 3/26/2020 0:00 1 N31345 QUARTER HORSE WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 KADENCE-NSFR-LOT 7PMT19-03424 SFD O 0 0 1 3/26/2020 0:00 1 N31357 QUARTER HORSE WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 KADENCE-NSFR-LOT 8PMT19-03425 SFD O 0 0 1 3/26/2020 0:00 1 N24823 SUN ROSE CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 VALOR-NSFR-LOT 25PMT19-02738 SFD O 0 0 1 3/27/2020 0:00 1 N24835 SUN ROSE CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 VALOR-NSFR-LOT 26PMT19-02739 SFD O 0 0 1 3/27/2020 0:00 1 N29844 URTICA CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 VALOR-NSFR-LOT 32PMT19-02741 SFD O 0 0 1 3/27/2020 0:00 1 N31621 SHAWNEE CIR MENIFEE, CA 92586 BRIXTON-NSFR-LOT 20PMT19-04749 SFD O 0 0 1 4/1/2020 0:00 1 N31607 SHAWNEE CIR MENIFEE, CA 92586 BRIXTON-NSFR-LOT 21PMT19-04750 SFD O 0 0 1 4/1/2020 0:00 1 N31590 SHAWNEE CIR MENIFEE, CA 92586 BRIXTON-NSFR-LOT 45PMT19-04751 SFD O 0 0 1 4/1/2020 0:00 1 N31663 SHAWNEE CIR MENIFEE, CA 92586 BRIXTON-NSFR-LOT 15PMT19-04755 SFD O 0 0 1 4/1/2020 0:00 1 N29659 SADDLEBRED CIR MENIFEE, CA 92284 EASTON-NSFR-LOT 102PMT19-02784 SFD O 0 0 1 4/2/2020 0:00 1 N29832 URTICA CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 VALOR-NSFR-LOT 33PMT19-02742 SFD O 0 0 1 4/6/2020 0:00 1 N24831 TROTT CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 TRIBUTE-NSFR-LOT 4PMT18-02237 SFD O 0 0 1 4/8/2020 0:00 1 N27837 CALLE TALAVERA MENIFEE, CA 92584 TALAVERA-NSFR-LOT 31PMT19-04081 SFD O 0 0 1 4/10/2020 0:00 1 N29481 BILOXY DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 143PMT19-04926 SFD O 0 0 1 4/14/2020 0:00 1 N29457 BILOXY DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 145PMT19-04928 SFD O 0 0 1 4/14/2020 0:00 1 N30405 SILICATE DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 PRIMROSE-NSFR-LOT 17PMT19-04555 SFD O 0 0 1 4/15/2020 0:00 1 N30389 SILICATE DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 PRIMROSE-NSFR-LOT 18PMT19-04556 SFD O 0 0 1 4/15/2020 0:00 1 N28301 FELDSPAR DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 WINDSOR-NSFR-LOT 53PMT18-05207 SFD O 0 0 1 4/20/2020 0:00 1 N30394 SILICATE DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 PRIMROSE-NSFR-LOT 45PMT19-04563 SFD O 0 0 1 4/20/2020 0:00 1 N29836 OLYMPIC DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 CHELSEA-NSFR-LOT 23PMT19-04936 SFD O 0 0 1 4/20/2020 0:00 1 N29848 OLYMPIC DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 CHELSEA-NSFR-LOT 24PMT19-04937 SFD O 0 0 1 4/20/2020 0:00 1 N29860 OLYMPIC DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 CHELSEA-NSFR-LOT 25PMT19-04938 SFD O 0 0 1 4/20/2020 0:00 1 N29872 OLYMPIC DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 CHELSEA-NSFR-LOT 26PMT19-04939 SFD O 0 0 1 4/20/2020 0:00 1 N29829 OLYMPIC DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 CHELSEA-NSFR-LOT 73PMT19-04940 SFD O 0 0 1 4/21/2020 0:00 1 N29841 OLYMPIC DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 CHELSEA-NSFR-LOT 74PMT19-04941 SFD O 0 0 1 4/21/2020 0:00 1 N29853 OLYMPIC DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 CHELSEA-NSFR-LOT 75PMT19-04942 SFD O 0 0 1 4/21/2020 0:00 1 N29865 OLYMPIC DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 CHELSEA-NSFR-LOT 76PMT19-04943 SFD O 0 0 1 4/21/2020 0:00 1 N28443 CORAL DUNE DR MENIFEE, CA 92586 BRIXTON-NSFR-LOT 24PMT19-03507 SFD O 0 0 1 4/22/2020 0:00 1 N31638 JADE RUN DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 WINDSOR-NSFR-LOT 6PMT19-03706 SFD O 0 0 1 4/22/2020 0:00 1 N28436 IVORY CT MENIFEE, CA 92586 BRIXTON-NSFR-LOT 18PMT19-04758 SFD O 0 0 1 4/22/2020 0:00 1 N28450 IVORY CT MENIFEE, CA 92586 BRIXTON-NSFR-LOT 19PMT19-04759 SFD O 0 0 1 4/22/2020 0:00 1 N27878 CALLE TALAVERA MENIFEE, CA 92584 TALAVERA-NSFR-LOT 43PMT19-04087 SFD O 0 0 1 4/27/2020 0:00 1 N30101 THUNDER CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 KINGSTON-NSFR-LOT 10PMT19-05255 SFD O 0 0 1 4/27/2020 0:00 1 N24828 SUN ROSE CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 VALOR-NSFR-LOT 31PMT19-02740 SFD O 0 0 1 4/28/2020 0:00 1 N30087 THUNDER CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 KINGSTON-NSFR-LOT 11PMT19-05256 SFD O 0 0 1 4/28/2020 0:00 1 N30063 THUNDER CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 KINGSTON-NSFR-LOT 12PMT19-05257 SFD O 0 0 1 4/28/2020 0:00 1 N30053 THUNDER CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 KINGSTON-NSFR-LOT 13PMT19-05258 SFD O 0 0 1 4/28/2020 0:00 1 N29748 PATRIOT DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SADDLEWOOD-NSFR-LOT 43PMT19-05286 SFD O 0 0 1 4/28/2020 0:00 1 N29760 PATRIOT DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SADDLEWOOD-NSFR-LOT 44PMT19-05287 SFD O 0 0 1 4/28/2020 0:00 1 N29772 PATRIOT DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SADDLEWOOD-NSFR-LOT 45PMT19-05288 SFD O 0 0 1 4/28/2020 0:00 1 N29784 PATRIOT DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SADDLEWOOD-NSFR-LOT 46PMT19-05289 SFD O 0 0 1 4/28/2020 0:00 1 N29796 PATRIOT DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SADDLEWOOD-NSFR-LOT 47PMT19-05290 SFD O 0 0 1 4/28/2020 0:00 1 N31109 BAY HORSE WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 CANVAS-NSFR-LOT 61PMT19-04321 SFD O 0 0 1 4/29/2020 0:00 1 N31121 BAY HORSE WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 CANVAS-NSFR-LOT 62PMT19-04323 SFD O 0 0 1 4/29/2020 0:00 1 N27279 GRAPHITE DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 CAMDEN PLACE-NSFR-LOT 122PMT19-05554 SFD O 0 0 1 4/29/2020 0:00 1 N27291 GRAPHITE DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 CAMDEN PLACE-NSFR-LOT 123PMT19-05555 SFD O 0 0 1 4/29/2020 0:00 1 N27303 GRAPHITE DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 CAMDEN PLACE-NSFR-LOT 124PMT19-05556 SFD O 0 0 1 4/29/2020 0:00 1 N26635 OPALESCENT DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 PRIMROSE-NSFR-LOT 19PMT18-05666 SFD O 0 0 1 4/30/2020 0:00 1 N31133 BAY HORSE WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 CANVAS-NSFR-LOT 63PMT19-04324 SFD O 0 0 1 4/30/2020 0:00 1 N31157 BAY HORSE WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 CANVAS-NSFR-LOT 65PMT19-04326 SFD O 0 0 1 4/30/2020 0:00 1 N31110 BAY HORSE WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 CANVAS-NSFR-LOT 5PMT19-04327 SFD O 0 0 1 4/30/2020 0:00 1 N30029 THUNDER CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 KINGSTON-NSFR-LOT 14PMT19-05259 SFD O 0 0 1 4/30/2020 0:00 1 N27302 GRAPHITE DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 CAMDEN PLACE-NSFR-LOT 131PMT19-05557 SFD O 0 0 1 4/30/2020 0:00 1 N27290 GRAPHITE DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 CAMDEN PLACE-NSFR-LOT 132PMT19-05558 SFD O 0 0 1 4/30/2020 0:00 1 N27278 GRAPHITE DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 CAMDEN PLACE-NSFR-LOT 133PMT19-05559 SFD O 0 0 1 4/30/2020 0:00 1 N31122 BAY HORSE WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 CANVAS-NSFR-LOT 4PMT19-04328 SFD O 0 0 1 5/1/2020 0:00 1 N31134 BAY HORSE WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 CANVAS-NSFR-LOT 3PMT19-04329 SFD O 0 0 1 5/1/2020 0:00 1 N31146 BAY HORSE WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 CANVAS-NSFR-LOT 2PMT19-04330 SFD O 0 0 1 5/1/2020 0:00 1 N31158 BAY HORSE WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 CANVAS-NSFR-LOT 1PMT19-04331 SFD O 0 0 1 5/1/2020 0:00 1 N31625 TUDOR CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 PEPPERTREE-NSFR-LOT 103PMT19-03666 SFD O 0 0 1 5/5/2020 0:00 1 N31601 TUDOR CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 PEPPERTREE-NSFR-LOT 104PMT19-03680 SFD O 0 0 1 5/5/2020 0:00 1 N31589 TUDOR CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 PEPPERTREE-NSFR-LOT 105PMT19-03681 SFD O 0 0 1 5/5/2020 0:00 1 N31577 TUDOR CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 PEPPERTREE-NSFR-LOT 106PMT19-03682 SFD O 0 0 1 5/5/2020 0:00 1 N31565 TUDOR CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 PEPPERTREE-NSFR-LOT 107PMT19-03683 SFD O 0 0 1 5/5/2020 0:00 1 N31553 TUDOR CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 PEPPERTREE-NSFR-LOT 108PMT19-03684 SFD O 0 0 1 5/5/2020 0:00 1 N24625 ROUND MEADOW DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 DAKOTA-NSFR-LOT 47PMT18-03104 SFD O 0 0 1 5/6/2020 0:00 1 N24649 ROUND MEADOW DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 DAKOTA-NSFR-LOT 49PMT18-03106 SFD O 0 0 1 5/6/2020 0:00 1 N29501 CARAVEL DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 NEWPORT AT HERITAGE LAKES-MODEL-LOT 1PMT16-04708 SFD O 0 0 1 5/7/2020 0:00 1 N24847 SUN ROSE CIR MENIFEE, 92584 VALOR-NSFR-LOT 27PMT19-03697 SFD O 0 0 1 5/8/2020 0:00 1 N24859 SUN ROSE CIR MENIFEE, 92584 VALOR-NSFR-LOT 28PMT19-03698 SFD O 0 0 1 5/8/2020 0:00 1 N24852 SUN ROSE CIR MENIFEE, 92584 VALOR-NSFR-LOT 29PMT19-03699 SFD O 0 0 1 5/8/2020 0:00 1 N24840 SUN ROSE CIR MENIFEE, 92584 VALOR-NSFR-LOT 30PMT19-03700 SFD O 0 0 1 5/8/2020 0:00 1 N29820 URTICA CT MENIFEE, 92584 VALOR-NSFR-LOT 34PMT19-03709 SFD O 0 0 1 5/8/2020 0:00 1 N29808 URTICA CT MENIFEE, 92584 VALOR-NSFR-LOT 35PMT19-03710 SFD O 0 0 1 5/8/2020 0:00 1 N24812 SOLVANG LN MENIFEE, 92584 VALOR-NSFR-LOT 42PMT19-03711 SFD O 0 0 1 5/8/2020 0:00 1 N24800 SOLVANG LN MENIFEE, 92584 VALOR-NSFR-LOT 43PMT19-03712 SFD O 0 0 1 5/8/2020 0:00 1 N29808 PATRIOT DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SADDLEWOOD-NSFR-LOT 48PMT19-05291 SFD O 0 0 1 5/8/2020 0:00 1 N29820 PATRIOT DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SADDLEWOOD-NSFR-LOT 49PMT19-05292 SFD O 0 0 1 5/8/2020 0:00 1 N29832 PATRIOT DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SADDLEWOOD-NSFR-LOT 50PMT19-05293 SFD O 0 0 1 5/8/2020 0:00 1 N29844 PATRIOT DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SADDLEWOOD-NSFR-LOT 51PMT19-05294 SFD O 0 0 1 5/8/2020 0:00 1 N30343 RAMSAY DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 CAMDEN PLACE-NSFR-LOT 29PMT19-05560 SFD O 0 0 1 5/8/2020 0:00 1 N30331 RAMSAY DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 CAMDEN PLACE-NSFR-LOT 30PMT19-05561 SFD O 0 0 1 5/8/2020 0:00 1 N27265 GRAPHITE DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 CAMDEN PLACE-NSFR-LOT 121PMT19-05565 SFD O 0 0 1 5/8/2020 0:00 1 N26611 OPALESCENT DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 PRIMROSE-NSFR-LOT 22PMT18-05669 SFD O 0 0 1 5/11/2020 0:00 1 N31604 SHAWNEE CIR MENIFEE, CA 92586 BRIXTON-NSFR-LOT 46PMT19-04752 SFD O 0 0 1 5/11/2020 0:00 1 N30319 RAMSAY DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 CAMDEN PLACE-NSFR-LOT 31PMT19-05562 SFD O 0 0 1 5/11/2020 0:00 1 N30307 RAMSAY DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 CAMDEN PLACE-NSFR-LOT 32PMT19-05563 SFD O 0 0 1 5/11/2020 0:00 1 N30295 RAMSAY DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 CAMDEN PLACE-NSFR-LOT 33PMT19-05564 SFD O 0 0 1 5/11/2020 0:00 1 N28469 HAZEL LN MENIFEE, CA 92584 WINDSOR-NSFR-LOT 55PMT19-04742 SFD O 0 0 1 5/12/2020 0:00 1 N27549 WENDY ST MENIFEE, CA 92585 ROCKPORT-NSFR-LOT 3PMT19-05970 SFD O 0 0 1 5/12/2020 0:00 1 N27537 WENDY ST MENIFEE, CA 92585 ROCKPORT-NSFR-LOT 4PMT19-05971 SFD O 0 0 1 5/12/2020 0:00 1 N29782 PENN ST MENIFEE, CA 92585 ROCKPORT-NSFR-LOT 5PMT19-05972 SFD O 0 0 1 5/12/2020 0:00 1 N28483 HAZEL LN MENIFEE, CA 92584 WINDSOR-NSFR-LOT 54PMT19-06004 SFD O 0 0 1 5/12/2020 0:00 1 N26163 REDOAK ST MENIFEE, CA 92584 CYPRESS-NSFR-LOT 180PMT19-02759 SFD O 0 0 1 5/13/2020 0:00 1 N26175 REDOAK ST MENIFEE, CA 92584 CYPRESS-NSFR-LOT 181PMT19-02760 SFD O 0 0 1 5/13/2020 0:00 1 N26187 REDOAK ST MENIFEE, CA 92584 CYPRESS-NSFR-LOT 182PMT19-02761 SFD O 0 0 1 5/13/2020 0:00 1 N26199 REDOAK ST MENIFEE, CA 92584 CYPRESS-NSFR-LOT 183PMT19-02762 SFD O 0 0 1 5/13/2020 0:00 1 N29889 SOLARDO DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 ROCKPORT-NSFR-LOT 41PMT19-05974 SFD O 0 0 1 5/13/2020 0:00 1 N29853 SOLARDO DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 ROCKPORT-NSFR-LOT 44PMT19-05977 SFD O 0 0 1 5/13/2020 0:00 1 N29747 SADDLE RANCH PL MENIFEE, CA 92584 VAQUERO-NSFR-LOT 15PMT19-04265 SFD O 0 0 1 5/18/2020 0:00 1 N29735 SADDLE RANCH PL MENIFEE, CA 92584 VAQUERO-NSFR-LOT 16PMT19-04267 SFD O 0 0 1 5/18/2020 0:00 1 N29752 SADDLE RANCH PL MENIFEE, CA 92584 VAQUERO-NSFR-LOT 57PMT19-04269 SFD O 0 0 1 5/18/2020 0:00 1 N27371 CLYDESDALE CT MENIFEE, CA 92586 SILVER TRAIL-NSFR-LOT 6PMT19-02652 SFD O 0 0 1 5/19/2020 0:00 1 N27359 CLYDESDALE CT MENIFEE, CA 92586 SILVER TRAIL-NSFR-LOT 7PMT19-02653 SFD O 0 0 1 5/19/2020 0:00 1 N27362 CLYDESDALE CT MENIFEE, CA 92586 SILVER TRAIL-NSFR-LOT 16PMT19-02654 SFD O 0 0 1 5/19/2020 0:00 1 N27374 CLYDESDALE CT MENIFEE, CA 92586 SILVER TRAIL-NSFR-LOT 17PMT19-02655 SFD O 0 0 1 5/19/2020 0:00 1 N24457 CROOKED TRAIL DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SAVANNAH-NSFR-LOT 42PMT19-04689 SFD O 0 0 1 5/19/2020 0:00 1 N24456 CROOKED TRAIL DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SAVANNAH-NSFR-LOT 38PMT19-04690 SFD O 0 0 1 5/19/2020 0:00 1 N24444 CROOKED TRAIL DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SAVANNAH-NSFR-LOT 37PMT19-04691 SFD O 0 0 1 5/19/2020 0:00 1 N30469 VILLAGE TERRACE DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE VILLAGE-NSFR-LOT 7PMT19-04719 SFD O 0 0 1 5/19/2020 0:00 1 N30473 VILLAGE TERRACE DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE VILLAGE-NSFR-LOT 8PMT19-04720 SFD O 0 0 1 5/19/2020 0:00 1 N30477 VILLAGE TERRACE DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE VILLAGE-NSFR-LOT 9PMT19-04721 SFD O 0 0 1 5/19/2020 0:00 1 N30465 VILLAGE TERRACE DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE VILLAGE-NSFR-LOT 10PMT19-04722 SFD O 0 0 1 5/19/2020 0:00 1 N30461 VILLAGE TERRACE DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE VILLAGE-NSFR-LOT 11PMT19-04723 SFD O 0 0 1 5/19/2020 0:00 1 N30457 VILLAGE TERRACE DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE VILLAGE-NSFR-LOT 12PMT19-04724 SFD O 0 0 1 5/19/2020 0:00 1 N30454 VILLAGE TERRACE DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE VILLAGE-NSFR-LOT 76PMT19-04725 SFD O 0 0 1 5/19/2020 0:00 1 N24644 ROUND MEADOW DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 DAKOTA-MODEL-LOT 1 PLAN 4PMT16-01159 SFD O 0 0 1 5/20/2020 0:00 1 N24620 ROUND MEADOW DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 DAKOTA-MODEL-LOT 3 PLAN 2PMT16-01161 SFD O 0 0 1 5/20/2020 0:00 1 N29513 CARAVEL DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 NEWPORT AT HERITAGE LAKES-MODEL-LOT 2PMT16-04709 SFD O 0 0 1 5/20/2020 0:00 1 N29525 CARAVEL DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 NEWPORT AT HERITAGE LAKES-MODEL-LOT 3PMT16-04710 SFD O 0 0 1 5/20/2020 0:00 1 N29740 SADDLE RANCH PL MENIFEE, CA 92584 VAQUERO-NSFR-LOT 56PMT19-04268 SFD O 0 0 1 5/20/2020 0:00 1 N24432 CROOKED TRAIL DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SAVANNAH-NSFR-LOT 36PMT19-04692 SFD O 0 0 1 5/20/2020 0:00 1 N24420 CROOKED TRAIL DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SAVANNAH-NSFR-LOT 35PMT19-04693 SFD O 0 0 1 5/20/2020 0:00 1 N30458 VILLAGE TERRACE DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE VILLAGE-NSFR-LOT 77PMT19-04726 SFD O 0 0 1 5/20/2020 0:00 1 N30470 VILLAGE TERRACE DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE VILLAGE-NSFR-LOT 84PMT19-04727 SFD O 0 0 1 5/20/2020 0:00 1 N30466 VILLAGE TERRACE DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE VILLAGE-NSFR-LOTPMT19-04728 SFD O 0 0 1 5/20/2020 0:00 1 N29537 CARAVEL DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 NEWPORT AT HERITAGE LAKES-MODEL-LOT 4PMT16-04711 SFD O 0 0 1 5/21/2020 0:00 1 N26602 CALLE CANTERA MENIFEE, CA 92584 TALAVERA-NSFR-LOT 44PMT19-06406 SFD O 0 1 1/22/2020 1 1 5/22/2020 0:00 1 N26590 CALLE CANTERA MENIFEE, CA 92584 TALAVERA-NSFR-LOT 45PMT19-06423 SFD O 0 1 1/22/2020 1 1 5/22/2020 0:00 1 N26597 CALLE CANTERA MENIFEE, CA 92584 TALAVERA-NSFR-LOT 60PMT19-06431 SFD O 0 1 1/22/2020 1 1 5/22/2020 0:00 1 N31211 MORGAN HORSE ST MENIFEE, 92584 EASTON-NSFR-LOT 46PMT19-04004 SFD O 0 0 1 5/26/2020 0:00 1 N31223 MORGAN HORSE ST MENIFEE, 92584 EASTON-NSFR-LOT 47PMT19-04005 SFD O 0 0 1 5/26/2020 0:00 1 N29783 SADDLE RANCH PL MENIFEE, CA 92584 VAQUERO-NSFR-LOT 12PMT19-04135 SFD O 0 0 1 5/26/2020 0:00 1 N29771 SADDLE RANCH PL MENIFEE, CA 92584 VAQUERO-NSFR-LOT 13PMT19-04137 SFD O 0 0 1 5/26/2020 0:00 1 N29759 SADDLE RANCH PL MENIFEE, CA 92584 VAQUERO-NSFR-LOT 14PMT19-04138 SFD O 0 0 1 5/26/2020 0:00 1 N29776 SADDLE RANCH PL MENIFEE, CA 92584 VAQUERO-NSFR-LOT 58PMT19-04139 SFD O 0 0 1 5/26/2020 0:00 1 N31382 QUARTER HORSE WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 KADENCE-NSFR-LOT 27PMT19-04334 SFD O 0 0 1 5/26/2020 0:00 1 N31394 QUARTER HORSE WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 KADENCE-NSFR-LOT 26PMT19-04335 SFD O 0 0 1 5/26/2020 0:00 1 N30182 BIG COUNTRY DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 TRIBUTE-NSFR-LOT 13PMT18-01648 SFD O 0 1 1/15/2020 1 1 5/27/2020 0:00 1 N30181 BIG COUNTRY DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 TRIBUTE-NSFR-LOT 25PMT18-01657 SFD O 0 1 1/15/2020 1 1 5/27/2020 0:00 1 N31247 MORGAN HORSE ST MENIFEE, 92584 EASTON-NSFR-LOT 49PMT19-04007 SFD O 0 0 1 5/27/2020 0:00 1 N31406 QUARTER HORSE WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 KADENCE-NSFR-LOT 25PMT19-04336 SFD O 0 0 1 5/27/2020 0:00 1 N31381 QUARTER HORSE WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 KADENCE-NSFR-LOT 10PMT19-04338 SFD O 0 0 1 5/27/2020 0:00 1 N31677 SHAWNEE CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 WINDSOR-NSFR-LOT 14PMT19-06000 SFD O 0 0 1 5/27/2020 0:00 1 N30194 BIG COUNTRY DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 TRIBUTE-NSFR-LOT 14PMT18-01649 SFD O 0 1 1/15/2020 1 1 5/28/2020 0:00 1 N30206 BIG COUNTRY DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 TRIBUTE-NSFR-LOT 15PMT18-01650 SFD O 0 1 1/15/2020 1 1 5/28/2020 0:00 1 N31259 MORGAN HORSE ST MENIFEE, 92584 EASTON-NSFR-LOT 50PMT19-04008 SFD O 0 0 1 5/28/2020 0:00 1 N31200 MORGAN HORSE ST MENIFEE, 92584 EASTON-NSFR-LOT 78PMT19-04009 SFD O 0 0 1 6/1/2020 0:00 1 N30434 SILICATE DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 PRIMROSE-NSFR-LOT 24PMT19-04559 SFD O 0 0 1 6/1/2020 0:00 1 N31224 MORGAN HORSE ST MENIFEE, 92584 EASTON-NSFR-LOT 76PMT19-04011 SFD O 0 0 1 6/2/2020 0:00 1 N24613 ROUND MEADOW DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 DAKOTA-NSFR-LOT 46PMT18-03103 SFD O 0 0 1 6/3/2020 0:00 1 N24637 ROUND MEADOW DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 DAKOTA-NSFR-LOT 48PMT18-03105 SFD O 0 0 1 6/3/2020 0:00 1 N31560 TURQUOISE CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 BRIXTON-NSFR-LOT 21PMT19-06007 SFD O 0 1 1/29/2020 1 1 6/3/2020 0:00 1 N29645 HOLSTEINER WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 CANVAS-MODEL-LOT 109PMT17-03395 SFD O 0 0 1 6/4/2020 0:00 1 N24384 CROOKED TRAIL DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SAVANNAH-NSFR-LOT 32PMT19-06437 SFD O 0 1 1/10/2020 1 1 6/4/2020 0:00 1 N24396 CROOKED TRAIL DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SAVANNAH-NSFR-LOT 33PMT19-06440 SFD O 0 1 1/10/2020 1 1 6/4/2020 0:00 1 N24408 CROOKED TRAIL DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SAVANNAH-NSFR-LOT 34PMT19-06441 SFD O 0 1 1/10/2020 1 1 6/4/2020 0:00 1 N28441 HAZEL LN MENIFEE, CA 92584 WINDSOR-NSFR-LOT 57PMT19-04744 SFD O 0 0 1 6/5/2020 0:00 1 N29469 BILOXY DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 144PMT19-04927 SFD O 0 0 1 6/5/2020 0:00 1 N29856 PATRIOT DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SADDLEWOOD-NSFR-LOT 52PMT19-05295 SFD O 0 0 1 6/5/2020 0:00 1 N29868 PATRIOT DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SADDLEWOOD-NSFR-LOT 53PMT19-05296 SFD O 0 0 1 6/5/2020 0:00 1 N29880 PATRIOT DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SADDLEWOOD-NSFR-LOT 54PMT19-05297 SFD O 0 0 1 6/5/2020 0:00 1 N29916 PATRIOT DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SADDLEWOOD-NSFR-LOT 57PMT19-05300 SFD O 0 0 1 6/5/2020 0:00 1 N29928 PATRIOT DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SADDLEWOOD-NSFR-LOT 58PMT19-05301 SFD O 0 0 1 6/5/2020 0:00 1 N29940 PATRIOT DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SADDLEWOOD-NSFR-LOT 59PMT19-05302 SFD O 0 0 1 6/5/2020 0:00 1 N29952 PATRIOT DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SADDLEWOOD-NSFR-LOT 60PMT19-05303 SFD O 0 0 1 6/5/2020 0:00 1 N30386 SILICATE DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 PRIMROSE-NSFR-LOT 46PMT19-04564 SFD O 0 0 1 6/8/2020 0:00 1 N29877 SOLARDO DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 ROCKPORT-NSFR-LOT 42PMT19-05975 SFD O 0 0 1 6/8/2020 0:00 1 N31574 TURQUOISE CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 BRIXTON-NSFR-LOT 22PMT19-06008 SFD O 0 1 1/29/2020 1 1 6/8/2020 0:00 1 N31236 MORGAN HORSE ST MENIFEE, 92584 EASTON-NSFR-LOT 75PMT19-04012 SFD O 0 0 1 6/10/2020 0:00 1 N26632 OPALESCENT DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 PRIMROSE-NSFR-LOT 32PMT18-05679 SFD O 0 0 1 6/11/2020 0:00 1 N31235 MORGAN HORSE ST MENIFEE, 92584 EASTON-NSFR-LOT 48PMT19-04006 SFD O 0 0 1 6/11/2020 0:00 1 N26587 OPALESCENT DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 PRIMROSE-NSFR-LOT 25PMT18-05672 SFD O 0 0 1 6/12/2020 0:00 1 N30426 SILICATE DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 PRIMROSE-NSFR-LOT 25PMT19-04560 SFD O 0 0 1 6/12/2020 0:00 1 N29884 ALISAL CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 WILLOW TREE II-NSFR-LOT 11PMT19-01735 SFD O 0 1 1/29/2020 1 1 6/16/2020 0:00 1 N29896 ALISAL CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 WILLOW TREE II-NSFR-LOT 12PMT19-01736 SFD O 0 1 1/29/2020 1 1 6/16/2020 0:00 1 N29908 ALISAL CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 WILLOW TREE II-NSFR-LOT 13PMT19-01737 SFD O 0 1 1/29/2020 1 1 6/16/2020 0:00 1 N29903 ALISAL CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 WILLOW TREE II-NSFR-LOT 58PMT19-01738 SFD O 0 1 1/29/2020 1 1 6/16/2020 0:00 1 N29891 ALISAL CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 WILLOW TREE II-NSFR-LOT 59PMT19-01739 SFD O 0 1 1/29/2020 1 1 6/16/2020 0:00 1 N29879 ALISAL CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 WILLOW TREE II-NSFR-LOT 60PMT19-01740 SFD O 0 1 1/29/2020 1 1 6/16/2020 0:00 1 N26194 REDOAK ST MENIFEE, CA 92584 CYPRESS-NSFR-LOT 145PMT19-02756 SFD O 0 0 1 6/16/2020 0:00 1 N26182 REDOAK ST MENIFEE, CA 92584 CYPRESS-NSFR-LOT 146PMT19-02757 SFD O 0 0 1 6/16/2020 0:00 1 N26170 REDOAK ST MENIFEE, CA 92584 CYPRESS-NSFR-LOT 147PMT19-02758 SFD O 0 0 1 6/16/2020 0:00 1 N30423 TOWN SQUARE DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 87PMT19-05955 SFA O 0 0 1 6/16/2020 0:00 1 N30419 TOWN SQUARE DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 88PMT19-05956 SFA O 0 0 1 6/16/2020 0:00 1 N30415 TOWN SQUARE DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 89PMT19-05957 SFA O 0 0 1 6/16/2020 0:00 1 N30409 TOWN SQUARE DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 90PMT19-05958 SFA O 0 0 1 6/16/2020 0:00 1 N30407 TOWN SQUARE DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 91PMT19-05959 SFA O 0 0 1 6/16/2020 0:00 1 N30411 TOWN SQUARE DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 92PMT19-05960 SFA O 0 0 1 6/16/2020 0:00 1 N30417 TOWN SQUARE DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 93PMT19-05961 SFA O 0 0 1 6/16/2020 0:00 1 N30421 TOWN SQUARE DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 94PMT19-05962 SFA O 0 0 1 6/16/2020 0:00 1 N29832 HARNESS CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 NEWPARK-NSFR-LOT 72PMT19-02793 SFD O 0 0 1 6/17/2020 0:00 1 N29820 HARNESS CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 NEWPARK-NSFR-LOT 73PMT19-02794 SFD O 0 0 1 6/17/2020 0:00 1 N24819 SOLVANG LN MENIFEE, 92584 VALOR-NSFR-LOT 36PMT19-04694 SFD O 0 0 1 6/17/2020 0:00 1 N24831 SOLVANG LN MENIFEE, 92584 VALOR-NSFR-LOT 37PMT19-04695 SFD O 0 0 1 6/17/2020 0:00 1 N24843 SOLVANG LN MENIFEE, 92584 VALOR-NSFR-LOT 38PMT19-04696 SFD O 0 0 1 6/17/2020 0:00 1 N24836 SOLVANG LN MENIFEE, 92584 VALOR-NSFR-LOT 40PMT19-04698 SFD O 0 0 1 6/17/2020 0:00 1 N24824 SOLVANG LN MENIFEE, 92584 VALOR-NSFR-LOT 41PMT19-04699 SFD O 0 0 1 6/17/2020 0:00 1 N31683 JADE RUN DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 WINDSOR-NSFR-LOT 64PMT19-04739 SFD O 0 0 1 6/17/2020 0:00 1 N28427 HAZEL LN MENIFEE, CA 92584 WINDSOR-NSFR-LOT 58PMT19-04745 SFD O 0 0 1 6/17/2020 0:00 1 N Item Title:12.2 General Plan Annual Progress Report for 2020 Item Page Number:58 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 173 of 240 Jurisdiction Menifee ANNUAL ELEMENT PROGRESS REPORT Reporting Year 2020 (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31)Housing Element Implementation Cells in grey contain auto-calculation formulas(CCR Title 25 §6202) Note: "+" indicates an optional field 32677 HAYDEN RD MENIFEE, CA 92584 PACIFIC GALLERIA-NSFR-LOT 15PMT19-03662 SFD O 0 0 1 6/18/2020 0:00 1 N28439 IVORY CT MENIFEE, CA 92586 BRIXTON-NSFR-LOT 17PMT19-04757 SFD O 0 0 1 6/18/2020 0:00 1 N31674 SHAWNEE CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 WINDSOR-NSFR-LOT 51PMT19-06001 SFD O 0 0 1 6/18/2020 0:00 1 N30429 SILICATE DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 PRIMROSE-NSFR-LOT 14PMT19-04552 SFD O 0 0 1 6/19/2020 0:00 1 N29812 OLYMPIC DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 CHELSEA-NSFR-LOT 21PMT19-05169 SFD O 0 1 1/9/2020 1 1 6/19/2020 0:00 1 N27479 GOODHOPE DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 127PMT19-06529 SFD O 0 1 1/9/2020 1 1 6/19/2020 0:00 1 N27491 GOODHOPE DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 128PMT19-06530 SFD O 0 1 1/9/2020 1 1 6/19/2020 0:00 1 N29669 HOLSTEINER WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 CANVAS-NSFR-LOT 107PMT19-04478 SFD O 0 1 1/9/2020 1 1 6/22/2020 0:00 1 N29682 HOLSTEINER WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 CANVAS-NSFR-LOT 118PMT19-04479 SFD O 0 1 1/9/2020 1 1 6/22/2020 0:00 1 N29670 HOLSTEINER WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 CANVAS-NSFR-LOT 117PMT19-04480 SFD O 0 1 1/9/2020 1 1 6/22/2020 0:00 1 N29800 OLYMPIC DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 CHELSEA-NSFR-LOT 20PMT19-05168 SFD O 0 1 1/9/2020 1 1 6/22/2020 0:00 1 N29633 HOLSTEINER WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 CANVAS-MODEL-LOT 110PMT17-03396 SFD O 0 0 1 6/24/2020 0:00 1 N27825 CALLE TALAVERA MENIFEE, CA 92584 TALAVERA-NSFR-LOT 30PMT19-04080 SFD O 0 0 1 6/24/2020 0:00 1 N27815 CALLE TALAVERA MENIFEE, CA 92584 TALAVERA-NSFR-LOT 29PMT19-04093 SFD O 0 0 1 6/24/2020 0:00 1 N27808 CALLE TALAVERA MENIFEE, CA 92584 TALAVERA-NSFR-LOT 62PMT19-04095 SFD O 0 0 1 6/24/2020 0:00 1 N27796 CALLE TALAVERA MENIFEE, CA 92584 TALAVERA-NSFR-LOT 63PMT19-04096 SFD O 0 0 1 6/24/2020 0:00 1 N27784 CALLE TALAVERA MENIFEE, CA 92584 TALAVERA-NSFR-LOT 64PMT19-04097 SFD O 0 0 1 6/24/2020 0:00 1 N29693 HOLSTEINER WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 CANVAS-NSFR-LOT 105PMT19-04476 SFD O 0 1 1/9/2020 1 1 6/24/2020 0:00 1 N29681 HOLSTEINER WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 CANVAS-NSFR-LOT 106PMT19-04477 SFD O 0 1 1/9/2020 1 1 6/24/2020 0:00 1 N29788 OLYMPIC DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 CHELSEA-NSFR-LOT 19PMT19-05167 SFD O 0 1 1/9/2020 1 1 6/24/2020 0:00 1 N29824 OLYMPIC DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 CHELSEA-NSFR-LOT 22PMT19-05170 SFD O 0 1 1/9/2020 1 1 6/24/2020 0:00 1 N29805 OLYMPIC DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 CHELSEA-NSFR-LOT 71PMT19-05173 SFD O 0 1 1/9/2020 1 1 6/24/2020 0:00 1 N27503 GOODHOPE DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 129PMT19-06531 SFD O 0 1 1/9/2020 1 1 6/24/2020 0:00 1 N27539 GOODHOPE DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 130PMT19-06532 SFD O 0 1 1/9/2020 1 1 6/24/2020 0:00 1 N27551 GOODHOPE DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 131PMT19-06533 SFD O 0 1 1/9/2020 1 1 6/26/2020 0:00 1 N27563 GOODHOPE DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 132PMT19-06534 SFD O 0 1 1/9/2020 1 1 6/26/2020 0:00 1 N27575 GOODHOPE DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 133PMT19-06535 SFD O 0 1 1/9/2020 1 1 6/26/2020 0:00 1 N27498 GOODHOPE DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 147PMT19-06536 SFD O 0 1 1/9/2020 1 1 6/26/2020 0:00 1 N27486 GOODHOPE DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 148PMT19-06537 SFD O 0 1 1/9/2020 1 1 6/26/2020 0:00 1 N29646 HOLSTEINER WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 KADENCE-MODEL-LOT 115PMT17-03399 SFD O 0 0 1 6/29/2020 0:00 1 N24632 ROUND MEADOW DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 DAKOTA-MODEL-LOT 2 PLAN 3PMT16-01160 SFD O 0 0 1 6/30/2020 0:00 1 N30418 SILICATE DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 PRIMROSE-NSFR-LOT 26PMT19-04561 SFD O 0 1 9/4/2020 1 1 7/2/2020 0:00 1 N24620 ADMINISTRATIVE CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SADDLEWOOD-MODEL-PLAN 1-LOT 120PMT19-04897 SFD O 0 1 7/2/2020 1 1 7/2/2020 0:00 1 N30421 SILICATE DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 PRIMROSE-NSFR-LOT 15PMT19-04553 SFD O 0 0 1 7/6/2020 0:00 1 N28438 HAZEL LN MENIFEE, CA 92584 WINDSOR-NSFR-LOT 11PMT19-04740 SFD O 0 0 1 7/7/2020 0:00 1 N29793 OLYMPIC DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 CHELSEA-NSFR-LOT 70PMT19-05172 SFD O 0 1 1/9/2020 1 1 7/7/2020 0:00 1 N24420 SABATON CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 VAQUERO-NSFR-LOT 59PMT20-00187 SFD O 0 1 1/31/2020 1 1 7/7/2020 0:00 1 N24432 SABATON CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 VAQUERO-NSFR-LOT 60PMT20-00188 SFD O 0 1 1/31/2020 1 1 7/7/2020 0:00 1 N24444 SABATON CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 VAQUERO-NSFR-LOT 61PMT20-00189 SFD O 0 1 1/31/2020 1 1 7/7/2020 0:00 1 N24449 SABATON CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 VAQUERO-NSFR-LOT 72PMT20-00190 SFD O 0 1 1/31/2020 1 1 7/7/2020 0:00 1 N28368 FELDSPAR DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 WINDSOR-NSFR-LOT 45PMT18-05209 SFD O 0 0 1 7/8/2020 0:00 1 N31610 JADE RUN DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 WINDSOR-NSFR-LOT 4PMT19-03704 SFD O 0 0 1 7/8/2020 0:00 1 N31393 QUARTER HORSE WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 KADENCE-NSFR-LOT 11PMT19-04339 SFD O 0 0 1 7/8/2020 0:00 1 N31405 QUARTER HORSE WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 KADENCE-NSFR-LOT 12PMT19-04340 SFD O 0 0 1 7/8/2020 0:00 1 N31652 JADE RUN DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 WINDSOR-NSFR-LOT 7PMT19-03707 SFD O 0 0 1 7/9/2020 0:00 1 N29794 PENN ST MENIFEE, CA 92585 ROCKPORT-NSFR-LOT 6PMT19-06802 SFD O 0 1 1/31/2020 1 1 7/9/2020 0:00 1 N29806 PENN ST MENIFEE, CA 92585 ROCKPORT-NSFR-LOT 7PMT19-06803 SFD O 0 1 1/31/2020 1 1 7/9/2020 0:00 1 N29818 PENN ST MENIFEE, CA 92585 ROCKPORT-NSFR-LOT 8PMT19-06804 SFD O 0 1 1/31/2020 1 1 7/9/2020 0:00 1 N29830 PENN ST MENIFEE, CA 92585 ROCKPORT-NSFR-LOT 9PMT19-06805 SFD O 0 1 1/31/2020 1 1 7/9/2020 0:00 1 N29799 FALABELLA HORSE ST MENIFEE, CA 92584 KADENCE-NSFR-LOT 17PMT19-04345 SFD O 0 1 2/4/2020 1 1 7/10/2020 0:00 1 N29751 FALABELLA HORSE ST MENIFEE, CA 92584 KADENCE-NSFR-LOT 13PMT19-04341 SFD O 0 1 2/4/2020 1 1 7/13/2020 0:00 1 N29763 FALABELLA HORSE ST MENIFEE, CA 92584 KADENCE-NSFR-LOT 14PMT19-04342 SFD O 0 1 2/4/2020 1 1 7/13/2020 0:00 1 N29842 PENN ST MENIFEE, CA 92585 ROCKPORT-NSFR-LOT 10PMT19-06806 SFD O 0 1 1/31/2020 1 1 7/13/2020 0:00 1 N27563 GRUBER DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 ROCKPORT-NSFR-LOT 52PMT19-06808 SFD O 0 1 1/31/2020 1 1 7/13/2020 0:00 1 N27552 GRUBER DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 ROCKPORT-NSFR-LOT 62PMT19-06810 SFD O 0 1 1/31/2020 1 1 7/13/2020 0:00 1 N24537 STARGAZER WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 SAVANNAH-NSFR-LOT 1PMT19-06442 SFD O 0 1 1/10/2020 1 1 7/14/2020 0:00 1 N24525 STARGAZER WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 SAVANNAH-NSFR-LOT 2PMT19-06443 SFD O 0 1 1/10/2020 1 1 7/14/2020 0:00 1 N24536 STARGAZER WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 SAVANNAH-NSFR-LOT 82PMT19-06444 SFD O 0 1 1/10/2020 1 1 7/14/2020 0:00 1 N24524 STARGAZER WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 SAVANNAH-NSFR-LOT 83PMT19-06445 SFD O 0 1 1/10/2020 1 1 7/14/2020 0:00 1 N24512 STARGAZER WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 SAVANNAH-NSFR-LOT 84PMT19-06446 SFD O 0 1 1/10/2020 1 1 7/14/2020 0:00 1 N28413 HAZEL LN MENIFEE, CA 92584 WINDSOR-NSFR-LOT 59PMT19-04734 SFD O 0 0 1 7/15/2020 0:00 1 N29817 OLYMPIC DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 CHELSEA-NSFR-LOT 72PMT19-05174 SFD O 0 1 1/9/2020 1 1 7/15/2020 0:00 1 N24848 SOLVANG LN MENIFEE, 92584 VALOR-NSFR-LOT 39PMT19-04697 SFD O 0 0 1 7/16/2020 0:00 1 N30501 VILLAGE TERRACE DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE VILLAGE-NSFR-LOT 1PMT19-06280 SFD O 0 1 1/21/2020 1 1 7/16/2020 0:00 1 N30497 VILLAGE TERRACE DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE VILLAGE-NSFR-LOT 2PMT19-06281 SFD O 0 1 1/21/2020 1 1 7/16/2020 0:00 1 N30493 VILLAGE TERRACE DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE VILLAGE-NSFR-LOT 3PMT19-06282 SFD O 0 1 1/21/2020 1 1 7/16/2020 0:00 1 N30489 VILLAGE TERRACE DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE VILLAGE-NSFR-LOT 4PMT19-06283 SFD O 0 1 1/21/2020 1 1 7/16/2020 0:00 1 N30485 VILLAGE TERRACE DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE VILLAGE-NSFR-LOT 5PMT19-06284 SFD O 0 1 1/21/2020 1 1 7/16/2020 0:00 1 N30481 VILLAGE TERRACE DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE VILLAGE-NSFR-LOT 6PMT19-06285 SFD O 0 1 1/21/2020 1 1 7/16/2020 0:00 1 N30478 VILLAGE TERRACE DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE VILLAGE-NSFR-LOT 86PMT19-06286 SFD O 0 1 1/21/2020 1 1 7/16/2020 0:00 1 N32516 HAYDEN RD MENIFEE, CA 92584 PACIFIC GALLERIA-NSFR-LOT 24PMT19-04574 SFD O 0 1 1/21/2020 1 1 7/17/2020 0:00 1 N30482 VILLAGE TERRACE DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE VILLAGE-NSFR-LOT 87PMT19-06287 SFD O 0 1 1/21/2020 1 1 7/17/2020 0:00 1 N30494 VILLAGE TERRACE DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE VILLAGE-NSFR-LOT 94PMT19-06288 SFD O 0 1 1/21/2020 1 1 7/17/2020 0:00 1 N30490 VILLAGE TERRACE DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE VILLAGE-NSFR-LOT 95PMT19-06289 SFD O 0 1 1/21/2020 1 1 7/17/2020 0:00 1 N29657 HOLSTEINER WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 CANVAS-MODEL-LOT 108PMT17-03394 SFD O 0 0 1 7/21/2020 0:00 1 N29775 FALABELLA HORSE ST MENIFEE, CA 92584 KADENCE-NSFR-LOT 15PMT19-04343 SFD O 0 1 2/4/2020 1 1 7/21/2020 0:00 1 N28453 IVORY CT MENIFEE, CA 92586 BRIXTON-NSFR-LOT 16PMT19-04756 SFD O 0 0 1 7/21/2020 0:00 1 N31934 GARLINGTON ST MENIFEE, CA 92584 SILVER TRAIL-MODEL-LOT 5PMT18-05504 SFD O 0 0 1 7/22/2020 0:00 1 N31546 TURQUOISE CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 BRIXTON-NSFR-LOT 20PMT19-06006 SFD O 0 1 1/29/2020 1 1 7/22/2020 0:00 1 N31602 TURQUOISE CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 BRIXTON-NSFR-LOT 24PMT19-06010 SFD O 0 1 1/29/2020 1 1 7/22/2020 0:00 1 N31577 TURQUOISE CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 BRIXTON-NSFR-LOT 25PMT19-06011 SFD O 0 1 1/29/2020 1 1 7/22/2020 0:00 1 N27551 GRUBER DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 ROCKPORT-NSFR-LOT 51PMT19-06807 SFD O 0 1 1/31/2020 1 1 7/22/2020 0:00 1 N27347 CLYDESDALE CT MENIFEE, CA 92586 SILVER TRAIL-NSFR-LOT 8PMT19-02656 SFD O 0 0 1 7/24/2020 0:00 1 N27335 CLYDESDALE CT MENIFEE, CA 92586 SILVER TRAIL-NSFR-LOT 9PMT19-02657 SFD O 0 0 1 7/24/2020 0:00 1 N27338 CLYDESDALE CT MENIFEE, CA 92586 SILVER TRAIL-NSFR-LOT 14PMT19-02658 SFD O 0 0 1 7/24/2020 0:00 1 N27350 CLYDESDALE CT MENIFEE, CA 92586 SILVER TRAIL-NSFR-LOT 15PMT19-02659 SFD O 0 0 1 7/24/2020 0:00 1 N31588 TURQUOISE CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 BRIXTON-NSFR-LOT 23PMT19-06009 SFD O 0 1 1/29/2020 1 1 7/24/2020 0:00 1 N31549 TURQUOISE CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 BRIXTON-NSFR-LOT 26PMT19-06012 SFD O 0 1 4/10/2020 1 1 7/24/2020 0:00 1 N29634 HOLSTEINER WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 KADENCE-MODEL-LOT 114PMT17-03398 SFD O 0 0 1 7/27/2020 0:00 1 N30413 SILICATE DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 PRIMROSE-NSFR-LOT 16PMT19-04554 SFD O 0 0 1 7/27/2020 0:00 1 N26561 CALLE CANTERA MENIFEE, CA 92584 TALAVERA-NSFR-LOT 57PMT19-06428 SFD O 0 1 1/22/2020 1 1 7/27/2020 0:00 1 N26573 CALLE CANTERA MENIFEE, CA 92584 TALAVERA-NSFR-LOT 58PMT19-06429 SFD O 0 1 1/22/2020 1 1 7/27/2020 0:00 1 N26585 CALLE CANTERA MENIFEE, CA 92584 TALAVERA-NSFR-LOT 59PMT19-06430 SFD O 0 1 1/22/2020 1 1 7/27/2020 0:00 1 N26115 REDOAK ST MENIFEE, CA 92584 CYPRESS-NSFR-LOT 176PMT19-07456 SFD O 0 1 4/2/2020 1 1 7/27/2020 0:00 1 N26127 REDOAK ST MENIFEE, CA 92584 CYPRESS-NSFR-LOT 177PMT19-07457 SFD O 0 1 4/2/2020 1 1 7/27/2020 0:00 1 N26139 REDOAK ST MENIFEE, CA 92584 CYPRESS-NSFR-LOT 178PMT19-07458 SFD O 0 1 4/2/2020 1 1 7/27/2020 0:00 1 N26151 REDOAK ST MENIFEE, CA 92584 CYPRESS-NSFR-LOT 179PMT19-07459 SFD O 0 1 4/2/2020 1 1 7/27/2020 0:00 1 N27748 CALLE TALAVERA MENIFEE, CA 92584 TALAVERA-NSFR-LOT 106PMT20-00606 SFD O 0 1 3/31/2020 1 1 7/27/2020 0:00 1 N31702 SHAWNEE CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 WINDSOR-NSFR-LOT 53PMT19-06003 SFD O 0 0 1 7/28/2020 0:00 1 N29787 FALABELLA HORSE ST MENIFEE, CA 92584 KADENCE-NSFR-LOT 16PMT19-04344 SFD O 0 1 2/4/2020 1 1 7/30/2020 0:00 1 N29916 URTICA LN MENIFEE, 92584 VALOR-NSFR-LOT 13PMT19-04702 SFD O 0 0 1 8/3/2020 0:00 1 N24456 SABATON CIR MENIFEE, CA 92585 VAQUERO-NSFR-LOT 62PMT20-00720 SFD O 0 1 3/4/2020 1 1 8/4/2020 0:00 1 N24468 SABATON CIR MENIFEE, CA 92585 VAQUERO-NSFR-LOT 63PMT20-00721 SFD O 0 1 3/4/2020 1 1 8/4/2020 0:00 1 N24480 SABATON CIR MENIFEE, CA 92585 VAQUERO-NSFR-LOT 64PMT20-00722 SFD O 0 1 3/4/2020 1 1 8/4/2020 0:00 1 N24473 SABATON CIR MENIFEE, CA 92585 VAQUERO-NSFR-LOT 70PMT20-00723 SFD O 0 1 3/4/2020 1 1 8/4/2020 0:00 1 N24461 SABATON CIR MENIFEE, CA 92585 VAQUERO-NSFR-LOT 71PMT20-00797 SFD O 0 1 3/4/2020 1 1 8/4/2020 0:00 1 N29530 SHIRE HORSE WAY MENIFEE, 92584 EASTON-NSFR-LOT 33PMT19-04601 SFD O 0 0 1 8/6/2020 0:00 1 N29518 SHIRE HORSE WAY MENIFEE, 92584 EASTON-NSFR-LOT 34PMT19-04602 SFD O 0 0 1 8/6/2020 0:00 1 N29506 SHIRE HORSE WAY MENIFEE, 92584 EASTON-NSFR-LOT 35PMT19-04603 SFD O 0 0 1 8/9/2020 0:00 1 N29521 SHIRE HORSE WAY MENIFEE, 92584 EASTON-NSFR-LOT 36PMT19-04604 SFD O 0 0 1 8/9/2020 0:00 1 N27431 GOODHOPE DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 123PMT19-06538 SFD O 0 1 2/14/2020 1 1 8/9/2020 0:00 1 N27443 GOODHOPE DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 124PMT19-06539 SFD O 0 1 2/14/2020 1 1 8/9/2020 0:00 1 N27467 GOODHOPE DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 126PMT19-06541 SFD O 0 1 2/14/2020 1 1 8/9/2020 0:00 1 N27575 GRUBER DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 ROCKPORT-NSFR-LOT 53PMT19-06811 SFD O 0 1 3/3/2020 1 1 8/9/2020 0:00 1 N27587 GRUBER DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 ROCKPORT-NSFR-LOT 54PMT19-06812 SFD O 0 1 3/3/2020 1 1 8/9/2020 0:00 1 N27599 GRUBER DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 ROCKPORT-NSFR-LOT 55PMT19-06813 SFD O 0 1 3/3/2020 1 1 8/9/2020 0:00 1 N27611 GRUBER DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 ROCKPORT-NSFR-LOT 56PMT19-06814 SFD O 0 1 3/3/2020 1 1 8/9/2020 0:00 1 N27612 GRUBER DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 ROCKPORT-NSFR-LOT 57PMT19-06815 SFD O 0 1 3/3/2020 1 1 8/9/2020 0:00 1 N27600 GRUBER DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 ROCKPORT-NSFR-LOT 58PMT19-06816 SFD O 0 1 3/3/2020 1 1 8/9/2020 0:00 1 N27588 GRUBER DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 ROCKPORT-NSFR-LOT 59PMT19-06817 SFD O 0 1 3/3/2020 1 1 8/9/2020 0:00 1 N27576 GRUBER DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 ROCKPORT-NSFR-LOT 60PMT19-06818 SFD O 0 1 3/3/2020 1 1 8/9/2020 0:00 1 N30834 WINDY RIDGE WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 PARK RIDGE-MODEL-LOT 130PMT19-06987 SFD O 0 1 3/30/2020 1 1 8/10/2020 0:00 1 N30826 WINDY RIDGE WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 PARK RIDGE-MODEL-LOT 131PMT19-06988 SFD O 0 1 3/30/2020 1 1 8/10/2020 0:00 1 N30818 WINDY RIDGE WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 PARK RIDGE-MODEL-LOT 132PMT19-06989 SFD O 0 1 3/30/2020 1 1 8/10/2020 0:00 1 N30817 WINDY RIDGE WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 UNION PLACE-MODEL-LOT 137PMT19-06990 SFD O 0 1 3/30/2020 1 1 8/10/2020 0:00 1 N30825 WINDY RIDGE WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 UNION PLACE-MODEL-LOT 138PMT19-06991 SFD O 0 1 3/30/2020 1 1 8/10/2020 0:00 1 N31632 SHAWNEE CIR MENIFEE, CA 92586 BRIXTON-NSFR-LOT 48PMT19-04754 SFD O 0 0 1 8/11/2020 0:00 1 N31660 SHAWNEE CIR MENIFEE, CA 92586 BRIXTON-NSFR-LOT 50PMT19-04761 SFD O 0 0 1 8/11/2020 0:00 1 N27474 GOODHOPE DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 149PMT19-06542 SFD O 0 1 2/14/2020 1 1 8/11/2020 0:00 1 N27462 GOODHOPE DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 150PMT19-06543 SFD O 0 1 2/14/2020 1 1 8/11/2020 0:00 1 N31697 JADE RUN DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 WINDSOR-NSFR-LOT 63PMT19-04738 SFD O 0 0 1 8/12/2020 0:00 1 N27438 GOODHOPE DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 152PMT19-06545 SFD O 0 1 2/14/2020 1 1 8/12/2020 0:00 1 N27426 GOODHOPE DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 153PMT19-06546 SFD O 0 1 2/14/2020 1 1 8/12/2020 0:00 1 N29928 URTICA CT MENIFEE, 92584 VALOR-NSFR-LOT 12PMT19-04701 SFD O 0 0 1 8/14/2020 0:00 1 N31922 GARLINGTON ST MENIFEE, CA 92584 SILVER TRAIL-MODEL-LOT 4PMT18-05503 SFD O 0 0 1 8/18/2020 0:00 1 N27765 CALLE TALAVERA MENIFEE, CA 92584 TALAVERA-NSFR-LOT 25PMT19-04089 SFD O 0 0 1 8/18/2020 0:00 1 N27789 CALLE TALAVERA MENIFEE, CA 92584 TALAVERA-NSFR-LOT 27PMT19-04091 SFD O 0 0 1 8/18/2020 0:00 1 N26554 CALLE CANTERA MENIFEE, CA 92584 TALAVERA-NSFR-LOT 48PMT19-06426 SFD O 0 1 1/22/2020 1 1 8/18/2020 0:00 1 N29730 EVERGLADES DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 CHELSEA-NSFR-LOT 14PMT19-05177 SFD O 0 1 2/14/2020 1 1 8/20/2020 0:00 1 N29742 EVERGLADES DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 CHELSEA-NSFR-LOT 15PMT19-05178 SFD O 0 1 2/14/2020 1 1 8/20/2020 0:00 1 N29740 OLYMPIC DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 CHELSEA-NSFR-LOT 16PMT19-05179 SFD O 0 1 2/14/2020 1 1 8/20/2020 0:00 1 N29752 OLYMPIC DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 CHELSEA-NSFR-LOT 17PMT19-05180 SFD O 0 1 2/14/2020 1 1 8/20/2020 0:00 1 N30205 BIG COUNTRY DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 TRIBUTE-NSFR-LOT 23PMT18-01655 SFD O 0 1 1/15/2020 1 1 8/23/2020 0:00 1 N30193 BIG COUNTRY DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 TRIBUTE-NSFR-LOT 24PMT18-01656 SFD O 0 1 1/15/2020 1 1 8/23/2020 0:00 1 N25066 RIDGEMOOR RD MENIFEE, CA 92584 SKY VIEW-MODEL-LOT 55 PLAN 5PMT19-04525 SFD O 0 1 1/28/2020 1 1 8/23/2020 0:00 1 N29781 OLYMPIC DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 CHELSEA-NSFR-LOT 69PMT19-05171 SFD O 0 1 1/9/2020 1 1 8/23/2020 0:00 1 N29776 OLYMPIC DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 CHELSEA-NSFR-LOT 18PMT19-05181 SFD O 0 1 1/9/2020 1 1 8/23/2020 0:00 1 N29715 EVERGLADES DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 CHELSEA-NSFR-LOT 68PMT19-05182 SFD O 0 1 1/9/2020 1 1 8/23/2020 0:00 1 N27551 KOBUK VALLEY DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 CHELSEA-NSFR-LOT 2PMT19-05229 SFD O 0 1 1/9/2020 1 1 8/23/2020 0:00 1 N29892 PATRIOT DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SADDLEWOOD-NSFR-LOT 55PMT19-05298 SFD O 0 0 1 8/23/2020 0:00 1 N30453 SILICATE DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 PRIMROSE-NSFR-LOT 2PMT19-04550 SFD O 0 0 1 8/24/2020 0:00 1 N29658 HOLSTEINER WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 KADENCE-MODEL-LOT 116PMT17-03400 SFD O 0 0 1 8/25/2020 0:00 1 N32725 HAYDEN RD MENIFEE, CA 92584 PACIFIC GALLERIA-NSFR-LOT 7PMT19-05786 SFD O 0 1 2/3/2020 1 1 8/25/2020 0:00 1 N32762 GALLERY OAKS CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 PACIFIC GALLERIA-NSFR-LOT 8PMT19-05787 SFD O 0 1 2/3/2020 1 1 8/25/2020 0:00 1 N29542 SHIRE HORSE WAY MENIFEE, 92584 EASTON-NSFR-LOT 32PMT19-04600 SFD O 0 0 1 8/27/2020 0:00 1 N30224 THUNDER CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 KINGSTON-NSFR-LOT 1PMT19-05990 SFD O 0 1 2/13/2020 1 1 8/30/2020 0:00 1 N30221 THUNDER CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 KINGSTON-NSFR-LOT 2PMT19-05991 SFD O 0 1 2/13/2020 1 1 8/30/2020 0:00 1 N30209 THUNDER CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 KINGSTON-NSFR-LOT 3PMT19-05992 SFD O 0 1 2/13/2020 1 1 8/30/2020 0:00 1 N30189 THUNDER CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 KINGSTON-NSFR-LOT 4PMT19-05993 SFD O 0 1 2/13/2020 1 1 8/30/2020 0:00 1 N30125 THUNDER CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 KINGSTON-NSFR-LOT 9PMT19-05998 SFD O 0 1 2/13/2020 1 1 8/30/2020 0:00 1 N27323 CLYDESDALE CT MENIFEE, CA 92586 SILVER TRAIL-NSFR-LOT 10PMT19-02660 SFD O 0 0 1 8/31/2020 0:00 1 N27311 CLYDESDALE CT MENIFEE, CA 92586 SILVER TRAIL-NSFR-LOT 11PMT19-02661 SFD O 0 0 1 8/31/2020 0:00 1 N27314 CLYDESDALE CT MENIFEE, CA 92586 SILVER TRAIL-NSFR-LOT 12PMT19-02662 SFD O 0 0 1 8/31/2020 0:00 1 N27326 CLYDESDALE CT MENIFEE, CA 92586 SILVER TRAIL-NSFR-LOT 13PMT19-02663 SFD O 0 0 1 8/31/2020 0:00 1 N30448 HOPETOWN LN MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 117PMT19-06680 SFA O 0 1 3/10/2020 1 1 9/1/2020 0:00 1 N30444 HOPETOWN LN MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 118PMT19-06681 SFA O 0 1 3/10/2020 1 1 9/1/2020 0:00 1 N30440 HOPETOWN LN MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 119PMT19-06682 SFA O 0 1 3/10/2020 1 1 9/1/2020 0:00 1 N30436 HOPETOWN LN MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 120PMT19-06683 SFA O 0 1 3/10/2020 1 1 9/1/2020 0:00 1 N30432 HOPETOWN LN MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 121PMT19-06684 SFA O 0 1 3/10/2020 1 1 9/1/2020 0:00 1 N30428 HOPETOWN LN MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 122PMT19-06685 SFA O 0 1 3/10/2020 1 1 9/1/2020 0:00 1 N30461 SILICATE DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 PRIMROSE-NSFR-LOT 1PMT19-04549 SFD O 0 0 1 9/2/2020 0:00 1 N30442 SILICATE DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 PRIMROSE-NSFR-LOT 23PMT19-04558 SFD O 0 0 1 9/2/2020 0:00 1 N30447 UNIONTOWN WAY MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 65PMT19-05949 SFD O 0 0 1 9/2/2020 0:00 1 N30171 THUNDER CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 KINGSTON-NSFR-LOT 5PMT19-05994 SFD O 0 1 2/13/2020 1 1 9/2/2020 0:00 1 N30149 THUNDER CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 KINGSTON-NSFR-LOT 7PMT19-05996 SFD O 0 1 2/13/2020 1 1 9/2/2020 0:00 1 N30439 UNIONTOWN WAY MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 67PMT19-05951 SFA O 0 0 1 9/3/2020 0:00 1 N30435 UNIONTOWN WAY MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 68PMT19-05952 SFA O 0 0 1 9/3/2020 0:00 1 N30431 UNIONTOWN WAY MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 69PMT19-05953 SFA O 0 0 1 9/3/2020 0:00 1 N30427 UNIONTOWN WAY MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 70PMT19-05954 SFA O 0 0 1 9/3/2020 0:00 1 N30161 THUNDER CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 KINGSTON-NSFR-LOT 6PMT19-05995 SFD O 0 1 2/13/2020 1 1 9/3/2020 0:00 1 N30137 THUNDER CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 KINGSTON-NSFR-LOT 8PMT19-05997 SFD O 0 1 2/13/2020 1 1 9/3/2020 0:00 1 N30443 UNIONTOWN WAY MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 66PMT19-05950 SFD O 0 0 1 9/4/2020 0:00 1 N32779 GALLERY OAKS CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 PACIFIC GALLERIA-NSFR-LOT 11PMT19-05790 SFD O 0 1 2/3/2020 1 1 9/8/2020 0:00 1 N26095 REDOAK ST MENIFEE, CA 92584 CYPRESS-NSFR-LOT 159PMT19-07122 SFD O 0 1 4/2/2020 1 1 9/9/2020 0:00 1 N26110 REDOAK ST MENIFEE, CA 92584 CYPRESS-NSFR-LOT 150PMT19-07454 SFD O 0 1 4/2/2020 1 1 9/9/2020 0:00 1 N26104 REDOAK ST MENIFEE, CA 92584 CYPRESS-NSFR-LOT 151PMT19-07455 SFD O 0 1 4/2/2020 1 1 9/9/2020 0:00 1 N30445 SILICATE DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 PRIMROSE-NSFR-LOT 3PMT19-04551 SFD O 0 0 1 9/10/2020 0:00 1 N30036 MERRICK LN MENIFEE, CA 92584 SAVANNAH-NSFR-LOT 108PMT19-06447 SFD O 0 1 3/30/2020 1 1 9/10/2020 0:00 1 N30024 MERRICK LN MENIFEE, CA 92584 SAVANNAH-NSFR-LOT 109PMT19-06448 SFD O 0 1 3/30/2020 1 1 9/10/2020 0:00 1 N30023 MERRICK LN MENIFEE, CA 92584 SAVANNAH-NSFR-LOT 110PMT19-06449 SFD O 0 1 3/30/2020 1 1 9/10/2020 0:00 1 N27589 BEYER ST MENIFEE, CA 92585 ROCKPORT-NSFR-LOT 66PMT19-06820 SFD O 0 1 5/11/2020 1 1 9/10/2020 0:00 1 N27601 BEYER ST MENIFEE, CA 92585 ROCKPORT-NSFR-LOT 67PMT19-06821 SFD O 0 1 5/11/2020 1 1 9/10/2020 0:00 1 N27613 BEYER ST MENIFEE, CA 92585 ROCKPORT-NSFR-LOT 68PMT19-06822 SFD O 0 1 5/11/2020 1 1 9/10/2020 0:00 1 N27614 BEYER ST MENIFEE, CA 92585 ROCKPORT-NSFR-LOT 69PMT19-06823 SFD O 0 1 5/11/2020 1 1 9/10/2020 0:00 1 N27602 BEYER ST MENIFEE, CA 92585 ROCKPORT-NSFR-LOT 70PMT19-06824 SFD O 0 1 5/11/2020 1 1 9/10/2020 0:00 1 N27590 BEYER ST MENIFEE, CA 92585 ROCKPORT-NSFR-LOT 71PMT19-06825 SFD O 0 1 5/11/2020 1 1 9/10/2020 0:00 1 N27450 GOODHOPE DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 151PMT19-06544 SFD O 0 1 2/14/2020 1 1 9/14/2020 0:00 1 N30320 CAREY DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 CAMDEN PLACE-NSFR-LOT 62PMT19-05568 SFD O 0 1 2/27/2020 1 1 9/15/2020 0:00 1 N30332 CAREY RD MENIFEE, CA 92584 CAMDEN PLACE-NSFR-LOT 63PMT19-05569 SFD O 0 1 2/27/2020 1 1 9/15/2020 0:00 1 N30344 CAREY RD MENIFEE, CA 92584 CAMDEN PLACE-NSFR-LOT 64PMT19-05570 SFD O 0 1 2/27/2020 1 1 9/15/2020 0:00 1 N30356 CAREY RD MENIFEE, CA 92584 CAMDEN PLACE-NSFR-LOT 65PMT19-05571 SFD O 0 1 2/27/2020 1 1 9/15/2020 0:00 1 N26211 REDOAK ST MENIFEE, CA 92584 CYPRESS-NSFR-LOT 184PMT19-02763 SFD O 0 0 1 9/16/2020 0:00 1 N31886 ENGLISH CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 CYPRESS-NSFR-LOT 164PMT19-07127 SFD O 0 1 5/19/2020 1 1 9/16/2020 0:00 1 N29986 WESTERN FRONT DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SADDLEWOOD-NSFR-LOT 1PMT19-06314 SFD O 0 1 2/25/2020 1 1 9/17/2020 0:00 1 N29974 WESTERN FRONT DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SADDLEWOOD-NSFR-LOT 2PMT19-06315 SFD O 0 1 2/25/2020 1 1 9/17/2020 0:00 1 N29962 WESTERN FRONT DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SADDLEWOOD-NSFR-LOT 3PMT19-06316 SFD O 0 1 2/25/2020 1 1 9/17/2020 0:00 1 N29950 WESTERN FRONT DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SADDLEWOOD-NSFR-LOT 4PMT19-06317 SFD O 0 1 2/25/2020 1 1 9/17/2020 0:00 1 N29945 WESTERN FRONT DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SADDLEWOOD-NSFR-LOT 24PMT19-06318 SFD O 0 1 2/25/2020 1 1 9/17/2020 0:00 1 N29969 WESTERN FRONT DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SADDLEWOOD-NSFR-LOT 22PMT19-06320 SFD O 0 1 2/25/2020 1 1 9/17/2020 0:00 1 N29981 WESTERN FRONT DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SADDLEWOOD-NSFR-LOT 21PMT19-06321 SFD O 0 1 2/25/2020 1 1 9/17/2020 0:00 1 N29940 URTICA CT MENIFEE, 92584 VALOR-NSFR-LOT 11PMT19-04700 SFD O 0 0 1 9/18/2020 0:00 1 N27521 GRAND TETON CT MENIFEE, CA 92585 CHELSEA-NSFR-LOT 109PMT19-05186 SFD O 0 1 4/9/2020 1 1 9/18/2020 0:00 1 N27533 GRAND TETON CT MENIFEE, CA 92585 CHELSEA-NSFR-LOT 110PMT19-05187 SFD O 0 1 4/9/2020 1 1 9/18/2020 0:00 1 N27545 GRAND TETON CT MENIFEE, CA 92585 CHELSEA-NSFR-LOT 111PMT19-05188 SFD O 0 1 4/9/2020 1 1 9/18/2020 0:00 1 N30296 CAREY RD MENIFEE, CA 92584 CAMDEN PLACE-NSFR-LOT 60PMT19-05566 SFD O 0 1 2/27/2020 1 1 9/18/2020 0:00 1 N30308 CAREY RD MENIFEE, CA 92584 CAMDEN PLACE-NSFR-LOT 61PMT19-05567 SFD O 0 1 2/27/2020 1 1 9/18/2020 0:00 1 N24492 SABATON CIR MENIFEE, CA 92585 VAQUERO-NSFR-LOT 65PMT20-01292 SFD O 0 1 4/24/2020 1 1 9/21/2020 0:00 1 N24504 SABATON CIR MENIFEE, CA 92585 VAQUERO-NSFR-LOT 66PMT20-01293 SFD O 0 1 4/24/2020 1 1 9/21/2020 0:00 1 N24509 SABATON CIR MENIFEE, CA 92585 VAQUERO-NSFR-LOT 67PMT20-01294 SFD O 0 1 4/24/2020 1 1 9/21/2020 0:00 1 N24497 SABATON CIR MENIFEE, CA 92585 VAQUERO-NSFR-LOT 68PMT20-01295 SFD O 0 1 4/24/2020 1 1 9/21/2020 0:00 1 N24485 SABATON CIR MENIFEE, CA 92585 VAQUERO-NSFR-LOT 69PMT20-01296 SFD O 0 1 4/24/2020 1 1 9/21/2020 0:00 1 N27557 GRAND TETON CT MENIFEE, CA 92585 CHELSEA-NSFR-LOT 112PMT19-05189 SFD O 0 1 4/9/2020 1 1 9/22/2020 0:00 1 N27569 GRAND TETON CT MENIFEE, CA 92585 CHELSEA-NSFR-LOT 113PMT19-05190 SFD O 0 1 4/9/2020 1 1 9/22/2020 0:00 1 N25203 JUNO ST MENIFEE, CA 92584 SKY VIEW-NSFR-LOT 70PMT19-06055 SFD O 0 1 4/16/2020 1 1 9/23/2020 0:00 1 N30210 OLD CORRAL CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 KINGSTON-MODEL-LOT 45 PLAN 2PMT17-04499 SFD O 0 0 1 9/24/2020 0:00 1 N30222 OLD CORRAL CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 KINGSTON-MODEL-LOT 46 PLAN 3PMT17-04500 SFD O 0 0 1 9/24/2020 0:00 1 N30246 OLD CORRAL CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 KINGSTON-MODEL-LOT 47 PLAN 4PMT17-04501 SFD O 0 0 1 9/24/2020 0:00 1 N25161 JUNO ST MENIFEE, CA 92584 SKY VIEW-NSFR-LOT 67PMT19-06052 SFD O 0 1 4/16/2020 1 1 9/24/2020 0:00 1 N Item Title:12.2 General Plan Annual Progress Report for 2020 Item Page Number:59 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 174 of 240 Jurisdiction Menifee ANNUAL ELEMENT PROGRESS REPORT Reporting Year 2020 (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31)Housing Element Implementation Cells in grey contain auto-calculation formulas(CCR Title 25 §6202) Note: "+" indicates an optional field 25175 JUNO ST MENIFEE, CA 92584 SKY VIEW-NSFR-LOT 68PMT19-06053 SFD O 0 1 4/16/2020 1 1 9/24/2020 0:00 1 N25189 JUNO ST MENIFEE, CA 92584 SKY VIEW-NSFR-LOT 69PMT19-06054 SFD O 0 1 4/16/2020 1 1 9/24/2020 0:00 1 N25208 JUNO ST MENIFEE, CA 92584 SKY VIEW-NSFR-LOT 71PMT19-06056 SFD O 0 1 4/16/2020 1 1 9/24/2020 0:00 1 N25194 JUNO ST MENIFEE, CA 92584 SKY VIEW-NSFR-LOT 72PMT19-06057 SFD O 0 1 4/16/2020 1 1 9/24/2020 0:00 1 N25180 JUNO ST MENIFEE, CA 92584 SKY VIEW-NSFR-LOT 73PMT19-06058 SFD O 0 1 4/16/2020 1 1 9/24/2020 0:00 1 N25166 JUNO ST MENIFEE, CA 92584 SKY VIEW-NSFR-LOT 74PMT19-06059 SFD O 0 1 4/16/2020 1 1 9/24/2020 0:00 1 N24638 DOOLIN WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 KINGSTON-NSFR-LOT 54PMT19-06413 SFD O 0 1 5/26/2020 1 1 9/24/2020 0:00 1 N24650 DOOLIN WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 KINGSTON-NSFR-LOT 55PMT19-06414 SFD O 0 1 5/26/2020 1 1 9/24/2020 0:00 1 N24662 DOOLIN WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 KINGSTON-NSFR-LOT 56PMT19-06415 SFD O 0 1 5/26/2020 1 1 9/24/2020 0:00 1 N24686 DOOLIN WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 KINGSTON-NSFR-LOT 58PMT19-06417 SFD O 0 1 5/26/2020 1 1 9/24/2020 0:00 1 N30019 STARGAZER WAY MENIFEE, 92584 SAVANNAH-NSFR-LOT 28PMT19-06451 SFD O 0 1 5/19/2020 1 1 9/25/2020 0:00 1 N30007 STARGAZER WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 SAVANNAH-NSFR-LOT 29PMT19-06452 SFD O 0 1 5/19/2020 1 1 9/25/2020 0:00 1 N24360 CROOKED TRAIL DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SAVANNAH-NSFR-LOT 30PMT19-06454 SFD O 0 1 5/19/2020 1 1 9/25/2020 0:00 1 N24372 CROOKED TRAIL DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SAVANNAH-NSFR-LOT 31PMT19-06453 SFD O 0 1 5/19/2020 1 1 9/28/2020 0:00 1 N31661 TUDOR CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 PEPPERTREE-NSFR-LOT 100PMT19-03663 SFD O 0 0 1 10/1/2020 0:00 1 N31644 TUDOR CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 PEPPERTREE-NSFR-LOT 179PMT19-03670 SFD O 0 0 1 10/1/2020 0:00 1 N31668 TUDOR CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 PEPPERTREE-NSFR-LOT 181PMT19-03672 SFD O 0 0 1 10/1/2020 0:00 1 N31596 TUDOR CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 PEPPERTREE-NSFR-LOT 175PMT19-03679 SFD O 0 0 1 10/1/2020 0:00 1 N30402 SILICATE DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 PRIMROSE-NSFR-LOT 44PMT19-04562 SFD O 0 0 1 10/5/2020 0:00 1 N26086 REDOAK ST MENIFEE, CA 92584 CYPRESS-NSFR-LOT 154PMT19-07117 SFD O 0 1 6/1/2020 1 1 10/5/2020 0:00 1 N26101 REDOAK ST MENIFEE, CA 92584 CYPRESS-NSFR-LOT 160PMT19-07123 SFD O 0 1 6/1/2020 1 1 10/5/2020 0:00 1 N27369 TARANTO CT MENIFEE, CA 92585 SALERNO-NSFR-LOT 51PMT19-07383 SFD O 0 1 2/27/2020 1 1 10/5/2020 0:00 1 N28452 HAZEL LN MENIFEE, CA 92584 WINDSOR-NSFR-LOT 12PMT19-04741 SFD O 0 0 1 10/14/2020 0:00 1 N28455 HAZEL LN MENIFEE, CA 92584 WINDSOR-NSFR-LOT 56PMT19-04743 SFD O 0 0 1 10/14/2020 0:00 1 N28303 CORAL DUNE DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 BRIXTON-NSFR-LOT 19PMT19-06005 SFD O 0 1 1/29/2020 1 1 10/14/2020 0:00 1 N28300 CORAL DUNE DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 BRIXTON-NSFR-LOT 32PMT19-06014 SFD O 0 1 1/29/2020 1 1 10/14/2020 0:00 1 N26071 REDOAK ST MENIFEE, CA 92584 CYPRESS-NSFR-LOT 155PMT19-07118 SFD O 0 1 6/1/2020 1 1 10/15/2020 0:00 1 N26122 REDOAK ST MENIFEE, CA 92584 CYPRESS-NSFR-LOT 149PMT19-07453 SFD O 0 1 6/1/2020 1 1 10/15/2020 0:00 1 N32732 HAYDEN RD MENIFEE, CA 92584 PACIFIC GALLERIA-NSFR-LOT 30PMT19-05451 SFD O 0 0 1 10/16/2020 0:00 1 N32828 HAYDEN RD MENIFEE, CA 92584 PACIFIC GALLERIA-NSFR-LOT 32PMT19-05453 SFD O 0 0 1 10/16/2020 0:00 1 N30344 VILLAGE TERRACE DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE VILLAGE-NSFR-LOT 36PMT19-06290 SFD O 0 1 3/12/2020 1 1 10/16/2020 0:00 1 N30350 VILLAGE TERRACE DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE VILLAGE-NSFR-LOT 37PMT19-06291 SFD O 0 1 3/12/2020 1 1 10/16/2020 0:00 1 N30362 VILLAGE TERRACE DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE VILLAGE-NSFR-LOT 44PMT19-06292 SFD O 0 1 3/12/2020 1 1 10/16/2020 0:00 1 N30356 VILLAGE TERRACE DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE VILLAGE-NSFR-LOT 45PMT19-06293 SFD O 0 1 3/12/2020 1 1 10/16/2020 0:00 1 N30398 VILLAGE TERRACE DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE VILLAGE-NSFR-LOT 54PMT19-06296 SFD O 0 1 3/12/2020 1 1 10/16/2020 0:00 1 N30422 TOWN SQUARE DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 103PMT19-06672 SFA O 0 1 3/10/2020 1 1 10/16/2020 0:00 1 N30418 TOWN SQUARE DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 104PMT19-06673 SFA O 0 1 3/10/2020 1 1 10/16/2020 0:00 1 N30414 TOWN SQUARE DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 105PMT19-06674 SFA O 0 1 3/10/2020 1 1 10/16/2020 0:00 1 N30410 TOWN SQUARE DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 106PMT19-06675 SFA O 0 1 3/10/2020 1 1 10/16/2020 0:00 1 N30420 TOWN SQUARE DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 107PMT19-06676 SFA O 0 1 3/10/2020 1 1 10/16/2020 0:00 1 N30416 TOWN SQUARE DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 108PMT19-06677 SFA O 0 1 3/10/2020 1 1 10/16/2020 0:00 1 N30412 TOWN SQUARE DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 109PMT19-06678 SFA O 0 1 3/10/2020 1 1 10/16/2020 0:00 1 N30443 TOWN SQUARE DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 79PMT19-06692 SFA O 0 1 3/10/2020 1 1 10/16/2020 0:00 1 N30439 TOWN SQUARE DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 80PMT19-06693 SFA O 0 1 3/10/2020 1 1 10/16/2020 0:00 1 N30435 TOWN SQUARE DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 81PMT19-06694 SFA O 0 1 3/10/2020 1 1 10/16/2020 0:00 1 N30431 TOWN SQUARE DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 82PMT19-06695 SFA O 0 1 3/10/2020 1 1 10/16/2020 0:00 1 N30429 TOWN SQUARE DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 83PMT19-06696 SFA O 0 1 3/10/2020 1 1 10/16/2020 0:00 1 N30433 TOWN SQUARE DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 84PMT19-06697 SFA O 0 1 3/10/2020 1 1 10/16/2020 0:00 1 N30437 TOWN SQUARE DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 85PMT19-06698 SFA O 0 1 3/10/2020 1 1 10/16/2020 0:00 1 N30441 TOWN SQUARE DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 86PMT19-06699 SFA O 0 1 3/10/2020 1 1 10/16/2020 0:00 1 N27393 TARANTO CT MENIFEE, CA 92585 SALERNO-NSFR-LOT 49PMT19-07381 SFD O 0 1 2/27/2020 1 1 10/16/2020 0:00 1 N28110 SCHOLA DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 SALERNO-NSFR-LOT 54PMT19-07389 SFD O 0 1 2/27/2020 1 1 10/16/2020 0:00 1 N24584 ROUND MEADOW DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 DAKOTA-NSFR-LOT 6PMT18-01787 SFD O 0 0 1 10/19/2020 0:00 1 N24596 ROUND MEADOW DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 DAKOTA-NSFR-LOT 5PMT18-03102 SFD O 0 0 1 10/19/2020 0:00 1 N25119 JUNO ST MENIFEE, CA 92584 SKY VIEW-NSFR-LOT 64PMT19-07075 SFD O 0 1 5/26/2020 1 1 10/19/2020 0:00 1 N25133 JUNO ST MENIFEE, CA 92584 SKY VIEW-NSFR-LOT 65PMT19-07076 SFD O 0 1 5/26/2020 1 1 10/19/2020 0:00 1 N25147 JUNO ST MENIFEE, CA 92584 SKY VIEW-NSFR-LOT 66PMT19-07077 SFD O 0 1 5/26/2020 1 1 10/19/2020 0:00 1 N25152 JUNO ST MENIFEE, CA 92584 SKY VIEW-NSFR-LOT 75PMT19-07078 SFD O 0 1 5/26/2020 1 1 10/19/2020 0:00 1 N25138 JUNO ST MENIFEE, CA 92584 SKY VIEW-NSFR-LOT 76PMT19-07079 SFD O 0 1 5/26/2020 1 1 10/19/2020 0:00 1 N25124 JUNO ST MENIFEE, CA 92584 SKY VIEW-NSFR-LOT 77PMT19-07080 SFD O 0 1 5/26/2020 1 1 10/19/2020 0:00 1 N25110 JUNO ST MENIFEE, CA 92584 SKY VIEW-NSFR-LOT 78PMT19-07081 SFD O 0 1 5/26/2020 1 1 10/19/2020 0:00 1 N24689 COMANCHE CREEK DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 WILLOWTREE-MODEL-LOT 2PMT16-04075 SFD O 0 0 1 10/20/2020 0:00 1 N24677 COMANCHE CREEK DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 WILLOWTREE-MODEL-LOT 3PMT16-04076 SFD O 0 0 1 10/20/2020 0:00 1 N24665 COMANCHE CREEK DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 WILLOWTREE-MODEL-LOT 4PMT16-04077 SFD O 0 0 1 10/20/2020 0:00 1 N31886 GARLINGTON ST MENIFEE, CA 92586 SILVER TRAIL-NSFR-LOT 1PMT19-02664 SFD O 0 0 1 10/20/2020 0:00 1 N31898 GARLINGTON ST MENIFEE, CA 92586 SILVER TRAIL-NSFR-LOT 2PMT19-02665 SFD O 0 0 1 10/20/2020 0:00 1 N31910 GARLINGTON ST MENIFEE, CA 92586 SILVER TRAIL-NSFR-LOT 3PMT19-02666 SFD O 0 0 1 10/20/2020 0:00 1 N26223 REDOAK ST MENIFEE, CA 92584 CYPRESS-NSFR-LOT 185PMT18-05336 SFD O 0 0 1 10/21/2020 0:00 1 N27405 TARANTO CT MENIFEE, CA 92585 SALERNO-NSFR-LOT 48PMT19-07380 SFD O 0 1 2/27/2020 1 1 10/23/2020 0:00 1 N27381 TARANTO CT MENIFEE, CA 92585 SALERNO-NSFR-LOT 50PMT19-07382 SFD O 0 1 2/27/2020 1 1 10/23/2020 0:00 1 N27777 CALLE TALAVERA MENIFEE, CA 92584 TALAVERA-NSFR-LOT 26PMT19-04090 SFD O 0 0 1 10/26/2020 0:00 1 N27801 CALLE TALAVERA MENIFEE, CA 92584 TALAVERA-NSFR-LOT 28PMT19-04092 SFD O 0 0 1 10/26/2020 0:00 1 N31725 JADE RUN DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 WINDSOR-NSFR-LOT 61PMT19-04736 SFD O 0 0 1 10/26/2020 0:00 1 N30380 CAREY RD MENIFEE, CA 92584 CAMDEN PLACE-NSFR-LOT 67PMT19-05573 SFD O 0 1 2/27/2020 1 1 10/26/2020 0:00 1 N30392 CAREY RD MENIFEE, CA 92584 CAMDEN PLACE-NSFR-LOT 68PMT19-05574 SFD O 0 1 2/27/2020 1 1 10/26/2020 0:00 1 N30404 CAREY RD MENIFEE, CA 92584 CAMDEN PLACE-NSFR-LOT 69PMT19-05575 SFD O 0 1 2/27/2020 1 1 10/26/2020 0:00 1 N27340 FIELDER RD MENIFEE, CA 92584 CAMDEN PLACE-NSFR-LOT 114PMT19-05576 SFD O 0 1 2/27/2020 1 1 10/26/2020 0:00 1 N27328 FIELDER RD MENIFEE, CA 92584 CAMDEN PLACE-NSFR-LOT 115PMT19-05577 SFD O 0 1 2/27/2020 1 1 10/26/2020 0:00 1 N28258 CORAL DUNE DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 BRIXTON-NSFR-LOT 29PMT19-06013 SFD O 0 1 4/10/2020 1 1 10/26/2020 0:00 1 N29504 ARROYO DR MENIFEE, CA 92586 COMPASS-MODEL-LOT 50PMT20-00944 SFD O 0 1 7/10/2020 1 1 10/26/2020 0:00 1 N29516 ARROYO DR MENIFEE, CA 92586 COMPASS-MODEL-LOT 51PMT20-00945 SFD O 0 1 7/10/2020 1 1 10/26/2020 0:00 1 N29797 HARNESS CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 NEWPARK-NSFR-LOT 82PMT19-04359 SFD O 0 0 1 10/27/2020 0:00 1 N29785 HARNESS CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 NEWPARK-NSFR-LOT 81PMT19-04360 SFD O 0 0 1 10/27/2020 0:00 1 N29773 HARNESS CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 NEWPARK-NSFR-LOT 80PMT19-04361 SFD O 0 0 1 10/27/2020 0:00 1 N29761 HARNESS CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 NEWPARK-NSFR-LOT 79PMT19-04362 SFD O 0 0 1 10/27/2020 0:00 1 N31691 SHAWNEE CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 WINDSOR-NSFR-LOT 13PMT19-05999 SFD O 0 0 1 10/27/2020 0:00 1 N31688 SHAWNEE CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 WINDSOR-NSFR-LOT 52PMT19-06002 SFD O 0 0 1 10/27/2020 0:00 1 N29811 FALABELLA HORSE ST MENIFEE, CA 92584 KADENCE-NSFR-LOT 18PMT19-04346 SFD O 0 1 2/4/2020 1 1 10/28/2020 0:00 1 N29823 FALABELLA HORSE ST MENIFEE, CA 92584 KADENCE-NSFR-LOT 19PMT19-04347 SFD O 0 1 2/4/2020 1 1 10/28/2020 0:00 1 N29835 FALABELLA HORSE ST MENIFEE, CA 92584 KADENCE-NSFR-LOT 20PMT19-04348 SFD O 0 1 2/4/2020 1 1 10/28/2020 0:00 1 N29847 FALABELLA HORSE ST MENIFEE, CA 92584 KADENCE-NSFR-LOT 21PMT19-04349 SFD O 0 1 2/4/2020 1 1 10/28/2020 0:00 1 N29859 FALABELLA HORSE ST MENIFEE, CA 92584 KADENCE-NSFR-LOT 22PMT19-04350 SFD O 0 1 2/4/2020 1 1 10/28/2020 0:00 1 N29809 HARNESS CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 NEWPARK-NSFR-LOT 83PMT19-04358 SFD O 0 0 1 10/28/2020 0:00 1 N29938 WESTERN FRONT DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SADDLEWOOD-NSFR-LOT 5PMT19-06322 SFD O 0 1 4/15/2020 1 1 10/28/2020 0:00 1 N29926 WESTERN FRONT DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SADDLEWOOD-NSFR-LOT 6PMT19-06323 SFD O 0 1 4/15/2020 1 1 10/28/2020 0:00 1 N29914 WESTERN FRONT DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SADDLEWOOD-NSFR-LOT 7PMT19-06324 SFD O 0 1 4/15/2020 1 1 10/28/2020 0:00 1 N31145 BAY HORSE WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 CANVAS-NSFR-LOT 64PMT19-04325 SFD O 0 0 1 10/29/2020 0:00 1 N29871 FALABELLA HORSE ST MENIFEE, CA 92584 KADENCE-NSFR-LOT 23PMT19-04351 SFD O 0 1 2/4/2020 1 1 10/29/2020 0:00 1 N29902 WESTERN FRONT DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SADDLEWOOD-NSFR-LOT 8PMT19-06325 SFD O 0 1 4/15/2020 1 1 10/29/2020 0:00 1 N29890 WESTERN FRONT DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SADDLEWOOD-NSFR-LOT 9PMT19-06326 SFD O 0 1 4/15/2020 1 1 10/29/2020 0:00 1 N29885 WESTERN FRONT DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SADDLEWOOD-NSFR-LOT 27PMT19-06327 SFD O 0 1 4/15/2020 1 1 10/29/2020 0:00 1 N29909 WESTERN FRONT DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SADDLEWOOD-NSFR-LOT 26PMT19-06328 SFD O 0 1 4/15/2020 1 1 10/29/2020 0:00 1 N29933 WESTERN FRONT DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SADDLEWOOD-NSFR-LOT 25PMT19-06329 SFD O 0 1 4/15/2020 1 1 10/29/2020 0:00 1 N29609 HOLSTEINER WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 CANVAS-NSFR-LOT 112PMT19-04481 SFD O 0 1 4/29/2020 1 1 10/30/2020 0:00 1 N29621 HOLSTEINER WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 CANVAS-NSFR-LOT 111PMT19-04482 SFD O 0 1 4/29/2020 1 1 10/30/2020 0:00 1 N29622 HOLSTEINER WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 CANVAS-NSFR-LOT 113PMT19-04483 SFD O 0 1 4/29/2020 1 1 10/30/2020 0:00 1 N29920 ALISAL CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 WILLOW TREE II-NSFR-LOT 14PMT19-04642 SFD O 0 1 2/3/2020 1 1 11/2/2020 0:00 1 N29932 ALISAL CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 WILLOW TREE II-NSFR-LOT 15PMT19-04643 SFD O 0 1 2/3/2020 1 1 11/2/2020 0:00 1 N29944 ALISAL CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 WILLOW TREE II-NSFR-LOT 16PMT19-04644 SFD O 0 1 2/3/2020 1 1 11/2/2020 0:00 1 N29939 ALISAL CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 WILLOW TREE II-NSFR-LOT 55PMT19-04645 SFD O 0 1 2/3/2020 1 1 11/2/2020 0:00 1 N29915 ALISAL CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 WILLOW TREE II-NSFR-LOT 57PMT19-04647 SFD O 0 1 2/3/2020 1 1 11/2/2020 0:00 1 N29956 ALISAL CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 WILLOW TREE II-NSFR-LOT 17PMT19-04648 SFD O 0 1 2/3/2020 1 1 11/3/2020 0:00 1 N29968 ALISAL CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 WILLOW TREE II-NSFR-LOT 18PMT19-04649 SFD O 0 1 2/3/2020 1 1 11/3/2020 0:00 1 N29980 ALISAL CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 WILLOW TREE II-NSFR-LOT 19PMT19-04650 SFD O 0 1 2/3/2020 1 1 11/3/2020 0:00 1 N29975 ALISAL CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 WILLOW TREE II-NSFR-LOT 52PMT19-04651 SFD O 0 1 2/3/2020 1 1 11/3/2020 0:00 1 N29963 ALISAL CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 WILLOW TREE II-NSFR-LOT 53PMT19-04652 SFD O 0 1 2/3/2020 1 1 11/3/2020 0:00 1 N29951 ALISAL CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 WILLOW TREE II-NSFR-LOT 54PMT19-04653 SFD O 0 1 2/3/2020 1 1 11/3/2020 0:00 1 N29656 STAGELINE CIR MENIFEE, CA 92586 HACIENDA-NSFR-LOT 14PMT20-01467 SFD O 0 1 7/1/2020 1 1 11/3/2020 0:00 1 N29644 STAGELINE CIR MENIFEE, CA 92586 HACIENDA-NSFR-LOT 15PMT20-02262 SFD O 0 1 7/1/2020 1 1 11/3/2020 0:00 1 N30368 CAREY RD MENIFEE, CA 92584 CAMDEN PLACE-NSFR-LOT 66PMT19-05572 SFD O 0 1 2/27/2020 1 1 11/4/2020 0:00 1 N29808 HARNESS CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 NEWPARK-NSFR-LOT 74PMT19-04353 SFD O 0 0 1 11/5/2020 0:00 1 N29796 HARNESS CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 NEWPARK-NSFR-LOT 75PMT19-04354 SFD O 0 0 1 11/5/2020 0:00 1 N29784 HARNESS CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 NEWPARK-NSFR-LOT 76PMT19-04355 SFD O 0 0 1 11/5/2020 0:00 1 N29772 HARNESS CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 NEWPARK-NSFR-LOT 77PMT19-04356 SFD O 0 0 1 11/5/2020 0:00 1 N29760 HARNESS CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 NEWPARK-NSFR-LOT 78PMT19-04357 SFD O 0 0 1 11/5/2020 0:00 1 N30382 VILLAGE TERRACE DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE VILLAGE-NSFR-LOT 46PMT19-06294 SFD O 0 1 10/29/2020 1 1 11/5/2020 0:00 1 N30386 VILLAGE TERRACE DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE VILLAGE-NSFR-LOT 47PMT19-06295 SFD O 0 1 10/29/2020 1 1 11/5/2020 0:00 1 N30394 VILLAGE TERRACE DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE VILLAGE-NSFR-LOT 55PMT19-06297 SFD O 0 1 10/29/2020 1 1 11/5/2020 0:00 1 N29456 WHITEFISH DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 117PMT19-06549 SFD O 0 1 6/3/2020 1 1 11/5/2020 0:00 1 N29444 WHITEFISH DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 118PMT19-06550 SFD O 0 1 6/3/2020 1 1 11/5/2020 0:00 1 N31637 TUDOR CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 PEPPERTREE-NSFR-LOT 102PMT19-03665 SFD O 0 0 1 11/6/2020 0:00 1 N31656 TUDOR CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 PEPPERTREE-NSFR-LOT 180PMT19-03671 SFD O 0 0 1 11/6/2020 0:00 1 N30035 MERRICK LN MENIFEE, CA 92584 SAVANNAH-NSFR-LOT 111PMT19-06450 SFD O 0 1 3/30/2020 1 1 11/6/2020 0:00 1 N30043 STARGAZER WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 SAVANNAH-NSFR-LOT 26PMT19-06455 SFD O 0 1 3/30/2020 1 1 11/6/2020 0:00 1 N30031 STARGAZER WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 SAVANNAH-NSFR-LOT 27PMT19-06456 SFD O 0 1 3/30/2020 1 1 11/6/2020 0:00 1 N30034 STARGAZER WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 SAVANNAH-NSFR-LOT 128PMT19-06457 SFD O 0 1 3/30/2020 1 1 11/6/2020 0:00 1 N30022 STARGAZER WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 SAVANNAH-NSFR-LOT 129PMT19-06458 SFD O 0 1 3/30/2020 1 1 11/6/2020 0:00 1 N31898 ENGLISH CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 CYPRESS-NSFR-LOT 163PMT19-07126 SFD O 0 1 5/19/2020 1 1 11/6/2020 0:00 1 N31802 ENGLISH CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 CYPRESS-NSFR-LOT 170PMT19-07133 SFD O 0 1 5/19/2020 1 1 11/6/2020 0:00 1 N30258 OLD CORRAL CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 KINGSTON-NSFR-LOT 48PMT19-06407 SFD O 0 1 6/9/2020 1 1 11/9/2020 0:00 1 N30269 OLD CORRAL CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 KINGSTON-NSFR-LOT 49PMT19-06408 SFD O 0 1 6/9/2020 1 1 11/9/2020 0:00 1 N30257 OLD CORRAL CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 KINGSTON-NSFR-LOT 50PMT19-06409 SFD O 0 1 6/9/2020 1 1 11/9/2020 0:00 1 N30245 OLD CORRAL CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 KINGSTON-NSFR-LOT 51PMT19-06410 SFD O 0 1 6/9/2020 1 1 11/9/2020 0:00 1 N30221 OLD CORRAL CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 KINGSTON-NSFR-LOT 52PMT19-06411 SFD O 0 1 6/9/2020 1 1 11/9/2020 0:00 1 N29432 WHITEFISH DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 119PMT19-06551 SFD O 0 1 6/3/2020 1 1 11/9/2020 0:00 1 N29420 WHITEFISH DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 120PMT19-06552 SFD O 0 1 6/3/2020 1 1 11/9/2020 0:00 1 N27407 GOODHOPE DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 121PMT19-06553 SFD O 0 1 6/3/2020 1 1 11/9/2020 0:00 1 N30471 UNIONTOWN WAY MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 59PMT19-06686 SFA O 0 1 6/3/2020 1 1 11/9/2020 0:00 1 N30467 UNIONTOWN WAY MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 60PMT19-06687 SFA O 0 1 6/3/2020 1 1 11/9/2020 0:00 1 N30463 UNIONTOWN WAY MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 61PMT19-06688 SFA O 0 1 6/3/2020 1 1 11/9/2020 0:00 1 N30459 UNIONTOWN WAY MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 62PMT19-06689 SFA O 0 1 6/3/2020 1 1 11/9/2020 0:00 1 N30455 UNIONTOWN WAY MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 63PMT19-06690 SFA O 0 1 6/3/2020 1 1 11/9/2020 0:00 1 N30451 UNIONTOWN WAY MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 64PMT19-06691 SFA O 0 1 6/3/2020 1 1 11/9/2020 0:00 1 N26083 REDOAK ST MENIFEE, CA 92584 CYPRESS-NSFR-LOT 9PMT19-07120 SFD O 0 1 6/1/2020 1 1 11/9/2020 0:00 1 N27419 GOODHOPE DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 122PMT19-06554 SFD O 0 1 6/3/2020 1 1 11/10/2020 0:00 1 N27414 GOODHOPE DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 154PMT19-06555 SFD O 0 1 6/3/2020 1 1 11/10/2020 0:00 1 N24438 MONTGOMERY WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 TRIBUTE II-NSFR-LOT 9PMT20-01373 SFD O 0 1 6/30/2020 1 1 11/10/2020 0:00 1 N24446 MONTGOMERY WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 TRIBUTE II-NSFR-LOT 10PMT20-01374 SFD O 0 1 6/30/2020 1 1 11/10/2020 0:00 1 N24454 MONTGOMERY WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 TRIBUTE II-NSFR-LOT 11PMT20-01375 SFD O 0 1 6/30/2020 1 1 11/10/2020 0:00 1 N24462 MONTGOMERY WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 TRIBUTE II-NSFR-LOT 12PMT20-01376 SFD O 0 1 6/30/2020 1 1 11/10/2020 0:00 1 N32755 GALLERY OAKS CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 PACIFIC GALLERIA-NSFR-LOT 12PMT19-05791 SFD O 0 1 2/3/2020 1 1 11/12/2020 0:00 1 N24470 MONTGOMERY WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 TRIBUTE II-NSFR-LOT 13PMT20-01377 SFD O 0 1 6/30/2020 1 1 11/12/2020 0:00 1 N24478 MONTGOMERY WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 TRIBUTE II-NSFR-LOT 14PMT20-01378 SFD O 0 1 6/30/2020 1 1 11/12/2020 0:00 1 N24486 MONTGOMERY WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 TRIBUTE II-NSFR-LOT 15PMT20-01379 SFD O 0 1 6/30/2020 1 1 11/12/2020 0:00 1 N24494 MONTGOMERY WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 TRIBUTE II-NSFR-LOT 16PMT20-01380 SFD O 0 1 6/30/2020 1 1 11/12/2020 0:00 1 N26637 OLIVINE CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 PRIMROSE-NSFR-LOT 5PMT19-05735 SFD O 0 1 2/26/2020 1 1 11/13/2020 0:00 1 N26626 OLIVINE CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 PRIMROSE-NSFR-LOT 11PMT19-05741 SFD O 0 1 2/26/2020 1 1 11/13/2020 0:00 1 N26634 OLIVINE CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 PRIMROSE-NSFR-LOT 12PMT19-05742 SFD O 0 1 2/26/2020 1 1 11/13/2020 0:00 1 N30209 OLD CORRAL CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 KINGSTON-NSFR-LOT 53PMT19-06412 SFD O 0 1 6/9/2020 1 1 11/13/2020 0:00 1 N26645 OLIVINE CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 PRIMROSE-NSFR-LOT 4PMT19-05734 SFD O 0 1 2/26/2020 1 1 11/16/2020 0:00 1 N29611 STAGELINE CIR MENIFEE, CA 92586 MAJESTIC-NSFR-LOT-57PMT20-02179 SFD O 0 1 7/1/2020 1 1 11/16/2020 0:00 1 N29596 CABALLERO CT MENIFEE, CA 92586 MAJESTIC-NSFR-LOT-65PMT20-02181 SFD O 0 1 7/1/2020 1 1 11/16/2020 0:00 1 N26613 OLIVINE CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 PRIMROSE-NSFR-LOT 8PMT19-05738 SFD O 0 1 2/26/2020 1 1 11/17/2020 0:00 1 N26618 OLIVINE CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 PRIMROSE-NSFR-LOT 10PMT19-05740 SFD O 0 1 2/26/2020 1 1 11/18/2020 0:00 1 N29538 HOLSTEINER WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 EASTON-MODEL-LOT 5PMT17-03387 SFD O 0 0 1 11/19/2020 0:00 1 N29562 HOLSTEINER WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 EASTON-MODEL-LOT 3PMT17-03388 SFD O 0 0 1 11/19/2020 0:00 1 N29550 HOLSTEINER WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 EASTON-MODEL-LOT 4PMT17-03389 SFD O 0 0 1 11/19/2020 0:00 1 N29547 HOLSTEINER WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 NEWLAND-MODEL-LOT 19PMT17-03390 SFD O 0 0 1 11/19/2020 0:00 1 N29559 HOLSTEINER WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 NEWLAND-MODEL-LOT 20PMT17-03391 SFD O 0 0 1 11/19/2020 0:00 1 N29571 HOLSTEINER WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 NEWLAND-MODEL-LOT 21PMT17-03392 SFD O 0 0 1 11/19/2020 0:00 1 N26629 OLIVINE CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 PRIMROSE-NSFR-LOT 6PMT19-05736 SFD O 0 1 2/26/2020 1 1 11/19/2020 0:00 1 N26621 OLIVINE CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 PRIMROSE-NSFR-LOT 7PMT19-05737 SFD O 0 1 2/26/2020 1 1 11/20/2020 0:00 1 N32355 HAWTHORNE ST MENIFEE, CA 92584 NSFR-DOWNEY RESIDENCEPMT18-05647 SFD O 0 0 1 11/23/2020 0:00 1 N28122 SCHOLA DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 SALERNO-NSFR-LOT 55PMT19-07390 SFD O 0 1 2/27/2020 1 1 11/23/2020 0:00 1 N27371 DUOMO CT MENIFEE, CA 92585 SALERNO-NSFR-LOT 60PMT19-07417 SFD O 0 1 2/27/2020 1 1 11/23/2020 0:00 1 N27359 DUOMO CT MENIFEE, CA 92585 SALERNO-NSFR-LOT 61PMT19-07418 SFD O 0 1 2/27/2020 1 1 11/23/2020 0:00 1 N27347 DUOMO CT MENIFEE, CA 92585 SALERNO-NSFR-LOT 62PMT19-07419 SFD O 0 1 2/27/2020 1 1 11/23/2020 0:00 1 N27335 DUOMO CT MENIFEE, CA 92585 SALERNO-NSFR-LOT 63PMT19-07420 SFD O 0 1 2/27/2020 1 1 11/23/2020 0:00 1 N29807 SADDLE RANCH PL MENIFEE, CA 92585 VAQUERO-NSFR-LOT 10PMT20-01564 SFD O 0 1 5/21/2020 1 1 11/23/2020 0:00 1 N29795 SADDLE RANCH PL MENIFEE, CA 92585 VAQUERO-NSFR-LOT 11PMT20-01566 SFD O 0 1 5/21/2020 1 1 11/23/2020 0:00 1 N29800 SADDLE RANCH PL MENIFEE, CA 92585 VAQUERO-NSFR-LOT 73PMT20-01567 SFD O 0 1 5/21/2020 1 1 11/23/2020 0:00 1 N29812 SADDLE RANCH PL MENIFEE, CA 92585 VAQUERO-NSFR-LOT 74PMT20-01568 SFD O 0 1 5/21/2020 1 1 11/23/2020 0:00 1 N29831 SADDLE RANCH PL MENIFEE, CA 92585 VAQUERO-NSFR-LOT 8PMT20-01659 SFD O 0 1 5/21/2020 1 1 11/23/2020 0:00 1 N29819 SADDLE RANCH PL MENIFEE, CA 92585 VAQUERO-NSFR-LOT 9PMT20-01662 SFD O 0 1 5/21/2020 1 1 11/23/2020 0:00 1 N29824 SADDLE RANCH PL MENIFEE, CA 92585 VAQUERO-NSFR-LOT 75PMT20-01663 SFD O 0 1 5/21/2020 1 1 11/23/2020 0:00 1 N29836 SADDLE RANCH PL MENIFEE, CA 92585 VAQUERO-NSFR-LOT 76PMT20-01664 SFD O 0 1 5/21/2020 1 1 11/23/2020 0:00 1 N29637 STAGELINE CIR MENIFEE, CA 92586 HACIENDA-NSFR-LOT 59PMT20-02269 SFD O 0 1 7/1/2020 1 1 11/23/2020 0:00 1 N27293 FIELDER RD MENIFEE, CA 92584 CAMDEN PLACE-NSFR-LOT 111PMT19-05604 SFD O 0 1 6/24/2020 1 1 11/24/2020 0:00 1 N27305 FIELDER RD MENIFEE, CA 92584 CAMDEN PLACE-NSFR-LOT 112PMT19-05605 SFD O 0 1 6/24/2020 1 1 11/24/2020 0:00 1 N27317 FIELDER RD MENIFEE, CA 92584 CAMDEN PLACE-NSFR-LOT 113PMT19-05606 SFD O 0 1 6/24/2020 1 1 11/24/2020 0:00 1 N27316 FIELDER RD MENIFEE, CA 92584 CAMDEN PLACE-NSFR-LOT 116PMT19-05607 SFD O 0 1 6/24/2020 1 1 11/24/2020 0:00 1 N27304 FIELDER RD MENIFEE, CA 92584 CAMDEN PLACE-NSFR-LOT 117PMT19-05608 SFD O 0 1 6/24/2020 1 1 11/24/2020 0:00 1 N27292 FIELDER RD MENIFEE, CA 92584 CAMDEN PLACE-NSFR-LOT 118PMT19-05609 SFD O 0 1 6/24/2020 1 1 11/24/2020 0:00 1 N26642 OLIVINE CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 PRIMROSE-NSFR-LOT 13PMT19-05743 SFD O 0 1 2/26/2020 1 1 11/24/2020 0:00 1 N26092 REDOAK ST MENIFEE, CA 92584 CYPRESS-NSFR-LOT 153PMT19-07116 SFD O 0 1 6/1/2020 1 1 11/24/2020 0:00 1 N24663 FAIR OAKS LN MENIFEE, CA 92584 VALOR WEST-NSFR-LOT 69PMT20-00303 SFD O 0 1 4/27/2020 1 1 11/24/2020 0:00 1 N24675 FAIR OAKS LN MENIFEE, CA 92584 VALOR WEST-NSFR-LOT 70PMT20-00311 SFD O 0 1 4/27/2020 1 1 11/24/2020 0:00 1 N24687 FAIR OAKS LN MENIFEE, CA 92584 VALOR WEST-NSFR-LOT 71PMT20-00312 SFD O 0 1 4/27/2020 1 1 11/24/2020 0:00 1 N24699 FAIR OAKS LN MENIFEE, CA 92584 VALOR WEST-NSFR-LOT 72PMT20-00313 SFD O 0 1 4/27/2020 1 1 11/24/2020 0:00 1 N24627 FAIR OAKS LN MENIFEE, CA 92584 VALOR WEST-NSFR-LOT 66PMT20-02273 SFD O 0 1 4/27/2020 1 1 11/24/2020 0:00 1 N24639 FAIR OAKS LN MENIFEE, CA 92584 VALOR WEST-NSFR-LOT 67PMT20-02274 SFD O 0 1 4/27/2020 1 1 11/24/2020 0:00 1 N24651 FAIR OAKS LN MENIFEE, CA 92584 VALOR WEST-NSFR-LOT 68PMT20-02275 SFD O 0 1 4/27/2020 1 1 11/24/2020 0:00 1 N32852 HAYDEN RD MENIFEE, CA 92584 PACIFIC GALLERIA-NSFR-LOT 1PMT19-05450 SFD O 0 0 1 12/1/2020 0:00 1 N29881 GREAT BASIN CT MENIFEE, CA 92585 CHELSEA-NSFR-LOT 93PMT19-05191 SFD O 0 1 6/26/2020 1 1 12/2/2020 0:00 1 N29893 GREAT BASIN CT MENIFEE, CA 92585 CHELSEA-NSFR-LOT 94PMT19-05192 SFD O 0 1 6/26/2020 1 1 12/2/2020 0:00 1 N29905 GREAT BASIN CT MENIFEE, CA 92585 CHELSEA-NSFR-LOT 95PMT19-05193 SFD O 0 1 6/26/2020 1 1 12/2/2020 0:00 1 N30067 STARGAZER WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 SAVANNAH-NSFR-LOT 24PMT19-06459 SFD O 0 1 7/28/2020 1 1 12/2/2020 0:00 1 N30055 STARGAZER WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 SAVANNAH-NSFR-LOT 25PMT19-06460 SFD O 0 1 7/28/2020 1 1 12/2/2020 0:00 1 N30058 STARGAZER WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 SAVANNAH-NSFR-LOT 126PMT19-06461 SFD O 0 1 7/28/2020 1 1 12/2/2020 0:00 1 N30046 STARGAZER WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 SAVANNAH-NSFR-LOT 127PMT19-06462 SFD O 0 1 7/28/2020 1 1 12/2/2020 0:00 1 N29917 GREAT BASIN CT MENIFEE, CA 92585 CHELSEA-NSFR-LOT 96PMT19-05194 SFD O 0 1 6/26/2020 1 1 12/3/2020 0:00 1 NGREAT BASIN CT MENIFEE, CA 92585 CHELSEA-NSFR-LOT 97PMT19-05195 SFD O 0 1 6/26/2020 1 1 12/3/2020 0:00 1 NGREAT BASIN CT MENIFEE, CA 92585 CHELSEA-NSFR-LOT 98PMT19-05196 SFD O 0 1 6/26/2020 1 1 12/3/2020 0:00 1 N30391 PACA CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 CAMDEN PLACE-NSFR-LOT 25PMT19-05578 SFD O 0 1 7/1/2020 1 1 12/4/2020 0:00 1 N30379 PACA CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 CAMDEN PLACE-NSFR-LOT 26PMT19-05579 SFD O 0 1 7/1/2020 1 1 12/4/2020 0:00 1 N30367 PACA CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 CAMDEN PLACE-NSFR-LOT 27PMT19-05580 SFD O 0 1 7/1/2020 1 1 12/4/2020 0:00 1 N30355 PACA CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 CAMDEN PLACE-NSFR-LOT 28PMT19-05581 SFD O 0 1 7/1/2020 1 1 12/4/2020 0:00 1 N27281 FIELDER RD MENIFEE, CA 92584 CAMDEN PLACE-NSFR-LOT 110PMT19-05582 SFD O 0 1 7/1/2020 1 1 12/4/2020 0:00 1 N Item Title:12.2 General Plan Annual Progress Report for 2020 Item Page Number:60 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 175 of 240 Jurisdiction Menifee ANNUAL ELEMENT PROGRESS REPORT Reporting Year 2020 (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31)Housing Element Implementation Cells in grey contain auto-calculation formulas(CCR Title 25 §6202) Note: "+" indicates an optional field 27280 FIELDER RD MENIFEE, CA 92584 CAMDEN PLACE-NSFR-LOT 119PMT19-05583 SFD O 0 1 7/1/2020 1 1 12/4/2020 0:00 1 N27266 FIELDER RD MENIFEE, CA 92584 CAMDEN PLACE-NSFR-LOT 120PMT19-05584 SFD O 0 1 7/1/2020 1 1 12/4/2020 0:00 1 N24653 COMANCHE CREEK DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 WILLOWTREE-NSFR-LOT 5PMT18-02334 SFD O 0 1 7/29/2020 1 1 12/7/2020 0:00 1 N24641 COMANCHE CREEK DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 WILLOWTREE-NSFR-LOT 6PMT18-02335 SFD O 0 1 7/29/2020 1 1 12/7/2020 0:00 1 N24629 COMANCHE CREEK DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 WILLOWTREE-NSFR-LOT 7PMT18-02336 SFD O 0 1 7/29/2020 1 1 12/7/2020 0:00 1 N24684 COMANCHE CREEK DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 WILLOWTREE-NSFR-LOT 69PMT18-02337 SFD O 0 1 7/29/2020 1 1 12/7/2020 0:00 1 N24696 COMANCHE CREEK DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 WILLOWTREE-NSFR-LOT 70PMT18-02338 SFD O 0 1 7/29/2020 1 1 12/7/2020 0:00 1 N31850 ENGLISH CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 CYPRESS-NSFR-LOT 166PMT19-07129 SFD O 0 1 5/12/2020 1 1 12/8/2020 0:00 1 N31915 ENGLISH CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 CYPRESS-NSFR-LOT 175PMT19-07138 SFD O 0 1 5/12/2020 1 1 12/8/2020 0:00 1 N29878 WESTERN FRONT DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SADDLEWOOD-NSFR-LOT 10PMT19-06330 SFD O 0 1 7/9/2020 1 1 12/9/2020 0:00 1 N29866 WESTERN FRONT DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SADDLEWOOD-NSFR-LOT 11PMT19-06331 SFD O 0 1 7/9/2020 1 1 12/9/2020 0:00 1 N29854 WESTERN FRONT DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SADDLEWOOD-NSFR-LOT 12PMT19-06332 SFD O 0 1 7/9/2020 1 1 12/9/2020 0:00 1 N29842 WESTERN FRONT DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SADDLEWOOD-NSFR-LOT 13PMT19-06333 SFD O 0 1 7/9/2020 1 1 12/9/2020 0:00 1 N29837 WESTERN FRONT DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SADDLEWOOD-NSFR-LOT 31PMT19-06334 SFD O 0 1 7/9/2020 1 1 12/9/2020 0:00 1 N29849 WESTERN FRONT DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SADDLEWOOD-NSFR-LOT 30PMT19-06335 SFD O 0 1 7/9/2020 1 1 12/9/2020 0:00 1 N29861 WESTERN FRONT DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SADDLEWOOD-NSFR-LOT 29PMT19-06336 SFD O 0 1 7/9/2020 1 1 12/9/2020 0:00 1 N29873 WESTERN FRONT DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SADDLEWOOD-NSFR-LOT 28PMT19-06337 SFD O 0 1 7/9/2020 1 1 12/9/2020 0:00 1 N31922 ENGLISH CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 CYPRESS-NSFR-LOT 161PMT19-07124 SFD O 0 1 5/19/2020 1 1 12/9/2020 0:00 1 N31271 MORGAN HORSE ST MENIFEE, 92584 EASTON-NSFR-LOT 51PMT19-04605 SFD O 0 1 3/5/2020 1 1 12/10/2020 0:00 1 N31283 MORGAN HORSE ST MENIFEE, 92584 EASTON-NSFR-LOT 52PMT19-04606 SFD O 0 1 3/5/2020 1 1 12/10/2020 0:00 1 N31295 MORGAN HORSE ST MENIFEE, 92584 EASTON-NSFR-LOT 53PMT19-04607 SFD O 0 1 3/5/2020 1 1 12/10/2020 0:00 1 N31307 MORGAN HORSE ST MENIFEE, 92584 EASTON-NSFR-LOT 54PMT19-04608 SFD O 0 1 3/5/2020 1 1 12/10/2020 0:00 1 N32780 HAYDEN RD MENIFEE, CA 92584 PACIFIC GALLERIA-NSFR-LOT 31PMT19-05452 SFD O 0 0 1 12/10/2020 0:00 1 N30600 PHOEBE RD MENIFEE, CA 92584 NSFR-MILLAR RESIDENCEPMT18-02254 SFD O 0 0 1 12/11/2020 0:00 1 N31248 MORGAN HORSE ST MENIFEE, 92584 EASTON-NSFR-LOT 74PMT19-04609 SFD O 0 1 3/5/2020 1 1 12/11/2020 0:00 1 N31260 MORGAN HORSE ST MENIFEE, 92584 EASTON-NSFR-LOT 73PMT19-04610 SFD O 0 1 3/5/2020 1 1 12/11/2020 0:00 1 N31272 MORGAN HORSE ST MENIFEE, 92584 EASTON-NSFR-LOT 72PMT19-04611 SFD O 0 1 3/5/2020 1 1 12/11/2020 0:00 1 N31284 MORGAN HORSE ST MENIFEE, 92584 EASTON-NSFR-LOT 71PMT19-04612 SFD O 0 1 3/5/2020 1 1 12/11/2020 0:00 1 N28286 CORAL DUNE DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 WINDSOR-MODEL-LOT 31PMT18-01133 SFD O 0 0 1 12/15/2020 0:00 1 N28275 CORAL DUNE DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 BRIXTON-MODEL-LOT 27PMT18-01749 SFD O 0 0 1 12/15/2020 0:00 1 N28261 CORAL DUNE DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 BRIXTON-MODEL-LOT 28PMT18-01750 SFD O 0 0 1 12/15/2020 0:00 1 N29589 STAGELINE CIR MENIFEE, CA 92586 MAJESTIC-NSFR-LOT-55PMT20-02187 SFD O 0 1 8/3/2020 1 1 12/16/2020 0:00 1 N29649 STAGELINE CIR MENIFEE, CA 92586 HACIENDA-NSFR-LOT 60PMT20-02270 SFD O 0 1 7/1/2020 1 1 12/16/2020 0:00 1 N31891 CONSTELLATION DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SKY VIEW-NSFR-LOT 97PMT19-07082 SFD O 0 1 7/23/2020 1 1 12/17/2020 0:00 1 N31905 CONSTELLATION DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SKY VIEW-NSFR-LOT 98PMT19-07083 SFD O 0 1 7/23/2020 1 1 12/17/2020 0:00 1 N31922 CONSTELLATION DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SKY VIEW-NSFR-LOT 100PMT19-07085 SFD O 0 1 7/23/2020 1 1 12/17/2020 0:00 1 N31908 CONSTELLATION DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SKY VIEW-NSFR-LOT 101PMT19-07086 SFD O 0 1 7/23/2020 1 1 12/17/2020 0:00 1 N31894 CONSTELLATION DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SKY VIEW-NSFR-LOT 102PMT19-07087 SFD O 0 1 7/23/2020 1 1 12/17/2020 0:00 1 N31302 BAY HORSE WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 NEWPARK-NSFR-LOT 110PMT19-04363 SFD O 0 1 6/8/2020 1 1 12/18/2020 0:00 1 N31314 BAY HORSE WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 NEWPARK-NSFR-LOT 109PMT19-04364 SFD O 0 1 6/8/2020 1 1 12/18/2020 0:00 1 N31326 BAY HORSE WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 NEWPARK-NSFR-LOT 108PMT19-04365 SFD O 0 1 6/8/2020 1 1 12/18/2020 0:00 1 N31338 BAY HORSE WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 NEWPARK-NSFR-LOT 107PMT19-04366 SFD O 0 1 6/8/2020 1 1 12/18/2020 0:00 1 N29620 CABALLERO CT MENIFEE, CA 92586 HACIENDA-NSFR-LOT 63PMT20-02178 SFD O 0 1 7/1/2020 1 1 12/18/2020 0:00 1 N29584 CABALLERO CT MENIFEE, CA 92586 MAJESTIC-NSFR-LOT-66PMT20-02182 SFD O 0 1 7/1/2020 1 1 12/18/2020 0:00 1 N29625 CABALLERO CT MENIFEE, CA 92586 MAJESTIC-NSFR-LOT-69PMT20-02185 SFD O 0 1 7/1/2020 1 1 12/18/2020 0:00 1 N29632 STAGELINE CIR MENIFEE, CA 92586 HACIENDA-NSFR-LOT 16PMT20-02266 SFD O 0 1 7/1/2020 1 1 12/18/2020 0:00 1 N29620 STAGELINE CIR MENIFEE, CA 92586 HACIENDA-NSFR-LOT 17PMT20-02267 SFD O 0 1 7/1/2020 1 1 12/18/2020 0:00 1 N29625 STAGELINE CIR MENIFEE, CA 92586 HACIENDA-NSFR-LOT 58PMT20-02268 SFD O 0 1 7/1/2020 1 1 12/18/2020 0:00 1 N29843 SADDLE RANCH PL MENIFEE, CA 92585 VAQUERO-NSFR-LOT 7PMT20-02798 SFD O 0 1 8/3/2020 1 1 12/21/2020 0:00 1 N29872 SADDLE RANCH PL MENIFEE, CA 92585 VAQUERO-NSFR-LOT 85PMT20-02799 SFD O 0 1 8/3/2020 1 1 12/21/2020 0:00 1 N29867 SADDLE RANCH PL MENIFEE, CA 92585 VAQUERO-NSFR-LOT 5PMT20-02800 SFD O 0 1 8/3/2020 1 1 12/21/2020 0:00 1 N29848 SADDLE RANCH PL MENIFEE, CA 92585 VAQUERO-NSFR-LOT 77PMT20-02802 SFD O 0 1 8/3/2020 1 1 12/21/2020 0:00 1 N29855 SADDLE RANCH PL MENIFEE, CA 92585 VAQUERO-NSFR-LOT 6PMT20-02807 SFD O 0 1 8/3/2020 1 1 12/21/2020 0:00 1 N31350 BAY HORSE WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 NEWPARK-NSFR-LOT 106PMT19-04367 SFD O 0 1 6/8/2020 1 1 12/22/2020 0:00 1 N31349 BAY HORSE WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 NEWPARK-NSFR-LOT 97PMT19-04368 SFD O 0 1 6/8/2020 1 1 12/22/2020 0:00 1 N31337 BAY HORSE WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 NEWPARK-NSFR-LOT 96PMT19-04369 SFD O 0 1 6/8/2020 1 1 12/22/2020 0:00 1 N31325 BAY HORSE WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 NEWPARK-NSFR-LOT 95PMT19-04370 SFD O 0 1 6/8/2020 1 1 12/22/2020 0:00 1 N30903 WILD BERRY WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 PARK RIDGE-NSFR-LOT 58PMT20-01830 SFD O 0 1 7/16/2020 1 1 12/22/2020 0:00 1 N30911 WILD BERRY WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 PARK RIDGE-NSFR-LOT 59PMT20-01831 SFD O 0 1 7/16/2020 1 1 12/22/2020 0:00 1 N30919 WILD BERRY WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 PARK RIDGE-NSFR-LOT 60PMT20-01832 SFD O 0 1 7/16/2020 1 1 12/22/2020 0:00 1 N30928 WILD BERRY WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 PARK RIDGE-NSFR-LOT 61PMT20-01833 SFD O 0 1 7/16/2020 1 1 12/22/2020 0:00 1 N30920 WILD BERRY WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 PARK RIDGE-NSFR-LOT 62PMT20-01834 SFD O 0 1 7/16/2020 1 1 12/22/2020 0:00 1 N30912 WILD BERRY WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 PARK RIDGE-NSFR-LOT 63PMT20-01835 SFD O 0 1 7/16/2020 1 1 12/22/2020 0:00 1 N30904 WILD BERRY WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 PARK RIDGE-NSFR-LOT 64PMT20-01836 SFD O 0 1 7/16/2020 1 1 12/22/2020 0:00 1 N30914 WINDY RIDGE WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 UNION PLACE-NSFR-LOT 120PMT20-02064 SFD O 0 1 6/24/2020 1 1 12/22/2020 0:00 1 N30906 WINDY RIDGE WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 UNION PLACE-NSFR-LOT 121PMT20-02065 SFD O 0 1 6/24/2020 1 1 12/22/2020 0:00 1 N30898 WINDY RIDGE WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 UNION PLACE-NSFR-LOT 122PMT20-02066 SFD O 0 1 6/24/2020 1 1 12/22/2020 0:00 1 N30890 WINDY RIDGE WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 UNION PLACE-NSFR-LOT 123PMT20-02067 SFD O 0 1 6/24/2020 1 1 12/22/2020 0:00 1 N30889 WINDY RIDGE WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 UNION PLACE-NSFR-LOT 146PMT20-02068 SFD O 0 1 6/24/2020 1 1 12/22/2020 0:00 1 N30897 WINDY RIDGE WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 UNION PLACE-NSFR-LOT 147PMT20-02069 SFD O 0 1 6/24/2020 1 1 12/22/2020 0:00 1 N30905 WINDY RIDGE WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 UNION PLACE-NSFR-LOT 148PMT20-02070 SFD O 0 1 6/24/2020 1 1 12/22/2020 0:00 1 N30913 WINDY RIDGE WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 UNION PLACE-NSFR-LOT 149PMT20-02071 SFD O 0 1 6/24/2020 1 1 12/22/2020 0:00 1 N29830 WESTERN FRONT DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SADDLEWOOD-NSFR-LOT 14PMT19-06338 SFD O 0 1 7/13/2020 1 1 12/23/2020 0:00 1 N29818 WESTERN FRONT DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SADDLEWOOD-NSFR-LOT 15PMT19-06339 SFD O 0 1 7/13/2020 1 1 12/23/2020 0:00 1 N29806 WESTERN FRONT DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SADDLEWOOD-NSFR-LOT 16PMT19-06340 SFD O 0 1 7/13/2020 1 1 12/23/2020 0:00 1 N29794 WESTERN FRONT DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SADDLEWOOD-NSFR-LOT 17PMT19-06341 SFD O 0 1 7/13/2020 1 1 12/23/2020 0:00 1 N29789 WESTERN FRONT DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SADDLEWOOD-NSFR-LOT 35PMT19-06342 SFD O 0 1 7/13/2020 1 1 12/23/2020 0:00 1 N29801 WESTERN FRONT DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SADDLEWOOD-NSFR-LOT 34PMT19-06343 SFD O 0 1 7/13/2020 1 1 12/23/2020 0:00 1 N29813 WESTERN FRONT DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SADDLEWOOD-NSFR-LOT 33PMT19-06344 SFD O 0 1 7/13/2020 1 1 12/23/2020 0:00 1 N29825 WESTERN FRONT DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SADDLEWOOD-NSFR-LOT 32PMT19-06345 SFD O 0 1 7/13/2020 1 1 12/23/2020 0:00 1 N24374 MONTGOMERY WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 TRIBUTE II-NSFR-LOT 1PMT20-02314 SFD O 0 1 6/30/2020 1 1 12/23/2020 0:00 1 N24382 MONTGOMERY WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 TRIBUTE II-NSFR-LOT 2PMT20-02315 SFD O 0 1 6/30/2020 1 1 12/23/2020 0:00 1 N24390 MONTGOMERY WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 TRIBUTE II-NSFR-LOT 3PMT20-02316 SFD O 0 1 6/30/2020 1 1 12/23/2020 0:00 1 N24398 MONTGOMERY WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 TRIBUTE II-NSFR-LOT 4PMT20-02317 SFD O 0 1 6/30/2020 1 1 12/23/2020 0:00 1 N24406 MONTGOMERY WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 TRIBUTE II-NSFR-LOT 5PMT20-02318 SFD O 0 1 6/30/2020 1 1 12/23/2020 0:00 1 N24414 MONTGOMERY WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 TRIBUTE II-NSFR-LOT 6PMT20-02319 SFD O 0 1 6/30/2020 1 1 12/23/2020 0:00 1 N24422 MONTGOMERY WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 TRIBUTE II-NSFR-LOT 7PMT20-02320 SFD O 0 1 6/30/2020 1 1 12/23/2020 0:00 1 N24430 MONTGOMERY WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 TRIBUTE II-NSFR-LOT 8PMT20-02321 SFD O 0 1 6/30/2020 1 1 12/23/2020 0:00 1 N28950 CATTLEMAN CIR MENIFEE, CA 92585 TRAILHEAD-NSFR-LOT 1PMT20-02380 SFD O 0 1 7/13/2020 1 1 12/24/2020 0:00 1 N28958 CATTLEMAN CIR MENIFEE, CA 92585 TRAILHEAD-NSFR-LOT 2PMT20-02401 SFD O 0 1 7/13/2020 1 1 12/24/2020 0:00 1 N29854 PENN ST MENIFEE, CA 92585 ROCKPORT-NSFR-LOT 11PMT19-06827 SFD O 0 1 8/4/2020 1 1 12/30/2020 0:00 1 N29866 PENN ST MENIFEE, CA 92585 ROCKPORT-NSFR-LOT 12PMT19-06828 SFD O 0 1 8/4/2020 1 1 12/30/2020 0:00 1 N29878 PENN ST MENIFEE, CA 92585 ROCKPORT-NSFR-LOT 13PMT19-06829 SFD O 0 1 8/4/2020 1 1 12/30/2020 0:00 1 N29890 PENN ST MENIFEE, CA 92585 ROCKPORT-NSFR-LOT 14PMT19-06830 SFD O 0 1 8/4/2020 1 1 12/30/2020 0:00 1 N27553 BEYER ST MENIFEE, CA 92585 ROCKPORT-NSFR-LOT 63PMT19-06831 SFD O 0 1 8/4/2020 1 1 12/30/2020 0:00 1 N27565 BEYER ST MENIFEE, CA 92585 ROCKPORT-NSFR-LOT 64PMT19-06832 SFD O 0 1 8/4/2020 1 1 12/30/2020 0:00 1 N27555 ARDEN ST MENIFEE, CA 92585 ROCKPORT-NSFR-LOT 75PMT19-06841 SFD O 0 1 8/4/2020 1 1 12/30/2020 0:00 1 N29644 CABELLERO CT MENIFEE, CA 92586 HACIENDA-NSFR-LOT-61PMT20-01465 SFD O 0 1 7/1/2020 1 1 12/30/2020 0:00 1 N29632 CABELLERO CT MENIFEE, CA 92586 HACIENDA-NSFR-LOT 62PMT20-01466 SFD O 0 1 7/1/2020 1 1 12/30/2020 0:00 1 N29608 CABALLERO CT MENIFEE, CA 92586 MAJESTIC-NSFR-LOT- 64PMT20-02180 SFD O 0 1 7/1/2020 1 1 12/30/2020 0:00 1 N29601 STAGELINE CIR MENIFEE, CA 92586 MAJESTIC-NSFR-LOT-56PMT20-02188 SFD O 0 1 8/3/2020 1 1 12/30/2020 0:00 1 N29608 STAGELINE CIR MENIFEE, CA 92586 HACIENDA-NSFR-LOT 18PMT20-02219 SFD O 0 1 8/4/2020 1 1 12/30/2020 0:00 1 N29596 STAGELINE CIR MENIFEE, CA 92586 HACIENDA-NSFR-LOT 19PMT20-02220 SFD O 0 1 8/4/2020 1 1 12/30/2020 0:00 1 N29584 STAGELINE CIR MENIFEE, CA 92586 HACIENDA-NSFR-LOT 20PMT20-02221 SFD O 0 1 8/4/2020 1 1 12/30/2020 0:00 1 N29572 STAGELINE CIR MENIFEE, CA 92586 HACIENDA-NSFR-LOT 21PMT20-02222 SFD O 0 1 8/4/2020 1 1 12/30/2020 0:00 1 N29560 STAGELINE CIR MENIFEE, CA 92586 HACIENDA-NSFR-LOT 22PMT20-02225 SFD O 0 1 8/4/2020 1 1 12/30/2020 0:00 1 N29548 STAGELINE CIR MENIFEE, CA 92586 HACIENDA-NSFR-LOT 23PMT20-02226 SFD O 0 1 8/4/2020 1 1 12/30/2020 0:00 1 N29536 STAGELINE CIR MENIFEE, CA 92586 HACIENDA-NSFR-LOT 24PMT20-02227 SFD O 0 1 8/4/2020 1 1 12/30/2020 0:00 1 N29512 STAGELINE CIR MENIFEE, CA 92586 HACIENDA-NSFR-LOT 25PMT20-02228 SFD O 0 1 8/4/2020 1 1 12/30/2020 0:00 1 N28967 CATTLEMAN MENIFEE, CA 92585 TRAILHEAD-NSFR-LOT 111PMT20-02381 SFD O 0 1 7/13/2020 1 1 12/30/2020 0:00 1 N28959 CATTLEMAN CIR MENIFEE, CA 92585 TRAILHEAD-NSFR-LOT 112PMT20-02400 SFD O 0 1 7/13/2020 1 1 12/30/2020 0:00 1 N28806 HORSETAIL CIR MENIFEE, CA 92585 WESTWARD-NSFR-LOT 129PMT20-02407 SFD O 0 1 7/13/2020 1 1 12/30/2020 0:00 1 N28814 HORSETAIL CIR MENIFEE, CA 92585 WESTWARD-NSFR-LOT 130PMT20-02408 SFD O 0 1 7/13/2020 1 1 12/30/2020 0:00 1 N28822 HORSETAIL CIR MENIFEE, CA 92585 WESTWARD-NSFR-LOT 131PMT20-02409 SFD O 0 1 7/13/2020 1 1 12/30/2020 0:00 1 N28830 HORSETAIL CIR MENIFEE, CA 92585 WESTWARD-NSFR-LOT 132PMT20-02410 SFD O 0 1 7/13/2020 1 1 12/30/2020 0:00 1 N26665 VERDANT CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 PRIMROSE-NSFR-LOT 1PMT16-04681 SFD O 0 1 7/1/2020 0:00 1 0 N24477 STARGAZER WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 SAVANNAH-MODEL-LOT 6 PLAN 1PMT17-03299 SFD O 0 1 2/24/2020 0:00 1 0 N30176 CAREY RD MENIFEE, CA 92584 CAMDEN PLACE-MODEL-LOT 53PMT18-02689 SFD O 0 1 12/3/2020 0:00 1 0 N27357 CALABRIA CT MENIFEE, CA 92585 SALERNO-MODEL-LOT 41PMT18-05846 SFD O 0 1 2/3/2020 0:00 1 0 N29883 FALABELLA HORSE ST MENIFEE, CA 92584 KADENCE-NSFR-LOT 24PMT19-04352 SFD O 0 1 2/4/2020 0:00 1 0 N31362 BAY HORSE WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 NEWPARK-NSFR-LOT 105PMT19-04371 SFD O 0 1 6/16/2020 0:00 1 0 N31385 BAY HORSE WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 NEWPARK-NSFR-LOT 99PMT19-04372 SFD O 0 1 6/16/2020 0:00 1 0 N31397 BAY HORSE WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 NEWPARK-NSFR-LOT 100PMT19-04373 SFD O 0 1 6/16/2020 0:00 1 0 N31409 BAY HORSE WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 NEWPARK-NSFR-LOT 101PMT19-04374 SFD O 0 1 6/16/2020 0:00 1 0 N31410 BAY HORSE WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 NEWPARK-NSFR-LOT 102PMT19-04375 SFD O 0 1 6/16/2020 0:00 1 0 N31398 BAY HORSE WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 NEWPARK-NSFR-LOT 103PMT19-04376 SFD O 0 1 6/16/2020 0:00 1 0 N31386 BAY HORSE WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 NEWPARK-NSFR-LOT 104PMT19-04377 SFD O 0 1 6/16/2020 0:00 1 0 N31405 GARRANO CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 NEWPARK-NSFR-LOT 89PMT19-04378 SFD O 0 1 6/29/2020 0:00 1 0 N31393 GARRANO CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 NEWPARK-NSFR-LOT 88PMT19-04379 SFD O 0 1 6/29/2020 0:00 1 0 N31381 GARRANO CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 NEWPARK-NSFR-LOT 87PMT19-04380 SFD O 0 1 6/29/2020 0:00 1 0 N31369 GARRANO CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 NEWPARK-NSFR-LOT 86PMT19-04381 SFD O 0 1 6/25/2020 0:00 1 0 N31416 GARRANO CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 NEWPARK-NSFR-LOT 91PMT19-04382 SFD O 0 1 6/25/2020 0:00 1 0 N31394 GARRANO CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 NEWPARK-NSFR-LOT 92PMT19-04383 SFD O 0 1 6/25/2020 0:00 1 0 N31382 GARRANO CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 NEWPARK-NSFR-LOT 93PMT19-04384 SFD O 0 1 6/25/2020 0:00 1 0 N31370 GARRANO CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 NEWPARK-NSFR-LOT 94PMT19-04385 SFD O 0 1 6/25/2020 0:00 1 0 N31361 BAY HORSE WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 KADENCE-NSFR-LOT 98PMT19-04412 SFD O 0 1 3/10/2020 0:00 1 0 N25052 RIDGEMOOR RD MENIFEE, CA 92584 SKY VIEW-MODEL LOT 54 PLAN 2APMT19-04523 SFD O 0 1 11/4/2020 0:00 1 0 N25080 RIDGEMOOR RD MENIFEE, CA 92584 SKY VIEW-MODEL-LOT 56 PLAN 4PMT19-04526 SFD O 0 1 1/28/2020 0:00 1 0 N25094 RIDGEMOOR RD MENIFEE, CA 92584 SKY VIEW-MODEL-LOT 57 PLAN 3GXPMT19-04527 SFD O 0 1 1/28/2020 0:00 1 0 N25108 RIDGEMOOR RD MENIFEE, CA 92584 SKY VIEW-MODEL-LOT 58 PLAN 6GXPMT19-04528 SFD O 0 1 1/28/2020 0:00 1 0 N MENIFEE, CA 92584 SKY VIEW-MODEL-PLAN 1 PLAN REVIEW ONLYPMT19-04529 SFD O 0 1 1/28/2020 0:00 1 0 N26116 WALDON RD MENIFEE, CA 92584 PACIFIC GALLERIA-NSFR-LOT 16PMT19-04572 SFD O 0 1 9/4/2020 0:00 1 0 N26164 WALDON RD MENIFEE, CA 92584 PACIFIC GALLERIA-NSFR-LOT 18PMT19-04573 SFD O 0 1 9/4/2020 0:00 1 0 N26157 WALDON RD MENIFEE, CA 92584 PACIFIC GALLERIA-NSFR-LOT 26PMT19-04575 SFD O 0 1 9/4/2020 0:00 1 0 N32660 HAYDEN RD MENIFEE, CA 92584 PACIFIC GALLERIA-NSFR-LOT 29PMT19-04576 SFD O 0 1 2/3/2020 0:00 1 0 N31296 MORGAN HORSE ST MENIFEE, 92584 EASTON-NSFR-LOT 70PMT19-04613 SFD O 0 1 6/8/2020 0:00 1 0 N31308 MORGAN HORSE ST MENIFEE, 92584 EASTON-NSFR-LOT 69PMT19-04614 SFD O 0 1 6/8/2020 0:00 1 0 N31320 MORGAN HORSE ST MENIFEE, 92584 EASTON-NSFR-LOT 68PMT19-04615 SFD O 0 1 6/8/2020 0:00 1 0 N31332 MORGAN HORSE ST MENIFEE, 92584 EASTON-NSFR-LOT 67PMT19-04616 SFD O 0 1 6/8/2020 0:00 1 0 N31343 MORGAN HORSE ST MENIFEE, 92584 EASTON-NSFR-LOT 57PMT19-04617 SFD O 0 1 6/8/2020 0:00 1 0 N31331 MORGAN HORSE ST MENIFEE, 92584 EASTON-NSFR-LOT 56PMT19-04618 SFD O 0 1 6/8/2020 0:00 1 0 N31319 MORGAN HORSE ST MENIFEE, 92584 EASTON-NSFR-LOT 55PMT19-04619 SFD O 0 1 6/8/2020 0:00 1 0 N31344 MORGAN HORSE ST MENIFEE, 92584 EASTON-NSFR-LOT 66PMT19-04620 SFD O 0 1 6/25/2020 0:00 1 0 N31356 MORGAN HORSE ST MENIFEE, 92584 EASTON-NSFR-LOT 65PMT19-04621 SFD O 0 1 6/25/2020 0:00 1 0 N31368 MORGAN HORSE ST MENIFEE, 92584 EASTON-NSFR-LOT 64PMT19-04622 SFD O 0 1 6/25/2020 0:00 1 0 N31380 MORGAN HORSE ST MENIFEE, 92584 EASTON-NSFR-LOT 63PMT19-04623 SFD O 0 1 6/25/2020 0:00 1 0 N31392 MORGAN HORSE ST MENIFEE, 92584 EASTON-NSFR-LOT 62PMT19-04624 SFD O 0 1 6/25/2020 0:00 1 0 N31355 MORGAN HORSE ST MENIFEE, 92584 EASTON-NSFR-LOT 58PMT19-04625 SFD O 0 1 6/25/2020 0:00 1 0 N31367 MORGAN HORSE ST MENIFEE, 92584 EASTON-NSFR-LOT 59PMT19-04626 SFD O 0 1 6/25/2020 0:00 1 0 N31379 MORGAN HORSE ST MENIFEE, 92584 EASTON-NSFR-LOT 60PMT19-04627 SFD O 0 1 6/25/2020 0:00 1 0 N31391 MORGAN HORSE ST MENIFEE, 92584 EASTON-NSFR-LOT 61PMT19-04628 SFD O 0 1 6/25/2020 0:00 1 0 N29583 HOLSTEINER WAY MENIFEE, 92584 EASTON-NSFR-LOT 22PMT19-04629 SFD O 0 1 8/5/2020 0:00 1 0 N29586 HOLSTEINER WAY MENIFEE, 92584 EASTON-NSFR-LOT 1PMT19-04630 SFD O 0 1 8/5/2020 0:00 1 0 N29574 HOLSTEINER WAY MENIFEE, 92584 EASTON-NSFR-LOT 2PMT19-04631 SFD O 0 1 8/5/2020 0:00 1 0 N29535 HOLSTEINER WAY MENIFEE, 92584 EASTON-NSFR LOT 18PMT19-04632 SFD O 0 1 8/5/2020 0:00 1 0 N31030 BRIDLE WAY MENIFEE, 92584 EASTON-NSFR-LOT 17PMT19-04633 SFD O 0 1 8/5/2020 0:00 1 0 N31029 BRIDLE WAY MENIFEE, 92584 EASTON-NSFR-LOT 11PMT19-04634 SFD O 0 1 8/5/2020 0:00 1 0 N31017 BRIDLE WAY MENIFEE, 92584 EASTON-NSFR-LOT 10PMT19-04635 SFD O 0 1 8/5/2020 0:00 1 0 N31005 BRIDLE WAY MENIFEE, 92584 EASTON-NSFR-LOT 9PMT19-04636 SFD O 0 1 8/5/2020 0:00 1 0 N29502 HOLSTEINER WAY MENIFEE, 92584 EASTON-NSFR-LOT 8PMT19-04637 SFD O 0 1 8/5/2020 0:00 1 0 N29514 HOLSTEINER WAY MENIFEE, 92584 EASTON-NSFR-LOT 7PMT19-04638 SFD O 0 1 8/5/2020 0:00 1 0 N29526 HOLSTEINER WAY MENIFEE, 92584 EASTON-NSFR-LOT 6PMT19-04639 SFD O 0 1 8/5/2020 0:00 1 0 N29927 ALISAL CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 WILLOW TREE II-NSFR-LOT 56PMT19-04646 SFD O 0 1 2/3/2020 0:00 1 0 N24608 ADMINISTRATIVE CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SADDLEWOOD-MODEL-PLAN 2-LOT 119PMT19-04898 SFD O 0 1 2/10/2020 0:00 1 0 N24596 ADMINISTRATIVE CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SADDLEWOOD-MODEL-PLAN 3-LOT 118PMT19-04899 SFD O 0 1 2/10/2020 0:00 1 0 N29706 EVERGLADES DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 CHELSEA-NSFR-LOT 12PMT19-05175 SFD O 0 1 2/14/2020 0:00 1 0 N29718 EVERGLADES DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 CHELSEA-NSFR-LOT 13PMT19-05176 SFD O 0 1 2/14/2020 0:00 1 0 N27514 GRAND TETON CT MENIFEE, CA 92585 CHELSEA-NSFR-LOT 101PMT19-05200 SFD O 0 1 10/7/2020 0:00 1 0 N27502 GRAND TETON CT MENIFEE, CA 92585 CHELSEA-NSFR-LOT 102PMT19-05201 SFD O 0 1 10/7/2020 0:00 1 0 N27490 GRAND TETON CT MENIFEE, CA 92585 CHELSEA-NSFR-LOT 103PMT19-05202 SFD O 0 1 10/7/2020 0:00 1 0 N27461 GRAND TETON CT MENIFEE, CA 92585 CHELSEA-NSFR-LOT 104PMT19-05203 SFD O 0 1 10/7/2020 0:00 1 0 N27473 GRAND TETON CT MENIFEE, CA 92585 CHELSEA-NSFR-LOT 105PMT19-05204 SFD O 0 1 10/7/2020 0:00 1 0 N27485 GRAND TETON CT MENIFEE, CA 92585 CHELSEA-NSFR-LOT 106PMT19-05205 SFD O 0 1 10/7/2020 0:00 1 0 N27497 GRAND TETON CT MENIFEE, CA 92585 CHELSEA-NSFR-LOT 107PMT19-05206 SFD O 0 1 10/7/2020 0:00 1 0 N27509 GRAND TETON CT MENIFEE, CA 92585 CHELSEA-NSFR-LOT 108PMT19-05207 SFD O 0 1 10/7/2020 0:00 1 0 N29839 GLACIER BAY DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 CHELSEA-NSFR-LOT 51PMT19-05210 SFD O 0 1 9/23/2020 0:00 1 0 N29827 GLACIER BAY DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 CHELSEA-NSFR-LOT 52PMT19-05211 SFD O 0 1 9/23/2020 0:00 1 0 N29815 GLACIER BAY DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 CHELSEA-NSFR-LOT 53PMT19-05212 SFD O 0 1 9/23/2020 0:00 1 0 N29803 GLACIER BAY DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 CHELSEA-NSFR-LOT 54PMT19-05213 SFD O 0 1 9/23/2020 0:00 1 0 N29791 GLACIER BAY DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 CHELSEA-NSFR-LOT 55PMT19-05214 SFD O 0 1 9/23/2020 0:00 1 0 N29779 GLACIER BAY DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 CHELSEA-NSFR-LOT 56PMT19-05215 SFD O 0 1 9/23/2020 0:00 1 0 N27503 KOBUK VALLEY DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 CHELSEA-NSFR-LOT 6PMT19-05218 SFD O 0 1 9/23/2020 0:00 1 0 N27491 KOBUK VALLEY DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 CHELSEA-NSFR-LOT 7PMT19-05219 SFD O 0 1 9/23/2020 0:00 1 0 N27479 KOBUK VALLEY DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 CHELSEA-NSFR-LOT 8PMT19-05220 SFD O 0 1 9/23/2020 0:00 1 0 N29670 EVERGLADES DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 CHELSEA-NSFR-LOT 9PMT19-05221 SFD O 0 1 9/23/2020 0:00 1 0 N29682 EVERGLADES DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 CHELSEA-NSFR-LOT 10PMT19-05222 SFD O 0 1 9/23/2020 0:00 1 0 N29694 EVERGLADES DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 CHELSEA-NSFR-LOT 11PMT19-05223 SFD O 0 1 9/23/2020 0:00 1 0 N27520 KOBUK VALLEY DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 CHELSEA-NSFR-LOT 62PMT19-05224 SFD O 0 1 9/23/2020 0:00 1 0 N29689 EVERGLADES DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 CHELSEA-NSFR-LOT 66PMT19-05225 SFD O 0 1 9/23/2020 0:00 1 0 N29701 EVERGLADES DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 CHELSEA-NSFR-LOT 67PMT19-05226 SFD O 0 1 9/23/2020 0:00 1 0 N27580 KOBUK VALLEY DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 CHELSEA-NSFR-LOT 57PMT19-05230 SFD O 0 1 9/23/2020 0:00 1 0 N27568 KOBUK VALLEY DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 CHELSEA-NSFR-LOT 58PMT19-05231 SFD O 0 1 9/23/2020 0:00 1 0 N30451 PACA CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 CAMDEN PLACE-NSFR-LOT 20PMT19-05585 SFD O 0 1 9/1/2020 0:00 1 0 N30439 PACA CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 CAMDEN PLACE-NSFR-LOT 21PMT19-05586 SFD O 0 1 9/1/2020 0:00 1 0 N30427 PACA CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 CAMDEN PLACE-NSFR-LOT 22PMT19-05587 SFD O 0 1 9/1/2020 0:00 1 0 N30415 PACA CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 CAMDEN PLACE-NSFR-LOT 23PMT19-05588 SFD O 0 1 9/1/2020 0:00 1 0 N30403 PACA CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 CAMDEN PLACE-NSFR-LOT 24PMT19-05589 SFD O 0 1 9/1/2020 0:00 1 0 N27269 CHASE RD MENIFEE, CA 92584 CAMDEN PLACE-NSFR-LOT 99PMT19-05590 SFD O 0 1 9/1/2020 0:00 1 0 N27283 CHASE RD MENIFEE, CA 92584 CAMDEN PLACE-NSFR-LOT 100PMT19-05591 SFD O 0 1 10/6/2020 0:00 1 0 N27295 CHASE RD MENIFEE, CA 92584 CAMDEN PLACE-NSFR-LOT 101PMT19-05592 SFD O 0 1 10/6/2020 0:00 1 0 N27307 CHASE RD MENIFEE, CA 92584 CAMDEN PLACE-NSFR-LOT 102PMT19-05593 SFD O 0 1 10/6/2020 0:00 1 0 N27306 CHASE RD MENIFEE, CA 92584 CAMDEN PLACE-NSFR-LOT 107PMT19-05594 SFD O 0 1 10/6/2020 0:00 1 0 N27294 CHASE RD MENIFEE, CA 92584 CAMDEN PLACE-NSFR-LOT 108PMT19-05595 SFD O 0 1 10/6/2020 0:00 1 0 N27282 CHASE RD MENIFEE, CA 92584 CAMDEN PLACE-NSFR-LOT 109PMT19-05596 SFD O 0 1 10/6/2020 0:00 1 0 N30428 CAREY RD MENIFEE, CA 92584 CAMDEN PLACE-NSFR-LOT 70PMT19-05597 SFD O 0 1 11/17/2020 0:00 1 0 N30440 CAREY RD MENIFEE, CA 92584 CAMDEN PLACE-NSFR-LOT 71PMT19-05598 SFD O 0 1 11/17/2020 0:00 1 0 N30452 CAREY RD MENIFEE, CA 92584 CAMDEN PLACE-NSFR-LOT 72PMT19-05599 SFD O 0 1 11/17/2020 0:00 1 0 N27319 CHASE RD MENIFEE, CA 92584 CAMDEN PLACE-NSFR-LOT 103PMT19-05600 SFD O 0 1 11/18/2020 0:00 1 0 N27331 CHASE RD MENIFEE, CA 92584 CAMDEN PLACE-NSFR-LOT 104PMT19-05601 SFD O 0 1 11/18/2020 0:00 1 0 N27343 CHASE RD MENIFEE, CA 92584 CAMDEN PLACE-NSFR-LOT 105PMT19-05602 SFD O 0 1 11/18/2020 0:00 1 0 N27318 CHASE RD MENIFEE, CA 92584 CAMDEN PLACE-NSFR-LOT 106PMT19-05603 SFD O 0 1 11/18/2020 0:00 1 0 N32845 HAYDEN RD MENIFEE, CA 92584 PACIFIC GALLERIA-NSFR-LOT 2PMT19-05732 SFD O 0 1 3/4/2020 0:00 1 0 N26610 OLIVINE CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 PRIMROSE-NSFR-LOT 9PMT19-05739 SFD O 0 1 2/26/2020 0:00 1 0 N26685 NEPHRITE CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 PRIMROSE-NSFR-LOT 27PMT19-05744 SFD O 0 1 5/29/2020 0:00 1 0 N26693 NEPHRITE CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 PRIMROSE-NSFR-LOT 28PMT19-05745 SFD O 0 1 5/29/2020 0:00 1 0 N26701 NEPHRITE CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 PRIMROSE-NSFR-LOT 29PMT19-05746 SFD O 0 1 5/29/2020 0:00 1 0 N26709 NEPHRITE CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 PRIMROSE-NSFR-LOT 30PMT19-05747 SFD O 0 1 5/29/2020 0:00 1 0 N26717 NEPHRITE CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 PRIMROSE-NSFR-LOT 31PMT19-05748 SFD O 0 1 5/29/2020 0:00 1 0 N Item Title:12.2 General Plan Annual Progress Report for 2020 Item Page Number:61 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 176 of 240 Jurisdiction Menifee ANNUAL ELEMENT PROGRESS REPORT Reporting Year 2020 (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31)Housing Element Implementation Cells in grey contain auto-calculation formulas(CCR Title 25 §6202) Note: "+" indicates an optional field 26725 NEPHRITE CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 PRIMROSE-NSFR-LOT 32PMT19-05749 SFD O 0 1 5/29/2020 0:00 1 0 N26733 NEPHRITE CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 PRIMROSE-NSFR-LOT 33PMT19-05750 SFD O 0 1 5/29/2020 0:00 1 0 N26741 NEPHRITE CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 PRIMROSE-NSFR-LOT 34PMT19-05751 SFD O 0 1 5/29/2020 0:00 1 0 N26749 NEPHRITE CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 PRIMROSE-NSFR-LOT 35PMT19-05752 SFD O 0 1 5/29/2020 0:00 1 0 N26746 NEPHRITE CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 PRIMROSE-NSFR-LOT 36PMT19-05753 SFD O 0 1 5/29/2020 0:00 1 0 N26738 NEPHRITE CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 PRIMROSE-NSFR-LOT 37PMT19-05754 SFD O 0 1 5/29/2020 0:00 1 0 N26730 NEPHRITE CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 PRIMROSE-NSFR-LOT 38PMT19-05755 SFD O 0 1 5/29/2020 0:00 1 0 N26722 NEPHRITE CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 PRIMROSE-NSFR-LOT 39PMT19-05756 SFD O 0 1 5/29/2020 0:00 1 0 N26714 NEPHRITE CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 PRIMROSE-NSFR-LOT 40PMT19-05757 SFD O 0 1 5/29/2020 0:00 1 0 N26706 NEPHRITE CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 PRIMROSE-NSFR-LOT 41PMT19-05758 SFD O 0 1 5/29/2020 0:00 1 0 N26698 NEPHRITE CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 PRIMROSE-NSFR-LOT 42PMT19-05759 SFD O 0 1 5/29/2020 0:00 1 0 N26690 NEPHRITE CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 PRIMROSE-NSFR-LOT 43PMT19-05760 SFD O 0 1 5/29/2020 0:00 1 0 N26665 VERDANT CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 PRIMROSE-NSFR-LOT 1PMT19-05761 SFD O 0 1 5/29/2020 0:00 1 0 N26673 VERDANT CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 PRIMROSE-NSFR-LOT 2PMT19-05762 SFD O 0 1 5/29/2020 0:00 1 0 N26681 VERDANT CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 PRIMROSE-NSFR-LOT 3PMT19-05763 SFD O 0 1 5/29/2020 0:00 1 0 N26689 VERDANT CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 PRIMROSE-NSFR-LOT 4PMT19-05764 SFD O 0 1 5/29/2020 0:00 1 0 N26697 VERDANT CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 PRIMROSE-NSFR-LOT 5PMT19-05765 SFD O 0 1 5/29/2020 0:00 1 0 N26705 VERDANT CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 PRIMROSE-NSFR-LOT 6PMT19-05766 SFD O 0 1 5/29/2020 0:00 1 0 N26710 VERDANT CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 PRIMROSE-NSFR-LOT 17PMT19-05767 SFD O 0 1 5/29/2020 0:00 1 0 N26702 VERDANT CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 PRIMROSE-NSFR-LOT 18PMT19-05768 SFD O 0 1 5/29/2020 0:00 1 0 N26694 VERDANT CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 PRIMROSE-NSFR-LOT 19PMT19-05769 SFD O 0 1 5/29/2020 0:00 1 0 N26684 VERDANT CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 PRIMROSE-NSFR-LOT 20PMT19-05770 SFD O 0 1 5/29/2020 0:00 1 0 N26678 VERDANT CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 PRIMROSE-NSFR-LOT 21PMT19-05771 SFD O 0 1 5/29/2020 0:00 1 0 N26713 VERDANT CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 PRIMROSE-NSFR-LOT 7PMT19-05772 SFD O 0 1 5/29/2020 0:00 1 0 N26721 VERDANT CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 PRIMROSE-NSFR-LOT 8PMT19-05773 SFD O 0 1 5/29/2020 0:00 1 0 N26729 VERDANT CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 PRIMROSE-NSFR-LOT 9PMT19-05774 SFD O 0 1 5/29/2020 0:00 1 0 N26737 VERDANT CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 PRIMROSE-NSFR-LOT 10PMT19-05775 SFD O 0 1 5/29/2020 0:00 1 0 N26745 VERDANT CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 PRIMROSE-NSFR-LOT 11PMT19-05776 SFD O 0 1 5/29/2020 0:00 1 0 N26750 VERDANT CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 PRIMROSE-NSFR-LOT 12PMT19-05777 SFD O 0 1 5/29/2020 0:00 1 0 N26742 VERDANT CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 PRIMROSE-NSFR-LOT 13PMT19-05778 SFD O 0 1 5/29/2020 0:00 1 0 N26734 VERDANT CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 PRIMROSE-NSFR-LOT 14PMT19-05779 SFD O 0 1 5/29/2020 0:00 1 0 N26726 VERDANT CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 PRIMROSE-NSFR-LOT 15PMT19-05780 SFD O 0 1 5/29/2020 0:00 1 0 N26718 VERDANT CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 PRIMROSE-NSFR-LOT 16PMT19-05781 SFD O 0 1 5/29/2020 0:00 1 0 N32821 HAYDEN RD MENIFEE, CA 92584 PACIFIC GALLERIA-NSFR-LOT 3PMT19-05782 SFD O 0 1 3/4/2020 0:00 1 0 N32797 HAYDEN RD MENIFEE, CA 92584 PACIFIC GALLERIA-NSFR-LOT 4PMT19-05783 SFD O 0 1 3/4/2020 0:00 1 0 N32773 HAYDEN RD MENIFEE, CA 92584 PACIFIC GALLERIA-NSFR-LOT 5PMT19-05784 SFD O 0 1 3/4/2020 0:00 1 0 N32749 HAYDEN RD MENIFEE, CA 92584 PACIFIC GALLERIA-NSFR-LOT 6PMT19-05785 SFD O 0 1 3/4/2020 0:00 1 0 N32786 GALLERY OAKS CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 PACIFIC GALLERIA-NSFR-LOT 9PMT19-05788 SFD O 0 1 9/4/2020 0:00 1 0 N32803 GALLERY OAKS CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 PACIFIC GALLERIA-NSFR-LOT 10PMT19-05789 SFD O 0 1 9/4/2020 0:00 1 0 N31417 GARRANO CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 KADENCE-NSFR-LOT 90PMT19-06031 SFD O 0 1 3/10/2020 0:00 1 0 N29957 WESTERN FRONT DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SADDLEWOOD-NSFR-LOT 23PMT19-06319 SFD O 0 1 2/25/2020 0:00 1 0 N29782 WESTERN FRONT DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SADDLEWOOD-NSFR-LOT 18PMT19-06346 SFD O 0 1 8/20/2020 0:00 1 0 N29770 WESTERN FRONT DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SADDLEWOOD-NSFR-LOT 19PMT19-06347 SFD O 0 1 8/20/2020 0:00 1 0 N29758 WESTERN FRONT DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SADDLEWOOD-NSFR-LOT 20PMT19-06348 SFD O 0 1 8/20/2020 0:00 1 0 N29760 WESTERN FRONT DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SADDLEWOOD-NSFR-LOT 110PMT19-06349 SFD O 0 1 8/20/2020 0:00 1 0 N29741 WESTERN FRONT DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SADDLEWOOD-NSFR-LOT 39PMT19-06350 SFD O 0 1 8/20/2020 0:00 1 0 N29753 WESTERN FRONT DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SADDLEWOOD-NSFR-LOT 38PMT19-06351 SFD O 0 1 8/20/2020 0:00 1 0 N29765 WESTERN FRONT DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SADDLEWOOD-NSFR-LOT 37PMT19-06352 SFD O 0 1 8/20/2020 0:00 1 0 N29777 WESTERN FRONT DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SADDLEWOOD-NSFR-LOT 36PMT19-06353 SFD O 0 1 8/20/2020 0:00 1 0 N29729 WESTERN FRONT DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SADDLEWOOD-NSFR-LOT 40PMT19-06354 SFD O 0 1 9/4/2020 0:00 1 0 N29717 WESTERN FRONT DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SADDLEWOOD-NSFR-LOT 41PMT19-06355 SFD O 0 1 9/4/2020 0:00 1 0 N29705 WESTERN FRONT DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SADDLEWOOD-NSFR-LOT 42PMT19-06356 SFD O 0 1 9/4/2020 0:00 1 0 N29700 WESTERN FRONT DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SADDLEWOOD-NSFR-LOT 105PMT19-06357 SFD O 0 1 9/4/2020 0:00 1 0 N29712 WESTERN FRONT DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SADDLEWOOD-NSFR-LOT 106PMT19-06358 SFD O 0 1 9/4/2020 0:00 1 0 N29724 WESTERN FRONT DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SADDLEWOOD-NSFR-LOT 107PMT19-06359 SFD O 0 1 9/4/2020 0:00 1 0 N29736 WESTERN FRONT DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SADDLEWOOD-NSFR-LOT 108PMT19-06360 SFD O 0 1 9/4/2020 0:00 1 0 N29748 WESTERN FRONT DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SADDLEWOOD-NSFR-LOT 109PMT19-06361 SFD O 0 1 9/4/2020 0:00 1 0 N24685 ADMINISTRATIVE CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SADDLEWOOD-NSFR-LOT 111PMT19-06362 SFD O 0 1 9/22/2020 0:00 1 0 N24673 ADMINISTRATIVE CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SADDLEWOOD-NSFR-LOT 112PMT19-06363 SFD O 0 1 9/22/2020 0:00 1 0 N24649 ADMINISTRATIVE CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SADDLEWOOD-NSFR-LOT 113PMT19-06364 SFD O 0 1 9/22/2020 0:00 1 0 N24644 ADMINISTRATIVE CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SADDLEWOOD-NSFR-LOT 122PMT19-06365 SFD O 0 1 9/22/2020 0:00 1 0 N24656 ADMINISTRATIVE CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SADDLEWOOD-NSFR-LOT 123PMT19-06366 SFD O 0 1 9/22/2020 0:00 1 0 N24668 ADMINISTRATIVE CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SADDLEWOOD-NSFR-LOT 124PMT19-06367 SFD O 0 1 9/22/2020 0:00 1 0 N24680 ADMINISTRATIVE CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SADDLEWOOD-NSFR-LOT 125PMT19-06368 SFD O 0 1 9/22/2020 0:00 1 0 N24692 ADMINISTRATIVE CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SADDLEWOOD-NSFR-LOT 126PMT19-06369 SFD O 0 1 9/22/2020 0:00 1 0 N24637 ADMINISTRATIVE CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SADDLEWOOD-NSFR-LOT 114PMT19-06370 SFD O 0 1 9/29/2020 0:00 1 0 N24625 ADMINISTRATIVE CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SADDLEWOOD-NSFR-LOT 115PMT19-06371 SFD O 0 1 9/29/2020 0:00 1 0 N24613 ADMINISTRATIVE CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SADDLEWOOD-NSFR-LOT 116PMT19-06372 SFD O 0 1 9/29/2020 0:00 1 0 N24601 ADMINISTRATIVE CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SADDLEWOOD-NSFR-LOT 117PMT19-06373 SFD O 0 1 9/29/2020 0:00 1 0 N24632 ADMINISTRATIVE CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SADDLEWOOD-NSFR-LOT 121PMT19-06374 SFD O 0 1 9/29/2020 0:00 1 0 N24674 DOOLIN WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 KINGSTON-NSFR-LOT 57PMT19-06416 SFD O 0 1 5/26/2020 0:00 1 0 N26578 CALLE CANTERA MENIFEE, CA 92584 TALAVERA-NSFR-LOT 46PMT19-06424 SFD O 0 1 1/22/2020 0:00 1 0 N26549 CALLE CANTERA MENIFEE, CA 92584 TALAVERA-NSFR-LOT 56PMT19-06427 SFD O 0 1 1/22/2020 0:00 1 0 N30079 STARGAZER WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 SAVANNAH-NSFR-LOT 23PMT19-06463 SFD O 0 1 8/19/2020 0:00 1 0 N30070 STARGAZER WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 SAVANNAH-NSFR-LOT 125PMT19-06464 SFD O 0 1 8/19/2020 0:00 1 0 N30091 STARGAZER WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 SAVANNAH-NSFR-LOT 22PMT19-06465 SFD O 0 1 8/19/2020 0:00 1 0 N30082 STARGAZER WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 SAVANNAH-NSFR-LOT 124PMT19-06466 SFD O 0 1 8/19/2020 0:00 1 0 N30115 STARGAZER WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 SAVANNAH-NSFR-LOT 20PMT19-06467 SFD O 0 1 8/18/2020 0:00 1 0 N30103 STARGAZER WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 SAVANNAH-NSFR-LOT 21PMT19-06468 SFD O 0 1 8/18/2020 0:00 1 0 N30118 STARGAZER WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 SAVANNAH-NSFR-LOT 121PMT19-06469 SFD O 0 1 8/18/2020 0:00 1 0 N30106 STARGAZER WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 SAVANNAH-NSFR-LOT 122PMT19-06470 SFD O 0 1 8/18/2020 0:00 1 0 N30094 STARGAZER WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 SAVANNAH-NSFR-LOT 123PMT19-06471 SFD O 0 1 8/18/2020 0:00 1 0 N30072 MERRICK LN MENIFEE, CA 92584 SAVANNAH-NSFR-LOT 105PMT19-06472 SFD O 0 1 9/14/2020 0:00 1 0 N30060 MERRICK LN MENIFEE, CA 92584 SAVANNAH-NSFR-LOT 106PMT19-06473 SFD O 0 1 9/14/2020 0:00 1 0 N30048 MERRICK LN MENIFEE, CA 92584 SAVANNAH-NSFR-LOT 107PMT19-06474 SFD O 0 1 9/14/2020 0:00 1 0 N30047 MERRICK LN MENIFEE, CA 92584 SAVANNAH-NSFR-LOT 112PMT19-06475 SFD O 0 1 9/14/2020 0:00 1 0 N30059 MERRICK LN MENIFEE, CA 92584 SAVANNAH-NSFR-LOT 113PMT19-06476 SFD O 0 1 9/14/2020 0:00 1 0 N30071 MERRICK LN MENIFEE, CA 92584 SAVANNAH-NSFR-LOT 114PMT19-06477 SFD O 0 1 9/14/2020 0:00 1 0 N30096 MERRICK LN MENIFEE, CA 92584 SAVANNAH-NSFR-LOT 103PMT19-06478 SFD O 0 1 9/30/2020 0:00 1 0 N30084 MERRICK LN MENIFEE, CA 92584 SAVANNAH-NSFR-LOT 104PMT19-06479 SFD O 0 1 9/30/2020 0:00 1 0 N30083 MERRICK LN MENIFEE, CA 92584 SAVANNAH-NSFR-LOT 115PMT19-06480 SFD O 0 1 9/30/2020 0:00 1 0 N30095 MERRICK LN MENIFEE, CA 92584 SAVANNAH-NSFR-LOT 116PMT19-06481 SFD O 0 1 9/30/2020 0:00 1 0 N30120 MERRICK LN MENIFEE, CA 92584 SAVANNAH-NSFR-LOT 101PMT19-06482 SFD O 0 1 9/30/2020 0:00 1 0 N30108 MERRICK LN MENIFEE, CA 92584 SAVANNAH-NSFR-LOT 102PMT19-06483 SFD O 0 1 9/30/2020 0:00 1 0 N30107 MERRICK LN MENIFEE, CA 92584 SAVANNAH-NSFR-LOT 117PMT19-06484 SFD O 0 1 9/30/2020 0:00 1 0 N30144 MERRICK LN MENIFEE, CA 92584 SAVANNAH-NSFR-LOT 99PMT19-06485 SFD O 0 1 9/30/2020 0:00 1 0 N30132 MERRICK LN MENIFEE, CA 92584 SAVANNAH-NSFR-LOT 100PMT19-06486 SFD O 0 1 9/30/2020 0:00 1 0 N30119 MERRICK LN MENIFEE, CA 92584 SAVANNAH-NSFR-LOT 118PMT19-06487 SFD O 0 1 9/30/2020 0:00 1 0 N30131 MERRICK LN MENIFEE, CA 92584 SAVANNAH-NSFR-LOT 119PMT19-06488 SFD O 0 1 9/30/2020 0:00 1 0 N24415 MERRICK LN MENIFEE, CA 92584 SAVANNAH-NSFR-LOT 96PMT19-06489 SFD O 0 1 9/30/2020 0:00 1 0 N24427 MERRICK LN MENIFEE, CA 92584 SAVANNAH-NSFR-LOT 97PMT19-06490 SFD O 0 1 9/30/2020 0:00 1 0 N30156 MERRICK LN MENIFEE, CA 92584 SAVANNAH-NSFR-LOT 98PMT19-06491 SFD O 0 1 9/30/2020 0:00 1 0 N24391 MERRICK LN MENIFEE, CA 92584 SAVANNAH-NSFR-LOT 94PMT19-06492 SFD O 0 1 9/30/2020 0:00 1 0 N24403 MERRICK LN MENIFEE, CA 92584 SAVANNAH-NSFR-LOT 95PMT19-06493 SFD O 0 1 9/30/2020 0:00 1 0 N30130 STARGAZER WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 SAVANNAH-NSFR-LOT 120PMT19-06494 SFD O 0 1 9/30/2020 0:00 1 0 N30163 STARGAZER WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 SAVANNAH-NSFR-LOT 16PMT19-06495 SFD O 0 1 9/30/2020 0:00 1 0 N30151 STARGAZER WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 SAVANNAH-NSFR-LOT 17PMT19-06496 SFD O 0 1 9/30/2020 0:00 1 0 N30139 STARGAZER WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 SAVANNAH-NSFR-LOT 18PMT19-06497 SFD O 0 1 9/30/2020 0:00 1 0 N30127 STARGAZER WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 SAVANNAH-NSFR-LOT 19PMT19-06498 SFD O 0 1 9/30/2020 0:00 1 0 N24405 STARGAZER WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 SAVANNAH-NSFR-LOT 11PMT19-06499 SFD O 0 1 9/30/2020 0:00 1 0 N24393 STARGAZER WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 SAVANNAH-NSFR-LOT 12PMT19-06500 SFD O 0 1 9/30/2020 0:00 1 0 N24831 STARGAZER WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 SAVANNAH-NSFR-LOT 13PMT19-06501 SFD O 0 1 9/30/2020 0:00 1 0 N30187 STARGAZER WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 SAVANNAH-NSFR-LOT 14PMT19-06502 SFD O 0 1 9/30/2020 0:00 1 0 N30175 STARGAZER WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 SAVANNAH-NSFR-LOT 15PMT19-06503 SFD O 0 1 9/30/2020 0:00 1 0 N24404 STARGAZER WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 SAVANNAH-NSFR-LOT 92PMT19-06504 SFD O 0 1 9/30/2020 0:00 1 0 N24392 STARGAZER WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 SAVANNAH-NSFR-LOT 93PMT19-06505 SFD O 0 1 9/30/2020 0:00 1 0 N24441 STARGAZER WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 SAVANNAH-NSFR-LOT 8PMT19-06506 SFD O 0 1 9/30/2020 0:00 1 0 N24429 STARGAZER WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 SAVANNAH-NSFR-LOT 9PMT19-06507 SFD O 0 1 9/30/2020 0:00 1 0 N24417 STARGAZER WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 SAVANNAH-NSFR-LOT 10PMT19-06508 SFD O 0 1 9/30/2020 0:00 1 0 N24440 STARGAZER WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 SAVANNAH-NSFR-LOT 89PMT19-06510 SFD O 0 1 9/30/2020 0:00 1 0 N24428 STARGAZER WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 SAVANNAH-NSFR-LOT 90PMT19-06511 SFD O 0 1 9/30/2020 0:00 1 0 N24416 STARGAZER WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 SAVANNAH-NSFR-LOT 91PMT19-06512 SFD O 0 1 9/30/2020 0:00 1 0 N24465 STARGAZER WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 SAVANNAH-NSFR-LOT 7PMT19-06513 SFD O 0 1 9/30/2020 0:00 1 0 N24500 STARGAZER WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 SAVANNAH-NSFR-LOT 85PMT19-06514 SFD O 0 1 9/30/2020 0:00 1 0 N24488 STARGAZER WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 SAVANNAH-NSFR-LOT 86PMT19-06515 SFD O 0 1 9/30/2020 0:00 1 0 N24476 STARGAZER WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 SAVANNAH-NSFR-LOT 87PMT19-06516 SFD O 0 1 9/30/2020 0:00 1 0 N24464 STARGAZER WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 SAVANNAH-NSFR-LOT 88PMT19-06517 SFD O 0 1 9/30/2020 0:00 1 0 N29988 URTICA LN MENIFEE, 92584 VALOR-NSFR-LOT 7PMT19-06518 SFD O 0 1 5/18/2020 0:00 1 0 N29976 URTICA LN MENIFEE, 92584 VALOR-NSFR-LOT 8PMT19-06519 SFD O 0 1 5/18/2020 0:00 1 0 N29964 URTICA LN MENIFEE, 92584 VALOR-NSFR-LOT 9PMT19-06520 SFD O 0 1 5/18/2020 0:00 1 0 N29952 URTICA LN MENIFEE, 92584 VALOR-NSFR-LOT 10PMT19-06521 SFD O 0 1 5/18/2020 0:00 1 0 N29933 URTICA LN MENIFEE, 92584 VALOR-NSFR-LOT 1PMT19-06522 SFD O 0 1 5/13/2020 0:00 1 0 N29993 URTICA LN MENIFEE, 92584 VALOR-NSFR-LOT 6PMT19-06523 SFD O 0 1 5/13/2020 0:00 1 0 N29945 URTICA LN MENIFEE, 92584 VALOR-NSFR-LOT 2PMT19-06524 SFD O 0 1 5/13/2020 0:00 1 0 N27455 GOODHOPE DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 125PMT19-06540 SFD O 0 1 2/14/2020 0:00 1 0 N29480 WHITEFISH DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 115PMT19-06547 SFD O 0 1 9/24/2020 0:00 1 0 N29468 WHITEFISH DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 116PMT19-06548 SFD O 0 1 6/3/2020 0:00 1 0 N29477 CARAVEL DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 1PMT19-06558 SFD O 0 1 8/4/2020 0:00 1 0 N29465 CARAVEL DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 2PMT19-06559 SFD O 0 1 8/4/2020 0:00 1 0 N29453 CARAVEL DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 3PMT19-06560 SFD O 0 1 8/4/2020 0:00 1 0 N29441 CARAVEL DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 4PMT19-06561 SFD O 0 1 8/4/2020 0:00 1 0 N29446 CARAVEL DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 137PMT19-06562 SFD O 0 1 8/4/2020 0:00 1 0 N29458 CARAVEL DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 138PMT19-06563 SFD O 0 1 8/4/2020 0:00 1 0 N29470 CARAVEL DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 139PMT19-06564 SFD O 0 1 8/4/2020 0:00 1 0 N29482 CARAVEL DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 140PMT19-06565 SFD O 0 1 8/4/2020 0:00 1 0 N29429 CARAVEL DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 5PMT19-06566 SFD O 0 1 9/23/2020 0:00 1 0 N29417 CARAVEL DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 6PMT19-06567 SFD O 0 1 9/23/2020 0:00 1 0 N29405 CARAVEL DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 7PMT19-06568 SFD O 0 1 9/23/2020 0:00 1 0 N29393 CARAVEL DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 8PMT19-06569 SFD O 0 1 9/23/2020 0:00 1 0 N29381 CARAVEL DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 9PMT19-06570 SFD O 0 1 9/23/2020 0:00 1 0 N29410 CARAVEL DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 134PMT19-06571 SFD O 0 1 9/23/2020 0:00 1 0 N29422 CARAVEL DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 135PMT19-06572 SFD O 0 1 9/23/2020 0:00 1 0 N29434 CARAVEL DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 136PMT19-06573 SFD O 0 1 9/23/2020 0:00 1 0 N29369 CARAVEL DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 10PMT19-06574 SFD O 0 1 9/23/2020 0:00 1 0 N29357 CARAVEL DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 11PMT19-06575 SFD O 0 1 9/23/2020 0:00 1 0 N29345 CARAVEL DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 12PMT19-06576 SFD O 0 1 9/23/2020 0:00 1 0 N29333 CARAVEL DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 13PMT19-06577 SFD O 0 1 9/23/2020 0:00 1 0 N29321 CARAVEL DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 14PMT19-06578 SFD O 0 1 9/23/2020 0:00 1 0 N29309 CARAVEL DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 15PMT19-06579 SFD O 0 1 9/23/2020 0:00 1 0 N29316 CARAVEL DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 25PMT19-06580 SFD O 0 1 9/23/2020 0:00 1 0 N29328 CARAVEL DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 26PMT19-06581 SFD O 0 1 9/23/2020 0:00 1 0 N27568 BIG BEND DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 90PMT19-06582 SFD O 0 1 9/23/2020 0:00 1 0 N29297 CARAVEL DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 16PMT19-06583 SFD O 0 1 9/24/2020 0:00 1 0 N29285 CARAVEL DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 17PMT19-06584 SFD O 0 1 9/24/2020 0:00 1 0 N29273 CARAVEL DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 18PMT19-06585 SFD O 0 1 9/24/2020 0:00 1 0 N29261 CARAVEL DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 19PMT19-06586 SFD O 0 1 9/24/2020 0:00 1 0 N29256 CARAVEL DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 20PMT19-06587 SFD O 0 1 9/24/2020 0:00 1 0 N29268 CARAVEL DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 21PMT19-06588 SFD O 0 1 9/24/2020 0:00 1 0 N29280 CARAVEL DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 22PMT19-06589 SFD O 0 1 9/24/2020 0:00 1 0 N29292 CARAVEL DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 23PMT19-06590 SFD O 0 1 9/24/2020 0:00 1 0 N29304 CARAVEL DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 24PMT19-06591 SFD O 0 1 9/24/2020 0:00 1 0 N27556 BIG BEND DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 91PMT19-06592 SFD O 0 1 10/8/2020 0:00 1 0 N27544 BIG BEND DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 92PMT19-06593 SFD O 0 1 10/8/2020 0:00 1 0 N27532 BIG BEND DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 93PMT19-06594 SFD O 0 1 10/8/2020 0:00 1 0 N27508 BIG BEND DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 94PMT19-06595 SFD O 0 1 10/8/2020 0:00 1 0 N27496 BIG BEND DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 95PMT19-06596 SFD O 0 1 10/8/2020 0:00 1 0 N27484 BIG BEND DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 96PMT19-06597 SFD O 0 1 10/8/2020 0:00 1 0 N27472 BIG BEND DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 97PMT19-06598 SFD O 0 1 10/8/2020 0:00 1 0 N27460 BIG BEND DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 98PMT19-06599 SFD O 0 1 10/8/2020 0:00 1 0 N29335 CHANDLER DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 27PMT19-06600 SFD O 0 1 10/8/2020 0:00 1 0 N29323 CHANDLER DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 28PMT19-06601 SFD O 0 1 10/8/2020 0:00 1 0 N29311 CHANDLER DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 29PMT19-06602 SFD O 0 1 10/8/2020 0:00 1 0 N29299 CHANDLER DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 30PMT19-06603 SFD O 0 1 10/8/2020 0:00 1 0 N29287 CHANDLER DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 31PMT19-06604 SFD O 0 1 10/8/2020 0:00 1 0 N29306 CHANDLER DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 87PMT19-06605 SFD O 0 1 10/8/2020 0:00 1 0 N29318 CHANDLER DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 88PMT19-06606 SFD O 0 1 10/8/2020 0:00 1 0 N29330 CHANDLER DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 89PMT19-06607 SFD O 0 1 10/8/2020 0:00 1 0 N27497 ESTERO DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 32PMT19-06608 SFD O 0 1 10/8/2020 0:00 1 0 N27485 ESTERO DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 33PMT19-06609 SFD O 0 1 10/8/2020 0:00 1 0 N27473 ESTERO DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 34PMT19-06610 SFD O 0 1 10/8/2020 0:00 1 0 N27461 ESTERO DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 35PMT19-06611 SFD O 0 1 10/8/2020 0:00 1 0 N27449 ESTERO DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 36PMT19-06612 SFD O 0 1 10/8/2020 0:00 1 0 N37437 MORRO DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 37PMT19-06613 SFD O 0 1 10/8/2020 0:00 1 0 N29282 MORRO DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 38PMT19-06614 SFD O 0 1 10/8/2020 0:00 1 0 N29294 MORRO DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 39PMT19-06615 SFD O 0 1 10/8/2020 0:00 1 0 N29306 MORRO DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 40PMT19-06616 SFD O 0 1 10/8/2020 0:00 1 0 N29318 MORRO DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 41PMT19-06617 SFD O 0 1 10/8/2020 0:00 1 0 N29330 MORRO DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 42PMT19-06618 SFD O 0 1 10/8/2020 0:00 1 0 N29342 MORRO DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 43PMT19-06619 SFD O 0 1 10/8/2020 0:00 1 0 N29337 MORRO DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 83PMT19-06620 SFD O 0 1 10/8/2020 0:00 1 0 N29325 MORRO DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 84PMT19-06621 SFD O 0 1 10/8/2020 0:00 1 0 N29311 MORRO DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 85PMT19-06622 SFD O 0 1 10/8/2020 0:00 1 0 N29299 MORRO DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 86PMT19-06623 SFD O 0 1 10/8/2020 0:00 1 0 N29357 HUMBOLDT CT MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 44PMT19-06624 SFD O 0 1 10/8/2020 0:00 1 0 N29364 HUMBOLDT CT MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 61PMT19-06625 SFD O 0 1 10/8/2020 0:00 1 0 N27448 BIG BEND DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 99PMT19-06626 SFD O 0 1 10/8/2020 0:00 1 0 N27436 BIG BEND DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 100PMT19-06627 SFD O 0 1 10/8/2020 0:00 1 0 N27424 BIG BEND DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 101PMT19-06628 SFD O 0 1 10/8/2020 0:00 1 0 N27412 BIG BEND DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 102PMT19-06629 SFD O 0 1 10/8/2020 0:00 1 0 N27400 BIG BEND DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 103PMT19-06630 SFD O 0 1 10/8/2020 0:00 1 0 N27388 BIG BEND DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 104PMT19-06631 SFD O 0 1 10/8/2020 0:00 1 0 N27376 BIG BEND DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 105PMT19-06632 SFD O 0 1 10/8/2020 0:00 1 0 N29345 HUMBOLDT CT MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 45PMT19-06633 SFD O 0 1 10/8/2020 0:00 1 0 N29333 HUMBOLDT CT MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 46PMT19-06634 SFD O 0 1 10/8/2020 0:00 1 0 N29321 HUMBOLDT CT MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 47PMT19-06635 SFD O 0 1 10/8/2020 0:00 1 0 N29309 HUMBOLDT CT MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 48PMT19-06636 SFD O 0 1 10/8/2020 0:00 1 0 N29316 HUMBOLDT CT MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 57PMT19-06637 SFD O 0 1 10/8/2020 0:00 1 0 N29328 HUMBOLDT CT MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 58PMT19-06638 SFD O 0 1 10/8/2020 0:00 1 0 N29340 HUMBOLDT CT MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 59PMT19-06639 SFD O 0 1 10/8/2020 0:00 1 0 N29352 HUMBOLDT CT MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 60PMT19-06640 SFD O 0 1 10/8/2020 0:00 1 0 N29297 HUMBOLDT CT MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 49PMT19-06641 SFD O 0 1 10/8/2020 0:00 1 0 N29285 HUMBOLDT CT MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 50PMT19-06642 SFD O 0 1 10/8/2020 0:00 1 0 N29273 HUMBOLDT CT MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 51PMT19-06643 SFD O 0 1 10/8/2020 0:00 1 0 N29261 HUMBOLDT DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 52PMT19-06644 SFD O 0 1 10/8/2020 0:00 1 0 N29268 HUMBOLDT CT MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 53PMT19-06645 SFD O 0 1 10/8/2020 0:00 1 0 N29280 HUMBOLDT CT MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 54PMT19-06646 SFD O 0 1 10/8/2020 0:00 1 0 N29292 HUMBOLDT CT MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 55PMT19-06647 SFD O 0 1 10/8/2020 0:00 1 0 N29304 HUMBOLDT CT MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 56PMT19-06648 SFD O 0 1 10/8/2020 0:00 1 0 N Item Title:12.2 General Plan Annual Progress Report for 2020 Item Page Number:62 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 177 of 240 Jurisdiction Menifee ANNUAL ELEMENT PROGRESS REPORT Reporting Year 2020 (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31)Housing Element Implementation Cells in grey contain auto-calculation formulas(CCR Title 25 §6202) Note: "+" indicates an optional field 29367 ALAMITOS DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 62PMT19-06649 SFD O 0 1 10/8/2020 0:00 1 0 N29355 ALAMITOS DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 63PMT19-06650 SFD O 0 1 10/8/2020 0:00 1 0 N29343 ALAMITOS DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 64PMT19-06651 SFD O 0 1 10/8/2020 0:00 1 0 N29331 ALAMITOS DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 65PMT19-06652 SFD O 0 1 10/8/2020 0:00 1 0 N29336 ALAMITOS DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 79PMT19-06653 SFD O 0 1 10/8/2020 0:00 1 0 N29348 ALAMITOS DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 80PMT19-06654 SFD O 0 1 10/8/2020 0:00 1 0 N29360 ALAMITOS DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 81PMT19-06655 SFD O 0 1 10/8/2020 0:00 1 0 N29372 ALAMITOS DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 82PMT19-06656 SFD O 0 1 10/8/2020 0:00 1 0 N29319 ALAMITOS DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 66PMT19-06657 SFD O 0 1 10/8/2020 0:00 1 0 N29307 ALAMITOS DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 67PMT19-06658 SFD O 0 1 10/8/2020 0:00 1 0 N29295 ALAMITOS DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 68PMT19-06659 SFD O 0 1 10/8/2020 0:00 1 0 N29288 ALAMITOS DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 75PMT19-06660 SFD O 0 1 10/8/2020 0:00 1 0 N29300 ALAMITOS DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 76PMT19-06661 SFD O 0 1 10/8/2020 0:00 1 0 N29312 ALAMITOS DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 77PMT19-06662 SFD O 0 1 10/8/2020 0:00 1 0 N29324 ALAMITOS DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 78PMT19-06663 SFD O 0 1 10/8/2020 0:00 1 0 N29283 ALAMITOS DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 69PMT19-06664 SFD O 0 1 10/8/2020 0:00 1 0 N29271 ALAMITOS DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 70PMT19-06665 SFD O 0 1 10/8/2020 0:00 1 0 N29259 ALAMITOS DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 71PMT19-06666 SFD O 0 1 10/8/2020 0:00 1 0 N29252 ALAMITOS DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 72PMT19-06667 SFD O 0 1 10/8/2020 0:00 1 0 N29264 ALAMITOS DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 73PMT19-06668 SFD O 0 1 10/8/2020 0:00 1 0 N29276 ALAMITOS DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 HAMPTON-NSFR-LOT 74PMT19-06669 SFD O 0 1 10/8/2020 0:00 1 0 N30408 TOWN SQUARE DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 110PMT19-06679 SFA O 0 1 3/10/2020 0:00 1 0 N30452 HOPETOWN LN MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 116PMT19-06700 SFA O 0 1 6/24/2020 0:00 1 0 N30456 HOPETOWN LN MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 115PMT19-06701 SFA O 0 1 6/24/2020 0:00 1 0 N30460 HOPETOWN LN MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 114PMT19-06702 SFA O 0 1 6/24/2020 0:00 1 0 N30464 HOPETOWN LN MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 113PMT19-06703 SFA O 0 1 6/24/2020 0:00 1 0 N30468 HOPETOWN LN MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 112PMT19-06704 SFA O 0 1 6/24/2020 0:00 1 0 N30472 HOPETOWN LN MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 111PMT19-06705 SFA O 0 1 6/24/2020 0:00 1 0 N30428 TOWN SQUARE DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 102PMT19-06706 SFA O 0 1 6/24/2020 0:00 1 0 N30432 TOWN SQUARE DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 101PMT19-06707 SFA O 0 1 6/24/2020 0:00 1 0 N30436 TOWN SQUARE DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 100PMT19-06708 SFA O 0 1 6/24/2020 0:00 1 0 N30440 TOWN SQUARE DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 99PMT19-06709 SFA O 0 1 6/24/2020 0:00 1 0 N30442 TOWN SQUARE DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 98PMT19-06710 SFA O 0 1 6/24/2020 0:00 1 0 N30438 TOWN SQUARE DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 97PMT19-06711 SFA O 0 1 6/24/2020 0:00 1 0 N30434 TOWN SQUARE DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 96PMT19-06712 SFA O 0 1 6/24/2020 0:00 1 0 N30430 TOWN SQUARE DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 95PMT19-06713 SFA O 0 1 6/24/2020 0:00 1 0 N30461 TOWN SQUARE DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 78PMT19-06714 SFA O 0 1 9/22/2020 0:00 1 0 N30457 TOWN SQUARE DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 77PMT19-06715 SFA O 0 1 9/22/2020 0:00 1 0 N30453 TOWN SQUARE DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 76PMT19-06716 SFA O 0 1 9/22/2020 0:00 1 0 N30449 TOWN SQUARE DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 75PMT19-06717 SFA O 0 1 9/22/2020 0:00 1 0 N30451 TOWN SQUARE DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 74PMT19-06718 SFA O 0 1 9/22/2020 0:00 1 0 N30455 TOWN SQUARE DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 73PMT19-06719 SFA O 0 1 9/22/2020 0:00 1 0 N30459 TOWN SQUARE DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 72PMT19-06720 SFA O 0 1 9/22/2020 0:00 1 0 N30463 TOWN SQUARE DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 71PMT19-06721 SFA O 0 1 9/22/2020 0:00 1 0 N30473 UNIONTOWN WAY MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 58PMT19-06722 SFA O 0 1 9/22/2020 0:00 1 0 N30477 UNIONTOWN WAY MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 57PMT19-06723 SFA O 0 1 9/22/2020 0:00 1 0 N30481 UNIONTOWN WAY MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 56PMT19-06724 SFA O 0 1 9/22/2020 0:00 1 0 N30485 UNIONTOWN WAY MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 55PMT19-06725 SFA O 0 1 9/22/2020 0:00 1 0 N30489 UNIONTOWN WAY MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 54PMT19-06726 SFA O 0 1 9/22/2020 0:00 1 0 N30493 UNIONTOWN WAY MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 53PMT19-06727 SFA O 0 1 9/22/2020 0:00 1 0 N25859 Farmington RD MENIFEE, CA NSFR - DOMINGUEZ RESIDENCEPMT19-06771 SFD O 0 1 11/16/2020 0:00 1 0 N30983 MURRIETA RD MENIFEE, CA 92584 NSFR - DOMINGUEZ RESIDENCEPMT19-06771 SFD O 0 1 11/16/2020 0:00 1 0 N27564 GRUBER DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 ROCKPORT-NSFR-LOT 61PMT19-06809 SFD O 0 1 1/31/2020 0:00 1 0 N29902 PENN ST MENIFEE, CA 92585 ROCKPORT-NSFR-LOT 15PMT19-06835 SFD O 0 1 9/1/2020 0:00 1 0 N29914 PENN ST MENIFEE, CA 92585 ROCKPORT-NSFR-LOT 16PMT19-06836 SFD O 0 1 9/1/2020 0:00 1 0 N29926 PENN ST MENIFEE, CA 92585 ROCKPORT-NSFR-LOT 17PMT19-06837 SFD O 0 1 9/1/2020 0:00 1 0 N29938 PENN ST MENIFEE, CA 92585 ROCKPORT-NSFR-LOT 18PMT19-06838 SFD O 0 1 9/1/2020 0:00 1 0 N27556 ARDEN ST MENIFEE, CA 92585 ROCKPORT-NSFR-LOT 26PMT19-06839 SFD O 0 1 9/1/2020 0:00 1 0 N27568 ARDEN ST MENIFEE, CA 92585 ROCKPORT-NSFR-LOT 27PMT19-06840 SFD O 0 1 9/1/2020 0:00 1 0 N27567 ARDEN ST MENIFEE, CA 92585 ROCKPORT-NSFR-LOT 76PMT19-06842 SFD O 0 1 9/1/2020 0:00 1 0 N29950 PENN ST MENIFEE, CA 92585 ROCKPORT-NSFR-LOT 19PMT19-06843 SFD O 0 1 9/16/2020 0:00 1 0 N29962 PENN ST MENIFEE, CA 92585 ROCKPORT-NSFR-LOT 20PMT19-06844 SFD O 0 1 9/16/2020 0:00 1 0 N29974 PENN ST MENIFEE, CA 92585 ROCKPORT-NSFR-LOT 21PMT19-06845 SFD O 0 1 9/16/2020 0:00 1 0 N29986 PENN ST MENIFEE, CA 92585 ROCKPORT-NSFR-LOT 22PMT19-06846 SFD O 0 1 9/16/2020 0:00 1 0 N29998 PENN ST MENIFEE, CA 92585 ROCKPORT-NSFR-LOT 23PMT19-06847 SFD O 0 1 9/16/2020 0:00 1 0 N29995 PENN ST MENIFEE, CA 92585 ROCKPORT-NSFR-LOT 24PMT19-06848 SFD O 0 1 9/16/2020 0:00 1 0 N29983 PENN ST MENIFEE, CA 92585 ROCKPORT-NSFR-LOT 25PMT19-06849 SFD O 0 1 9/16/2020 0:00 1 0 N27580 ARDEN ST MENIFEE, CA 92585 ROCKPORT-NSFR-LOT 28PMT19-06850 SFD O 0 1 9/16/2020 0:00 1 0 N27592 ARDEN ST MENIFEE, CA 92585 ROCKPORT-NSFR-LOT 29PMT19-06851 SFD O 0 1 9/16/2020 0:00 1 0 N29937 SOLARDO DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 ROCKPORT-NSFR-LOT 37PMT19-06852 SFD O 0 1 9/16/2020 0:00 1 0 N29925 SOLARDO DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 ROCKPORT-NSFR-LOT 38PMT19-06853 SFD O 0 1 9/16/2020 0:00 1 0 N29913 SOLARDO DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 ROCKPORT-NSFR-LOT 39PMT19-06854 SFD O 0 1 9/16/2020 0:00 1 0 N27579 ARDEN ST MENIFEE, CA 92585 ROCKPORT-NSFR-LOT 77PMT19-06855 SFD O 0 1 9/9/2020 0:00 1 0 N27591 ARDEN ST MENIFEE, CA 92585 ROCKPORT-NSFR-LOT 78PMT19-06856 SFD O 0 1 9/16/2020 0:00 1 0 N27603 ARDEN ST MENIFEE, CA 92585 ROCKPORT-NSFR-LOT 79PMT19-06857 SFD O 0 1 9/16/2020 0:00 1 0 N27615 ARDEN ST MENIFEE, CA 92585 ROCKPORT-NSFR-LOT 80PMT19-06858 SFD O 0 1 9/16/2020 0:00 1 0 N29984 SOLARDO DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 ROCKPORT-NSFR-LOT 30PMT19-06859 SFD O 0 1 9/16/2020 0:00 1 0 N29996 SOLARDO DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 ROCKPORT-NSFR-LOT 31PMT19-06860 SFD O 0 1 9/16/2020 0:00 1 0 N29997 SOLARDO DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 ROCKPORT-NSFR-LOT 32PMT19-06861 SFD O 0 1 9/16/2020 0:00 1 0 N29985 SOLARDO DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 ROCKPORT-NSFR-LOT 33PMT19-06862 SFD O 0 1 9/16/2020 0:00 1 0 N29973 SOLARDO DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 ROCKPORT-NSFR-LOT 34PMT19-06863 SFD O 0 1 9/16/2020 0:00 1 0 N29961 SOLARDO DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 ROCKPORT-NSFR-LOT 35PMT19-06864 SFD O 0 1 9/16/2020 0:00 1 0 N29949 SOLARDO DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 ROCKPORT-NSFR-LOT 36PMT19-06865 SFD O 0 1 9/16/2020 0:00 1 0 N24867 DESTRY DR MENIFEE, CA 92586 HACIENDA-MODEL-LOT 2PMT19-06894 SFD O 0 1 3/23/2020 0:00 1 0 N24879 DESTRY DR MENIFEE, CA 92586 HACIENDA-MODEL-LOT 3PMT19-06897 SFD O 0 1 3/23/2020 0:00 1 0 N24927 DESTRY DR MENIFEE, CA 92586 MAJESTIC-MODEL-LOT 7PMT19-06900 SFD O 0 1 3/23/2020 0:00 1 0 N24915 DESTRY DR MENIFEE, CA 92586 MAJESTIC-MODEL-LOT 6PMT19-06902 SFD O 0 1 3/20/2020 0:00 1 0 N27025 MALTESE WAY MENIFEE, CA 92586 MEADOW RUN-MODEL-LOT 2PMT19-06908 SFD O 0 1 11/18/2020 0:00 1 0 N27037 MALTESE WAY MENIFEE, CA 92586 MEADOW RUN-MODEL-LOT 3PMT19-06909 SFD O 0 1 11/18/2020 0:00 1 0 N29380 CALLE DE CABALLOS MENIFEE, CA 92585 NSFR-LARIOS RESIDENCEPMT19-06994 SFD O 0 1 10/28/2020 0:00 1 0 N27669 CALLE TALAVERA MENIFEE, CA 92585 TALAVERA-NSFR-LOT 17PMT19-07000 SFD O 0 1 2/19/2020 0:00 1 0 N27681 CALLE TALAVERA MENIFEE, CA 92584 TALAVERA-NSFR-LOT 18PMT19-07001 SFD O 0 1 2/19/2020 0:00 1 0 N27693 CALLE TALAVERA MENIFEE, CA 92584 TALAVERA-NSFR-LOT 19PMT19-07002 SFD O 0 1 2/19/2020 0:00 1 0 N27705 CALLE TALAVERA MENIFEE, CA 92584 TALAVERA-NSFR-LOT 20PMT19-07003 SFD O 0 1 2/19/2020 0:00 1 0 N27717 CALLE TALAVERA MENIFEE, CA 92584 TALAVERA-NSFR-LOT 21PMT19-07004 SFD O 0 1 2/19/2020 0:00 1 0 N27729 CALLE TALAVERA MENIFEE, CA 92584 TALAVERA-NSFR-LOT 22PMT19-07005 SFD O 0 1 2/19/2020 0:00 1 0 N27741 CALLE TALAVERA MENIFEE, CA 92584 TALAVERA-NSFR-LOT 23PMT19-07006 SFD O 0 1 2/19/2020 0:00 1 0 N27753 CALLE TALAVERA MENIFEE, CA 92584 TALAVERA-NSFR-LOT 24PMT19-07007 SFD O 0 1 2/19/2020 0:00 1 0 N31880 CONSTELLATION DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SKY VIEW-NSFR-LOT 103PMT19-07088 SFD O 0 1 9/16/2020 0:00 1 0 N31866 CONSTELLATION DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SKY VIEW-NSFR-LOT 104PMT19-07089 SFD O 0 1 9/16/2020 0:00 1 0 N31852 CONSTELLATION DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SKY VIEW-NSFR-LOT 105PMT19-07090 SFD O 0 1 9/16/2020 0:00 1 0 N31838 CONSTELLATION DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SKY VIEW-NSFR-LOT 106PMT19-07091 SFD O 0 1 9/16/2020 0:00 1 0 N31824 CONSTELLATION DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 SKY VIEW-NSFR-LOT 107PMT19-07092 SFD O 0 1 9/16/2020 0:00 1 0 N25196 FORTUNA ST MENIFEE, CA 92584 SKY VIEW-NSFR-LOT 93PMT19-07093 SFD O 0 1 9/18/2020 0:00 1 0 N25210 FORTUNA ST MENIFEE, CA 92584 SKY VIEW-NSFR-LOT 94PMT19-07094 SFD O 0 1 9/18/2020 0:00 1 0 N25224 FORTUNA ST MENIFEE, CA 92584 SKY VIEW-NSFR-LOT 95PMT19-07095 SFD O 0 1 9/18/2020 0:00 1 0 N25238 FORTUNA ST MENIFEE, CA 92584 SKY VIEW-NSFR-LOT 96PMT19-07096 SFD O 0 1 9/18/2020 0:00 1 0 N25237 FORTUNA ST MENIFEE, CA 92584 SKY VIEW-NSFR-LOT 108PMT19-07097 SFD O 0 1 9/18/2020 0:00 1 0 N25223 FORTUNA ST MENIFEE, CA 92584 SKY VIEW-NSFR-LOT 109PMT19-07098 SFD O 0 1 9/18/2020 0:00 1 0 N31782 EATON LN MENIFEE, CA 92584 CYPRESS-NSFR-LOT 1PMT19-07106 SFD O 0 1 9/29/2020 0:00 1 0 N26454 WREATH CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 CYPRESS-NSFR-LOT 2PMT19-07107 SFD O 0 1 9/29/2020 0:00 1 0 N26466 WREATH CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 CYPRESS-NSFR-LOT 3PMT19-07108 SFD O 0 1 9/29/2020 0:00 1 0 N26478 WREATH CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 CYPRESS-NSFR-LOT 4PMT19-07109 SFD O 0 1 9/29/2020 0:00 1 0 N26490 WREATH CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 CYPRESS-NSFR-LOT 5PMT19-07110 SFD O 0 1 9/29/2020 0:00 1 0 N26483 WREATH CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 CYPRESS-NSFR-LOT 6PMT19-07111 SFD O 0 1 9/29/2020 0:00 1 0 N26471 WREATH CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 CYPRESS-NSFR-LOT 7PMT19-07112 SFD O 0 1 5/19/2020 0:00 1 0 N26459 WREATH CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 CYPRESS-NSFR-LOT 8PMT19-07113 SFD O 0 1 9/29/2020 0:00 1 0 N31859 EATON LN MENIFEE, CA 92584 CYPRESS-NSFR-LOT 71PMT19-07114 SFD O 0 1 5/19/2020 0:00 1 0 N26098 REDOAK ST MENIFEE, CA 92584 CYPRESS-NSFR-LOT 152PMT19-07115 SFD O 0 1 6/1/2020 0:00 1 0 N26077 REDOAK ST MENIFEE, CA 92584 CYPRESS-NSFR-LOT 156PMT19-07119 SFD O 0 1 6/1/2020 0:00 1 0 N26089 REDOAK ST MENIFEE, CA 92584 CYPRESS-NSFR-LOT 158PMT19-07121 SFD O 0 1 6/1/2020 0:00 1 0 N31910 ENGLISH CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 CYPRESS-NSFR-LOT 162PMT19-07125 SFD O 0 1 5/19/2020 0:00 1 0 N31838 ENGLISH CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 CYPRESS-NSFR-LOT 167PMT19-07130 SFD O 0 1 5/12/2020 0:00 1 0 N31826 ENGLISH CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 CYPRESS-NSFR-LOT 168PMT19-07131 SFD O 0 1 5/12/2020 0:00 1 0 N31814 ENGLISH CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 CYPRESS-NSFR-LOT 169PMT19-07132 SFD O 0 1 5/12/2020 0:00 1 0 N31879 ENGLISH CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 CYPRESS-NSFR-LOT 172PMT19-07135 SFD O 0 1 5/19/2020 0:00 1 0 N31891 ENGLISH CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 CYPRESS-NSFR-LOT 173PMT19-07136 SFD O 0 1 5/19/2020 0:00 1 0 N31903 ENGLISH CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 CYPRESS-NSFR-LOT 174PMT19-07137 SFD O 0 1 5/19/2020 0:00 1 0 N28103 SCHOLA DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 SALERNO-NSFR-LOT 32PMT19-07375 SFD O 0 1 2/27/2020 0:00 1 0 N28091 SCHOLA DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 SALERNO-NSFR-LOT 33PMT19-07376 SFD O 0 1 2/27/2020 0:00 1 0 N28079 SCHOLA DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 SALERNO-NSFR-LOT 34PMT19-07377 SFD O 0 1 2/27/2020 0:00 1 0 N28067 SCHOLA DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 SALERNO-NSFR-LOT 35PMT19-07378 SFD O 0 1 2/27/2020 0:00 1 0 N28055 SCHOLA DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 SALERNO-NSFR-LOT 36PMT19-07379 SFD O 0 1 2/27/2020 0:00 1 0 N27374 TARANTO CT MENIFEE, CA 92585 SALERNO-NSFR-LOT 52PMT19-07384 SFD O 0 1 2/27/2020 0:00 1 0 N27386 TARANTO CT MENIFEE, CA 92585 SALERNO-NSFR-LOT 53PMT19-07385 SFD O 0 1 2/27/2020 0:00 1 0 N28139 SCHOLA DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 SALERNO-NSFR-LOT 29PMT19-07386 SFD O 0 1 2/27/2020 0:00 1 0 N28127 SCHOLA DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 SALERNO-NSFR-LOT 30PMT19-07387 SFD O 0 1 2/27/2020 0:00 1 0 N28115 SCHOLA DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 SALERNO-NSFR-LOT 31PMT19-07388 SFD O 0 1 2/27/2020 0:00 1 0 N28134 SCHOLA DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 SALERNO-NSFR-LOT 56PMT19-07391 SFD O 0 1 2/27/2020 0:00 1 0 N28146 SCHOLA DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 SALERNO-NSFR-LOT 57PMT19-07392 SFD O 0 1 2/27/2020 0:00 1 0 N28259 SCHOLA DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 SALERNO-NSFR-LOT 19PMT19-07393 SFD O 0 1 10/20/2020 0:00 1 0 N28247 SCHOLA DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 SALERNO-NSFR-LOT 20PMT19-07394 SFD O 0 1 10/20/2020 0:00 1 0 N28204 CHAMBERS AVE MENIFEE, CA 92585 SALERNO-NSFR-LOT 13PMT19-07400 SFD O 0 1 10/20/2020 0:00 1 0 N29216 CHAMBERS AVE MENIFEE, CA 92585 SALERNO-NSFR-LOT 14PMT19-07401 SFD O 0 1 10/20/2020 0:00 1 0 N28228 CHAMBERS AVE MENIFEE, CA 92585 SALERNO-NSFR-LOT 15PMT19-07402 SFD O 0 1 10/20/2020 0:00 1 0 N28240 CHAMBERS AVE MENIFEE, CA 92585 SALERNO-NSFR-LOT 16PMT19-07403 SFD O 0 1 10/20/2020 0:00 1 0 N28252 CHAMBERS AVE MENIFEE, CA 92585 SALERNO-NSFR-LOT 17PMT19-07404 SFD O 0 1 10/20/2020 0:00 1 0 N28264 CHAMBERS AVE MENIFEE, CA 92585 SALERNO-NSFR-LOT 18PMT19-07405 SFD O 0 1 10/20/2020 0:00 1 0 N28300 CHAMBERS AVE MENIFEE, CA 92585 SALERNO-NSFR-LOT 77PMT19-07406 SFD O 0 1 12/9/2020 0:00 1 0 N28312 CHAMBERS AVE MENIFEE, CA 92585 SALERNO-NSFR-LOT 78PMT19-07407 SFD O 0 1 12/9/2020 0:00 1 0 N23158 SCHOLA DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 SALERNO-NSFR-LOT 58PMT19-07415 SFD O 0 1 7/21/2020 0:00 1 0 N27383 DUOMO CT MENIFEE, CA 92585 SALERNO-NSFR-LOT 59PMT19-07416 SFD O 0 1 7/21/2020 0:00 1 0 N28182 SCHOLA DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 SALERNO-NSFR-LOT 64PMT19-07421 SFD O 0 1 7/21/2020 0:00 1 0 N28187 SCHOLA DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 SALERNO-NSFR-LOT 25PMT19-07422 SFD O 0 1 7/21/2020 0:00 1 0 N28175 SCHOLA DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 SALERNO-NSFR-LOT 26PMT19-07423 SFD O 0 1 7/21/2020 0:00 1 0 N28163 SCHOLA DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 SALERNO-NSFR-LOT 27PMT19-07424 SFD O 0 1 7/21/2020 0:00 1 0 N28151 SCHOLA DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 SALERNO-NSFR-LOT 28PMT19-07425 SFD O 0 1 7/21/2020 0:00 1 0 N28235 SCHOLA DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 SALERNO-NSFR-LOT 21PMT19-07426 SFD O 0 1 8/25/2020 0:00 1 0 N28223 SCHOLA AVE MENIFEE, CA 92585 SALERNO-NSFR-LOT 22PMT19-07427 SFD O 0 1 8/25/2020 0:00 1 0 N28211 SCHOLA DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 SALERNO-NSFR-LOT 23PMT19-07428 SFD O 0 1 8/25/2020 0:00 1 0 N28199 SCHOLA DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 SALERNO-NSFR-LOT 24PMT19-07429 SFD O 0 1 8/25/2020 0:00 1 0 N28194 SCHOLA DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 SALERNO-NSFR-LOT 65PMT19-07430 SFD O 0 1 8/25/2020 0:00 1 0 N28206 SCHOLA DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 SALERNO-NSFR-LOT 66PMT19-07431 SFD O 0 1 8/25/2020 0:00 1 0 N28218 SCHOLA DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 SALERNO-NSFR-LOT 67PMT19-07432 SFD O 0 1 8/25/2020 0:00 1 0 N28230 SCHOLA DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 SALERNO-NSFR-LOT 68PMT19-07433 SFD O 0 1 8/25/2020 0:00 1 0 N28250 SCHOLA DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 SALERNO-NSFR-LOT 69PMT19-07443 SFD O 0 1 12/11/2020 0:00 1 0 N28262 SCHOLA DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 SALERNO-NSFR-LOT 70PMT19-07444 SFD O 0 1 12/9/2020 0:00 1 0 N28274 SCHOLA DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 SALERNO-NSFR-LOT 71PMT19-07445 SFD O 0 1 12/9/2020 0:00 1 0 N27450 TYRHENIAN DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 SALERNO-NSFR-LOT 72PMT19-07446 SFD O 0 1 12/9/2020 0:00 1 0 N27462 TYRHENIAN DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 SALERNO-NSFR-LOT 73PMT19-07447 SFD O 0 1 12/9/2020 0:00 1 0 N27474 TYRHENIAN DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 SALERNO-NSFR-LOT 74PMT19-07448 SFD O 0 1 12/9/2020 0:00 1 0 N27486 TYRHENIAN DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 SALERNO-NSFR-LOT 75PMT19-07449 SFD O 0 1 12/9/2020 0:00 1 0 N27498 TYRHENIAN DR MENIFEE, CA 92585 SALERNO-NSFR-LOT 76PMT19-07450 SFD O 0 1 12/9/2020 0:00 1 0 N31526 TYME CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 PEPPERTREE-NSFR-LOT 29PMT19-07460 SFD O 0 1 9/18/2020 0:00 1 0 N31538 TYME CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 PEPPERTREE-NSFR-LOT 30PMT19-07461 SFD O 0 1 9/18/2020 0:00 1 0 N31550 TYME CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 PEPPERTREE-NSFR-LOT 31PMT19-07462 SFD O 0 1 9/18/2020 0:00 1 0 N31562 TYME CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 PEPPERTREE-NSFR-LOT 32PMT19-07463 SFD O 0 1 9/18/2020 0:00 1 0 N31574 TYME CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 PEPPERTREE-NSFR-LOT 33PMT19-07464 SFD O 0 1 9/18/2020 0:00 1 0 N31586 TYME CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 PEPPERTREE-NSFR-LOT 34PMT19-07465 SFD O 0 1 9/18/2020 0:00 1 0 N31598 TYME CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 PEPPERTREE-NSFR-LOT 35PMT19-07466 SFD O 0 1 9/18/2020 0:00 1 0 N31634 TYME CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 PEPPERTREE-NSFR-LOT 36PMT19-07467 SFD O 0 1 9/18/2020 0:00 1 0 N31603 TYME CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 PEPPERTREE-NSFR-LOT 42PMT19-07468 SFD O 0 1 9/18/2020 0:00 1 0 N31591 TYME CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 PEPPERTREE-NSFR-LOT 43PMT19-07469 SFD O 0 1 9/18/2020 0:00 1 0 N31579 TYME CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 PEPPERTREE-NSFR-LOT 44PMT19-07470 SFD O 0 1 9/18/2020 0:00 1 0 N31646 TYME CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 PEPPERTREE-NSFR-LOT 37PMT19-07471 SFD O 0 1 9/23/2020 0:00 1 0 N31658 TYME CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 PEPPERTREE-NSFR-LOT 38PMT19-07472 SFD O 0 1 9/23/2020 0:00 1 0 N31663 TYME CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 PEPPERTREE-NSFR-LOT 39PMT19-07473 SFD O 0 1 9/23/2020 0:00 1 0 N31639 TYME CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 PEPPERTREE-NSFR-LOT 40PMT19-07474 SFD O 0 1 9/23/2020 0:00 1 0 N31615 TYME CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 PEPPERTREE-NSFR-LOT 41PMT19-07475 SFD O 0 1 9/23/2020 0:00 1 0 N31514 TYME CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 PEPPERTREE-NSFR-LOT 28PMT19-07476 SFD O 0 1 10/8/2020 0:00 1 0 N31578 DILL CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 PEPPERTREE-NSFR-LOT 45PMT19-07480 SFD O 0 1 12/30/2020 0:00 1 0 N31590 DILL CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 PEPPERTREE-NSFR-LOT 46PMT19-07481 SFD O 0 1 12/30/2020 0:00 1 0 N31602 DILL CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 PEPPERTREE-NSFR-LOT 47PMT19-07482 SFD O 0 1 12/30/2020 0:00 1 0 N31614 DILL CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 PEPPERTREE-NSFR-LOT 48PMT19-07483 SFD O 0 1 12/30/2020 0:00 1 0 N31626 DILL CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 PEPPERTREE-NSFR-LOT 49PMT19-07484 SFD O 0 1 12/30/2020 0:00 1 0 N31638 DILL CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 PEPPERTREE-NSFR-LOT 50PMT19-07485 SFD O 0 1 12/30/2020 0:00 1 0 N31662 DILL CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 PEPPERTREE-NSFR-LOT 51PMT19-07486 SFD O 0 1 12/30/2020 0:00 1 0 N31667 DILL CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 PEPPERTREE-NSFR-LOT 52PMT19-07487 SFD O 0 1 12/30/2020 0:00 1 0 N31655 DILL CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 PEPPERTREE-NSFR-LOT 53PMT19-07488 SFD O 0 1 12/30/2020 0:00 1 0 N31643 DILL CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 PEPPERTREE-NSFR-LOT 54PMT19-07489 SFD O 0 1 12/30/2020 0:00 1 0 N28250 SCHOLA DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 PEPPERTREE-NSFR-LOT 69PMT19-07499 SFD O 0 1 12/9/2020 0:00 1 0 N26146 REDOAK ST MENIFEE, CA 92584 CYPRESS-NSFR-LOT 148PMT19-07554 SFD O 0 1 4/6/2020 0:00 1 0 N28902 CATTLEMAN CIR MENIFEE, CA 92585 WESTWARD-MODEL-LOT 124PMT20-00048 SFD O 0 1 4/2/2020 0:00 1 0 NCATTLEMAN CIR MENIFEE, CA 9258 WESTWARD-PCO-PLAN 1PMT20-00049 SFD O 0 1 4/2/2020 0:00 1 0 N28911 CATTLEMAN CIR MENIFEE, CA 9258 TRAILHEAD-MODEL-LOT 116PMT20-00050 SFD O 0 1 4/2/2020 0:00 1 0 N28903 CATTLEMAN CIR MENIFEE, CA 9258 TRAILHEAD-MODEL-LOT 117PMT20-00051 SFD O 0 1 4/2/2020 0:00 1 0 N28895 CATTLEMAN CIR MENIFEE, CA 92585 TRAILHEAD-MODEL-LOT 118PMT20-00052 SFD O 0 1 4/2/2020 0:00 1 0 NCATTLEMAN CIR MENIFEE, CA 9258 TRAILHEAD-PCO-PLAN 4PMT20-00053 SFD O 0 1 4/2/2020 0:00 1 0 NCATTLEMAN CIR MENIFEE, CA 92585 TRAILHEAD-PCO-PLAN 8PMT20-00054 SFD O 0 1 4/2/2020 0:00 1 0 N MENIFEE, CA 92584 VALOR WEST-PCO-PLAN S27J/CPMT20-00300 SFD O 0 1 5/4/2020 0:00 1 0 N MENIFEE, CA 92584 VALOR WEST-PCO-PLAN S600-APMT20-00301 SFD O 0 1 5/4/2020 0:00 1 0 N MENIFEE, CA 92584 VALOR WEST-PCO-PLAN S399PMT20-00302 SFD O 0 1 5/4/2020 0:00 1 0 N27736 CALLE TALAVERA MENIFEE, CA 92584 TALAVERA-NSFR-LOT 107PMT20-00607 SFD O 0 1 3/31/2020 0:00 1 0 N27724 CALLE TALAVERA MENIFEE, CA 92584 TALAVERA-NSFR-LOT 108PMT20-00608 SFD O 0 1 3/31/2020 0:00 1 0 N27712 CALLE TALAVERA MENIFEE, CA 92584 TALAVERA-NSFR-LOT 109PMT20-00609 SFD O 0 1 3/31/2020 0:00 1 0 N27700 CALLE TALAVERA MENIFEE, CA 92584 TALAVERA-NSFR-LOT 110PMT20-00610 SFD O 0 1 3/31/2020 0:00 1 0 N27668 CALLE TALAVERA MENIFEE, CA 92584 TALAVERA-NSFR-LOT 111PMT20-00611 SFD O 0 1 3/31/2020 0:00 1 0 N27676 CALLE TALAVERA MENIFEE, CA 92584 TALAVERA-NSFR-LOT 112PMT20-00612 SFD O 0 1 3/31/2020 0:00 1 0 N27363 GEORGETOWN DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 1PMT20-00901 SFA O 0 1 9/30/2020 0:00 1 0 N27351 GEORGETOWN DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 2PMT20-00902 SFA O 0 1 9/30/2020 0:00 1 0 N27339 GEORGETOWN DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 3PMT20-00903 SFA O 0 1 9/30/2020 0:00 1 0 N27327 GEORGETOWN DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 4PMT20-00904 SFA O 0 1 9/30/2020 0:00 1 0 N27315 GEORGETOWN DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 5PMT20-00905 SFA O 0 1 9/30/2020 0:00 1 0 N27301 GEORGETOWN DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 6PMT20-00906 SFA O 0 1 9/30/2020 0:00 1 0 N27307 GEORGETOWN DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 7PMT20-00907 SFA O 0 1 9/30/2020 0:00 1 0 N27321 GEORGETOWN DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 8PMT20-00908 SFA O 0 1 9/30/2020 0:00 1 0 N27333 GEORGETOWN DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 9PMT20-00909 SFA O 0 1 9/30/2020 0:00 1 0 N27345 GEORGETOWN DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 10PMT20-00910 SFA O 0 1 9/30/2020 0:00 1 0 N Item Title:12.2 General Plan Annual Progress Report for 2020 Item Page Number:63 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 178 of 240 Jurisdiction Menifee ANNUAL ELEMENT PROGRESS REPORT Reporting Year 2020 (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31)Housing Element Implementation Cells in grey contain auto-calculation formulas(CCR Title 25 §6202) Note: "+" indicates an optional field 27357 GEORGETOWN DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 11PMT20-00911 SFA O 0 1 9/30/2020 0:00 1 0 N27369 GEORGETOWN DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 12PMT20-00912 SFA O 0 1 9/30/2020 0:00 1 0 N017/17/2020 0:00 1 0 N27435 GEORGETOWN DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 13PMT20-01006 SFA O 0 0 027423 GEORGETOWN DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 14PMT20-01007 SFA O 0 1 9/30/2020 0:00 1 0 N27411 GEORGETOWN DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 15PMT20-01008 SFA O 0 1 9/30/2020 0:00 1 0 N27399 GEORGETOWN DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 16PMT20-01009 SFA O 0 1 9/30/2020 0:00 1 0 N27387 GEORGETOWN DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 17PMT20-01010 SFA O 0 1 9/30/2020 0:00 1 0 N27375 GEORGETOWN DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 18PMT20-01011 SFA O 0 1 9/30/2020 0:00 1 0 N27381 GEORGETOWN DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 19PMT20-01012 SFA O 0 1 9/30/2020 0:00 1 0 N27393 GEORGETOWN DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 20PMT20-01013 SFA O 0 1 9/30/2020 0:00 1 0 N27405 GEORGETOWN DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 21PMT20-01014 SFA O 0 1 9/30/2020 0:00 1 0 N27417 GEORGETOWN DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 22PMT20-01015 SFA O 0 1 9/30/2020 0:00 1 0 N27429 GEORGETOWN DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 23PMT20-01016 SFA O 0 1 9/30/2020 0:00 1 0 N27441 GEORGETOWN DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 24PMT20-01017 SFA O 0 1 9/30/2020 0:00 1 0 N30434 CAPETOWN LN MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 33PMT20-01018 SFA O 0 1 9/30/2020 0:00 1 0 N30440 CAPETOWN LN MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 34PMT20-01019 SFA O 0 1 9/30/2020 0:00 1 0 N30448 CAPETOWN LN MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 35PMT20-01020 SFA O 0 1 9/30/2020 0:00 1 0 N30456 CAPETOWN LN MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 36PMT20-01021 SFA O 0 1 9/30/2020 0:00 1 0 N30452 CAPETOWN LN MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 37PMT20-01022 SFA O 0 1 9/30/2020 0:00 1 0 N30444 CAPETOWN LN MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 38PMT20-01023 SFA O 0 1 9/30/2020 0:00 1 0 N30438 CAPETOWN LN MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 39PMT20-01024 SFA O 0 1 9/30/2020 0:00 1 0 N30430 CAPETOWN LN MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 40PMT20-01025 SFA O 0 1 9/30/2020 0:00 1 0 N30458 DOWNTOWN WAY MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 49PMT20-01026 SFA O 0 1 9/30/2020 0:00 1 0 N30462 DOWNTOWN WAY MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 48PMT20-01027 SFA O 0 1 9/30/2020 0:00 1 0 N30466 DOWNTOWN WAY MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 47PMT20-01028 SFA O 0 1 9/30/2020 0:00 1 0 N30446 DOWNTOWN WAY MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 52PMT20-01029 SFA O 0 1 9/30/2020 0:00 1 0 N30450 DOWNTOWN WAY MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 51PMT20-01030 SFA O 0 1 9/30/2020 0:00 1 0 N30454 DOWNTOWN WAY MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 50PMT20-01031 SFA O 0 1 9/30/2020 0:00 1 0 N30466 CAPETOWN LN MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 25PMT20-01032 SFA O 0 1 9/30/2020 0:00 1 0 N30474 CAPETOWN LN MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 26PMT20-01033 SFA O 0 1 9/30/2020 0:00 1 0 N30482 CAPETOWN LN MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 27PMT20-01034 SFA O 0 1 9/30/2020 0:00 1 0 N30490 CAPETOWN LN MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 28PMT20-01035 SFA O 0 1 9/30/2020 0:00 1 0 N30486 CAPETOWN LN MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 29PMT20-01036 SFA O 0 1 9/30/2020 0:00 1 0 N30478 CAPETOWN LN MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 30PMT20-01037 SFA O 0 1 9/30/2020 0:00 1 0 N30470 CAPETOWN LN MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 31PMT20-01038 SFA O 0 1 9/30/2020 0:00 1 0 N30462 CAPETOWN LN MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 32PMT20-01039 SFA O 0 1 9/30/2020 0:00 1 0 N30490 DOWNTOWN WAY MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 41PMT20-01040 SFA O 0 1 9/30/2020 0:00 1 0 N30486 DOWNTOWN WAY MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 42PMT20-01041 SFA O 0 1 9/30/2020 0:00 1 0 N30482 DOWNTOWN WAY MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 43PMT20-01042 SFA O 0 1 9/30/2020 0:00 1 0 N30478 DOWNTOWN WAY MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 44PMT20-01043 SFA O 0 1 9/30/2020 0:00 1 0 N30474 DOWNTOWN WAY MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 45PMT20-01044 SFA O 0 1 9/30/2020 0:00 1 0 N30470 DOWNTOWN WAY MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 46PMT20-01045 SFA O 0 1 9/30/2020 0:00 1 0 N30341 TOWN SQUARE DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 158PMT20-01046 SFA O 0 1 9/22/2020 0:00 1 0 N30337 TOWN SQUARE DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 157PMT20-01047 SFA O 0 1 9/22/2020 0:00 1 0 N30333 TOWN SQUARE DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 156PMT20-01048 SFA O 0 1 9/22/2020 0:00 1 0 N30329 TOWN SQUARE DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 155PMT20-01049 SFA O 0 1 9/22/2020 0:00 1 0 N30325 TOWN SQUARE DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 154PMT20-01050 SFA O 0 1 9/22/2020 0:00 1 0 N30321 TOWN SQUARE DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 153PMT20-01051 SFA O 0 1 9/22/2020 0:00 1 0 N30323 TOWN SQUARE DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 152PMT20-01052 SFA O 0 1 9/22/2020 0:00 1 0 N30327 TOWN SQUARE DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 151PMT20-01053 SFA O 0 1 9/22/2020 0:00 1 0 N30331 TOWN SQUARE DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 150PMT20-01054 SFA O 0 1 9/22/2020 0:00 1 0 N30335 TOWN SQUARE DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 149PMT20-01055 SFA O 0 1 9/22/2020 0:00 1 0 N30339 TOWN SQUARE DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 148PMT20-01056 SFA O 0 1 9/22/2020 0:00 1 0 N30343 TOWN SQUARE DR MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 147PMT20-01057 SFA O 0 1 9/22/2020 0:00 1 0 N27366 PROVINCETOWN WAY MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 201PMT20-01058 SFA O 0 1 9/22/2020 0:00 1 0 N27354 PROVINCETOWN WAY MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 202PMT20-01059 SFA O 0 1 9/22/2020 0:00 1 0 N27342 PROVINCETOWN WAY MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 203PMT20-01060 SFA O 0 1 9/22/2020 0:00 1 0 N27330 PROVINCETOWN WAY MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 204PMT20-01061 SFA O 0 1 9/22/2020 0:00 1 0 N27318 PROVINCETOWN WAY MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 205PMT20-01062 SFA O 0 1 9/22/2020 0:00 1 0 N27306 PROVINCETOWN WAY MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 206PMT20-01063 SFA O 0 1 9/22/2020 0:00 1 0 N27372 PROVINCETOWN WAY MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 207PMT20-01064 SFA O 0 1 9/22/2020 0:00 1 0 N27384 PROVINCETOWN WAY MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 208PMT20-01065 SFA O 0 1 9/22/2020 0:00 1 0 N27396 PROVINCETOWN WAY MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 209PMT20-01066 SFA O 0 1 9/22/2020 0:00 1 0 N27408 PROVINCETOWN WAY MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 210PMT20-01067 SFA O 0 1 9/22/2020 0:00 1 0 N27420 PROVINCETOWN WAY MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 211PMT20-01068 SFA O 0 1 9/22/2020 0:00 1 0 N27432 PROVINCETOWN WAY MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 212PMT20-01069 SFA O 0 1 9/22/2020 0:00 1 0 N27438 PROVINCETOWN WAY MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 213PMT20-01070 SFA O 0 1 9/22/2020 0:00 1 0 N27426 PROVINCETOWN WAY MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 214PMT20-01071 SFA O 0 1 9/22/2020 0:00 1 0 N27414 PROVINCETOWN WAY MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 215PMT20-01072 SFA O 0 1 9/22/2020 0:00 1 0 N27402 PROVINCETOWN WAY MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 216PMT20-01073 SFA O 0 1 9/22/2020 0:00 1 0 N27390 PROVINCETOWN WAY MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 217PMT20-01074 SFA O 0 1 9/22/2020 0:00 1 0 N27378 PROVINCETOWN WAY MENIFEE, 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 218PMT20-01075 SFA O 0 1 9/22/2020 0:00 1 0 N24975 DESTRY DR MENIFEE, CA 92586 MAJESTIC-NSFR-LOT 11PMT20-01462 SFD O 0 1 7/1/2020 0:00 1 0 N24987 DESTRY DR MENIFEE, CA 92586 MAJESTIC-NSFR-LOT 12PMT20-01463 SFD O 0 1 7/1/2020 0:00 1 0 N24999 DESTRY DR MENIFEE, CA 92586 MAJESTIC-NSFR-LOT-13PMT20-01464 SFD O 0 1 7/1/2020 0:00 1 0 N26584 CALLE LOS ROBLES MENIFEE, CA 92584 TALAVERA-NSFR-LOT 69PMT20-01734 SFD O 0 1 7/6/2020 0:00 1 0 N26572 CALLE LOS ROBLES MENIFEE, CA 92584 TALAVERA-NSFR-LOT 70PMT20-01735 SFD O 0 1 7/6/2020 0:00 1 0 N26560 CALLE LOS ROBLES MENIFEE, CA 92584 TALAVERA-NSFR-LOT 71PMT20-01736 SFD O 0 1 7/6/2020 0:00 1 0 N26567 CALLE LOS ROBLES MENIFEE, CA 92584 TALAVERA-NSFR-LOT 79PMT20-01737 SFD O 0 1 7/6/2020 0:00 1 0 N26579 CALLE LOS ROBLES MENIFEE, CA 92584 TALAVERA-NSFR-LOT 80PMT20-01738 SFD O 0 1 7/6/2020 0:00 1 0 N26591 CALLE LOS ROBLES MENIFEE, CA 92584 TALAVERA-NSFR-LOT 81PMT20-01739 SFD O 0 1 7/6/2020 0:00 1 0 N26852 CALLE CELIA MENIFEE, CA 92584 TALAVERA-NSFR-LOT 65PMT20-01740 SFD O 0 1 7/6/2020 0:00 1 0 N26620 CALLE LOS ROBLES MENIFEE, CA 92584 TALAVERA-NSFR-LOT 66PMT20-01741 SFD O 0 1 7/6/2020 0:00 1 0 N26608 CALLE ROBLES MENIFEE, CA 92584 TALAVERA-NSFR-LOT 67PMT20-01742 SFD O 0 1 7/6/2020 0:00 1 0 N26596 CALLE LOS ROBLES MENIFEE, CA 92584 TALAVERA-NSFR-LOT 68PMT20-01743 SFD O 0 1 7/6/2020 0:00 1 0 N26603 CALLE LOS ROBLES MENIFEE, CA 92584 TALAVERA-NSFR-LOT 82PMT20-01744 SFD O 0 1 7/6/2020 0:00 1 0 N26615 CALLE LOS ROBLES MENIFEE, CA 92584 TALAVERA-NSFR-LOT 83PMT20-01745 SFD O 0 1 7/6/2020 0:00 1 0 N29589 CABALLERO CT MENIFEE, CA 92586 MAJESTIC-NSFR-LOT-67PMT20-02183 SFD O 0 1 7/1/2020 0:00 1 0 N29611 CABALLERO CT MENIFEE, CA 92586 MAJESTIC-NSFR-LOT-68PMT20-02184 SFD O 0 1 7/1/2020 0:00 1 0 N29577 STAGELINE CIR MENIFEE, CA 92586 MAJESTIC-NSFR-LOT-54PMT20-02186 SFD O 0 1 8/3/2020 0:00 1 0 N24971 BENSON DR MENIFEE, CA 92586 MAJESTIC-NSFR-LOT-53PMT20-02189 SFD O 0 1 8/3/2020 0:00 1 0 N29634 VALANCE CT MENIFEE, CA 92586 MAJESTIC-NSFR-LOT 76PMT20-02190 SFD O 0 1 8/3/2020 0:00 1 0 N29622 VALANCE CT MENIFEE, CA 92586 MAJESTIC-NSFR-LOT 77PMT20-02191 SFD O 0 1 8/3/2020 0:00 1 0 N29610 VALANCE CT MENIFEE, CA 92586 MAJESTIC-NSFR-LOT 78PMT20-02192 SFD O 0 1 8/3/2020 0:00 1 0 N29615 VALANCE CT MENIFEE, CA 92586 MAJESTIC-NSFR-LOT 88PMT20-02193 SFD O 0 1 8/3/2020 0:00 1 0 N29627 VALANCE CT MENIFEE, CA 92586 MAJESTIC-NSFR-LOT 89PMT20-02194 SFD O 0 1 8/3/2020 0:00 1 0 N24959 BENSON DR MENIFEE, CA 92586 MAJESTIC-NSFR-LOT 52PMT20-02196 SFD O 0 1 8/20/2020 0:00 1 0 N29598 VALANCE CT MENIFEE, CA 92586 MAJESTIC-NSFR-LOT 79PMT20-02197 SFD O 0 1 8/20/2020 0:00 1 0 N29519 VALANCE CT MENIFEE, CA 92586 MAJESTIC-NSFR-LOT 80PMT20-02198 SFD O 0 1 8/24/2020 0:00 1 0 N29531 VALANCE CT MENIFEE, CA 92586 MAJESTIC-NSFR-LOT 81PMT20-02199 SFD O 0 1 8/24/2020 0:00 1 0 N29543 VALANCE CT MENIFEE, CA 92586 MAJESTIC-NSFR-LOT 82PMT20-02200 SFD O 0 1 8/24/2020 0:00 1 0 N29555 VALANCE CT MENIFEE, CA 92586 MAJESTIC-NSFR-LOT 83PMT20-02201 SFD O 0 1 8/24/2020 0:00 1 0 N29567 VALANCE CT MENIFEE, CA 92586 MAJESTIC-NSFR-LOT 84PMT20-02202 SFD O 0 1 8/24/2020 0:00 1 0 N29579 VALANCE CT MENIFEE, CA 92586 MAJESTIC-NSFR-LOT 85PMT20-02203 SFD O 0 1 8/24/2020 0:00 1 0 N29591 VALANCE CT MENIFEE, CA 92586 MAJESTIC-NSFR-LOT 86PMT20-02204 SFD O 0 1 8/20/2020 0:00 1 0 N24916 BENSON RD MENIFEE, CA 92586 HACIENDA-NSFR-LOT-33PMT20-02205 SFD O 0 1 8/20/2020 0:00 1 0 N24904 BENSON RD MENIFEE, CA 92586 HACIENDA-NSFR-LOT-34PMT20-02206 SFD O 0 1 8/20/2020 0:00 1 0 N24892 BENSON RD MENIFEE, CA 92586 HACIENDA-NSFR-LOT-35PMT20-02207 SFD O 0 1 8/20/2020 0:00 1 0 N24880 BENSON DR MENIFEE, CA 92586 HACIENDA-NSFR-LOT-36PMT20-02208 SFD O 0 1 8/20/2020 0:00 1 0 N24875 BENSON DR MENIFEE, CA 92586 HACIENDA-NSFR-LOT-46PMT20-02209 SFD O 0 1 8/20/2020 0:00 1 0 N24899 BENSON DR MENIFEE, CA 92586 HACIENDA-NSFR-LOT 47PMT20-02210 SFD O 0 1 8/20/2020 0:00 1 0 N24911 BENSON DR MENIFEE, CA 92586 HACIENDA-NSFR-LOT-48PMT20-02211 SFD O 0 1 8/20/2020 0:00 1 0 N24923 BENSON DR MENIFEE, CA 92586 HACIENDA-NSFR-LOT-49PMT20-02212 SFD O 0 1 8/20/2020 0:00 1 0 N29555 LAREDO CIR MENIFEE, CA 92586 MAJESTIC-NSFR-LOT 39PMT20-02213 SFD O 0 1 9/25/2020 0:00 1 0 N29567 LAREDO CIR MENIFEE, CA 92586 MAJESTIC-NSFR-LOT 40PMT20-02214 SFD O 0 1 9/25/2020 0:00 1 0 N29579 LAREDO CIR MENIFEE, CA 92586 MAJESTIC-NSFR-LOT 41PMT20-02215 SFD O 0 1 9/25/2020 0:00 1 0 N29591 LAREDO CIR MENIFEE, CA 92586 MAJESTIC-NSFR-LOT 42PMT20-02216 SFD O 0 1 9/25/2020 0:00 1 0 N29620 LAREDO CIR MENIFEE, CA 92586 MAJESTIC-NSFR-LOT 43PMT20-02217 SFD O 0 1 9/25/2020 0:00 1 0 N29608 LAREDO CIR MENIFEE, CA 92586 MAJESTIC-NSFR-LOT 44PMT20-02218 SFD O 0 1 9/25/2020 0:00 1 0 N24868 BENSON DR MENIFEE, CA 92586 HACIENDA-NSFR-LOT 37PMT20-02223 SFD O 0 1 9/25/2020 0:00 1 0 N29543 LAREDO CIR MENIFEE, CA 92586 HACIENDA-NSFR-LOT 38PMT20-02224 SFD O 0 1 9/25/2020 0:00 1 0 N29500 STAGELINE CIR MENIFEE, CA 92586 HACIENDA-NSFR-LOT 26PMT20-02229 SFD O 0 1 8/4/2020 0:00 1 0 N29505 STAGELINE CIR MENIFEE, CA 92586 HACIENDA-NSFR-LOT 27PMT20-02230 SFD O 0 1 8/4/2020 0:00 1 0 N29517 STAGELINE CIR MENIFEE, CA 92586 HACIENDA-NSFR-LOT 28PMT20-02231 SFD O 0 1 8/4/2020 0:00 1 0 N29603 VALANCE CT MENIFEE, CA 92586 HACIENDA-NSFR-LOT 87PMT20-02232 SFD O 0 1 8/4/2020 0:00 1 0 N24964 BENSON DR MENIFEE, CA 92586 HACIENDA-NSFR-LOT 29PMT20-02235 SFD O 0 1 8/20/2020 0:00 1 0 N24952 BENSON DR MENIFEE, CA 92586 HACIENDA-NSFR-LOT 30PMT20-02236 SFD O 0 1 8/20/2020 0:00 1 0 N24940 BENSON DR MENIFEE, CA 92586 HACIENDA-NSFR-LOT 31PMT20-02237 SFD O 0 1 8/20/2020 0:00 1 0 N24928 BENSON DR MENIFEE, CA 92586 HACIENDA-NSFR-LOT 32PMT20-02238 SFD O 0 1 8/20/2020 0:00 1 0 N24935 BENSON DR MENIFEE, CA 92586 HACIENDA-NSFR-LOT 50PMT20-02239 SFD O 0 1 8/20/2020 0:00 1 0 N24947 BENSON DR MENIFEE, CA 92586 HACIENDA-NSFR-LOT 51PMT20-02240 SFD O 0 1 8/20/2020 0:00 1 0 N24495 RESERVE CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 TRIBUTE II-NSFR-LOT 17PMT20-02322 SFD O 0 1 7/28/2020 0:00 1 0 N24487 RESERVE CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 TRIBUTE II-NSFR-LOT 18PMT20-02323 SFD O 0 1 7/28/2020 0:00 1 0 N24479 RESERVE CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 TRIBUTE II-NSFR-LOT 19PMT20-02324 SFD O 0 1 7/28/2020 0:00 1 0 N24471 RESERVE CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 TRIBUTE II-NSFR-LOT 20PMT20-02325 SFD O 0 1 7/28/2020 0:00 1 0 N24463 RESERVE CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 TRIBUTE II-NSFR-LOT 21PMT20-02326 SFD O 0 1 7/28/2020 0:00 1 0 N24464 RESERVE CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 TRIBUTE II-NSFR-LOT 49PMT20-02327 SFD O 0 1 7/28/2020 0:00 1 0 N24472 RESERVE CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 TRIBUTE II-NSFR-LOT 50PMT20-02328 SFD O 0 1 7/28/2020 0:00 1 0 N24480 RESERVE CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 TRIBUTE II-NSFR-LOT 51PMT20-02329 SFD O 0 1 7/28/2020 0:00 1 0 N24455 RESERVE CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 TRIBUTE II-NSFR-LOT 22PMT20-02330 SFD O 0 1 7/29/2020 0:00 1 0 N24447 RESERVE CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 TRIBUTE II-NSFR-LOT 23PMT20-02331 SFD O 0 1 7/29/2020 0:00 1 0 N24439 RESERVE CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 TRIBUTE II-NSFR-LOT 24PMT20-02332 SFD O 0 1 7/29/2020 0:00 1 0 N24440 RESERVE CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 TRIBUTE II-NSFR-LOT 46PMT20-02333 SFD O 0 1 7/29/2020 0:00 1 0 N24448 RESERVE CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 TRIBUTE II-NSFR-LOT 47PMT20-02334 SFD O 0 1 7/29/2020 0:00 1 0 N24456 RESERVE CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 TRIBUTE II-NSFR-LOT 48PMT20-02335 SFD O 0 1 7/29/2020 0:00 1 0 N24431 RESERVE CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 TRIBUTE II-NSFR-LOT 25PMT20-02336 SFD O 0 1 10/28/2020 0:00 1 0 N24423 RESERVE CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 TRIBUTE II-NSFR-LOT 26PMT20-02337 SFD O 0 1 10/28/2020 0:00 1 0 N24415 RESERVE CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 TRIBUTE II-NSFR-LOT 27PMT20-02338 SFD O 0 1 10/28/2020 0:00 1 0 N24407 RESERVE CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 TRIBUTE II-NSFR-LOT 28PMT20-02339 SFD O 0 1 10/28/2020 0:00 1 0 N24392 RESERVE CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 TRIBUTE II-NSFR-LOT 43PMT20-02340 SFD O 0 1 10/28/2020 0:00 1 0 N24400 RESERVE CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 TRIBUTE II-NSFR-LOT 44PMT20-02341 SFD O 0 1 10/28/2020 0:00 1 0 N24408 RESERVE CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 TRIBUTE II-NSFR-LOT 45PMT20-02342 SFD O 0 1 10/28/2020 0:00 1 0 N24399 RESERVE CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 TRIBUTE II-NSFR-LOT 29PMT20-02343 SFD O 0 1 11/24/2020 0:00 1 0 N24391 RESERVE CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 TRIBUTE II-NSFR-LOT 30PMT20-02344 SFD O 0 1 11/24/2020 0:00 1 0 N24383 RESERVE CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 TRIBUTE II-NSFR-LOT 31PMT20-02345 SFD O 0 1 11/24/2020 0:00 1 0 N24375 RESERVE CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 TRIBUTE II-NSFR-LOT 32PMT20-02346 SFD O 0 1 11/24/2020 0:00 1 0 N24368 RESERVE CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 TRIBUTE II-NSFR-LOT 40PMT20-02347 SFD O 0 1 11/24/2020 0:00 1 0 N24376 RESERVE CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 TRIBUTE II-NSFR-LOT 41PMT20-02348 SFD O 0 1 11/24/2020 0:00 1 0 N24384 RESERVE CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 TRIBUTE II-NSFR-LOT 42PMT20-02349 SFD O 0 1 11/24/2020 0:00 1 0 N24367 RESERVE CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 TRIBUTE II-NSFR-LOT 33PMT20-02350 SFD O 0 1 12/16/2020 0:00 1 0 N24359 RESERVE CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 TRIBUTE II-NSFR-LOT 34PMT20-02351 SFD O 0 1 12/16/2020 0:00 1 0 N24351 RESERVE CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 TRIBUTE II-NSFR-LOT 35PMT20-02352 SFD O 0 1 12/16/2020 0:00 1 0 N24343 RESERVE CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 TRIBUTE II-NSFR-LOT 36PMT20-02353 SFD O 0 1 12/16/2020 0:00 1 0 N24344 RESERVE CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 TRIBUTE II-NSFR-LOT 37PMT20-02354 SFD O 0 1 12/16/2020 0:00 1 0 N24352 RESERVE CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 TRIBUTE II-NSFR-LOT 38PMT20-02355 SFD O 0 1 12/16/2020 0:00 1 0 N24360 RESERVE CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 TRIBUTE II-NSFR-LOT 39PMT20-02356 SFD O 0 1 12/16/2020 0:00 1 0 N28974 CATTLEMAN CIR MENIFEE, CA 92585 TRAILHEAD-NSFR-LOT 4PMT20-02399 SFD O 0 1 7/13/2020 0:00 1 0 N28966 CATTLEMAN CIR MENIFEE, CA 92585 TRAILHEAD-NSFR-LOT 3PMT20-02402 SFD O 0 1 7/13/2020 0:00 1 0 N28951 CATTLEMAN CIR MENIFEE, CA 92585 TRAILHEAD-NSFR-LOTPMT20-02403 SFD O 0 1 7/13/2020 0:00 1 0 N27885 CALLE TALAVERA MENIFEE, CA 92584 TALAVERA-NSFR-LOT 35PMT20-02651 SFD O 0 1 8/10/2020 0:00 1 0 N27926 CALLE TALAVERA MENIFEE, CA 92584 TALAVERA-NSFR-LOT 39PMT20-02652 SFD O 0 1 8/10/2020 0:00 1 0 N26542 CALLE CANTERA MENIFEE, CA 92584 TALAVERA-NSFR-LOT 49PMT20-02653 SFD O 0 1 8/10/2020 0:00 1 0 N26537 CALLE CANTERA MENIFEE, CA 92584 TALAVERA-NSFR-LOT 55PMT20-02654 SFD O 0 1 8/10/2020 0:00 1 0 N26548 CALLE LOS ROBLES MENIFEE, CA 92584 TALAVERA-NSFR-LOT 72PMT20-02655 SFD O 0 1 8/10/2020 0:00 1 0 N26555 CALLE LOS ROBLES MENIFEE, CA 92584 TALAVERA-NSFR-LOT 78PMT20-02656 SFD O 0 1 8/10/2020 0:00 1 0 N26780 CALLE CELIA MENIFEE, CA 92584 TALAVERA-NSFR-LOT 84PMT20-02657 SFD O 0 1 8/10/2020 0:00 1 0 N26768 CALLE CELIA MENIFEE, CA 92584 TALAVERA-NSFR-LOT 85PMT20-02658 SFD O 0 1 8/10/2020 0:00 1 0 N26756 CALLE CELIA MENIFEE, CA 92584 TALAVERA-NSFR-LOT 86PMT20-02659 SFD O 0 1 8/10/2020 0:00 1 0 N26835 CALLE CELIA MENIFEE, CA 92584 TALAVERA-NSFR-LOT 104PMT20-02660 SFD O 0 1 8/10/2020 0:00 1 0 N26847 CALLE CELIA MENIFEE, CA 92584 TALAVERA-NSFR-LOTPMT20-02661 SFD O 0 1 8/10/2020 0:00 1 0 N24730 WINTER CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 VALOR WEST-NSFR-LOT 1PMT20-02790 SFD O 0 1 7/29/2020 0:00 1 0 N24718 WINTER CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 VALOR WEST-NSFR-LOT 2PMT20-02791 SFD O 0 1 7/29/2020 0:00 1 0 N24706 WINTER CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 VALOR WEST-NSFR-LOT 3PMT20-02792 SFD O 0 1 7/29/2020 0:00 1 0 N24694 WINTER CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 VALOR WEST-NSFR-LOT 4PMT20-02793 SFD O 0 1 7/29/2020 0:00 1 0 N24682 WINTER CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 VALOR WEST-NSFR-LOT 5PMT20-02794 SFD O 0 1 8/3/2020 0:00 1 0 N24670 WINTER CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 VALOR WEST-NSFR-LOT 6PMT20-02795 SFD O 0 1 8/3/2020 0:00 1 0 N24658 WINTER CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 VALOR WEST-NSFR-LOT 7PMT20-02796 SFD O 0 1 7/29/2020 0:00 1 0 N24634 WINTER CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 VALOR WEST-NSFR-LOT 9PMT20-02958 SFD O 0 1 8/11/2020 0:00 1 0 N24622 WINTER CIR MENIFEE, CA 92584 VALOR WEST-NSFR-LOT 10PMT20-02959 SFD O 0 1 8/11/2020 0:00 1 0 N29596 LAREDO CIR MENIFEE, CA 92586 MAJESTIC-NSFR-LOT 45PMT20-03161 SFD O 0 1 9/25/2020 0:00 1 0 N24908 DESTRY DR MENIFEE, CA 92586 MAJESTIC-NSFR-LOT 71PMT20-03162 SFD O 0 1 9/25/2020 0:00 1 0 N24896 DESTRY DR MENIFEE, CA 92586 MAJESTIC-NSFR-LOT 72PMT20-03163 SFD O 0 1 9/25/2020 0:00 1 0 N24884 DESTRY DR MENIFEE, CA 92586 MAJESTIC-NSFR-LOT 73PMT20-03164 SFD O 0 1 9/25/2020 0:00 1 0 N24872 DESTRY DR MENIFEE, CA 92586 MAJESTIC-NSFR-LOT 74PMT20-03165 SFD O 0 1 9/25/2020 0:00 1 0 N24891 DESTRY DR MENIFEE, CA 92586 MAJESTIC-NSFR-LOT 4PMT20-03166 SFD O 0 1 9/25/2020 0:00 1 0 N24903 DESTRY DR MENIFEE, CA 92586 MAJESTIC-NSFR-LOT 5PMT20-03167 SFD O 0 1 9/25/2020 0:00 1 0 N24939 DESTRY DR MENIFEE, CA 92586 MAJESTIC-NSFR-LOT 8PMT20-03168 SFD O 0 1 9/25/2020 0:00 1 0 N24920 DESTRY DR MENIFEE, CA 92586 HACIENDA-NSFR-LOT 70PMT20-03197 SFD O 0 1 9/25/2020 0:00 1 0 N29646 VALANCE CT MENIFEE, CA 92586 HACIENDA-NSFR-LOT 75PMT20-03198 SFD O 0 1 9/25/2020 0:00 1 0 N29639 VALANCE CT MENIFEE, CA 92586 HACIENDA-NSFR-LOT 90PMT20-03199 SFD O 0 1 9/25/2020 0:00 1 0 N24855 DESTRY DR MENIFEE, CA 92586 HACIENDA-NSFR-LOT 1PMT20-03200 SFD O 0 1 9/25/2020 0:00 1 0 N28982 CATTLEMAN CIR MENIFEE, CA 92585 TRAILHEAD-NSFR-LOT 5PMT20-03259 SFD O 0 1 9/9/2020 0:00 1 0 N28990 CATTLEMAN CIR MENIFEE, CA 92585 TRAILHEAD-NSFR-LOT 6PMT20-03262 SFD O 0 1 9/9/2020 0:00 1 0 N27020 GREAT PLAINS CT MENIFEE, CA 92585 TRAILHEAD-NSFR-LOT 7PMT20-03263 SFD O 0 1 9/9/2020 0:00 1 0 N27028 GREAT PLAINS CT MENIFEE, CA 92585 TRAILHEAD-NSFR-LOT 8PMT20-03264 SFD O 0 1 9/9/2020 0:00 1 0 N27036 GREAT PLAINS CT MENIFEE, CA 92585 TRAILHEAD-NSFR-LOT 9PMT20-03265 SFD O 0 1 9/9/2020 0:00 1 0 N28983 CATTLEMAN CIR MENIFEE, CA 92585 TRAILHEAD-NSFR-LOT 109PMT20-03266 SFD O 0 1 9/9/2020 0:00 1 0 N28975 CATTLEMAN CIR MENIFEE, CA 92585 TRAILHEAD-NSFR-LOT 110PMT20-03267 SFD O 0 1 9/9/2020 0:00 1 0 N28838 HORSETAIL CIR MENIFEE, CA 92585 WESTWARD-NSFR-LOT 133PMT20-03270 SFD O 0 1 9/9/2020 0:00 1 0 N28846 HORSETAIL CIR MENIFEE, CA 92585 WESTWARD-NSFR-LOT 134PMT20-03271 SFD O 0 1 9/9/2020 0:00 1 0 N28854 HORSETAIL CIR MENIFEE, CA 92585 WESTWARD-NSFR-LOT 135PMT20-03272 SFD O 0 1 9/9/2020 0:00 1 0 N28862 HORSETAIL CIR MENIFEE, CA 92585 WESTWARD-NSFR-LOT 136PMT20-03273 SFD O 0 1 9/9/2020 0:00 1 0 N28863 HORSETAIL CIR MENIFEE, CA 92585 WESTWARD-NSFR-LOT 137PMT20-03274 SFD O 0 1 9/9/2020 0:00 1 0 N28855 HORSETAIL CIR MENIFEE, CA 92585 WESTWARD-NSFR-LOT 138PMT20-03275 SFD O 0 1 9/9/2020 0:00 1 0 N28847 HORSETAIL CIR MENIFEE, CA 92585 WESTWARD-NSFR-LOT 139PMT20-03276 SFD O 0 1 9/9/2020 0:00 1 0 N28839 HORSETAIL CIR MENIFEE, CA 92585 WESTWARD-NSFR-LOT 140PMT20-03277 SFD O 0 1 9/9/2020 0:00 1 0 N30871 WILD BERRY WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 PARK RIDGE-NSFR-LOT 54PMT20-03278 SFD O 0 1 9/2/2020 0:00 1 0 N30879 WILD BERRY WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 PARK RIDGE-NSFR-LOT 55PMT20-03279 SFD O 0 1 9/2/2020 0:00 1 0 N30887 WILD BERRY WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 PARK RIDGE-NSFR-LOT 56PMT20-03280 SFD O 0 1 9/2/2020 0:00 1 0 N30895 WILD BERRY WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 PARK RIDGE-NSFR-LOT 57PMT20-03281 SFD O 0 1 9/2/2020 0:00 1 0 N30896 WILD BERRY WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 PARK RIDGE-NSFR-LOT 65PMT20-03282 SFD O 0 1 9/2/2020 0:00 1 0 N30880 WILD BERRY WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 PARK RIDGE-NSFR-LOT 66PMT20-03283 SFD O 0 1 9/2/2020 0:00 1 0 N30872 WILD BERRY WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 PARK RIDGE-NSFR-LOT 67PMT20-03284 SFD O 0 1 9/2/2020 0:00 1 0 N30882 WINDY RIDGE WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 UNION PLACE-NSFR-LOT 124PMT20-03285 SFD O 0 1 9/3/2020 0:00 1 0 N30874 WINDY RIDGE WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 UNION PLACE-NSFR-LOT 125PMT20-03286 SFD O 0 1 9/3/2020 0:00 1 0 N30866 WINDY RIDGE WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 UNION PLACE-NSFR-LOT 126PMT20-03287 SFD O 0 1 9/3/2020 0:00 1 0 N30858 WINDY RIDGE WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 UNION PLACE-NSFR-LOT 127PMT20-03288 SFD O 0 1 9/3/2020 0:00 1 0 N Item Title:12.2 General Plan Annual Progress Report for 2020 Item Page Number:64 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 179 of 240 Jurisdiction Menifee ANNUAL ELEMENT PROGRESS REPORT Reporting Year 2020 (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31)Housing Element Implementation Cells in grey contain auto-calculation formulas(CCR Title 25 §6202) Note: "+" indicates an optional field 30857 WINDY RIDGE WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 UNION PLACE-NSFR-LOT 142PMT20-03289 SFD O 0 1 9/3/2020 0:00 1 0 N30865 WINDY RIDGE WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 UNION PLACE-NSFR-LOT 143PMT20-03290 SFD O 0 1 9/3/2020 0:00 1 0 N30873 WINDY RIDGE WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 UNION PLACE-NSFR-LOT 144PMT20-03291 SFD O 0 1 9/3/2020 0:00 1 0 N30881 WINDY RIDGE WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 UNION PLACE-NSFR-LOT 145PMT20-03292 SFD O 0 1 9/3/2020 0:00 1 0 N29456 KITTRIDGE CIR MENIFEE, CA 92586 COMPASS-NSFR-LOT 46PMT20-03293 SFD O 0 1 10/21/2020 0:00 1 0 N29444 KITTRIDGE CIR MENIFEE, CA 92586 COMPASS-NSFR-LOT 45PMT20-03294 SFD O 0 1 10/21/2020 0:00 1 0 N29432 KITTRIDGE CIR MENIFEE, CA 92586 COMPASS-NSFR-LOT 44PMT20-03295 SFD O 0 1 10/21/2020 0:00 1 0 N29455 KITTRIDGE CIR MENIFEE, CA 92586 COMPASS-NSFR-LOT 33PMT20-03296 SFD O 0 1 10/21/2020 0:00 1 0 N29443 KITTRIDGE CIR MENIFEE, CA 92586 COMPASS-NSFR-LOT 34PMT20-03297 SFD O 0 1 10/21/2020 0:00 1 0 N29431 KITTRIDGE CIR MENIFEE, CA 92586 COMPASS-NSFR-LOT 35PMT20-03298 SFD O 0 1 10/21/2020 0:00 1 0 N29419 KITTRIDGE CIR MENIFEE, CA 92586 COMPASS-NSFR-LOT 36PMT20-03299 SFD O 0 1 10/21/2020 0:00 1 0 N26751 CALLE CELIA MENIFEE, CA 92584 TALAVERA-NSFR-LOT 95PMT20-03365 SFD O 0 1 9/29/2020 0:00 1 0 N26763 CALLE CELIA MENIFEE, CA 92584 TALAVERA-NSFR-LOT 96PMT20-03367 SFD O 0 1 9/29/2020 0:00 1 0 N26775 CALLE CELIA MENIFEE, CA 92584 TALAVERA-NSFR-LOT 97PMT20-03368 SFD O 0 1 9/29/2020 0:00 1 0 N27784 CALLE LOS OLIVOS MENIFEE, CA 92584 TALAVERA-NSFR-LOT 98PMT20-03369 SFD O 0 1 9/29/2020 0:00 1 0 N27758 CALLE LOS OLIVOS MENIFEE, CA 92584 TALAVERA-NSFR-LOT 99PMT20-03370 SFD O 0 1 9/29/2020 0:00 1 0 N27753 CALLE LOS OLIVOS MENIFEE, CA 92584 TALAVERA-NSFR-LOT 100PMT20-03371 SFD O 0 1 9/29/2020 0:00 1 0 N27765 CALLE LOS OLIVOS MENIFEE, CA 92584 TALAVERA-NSFR-LOT 101PMT20-03372 SFD O 0 1 9/29/2020 0:00 1 0 N27777 CALLE LOS OLIVOS MENIFEE, CA 92584 TALAVERA-NSFR-LOT 102PMT20-03373 SFD O 0 1 9/29/2020 0:00 1 0 N27789 CALLE LOS OLIVOS MENIFEE, CA 92584 TALAVERA-NSFR-LOT 103PMT20-03374 SFD O 0 1 9/29/2020 0:00 1 0 N26744 CALLE CELIA MENIFEE, CA 92584 TALAVERA-NSFR-LOT 87PMT20-03375 SFD O 0 1 9/29/2020 0:00 1 0 N24482 CARGO CIR MENIFEE, CA 92585 VAQUERO-NSFR-LOT 78PMT20-03401 SFD O 0 1 8/27/2020 0:00 1 0 N24494 CARGO CIR MENIFEE, CA 92585 VAQUERO-NSFR-LOT 79PMT20-03402 SFD O 0 1 8/27/2020 0:00 1 0 N24506 CARGO CIR MENIFEE, CA 92585 VAQUERO-NSFR-LOT 80PMT20-03403 SFD O 0 1 8/27/2020 0:00 1 0 N24518 CARGO CIR MENIFEE, CA 92585 VAQUERO-NSFR-LOT 81PMT20-03404 SFD O 0 1 8/27/2020 0:00 1 0 N24523 CARGO CIR MENIFEE, CA 92585 VAQUERO-NSFR-LOT 82PMT20-03405 SFD O 0 1 8/27/2020 0:00 1 0 N24511 CARGO CIR MENIFEE, CA 92585 VAQUERO-NSFR-LOT 83PMT20-03406 SFD O 0 1 8/27/2020 0:00 1 0 N24499 CARGO CIR MENIFEE, CA 92585 VAQUERO-NSFR-LOT 84PMT20-03407 SFD O 0 1 8/27/2020 0:00 1 0 N24625 LEGION CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 VALOR WEST-NSFR-LOT 29PMT20-03565 SFD O 0 1 9/16/2020 0:00 1 0 N24637 LEGION CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 VALOR WEST-NSFR-LOT 30PMT20-03566 SFD O 0 1 9/16/2020 0:00 1 0 N24642 LEGION CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 VALOR WEST-NSFR-LOT 46PMT20-03567 SFD O 0 1 9/16/2020 0:00 1 0 N24630 LEGION CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 VALOR WEST-NSFR-LOT 47PMT20-03568 SFD O 0 1 9/16/2020 0:00 1 0 N29420 KITTRIDGE CIR MENIFEE, CA 92586 COMPASS-NSFR-LOT 43PMT20-03586 SFD O 0 1 11/9/2020 0:00 1 0 N29408 KITTRIDGE CIR MENIFEE, CA 92586 COMPASS-NSFR-LOT 42PMT20-03587 SFD O 0 1 11/9/2020 0:00 1 0 N29396 KITTRIDGE CIR MENIFEE, CA 92586 COMPASS-NSFR-LOT 41PMT20-03588 SFD O 0 1 11/9/2020 0:00 1 0 N29384 KITTRIDGE CIR MENIFEE, CA 92586 COMPASS-NSFR-LOT 40PMT20-03589 SFD O 0 1 11/9/2020 0:00 1 0 N29407 KITTRIDGE CIR MENIFEE, CA 92586 COMPASS-NSFR-LOT 37PMT20-03590 SFD O 0 1 11/9/2020 0:00 1 0 N29395 KITTRIDGE CIR MENIFEE, CA 92586 COMPASS-NSFR-LOT 38PMT20-03591 SFD O 0 1 11/9/2020 0:00 1 0 N29383 KITTRIDGE CIR MENIFEE, CA 92586 COMPASS-NSFR-LOT 39PMT20-03592 SFD O 0 1 11/9/2020 0:00 1 0 N24649 LEGION CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 VALOR WEST-NSFR-LOT 31PMT20-03628 SFD O 0 1 10/21/2020 0:00 1 0 N24661 LEGION CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 VALOR WEST-NSFR-LOT 32PMT20-03629 SFD O 0 1 10/21/2020 0:00 1 0 N24668 LEGION CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 VALOR WEST-NSFR-LOT 44PMT20-03630 SFD O 0 1 10/21/2020 0:00 1 0 N24654 LEGION CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 VALOR WEST-NSFR-LOT 45PMT20-03631 SFD O 0 1 10/21/2020 0:00 1 0 N24673 LEGION CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 VALOR WEST-NSFR-LOT 33PMT20-03632 SFD O 0 1 10/27/2020 0:00 1 0 N24685 LEGION CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 VALOR WEST-NSFR-LOT 34PMT20-03633 SFD O 0 1 10/27/2020 0:00 1 0 N24692 LEGION CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 VALOR WEST-NSFR-LOT 42PMT20-03634 SFD O 0 1 10/27/2020 0:00 1 0 N24680 LEGION CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 VALOR WEST-NSFR-LOT 43PMT20-03635 SFD O 0 1 10/27/2020 0:00 1 0 N31878 EATON LN MENIFEE, CA 92584 CYPRESS-NSFR-LOT 9PMT20-03869 SFD O 0 1 11/9/2020 0:00 1 0 N30847 WILD BERRY WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 PARK RIDGE-NSFR-LOT 51PMT20-04029 SFD O 0 1 10/19/2020 0:00 1 0 N30856 WILD BERRY WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 PARK RIDGE-NSFR-LOT 69PMT20-04030 SFD O 0 1 10/19/2020 0:00 1 0 N30855 WILD BERRY WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 PARK RIDGE-NSFR-LOT 52PMT20-04031 SFD O 0 1 10/19/2020 0:00 1 0 N30864 WILD BERRY WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 PARK RIDGE-NSFR-LOT 68PMT20-04032 SFD O 0 1 10/19/2020 0:00 1 0 N30840 WILD BERRY WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 PARK RIDGE-NSFR-LOT 71PMT20-04033 SFD O 0 1 10/19/2020 0:00 1 0 N30839 WILD BERRY WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 PARK RIDGE-NSFR-LOT 50PMT20-04034 SFD O 0 1 10/19/2020 0:00 1 0 N30863 WILD BERRY WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 PARK RIDGE-NSFR-LOT 53PMT20-04035 SFD O 0 1 10/19/2020 0:00 1 0 N30848 WILD BERRY WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 PARK RIDGE-NSFR-LOT 70PMT20-04036 SFD O 0 1 10/19/2020 0:00 1 0 N30859 CATSPAW LN MENIFEE, CA 92584 UNION PLACE-NSFR-LOT 112PMT20-04043 SFD O 0 1 10/19/2020 0:00 1 0 N30883 CATSPAW LN MENIFEE, CA 92584 UNION PLACE-NSFR-LOT 115PMT20-04044 SFD O 0 1 10/19/2020 0:00 1 0 N30907 CATSPAW LN MENIFEE, CA 92584 UNION PLACE-NSFR-LOT 118PMT20-04045 SFD O 0 1 10/19/2020 0:00 1 0 N30867 CATSPAW LN MENIFEE, CA 92584 UNION PLACE-NSFR-LOT 113PMT20-04047 SFD O 0 1 10/19/2020 0:00 1 0 N30891 CATSPAW LN MENIFEE, CA 92584 UNION PLACE-NSFR-LOT 116PMT20-04048 SFD O 0 1 10/19/2020 0:00 1 0 N30915 CATSPAW LN MENIFEE, CA 92584 UNION PLACE-NSFR-LOT 119PMT20-04049 SFD O 0 1 10/19/2020 0:00 1 0 N30875 CATSPAW LN MENIFEE, CA 92584 UNION PLACE-NSFR-LOT 114PMT20-04050 SFD O 0 1 10/19/2020 0:00 1 0 N30899 CATSPAW LN MENIFEE, CA 92584 UNION PLACE-NSFR-LOT 117PMT20-04051 SFD O 0 1 10/19/2020 0:00 1 0 N27044 GREAT PLAINS CT MENIFEE, CA 92585 TRAILHEAD-NSFR-LOT 10PMT20-04057 SFD O 0 1 10/19/2020 0:00 1 0 N27060 GREAT PLAINS CT MENIFEE, CA 92585 TRAILHEAD-NSFR-LOT 12PMT20-04058 SFD O 0 1 10/19/2020 0:00 1 0 N27052 GREAT PLAINS CT MENIFEE, CA 92585 TRAILHEAD-NSFR-LOT 11PMT20-04059 SFD O 0 1 10/19/2020 0:00 1 0 N27068 GREAT PLAINS CT MENIFEE, CA 92585 TRAILHEAD-NSFR-LOT 13PMT20-04060 SFD O 0 1 10/19/2020 0:00 1 0 N28985 STIRRUP CIR MENIFEE, CA 92585 TRAILHEAD-NSFR-LOT 96PMT20-04061 SFD O 0 1 10/19/2020 0:00 1 0 N28984 STIRRUP CIR MENIFEE, CA 92585 TRAILHEAD-NSFR-LOT 108PMT20-04062 SFD O 0 1 10/19/2020 0:00 1 0 N28977 STIRRUP CIR MENIFEE, CA 92585 TRAILHEAD-NSFR-LOT 97PMT20-04063 SFD O 0 1 10/19/2020 0:00 1 0 N28976 STIRRUP CIR MENIFEE, CA 92585 TRAILHEAD-NSFR-LOT 107PMT20-04064 SFD O 0 1 10/19/2020 0:00 1 0 N28791 HORSETAIL CIR MENIFEE, CA 92585 WESTWARD-NSFR-LOT 245PMT20-04131 SFD O 0 1 10/19/2020 0:00 1 0 N28774 HORSETAIL CIR MENIFEE, CA 92585 WESTWARD-NSFR-LOT 256PMT20-04132 SFD O 0 1 10/19/2020 0:00 1 0 N28783 HORSETAIL CIR MENIFEE, CA 92585 WESTWARD-NSFR-LOT 246PMT20-04133 SFD O 0 1 10/19/2020 0:00 1 0 N28775 HORSETAIL CIR MENIFEE, CA 92585 WESTWARD-NSFR-LOT 247PMT20-04134 SFD O 0 1 10/19/2020 0:00 1 0 N28790 HORSETAIL CIR MENIFEE, CA 92585 WESTWARD-NSFR-LOT 258PMT20-04135 SFD O 0 1 10/19/2020 0:00 1 0 N28782 HORSETAIL CIR MENIFEE, CA 92585 WESTWARD-NSFR-LOT 257PMT20-04136 SFD O 0 1 10/19/2020 0:00 1 0 N27061 MALTESE WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 MEADOW RUN-NSFR-LOT 5PMT20-04141 SFD O 0 1 11/25/2020 0:00 1 0 N31180 BOWERY CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 MEADOW RUN-NSFR-LOT 10PMT20-04142 SFD O 0 1 11/25/2020 0:00 1 0 N31132 BOWERY CT MENIFEE, CA MEADOW RUN-NSFR-LOT 14PMT20-04143 SFD O 0 1 12/17/2020 0:00 1 0 N31120 BOWERY CT MENIFEE, CA MEADOW RUN-NSFR-LOT 15PMT20-04144 SFD O 0 1 12/17/2020 0:00 1 0 N31117 BOWERY CT MENIFEE, CA MEADOW RUN-NSFR-LOT 18PMT20-04145 SFD O 0 1 12/17/2020 0:00 1 0 N31141 BOWERY CT MENIFEE, CA MEADOW RUN-NSFR-LOT 20PMT20-04146 SFD O 0 1 12/17/2020 0:00 1 0 N27073 MALTESE WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 MEADOW RUN-NSFR-LOT 6PMT20-04161 SFD O 0 1 11/25/2020 0:00 1 0 N27097 MALTESE WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 MEADOW RUN-NSFR-LOT 8PMT20-04162 SFD O 0 1 11/25/2020 0:00 1 0 N27072 MALTESE WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 MEADOW RUN-NSFR-LOT 22PMT20-04163 SFD O 0 1 11/25/2020 0:00 1 0 N31168 BOWERY CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 MEADOW RUN-NSFR-LOT 11PMT20-04164 SFD O 0 1 11/25/2020 0:00 1 0 N31144 BOWERY CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 MEADOW RUN-NSFR-LOT 13PMT20-04165 SFD O 0 1 11/25/2020 0:00 1 0 N31129 BOWERY CT MENIFEE, CA MEADOW RUN-NSFR-LOT 19PMT20-04166 SFD O 0 1 12/17/2020 0:00 1 0 N27085 MALTESE WAY MENIFEE, CA MEADOW RUN-NSFR-LOT 7PMT20-04182 SFD O 0 1 11/25/2020 0:00 1 0 N27084 MALTESE WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 MEADOW RUN-NSFR-LOT 21PMT20-04183 SFD O 0 1 11/25/2020 0:00 1 0 N27060 MALTESE WAY MENIFEE, CA 92584 MEADOW RUN-NSFR-LOT 23PMT20-04184 SFD O 0 1 11/25/2020 0:00 1 0 N31192 BOWERY CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 MEADOW RUN-NSFR-LOT 9PMT20-04185 SFD O 0 1 11/25/2020 0:00 1 0 N31156 BOWERY CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 MEADOW RUN-NSFR-LOT 12PMT20-04186 SFD O 0 1 11/25/2020 0:00 1 0 N31108 BOWERY CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 MEADOW RUN-NSFR-LOT 16PMT20-04187 SFD O 0 1 12/17/2020 0:00 1 0 N31105 BOWERY CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 MEADOW RUN-NSFR-LOT 17PMT20-04188 SFD O 0 1 12/17/2020 0:00 1 0 N24697 LEGION CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 VALOR WEST-NSFR-LOT 35PMT20-04451 SFD O 0 1 11/23/2020 0:00 1 0 N24709 LEGION CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 VALOR WEST-NSFR-LOT 36PMT20-04452 SFD O 0 1 11/23/2020 0:00 1 0 N24702 LEGION CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 VALOR WEST-NSFR-LOT 41PMT20-04455 SFD O 0 1 11/23/2020 0:00 1 0 N24721 LEGION CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 VALOR WEST-NSFR-LOT 37PMT20-04807 SFD O 0 1 11/16/2020 0:00 1 0 N24733 LEGION CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 VALOR WEST-NSFR-LOT 38PMT20-04808 SFD O 0 1 11/16/2020 0:00 1 0 N24726 LEGION CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 VALOR WEST-NSFR-LOT 39PMT20-04810 SFD O 0 1 11/16/2020 0:00 1 0 N24714 LEGION CT MENIFEE, CA 92584 VALOR WEST-NSFR-LOT 40PMT20-04816 SFD O 0 1 11/16/2020 0:00 1 0 N29466 WESTWARD CIR MENIFEE, CA 92586 COMPASS-NSFR-LOT 31PMT20-04855 SFD O 0 1 12/4/2020 0:00 1 0 N29442 WESTWARD CIR MENIFEE, CA 92586 COMPASS-NSFR-LOT 29PMT20-04856 SFD O 0 1 12/4/2020 0:00 1 0 N29454 WESTWARD CIR MENIFEE, CA 92586 COMPASS-NSFR-LOT 30PMT20-04858 SFD O 0 1 12/4/2020 0:00 1 0 N29430 WESTWARD CIR MENIFEE, CA 92586 COMPASS-NSFR-LOT 28PMT20-04859 SFD O 0 1 12/7/2020 0:00 1 0 N29453 WESTWARD CIR MENIFEE, CA 92586 COMPASS-NSFR-LOT 18PMT20-04860 SFD O 0 1 12/4/2020 0:00 1 0 N29465 WESTWARD CIR MENIFEE, CA 92586 COMPASS-NSFR-LOT 17PMT20-04863 SFD O 0 1 12/4/2020 0:00 1 0 N29429 WESTWARD CIR MENIFEE, CA 92586 COMPASS-NSFR-LOT 20PMT20-04864 SFD O 0 1 12/4/2020 0:00 1 0 N29441 WESTWARD CIR MENIFEE, CA 92586 COMPASS-NSFR-LOT 19PMT20-04867 SFD O 0 1 12/4/2020 0:00 1 0 N30464 CAREY RD MENIFEE, CA 92584 CAMDEN PLACE-NSFR-LOT 73PMT20-04869 SFD O 0 1 12/3/2020 0:00 1 0 N30476 CAREY RD MENIFEE, CA 92584 CAMDEN PLACE-NSFR-LOT 74PMT20-04870 SFD O 0 1 12/3/2020 0:00 1 0 N30488 CAREY RD MENIFEE, CA 92584 CAMDEN PLACE-NSFR-LOT 75PMT20-04871 SFD O 0 1 12/3/2020 0:00 1 0 N30500 CAREY RD MENIFEE, CA 92584 CAMDEN PLACE-NSFR-LOT 76PMT20-04872 SFD O 0 1 12/3/2020 0:00 1 0 N30512 CAREY RD MENIFEE, CA 92584 CAMDEN PLACE-NSFR-LOT 77PMT20-04873 SFD O 0 1 12/3/2020 0:00 1 0 N30524 CAREY RD MENIFEE, CA 92584 CAMDEN PLACE-NSFR-LOT 78PMT20-04874 SFD O 0 1 12/3/2020 0:00 1 0 N30886 PRIMROSE DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 PARK RIDGE-NSFR-LOT 43PMT20-04950 SFD O 0 1 11/23/2020 0:00 1 0 N30846 PRIMROSE DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 PARK RIDGE-NSFR-LOT 48PMT20-04958 SFD O 0 1 11/23/2020 0:00 1 0 N30877 PRIMROSE DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 PARK RIDGE-NSFR-LOT 155PMT20-04959 SFD O 0 1 11/23/2020 0:00 1 0 N30878 PRIMROSE DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 PARK RIDGE-NSFR-LOT 44PMT20-04961 SFD O 0 1 11/23/2020 0:00 1 0 N30862 PRIMROSE DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 PARK RIDGE-NSFR-LOT 46PMT20-04962 SFD O 0 1 11/23/2020 0:00 1 0 N30838 PRIMROSE DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 PARK RIDGE-NSFR-LOT 49PMT20-04963 SFD O 0 1 11/23/2020 0:00 1 0 N30870 PRIMROSE DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 PARK RIDGE-NSFR-LOT 45PMT20-04964 SFD O 0 1 11/23/2020 0:00 1 0 N30854 PRIMROSE DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 PARK RIDGE-NSFR-LOT 47PMT20-04965 SFD O 0 1 11/23/2020 0:00 1 0 N30885 PRIMROSE DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 PARK RIDGE-NSFR-LOT 154PMT20-04966 SFD O 0 1 11/23/2020 0:00 1 0 N27570 AMBER MOUNTAIN ST MENIFEE, CA 92584 UNION PLACE-NSFR-LOT 72PMT20-04968 SFD O 0 1 11/23/2020 0:00 1 0 N27546 AMBER MOUNTAIN ST MENIFEE, CA 92584 UNION PLACE-NSFR-LOT 75PMT20-04969 SFD O 0 1 11/23/2020 0:00 1 0 N27522 AMBER MOUNTAIN ST MENIFEE, CA 92584 UNION PLACE-NSFR-LOT 78PMT20-04970 SFD O 0 1 11/23/2020 0:00 1 0 N27562 AMBER MOUNTAIN ST MENIFEE, CA 92584 UNION PLACE-NSFR-LOT 73PMT20-04971 SFD O 0 1 11/23/2020 0:00 1 0 N27530 AMBER MOUNTAIN ST MENIFEE, CA 92584 UNION PLACE-NSFR-LOT 77PMT20-04973 SFD O 0 1 11/23/2020 0:00 1 0 N27514 AMBER MOUNTAIN ST MENIFEE, CA 92584 UNION PLACE-NSFR-LOT 79PMT20-04974 SFD O 0 1 11/23/2020 0:00 1 0 N27554 AMBER MOUNTAIN ST MENIFEE, CA 92584 UNION PLACE-NSFR-LOT 74PMT20-04975 SFD O 0 1 11/23/2020 0:00 1 0 N27538 AMBER MOUNTAIN ST MENIFEE, CA 92584 UNION PLACE-NSFR-LOT 76PMT20-04978 SFD O 0 1 11/23/2020 0:00 1 0 N29903 SADDLE RANCH PL MENIFEE, CA 92585 VAQUERO-NSFR-LOT 3PMT20-05054 SFD O 0 1 12/3/2020 0:00 1 0 N29896 SADDLE RANCH PL MENIFEE, CA 92585 VAQUERO-NSFR-LOT 87PMT20-05055 SFD O 0 1 12/3/2020 0:00 1 0 N29927 SADDLE RANCH PL MENIFEE, CA 92585 VAQUERO-NSFR-LOT 1PMT20-05056 SFD O 0 1 12/3/2020 0:00 1 0 N24516 METAL CIR MENIFEE, CA 92585 VAQUERO-NSFR-LOT 88PMT20-05057 SFD O 0 1 12/2/2020 0:00 1 0 N24533 METAL CIR MENIFEE, CA 92585 VAQUERO-NSFR-LOT 90PMT20-05058 SFD O 0 1 12/2/2020 0:00 1 0 N24509 METAL CIR MENIFEE, CA 92585 VAQUERO-NSFR-LOT 92PMT20-05059 SFD O 0 1 12/2/2020 0:00 1 0 N29879 SADDLE RANCH PL MENIFEE, CA 92585 VAQUERO-NSFR-LOT 4PMT20-05060 SFD O 0 1 12/3/2020 0:00 1 0 N29915 SADDLE RANCH PL MENIFEE, CA 92585 VAQUERO-NSFR-LOT 2PMT20-05061 SFD O 0 1 12/3/2020 0:00 1 0 N24497 METAL CIR MENIFEE, CA 92585 VAQUERO-NSFR-LOT 93PMT20-05062 SFD O 0 1 12/3/2020 0:00 1 0 N24528 METAL CIR MENIFEE, CA 92585 VAQUERO-NSFR-LOT 89PMT20-05063 SFD O 0 1 12/2/2020 0:00 1 0 N24521 METAL CIR MENIFEE, CA 92585 VAQUERO-NSFR-LOT 91PMT20-05064 SFD O 0 1 12/2/2020 0:00 1 0 N29884 SADDLE RANCH PL MENIFEE, CA 92585 VAQUERO-NSFR-LOT 86PMT20-05065 SFD O 0 1 12/3/2020 0:00 1 0 N27502 GRAND TETON CT MENIFEE, CA 92586 CHELSEA-WALL-LOT 102PMT20-05075 SFD O 0 1 11/10/2020 0:00 1 0 N27461 GRAND TETON CT MENIFEE, CA 92586 CHELSEA-WALL-LOT 104PMT20-05076 SFD O 0 1 11/10/2020 0:00 1 0 N27473 GRAND TETON CT MENIFEE, CA 92586 CHELSEA-WALL-LOT 105PMT20-05077 SFD O 0 1 11/10/2020 0:00 1 0 N27485 GRAND TETON CT MENIFEE, CA 92586 CHELSEA-WALL-LOT 106PMT20-05078 SFD O 0 1 11/10/2020 0:00 1 0 N27497 GRAND TETON CT MENIFEE, CA 92586 CHELSEA-WALL-LOT 107PMT20-05079 SFD O 0 1 11/10/2020 0:00 1 0 N27509 GRAND TETON CT MENIFEE, CA 92586 CHELSEA-WALL-LOT 108PMT20-05080 SFD O 0 1 11/10/2020 0:00 1 0 N27333 BARRE DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 CAMDEN PLACE-NSFR-LOT 90PMT20-05125 SFD O 0 1 12/3/2020 0:00 1 0 N27321 BARRE DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 CAMDEN PLACE-NSFR-LOT 89PMT20-05126 SFD O 0 1 12/3/2020 0:00 1 0 N27332 BARRE DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 CAMDEN PLACE-NSFR-LOT 93PMT20-05127 SFD O 0 1 12/3/2020 0:00 1 0 N27345 BARRE DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 CAMDEN PLACE-NSFR-LOT 91PMT20-05128 SFD O 0 1 12/3/2020 0:00 1 0 N27344 BARRE DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 CAMDEN PLACE-NSFR-LOT 92PMT20-05130 SFD O 0 1 12/3/2020 0:00 1 0 N27320 BARRE DR MENIFEE, CA 92584 CAMDEN PLACE-NSFR-LOT 94PMT20-05131 SFD O 0 1 12/3/2020 0:00 1 0 N25209 FORTUNA ST MENIFEE, CA 92584 SKY VIEW-NSFR-LOT 89PMT20-05249 SFD O 0 1 12/14/2020 0:00 1 0 N25154 FORTUNA ST MENIFEE, CA 92584 SKY VIEW-NSFR-LOT 90PMT20-05250 SFD O 0 1 12/14/2020 0:00 1 0 N25195 FORTUNA ST MENIFEE, CA 92584 SKY VIEW-NSFR-LOT 111PMT20-05251 SFD O 0 1 12/14/2020 0:00 1 0 N25182 FORTUNA ST MENIFEE, CA 92584 SKY VIEW-NSFR-LOT 92PMT20-05252 SFD O 0 1 12/14/2020 0:00 1 0 N25186 FORTUNA ST MENIFEE, CA 92584 SKY VIEW-NSFR-LOT 91PMT20-05254 SFD O 0 1 12/14/2020 0:00 1 0 N24591 FAIR OAKS LN MENIFEE, CA 92584 VALOR WEST-NSFR-LOT 63PMT20-05453 SFD O 0 1 12/18/2020 0:00 1 0 N24603 FAIR OAKS LN MENIFEE, CA 92584 VALOR WEST-NSFR-LOT 64PMT20-05454 SFD O 0 1 12/18/2020 0:00 1 0 N24615 FAIR OAKS LN MENIFEE, CA 92584 VALOR WEST-NSFR-LOT 65PMT20-05455 SFD O 0 1 12/18/2020 0:00 1 0 N24543 FAIR OAKS LN MENIFEE, CA 92584 VALOR WEST-NSFR-LOT 60PMT20-05456 SFD O 0 1 12/18/2020 0:00 1 0 N24555 FAIR OAKS LN MENIFEE, CA 92584 VALOR WEST-NSFR-LOT 61PMT20-05457 SFD O 0 1 12/18/2020 0:00 1 0 N24567 FAIR OAKS LN MENIFEE, CA 92584 VALOR WEST-NSFR-LOT 62PMT20-05458 SFD O 0 1 12/18/2020 0:00 1 0 N000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Item Title:12.2 General Plan Annual Progress Report for 2020 Item Page Number:65 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 180 of 240 Jurisdiction Menifee ANNUAL ELEMENT PROGRESS REPORT Reporting Year 2020 (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31)Housing Element Implementation (CCR Title 25 §6202) 1 3 4 RHNA Allocation by Income Level 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Total Units to Date (all years) Total Remaining RHNA by Income Level Deed Restricted Non-Deed Restricted 1 4 3 3 Deed Restricted Non-Deed Restricted 1 2 9 1 4 2 Deed Restricted Non-Deed Restricted 158 193 184 168 181 379 7 Above Moderate 2610 181 215 349 514 759 653 1441 4112 6245 341 412 538 694 941 1036 1450 5412 2465 Note: units serving extremely low-income households are included in the very low-income permitted units totals Cells in grey contain auto-calculation formulas 11 This table is auto-populated once you enter your jurisdiction name and current year data. Past year information comes from previous APRs. 1270Moderate 1488 1007 1140 Please contact HCD if your data is different than the material supplied here 19 2 Table B Regional Housing Needs Allocation Progress Permitted Units Issued by Affordability 1477 988 Total RHNA Total Units Income Level Very Low Low Item Title:12.2 General Plan Annual Progress Report for 2020 Item Page Number:66 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 181 of 240 Jurisdiction Menifee ANNUAL ELEMENT PROGRESS REPORT Reporting Year 2020 (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31)Housing Element Implementation Date of Rezone Type of Shortfall 2 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 APN Street Address Project Name+ Local Jurisdiction Tracking ID+Date of Rezone Very Low- Income Low-Income Moderate-Income Above Moderate- Income Type of Shortfall Parcel Size (Acres) General Plan Designation Zoning Minimum Density Allowed Maximum Density Allowed Realistic Capacity Vacant/Nonvacant Description of Existing Uses Note: "+" indicates an optional field Cells in grey contain auto-calculation formulas (CCR Title 25 §6202) Summary Row: Start Data Entry Below 83 Project Identifier RHNA Shortfall by Household Income Category Sites Description 1 Sites Identified or Rezoned to Accommodate Shortfall Housing Need Table C Item Title:12.2 General Plan Annual Progress Report for 2020 Item Page Number:67 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 182 of 240 Jurisdiction Menifee Reporting Year 2020 (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31) 1 2 3 4 Name of Program Objective Timeframe in H.E Status of Program Implementation Senior Minor Home Repair Grant Issue grants for up to 10 households annually.Annual Commencing in 2012-2013, the City of Menifee participates as an entitlement community within the Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG). Annually $70,000 is designated specifically to provide assistance to Low Moderate (30%-80% or less) senior and/or permanently disabled resident within the City for improvements focused on address health, safety, and accessibility. The City has been successful in assisting an estimated 8-10 households per year. The City will continue to incorporate the Senior Minor Home Repair Grant Program as part of its annual CDBG Program activities/program through its 5-year Consolidated Plan (2017-2021). Neighborhood Stabilization Homeownership Support the program by advertising on the City's website Ongoing While the City does not directly receive NSP funding, the City participates through the County of Riverside's NSP program. Funding is no longer available for this program. The City has been approved for $251,604 through HCD for the Permanent Local Housing Allocation (PLHA) program. Funds will be used for a Down Payment Assistance up to $15,000. Fair Housing Services Provide fair housing services to address issues of housing discrimination, landlord- tenant conflict issues etc. Annual As a part of its annual CDBG program, the City allocates approximately $22,000 for the provision of fair housing services to address issues of housing discrimination, landlord- tenant conflict issues etc. The City contracts with Fair Housing Council of Riverside County for these services. The City has continued to contract with Fair Housing Council of Riverside County Inc., beginning with 2012-2013 to the present, for provision of comprehensive fair housing related services. Housing Programs Progress Report Describe progress of all programs including local efforts to remove governmental constraints to the maintenance, improvement, and development of housing as identified in the housing element. Table D Program Implementation Status pursuant to GC Section 65583 ANNUAL ELEMENT PROGRESS REPORT Housing Element Implementation (CCR Title 25 §6202) Item Title:12.2 General Plan Annual Progress Report for 2020 Item Page Number:68 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 183 of 240 Code Enforcement Program Continue to implement code enforcement activities in an annualbasis to address properties not in compliance with City codes. Ongoing Complying. The Code Enforcement Department actively addressed hazardous vegetation, substandard buildings, accumulation of debris and vehicles, graffiti, storm water drainage, green pools, construction without a permit, land use violations and various other code issues through the year. In addition, the City holds an annual Quail Valley Clean Up Day to assist property owners clean up their properties and discard debris. Habitat for Humanity Continue to partner with nonprofit organizations to assist in meeting city housing needs. Annual The City works with Habitat for Humanity on projects for home repairs within the City. Rental Housing Assistance Support Riverside County Housing Authority by placing advertisements for the program for them at City Hall. Ongoing The City provides information for the public on Riverside County Housing Authority. The City will continue to support Riverside County Housing Authority by providing information through various methods listed in this table as well as new methods should they become available within the 6th cycle. Housing Funding Review grants and additional funding sources applicable with the objective of 3 per housing element planning cycle. This may include supporting tax credit or bond projects as well. Up to three per the 2013- 2021 housing element cycle. The Community Development Department monitors grants; however, no grants or other funding sources have been secured for housing in 2017. In 2017 the City established a new position and recruited a person as the Contract & Procurement Administrator. The administrator will assist departments with finding grants, grant applications, grant reporting, and grant tracking. The City monitored grants and any additional funding sources for housing funds in the 5th cycle. The City of Menifee will continue to monitor grants and any additional funding sources during the 6th cycle. Housing for People with Disabilities By 2015, amend the Zoning Code to define residential care. Support agencies in seeking funding for the provision of housing and services for people with disabilities, including developmental disabilities. On an annual basis, reach out to providers as part of the Action Plan solicitation to apply for federal dollars allocated to the City facility serving six or fewer clients and allow such uses as a by-right use in all residential zones. Create a reasonable accommodation procedure." Ongoing & Zoning Code amendment by 2015 The City adopted a Comprehensive Zoning Code update on December 18, 2019, which became effective in January 2020. The Zoning Code allows Group Residential Facilities and Residential Day Care (6 or fewer by right) and Residential Care Facilities per State law. The City will continue to through the appropriate methods listed in this table to support housing for people with disabilities as well as seek other methods should they become accessible.The City is proactive in the provision of services to those with special needs. The region has created the Southwest Riverside County Special Needs Resource Guide, which was created to provide a comprehensive list of agencies and nonprofit groups providing essential services for those with special needs. Special needs populations consist of persons who are not homeless but due to various reasons are in need of services and supportive housing. Persons with special needs include, but are not limited to, the elderly, frail elderly, severe mentally ill, developmentally disabled, physically disabled, persons with alcohol or other drug addictions, persons with HIV/AIDS and victims of domestic violence. The City will consider allocating CDBG public service funding to various programs that provide services to those with special needs populations. Item Title:12.2 General Plan Annual Progress Report for 2020 Item Page Number:69 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 184 of 240 General Comments: Item Title:12.2 General Plan Annual Progress Report for 2020 Item Page Number:70 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 185 of 240 Jurisdiction Menifee ANNUAL ELEMENT PROGRESS REPORT Reporting Period 2020 (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31)Housing Element Implementation Description of Commercial Development Bonus Commercial Development Bonus Date Approved 3 4 APN Street Address Project Name+Local Jurisdiction Tracking ID+Very LowIncome LowIncome ModerateIncome Above ModerateIncome Description of Commercial Development Bonus Commercial Development Bonus Date Approved Summary Row: Start Data Entry Below Units Constructed as Part of Agreement Commercial Development Bonus Approved pursuant to GC Section 65915.7Table E Note: "+" indicates an optional field Project Identifier 1 2 (CCR Title 25 §6202) Cells in grey contain auto-calculation formulas Annual Progress Report January 2020 Item Title:12.2 General Plan Annual Progress Report for 2020 Item Page Number:71 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 186 of 240 Jurisdiction Menifee ANNUAL ELEMENT PROGRESS REPORT Note: "+" indicates an optional field Reporting Period 2020 (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31)Housing Element Implementation Cells in grey contain auto-calculation formulas (CCR Title 25 §6202) Extremely Low- Income+Very Low-Income+Low-Income+TOTAL UNITS+ Extremely Low- Income+ Very Low- Income+Low-Income+TOTAL UNITS+ Rehabilitation Activity Preservation of Units At-Risk Acquisition of Residential Units Mobilehome Park Preservation Total Units by Income Table F Please note this table is optional: The jurisdiction can use this table to report units that have been substantially rehabilitated, converted from non-affordable to affordable by acquisition, and preserved, including mobilehome park preservation, consistent with the standards set forth in Government Code section 65583.1, subdivision (c). Please note, motel, hotel, hostel rooms or other structures that are converted from non-residential to residential units pursuant to Government Code section 65583.1(c)(1)(D) are considered net-new housing units and must be reported in Table A2 and not reported in Table F. Activity Type Units that Do Not Count Towards RHNA+ Listed for Informational Purposes Only Units that Count Towards RHNA + Note - Because the statutory requirements severely limit what can be counted, please contact HCD to receive the password that will enable you to populate these fields.The description should adequately document how each unit complies with subsection (c) of Government Code Section 65583.1+ Units Rehabilitated, Preserved and Acquired for Alternative Adequate Sites pursuant to Government Code section 65583.1(c) Annual Progress Report January 2020 Item Title:12.2 General Plan Annual Progress Report for 2020 Item Page Number:72 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 187 of 240 Jurisdiction Menifee Reporting Period 2020 (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31) ANNUAL ELEMENT PROGRESS REPORT Housing Element Implementation 2 3 4 APN Street Address Project Name+Local Jurisdiction Tracking ID+ Realistic Capacity Identified in the Housing Element Entity to whom the site transferred Intended Use for Site 1 Summary Row: Start Data Entry Below Note: "+" indicates an optional field Cells in grey contain auto-calculation formulas (CCR Title 25 §6202) Table G Locally Owned Lands Included in the Housing Element Sites Inventory that have been sold, leased, or otherwise disposed of Project Identifier NOTE: This table must only be filled out if the housing element sites inventory contains a site which is or was owned by the reporting jurisdiction, and has been sold, leased, or otherwise disposed of during the reporting year. Item Title:12.2 General Plan Annual Progress Report for 2020 Item Page Number:73 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 188 of 240 Jurisdiction Menifee Note: "+" indicates an optional field Reporting Period 2020 (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31) Cells in grey contain auto- calculation formulas Designation Size Notes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 APN Street Address/Intersection Existing Use Number of Units Surplus Designation Parcel Size (in acres)Notes Summary Row: Start Data Entry Below Parcel Identifier ANNUAL ELEMENT PROGRESS REPORT Housing Element Implementation (CCR Title 25 §6202) Table H Locally Owned Surplus Sites Item Title:12.2 General Plan Annual Progress Report for 2020 Item Page Number:74 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 189 of 240 Jurisdiction Menifee Reporting Year 2020 (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31) Current Year Deed Restricted 0 Non-Deed Restricted 0 Deed Restricted 0 Non-Deed Restricted 2 Deed Restricted 0 Non-Deed Restricted 7 1441 1450 8 1,596 1,505 0 0 0 0 0 Income Rental Ownership Total Very Low 0 0 0 Low 0 0 0 Moderate 0 0 0 Above Moderate 0 0 0 Total 0 0 0 Cells in grey contain auto-calculation formulas Units Constructed - SB 35 Streamlining Permits Number of Streamlining Applications Approved Total Developments Approved with Streamlining Total Units Constructed with Streamlining Total Housing Applications Submitted: Number of Proposed Units in All Applications Received: Total Housing Units Approved: Total Housing Units Disapproved: Total Units Housing Applications Summary Use of SB 35 Streamlining Provisions Note: Units serving extremely low-income households are included in the very low- income permitted units totals Number of Applications for Streamlining Building Permits Issued by Affordability Summary Income Level Very Low Low Moderate Above Moderate Item Title:12.2 General Plan Annual Progress Report for 2020 Item Page Number:75 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 190 of 240 Jurisdiction Menifee Reporting Year 2020 (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31) Total Award Amount Task $ Amount Awarded $ Cumulative Reimbursement Requested Other Funding Notes Entitlement & permit streamlining $85,000 None Pending Funding Agreement Inclusionary Housing Feasibility Study $45,000 None Pending Funding Agreement 6th Cycle update to the Housing Element $170,000 None Pending Funding Agreement Summary of entitlements, building permits, and certificates of occupancy (auto-populated from Table A2) Current Year Deed Restricted 0 Non-Deed Restricted 0 Deed Restricted 0 Non-Deed Restricted 0 Deed Restricted 0 Non-Deed Restricted 2 0 2 Current Year Deed Restricted 0 ANNUAL ELEMENT PROGRESS REPORT Local Early Action Planning (LEAP) Reporting (CCR Title 25 §6202) Other (Please Specify in Notes) Please update the status of the proposed uses listed in the entity’s application for funding and the corresponding impact on housing within the region or jurisdiction, as applicable, categorized based on the eligible uses specified in Section 50515.02 or 50515.03, as applicable. 300,000.00$ Task Status Other (Please Specify in Notes) Other (Please Specify in Notes) Completed Entitlement Issued by Affordability Summary Income Level Very Low Low Moderate Above Moderate Total Units Building Permits Issued by Affordability Summary Income Level Very Low Item Title:12.2 General Plan Annual Progress Report for 2020 Item Page Number:76 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 191 of 240 Non-Deed Restricted 0 Deed Restricted 0 Non-Deed Restricted 2 Deed Restricted 0 Non-Deed Restricted 7 1441 1450 Current Year Deed Restricted 0 Non-Deed Restricted 0 Deed Restricted 0 Non-Deed Restricted 3 Deed Restricted 0 Non-Deed Restricted 6 1040 1049Total Units Certificate of Occupancy Issued by Affordability Summary Income Level Very Low Low Moderate Above Moderate Moderate Above Moderate Total Units Very Low Low Item Title:12.2 General Plan Annual Progress Report for 2020 Item Page Number:77 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 192 of 240 CITY OF MENIFEE SUBJECT: CIP No. 19-15 (CS030) Central Park Amphitheater Conceptual Design MEETING DATE: March 3, 2021 TO: Mayor and City Council PREPARED BY: Mariana Mitchell, Senior Management Analyst REVIEWED BY: Jonathan Nicks, Community Services Director APPROVED BY: Armando G. Villa, City Manager ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RECOMMENDED ACTION Approve the conceptual design of the Central Park Amphitheater as recommended by the Ad Hoc Committee. DISCUSSION As one of the newest public parks in Menifee, Central Park has hosted a number of community events such as the Menifee Moonlight Market series. Anchored by a 65’ x 35’ concrete stage area, the 4.5 acre park site provides a beautiful outdoor setting for live entertainment, that would only be improved with the addition of a shade structure, lighting, and sound system. At its February 6, 2019 meeting, the City Council decided that it would be beneficial to the community to consider a more robust structure and allocate additional funds to the project as a part of the Fiscal Year 2019/20 Capital Improvement Program (CIP). A Request for Proposals process for professional design services was conducted and the contract was awarded to the IDS Group, Inc. in October 2019. Since then, an Ad Hoc Committee was formed to determine the design of the Central Park Amphitheater that includes Councilmember Deines, Mayor Pro Tem Sobek, and Parks, Recreation, and Trails Commissioners Amorelli and Croy. After several meetings the Ad Hoc Committee decided to take the design in a different direction that would require the services of a new architecture/engineering firm. Having worked on several other CIP projects as an approved vendor on the Engineering services on-call list, TY Lin International was ready to take on the challenge to give Menifee a premier structure that would stand the test of time. TY Lin presented several options to the Ad Hoc Committee; however, it was clear one design Item Title:12.3 CIP No.19-15 (CS030)Central Park Amphitheater Conceptual Design Item Page Number:1 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 193 of 240 City of Menifee Staff Report CIP No. 19-15 (CS030) Central Park Amphitheater Conceptual Design March 3, 2021 Page 2 of 3 3 4 7 rose above the rest. The “Chassis” design was unanimously selected to focus additional time to perfect the details needed to fully explore the functionality. It is a modern structure that integrates well with neighboring constructs located in Town Center while still maintaining a classic look that would add to the aesthetic variety already underway throughout the City. With visible structural beams to support sound and lighting, along with the built-in storage and an accessible stage, the Central Park Amphitheater have been designed explicitly for high quality stage productions and events. As the expectations for the Central Park Amphitheater have grown from a simple shade cover to a sophisticated and premiere architectural centerpiece for the City, the costs have risen proportionately as well. The estimated projected cost from TY Lin based on the conceptual design is outlined below: Base Construction Cost $ 2,820,000 Contingency (15%)$ 423,000 Design (14%)$ 454,020 Environmental $ 73,590 Construction Mgmt.$ 162,150 Total Projected Cost $ 3,932,760 CIP No. 19-15 (CS030) is currently funded at $1,359,031 creating an estimated budget shortfall of $2,598,679 to complete the project. Staff has identified an additional funding source that has not yet been allocated to a project. If approved as a part of the Mid-Year Budget Update and Adjustments, the additional allocations will fully fund the design and construction of the Central Park Amphitheater. Additional details regarding funding can be found in the Fiscal Impact. If the conceptual design is approved by City Council, the tentative project timeline for the Central Park Amphitheater is as follows: Design and Construction Documents Contract Approval March 2021 Construction Documents Completed, Building Permits Issued September 2021 Sealed Bid Process for Construction Contract Sept – Oct 2021 Construction Contract Awarded November 2021 Groundbreaking – Construction Begins December 2021 Construction Completed June 2022 Please note the dates indicated are subject to change dependent upon the procurement process required for Public Works projects and the workload associated with each step of the project. STRATEGIC PLAN OBJECTIVE Livable and Economically Prosperous Community Item Title:12.3 CIP No.19-15 (CS030)Central Park Amphitheater Conceptual Design Item Page Number:2 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 194 of 240 City of Menifee Staff Report CIP No. 19-15 (CS030) Central Park Amphitheater Conceptual Design March 3, 2021 Page 3 of 3 3 4 7 FISCAL IMPACT Funding for CIP No. 19-15 (CS030) has been funded with the following allocations pending the Mid-Year Budget Review and Adjustments for FY 2020/21: Fund Account Amount General Fund 100-4555-58079 $450,000 Capital Projects 320-4555-58079 $59,031 DIF 17 – Public Facilities 507-4555-58079 $450,000 DIF 17 – Parks 511-4555-58079 $400,000 Joint CFD Town Center Allocation Pending $558,000 Waste Management Reserve Allocation Pending $2,015,729 Total $3,932,760 ATTACHMENTS 1. TY Lin International Conceptual Design 2. Cost Estimate Item Title:12.3 CIP No.19-15 (CS030)Central Park Amphitheater Conceptual Design Item Page Number:3 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 195 of 240 Central Park Amphitheater Concepts 01-26-21 Item Title:12.3 CIP No.19-15 (CS030)Central Park Amphitheater Conceptual Design Item Page Number:4 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 196 of 240 DISCLAIMER The renderings depicted in this concept packet are subject to change in final design and are not intended for construction. Various project components that are expected to be included in final design may not be featured in this document. Final materials, colors, textures, and dimensions may change during construction documentation. Item Title:12.3 CIP No.19-15 (CS030)Central Park Amphitheater Conceptual Design Item Page Number:5 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 197 of 240 4 Amphitheater Structure I Menifee, CA INSPIRATION I MENIFEE ARCHITECTURE Item Title:12.3 CIP No.19-15 (CS030)Central Park Amphitheater Conceptual Design Item Page Number:6 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 198 of 240 5 Amphitheater Structure I Menifee, CA CHASSIS I PREFERRED ALT Item Title:12.3 CIP No.19-15 (CS030)Central Park Amphitheater Conceptual Design Item Page Number:7 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 199 of 240 6 Amphitheater Structure I Menifee, CA CHASSIS I PREFERRED ALT Item Title:12.3 CIP No.19-15 (CS030)Central Park Amphitheater Conceptual Design Item Page Number:8 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 200 of 240 7 Amphitheater Structure I Menifee, CA CHASSIS I SIGN ALT 1 - REPLACEABLE INSET PERFORATED PANEL Item Title:12.3 CIP No.19-15 (CS030)Central Park Amphitheater Conceptual Design Item Page Number:9 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 201 of 240 8 Amphitheater Structure I Menifee, CA CHASSIS I SIGN ALT 2 - REPLACEABLE SURFACE MOUNTED LOGO Item Title:12.3 CIP No.19-15 (CS030)Central Park Amphitheater Conceptual Design Item Page Number:10 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 202 of 240 9 Amphitheater Structure I Menifee, CA CHASSIS I LIGHTING - SIGN ALT 1 Item Title:12.3 CIP No.19-15 (CS030)Central Park Amphitheater Conceptual Design Item Page Number:11 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 203 of 240 10 Amphitheater Structure I Menifee, CA CHASSIS I LIGHTING - SIGN ALT 2 Item Title:12.3 CIP No.19-15 (CS030)Central Park Amphitheater Conceptual Design Item Page Number:12 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 204 of 240 11 Amphitheater Structure I Menifee, CA CHASSIS I LIGHTING Item Title:12.3 CIP No.19-15 (CS030)Central Park Amphitheater Conceptual Design Item Page Number:13 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 205 of 240 An Affirmative Action / Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/D/V 3633 East Inland Empire Boulevard, Suite 900 | Ontario, CA 91764 | T 909.912.6900 | www.tylin.com February 1, 2021 City of Menifee 29995 Evans Road, West Annex Menifee, CA 92586 Attention: Jonathan Nicks, Mariana Mitchell, and Bryce Howell SUBJECT: City of Menifee Central Park Amphitheater Shade Structure Final Renderings and Cost Estimate Dear Mariana: I wanted to take this chance to say thank you for the opportunity to present the visual renderings and alternatives for the Central Park Amphitheater shade structure. We respectfully submit the revised following Engineer’s Estimate for the selected alternative. Please note that these costs are an order of magnitude estimate and based on the presented preliminary concept and will likely be subject to update upon more detailed design. These estimates include a 20% contingency and are assumed to be based on the year 2022 escalated construction costs. These costs include the shade structure, the supporting storage structure, revisions to the existing stage (steps) and ramps, City signage (logo), substructure, electrical, and other site costs. Please note the estimate sheet with alternative cladding options for other cost estimates, the cladding costs are consistent, but we revised some construction alternatives to the superstructure. We will provide comparative costs to other alternatives shortly. Sincerely, T.Y. Lin International Robert Barton, PE Project Manager Item Title:12.3 CIP No.19-15 (CS030)Central Park Amphitheater Conceptual Design Item Page Number:14 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 206 of 240 CITY OF MENIFEE SUBJECT: Coronavirus Memorial for Menifee Residents MEETING DATE: March 3, 2021 TO: Mayor and City Council PREPARED BY: Jason Hendrix, Community Services Supervisor REVIEWED BY: Jonathan Nicks, Community Services Director APPROVED BY: Armando G. Villa, City Manager ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Review and discuss options for a Coronavirus Memorial; and 2. Provide additional direction for City staff. DISCUSSION At the January 20, 2021 City Council meeting, it was requested that City staff research the possibility of a Coronavirus memorial in remembrance of those who have lost their battle with the novel coronavirus, similar to the Rose River Project. The intent of the memorial is to provide a central location for residents to honor those lives that were lost due to the pandemic. Staff contacted several agencies throughout the state to gather additional information. The memorials varied from planting flags in a public park (City of Temecula) to a virtual video gallery (City of Chino Hills) to remember those lives. A political action group, Marked by COVID, is spearheading an effort to declare March 1st as “COVID-19 Memorial Day”. The cities within California that are adopting the Resolution provided by the organization are: San Bernardino, Santa Monica, Alhambra, Richmond, Calabasas, Torrance, and Oakland. As of the preparation of this staff report, 122 lives have been lost due to Coronavirus within the City of Menifee. The following options have been prepared for City Council to consider: Option #1: The Rose River Project is a one-time installation project that has been implemented in other cities across the country. The backdrop is a fishnet with a red felt rose affixed to the netting that would represent each individual that has passed due to COVID. The City of Menifee would need to initially purchase 250 felt roses and the fishnet backdrop. City staff would also need to consider a possible artistic backdrop to accompany the felt roses and fishnet. These roses will be temporarily placed in Menifee until the pandemic concludes, and then will be collected by the Rose River Project which will take all roses to Washington D.C. for its final resting Item Title:12.4 Coronavirus Memorial for Menifee Residents Item Page Number:1 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 207 of 240 City of Menifee Staff Report Coronavirus Memorial for Menifee Residents March 3, 2021 Page 2 of 2 3 7 7 place for a planned large-scale installation. City staff has contacted the original artist who has offered to do a sketch for the City of Menifee, though there may be additional costs associated with his work. Recommendations of locations for installation are: Central Park, City Hall, or other location based on City Council recommendations. The estimated cost of this project is approximately $1,000. Option #2: City of Menifee in collaboration with the Community Partners group, will call for artistic renderings that represent the loss that our City has experienced. The prompt for the contest could be, “Menifee in Mourning”. Entries will need to fulfill certain requirements based on size, color, theme, and quality of submission. The community partners along with other community-based organizations, such as the Arts Council of Menifee, would vote on the entries and up to four could be selected to be professionally installed at the Central Park kiosks. The selected entries would be printed onto full color banners for installation. The estimated cost of this project is approximately $3,000. Option #3: Utilize the upcoming Menifee Better Together City beautification event to organize a project to remember the victims in a more personal way, such as the painting of rocks in remembrance of individuals to be placed at Central Park. After the rocks have been painted and collected, each family can place ribbons around the trees in central park with individuals’ names. This can be done with social distancing in support of those families that have lost a loved one during the pandemic. The estimated cost of this project is approximately $500. Option #4: Other options not outlined in this report, at the recommendation of City Council. STRATEGIC PLAN OBJECTIVE Safe and Attractive Community FISCAL IMPACT The fiscal impact would be dependent on the option selected by City Council and could be absorbed in the approved FY 2020/21 Community Services Department Budget Account # 100- 4660-51700 due to cost savings from canceled events in compliance with State and County regulations. Recommendation Estimated Cost 1. Rose River Project $1,000 2. Central Park Kiosk Display $3,000 3. Central Park Rock/Ribbon Display $500 ATTACHMENTS None. Item Title:12.4 Coronavirus Memorial for Menifee Residents Item Page Number:2 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 208 of 240 CITY OF MENIFEE SUBJECT: Menifee CARES Small Business Relief Grant Final Report MEETING DATE: March 3, 2021 TO: Mayor and City Council PREPARED BY: Kayla Charters, Management Analyst REVIEWED BY: Gina Gonzalez, Economic Development Director APPROVED BY: Armando G. Villa, City Manager ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RECOMMENDED ACTION Receive and file the Menifee CARES Small Business Relief Grant Final Report. DISCUSSION Background Recognizing the unprecedented and immediate impacts of the Coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic on the Menifee community, the Menifee City Council formally declared a public health emergency on March 18, 2020 by adoption of Resolution No. 20-869. Amongst the various actions included within Resolution No. 20-869 was, “Economic Development Support,” authorizing the City Manager to explore and implement economic incentives, up to a maximum cumulative amount of $250,000 to assist local businesses during the period of emergency. On August 19, 2020, the Menifee City Council formally accepted Menifee CARES funds totaling $1,198,820 that was provided by the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act awarded through the State of California, and part of the federal CARES Act approved by Congress and signed into law in March 2020. Program As part of the Menifee FORWARD Initiative, the Economic Development Department conducted three Economic Impact Surveys, in addition to the annual Menifee K.E.E.P. Business Walk, throughout the COVID-19 Pandemic to take the pulse of the Menifee business community and how they were being impacted. These surveys were critical in assessing the on-going impacts of the closure mandates and guidelines placed upon Menifee businesses. Through analysis of the surveys, it was conveyed that while Menifee businesses were remaining positive and upbeat, they were in fact severely impacted and needed assistance financially and with business resources. Item Title:12.5 Menifee CARES Small Business Relief Grant Final Report Item Page Number:1 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 209 of 240 City of Menifee Staff Report Menifee CARES Grant Final Report March 3, 2021 Page 2 of 2 3 8 5 The team went into high gear, and published a COVID-19 handbook with resources, in addition to business toolkits, a dedicated website with key information, webinars, workshops, counseling, and visited all store fronts multiple times to ensure that businesses have the resources they need to sustain the pandemic. Of the many programs introduced during the pandemic to respond to the surveys, the Menifee CARES Small Business Relief Grant program was developed, utilizing a portion of the Menifee CARES allocation. The Menifee City Council approved $100,000 and closed grant applications on July 2, 2020 for Phase I of the Menifee CARES Small Business Relief Grant program. Subsequently, when businesses were hit with additional closures, the City Council approved an additional $100,000 and closed grant applications on November 4, 2020 for Phase II, and when staff received an overwhelming amount of qualified application, the City Manager exercised his spending authority by way of the Emergency Resolution and allocated an additional $65,000 for Phase III. Finally, just before year end, when all CARES funding needed to be expended, the Menifee City Council quickly and expeditiously expended $150,000 on December 24, 2020 for Phase IV for the Menifee CARES Small Business Relief Grant Program. In total, the Menifee City Council expended $415,000 of direct small business financial assistance with grants of $5,000 to 83 qualified applicants since the COVID-19 pandemic started in March 2020 to assist with rent, payroll and PPE's during this very critical time. In total, the 83 applicants have reported the saving of over 269 jobs in Menifee. Due to assisting some businesses with survival with the closures, some of the applicants were able to receive the grant more than once, as long as the qualifying needs were not duplicated. Ultimately, the Menifee CARES Small Business Relief Grant Program saved many store front businesses in Menifee from complete or permanent closures in Menifee, coupled with property owner concessions. The following Menifee CARES Small Business Relief Grant Final Report was put together to report out the following impacts: Businesses assisted with the program, business descriptions, jobs retained, grant presentation pictures, business appreciation messages and paint an economic picture of how the funding positively impacted the Menifee business community. STRATEGIC PLAN OBJECTIVE Livable and Economically Prosperous Community This program assisted the City with the Strategic Vision Goal of a Livable and Economically Prosperous Community by retaining and sustaining 83 businesses and 269 jobs (due to some duplication of businesses). FISCAL IMPACT There is not an associated fiscal impact to the report being published, aside from the overall program itself saving close to 300 jobs, storefronts, amenities and eateries for residents, and revenue utilized by the City to provide critical services. ATTACHMENTS 1. Menifee CARES Small Business Relief Grant Program Final Report Item Title:12.5 Menifee CARES Small Business Relief Grant Final Report Item Page Number:2 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 210 of 240 Item Title:12.5 Menifee CARES Small Business Relief Grant Final Report Item Page Number:3 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 211 of 240 Item Title:12.5 Menifee CARES Small Business Relief Grant Final Report Item Page Number:4 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 212 of 240 Item Title:12.5 Menifee CARES Small Business Relief Grant Final Report Item Page Number:5 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 213 of 240 Item Title:12.5 Menifee CARES Small Business Relief Grant Final Report Item Page Number:6 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 214 of 240 Item Title:12.5 Menifee CARES Small Business Relief Grant Final Report Item Page Number:7 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 215 of 240 Item Title:12.5 Menifee CARES Small Business Relief Grant Final Report Item Page Number:8 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 216 of 240 Item Title:12.5 Menifee CARES Small Business Relief Grant Final Report Item Page Number:9 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 217 of 240 Item Title:12.5 Menifee CARES Small Business Relief Grant Final Report Item Page Number:10 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 218 of 240 Item Title:12.5 Menifee CARES Small Business Relief Grant Final Report Item Page Number:11 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 219 of 240 Item Title:12.5 Menifee CARES Small Business Relief Grant Final Report Item Page Number:12 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 220 of 240 Item Title:12.5 Menifee CARES Small Business Relief Grant Final Report Item Page Number:13 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 221 of 240 Item Title:12.5 Menifee CARES Small Business Relief Grant Final Report Item Page Number:14 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 222 of 240 Item Title:12.5 Menifee CARES Small Business Relief Grant Final Report Item Page Number:15 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 223 of 240 Item Title:12.5 Menifee CARES Small Business Relief Grant Final Report Item Page Number:16 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 224 of 240 Item Title:12.5 Menifee CARES Small Business Relief Grant Final Report Item Page Number:17 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 225 of 240 Item Title:12.5 Menifee CARES Small Business Relief Grant Final Report Item Page Number:18 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 226 of 240 Item Title:12.5 Menifee CARES Small Business Relief Grant Final Report Item Page Number:19 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 227 of 240 Item Title:12.5 Menifee CARES Small Business Relief Grant Final Report Item Page Number:20 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 228 of 240 Item Title:12.5 Menifee CARES Small Business Relief Grant Final Report Item Page Number:21 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 229 of 240 Item Title:12.5 Menifee CARES Small Business Relief Grant Final Report Item Page Number:22 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 230 of 240 Item Title:12.5 Menifee CARES Small Business Relief Grant Final Report Item Page Number:23 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 231 of 240 Item Title:12.5 Menifee CARES Small Business Relief Grant Final Report Item Page Number:24 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 232 of 240 Item Title:12.5 Menifee CARES Small Business Relief Grant Final Report Item Page Number:25 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 233 of 240 Item Title:12.5 Menifee CARES Small Business Relief Grant Final Report Item Page Number:26 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 234 of 240 Item Title:12.5 Menifee CARES Small Business Relief Grant Final Report Item Page Number:27 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 235 of 240 Item Title:12.5 Menifee CARES Small Business Relief Grant Final Report Item Page Number:28 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 236 of 240 Item Title:12.5 Menifee CARES Small Business Relief Grant Final Report Item Page Number:29 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 237 of 240 Item Title:12.5 Menifee CARES Small Business Relief Grant Final Report Item Page Number:30 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 238 of 240 Item Title:12.5 Menifee CARES Small Business Relief Grant Final Report Item Page Number:31 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 239 of 240 Item Title:12.5 Menifee CARES Small Business Relief Grant Final Report Item Page Number:32 Menifee Mayor and City Council March 3,2021 Page 240 of 240