2021-03-03 City Council Item No. 12.2 City of Menifee 2020 General Plan & Housing Element Annual Progress Report Presentation Regular MEETING - Additional Meeting MaterialsCity of Menifee
2020 General Plan & Housing
Element Annual Progress
Annual Progress Report (APR) Requirements
•Required by state law to be presented to City Council
(legislative body)
•The APR must be sent to:
•Governor’s Office of Planning and Research (OPR)
•Dept. of Housing and Community Development (HCD)
•Annual reporting for the Housing Element (HE) is
required at the same time as General Plan APR
General Plan Overview
•General Plan adopted December 18, 2013
•Eight General Plan General Plan Elements
•GP Elements include goals and policies for City vision
out to 2035
•The APR provides overview of progress on
implementation of the GP for 2020
GP Implementation Program
Notable Implementation Actions Completed in 2020:
•Comprehensive Development Code & Citywide Design Guidelines
•Capital Improvements Program (CIP) Major projects:
•Completion of Scott Road interchange
•Adoption of the City of Menifee Active Transportation Program
•Adoption of City Traffic Impact Analysis Guidelines for Vehicle
Miles Travelled (VMT) and VMT threshold of significance
•Progress on the 6th Cycle Housing Element update
•SB2 Grant funding for Pre-Approved Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU)
plans and Objective Development & Design Standards
OPR GP Guidelines Compliance Topics
•Collaborative planning with military lands and
facilities (e.g., airport land use compatibility
planning with MARB/IPA)
•Collaboration with Native American tribes under
Assembly Bill (AB) 52 as part of CEQA
environmental review
•Environmental Justice Considerations such as
Senate Bill (SB) 1000
Legislative Actions -2020
•APR includes list of legislative actions for 2020:
•General Plan Amendments
•Specific Plan Amendments
•Zoning Code Amendments
Annual Housing Element Progress Report
•State Law requires the City to provide an Annual
Housing Element Progress Report to show progress on
the General Plan Housing Element.
•This report provides an update on:
•Progress in meeting Regional Housing Need Allocation
•Housing Element program implementation (Policies)
•RHNA set by SCAG
•Law does not require that the units be constructed to meet RHNA projections
•Requires cities to adopt policies, zoning, processes to provide opportunity for units with minimal constraints
Regional Housing Need Allocation (RHNA)
City’s RHNA Allocation
Number of
Percent of
Extremely Low 0-30% of MFI 744 12%
Very Low 0-50% of MFI 744 12%
Low 51-80% of MFI 1,007 16%
Moderate 81-120% of MFI 1,140 18%
Above Moderate Above 120% of MFI 2,610 42%
Total 6,245 100%
Annual Housing Element Progress Report
•HCD APR Includes 9 Required Tables:
1.Table A -Housing Development Applications
2.Table A2 -New Construction, Entitled, Permits, & Completed Units
Very Low-
Entitlements 0 0 305 1208 1505
Building Permits 0 2 7 1441 1450
Certificates of
Occupancy 1 3 6 1040 1049
Annual Housing Element Progress Report
3.Table B -RHNA Progress –Permitted Units Issued by Affordability
4.Table C -Sites Rezoned to Accommodate Shortfall Housing Need (None
for 2020)
5.Table D -Program Status –Housing Element programs implemented
6.Table E -Commercial Development Bonuses Approved (None for 2020)
7.Table F -Units Rehabilitated, Preserved and Acquired (None for 2020)
8.Table G -Locally Owned Lands in HE Site Inventory Sold, Leased or
Disposed Of (None for 2020)
9.Table H -Locally Owned Surplus Sites (None)
Category RHNA 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Units to
Very-Low 1,488 1 4 3 3 ----11 1,477
Low 1,007 0 0 2 9 1 4 2 -19 988
Moderate 1,140 158 193 184 168 181 379 7 -1,270 -
Moderate 2,610 181 193 349 514 759 653 1441 -4,112 -
RHNA 6,245 340 412 538 694 941 1036 1450 -5,412 2,465
Table B: Progress in Meeting RHNA
Table D: Progress of Programs
•Key Highlights
•Zoning Code Update –Addresses several
•Update code to include definitions consistent with
housing law
•Address housing for persons with
disabilities/Residential Care facilities
•Senior Home Repair Grants –8 to 10 Households/Year
Recommended Action
Review the Annual General Plan & Housing Element
Progress Report for 2020 as required by State law to show
progress on the General Plan and receive and file the
Questions?Thank You.
•Menifee is one of the Top 10 cities for growth in
Southern California
•2.4% growth rate per year
•Median age –38 years
•57% of Menifee’s population is between 18-44 years old
Future Considerations
•6th Cycle RHNA Allocation
•Total RHNA Allocation for SCAG Region:1,341,827 units
•March 3, 2021: SCAG to adopt final RHNA allocation to 197
jurisdictions in the SCAG region
•Menifee’s RHNA allocation: 6,609 units for the 6th Cycle (see
table to the left)
•Currently: City is preparing an update to the Housing Element to
accommodate the 6th cycle RHNA and address housing needs from
2021 to 2029. City has held two Community Workshops & EIR
Scoping Meeting. More outreach to continue
•October 15, 2021: Deadline for Housing Element adoption
Future Considerations
TOTAL 6,609
Very Low 1,761
Low 1,051
Moderate 1,106
Moderate 2,691
State Income Limits for 2020
Housing Accountability Act (HAA)
•Signed by Governor Brown, became effective on
January 1, 2018
•Included SB 167, AB 1515, and AB 678 (Government
Code §65589.5)
•Sometimes referred to as the Anti-NIMBY Act
•Further limits a local agency’s ability to
disapprove or reduce the density of residential
•If a housing project complied
with applicable general
plan/zoning designations and
objective standards and criteria,
local agency was required to
make findings, supported by
substantial evidence, that
1.The project would have a
specific, adverse impact upon
the public health or safety;
2.There is no feasible method to
mitigate that adverse impact.
HAA, Subdivision (J)
•A local agency must base its
findings on a preponderance
of the evidence rather than
the substantial evidence
•Significantly increases the
public agency’s burden to
show that a housing project
would have a specific,
adverse impact upon the
public health or safety to
justify its disapproval.
•New early determination requirement regarding
General Plan/Zoning Consistency
•If local agency believes a project does not comply with an
objective standard, it must provide the applicant with a
written explanation including citation to the specific,
objective general plan/zoning/subdivision provision
within 30 or 60 days of the application being deemed
•Without this documentation, a proposed housing
development is automatically deemed consistent with all
applicable general plan, zoning and subdivision plans,
programs, policies, ordinances, standards, requirements,
or other similar provisions.
HAA, Subdivision (J)