2021-03-03 City Council Item No. 12.1 Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2021 Mid-Year Budget Review Presentation Regular MEETING - Additional Meeting MaterialsCity of Menifee Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2021 Mid-Year Budget Review Rochelle Clayton, Deputy City Manager Wendy Preece, Deputy Finance Director Margarita Cornejo, Financial Services Manager City Council Meeting March 3, 2021 FINANCIAL UNCERTAINTY May 2020 Budget Planning: Analyze Current Economic Conditions -2- FY 20/21 Budget Assumptions Staff began budget preparations in January and finalized FY 20/21 Revenue Projections prior to COVID-19 related closures & stay-at-home orders. Original General Fund Revenue projected: $53,327,140 Original Measure DD Revenue projected: $11,771,000 Total General Fund Revenue was originally projected to be $65,098,140 and reduced by $5,411,566 to $59,686,574. ASSUMPTIONS to include COVID-19 impacts: -3- Addressing the Unknowns -4- Covid Response –Tier 1 Staff Safety -5- Covid Response –Tier 2 Uninterrupted City Hall Access -6- Covid Response –Tier 3 Community & Business Support -7- Covid Response –Tier 3 Community & Business Support MASK UP, MENIFEE SLOW THE SPREAD OF COVID-19 -8- What Could Have Happened… -9- General Fund Sales Tax FY 2019 vs FY 2020 March -June -10- General Fund Sales Tax FY 2020 vs FY 2021 through November -11- Measure DD Transaction Tax FY 2019 vs FY 2020 -12- Measure DD Transaction Tax FY 2020 vs FY 2021 through November -13- General Fund Development Fees Comparisons FY 18/19 FY 19/20 Difference % Increase/ (Decrease) 4,678,832 4,246,532 (432,300) -9.24% FY 19/20 FY 20/21 Difference % Increase/ (Decrease) 5,660,535 6,833,949 1,173,414 20.73% Development Fees March thru June Development Fees July thru December -14- FY 2020/2021 Mid-Year Budget General Fund -15- Positive Budgetary Growth (revenues/savings)$2,689,964 CSA Revenue Transfer 851,000* Total Mid-Year Revenue Adjustment:$3,540,964 ONE TIME EXPENSES Additional PERS Unfunded Liability (170,000) Increase in Insurance Coverages (297,100) Professional Services, Building Leases, Service Chgs.(66,200) ON-GOING EXPENSES CSA Expenditure Transfer (847,677)* Unfreeze & Additional Staff/Reclassifications (459,593) Total Mid-Year Budget Realignment Requests (1,840,570) Net Difference to General Fund (Addition to Fund Balance from mid-year):$1,700,394 THE PLAN FY 2020/2021 Mid-Year Budget Measure DD -16- Beginning Budgeted Measure DD Fund Balance:$2,493,331 Positive Budgetary Growth (revenues/savings)$3,688,000 ONE TIME EXPENSES Holland Road Overpass (1,600,000) New Fire Station #5 (2,153,433) Fire Station #68 Interior Improvements (300,000) Pavement Management Program (1,954,378) Total Mid-Year Budget Realignment Requests (6,007,811) Net Difference Measure DD (Use of Available Fund Balance): ($2,319,811) Remaining Available Fund Balance:$ 173,520 THE PLAN Staffing Requests -17- UNFREEZE Building & Safety 2 Building Inspectors 1 Building Permit Technician Code Enforcement 1 Code Enforcement Technician 1 Code Enforcement Supervisor (converted from Manager) Economic Development 1 Marketing Assistant Public Works 2 Public Works Inspectors Finance 1 Cashier (converted from Contract & Purchasing Specialist) NEW Public Works 2 Street Maintenance Worker II (one Equipment Operator) 1 Street Maintenance Worker I Information Technology 1 AV Techncian City Manager 1 Media Specialist Engineering 1 Associate Engineer CIP Community Services 1 Park/Landscape Maintenance II –Right-of-ways .5 Part-Time Park/Landscape Attendant –Right-of-ways 16.5 New Positions Staffing Requests (Cont.) UNFREEZE -RECLASSIFICATIONS Information Technology 1 Part-Time GIS Tech to Full-Time GIS Tech (Addtl .5 FTE) Finance 1 Accounting Assistant to Contract/Purchasing Tech I 1 Accounting Tech to Contract/Purchasing Tech II 3 Reclassifications TOTAL OF 17.0 ADDITIONAL FTEs With the addition of these unfrozen/new positions, City Management is focusing their hiring strategy on critical areas that: Create and further develop new revenues for the City Investing in the future through improved infrastructure Ensuring the safety and cleanliness of the City Increased and Improved customer service -18- TOTAL AUTHORIZED POSITIONS REQUESTED FY 20/21 Fiscal Year Adopted Prior Adjustments Mid-Year Total Authorized 2020/2021*208.89 15.00 17.00 240.89 *17 New Full-time positions, which includes 16.5 new FTE positions and .5 FTE from converting Part-time to a Full-Time position -19- *Note –Murrieta’s FY20/21 adopted budget indicates 406.59 FTEs (including 71.75-Fire, 18.59- Library and 4.25-Lifeguards) which amounts to 312.00 FTEs without those respective services. Population:2010 2020 Growth from 2010-2020 MENIFEE 77,519 97,093 25.25% MURRIETA 103,466 115,561 11.69% Other Funds Mid-Year Requests Totals By Fund Revenues/Savings Expenditures/Reserves Gas Tax Fund (7,300)$ 51,776$ SB 1 Road Maintenance Fund 450$ -$ Measure A Fund -$ 184,943$ SLESF Cops Fund 5,862$ -$ AQMD Fund (165)$ -$ TUMF Fund (38,500)$ -$ Capital Projects Fund 37,795$ -$ L&LMD 89-1 C (3,875)$ 57,791$ RBBD Funds 17,160$ -$ CSA Funds (854,247)$ (856,487)$ DIF Funds 566,539$ 3,480,021$ CFD Funds 303,933$ 124,444$ Debt Service Fund (1,500)$ -$ Veteran's Memorial Fund (15)$ -$ TOTAL ADJUSTMENTS OTHER FUNDS 26,137$ 3,042,488$ SUMMARY OF MID-YEAR BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS OTHER FUNDS -20- Current Economic Outlook Continued Expanding Retail Sales = Increased Sales Tax Revenues Approximately $1.3M higher through November than the previous fiscal year Expanding Development = Increased Development Revenues Approximately $1.2 million higher through December than the previous fiscal year Increase In Property Valuations = Increased Property Tax Revenues Approximately $333,419 higher through December than the previous fiscal year -21- Continued Need for Funding Currently Budgeted in FY 20/21 -29 Capital Projects: $16,069,468 Some Projects are Partially Funded ●Holland Road Overpass ●Future City Owned City Hall ●McCall Road Interchange Improvements ●Future Garbani Road Interchange ●Bradley Bridge ●Paloma Wash Pedestrian Bridge ●Additional Pavement Projects Projects Needing Future Funding: -22- Highlights of Mid-Year Budget Assumptions -23- Budgeted Sales Tax anticipated to increase -$4,932,000 inclusive of Measure DD Budgeted General Fund Property Taxes anticipated to increase $378,657 Budgeted Development Revenues anticipated to increase $1,586,050 Unfreeze positions and increase current staffing by 16 FTE’s for critical areas Complete funding on priority Capital Projects CONTINUE ASSISTING RESIDENTS, LOCAL BUSINESSES AND DEVELOPERS THROUGH INNOVATIVE IDEAS AND CUTTING-EDGE TECHNOLOGY Accomplishments during COVID! -24- Questions?Thank You.