2021-02-17 City Council Item No. 11.1 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Substanial Amendment to Program Year 19/20 Annual Action Plan for CDBG CV3 Funds Presentation Regular MEETING - Additional Meeting MaterialsCommunity Development Block Grant (CDBG) Substantial Amendment to Program Year 19/20 Annual Action Plan for CDBG CV3 Funds Community Development Block Grant CV3 On December 2,2020,a Public Hearing was held. No public comments received City Council accepted $404,459 Substantial Amendment Approved to PY2020/2021 Annual Action Plan (AAP) Following activities were recommended for CV3: Use of CDVG CV3 Funds Activity Budget Rental & Mortgage Assistance $254,459 Public Services –Food Activity $50,000 Public Services –Boys & Girls Club $20,000 Public Services –Other $70,000 Administration $10,000 Total $404,459 CDBG CV Technical Clean-Up •Per HUD’s recent guidance,all CDBG CV funds are to be under one fiscal year. o New Public Hearing due to specific grant year requirement Remove CDBG CV3 funds from PY20/21 AAP All expenditures related to CDBG CV3 will be from PY19/20 AAP No impact on projects/activities Staff Recommendation 1.Conduct a Public Hearing; 2.Adopt a Resolution approving the Substantial Amendment to PY2019/2020 Annual Action Plan and; 3.Authorize staff to proceed with the submittal of the Substantial Amendment to HUD. Edna I. Lebrón, Sr. Management Analyst (951) 723-3713 or elebron@cityofmenifee.us