2021-02-03 City Council Item No. 10.6 Scott Road and Murrieta Road Traffic Signal Amendment Presentation Regular MEETING - Additional Meeting MaterialsConsent Item 10.06 Scott Road and Murrieta Road Traffic Signal Amendment Carlos E. Geronimo Principal Engineer February 3, 2021 Project Location: Project Location Project Scope: •Additional pavement widening •Traffic signal •Two (2) ADA landings •An eastbound left turn pocket on Scott Road •A westbound right turn pocket on Scott Road •A southbound left turn pocket on Murrieta Road •A southbound right turn pocket on Murrieta Road Constraints: •Limited right-of-way •SCE Power poles •Existing Traffic •Lack of As-built plans •Unsuitable soils Project Status: •Construction completed Discussion (cont.): Construction change order summary: Change Order #Description Amount Date Approved 1 Underground Utility Conflict $ 9,840.37 8/19/2020 2 Over Excavation $ 41,650.00 11/4/2020 3 Asphalt substitution unit price adjustment $ 225.18 12/17/2020 4 Overhead power line conflict, extra fill import and extra traffic lane stripping $ 31,240.92 Pending Total $ 82,956.47 Discussion (cont.): Change order 4 summary: ITEM DESCRIPTION U/M QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TOTAL 1 BID ITEM 7 REMOVE ASPHALT AND BASE EXCEEDED THE CONTRACT AMOUNT SF 1,900.00 $2.30 $4,370.00 2 TRAFFIC SIGNAL "E" WAS PREMEASURED AND APPROVED BY SCE AND THE CONTRACTOR. AFTER ORDERING THE POLES SCE DISCOVERED IT MADE AN ERROR AND SAID THAT POLE “E” WOULD NOT MEET THE 10’ CLEARANCE TO THE POWER LINES. THE CONTRACTOR WAS INSTRUCTED TO CUT AND WELD THE POLE TO MEET THE NEW REQUIRED HEIGHT. LS 1.00 $2,761.87 $2,761.87 3 BID ITEM 9 IMPORT / FILL EXCEEDED THE CONTRACT AMOUNT AND WAS PAID FOR BY TIME AND MATERIAL BASIS LS 1.00 $22,147.12 $22,147.12 4 REMOVE EXISTING STRIPING LS 1.00 $1,961.93 $1,961.93 TOTAL PRICE FOR THIS CHANGE ORDER:$31,240.92 Discussion: Due to the additional fill required to construct the turn pockets and embankment, Geocon (Geotechnical firm contracted to provide materials testing)was directed to proceed with testing of the soils and compaction testing.The additional work resulted in $8,113.00 overage. Contract Contract Amount Requested Amount Total Revised Contract RJ Noble (Construction)$730,180 $16,576.47 $746,756.47 GeoCon (Geotechnical)$6,086 $8,113 $14,199.00 Total $24,689.47 •The total requested amount,$24,689.47 is 3%of the project budget of $821,980 approved om April 5,2020 •The requested amount of $16,576.47 is 2.5%additional increase to the construction contract with RJ Noble. •The requested amount of $8,113 is 133%increase to the GeoCon agreement Fiscal Impact: Funding for this amendment will be from the following accounts: Fund Project Account #Available Balance Requested Funding Amount DIF-17 Signals Murrieta Rd/ Scott Rd Traffic Signal 510-4555-58071 $ 69,360 $24,689.47 Total $24,689.47 •Authorize the City Manager or his designee to approve ChangeOrderNo.4 with R.J.Noble for construction services for CIP 19-06ScottRoadTrafficSignals;and •Increase construction contingency by the amount of $16,675.47 toprovideforthecostofChangeOrderNo.4 for a total contingencyamountof$82,956.47;and •Authorize the City Manager to approve Amendment No.1 with Geocon West,Inc.for geotechnical and materials testing services for CIP 19-06 Scott Road and Murrieta Road Traffic Signals for the amount not to exceed $8,113. Recommended Actions: