2020-04-15 City Council Item No. 5.2 Public Comment - Sarmiento Regular MEETING - Additional Meeting Materials1
Emily Grisenti
From:Al Sarmiento <eagleswings713@gmail.com>
Sent:Wednesday, April 15, 2020 6:34 PM
To:Sarah Manwaring
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Dear Sarah,
May we ask if you can bring up the following in your council meeting today? Thanks.
Dear Sir/Madam:
We are stay-at-home concerned residents of our city.
We are writing because the following data raise concerns:
1. From a very minimal number of cases, (far fewer than our neighboring Murrieta
and Temecula the other week) we’ve suddenly jumped up to 71 today – outnumbering
our immediate neighbor cities.
2. We may share the same number of cases as Temecula (population 114,742) but it
has 0 death while Menifee (population 92,595) has 1. Just a single Covid-19 death
implies significant community spread.
3. Currently, our county has the most number of confirmed cases among all other
California counties outside Los Angeles.
Being an essential worker who works at US Postal Service, I drive every day to/fro work and
it is disappointing to see many people outdoors:
do not practice social distancing (of 6 feet or more from other non-household
do not wear face covering as they meet and face others at sidewalks or groceries,
gather as a group of more than 10 in some parks,
not wearing gloves when pressing the pedestrian stop button or pushing grocery
carts (National Institutes of Health [NIH] study revealed that SARS Cov-2 virus lingers
on plastic surfaces or stainless steel for up to 2-3 days).
In line with the above, may I ask the following questions and make some suggestions?
What is going on? Why the sudden increase in numbers? Apparently, MANY STILL DO NOT
GET IT. Before the numbers get out of hand, may we therefore ask Code Enforcement or
the whole Menifee City Administration to check out the degree of aggressiveness in the
information drive about the CDC guidelines &/or the 30-day guidelines to stop the spread
on Menifee residents such as:
placing POSTERS at areas where people tend to be when they are outdoors
(parks, walking sidewalks, groceries, drugstores, etc).
May we suggest further TIGHTENING of measures to mitigate spread by:
avoiding to go outdoors except for real essentials,
mandating wearing of face covers outdoors even if one is walking, jogging or
doing the essentials (some articles said spread is at an average of 1 to 10 i.e. 1
positive person generally infects 10 others at a time),
mandating wearing of gloves or alternative hand covers (for those
hypersensitive to latex) especially when one anticipates to push pedestrian button,
grocery carts or use public restrooms, and
citing people of more than 10 gathering outdoor and not practicing social
distancing seen (if seen in a park which is not under Menifee City’s jurisdiction but
located within Menifee, the city must notify promptly such park’s office).
As the number of confirmed cases in our city is fast increasing, so does the directives-abiding
residents’ anxiety.
The safety of our lives and those of our loved ones rest most on each other’s cooperation.
Thanks. May God’s protective mercies be with each one.
Mr. and Mrs. Sarmiento
Menifee Residents
PS. May I also ask if one with a DMV student driver permit allowed to have (licensed driver-
accompanied) practice driving outdoors? Thanks.